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Trinidad, Justin Clark B.

BSIT - 204

03 Activity - NSTP
Nelson Mandela
South Africa
Mandela is celebrated for his role in ending
apartheid in South Africa and promoting
reconciliation and equality. His leadership style
can be characterized as transformational, as he
inspired and mobilized people towards a common
vision of a united and democratic South Africa.
Margaret Thatcher
United Kingdom
Thatcher, as the first female Prime Minister of the UK,
implemented economic reforms known as Thatcherism,
emphasizing free-market capitalism and deregulation.
While praised for revitalizing the British economy, her
leadership style, often described as authoritative or
even autocratic, was divisive, leading to significant social
unrest and political opposition.
Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi led India to independence from British rule through
nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. His leadership
style was characterized by servant leadership, emphasizing
empathy, humility, and a commitment to moral principles
Adolf Hitler
Hitler's impact on society was undeniably negative, as he
orchestrated the genocide of six million Jews during the
Holocaust and led Germany into World War II. His leadership
style was authoritarian and totalitarian, relying on fear,
propaganda, and dictatorial control.
Martin Luther King Jr.
United States
Martin Luther King Jr. was a prominent leader in the American
civil rights movement, advocating for racial equality and
justice through nonviolent resistance. His leadership style was
deeply rooted in transformational leadership, inspiring millions
to join the fight against racial segregation and discrimination.
King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech exemplifies his ability
to articulate a vision of a more just and inclusive society,
galvanizing support for the civil rights cause.
Thank you
very much!
Trinidad, Justin Clark B.
BSIT - 204

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