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Developed technologies have provided the ability to produce sufficient food to meet the demand of
society. But still, the safety and security of the food or crops remained unattained. Factors like change
in climate, the decline in pollinators, Plant disease, and others are challenging to the farmers. Plant
diseases pose a significant threat to global food security. Timely detection and effective management
are crucial to mitigate the impact of diseases on crop yields. Machine learning offers a promising
approach to automate the detection process, enabling early intervention.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. 50 percent of Bangladesh's population is primarily employed in
agriculture, with more than 70 percent of its land dedicated to growing crops. The agricultural sector
in Bangladesh faces significant challenges due to the prevalence of plant diseases, which can lead to
substantial crop losses if not managed effectively. The traditional methods of disease identification
often rely on visual inspection by farmers or agricultural experts, which may not always be accurate
or timely. Additionally, with the increasing complexity and diversity of plant diseases, there is a
growing need for advanced technology to aid in early detection. This technology could offer farmers a
rapid and accurate tool for disease diagnosis, enabling them to take prompt action to mitigate the
impact on their crops.


The Crop Detection Project with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) aims to develop a robust and
efficient system for the automated identification and classification of various crop diseases in images.
The focus crops for detection include Corn, Potato, Rice, and Wheat, with specific diseases such as
Common Rust, Early Blight, Healthy, Gray Leaf Spot, Late Blight, Leaf Blast, Yellow Rust, Northern
Leaf Blight, Brown Spot, and Brown Rust.


Plant disease detection using machine learning, particularly through Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs), is a significant and innovative project with practical applications in agriculture. This project
aims to leverage advanced computer vision techniques to automate the identification and diagnosis of
plant diseases. The key features of this project include.

• Multi-class Classification:

The project involves a multi-class classification task, where the CNN model is trained to distinguish
between different crops and identify specific diseases within each crop category.

• Dataset Preparation:

A comprehensive dataset comprising high-resolution images of Corn, Potato, Rice, and Wheat crops
infected with various diseases is curated. The dataset is annotated with corresponding labels for
training the CNN model effectively.
• Transfer Learning:
To improve model performance, transfer learning techniques will be employed, utilizing pre-trained
models on large image datasets like ImageNet. This helps the model to leverage knowledge learned
from diverse datasets.

• Real-time Detection:

The trained model will be integrated into a real-time detection system, allowing users to capture
images of crops in the field using a camera or mobile device. The system will then promptly identify
and classify diseases

• User-friendly Interface:

The project will feature a user-friendly interface for ease of interaction. This may include a web or
mobile application where farmers, agronomists, or users can upload images, receive instant diagnoses,
and access information on recommended treatments.

• Accuracy Metrics and Validation:

Rigorous evaluation metrics such as precision, recall, and F1-score will be employed to assess the
model's accuracy. The model will be validated on a separate test set to ensure its
generalization capabilities.

A data flow Diagram is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data through an information
system, modelling its process aspects. A DFD is often used as a preliminary step to create an
overview of the system without going into great detail, which can later be elaborated.

Fig. 6. Dataflow for leaf classification
o Month 1: Project Planning and Setup
1. Week 1-2: Define Project Scope and Objectives

• Clearly define the goals and objectives of your project.

• Decide on the plant species and diseases you want to focus on.
• Determine the features and functionalities of the final product.
2. Week 3-4: Dataset Collection and Preprocessing

• Research and collect a suitable dataset for plant disease detection.

• Preprocess the dataset by resizing images, normalizing pixel values, and augmenting
o Month 2: Model Development
1. Week 5-6: Model Selection and Architecture Design

• Choose a pre-existing CNN architecture suitable for image classification.

• Modify the architecture to fit the specific requirements of plant disease detection.
2. Week 7-8: Implementation and Training

• Implement the chosen model using a deep learning framework (TensorFlow or

• Split the dataset into training, validation, and test sets.
• Train the model, fine-tune hyperparameters, and optimize for performance.
o Month 3: Evaluation and Optimization
1. Week 9-10: Model Evaluation
• Evaluate the model's performance on the test set using metrics like accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1 score.
• Identify areas for improvement and potential optimizations.
2. Week 11-12: Optimization and Fine-Tuning
• Implement optimizations based on the evaluation results.
• Fine-tune the model and experiment with different hyperparameters.
o Month 4: Deployment and Documentation
1. Week 13-14: Deployment

• Choose a deployment platform (e.g., cloud services like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud).
• Deploy your model and set up the necessary infrastructure.
2. Week 15-16: Interface Development and Documentation
• Develop the user interface for interacting with the model.
• Prepare a presentation or demo for showcasing your project.
Creating a plant disease detection project using machine learning, specifically Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNN), can be a valuable tool for farmers and agriculture experts. The target population for this
project would include:
o Farmers:
Small-scale and large-scale farmers who want to monitor and manage the health of their crops.
Farmers who may not have extensive knowledge of plant diseases but can benefit from a user-
friendly system for early detection.
o Agriculture Experts:
Agronomists, plant pathologists, and researchers who specialize in plant diseases and want a tool
to assist them in their work. Extension officers who can use the tool to provide guidance and
support to farmers in their region.
o Agricultural Tech Companies:
Companies that provide agricultural technology solutions, who can integrate this tool into their
existing platforms or offer it as a standalone product.
o Educational Institutions:
Agriculture students and researchers who can use the project as a learning tool to understand the
application of machine learning in agriculture.
8.1 Social Impact
o Early Disease Detection:
Farmers can detect plant diseases at an early stage, allowing them to take prompt actions to
mitigate the impact.
o Crop Yield Improvement:
Timely intervention based on disease detection can lead to improved crop yields, contributing to
food security.
o Reduced Pesticide Usage:
Targeted application of pesticides can be implemented, reducing overall pesticide use and
minimizing environmental impact.
o Knowledge Transfer:
Facilitate the transfer of knowledge about plant diseases and their identification to farmers,
improving overall agricultural awareness.
o Community Support:
Foster a sense of community support, as farmers can share and learn from each other's
experiences through the platform.
8.2 Economic Impact
o Cost Reduction:
Farmers can save on costs associated with overuse of pesticides, as the system allows for targeted
o Increased Productivity:
Improved crop yields translate into increased productivity, contributing to economic growth in
the agriculture sector.
o Market Access:
Consistently healthy crops enhance farmers' access to markets, as they can meet quality standards
and demand.
o Insurance and Loans:
Reliable crop health information can be used by farmers to obtain agricultural insurance and
loans, as it provides a risk assessment for financial institutions.
o Job Creation:
The development, maintenance, and support of the technology can create job opportunities in the
technology and agriculture sectors.
1. Programming Language:
• Python
2. Deep Learning Framework:
• TensorFlow with Keras
3. Development Environment:
• Jupyter Notebooks for prototyping and experimentation
4. Cloud Platform (Optional for GPU Support):
• Google Colab for cloud-based GPU resources
5. Web Interface (Optional for User Interaction):
• Flask for backend development
• HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for frontend
6. 6.Database (Optional for Metadata Storage):
• SQLite for lightweight metadata storage
1. Data Collection and Preprocessing:
• OpenCV: Image processing and manipulation
• scikit-learn: Tools for data splitting, preprocessing, and metrics
2. Deep Learning Model Development:
• TensorFlow: Core library for building and training neural networks
• Keras: High-level neural networks API (integrated with TensorFlow)
3. Model Visualization:
• Matplotlib: Visualization of training/validation metrics and sample predictions

4. Evaluation Metrics:
• scikit-learn: Calculate accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, etc.
5. Deployment:
• TensorFlow Serving: Serve the trained model for deployment
• Docker: Containerization for easy deployment
• Cloud Platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud): Deployment options with GPU support
6. Web Interface (Optional for User Interaction):
• Flask: Web framework for the backend
• HTML, CSS, JavaScript: Frontend development
• Bootstrap: UI framework for styling


In conclusion, the implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in the crop detection
project has proven to be a remarkable success. The model has demonstrated its robustness and
accuracy in identifying various crop diseases, including Corn Common Rust, Potato Early Blight,
Rice Healthy, Wheat Healthy, Corn Gray Leaf Spot, Potato Healthy, Rice Leaf Blast, Wheat Yellow
Rust, Corn Healthy, Potato Late Blight, Rice Neck Blast, Corn Northern Leaf Blight, Rice Brown
Spot, and Wheat Brown Rust

1. S. D. Khirade and A. B. Patil, "Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing," 2015
International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation, 2015, pp.
768-771, doi: 10.1109/ICCUBEA.2015.153.
2. S. C. Madiwalar and M. V. Wyawahare, "Plant disease identification: A comparative study,"
2017 International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation (ICDMAI),
2017, pp. 13-18, doi: 10.1109/ICDMAI.2017.8073478.
3. P. Moghadam, D. Ward, E. Goan, S. Jayawardena, P. Sikka and E. Hernandez, "Plant Disease
Detection Using Hyperspectral Imaging," 2017 International Conference on Digital Image
Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 2017, pp. 1-8, doi:
4. P.R. Rothe and R.V. Kshirsagar, ”Cotton Leaf Disease Identification using Pattern
Recognition Techniques”, International Conference on Pervasive Computing (ICPC),2015.
5. Aakanksha Rastogi, Ritika Arora and Shanu Sharma, ”Leaf Disease Detection and
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Agric. 2020, 177, 105687

Special Thanks to,

M. Raihan
Assistant Professor
Department Of CSE
North Western University
Khulna, Bangladesh

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