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Grading Syllebus
9th Kyu (Ku-Kyu) White For Beginners.
8th Kyu (Ha-Kyu) Yellow
Dachi Waza, Seiza, Sairetsu
Kihon: Zuki, Geri & Uke
Kata: Seikodachino.
7th Kyu (Nana-Kyu) Yellow
Dachi Waza, Seiza, Sairetsu
Kihon: Zuki, Geri & Uke
Kata: Nekoashino
6th Kyu (Rok-Kyu) Purple Ido Kihon, Yakusoku Kumite & Tenno Kata.
5th Kyu (Go-Kyu) Green
General knowledge oI Karate
(History, Style names, Meaning etc.)
Ido Kihon & Chino Kata.
4th Kyu (Yon-Kyu) Green
Knowledge oI Shiai Rules
Ippon Kumite & SaiIa Kata.
3rd Kyu (San-Kyu) Blue
Good Knowledge oI Shiai Rules Ippon Kumite, Jiyu Kumite &
Geksaidai-ichi Kata.
2nd Kyu (Ni-Kyu) Brown
Thorough Knowledge oI Shiai Rules. Ippon Kumite, Jiyu
Kumite & Geksaidai-ni Kata.
1st Kyu (Ik-Kyu) Brown
Ability to demonstrate Junbi Taiso, Ippon Kumite, Jiyu Kumite
& Tensho Kata
1st Dan (Sho-Dan) Black
Ability to demonstrate role oI ReIeree / Judge / Arbitrator &
Seiinchin Kata. Teaching ability. Must be in the practice oI
Karate continuously Ior two years.
2nd Dan (Ni-Dan) Black
One year`s teaching experience & Iull ability to discharge the
duties oI a ReIeree/ Judge/ Arbitrator & Sepai Kata. Kata
Bunkai knowledge. Must be in the practice oI Karate
continuously Ior 3 years.
3rd Dan (San-Dan) Black
Thorough knowledge oI oIIiciating in a Tournement, Kata
Bunkai knowledge & Sanseru Kata. Good knowledge oI
conducting Tournament
4th Dan (Yon Dan) Black
Extra-ordinary Technical knowledge, Kata Bunkai & Seishan

O Basic Consideration: Attendance, etiquette & Manner, Hyegine, Vocabulary Knowledge, General
Knowledge Dedication & contribution for Karate Development & Contest Record in Tournament.
O ne appearing for Grading Examination may be asked for to demonstrate any technique for
grade upto the standard he/she is appearing.
O Higher Grade Karate-ka must have higher skill in performance and knowledge.
O The Governing Body reserve the right to award grade in variation of the above syllebus on
outstanding performance in particular cases on recommendation of an Examiner.
O All Dan Grade Certificates are issued by our Head Quarter in Japan only.
2008 Kyu Grading Results are outclick here
Latest News/Events
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Seigo-Kai Karate

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