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Maintenance Supervisor Responsibili�es

By Ricky Smith CMRP, CMRT

The maintenance supervisor manages the daily ac�vi�es of the maintenance department in
assigned area(s) to ensure the safe, effec�ve, efficient, con�nuous plant opera�on through
maintenance and repair of assigned facili�es and equipment.

Maintenance Supervisor Roles and Responsibili�es

The posi�on func�ons under the direc�on of the maintenance manager, subject to
established policies, precedents, and prac�ces. The posi�on involves working with capital
projects, monitoring costs, and ensuring that contractors comply with safety rules and
prac�ces. The maintenance supervisor is allowed considerable freedom of ac�on to plan,
organize, and direct others to achieve department objec�ves and goals and must have the
ability to plan, organize, and direct maintenance and repair opera�ons.
Extensive problem solving is associated with maintenance and repair of large and
sophis�cated equipment. The maintenance supervisor also must have highly developed

human rela�on skills to direct and aid subordinate personnel for self-mo�va�on, addressing
compe�ng and conflic�ng situa�ons, and communica�ng with contractors and vendors. He or
she manages the total maintenance efforts for all assigned area(s).

The posi�on involves working closely with the planning, engineering, produc�on,
environmental, and other departments to build and sustain effec�ve working rela�onships
that reinforce a managerial role versus a foreman role. Therefore, the maintenance
supervisor must maintain effec�ve communica�on, meet emergencies, assess, and provide
for the training needs of crew members, and perform employee evalua�ons.

The posi�on requires a high school diploma or equivalent and five years’ experience in
industrial maintenance. Supervisory or management experience is preferred. Proficiency in
the use of a personal
computer is required, as the maintenance supervisor must be able to store, retrieve, and
analyze data from the CMMS and network applica�ons.

The maintenance supervisor’s responsibili�es include

• Ensuring that individual safety is a top priority by adhering to the plant’s safety and
environmental objec�ves, atending weekly safety mee�ngs, daily toolbox mee�ngs,
monthly review of the “Safe Comment Report,” and insis�ng that all safety rules are
followed, Evidence of this is achieved by no lost-�me accidents.
• Using CMMS data, reports, and graphics to pinpoint poten�al problem areas and
enhance produc�vity of assigned crew(s).
• U�lizing a program of equipment evalua�on, modifica�on, and improvement and
using employees to make it successful.
• Assessing and providing for the learning and training needs of crew members.
• Monitoring appren�ce progress and logbooks, evalua�ng and counseling as required.
• Suppor�ng company policies, departmental instruc�ons, and objec�ves in a posi�ve
manner with employees.
• Spending �me with each crew member to develop personal and working rela�onships
and listen to new ideas, problems, and sugges�ons.
• Se�ng a leadership example supported by crew par�cipa�on in decisions and
• Demonstra�ng a long-term view and approach to work.
• Working with planning and computerized maintenance management so�ware on a
systema�c basis to improve and update work procedures, �me es�mates, and
preven�ve and predic�ve maintenance frequencies.
• Responding appropriately to off-shi� and off-day problems and maintenance shi�
• Se�ng, tracking, and achieving crew goals and performance.
• Averaged planned maintenance should meet or beter than the goal.
• Where minimized breakdowns is a goal, measuring and documen�ng trends through
mean �me between failures.

• Managing over�me at the company’s goal or lower.
• Responsibly conduc�ng annual performance reviews with regards to performance
objec�ves for crew members.
• U�lizing the resources of maintenance technical advisors, reliability engineers, and
others in solving problems and improving produc�vity. Solici�ng their help to increase
predic�ve maintenance and reduce unnecessary asset ac�vi�es.
• Consistently comple�ng tasks and providing informa�on in requested �me.
• Assuring the credibility of maintenance func�ons by mee�ng commited down�mes
for equipment.
• Keeping customers knowledgeable of the proac�ve maintenance process and aware
of maintenance ac�vi�es through the weekly planning mee�ngs.
• Ensuring appropriate and consistent discipline is administered as needed.
• Assis�ng in staffing the department with the best skilled cra�speople and appren�ces
• Promo�ng integrated work between mechanical and electrical cra�speople.
• Working with opera�ng departments to maintain op�mum opera�ng condi�ons and
compa�ble working rela�ons.
• Ensuring mandated regulatory training is 100% crew compliant.
• Preparing period reports as required.
• Filling in for department management as required.
• Responsibly preparing the crew budget(s) and controlling costs to within 2% and
being prepared to explain variances greater than $2,000.
• Working directly with inventory control, changing minimum/maximum quan��es,
controlling rebuild units, surplus and obsolete items, quality control, and reduc�on of
inventory and capital spares to reduce equipment costs.
• Working with all personnel in the promo�on of a good labor rela�ons. Promo�ng the
use of the open-door policy, communica�ng with department personnel in keeping
them updated on all company policies and procedures, and providing �mely answers
to all ques�ons and concerns.
Join me June 25-27, 2024, for “Maintenance Excellence for Maintenance Supervisors”
Workshop in Charleston, SC -- Ricky Smith CMRP, CMRT is the instructor for this great
workshop. If you like informa�on on this workshop email me at

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