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Death of Small-Farmer Dairies amidst India's Dairy Boom


Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 50, No. 19 (MAY 9, 2015), pp. 21-23
Published by: Economic and Political Weekly
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Death of Small-Farmer Dairies
amidst India's Dairy Boom forcing them to reduce their sale price of
milk, if they are to compete with Amul.
To sustain their own profit margins, they
sagari r ramdas would most likely reduce procurement

prices paid to farmers, ultimately threat

Arnul hasbegun
Amul has begun
to to
do do to the A mul has entered the Hyderabad ening the livelihoods of farmers in Tel
to the
informal dairy sector what the ZA market with a bang, accompanied angana. If they still cannot survive and
„ T. . . , , 1 jLby a massive advertising blitz- sustain their business by lowering pro
European Union threatened to do
uropean mon rea ene Ο Ο krieg, announcing to the citizens of Hy- curement prices, they would have to
to the
to the Indian
Indian dairy
dairy sector:
sector: dump
dump derabad the sale of milk at incredibly close-shop and leave, or alternatively
milk and milk products, capture low prices (Rs 38/litre for toned milk as merge their operations with the domi
the market and then drive down compared to Rs 45-47/litre sold by other nant brand. Finally, when it is down to a
,, dairy processors), much lower than any couple of brands in thé market, the
procurement prices as well.
procurement prices as we . Other cooperative dairy (for example, dominant company can raise its sales
India'ss dairy
India dairy sector
sector increasingly
increasingly vijaya Dairy—Rs 46/litre), private dairy price at will, as there will be no others
shows signs of corporatisation company, or independent milk producer left in the market! At the procurement
with foreign firms and venture 'n town. Independent milk producers end, this company will have total "free
, j . . are those who either sell milk produced dom" to decide the price it will pay to
funds investing in cooperatives
un s inves mg in coopéra lves directly from their own animals, or farmers, or whether it will procure milk
and then
and then building
building chains
chains with
with small milk vendors who market milk at all from farmers in the regions where
forward andbackward
backward linkages.
linkages. from villages in and around Hyderabad they sell milk.1
The cooperative
The cooperative spirit
spirit that t0 individual customers, hotels, tea Today Amul is doing to Telangana,
j j . j 1 . shops, and mithaiwallas (sweet shops), precisely what it opposes globally—
drove dairy development in
drove dairy development in Amd is marleting reconstltuted liqoid dumplng milk at „duced prices
India until
until the
the mid-1990s
mid-1990s is
is fast
fast milk from skim milk powder (smp) and Amul took the lead in India to oppose
disappearing. butterfat that is being processed and the European Union (eu) in its efforts to
packaged by the Nalgonda-Ranga Reddy force India to cut its tariff rates on dairy
Milk Producers Mutually Aided Co- product lines such as smp and butterfat to
operative Union (narmac), Mother Dairy "o", as this would allow eu to dump its
(Deccan Chronicle 2015). Reconstituting highly subsidised milk and milk products
liquid milk from smp and butterfat is (smp and butterfat) in India, via the eu
nothing new, and almost all organised India Free Hade Agreement being negoti
dairy processors today, whether cooper- ated by the Government of India and the
ative or private corporation, sell such re- eu since 2007. Amul rightly pointed out
constituted milk at some point during that this would immediately depress local
the year (usually summer months or milk prices, and challenge the business of
lean periods of fresh milk). domestic dairy cooperative processors
Amul also decided to bypass the tradi- such as Amul (Economic Times 2013).
tional milk vendors in Hyderabad, who Many of us applauded Amul for taking this
distribute milk of different companies, public stance, and believed this arose from
directly supply their produce to shops the cooperative's genuine concern that
and hotels, accusing milk vendors of un- subsidised eu dairy products would cause
fair sales practices that result in higher small milk producers to lose their liveli
milk sales prices (Hindu 2015a). The milk hoods (Paasch et al 2011:4-5).
vendors, unionised under the Twin Cities
Milk Vendors Welfare Association of Why Is Amul Doing This?
Hyderabad protested this marketing Why then should Amul behave in this
strategy of Amul, which they felt would way domestically?
negatively affect their livelihood and re- The answer to this question lies in
suit in a ripple effect, affecting various the inherent institutionalised structural
Sagari R Ramdas ( other dairy processors (cooperative and madness of today's globalised, industr
is a veterinary scientist, and a member of the private companies), and ultimately small ialised commodity-style food production
Food Sovereignty Alliance, Hyderabad. dairy producers/farmers (Hindu 2015b). system, which includes milk and milk

Economic & Political weekly (3259 may 9, 2015 vol l no 19 21

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products. Increasingly corporations, in functions as a corporation primarily India, have systematically destroyed
order to increase their profits, have com- driven to protect its interests, its growth, localised, non-centralised, systems of milk
plete control over the entire chain of and its regular suppliers (for example, production, procurement and distribution,
production, procurement, processing, farmers in Gujarat). Its actions reflect in- Between the 1970s and 1990s, large
and retail. For companies, corporations, difference to the small farmers of Telan- scale public investment has built the
and cooperatives, such as Amul, and gana or for that matter, small farmers in centralised cooperative dairy system,
several so-called cooperatives in Europe any other part of the country or a neigh- protected producer prices, and regulat
and the United States (us), which have bouring country, where it sells its cheap ed consumer prices. This was completely
virtually become corporations, milk is milk, in turn driving out local milk pro- disbanded by the mid-1990s with the
no longer a "need" of the people or a ducing small farmers. onset of India's neo-liberal capitalist
livelihood, but a commodity to be economic reforms, where it identified
bought and sold through which à com- Global and Local Forces dairy as one of the countries high-growth
pany can "grow" and reap profits. In 2013, in Europe and the υκ, milk prices engines, and implemented policies to
Returning to Amul and its forays into were the highest they had ever reached liberalise the sector. (For those who re
Telangana, the media reported (Business in a long time. Farmers responded by member—in the 1990s, Ν Chandrababu
Standard 2015) a slump in the global rapidly increasing milk production, Naidu's Vision 2020 for the then united
prices of smp in the middle of 2014, re- mostly by expanding their herd sizes Andhra Pradesh scripted by McKinsey &
suiting in a significant decline in smp ex- and further intensifying production, Co identified dairy as one of the eight
ports from India (Business Standard with the very large industrialised farms growth engines of the state.)
2014a), with a consequent reduction by getting even bigger. The price crash to- Simultaneously in the 2000s, India
private dairy processors (Business Line wards the end of 2014 led to very low amended domestic legislation,2 which
2014) and milk powder manufacturers of procurement prices, and consequently had thus far restricted the entry of pri
procurement of fresh milk from primary pushed a lot of small farmers into debt vate dairy processors into the business
milk producers/farmers. This, in turn, and forced them out of dairying (Harvey of dairying. This resulted in an explo
resulted in a fall in procurement prices of and Smithers 2015), whereas large farms sion of private dairy processors estab
milk, mainly in North India. Winter is have been cushioned by their banks, and lishing their businesses to procure,
also the season of higher milk produc- are only expanding and intensifying process, and sell milk—driven entirely
tion in the north. The outcome: lots of production, eu is poised to abolish its by the logic of maximising company
fresh milk in the market with no buyers, quota system of production where mem- profits, and paying producers far below
Media reports suggest that cooperative ber states had restrictions on the total their cost of production. This was best
dairy processors such as Amul were thus volume of milk produced. Lifting the illustrated by the collapse of the much
under pressure to increase procurement quota system will unleash massive milk hailed Chittoor District Cooperative
of fresh milk. Amul said that all excess production. The lifting of quotas will lead Milk Producers' Union with the with
milk would be converted into smp. to a greater need for eu to dump its milk drawal of state support, and the parallel
With the global slump in smp prices in in the Global South (Beck 2015). phenomenal rise of the private Heritage
2014, Amul and other dairy companies The eu needs markets like India, just as Dairy Company. Heritage Dairy, be
which have been exporting smp projected Amul needs the markets in other Indian lieved to be controlled by the family of
that they would be unable to export states (and neighbouring countries), the present chief minister of Andhra
smp and would focus on the domestic Amul is doing to other states, what cor- Pradesh, Ν Chandrababu Naidu, virtu
market (Business Standard 2014b). The porations of eu do globally. An identical ally captured the entire supply chain
logic of this commodity market is that outcome results, and ultimately the mar- and producer base of the cooperative.
Amul has to dispose of its fresh smp ket works in such a way that small pro- The second wave of reforms allowed
stocks, and Hyderabad with a daily aver- ducers (farmers, vendors, or businesses) foreign direct investment (fdi) into
age consumption of 40 lakh litres of milk are forced to leave their livelihoods, as dairy processing, and several big global
(25 lakh in the morning and 15 lakh in they are unable to cope with these cycles dairy players and investors entered the
the evening), appears to be a prime spot of highs and lows. And the system (in- fray to profit from the projections of
to offload its excess stocks in the form of eluding government policy support) fa- huge growth in India's dairy sector. The
reconstituted liquid milk. The Amul vours big producers, who only become organised dairy market is expected to
Group controls one-third of India's or- bigger and bigger. The logic of the sys- more than double from the current $10
ganised dairy sector, and has monopo- tern pushes big companies to buy out the billion (approximately Rs 60,000 crore)
lised milk markets in 11 Indian states, smaller ones to monopolise production, to $24 billion (Rs 1,44,000 crore) by 2020,
The organised dairy sector comprises procurement and distribution, that is, largely driven by the growing demand
30% of India's milk market. In 2014, control the entire supply chain. for value added milk products (ice
Amul was ranked 15 amongst the top 20 Public policy decisions taken over the cream, yoghurt, etc). Business mergers
Global Dairy Players (ifcn 2014). It is past four decades, in the name of im- and acquisitions are also very much
clearly no longer a "cooperative" but proving access and quality of milk in part of this projected growth story.
may 9, 2015 vol L no 19 isav* Economic & Political weekly

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The massive demand for high-value farmer producers who own one-two an Hyderabad, as they already have huge surplus
es of milk powder stocks, of milk procured
milk products stems from a small class imals, small vendors, and small dairies from their stable farmer producer base in
of wealthy Indians, whose rising con are at risk of being totally destroyed. Gujarat.
Chief amongst these was the Milk and Milk
sumption of milk and meat products is Product Order, 1992 S Ο 405 (Ε) dated 9 June
alarming—both from a health and envi
Need to Protect Small Dairies 1992. Issued under Section 3 of Essential Com
Recent studies have confirmed that the modities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955). Sixth Amend
ronment perspective. This consumption ment Order SO No 335(E) dated 26 March
drives an industrial corporate produc increasing deregulation of India's dairy 2002.

tion system, which, in turn, forces farm sector poses a threat to small farmers
ers into monocrop/animal production (Paasch et al 2ori: 3i-4t). There is an ur REFERENCES

and masks the huge hidden subsidies in gent need to change state policy to pro Beck, Marc A H (2015): "USDEC Forecasts Likely
Impact of EU Milk Quota Removal," US Dairy
the form of energy, land, water, labour, tect the livelihoods of small dairy farm
Exporter Blog, 25 February, http://blog.usdec.
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milk available for poor urban consumers guaranteed minimum procurement price Bengaluru, http://www.thehindubusinessline.
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have actually been bought up and increased its procurement price by Rs 4/
merged with huge international daity litre).
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tions, and its distribution to Gujarat, prices that will ultimately follow, while
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traditional stronghold in southern states sumers are affordable.
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specialising in high-end products such from all Bilateral Trade Agreements and _i_dairy-farmers-eu-india-free-trade-agree
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most of its milk in Baramati. Schreiber (vi) Prevent the reduction of import tar Industry Hangs in the Balance," Guardian,
Dynamix in turn procures its milk from iff duties on milk and milk products. 12 January,
Baramati Dairy Cooperative! Similarly (vii) Build pressure on the eu, us, prices-national-farmers-union.
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Danone, Heritage, Nestle (the latter in In the case of Hyderabad, the Telangana gov gupta, Sagari Ramdas, Shalini Bhutani, Man
ernment says it will not object to Amul if it pro
tends to expand its operations in Telan shi Asher and Rhea Hoffmann (2011): "Right to
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sector and the livelihoods of small milk from Telangana farmers to supply to

Economic & Political weekly E33S3 may 9, 2015 vol l no 19 23

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