Co4 - Eng6 Q4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


School Dela Paz Elementary School Grade 6

Teacher’s Name ZENAIDA S. URZAL Subject ENGLISH

Date & Time April 17, 2024 Quarter 4th QUARTER

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Understand the purpose and function of coordinate conjunctions in a

COI 1 – Applied knowledge of content within and across sentence.
curriculum teaching areas.
COI 2 – Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. 2. Identify and correctly use coordinate conjunctions to join words,
COI 3 – Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop phrases or independent clauses.
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-
order thinking skills.
COI 4 – Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue,
3. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate coordinate
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning conjunctions to convey ideas effectively.

Most Essential Learning Competency Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures (conjunctions) (EN6G-Ig-4.4.1)
II. CONTENT Coordinating Conjunctions


COI 1, 2, 4
A. References CO-SLM 6
B. Materials Show Me Board
Board Marker
Powerpoint presentation
Video Presentations
Manila Paper
Pentel Pen
1. Preliminary Activities 1. Greetings
COI 1 – Applied knowledge of content within and across The teacher will greet the students then have an emotional check-in.
curriculum teaching areas.
Present an illustration of emojis for students to choose from, depicting
COI 2 – Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. various emotions. Students will use their SHOW ME boards to either
COI 3 – Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop draw the chosen emoji or simply write the corresponding emotion if
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher- they prefer not to draw. A minute will be allotted for this welcome
order thinking skills.
COI 4 – Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning
2. Classroom Management
Begin the lesson by having the students do their routine “hand
gestures” and “recite alouds” and ensure all students are seated and

3. Review of Previous Lesson (Sink or Swim). Remind the class of the

standards to be followed when playing a game.

1. Each team will be given a question to answer. The SHOW ME
BOARD will be passed around each member for each
question. The member holding the SHOW ME board will
write on it the answer of the team. The team will be given 20
seconds to discuss the correct answer to the question.
2. If the team answers correctly, they are given the chance to
swim (SWIM – means to remain standing and still participate
in the game)
3. If the team answers the question incorrectly, they will receive
a penalty and be asked to sink the person who wrote on the
SHOW ME BOARD (SINK – means to sit down and no
longer participate in the game).
4. The group with the greatest number of members remaining
will be declared the winner.

Review Questions:
Directions: Identify the following sentences if they are a SIMPLE or
COMPOUND sentence. Write S for SIMPLE and C for COMPOUND.

1. The cat is sleeping peacefully on the windowsill. S

2. She loves to dance, and he enjoys playing the guitar. C
3. She studied diligently but she still felt nervous. C
4. I am going to the store to buy some groceries. S
5. He studied hard for the exam, so he was confident about his
performance. C

2. Lesson Proper
1. Unlocking of Difficulties Read each question and write the letter of your answer on your English
COI 1 – Applied knowledge of content within and across notebook.
curriculum teaching areas.
COI 2 – Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. 1. I didn’t attend the meeting, for I was busy with my chores.
COI 3 – Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop How is “for” used in the sentence?
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher- A. It is used to show a cause.
order thinking skills.
COI 4 – Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue,
B. It is used to add ideas
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning C. It is used to contrast ideas
D. It is used to show choices.

2. Eating candies and chewing gums are not allowed during class
How is “and” used in the sentence?
A. It is used to show a cause.
B. It is used to add ideas.
C. It is used to contrast ideas.
D. It is used to show choices.

3. Father bought potatoes, but he forgot to buy garlic. How is “but”

used in the sentence?
A. It is used to show a cause.
B. It is used to add ideas.
C. It is used to contrast ideas.
D. It is used to show choices.

4. Does she know you or Lorna?

How is “or” used in the sentence?
A. It is used to show a cause.
B. It is used to add ideas
C. It is used to contrast ideas
2. Establishing a Purpose of the Lesson D. It is used to show choices.
COI 1, 2, 3, 4 5. They listened to the weather forecast, yet they went fishing.
Integration SCIENCE - Identify and describe the
characteristics of the different planets in the Solar System,
How is “yet” used in the sentence?
including their size, composition, and distance from the A. It is used to show a cause.
Sun. B. It is used to add ideas
C. It is used to contrast ideas
D. It is used to show results.
3. Presenting Examples/Instances of the
COI-1, 2, 3 Tell the class that they will be watching a short video. Remind the class
Annotation: In this activity, the teaching strategy of of the standards to be followed when watching a video.
contextual analysis is applied to develop critical and
creative thinking skills, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills. By presenting sentences taken from a video Play a video about the different planets of the Solar System.
about the planets of the solar system and emphasizing the
underlined words, students are encouraged to analyze the
context clues within the sentences. This requires them to
think critically and creatively to infer the meaning of the
Ask the students what the video is all about.
underlined words based on the surrounding information. Say that there are 8 planets in our Solar System namely Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These
planets can be described based on their size, distance from the sun and
their different characteristics.

4. Discussing Concepts and Practicing

New Skills Present sentences taken from the video about the planets of the solar
COI-2– Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance system. Give emphasis on the underlined words in the sentences. Ask
learner achievement in literacy skills. how the words are used in the sentences.
COI-3 – Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as well as higher-order 1. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, and it is so hot there.
thinking skills. 2. Venus is very hot, but Uranus is icy.
3. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, so it has a
strong gravitational pull.

Ask the students to read the underlined words in the sentence. Write the
underlined words on the board. Tell that the underlined words (and,
but, so) in the sentences are called Coordinating Conjunctions.

Define Coordinating Conjunctions. Discuss its purpose and function in

Objective 2 – Identify and correctly use coordinate a sentence.
conjunctions to join words, phrases or independent
clauses. Coordinating Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases or
Objective 3 - Compose clear and coherent sentences using
clauses of equal rank or kind. It joins two independent clauses
appropriate coordinate conjunctions to convey ideas (Compound Sentence)
Most Commonly Used Coordinating Conjunctions
COI 1- Applied knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas. For
Integration SCIENCE - Identify and describe the And
characteristics of the different planets in the Solar System, Nor
including their size, composition, and distance from the

To reinforce the topic on Conjunctions, have the class sing along to the
Coordinating Conjunction Song.

Guided Practice:
COI 3 -Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop A. Compose clear sentences using the appropriate conjunction inside
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher- the parenthesis. Write the correct conjunction on your English
order thinking skills notebook.
Objective 3 - Compose clear and coherent sentences using
appropriate coordinate conjunctions to convey ideas (and, so) 1. Uranus and Neptune are far from the sun ___ it’s icy cold
effectively. there.

(and, but) 2. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, ___ Neptune is
the farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system.

(for, so) 3. Mars is known as the “Red Planet,” ____ its reddish

B. Use the conjunctions inside the box to combine the sentences into
one meaningful sentence.
5. Finding Practical Applications of
Concepts and Skills
COI-2– Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills.
Integration MATH - Demonstrate understanding of place
value in whole numbers up to 100,000,000.

COI-3 - Applied a range of teaching strategies to

develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills.
Annotation: To encourage critical and creative thinking in Example: Venus is the twin planet of the Earth. Living things cannot
this activity, the teacher will employ questioning and
discussion. live in it.
Answer: Venus is the twin planet of the Earth but living things cannot
COI 6 – Established safe and secure learning live in it.
environments to enhance learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures
Annotation: Presenting standards that need to be followed 1. Jupiter is the giant of the family. All the other planets could fit inside
during a group activity is a classroom management of it.
strategy that is essential to establish clear standards and Answer: Jupiter is the giant of the family and all the other planets could
guidelines to ensure a productive and positive learning fit inside of it.

2. Earth is the only life-giving planet. It is the only known planet

COI 6- Maintained learning environments that promotes known to support life.
fairness, respect and care to encourage learning.
Answer: Earth is the only life-giving planet for it is the only known
Annotation: The different group activities that each group
can choose from cater to the diverse needs, strengths, planet known to support life.
interests and experiences.

COI 9 – Used strategies for providing timely, accurate

feedback to improve learner performance.
Practical Application
Annotation: Rubrics are an effective tool for assessing Solve this problem which used a sentence with the coordinating
student learning and providing feedback in a consistent conjunction "or" to instruct how to determine which planet is farther
and objective manner. from the sun based on the given distances.
Which planet is farther from the sun, Mercury at a distance of
35,000,000 miles or Earth at a distance of 93,000,000 miles?

Group Activity
Present the standards when doing a group activity. Remind the students
that they will perform the activity for 10 minutes only.

Each group may choose an activity they want to complete as their task
for today. (See rubrics below)

Planet Sorting
1. Select two planets of your choice that you would like to
compare in terms of their size and distance from the sun.
2. Write two compound sentences that compare these two planets
using coordinating conjunctions.
3. Read the sentences to the class.
6. Generalization
COI 1 – Applied knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas. Jupiter Mime
1. The group will act out this sentence through a mime.
COI 8-Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching Emphasize the action they will make for the coordinating
strategies to address the needs of learners from conjunction used in the sentence. Explain at the end why is
indigo]enous groups that the action for the conjunction.
Annotation: The graphic organizer used is a visual tool
that helps students organize and represent information. It 2. The sentence is:
can be an effective resource for addressing learning goals Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system, and it can fit
and facilitating the synthesis of information into a all the other planets inside.
Planets in Poetry
1. Write a 2-stanza poem with 4 lines about the Planets of the
Solar System.
2. Make sure to use coordinating conjunctions.
3. Recite the poem to the class.

Planets Song
1. Choose a chorus of a song and change its lyrics about the
planets of the Solar System.
2. Use coordinating conjunctions in the lyrics.
3. Sing it to the class.

Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Choose from the choices
inside the box.
Coordinating conjunctions join words, phrases or sentences that are of
equal rank or importance. Examples of these are for, and, nor, but, or,
yet and so.

Formative Assessment Compose clear sentences using the appropriate conjunction to complete
COI 1,2,3,4,9 the sentences. Write the letter of your answer on your English
COI 1 – Applied knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas.
COI 2 – Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. 1. Uranus and Neptune are far from the sun ___ it’s icy cold there.
COI 3 – Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-
order thinking skills.
a. so b. for c. and d. yet
COI 4 – Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning 2. The Earth is the third planet ____ it is known for its diverse
ecosystems and abundant water.
COI 9 – Used strategies for providing timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to improve leaner performance.
a. so b. for c. and d. yet

3. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system ____ it has a strong
magnetic field and many moons.

a. so b. for c. and d. yet

4. Mars is often called the “Red Planet” ____ it has a reddish surface
due to iron oxide.

a. so b. for c. and d. yet

5. Saturn has beautiful rings _____ it is one of the most recognizable

planets in our solar system.

a. so b. for c. and d. yet


COI 9 – used strategies for providing timely, accurate and constructive feedback to improve learner performance.
Annotation: Rubrics are an effective tool for assessing student learning and providing feedback in a consistent and objective


Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Partially Proficient (2) Needs Improvement
Content Student selected two Student selected two Student selected two Student did not select
planets and planets and compared planets, but the two planets or did not
accurately compared their size and distance comparison of their size accurately compare
their size and from the sun using and distance from the their size and
distance from the sun coordinating sun using coordinating distance from the sun
using coordinating conjunctions, but with conjunctions was using coordinating
conjunctions. minor inaccuracies. incomplete or conjunctions.
Sentence Compound sentences Compound sentences Compound sentences Compound sentences
Structure are effectively and used coordinating attempted to use did not use
appropriately used conjunctions to compare coordinating coordinating
coordinating the two planets, but with conjunctions to compare conjunctions to
conjunctions to minor errors or the two planets, but with compare the two
compare the two inconsistencies. significant errors or planets or were
planets. inconsistencies. incomplete.
Presentation Student confidently Student read the Student read the Student did not read
read the sentences to sentences to the class sentences to the class the sentences to the
the class with clear with generally clear with limited clarity and class or the delivery
and audible delivery. delivery, but with audibility. was unclear and
occasional unclear or inaudible.
low volume moments.


Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Partially Proficient Needs Improvement (1)
Mime The group effectively The group adequately The group attempts to The group's mime
Performance and creatively acts acts out the sentence act out the sentence performance is unclear,
out the sentence using mime, using mime, but the inconsistent, or lacks
using mime, showcasing the action actions for the creativity, making it
showcasing the for the coordinating coordinating difficult to understand
action for the conjunction with some conjunction lack the action for the
coordinating clarity and precision. clarity, precision, or coordinating conjunction.
conjunction with The actions are creativity. The
clarity and precision. generally engaging actions may be
The actions are and expressive but unclear or unrelated
engaging, expressive, may have minor to the conjunction
and relate directly to inconsistencies or lack used.
the conjunction used. some creativity.
Explanation The group provides a The group provides an The group provides a The group does not
clear and concise explanation at the end limited or unclear provide an explanation at
explanation at the end of their performance, explanation at the end the end of their
of their performance, briefly describing why of their performance, performance, or the
explaining why the the chosen action not fully articulating explanation is irrelevant
chosen action represents the why the chosen or incomprehensible.
represents the coordinating action represents the
coordinating conjunction. The coordinating
conjunction. The explanation conjunction. The
explanation demonstrates a explanation may lack
demonstrates a deep general understanding coherence or fail to
understanding of the of the conjunction and demonstrate a clear
conjunction and its its role in the understanding of the
role in the sentence. sentence, but may lack conjunction.
some clarity or depth.
Creativity The group displays a The group The group's mime The group's mime
high level of demonstrates some performance shows performance lacks
creativity in their creativity in their limited creativity, creativity, with minimal
mime performance, mime performance, with minimal or no incorporation of
incorporating incorporating incorporation of elements, gestures, or
imaginative elements, elements, gestures, elements, gestures, or expressions that enhance
gestures, and and expressions that expressions that the overall presentation.
expressions that enhance the overall enhance the overall The performance may be
enhance the overall presentation. The presentation. The predictable or
presentation. The creativity adds some creativity may be unengaging.
creativity adds depth depth and interest to lacking in originality
and interest to the the performance, but or fail to enhance the
performance. may be limited in performance
scope or execution. significantly.


Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Partially Proficient Needs Improvement
(2) (1)
Content and The poem effectively The poem adequately The poem attempts to The poem does not
Theme and creatively captures captures the essence of capture the essence effectively capture the
the essence of the the Planets of the Solar of the Planets of the essence of the Planets
Planets of the Solar System, utilizing some Solar System, but the of the Solar System,
System, utilizing vivid vivid imagery, use of vivid imagery, lacking vivid imagery,
imagery, descriptive descriptive language, descriptive language, descriptive language,
language, and accurate and accurate scientific or accurate scientific or accurate scientific
scientific information. information. The poem information may be information. The poem
The poem generally demonstrates limited or may lack a coherent
demonstrates a deep a solid understanding of inconsistent. The theme or fail to engage
understanding of the the topic and maintains poem may lack a the reader.
topic and engages the a cohesive theme, but clear theme or fail to
reader with its may lack some depth or maintain coherence.
cohesive theme. originality.
Use of The poem incorporates The poem incorporates The poem attempts to The poem does not
Coordinating coordinating coordinating incorporate effectively incorporate
Conjunctions conjunctions conjunctions coordinating coordinating
effectively and adequately, providing conjunctions, but the conjunctions or fails to
appropriately, some connection use may be limited, demonstrate a clear
enhancing the flow between ideas and inconsistent, or understanding of their
and structure of the contributing to the flow ineffective in use. The use of
poem. The use of and structure of the connecting ideas or coordinating
coordinating poem. The use of enhancing the flow conjunctions may be
conjunctions enhances coordinating and structure of the absent or disrupt the
the connections conjunctions generally poem. The use of flow and structure of
between ideas and enhances the overall coordinating the poem.
adds depth to the composition, but may conjunctions may be
overall composition. have minor forced or lack
inconsistencies or lack coherence.
some variety.
Recitation and The poem is recited The poem is recited The poem is recited The poem is not
Delivery confidently with clear with generally clear with limited clarity recited or the delivery
and audible delivery. delivery, but with and audibility, is unclear and
The student occasional unclear or making it difficult to inaudible, making it
demonstrates low volume moments. understand or engage impossible to
appropriate pacing, The student with the poem. The understand or engage
intonation, and demonstrates adequate student may lack with the poem. The
expression that pacing, intonation, and consistent pacing, student lacks pacing,
enhance the overall expression that intonation, or intonation, or
impact of the poem. contribute to the overall expression, hindering expression,
The recitation engages impact of the poem. the overall impact of significantly hindering
the audience and The recitation generally the poem. The the overall impact of
effectively conveys engages the audience recitation may fail to the poem. The
the emotions and and conveys the effectively convey recitation fails to
meaning of the poem. emotions and meaning the emotions and convey the emotions
of the poem. meaning of the poem. and meaning of the


Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Partially Proficient Needs Improvement

(2) (1)
Lyrics The song lyrics The song lyrics The song lyrics The song lyrics do not
effectively and adequately incorporate attempt to effectively incorporate
creatively incorporate the planets of the Solar incorporate the the planets of the Solar
the planets of the Solar System, utilizing some planets of the Solar System, lacking
System, utilizing appropriate vocabulary, System, but the use appropriate
appropriate engaging imagery, and of appropriate vocabulary, engaging
vocabulary, engaging accurate scientific vocabulary, engaging imagery, or accurate
imagery, and accurate information. The lyrics imagery, or accurate scientific information.
scientific information. generally demonstrate a scientific information The lyrics may lack
The lyrics demonstrate solid understanding of may be limited or coherence or fail to
a deep understanding the topic and maintain a inconsistent. The engage the listener.
of the topic and cohesive and structured lyrics may lack
maintain a cohesive composition, but may cohesion or fail to
and well-structured lack some depth or maintain a clear
composition. originality. structure.
Use of The song lyrics The song lyrics The song lyrics The song lyrics do not
Coordinating incorporate incorporate attempt to effectively incorporate
Conjunctions coordinating coordinating incorporate coordinating
conjunctions conjunctions coordinating conjunctions or fail to
effectively and adequately, providing conjunctions, but the demonstrate a clear
appropriately, some connection use may be limited, understanding of their
enhancing the flow between ideas and inconsistent, or use. The use of
and structure of the contributing to the flow ineffective in coordinating
song. The use of and structure of the connecting ideas or conjunctions may be
coordinating song. The use of enhancing the flow absent or disrupt the
conjunctions coordinating and structure of the flow and structure of
strengthens the conjunctions generally song. The use of the song.
connections between enhances the overall coordinating
ideas and adds depth composition, but may conjunctions may be
to the overall have minor forced or lack
composition. inconsistencies or lack coherence.
some variety.
Performance The song is performed The song is performed The song is The song is not
and Delivery confidently with clear with generally clear performed with performed or the
and articulate delivery. delivery, but with limited clarity or delivery is unclear and
The student occasional unclear or inconsistent delivery, inaudible, making it
demonstrates inconsistent moments. making it difficult to impossible to
appropriate pitch, The student understand or engage understand or engage
rhythm, and demonstrates adequate with the lyrics. The with the lyrics. The
expression that pitch, rhythm, and student may lack student lacks pitch,
enhance the overall expression that consistent pitch, rhythm, or expression,
impact of the song. contribute to the overall rhythm, or significantly hindering
The performance impact of the song. The expression, hindering the overall impact of
engages the audience performance generally the overall impact of the song. The
and effectively engages the audience the song. The performance fails to
conveys the emotions and conveys the performance may fail convey the emotions
and meaning of the emotions and meaning to effectively convey and meaning of the
lyrics. of the lyrics. the emotions and lyrics.
meaning of the lyrics.

Reviewed by:

Master Teacher II

Prepared by:

Noted by:
Teacher III
Principal III
Each group may choose an activity they want to complete as their task for today.

Planet Sorting

1. Select two planets of your choice that you would like to compare in terms of their size
and distance from the sun.
2. Write two compound sentences that compare these two planets using coordinating
3. Read the sentences to the class.

Jupiter Mime

1. The group will act out this sentence through a mime. Emphasize the action they will
make for the coordinating conjunction used in the sentence. Explain at the end why is
that the action for the conjunction.
2. The sentence is:
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system, and it can fit all the other planets

Planets in Poetry

1. Write a 2-stanza poem with 4 lines about the Planets of the Solar System.
2. Make sure to use coordinating conjunctions.
3. Recite the poem to the class.

Planets Song

1. Choose a chorus of a song and change its lyrics about the planets of the Solar System.
2. Use coordinating conjunctions in the lyrics.
3. Sing it to the class.

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