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Comparative and Superlatives

Work in trios and ask and answer the questions. Say/ give complete
sentences. Look at the examples below.

1.Who is older, your mother or your father?

Example: My father is older than my mother.
My mother is as old as my father.
2.Who is your oldest sibling (herman@)?
Example: Chava is my oldest sibling or
I’m the oldest in my family.
3.Who is your youngest sibling?
4.Who is the most intelligent person in your
5.Who is heavier than you in your family?
6.Who is the thinnest in your family?
7.Who is the most easy-going in your family?
8.Who is stronger than you in your family?
9.Who is the kindest (el más servicial) of all?
10. Are you friendlier than your mother?
11. Who is the friendliest of all in your
12. Who is the tallest?
13. Who is the shortest?
14. Who is the most talkative in your
15. Who is the most hard-working of all in
your family?

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