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e Sunday Tslom Nat YT _O:- Give. an “ates a ot the wy inwhich ee Plophct Sei Ald to peach stam in dir —_ 4 St few yes alte, be $19 ecenld the ——_levelation: Pro pha" reoned 2u@ evebbion | po Swan A I-flag Swich 46 in Ramacline —Diophet?" tell “the bole sivy fo ie feria Khadija. who lake pophe®?*Ms Wotga bin Navilal uo fell rim be Got Joimal_prophelhood* Then olin « Bick fevelobiOn 4hwe was ago beh ——_ Second fevelotion Then Dlophet ™"becane | to much Longe fs then he qoLarew —tevelation aS “0 you wlapped/e coh ___ covet d_in cloak , Rise” and waln 5 find _ | Mag ni oul _lofd> Cleany ouf qatmenis, inl ee put ~ tent ale 1 The_ prophet’ Seat “to Convert was Haatat Khe yer: Theil wos a Sloe Hanert ‘Loy dio convat + Then “hell wos prophet ee ip Ali onchin achit Stara | eae i in, ! § pophet’S ‘ oft; who Was Lhd Rom DAMM odwoh wien | Sn | 7 is ap a F SS ———— Siege the EWELE lee Then Thue Veofils So'udy Abd PchmanQubaif, Taha ond Wthmen: a then dio pht™™” was secidl\y pacchingg 5 Prophet’s uncle Aidn’d converted Z DybdAbuTOlite protected him: The welé Heviat Bid Zuhair & TAthae new Convelt @ pfominent: Reve lation $ be Seemed cibo wt Sally women & slaves Then Hera ihre] Lauat method ok wus then overs is “And GdAmonish woul Nearest Kinsmen’? | Yhen Piophet er " said Hawatali to | mse Calla family memby. and | Said 0 son$ of Abu Muttalib | N& one TH MakKOh hove hig any _| messa4e like thik and invited them tw _| Eslam but tney laughed although _ tania fli said 2" oO _mescenga ot | ged) | shall be youl hele, Lignin’ hen & Seiten anda hil | | San Duper convelled too: Hozat LB at 7 + -u]-Fd\ 1) Aba s Pe "a PR eealk of moun lain an a asked hod Makiehns if \ sap ad some | I fie ftp talib satel * we help Yon in ety thing; bub nad tis advice ard | be eve jn yout wos, end te wil) poled G@ delind ga” HS hoes oppse him and fhis was catled bet “Oawat -ul-Achilgh! Then | prophereen 94 Yewlaton ty erpouna) | Openly os then he wenttom | AowS rovSermen 4 (aming_fr’m vel ed bo said you"! ney ieplit| “we have | always vibnesea Yuthtim you” | ‘then pophel’™ suid lam cv weere | wean, bejot ea iol ceug fof iz hh lahab gay badl things appouf || Prophern” Dephel fi me shoe keel anol pew uci! phase thi, RAS. gouty tesco Prey reyectect bina | and ovest come “whith jes | Chul q prishntnd fy Tp loka. | ____ Histor. fork of syed finmack shohecd | T ee mite mogl mepoltant facto 10 7 the & fevie\ of Tslam_in Lhe sub-conbinnt: [| dufing he Seaen-teenth cind ci dh icenth - ConlieS 7G We (easens tol fowl answer | LA There were thie _veloimes Syed | Ahmed shaneed Baseilvi, Hay’ Shaviatullah By [ anc Shoh watiullah: Shoh waliuilah EP | was boln in 03 and died in \7pu: [We was a scholaf ok Quan EYh & | Wodith He want cheat feyiial [Tstam: He at was CEG | & Tslam Qecline: He Thoug Wt that : whol emoile is declining because peope’s | Gle not _on Hue Pathol Tslom which | Hol poohet” brine: Ho wtin ae 48 leave _un-Tslamil pftichices @ beliels-| He {fansite Qalan fon filgbic to | pelsion lanquage: He Stofled pleathing — | fe he Slatted tn tech inmardvessa | — i — partite Bite aa i loTlam te cate perone. Anit@ and reve seiclevinism- iT { At WDEC 51 Hooke im porian & > BelMeen cubis @ ulemag ancl ing fp —+-Closei_Sanni_ @ Ghia cec te: He + Sena ieee bo rules of muslin — MIC He made bridge fo quiz |, a= ES sencl to Nhmead 1 shah findali ty delet mavathas | —— ana fake them out of Mughal —— Sap ife- In Retief penned jn 1744 —e ihe defeated! tem as do they wee | not Abie fy Came back 9 GIN» | Sd he was insp itabon & [ale madd |__ fe 6the/_fefolmers Hews Bist I Maslin thinker: He have chne plecching, G willing and he stinckgangt _ Marathas: His sone Atcinsia feck a/on [ into Uidus tn Deccan Tele weye _Molerthas entilan cd wele atfecking on Lah ow @ Daub iln pen th wlit @ Fr skh mle whith wlth people TC pyeemi> asked } pee Frail shetste) ‘ l be jas i far mess & latistren | | Pitt shail be pus bCC Sac ial wolk 1 SNA eyuil) bifam He whole a& | [ od On Siar tiCS G Aifference | of smo @ cont wcerts Henole | | c_pook on foul (aliphS ag | . Yeh fat -e L- Ehu li fey [ Ihe) these wes baz ie Shod keh, | ufo stele falani movemenk- le | _ sand People tp Comy2leie heir | fai ain GNd plople in noviementtye | | folai7is = theif wes rul2oF Hina lanelbds who wefe cleing opp 1esson in Bengal OS people Hiei Wt noi alowed | Vl lig i0VS 6 bligations 6 to do help p2l people =e bes inesrnen te Lid & Ficlay Playey- He was agains ilk - He waat Milims tw loove tHhau fadit Gh un Islamic pelitts @ gabe a ee en PS Se | (SYo & Alley hm his provemenh PSOE hanrléc by ns son G | ci Mmif whe que ea ot jihad movement = An -al falar2) maemen? | fall in 1eDo= Higa divi citi [ee | iow >w Dee ss the thid fe] Scholes who was B born in in i786 | nd clidcibiaved woik-He ats | |_sfaited| 7) thea movement He was both fal Gor Borel “He want |_ make polit il Powe 6 miley forlé_to defeat th cnemes of _t __ meslims: He «ptt make laws which Lhe vlnt nlus]ims fo pillow « hese welS G on shin OFS? Mug tims Tn Panjab by it singh: He + send _méssa Te’ to Paagit Singh = ras) Alas theiy Pele 1045 Thing a) | aeeal at he Tae andl Ci way ! jail in whith Prop Sgn wos ct bo al oS a ORs cr i 1k 26 | tai er hy ae of TStam - He went t9 Make Muslim§ agcins wn Selon aCBCES vi. ince. thin asta ty 7 - went no ambdion @ wre not (ae f thiont- He made fely | soa a gucsl ts in Peshawar bub roe ted mMoW’dto Ralakot Whose aguplhe atigsk hid by mountains with Me | hep ot pathon |eadesSoc yar mMuhammeocr [non ana wees Kiel in Rotte of Reeaweat Bolakat ih!7 Sp» i nim the ma- | impottand fechy x fol ( of Esom_ wosdent hy Shan woliuloh not ly Syd Ahmed shapeeol Poiduyi ot Hes: Chay it fu ah:

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