How To Ace A Job Interview

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How to Ace a Job Interview

Do you have an important interview coming up for a new job? We demonstrate what you should
say and what the interviewer would like to hear to ensure your interview is a great success.

[edit] Steps

1. Put the interview into perspective. Try to think of this as an exchange between two
people rather than a one-way interrogation. It's very helpful to think of this in terms of a first
date; you want to make sure you present yourself in your best light, while making sure the job
is the right fit for you. You should make sure it's the right company for you as well as be on
your best form for them.

2. Be clear. Be absolutely clear about why they should hire you. What are your unique
selling points and how can you match them to what they want.
3. Examples. Make sure you use plenty of examples as proof of your abilities. Be clear
about the problem, action and result - making it unique.
4. Never assume. Don't assume the interviewer has read your CV. Go through it with them.
5. Never slack off. Be positive about your experiences so far.
6. Prepare at least three questions. Think about what you want to know.
7. Listen. Listen and answer the question asked.
8. Don't talk too much. Don't go into excessive details, but do engage them in
9. Do your research. Know the company. Bring snippets about the company up during the
interview to show your knowledge. Once you have an interview:
o Research the company and specifically the business unit or department. Get as
much background information as you can get.
o Research the people who are interviewing you (use the internet search engines).
You will be surprised how soon you find something about them. If you don't find anything,
try Linkedin. It is a career networking site were a lot of professionals register themselves.
10. Prepare for the most tricky questions and write down the answers before you go for an
interview. Key questions often asked include:
o What are your weaknesses?
o Why do want to work for so and so company?
o Tell me something about yourself.
o What are your strengths?
o Tell us what our company or agency is all about - What is our
11. Be savvy about phone interviews. If it is a phone interview, it's usually with a PR person
who knows very little about the position and technical terms related to a specific job. Make
sure to use keywords and buzzwords while answering questions because you are trying to
paint a picture with words, since the interviewer has no visual clues of you. Do this and you
will pass the phone interview.
12. Be punctual. Always arrive early for a personal interview.
13. Be neat. Look your best. Always wear a suit. Have your shoes shined.
14. Be inquisitive. Do ask questions and write down the responses.
15. Be polite. After the interview, do not forget to send customized thank you note or email.
16. Be persistent. Keep interviewing. The more you interview, the better you become at it.
[edit] Tips

On each interview, bring a nicely typed up brief list of items that you want to make sure you bring
up during the interview - A top-10 list you might say. Keep list in front of you. Try to work some of
these points into your responses. For example, if you are certified in something that applies,
make sure you mention this. If you are an excellent listener or communicator, make sure you
mention this. Use these items where they fit...but don't over do it. This is the list of things that you
would otherwise say "I wish I had mentioned that...".

 Don't take rejection personally. Reason for not getting a job is typically a better qualified
candidate was chosen. Stay in the game...Keep swinging...Each interview increases your
chances of landing a new job.

 After each interview, debrief yourself. Afterwards, try to see yourself from a "fly-on-the-
wall" perspective. Be objective. Ask yourself what you did wrong, what you did right, what you
could have done better, how you could have made a better impression, what questions were
difficult to answer, etc. Quickly write these things down. Research and/or think about areas
where your answers could have been better. Review these notes before your next interview.
You will be surprised at how much better you perform in each successive interview.
 Be early for the interview. Try to be 15 to 20 minutes early. Use any wait time to review
your notes. Being late or just barely on time tends to cause stress and it can show during the
 Allow extra time for finding a parking place. It can sometimes be challenging to find a
parking place at an unfamiliar site. Bring quarters to load up the parking meter if parking
meters apply.
 If asked about something you know nothing or very little about, it's better to say what you
know and then be honest and say something like "This is not my strongest area...but I'm very
willing to learn."
 Interviewers are sizing up your personality, deciding what type of team player you will be,
evaluating your ability to learn and judging your character . It's not all about your level of
technical knowledge. Someone who shows a positive personality and teamplayer qualities can
have a big advantage over those who just show a technical side.
 Use your time during the interview wisely and efficiently. Be careful about going off on
tangents and wasting valuable time. An hour-long interview can go by really fast. Try to be
efficient in the words and thoughts that you express. Try to leave 10 to 15 minutes at the end
for your questions and so you can diplomatically size them up as well. Bring a wrist watch to
help you keep track of time.
 If you are asked a question that can consume a lot of time, efficiently state what is most
important. Then say "I can go into a lot more detail on this if you like." Many times the
interviewers will say "No...that's did well on that." They have a business schedule to
keep also and want to be careful that the interview time is not squandered.
 Many interviewers like to ask a question towards the end such as "What three adjectives
best describe you?" Be prepared to answer such a question.
 Many State jobs, county jobs, federal government jobs and private sector jobs require
drug testing. This can be accomplished by a urinalysis test or by cutting a small strand of your
hair and sending it to a lab for analysis. The hair-strand approach can detect drug usage from
months ago because of the internal molecular structure of your hair. If you are taking illegal
drugs, be advised and consider ways to stop. If you are taking legal pharmaceutical
prescriptions, write these down on the form that you sign so the lab will understand the
situation. The form has a place for this information.
 Find a balance between stating your good qualities but not coming across as someone
who is bragging about themselves.
[edit] Warnings

 One trick that interviewers like to use is a lapse in the conversation. A lot of people aren't
comfortable with that silence and will do just about anything to fill it in. You may find yourself
revealing or saying something that you will regret in retrospect.

 Panel interviews, where several people interview you at once are common for positions
of importance. Recognise the different roles that may be adopted by each member of the
panel. It is quite common for at least one panel member to adopt a "bad cop" role - where
their questions may seem abupt, even rude. This is a deliberate tactic to see how you react.
Try and stay calm, don't let them rile you. If they talk over you, stop and let them ask their next
question. If you know it is a deliberate tactic, you can behave appropriately.

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