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by John Green


1. What reason does Hazel’s mother give for not being able to accept Gus’ generosity?
Because it was too much for a gift.
2. How does Hazel try to ‘butter up’ her mother to get her way?
He said it was her second best friend and the first one is her mother.
3. (page 92) Under what condition did Dr Maria give Hazel permission to travel abroad?
She should have a family member with her.
4. What excuse did Hazel’s mother give for not being able to go to Amsterdam?
We cannot let your father at home she said.
5. (page 93) Explain Hazel’s confusion. Who does she turn to for advice?
She wanted to confess her love to Gus. Then she asked kaitlyn
6. (page 97) Who does Hazel think that she looks like? What may this explain?
She has been thinking about a girl who died of a brain cancer.
7. What did Hazel tell herself? – Do you think that this is the right attitude?
She describe herself as a grananede that means she can die anytime so do not be in a really good
relationship with me.
8. What does Hazel’s mum mean when she says; ‘You’re being very teenagery today.’?
Her inmpact on answers changed
9. (page 99) How does Hazel describe herself? – Do you think this is a good metaphor?
She described herself as a grananede
10. Explain why Hazel wants to keep her relationship with Gus as ‘just friends’?
Because she doesn’t want Gus sad if she dies

11. (page 104) What made Hazel wake up at four in the morning?
She woke up with a terrible headache due to her lugs were filled with water.


 In a few sentences, summarise this chapter of the story.

Give important information on the setting, mood and action from the chapter.

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