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Revision: Biological molecules

1. Write the main biological molecules found in organisms.


2) Match the correct structure to the given molecule.

i. Monosaccharide

ii. Disaccharide

iii. Polysaccharide

3) Write the chemical formula of glucose.

4) State whether true or false.

i. sucrose is the main fuel of animal cells. ...................................................
ii. lactose is a disaccharide. ....................................................
iii. maltose is a monosaccharide. ....................................................
iv. fruits are rich in fructose and glucose. ....................................................
v. monomers such as glucose join together to form polymers. .............................

Author: Sodini Ariyarathna Page 1

5) What do the given carbohydrates do inside an organism?






6) Describe a simple test to be done to identify the presence of glucose in urine.






Author: Sodini Ariyarathna Page 2

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