Etabs 2016 - RC Frame

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ETABS 2016 – RC Frame

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN

Reference: G. Özmen, E. Orakdöğen, K. Darılmaz, «Örneklerle ETABS

2013, Örnek 4: Perdeli ve Çerçeveli Yapı», Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2014
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

The example that will be introduced here is originated from the reference provided in the previous slide.
There are six grids along the x and 4 grids along the
y direction. All span lengths between these grids
are 5 m., except 3 m. here.

However, there are certain differences in the applied modeling as given below in order to fit our purposes
in this course.
• Only analysis will be performed and the design option will not be used.
• The seismic loads will not be estimated and applied automatically by ETABS, but we will calculate them according to the
new Building Code for Earthquake Resiliance (2018) and apply them on the model.
• Since design approach will not be used and a linear elastic analysis will be performed, the definition of rebar material
properties and reinforcement detailing will not be required. Also, the beams will not be defined as T-sections due to the
same reason. But simply, rectangular sections will be defined for the beams for analysis purposes.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

The «moment resisting frame+shear wall» building has 8-stories. The story height is 3 m. except the first (ground)
story where the height is 4 m. The column dimensions are:
• 0.40 m×0.40 m at the 1st and 2nd stories,
• 0.45 m×0.45 m at the 3rd, 4th and 5th stories,
• 0.50 m×0.50 m at the 6th, 7th and 8th stories.
Beam dimensions are 0.25 m×0.60 m at all stories. The width of shear walls are 0.35 m at the 1st and 2nd stories
and 0.35 m in all other stories. Material: C30. Slab thickness: 14 cm. Additional slab dead load (the value excluding
the self-weight of slab in a full load analysis for the slab): 1.2 kN/m2 and slab live load: 2.0 kN/m2.
The stages of the example,
1. Modeling the building and obtaining the modal properties (mode shapes and fundamental natural vibration
periods along the x and y directions).
2. Estimating the equivalent static seismic forces along the x and y directions.
3. Applying these static forces (point loads) to the mass center (EX or EY along the x and y directions, respectively)
or eccentric nodes (EXP, EXN, EYP and EYN) [e.g. EXP: the equivalent seismic force applied at +5% eccentric side
of mass center; EXN: the equivalent seismic force applied at -5% eccentric side of mass center].
4. Obtaining the required internal forces and deformations which we need in design.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Select «File-New Model». Choose «Use Buil-in Settings». Here select Display Units as «Metric SI» (no need to
select Concrete Design Code as «TS 500-2000» since we will not use design option).
• First enter the values in the «New Model Quick Template» window for the Uniform Grid Spacing and Simple Story
Next select «Custom Grid Spacing» and click
here (Edit Grid Data) to make the correction
for the only span length of 3 m (shown in
the next slide)!

Finally select this part to define the slab

properties (shown two slides after)! Note
that all slabs are two-way slabs (the loads of
slabs are transferred to the beams in both
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

Correct these values as 8 m. and 13 m.
to account for 3m span length at the
mid-span of the structure along the y-

Click OK at the end!

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Definition of the slab and structural system properties. After completing the data for all properties, click OK!

These structural
No properties are
overhangs automatically assigned.
on slabs! If not, assign these

Unselect - No
block joist floor The additional dead
systems-no ribs! load and live load
are entered here!

All support conditions Rigid diaphragms were assumed

are assumed as fixed at and assigned for the beam+slab
the foundation level! systems (rigid body motion-identical
lateral displacements at all points of
a slab)
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Consequently, the model will be formed and you should obtain the following (plan and 3-D) views of the model.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Definition of the material property for concrete (C30). Select «Define-Material Properties». Then choose «Add
New Material». On the «Add New Material» window, select «User» for Region and «Concrete» for Material Type.
Click OK!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• «Material Property Data» will pop up. Here you may change Material Name as C30. Change «Weight per Unit
Window» as 25 kN/m3 and modulus of elasticity as 32000 MPa (the value for C30 concrete). Select «Modify/Show
Material Property Design Data» and choose «Characteristic Concrete Cylinder Strength, fck» as 30 MPa in the
window that pops up. Click OK three times!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Definition of sectional properties for columns. First define column with dimensions 0.3 m×0.3 m. Select «Define-
Section Properties-Frame Sections». Select «Add New Property» in the window that pops up. Select «Concrete
Rectangular» section.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• «Frame Section Property Data» window will appear. Here change the «Property Name» as «C40x40» to reflect the
dimensions of the column. Choose «C30» as the «Material». Enter dimensions «Depth» and «Width» as 400 mm
and 400 mm. Select «Property Modifiers» to consider effective rigidities
defined in Table 4.2 of the seismic code for various types of
members. The following window will pop up.

In Table 4.2 of the seismic

code, the effective rigidity
of the columns under
flexure is defined as 0.7.
Note that the effective
rigidity for shear is defined
as 1.0 in Table 4.2.
Therefore, there is no need
to make any change for the
shear areas! Click OK
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Select «Add Copy of Property» in the «Frame Properties» window when C40x40 was already selected (this will
add a new section by copying the properties of C40x40). The «Frame Section Property Data» window will appear
with the pre-entered properties of C40x40. Change these properties for C45x45 column as shown below. There is
no need to change the modification for moment of inertia since it will be the same for all columns. Click OK! Do
the same for C50x50 column.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Select «Add New Property» in the «Frame Properties» window. Again select «Concrete Rectangular» for the
section shape. Write «B25x60» for the «Property Name». Select «Material» as C30. Change the depth and width
as 600 and 250 mm, respectively. Select «Modify/Show Modifiers...» and change modifiers for the moment of
inertia as 0.35 as shown below (the value provided for the flexural response of beams in the seismic code). Click
OK three two times!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Now that all column and beam sections are formed. You should see the «Frame Properties» as shown below. Click
OK! Note that you should save your model frequently. All the materials, sections, etc. That is formed by you will
appear in «Model Explorer» window on the left side of your screen. You may check these and make corrections if
required by using this part.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• In order to define shear walls, select «Define-Section Properties-Wall Sections». Select «Add New Property» in the
«Wall Properties» window. First define the shear wall with a width of 350 mm at the first (ground) and second
stories. Therefore, in the «Wall Property Data» window, write P35 for the property name, select C30 for the «Wall
Material», enter thickness as 350 mm. «Modeling Type» should be «Shell-Thin» for the shear walls.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Then click «Modify/Show...» in front of «Modifiers (Currently Default)» in the same window. Thus, we may apply
the effective rigidity coefficients provided by the seismic code for shear walls (which are 0.5 for in-plane axial and
in-plane shear behaivors and 0.25 for out-of-plane bending). In order to be able to do that, first we have to
understand direction and surface definitions for the shell members. You may obtain the required information from
the «Help» menu of ETABS.
In-plane axial forces
shear forces

M22 F12


bending moment
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• In the «Property/Stiffness Modification Factors» window, enter the corresponding coefficients (as shown below)
for the effective rigidities of seismic code. Click OK twice!

• Similarly define the shear wall with a width of 250 mm. You may do this by simply choosing «Add Copy of
Property» on «Wall Properties». Here all you have to change is the name (from P35 to P25) and thickness (from
350 to 250 mm) as shown above. Click OK twice! Now that we have to shear wall sections, namely P25 and P35.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• In order to define the slab, select «Define-Section Properties-Slab Sections». Here choose «Slab1» and select
«Modify/Show Property» in the «Slab Properties» window. In this way, we change the existing «Slab1» section to
fit our slab properties. You may change the «Property Name» to «d14» to reflect 14 cm slab thickness. Selct C30
for «Slab Material». «Membrane» should be assigned for the «Modeling Type». Enter slab thickness as 140 mm.
Here we are not going to modify sectional properties (inertia, etc.) of the slabs, since all we need is the calculation
of the weight of slab according to its thickness (14 cm) and unit weight of concrete (25 kN/m3) (this load will be
added to the additional dead load, 1.2 kN/m2 and will be transferred to the beams by ETABS). Click OK twice!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Now we finished defining the sections of columns and beam. At this step we will draw the shear walls which do
not exist in our model at this stage. The length of shear wall in between A2-A3 (also F2-F3) is 3.25 m and the one
in between C4-D4 (also C1-D1) is 5.25 m. These lengths are provided in the example. We have to delete the
columns and beams at these shear wall locations. Besides, we have to form joints at a 0.125 m distance of each
end (replicate) so as to provide a 0.25 m larger length given above.
• First select «All Stories» at the bottom right corner. This will enable us to do the same operation in all stories
when we do it in one story. Then select the region between A2-A3 as shown here. Then simply click «Delete» in
your computer to delete the beams and columns within this region. You will see the result as you here.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• You should do the same operation for the region between axes F2-F3, C1-D1 and C4-D4. Consequently you should
see your model in 3-D as shown below. Note that the selection should be done starting (clicking first) from top-left
corner up to bottom-right corner to select only the members within this region. The reverse selection will choose
all the members that your selection touches.

You may also

check all your
definitions up to
this stage from
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• In order to replicate the nodes by 0.125 m at each end of A2-A3 span, get a closer look at this region by using
«Rubber Band Zoom». The joints are invisible as default and we should make them visible. You should select
«Set Display Options» for this purpose, unselect «Joint Objects-Invisible» and click OK! Select the joint at the
intersection of A and 3 axes. Then click «Edit-Replicate». In the replicate window, write 0.125 for dy and click OK.
Then select the joint at the intersection of A and 2 axes. Do the same operation, but write -0.125 for dy.

New joint is
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Do the same «replicate» operation for all F2-F3, C1-D1 and C4-D4 spans. Here in case of C1-D1 and C4-D4 spans,
you should enter 0.125 and -0.125 in «dx» not in «dy». For example, you should write -0.125 for dx while
replicating the joint at the intersection of C and 1 axes. In all these operations, you may use «Restore Full View» to
see full model in plan after each time you zoom to the region that you work on.
• In order to draw the shear walls, select «Draw-Draw Floor/Wall Objects-Draw Walls (Plan)». Then click on the first
replicated joint (close to A2) and then the second replicated joint (close to A3). Then right-click to end the
So that the shear walls at this span is
formed as you see below:
Then left-click to this
replicated joint! And
finally right-click to end
the drawing operation!

First left-click to this

replicated joint!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Repeat the same drawing to form other three shear walls. At the end you should see your model as you see here.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Now that we are ready to assign all sections (that we defined) to the corresponding members. Before that, we will
assign the «master» and «similar» stories. So that any section assignment which we do for the «master» story will
also be applied to the «similar» stories. The column and shear wall dimensions change after the 2nd story level.
Also the column dimensions change once again after the 5th story level. Therefore there will be three groups of
stories which are (1-2), (3-4-5) and (6-7-8). In each group, one of the stories will be defined as «master» (shown in
bold) and others as «similar». This will be accomplished by selecting «Edit-Edit Stories and Grid Systems...». In the
«Edit Story and Grid System Data», you should choose «Modify/Show Story Data». The «Story Data» window will
pop up which you should modify as you see here. Click OK twice!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Let us first assign «B25x60» section to the beams. We have to select all beams first. In order to do that, click
«Select-Object Type». The «Select by Object Type» window will appear. Here you should choose «Beams», click
«Select» and «Close». This will select all beams only. Then click «Assign-Frame-Section Property», choose
«B25x60» section in the following window and click OK! Now «B25x60» section is assigned to all beams.

Only beams
are selected!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Now we will assign column sections. Initially, we will assign «C40x40» section to all columns. Then change the column sections
in the other similar stories (i.e. stories 1-2 and stories 3-4-5). First let us select all columns in the same way that we selected
beams by using «Select-Object Type». In the «Select by Object Type» window choose «Columns», click «Select» and «Close».
Then use «Assign-Frame-Section Property», choose «C40x40» section in the following window and click OK! Now «C40x40»
section is assigned to all columns.
• Then in order to choose the columns in other similar stories, first click «Select-Get Previous Selection» which will select all
columns once again. Then activate «Plan View» on the left side of your screen, if not active already. Choose «View-Show
Selected Objects Only» which will show you only columns in plan. By using up-down arrows, go to «Plan View - Story1-Z=4
(m)». Select «Similar Stories» instead of «One Story» at the bottom right corner. Then choose all columns in the plan view by
using cursor.

Choose all
columns here
in plan view!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Now only the columns in the 1st and 2nd stories are selected. Then use «Assign-Frame-Section Property», choose «C50x50»
section in the following window and click OK! Now «C50x50» section is assigned to all columns in the similar 1st and 2nd
stories. If you can not see the new assigned column names on the 3-D view, activate «3-D View» on the right side of your
screen and simply click in order to refresh view. Now you should be able to see the modified column names. Do the same
operations for all columns in the similar 3rd, 4th and 5th stories. While doing this, you should go to the «Plan View – Story3 -
Z=10 (m)» and select all columns in plan view and then assign column section «C45x45» to your selections. Now that the
assignment of column sections is finished, you may choose «View-Show All Objects» in «Plan View».
• Now, choose the shear walls at the 1st and 2nd stories from the 3-D view window. Simply click on the shear walls at the 1st story
and the upper shear wall at the 2nd story will be directly selected. Do this for all shear walls on four sides of the building.
During this selection, you may need to rotate your 3-D model by using . At the end you should see «8 Shells, 32 Edges
selected» at the bottom left corner of your screen. Then choose «Assign-Shell-Wall Section». In the «Sheel Assignment»
window choose «P35» and click OK!
Do the same operations to select the shear walls at the
upper similar stories (stories 3-4-5 and 6-7-8) and assign
«P25» wall section to your selection. Now that we have
finished assignment of all shear wall sections.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• We should assign a pier label for each individual shear wall (each one at four sides of the building). In order to do
that, first select «One Story» at the bottom right corner of your screen. Then click , select «1» and click OK in
order to set your view for the frame along 1-1 axes.

• Then select all shear walls in «Elevation View – 1» and choose «Assign-Shell-Pier Label». On the «Shell
Assignment - Pier Label» window, choose «P1» and click OK!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Then go to the «Elevation View – 4» by using «up-down arrows». Choose all shear walls on 4-4 axes. Then choose
«Assign-Shell-Pier Label». On the «Shell Assignment - Pier Label» window, choose «Modify/Show Definitions».
«Pier Labels» window will pop up, here write P2 for «Wall Piers», click «Add New Name» and OK twice! Do the
same operation for the shear walls on A-A (label: P3) and F-F (label: P4) axes. You can also go to the «Elevation
View-A» and «Elevation View-F» by using «up-down arrows». You can convert your view on the right side of your
screeen into 3-D view again by clicking .
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Next we will change all support conditions at the bottom of the building as fixed. In order to that, go to the «Plan
View - Base – Z=0 (m)» from the plan view on the left by using «up-down arrows». Then choose «Assign-Joint-
Restraints». On the «oint Assignment-Restraints» window simply click fixed support from «Fast Restraints» or
place a tick for all conditions in «Restraints in Global Directions». Click OK!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• In this part we will define dead and live loads. The equivalent static seismic forces will not be defined at this stage.
We should first make a modal analysis and obtain the fundamental vibration periods along the x and y directions.
This information will be required while we estimate the equivalent static seismic forces.
• Choose «Define-Load Patterns» and here select «Dead» load. Write «G» instead of «Dead» and click «Modify
Load». Self weight multiplier is «1» since the weight of the structural members will be calculated by multiplying
the dimensions of members with the unit weight of concrete (25 kN/m3) and used for the dead loads. Next, select
«Live» and change its name as «Q» in the same way. Click OK!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Then choose «Define-Load Cases». In «Load Cases» window, select «Dead» and click «Modify/Show Case». «Load
Case Data» window will appear. Here change «Load Case Name» as «G» and click OK! Do the same for «Live» load
case to change its name as «Q». At the end, you will see the following window. Click OK!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• As mentioned before, the self-weight of all structural members are estimated by ETABS and included in the case
«G». However, the weight of infill walls are not considered in these calculations since infill walls are not
considered as structural members and not included in our model. We have to assign distributed loads on the
beams to represent the additional weight of infill walls (8 kN/m on the exterior beams and 6.5 kN/m on the
interior beams). In order to do this, first change your selection as «All Stories» from the bottom right corner of
your window. In the plan view, go to the «Plan View - Story1 – Z=4 (m)» using «up-down arrows». Then select the
beams at the exterior circumference of the building and check all story beams are selected as you do this (since
«All Stories» is selected) (totally 12*8=96 beams will be selected). Choose «Assign-Frame Loads-Distributed». In
the «Frame Load Assignment-Distributed» window, write «8» for the «Uniform Load» when «G» was selected for
the «Load Pattern Name».

In the next stage, select all

interior beams in the plan
view. Do the same
operations to define
distributed load of 6.5
kN/m this time.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• In the next stage, select all interior beams in the plan view. Do the same operations to define distributed load of
6.5 kN/m this time.
• There should not be any infill walls over the beams at the roof level. Therefore, we should delete the distributed
infill wall loads on these beams. Change your selection preference as «One Story» from the bottom right corner, if
it is not so (if the distributed loads are shown on your 3D model, you may not see that part where you change
your selection preference; in that case simply choose «Display-Undeformed Shape»). Go to the «Plan View –
Story8 – Z=25 (m)» using «up-down arrows». Then select all beams on plan view. Check if only the beams at the
last story are selected from the 3-D view. If so, choose «Assign-Frame Loads-Distributed» and select «Delete
Existing Loads» and click OK! This will delete all the distributed loads that are defined on the beams at the roof
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Before running the analysis, an optimum meshing should applied for any shell member that we defined, shear
walls in our case. Here the shear walls at each story will be meshed into 4 by 4 (totally 16) members along both
vertical and horizontal directions on the shell member. For this purpose, choose «Select-Object Type», then
«Walls» in the «Select by Object Type» window and click «Select».
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• Then choose «Assign-Shell-Wall Auto Mesh Options» and then «Mesh Object into» in the following window. Write
4 for «Vertical» and 4 for «Horizontal», and click OK! At the end, your 3-D model should be as follows.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• The masses and weights of all stories will be estimated by ETABS by taking total dead loads and a portion of live
loads. This portion of live loads (n) depends on the type of building (usage of building). In your case, you should
define this live load participation factor (n) as 0.3 for an office or residential building. This will be done by
choosing «Define-Mass Source» and selecting «Modify/Show Mass Source». In the «Mass Source Data» window,
select «Specified Load Patterns» and unselect all other «Mass Source» options. Then, write «1» for «G» «Load
Pattern» on the right side, click «Add». Next, write «0.3» for «Q» «Load Pattern» on the right side, click «Add»
and click OK twice!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• In the final stage, let us see how to define a load combination for «1.4G+1.6Q». In order to do that, choose
«Define-Load Combinations» and click «Add New Combo» on «Load Combinations» window. The «Load
Combination Data» will pop up. Here, change «Load Combination Name» as «1.4G+1.6Q». «Combination Type» is
«Linear Add». «G» should already be defined with a scale factor of «1». Change «Scale Factor» which is «1» into
«1.4». Then click «Add». Change the added load name as «Q» and «Scale Factor» as «1.6». You should see your
window as follows and click OK twice! Now that the load combination «1.4G+1.6Q» is defined.

• ANALYSIS: We may now ready to run the analysis by clicking or choosing «Analyze-Run Analysis» after you
should save your model!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• After the analysis is completed, you should see the deformed shape of your model on 3-D view as follows.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• In order to obtain fundamental periods of the structure, activate 3-d view window (if not), click on which will
open «Deformed Shape Window». Here choose «Mode» and click OK!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• On the 3-D view window, «Mode Shape» corresponding to «Mode 1» will appear. Here,
Now that we understand that the first
mode corresponds to the lateral
movement along y-direction, this value
becomes to be our fundamental period
along this direction. T1(Y)=1.123 sec.

You may start animation to understand

the mode of vibration, which is clearly
the displacement along the y-direction in If you click here, you may change the
this 1st mode. This means that a mode shape from the first to the second
dominant portion of mass contributes to mode (which is lateral movement along x
the movement along y-direction in the axis). The period at the top changes into
first mode of vibration! (You may check a value which will be defined as the
this from the mass percentage of each fundamental period along x-axis (T1(X)).
vibration mode from the tables of Check next slide!
results-no need at this stage!)
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• If you start the animation in the second mode, you will see that it corresponds to the lateral movement along the
x-axis. Therefore, the fundamental period along the x direction, T1(X)=0.829 sec.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 1 – Modeling the Building

• In order to obtain story masses, you should choose «Display-Show Tables». On «Choose Tables» window, click
«Tables-Model-Structure Data-Mass Summary-Mass Summary by Story». In the window that pops up, the mass of
each story is shown in units of kg. You should calculate weight by using these mass vales (multiply by 9.81 m/s2
and divide into 1000).

Now have all the information (addition to those

given in your projects) to estimate the equivalent
seismic forces!
ETABS 2016 – RC Frame
Example (Part 2)
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN

Reference: G. Özmen, E. Orakdöğen, K. Darılmaz, «Örneklerle ETABS

2013, Örnek 4: Perdeli ve Çerçeveli Yapı», Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2014
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 2 – Estimation of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• Here we are going to determine equivalent seismic forces which we are going to use for the
analysis of 8-story RC building (i.e. previously modeled).
• Assume you obtained map spectral acceleration coefficients of Ss=1.369 (for short periods) and
S1=0.332 (for a period of 1 sec.) corresponding to a return period of 475 years (DD2 ground
motion level for design). Also, assume you provided Ss=0.447 and S1=0.113 corresponding to a
return period of 72 years (DD3 ground motion level).
• Assume the soil conditions are determined as ZC after a soil survey.
• By using the above information, you may obtain local soil coefficients as Fs=1.2 and F1=1.5 from
Tables 2.1 and 2.2 (in the seismic code), respectively.
• Then design spectral accelerations can be calculated as SDs=1.369×1.2=1.643 and
• The corner periods may be estimated as TA=0.2×0.498/1.643=0.06 sec. and TB=0.498/1.643=0.3
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 2 – Estimation of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• Lateral elastic design spectrum:
𝑆𝑎𝑒 𝑇 = 0.4 + 0.6 1.643 0 ≤ 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇𝐴
𝑆𝑎𝑒 𝑇 = 1.643 𝑇𝐴 ≤ 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇𝐵
𝑆𝑎𝑒 𝑇 = 𝑇𝐵 < 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇𝐿 (TL=6 sec.)
𝑆𝑎𝑒 𝑇 = 𝑇𝐿 ≤ 𝑇
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 2 – Estimation of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• You should construct the elastic design spectrum for various period values («T» is the variable)
• You may choose an increment of 0.01 sec. for this region.
Here the excel operation: «=(0.4+10*T)*1.643»

Here the excel operation: «=1.643». You may change the increment of
period to 0.1 sec. after a certain point.

Here the excel operation: «=0.498/T». This operation will be valid up to

TL=6 sec.

You may continue excel operation as: «=0.498*6/T^2». This operation

will be valid up to between 6 and 7 sec.
Note: You may not form this region since the fundamental period of
your model remains way below this 6 sec.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 2 – Estimation of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• The constructed design spectrum:
Tx=0.829 sec.
Ty=1.123 sec.

• The elastic design spectral acceleration coefficients (Sae) can be determined as 0.60 and 0.44
from the spectrum for the x and y directions, respectively.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 2 – Estimation of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• The building category (BKS) is «3» and the importance factor (I) will be taken as «1.0» for
residential buildings (Table 3.1 of seismic code). The earthquake design category (DTS)
becomes to be «1» for SDS>0.75 and BKS=3 (Table 3.2). The building height (HN) is 25 m. (4 m at
ground story+3 m at upper stories*7). From Table 3.3, building height category becomes to be
«5» for DTS=1.
• According to Table 3.4.a, we may apply «load based design» with a «controlled damage»
performance objective under DD2 ground motion level, since DTS=1 and (BYS=5)>2.
• Our structural system will include RC moment resisting frames and shear walls which are both
selected to be «high ductility» in the desing process. This corresponds to «A15» in Table 4.1
with a behavior factor for the structural system, R=7; overstrength factor , D=2.5 and permitted
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
Part 2 – Estimation of Equivalent ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Seismic Loads along y-direction

• Ty=1.123 sec.>TB=0.6 sec. Therefore, Ra(T)=R/I=7/1=7
• SaR(T)=Sae(T)/Ra(T)=0.44/7=0.063
• mt=3159004 kg=3159 tonnes. (summation of the story masses obtained in the slide of Part 1)
• The base shear along-x direction:
(𝒀) 𝑚 9.81
𝑽𝒕𝒆 = 3159004 𝑘𝑔 × 0.063 × 9.81 2 = 1952359𝑁 ≅ 1952 𝑘𝑁 < 0.04 × 3159004 𝑘𝑔 × 1 × 1.643 × = 𝟐𝟎𝟑𝟕 𝒌𝑵
𝑠 1000
• Therefore use Vte(Y)=2037 kN.
• Additional lateral force at the roof level:
𝚫𝑭𝑵𝑬 = 0.0075 × 8 × 2037 = 122 𝑘𝑁
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
Part 2 – Estimation of Equivalent ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Seismic Loads along y-direction

• You may use excel to distribute the base shear to the floor levels as shown below.
y- x-direction
Story Masses Height (m)
m8 271846.78 25
m7 402252.54 22
m6 402252.54 19
m5 404355.71 16
m4 406955.99 13
m3 406955.99 10
m2 420741.27 7
m1 443643.46 4
mt 3159004.28
1952359.42 N
1952.36 kN Equivalent lateral (shear) forces at the story levels:
min Vte 2036651.76 N
2036.651758 kN
∆FNE 122 kN

F8 418.8
F7 386.5
F6 333.8
F5 282.6 These are actually (Y) to designate
F4 231.1 the y-direction
F3 177.7
F2 128.6
F1 77.5
Check Sum 2036.651758
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
Part 2 – Estimation of Equivalent ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Seismic Loads along x-direction

• Tx=0.829 sec.>TB=0.6 sec. Therefore, Ra(T)=R/I=7/1=7
• SaR(T)=Sae(T)/Ra(T)=0.60/7=0.086
• mt=3159004 kg=3159 tonnes. (summation of the story masses obtained in the slide of Part 1)
• The base shear along-y direction:
(𝑿) 𝑚 9.81
𝑽𝒕𝒆 = 3159004 𝑘𝑔 × 0.086 × 9.81 = 2665126 𝑁 ≅ 2665 𝑘𝑁 < 0.04 × 3159004 𝑘𝑔 × 1 × 1.643 × = 𝟐𝟎𝟑𝟕 𝒌𝑵
𝑠2 1000

• Therefore use Vte(X)=2665 kN.

• Additional lateral force at the roof level:
𝚫𝑭𝑵𝑬 = 0.0075 × 8 × 2665 = 160 𝑘𝑁
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
Part 2 – Estimation of Equivalent ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Seismic Loads along x-direction

• You may use excel to distribute the base shear to the floor levels as shown below.
x- y-direction
Story MassesHeight (m)
m8 271846.78 25
m7 402252.54 22
m6 402252.54 19
m5 404355.71 16
m4 406955.99 13
m3 406955.99 10
m2 420741.27 7
m1 443643.46 4
mt 3159004.28
2665125.55 N
2665.13 kN Equivalent lateral (shear) forces at the story levels:
min Vte 2036651.76 N
2036.651758 kN
∆FNE 160 kN

F8 548.4
F7 505.7
F6 436.7
F5 369.7
F4 302.3
F3 232.6
F2 168.3
F1 101.4
Check Sum 2665.125551
ETABS 2016 – RC Frame
Example (Part 3)
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN

Reference: G. Özmen, E. Orakdöğen, K. Darılmaz, «Örneklerle ETABS

2013, Örnek 4: Perdeli ve Çerçeveli Yapı», Birsen Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2014
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 3 – Definition of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• In order to define the equivalent seismic forces along both x and y-directions (which we
calculated in Part 2), you should open your previous Etabs model and choose «Define-Load
Patterns». First let us define loading along x-direction which will be applied directly at the mass
center (EX, no eccentric loading). In «Define Load Patterns» window, write «EX» for the
«Load», choose «Seismic» type and lastly click «Add New Load». Then on the same window,
click «Modify Lateral Load» when «EX» was selected. The «User Seismic Loads on Diapragms»
window will pop up. Here, write the lateral story forces which were calculated for the x
direction in «Fx» column for each corresponding story. «Apply Load at Diphragm Center of
Mass» should be selected (if it not selected as default). «0» should be written «Additional
Eccentricity Ratio (all Diaphragms)» since there will be no eccentricity for «EX» load pattern.
Click OK! (This operation is illustrated on the next slide)
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 3 – Definition of Equivalent Seismic Loads

Important Note: The forces calculated for the y-direction are written here by mistake.
Actually, the forces calculated for the x-direction should have been written here!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 3 – Definition of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• You should do the same operation for «EY» loading as shown below. Here the lateral forces
that we calculated for y-direction will be entered in «Fy» column.

Important Note: The forces calculated for the x-direction are written here by mistake. Actually, the forces
calculated for the y-direction should have been written here!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 3 – Definition of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• You should also define eccentric loads. «EXP» load pattern which is applied in the x-direction at
+5% eccentric point (on the y-direction) will be defined here. Do the similar operations, but
write «0.05» for «Additional Eccentricity Ratio (all Diaphragms)».

Important Note: Same mistake..the forces calculated for the y-direction are written here.
Actually, the forces calculated for the x-direction should have been written here!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 3 – Definition of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• Similarly, define load patterns of «EXN», «EYP» and «EYN». Note that you should write «-0.05»
for «Additional Eccentricity Ratio (all Diaphragms)» in case of «EXN» and «EYN».
• Hint: While forming eccentric load patterns (EXP, EXN, EYP and EYN), you may right click and
copy the seismic loads from the «User Seismic Loads on Diapragms» window of non-eccentric
load patterns (EX and EY).
• The load cases should be automatically formed after load patterns are defined. Check this by
choosing «Define-Load Cases». You should see the «Load Cases» window as shown below.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 3 – Definition of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• Lastly, we should define the load combinations which include equivalent seismic loads. Here
only the definition of «G+Q+EX-0.3EY» and «0.9G+0.3EX+EY» combinations will be explained
so as to be an example.
• Choose «Define-Load Combinations» and click «Add New Combo» in «Load Combinations»
window. In «Load Combination Data» window, write «G+Q+EX-0.3EY» for the «Load
Combination Name». «G» exists with a scale factor of «1». Now, click «Add» and change «Load
Name» as «Q» (scale factor is «1»). Do the same for both «EX» and «EY». Note that the scale
factor for «EY» should be changed as «-0.3». Finally click OK!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 3 – Definition of Equivalent Seismic Loads

• Repeat the same procedure for «0.9G+0.3EX+EY» load combination. Here, change the scale
factor as «0.9» for «G» at the initial stage. The scale factors for «EX» and «EY» should be «0.3»
and «1», respectively.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 4 – Results
• When you finish definition of all required load combinations, save your model and run analysis
by clicking
• Note: You should first know the local axes of members (columns, shear walls, etc.) in order to
understand which internal force you will choose in the results. Click to see the undeformed
shape on 3-D view. Then click and click «Local Axes» in «Set View Options» window under
«Object Assignments-Frame Assignments». Click OK!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 4 – Results
• At the end, you will see the 3-D window as shown here.
In ETABS local as identification:
• Red axis: Local «1» axis
• Green axis: Local «2» axis 2
• Blue axis: Local «3» axis 1 3
Therefore, the forces that we will be interested in:
For beams:
• Shear 2-2: shear forces
• Moment 3-3: bending moments
• Axial Forces («N» along axis-1)
For columns:
• Shear 3-3 and Shear 2-2: shear forces
• Moment 2-2 and Moment 3-3: bending moments
• Axial Forces («N» along axis-1)

The highest shear force will be As you should remember from

considered in design of lateral «Reinforced Concrete» lectures,
reinforcements. Generally, you may we consider the most critical
expect to see the highest shear force combination for «N-M2-2-M3-3»
in the direction parallel to the larger that gives us the highest
seismic load direction. For example, longitudinal reinforcement ratio.
here in the direction «axis-2» in case
of «G+Q+EX-0.3EY» combination.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 4 – Results
• After the analysis is finished successfully, you may see the internal force diagrams by simply
clicking . For example, if you want to observe the distribution of bending moment in beams,
we should select «Moment 3-3» on «Member Force Diagrams for Frames..» window. Note that
«Combo» should be selected at the top to see the moment distribution under any load
combination. In this example, let us see the moment distribution of beams under «G+Q+EX-
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 4 – Results
• If you want to see the distribution of internal forces on the members more clearly, you may
click . For example, here if we select «2», we will see the moment distribution of members
on the frame that is along 2-2 axis as shown below. In order to investigate one beam, right click
on that member and a window will pop-up where shear 2-2 (V2) and moment 3-3 (M3)
distributions will be shown.
You can change the load combination
to see the most critical one.

You can change the load type.

If you are interested in the highest value

only, click this!

You can move your cursor on the

diagram to see the changing values.

Right click on the beam here and

the window on the left will pop-up!
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 4 – Results
• Another example is shown here for a column under load combination of «0.9G+0.3EX+EY»
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 4 – Results
• You may also obtain all results by choosing «Display-Show Tables». For example, choose
«Tables-Analysis-Results-Frame Results-Beam Forces» to get the internal forces on beams. A
table will appear where all internal forces are provided for beams. On this table, if you right click
and choose «Export to
Excel», all these results will
be exported to an excel sheet
that will open-up. If this does
not work, change the
position of the table, then
first press «Ctrl+A» to select
all data and «Ctrl+C» to copy
all data. Then paste this data
in excel. In excel, you can see
all internal forces on any
member that you are
interested and for any load
combination that you want.
The results will be presented
on certain points along the
members (stations).

On excel sheet, for example, the

internal forces at differents points
(stations at 0.25m, 0.75m, ...,
4.5833m, 5m) on «Beam 10» at the
second story are given under load
combination of «G+Q+EX-0.3EY».
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 4 – Results
• Although there are shortcuts to obtain the results for story drifts in ETABS, at this stage it will
be better for you to observe the story displacements visually and calculate the relative
displacements and drifts of each story manually. In order to see the displacements, click ,
select «Story8» and click OK! This will open the «Plan View-Story8» instead of 3-d view. In
order to check the displacements, click and «Deformed Shape» window will appear. For
example, if you want to see the displacements under «EX» loading, choose this load case when
«Case» is selected and click either «Apply» or «OK».
Lateral displacements are in units of When you move your cursor on the deformed shape in plan view, the displacements along x,
mm. Rotations are in units of rad. y, z axes (Ux, Uy, Uz) and also rotations about x, y, z axes (Rx, Ry, Rz) are shown at the joints.
You may only consider the main joints (totally 24 here) where the beams and columns (or
shear walls) joins.

The main lateral displacement that you should consider is Ux (along x-

axis) under EX loading (22.915 mm). Write down the Ux displacements
of each main joint. Note that this value does not change from one joint
to another for such a symmetric structural system under a lateral load
applied at mass center (and when rigid diaphragm is assigned).
However, as demonstrated in the next slide, this value will change for
each joint under an eccentric loading (EXP, EXN, EYP, EYN).

In case of loading along y-axis (for example under EY load case), you
should consider and write down the Uy displacements (along y-axis) .
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 4 – Results
• For example, if you select «EYP» load case on «Deformed Shape» window, the following
displaced plan will be shown where the Uy displacements changes from one joint to another.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre AKIN
ADU Civil Eng. Dept.

Part 4 – Results
• You should do the same operations to take the lateral displacement at different stories. In
order to navigate between different stories, you may use «up-down arrows» . When you
do that, you will see «Plan View» changes from «Story8» to other stories.
• Now that you have all the displacements at the joints of different story levels (under different
load cases). You may calculate lateral drift ratios and check these according to the limit values
provided in the seismic code. [Also, the «Graduation Project Group» will check soft story and
torsional irregularities on their model]
• Especially for the «Graduation Project Group» : When the lateral displacements does not
change at different joints on the plan (as it happens in case of «Ux under EX loading» and «Uy
under EY loading»), this means that there is no need to check torsional irregularity. However, if
the lateral displacements change between joints on the plan (as it happens in case of «Ux
under EXP or EXN loading» and «Uy under EYP or EYN loading»), there may be a torsional
irregularity since maximum and average displacements will be different.

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