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A Company that will provide accommodation services for people that willing to do a good
deeds to volunteering in Bali, so our aims are the accommodation itself

Example Accomodation:

- Visa (so far, GLS belum bisa untuk menjadi penjamin visa jadi seluruh
kepengurusan visa masih diurus oleh rektorat (penjamin dan surat pengajuan)
dan pengajuan pada website oleh KUI. Visa B211 pun memakai agen resmi yang
bekerjasama dengan KUI, jadi semua tahap harus tetap melalui rektorat dan
KUI, GLS hanya membantu proses penyiapan dokumen, melengkapi
spreadsheet dan melakukan pembayaran)

Saran terkait visa :

Please be aware, all volunteers joining any volunteering program in Indonesia
requires a B211a Volunteering Visa for their stay. You should begin to process it
at least 2 weeks, but no more than 12 weeks before you arrive.
All participants for the Education, Teaching, Construction, and Turtle
Conservation projects, regardless of the program duration, will now be required
to apply for a B211 Social Cultural visa prior to arrival.

Participants who have a Visa On Arrival or an E-Visa on Arrival will not be able
to participate in these projects. Participants who only attend the culture,
adventure, and yoga weeks will be accepted to join the programs with a Visa on

Applying for B211 Social Cultural Visa....

There are multiple visa agencies in Bali that can assist with the application for a
B211 visa. We recommend one of the Agency (Sebaiknya jalin Kerjasama/ MoU
dengan salah satu visa agency)

Gustu already has connection for several transport, hotels and visa maker

And if we need some freelance manpower I can provide it, since I previously work as an
event planner freelance. Also I have some friends that currently work in tour and travel, in
case if we need to cooperate with them

In order for us to being able to organize a volunteer program, it will be easier if we

collaborate with several established foundation in bali that already engage in conservative
Example Conservative:

- Reef / Coral (Sea) Conservation

- Sea Turtle Conservation
- Dog rescue / wildlife rescue
- Healthcare fore children or eldery
- Education
- Construction for poor village
- etc

Here we need to do a survey and reach for that several foundation that can provide such
activity, so we can get an understandment about what they can provide, what they need /
interest, how often they do their conservation, and also whats are the conditions for they to be
able to do the activity, then finally we can provide the accommodation for that. (Hal
terpenting yang harus dilakukan yakni research foundation/ Yayasan agar kita bisa
menyusun konsep detail, harga maupun jadwal program, kalau research belum
dilakukan kita belum bisa bergerak lebih jauh)

(We also can reach to the government and hopefully they also can support this activity)

Several known foundation in Bali:

Yayasan Senyum Bali (Smile Foundation)

The Smile Foundation Bali is an independent organisation that provides medical

assistance to people with craniofacial disabilities, such as cleft lip and palate, tumours,
traumas and rare syndromes.

Bali Sea Turtle Society (BSTS)

The Bali Sea Turtle Society has been focusing on the welfare of sea turtles since 2011.
The foundation aims to get the local community and travellers involved to help protect
these endangered species. The Kuta Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Centre often
organises turtle hatchling releases that are open to the public.

Bali Animal Welfare Association (BAWA)

Founded in 2007, the Bali Animal Welfare Association is a non-profit organisation

dedicated to improving the lives of animals, with efforts to alleviating animal suffering
and overpopulation through medical care and spaying or neutering.

Bali Kids Foundation (Yayasan Anak Anak Bali)

The Bali Kids Foundation was founded in April 2005, serving as a centre for any
orphaned children seeking medical attention. It also provides free care for local village
children from disadvantaged families.

East Bali Poverty Project

The East Bali Poverty Project covers an arid region of Bali, where water is scarce and
some villagers live with poor sanitation, schools and health facilities.

So our aims here is still to support their accommodation, we will make the complete
itinerary and all the budgeting until it makes one full activities for several weeks
(depends), but when it comes to the volunteering agenda we give the stages to the
foundation for they to leads the activity during the volunteer agenda (agree, that’s why
harus research terlebih dahulu, agar bisa membuat detail paket kegiatan volunteer
yang akan ditawarkan)

Itinerary Example:

- Breakfast = 08:00-9am.
- Morning activity (options listed below) starts at 09:00. This session finishes around
- Lunch is served at 12:00.
- After lunch volunteers have a break for the hottest part of the day where they can
socialize or go to the beach.
- At 14:00 afternoon activity starts. This finishes 16:00-16:30 and volunteers have the
rest of the day off.
- Dinner is served at 19:00.
- Rest or free time until 08:00 the next day

We also can give a free day time if needed for them to explore bali on their own, and if they
want accommodation we can provide it for an extra charges.

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