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Density (mm/min)
20 41 61 81 10 2 12 2 143 163
5000 TT 465
' \.
£ '
,g 4000 \

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j \
...__ '\.~ Q~-~
~·= ~=~~ " ~ ~\:::
c 3000
-- --
0 2500 ~~-= -c
.. \ T=>
\ ~

~ \I \I
< 2000 l l l

0.10 0.15
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Density (gpm/ft 2 )

FIGURE 11.2.3.l.1 Density/Area Curves.

( 2) The room that creates the greatest demand in accordance ing shall be 3000 ft2 (279 m 2 ). The design area of 3000 ft2
with the room design method of (279 m2 ) shall be applied only to the sprinkler system or
(3) Special design areas in accordance with portions of the sprinkler system that are acljacent to the
qualifying combustible concealed space. The term adja-
11.2.3.l.2 The minimum water supply shall be available for cent shall apply to any sprinkler system protecting a space
the minimum duration specified in Table above, below, or next to the qualifying concealed space
11.2.3.l.3 The lower duration values in Table shall except where a barrier with a fire resistance rating at least
be permitted where the sprinkler system waterllow alarm de- equivalent to the water supply duration completely sepa-
vice (s) and supervisory device(s) are electrically supervised rates the concealed space from the sprinklered area.
and such supeIVision is monitored at an approved, constantly (4) The following unsprinklered concealed spaces shall not
attended location. require a minimum area of sprinkler operation of 3000 ft2
11.2.3.l.4 RestrictiODB. When either the density/areamethod (279m2 ):
or room design method is used, the following shall apply: (a) Noncombustible and limited-combustible concealed
spaces with minimal combustible loading having no
(l)*For areas of sprinkler operation less than 1500 ft2 (139 m2 ) access. The space shall be considered a concealed
used for light and ordinary hazard occupancies, the density space even with small openings such as those used as
for 1500 ft2 (139 m 2 ) shall be used.
return air for a plenum.
(2) For areas of sprinkler operation less than 2500 ft2 (232 m2 )
(b) Noncombustible and limited-combustible concealed
for extra hazard occupancies, the density for 2500 ft2
(232 m2 ) shall be used. spaces with limited access and not permitting occu-
(3)*Unless the requirements of are met for pancy or storage of combustibles. The space shall be
buildings having unsprinklered combustible concealed considered a concealed space even with small open-
spaces, as described in and 8.15.6, the minimum ings such as those used as return air for a plenum.
area of sprinkler operation for that portion of the build- (c) Combustible concealed spaces filled entirely with
noncombustible insulation.
(d)*Light or ordinary hazard occupancies where noncom-
Table Hose Stream Allowance and Water Supply
Duration Requirementl!l for Hydraulically Calculated Systems bustible or limited-combustible ceilings are directly at-
tached to the bottom of solid wood joists or solid
limited-combustible construction or noncombustible
construction so as to create enclosed joist spaces 160 fr!
lmideand (4.5 m 3 ) or less in volume, including space below insu-
I.oside Hose Outaide Hose lation that is laid directly on top or within the ceiling
Duration joists in an otheIWise sprinklered concealed space.
Occupancy gpm L/min gpm L/min (minutes) (e) Concealed spaces where rigid materials are used and
the exposed surfaces have a flame spread index of25 or
Light 0, 50, or 0, 189, 100 379 30 less and the materials have been demonstrated to not
hazard 100 or379 propagate fire more than 10.5 ft (3.2 m) when tested in
accordancewithASTM E 84, Standard Test Method ofSu""
Ordinary 0, 50, or 0, 189, 250 946 60-90 face Burning Charaaeristics of Building Materials, or
hazard 100 or379 ANSI/UL 723, Standard fur Testfur Swrface Burning Chaf.
Extra 0, 50, or 0, 189, 500 1893 90-120
acteristics of Building Materials, extended for an addi-
hazard 100 or379 tional 20 minutes in the form in which they are installed
in the space.

2013 Edition W

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