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1 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Definition of CPR
An emergency aid that involves combination of chest compressions and breathing into the mouth of the
victim to restore their heartbeat and breathing.
Situations that Require CPR
- If an individual is not breathing
- If an individual does not respond to stimulus
- If an individual has not heartbeat or pulse
Causes of the Situations
- Heart attack
- Electric shock
- Drowning
- Lightning strike
CPR Procedure
1. Check the victim responses
: Tap the victim’s shoulder and ask, “Are you OK?”
: Shout “Help” and ask for help from bystander to contact the 999 emergency helpline if there is no response.
2. Open the airway
: Ensure that the victim is lying down on a flat surface with chest facing upwards.
: Tilt the head back and lift the chin to open up the airway.
: Check if the victim is breathing or not by listening the breathing sound from his mouth or nose.
: Observe movement of the victim’s chest.
3. Chest compressions
: Must be performed in order to restore blood circulation in victim’s body if no pulse or breath is detected.
: Place the heel of one hand on the centre of the victim’s chest.
: Ensure that arms are straight, cover the first hand with other hand and interlock your fingers.
: Rise and leam your body to the front slightly with shoulders vertically above the victim’s chest.
: Press down at least 5cm and not more than 6cm.
: Release the compression with your hands still on the victim’s chest.
: Allow the chest to return to normal position.
* Performed at rate of 100 – 120 compressions per minute.
4. Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
: Pinch the victim’s nose and blow the are into the victim’s mouth for a second if there is still no breath.
: To let the oxygenated air enter the trachea and reach the lungs.
5. Chest compressions performed 30 times followed by 2 times mouth-to-mouth resuscitation until the
ambulance arrives or the victims regains consciousness.
* CPR for Child and Infant
- Small child
: Place the heel of one hand in the center of the child’s chest.
- Baby
: Place both thumbs on the center of the baby’s chest, use the other fingers to encircle the baby’s chest
toward the back to provide support.
: Use two fingers placed parallel to the chest in the center of the chest.
Importance of CPR
- To restore the victim’s blood circulation and supply oxygen to the body of the victim
- Chest compression – produce artificial blood circulation by pumping blood through the heart for
continuous blood circulation
: Especially for victim experiencing heart attack which cause the heart stop functioning
- Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation – let the victim to receive oxygenated air into his lungs
: Brain damage might happen if oxygen doesn’t reach the brain within a certain period

2.2 Heimlich Manoeuvre

Definition of Heimlich Manoeuvre
An emergency procedure to save individual who is choking.
Definition of Choking
Situation happens when the respiratory tract is blocked because of food or a foreign object.
Situations that Require Heimlich Manoeuvre
- Holding neck with both hands
- Unable to speak or cough
- Skin, lips and nails appear bluish or blackish
- Difficulty in breathing
Heimlich Manoeuvre Procedure
1. Stand behind the victim and bend his body slightly forward.
2. Put your arms around the victim from behind and clench a fist with your right hand.
3. Place your right fist between navel and below the ribs of victim, left hand on top of your right fist.
4. Press and jerk upwards with quick force to increase pressure in the lungs and the foreign object may be
Heimlich Manoeuvre Procedure on Yourself
1. Place your hands between the navel and below the ribs
2. Try to exert pressure on that area by bending your body
3. Find an object that is about the height of your waist (chair/table) if you have no strength
4. Bend forward and push your body with all your strength against the object
Importance of Heimlich Manoeuvre
- The respiratory tract is blocked and prevents oxygen from reaching the lungs when choking, hence
providing insufficient oxygen to brain.
- Victim may experience brain damage or result in death if the emergency help is given too late.

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