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Pathways Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking, 2e Level 4: Unit Test

Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________


Read the text. Notice the bold words. Then choose the correct answer for each bold word.

How do you make decisions? Do you make a careful analytical assessment of all the factors and then use
this analysis to make a choice based on logic? Or, do you follow your intuition and make the decision that “feels
right?” If you’re like most people, you use both approaches at different times. In some circumstances, making a
decision based on objective criteria is the better option. If you don’t have much money, for example, purchasing
the cheapest loaf of bread in the store is probably the best option. In other cases, making a subjective, personal
decision, is the better approach. When deciding where to go on vacation, for instance, many people will choose a
beach resort because they can easily visualize themselves lying on the sand listening to the sound of the waves,
and this mental picture is obviously an attractive one.

1. The word analytical is closest in meaning to ____.

a. related to studying and education
b. related to thinking and analysis
c. related to criticism and comments

2. The word logic is closest in meaning to ____.

a. acting in a careful manner
b. speaking in a clear voice
c. using common sense

3. The word intuition is closest in meaning to ____.

a. information from other people
b. ideas that are common and popular
c. understanding based on feelings

4. The word objective is closest in meaning to ____.

a. not influenced by emotions
b. not preferred by most people
c. not worried about a situation

5. The word subjective is closest in meaning to ____.

a. related to personal feelings
b. related to typical behaviors
c. related to academic topics

6. The word visualize is closest in meaning to ____.

a. discuss something with others
b. get something you really want
c. picture something in your mind

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Pathways Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking, 2e Level 4: Unit Test

Name: ________________________

Write the correct word from the box to complete each conversation. One of the words will not be used.

ethical inferior innate obsolete radical superior unprecedented

7. A: You’ve taken classes with both Professor Drury and Professor Coble, right? How do they compare?
B: They’re both really nice people, but I would say Professor Coble is the ________________ instructor. She’s
better because she has this amazing ability to explain difficult concepts in a really clear, simple way.

8. A: I overheard Coach saying Emily almost went to Northern State College. I’m so glad she’s on our team.
B: Yeah, she’s amazing! I just wish I had as much ________________ ability as she does.
A: Well, I’m sure she’s got a lot of natural talent, but she also works harder than anyone else on the team.

9. A: Is that your phone? I’ve never seen one like that before. Where did you get it?
B: Actually, you should be asking when I got it! It’s a really old phone my father got for me almost eight years
ago. To be honest, it’s pretty much ________________ now, but I didn’t get a scholarship this semester, so I
can’t afford to get a more up-to-date one.

10. A: Why don’t you eat meat or wear items made from leather?
B: It’s a(n) ________________ choice. Last year, I watched a documentary that showed how most animals are
treated. That shocked me, and it feels morally wrong to continue eating meat.

11. A: Student debt is a serious problem, don’t you think? What we need is a(n) ________________ solution.
B: I agree, but can you think of any solutions like that? The only ideas I can come up with the traditional
solutions that have been tried before but without much success.

12. A: The situation on campus is completely ________________.

B: Really? So something like this has never happened before? I find that hard to believe.


Listen to the podcast and take notes on a piece of paper. Then choose the correct answer(s).
(U9 Track 1)

13. What is the main topic that the woman discusses?

a. Examples of great memory
b. A person named Kim Peek
c. People with special abilities
d. Popular artists and musicians

14. Which of these questions does the woman answer? Choose two answers.
a. How are acquired savants different from savants?
b. How many people have acquired savant syndrome?
c. What jobs are people with savant syndrome good at?
d. What are talents some people with savant syndrome have?

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Pathways Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking, 2e Level 4: Unit Test

Name: ________________________


Listen to part of a podcast. Match the person with the statement(s) about him. (U9 Track 2)

a. Kim Peek
b. Stephen Wiltshire
c. Tony Cicoria
d. Orlando Serrell
15. He can draw very quick but accurate pictures of cities. ____
16. He can compose new music even though he has no musical training. ____
17. He can recall what weather conditions were like on any day in the past. ____
18. He can remember the exact contents of many things he has read. ____
19. He can quickly say what day of the week a particular date was on. ____

LISTENING SKILL: Recognizing Appositives

Listen to the sentences that include appositives. Then choose the correct answer.

20. What does the appositive give more information about? (U9 Track 3)
a. a choice she made
b. an academic subject
c. her current grades

21. What does the appositive give more information about? (U9 Track 4)
a. a type of student accommodation
b. the location of a district in the city
c. the amount of rent that students pay

22. What does the appositive give more information about? (U9 Track 5)
a. a person whom the woman works with
b. a place where the woman works
c. a reason why the woman is late

PRONUNCIATION: Reduced Function Words

Listen to the sentence. Which three function words does the speaker reduce? Choose three answers. You
will hear each sentence twice.

23. Professor Atkins has changed class from Tuesdays to Thursdays. (U9 Track 6)
a. has
b. changed
c. class
d. from
e. to
f. Thursdays

© 2018 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company 3

Pathways Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking, 2e Level 4: Unit Test

Name: ________________________

24. I’m ready for the test tomorrow. (U9 Track 7)

a. I’m
b. ready
c. for
d. the
e. test
f. tomorrow

25. History class was canceled today because of the snow. (U9 Track 8)
a. History
b. class
c. was
d. of
e. the
f. snow

26. The college will increase tuition fees for students. (U9 Track 9)
a. The
b. college
c. will
d. increase
e. for
f. students

GRAMMAR FOR SPEAKING: Subject-Verb Agreement with Quantifiers

Complete each sentence with the correct singular or plural form of the verb in parentheses. Make sure you
use the correct tense (present or past).

27. A few of my friends and I ____________ (be) thinking of majoring in economics, but in the end we all decided to
study psychology.

28. One of the best teachers on campus ____________ (have) to be Professor Romano. She’s smart and funny and her
lectures are really interesting.

29. Some of the buildings on campus still ____________ (have) confusingly similar names. I’m thinking of Murray
Center and McMurray Hall.

30. Unfortunately, none of the people that I asked yesterday ____________ (be) willing to lend me the textbook I
needed to complete my assignment.

© 2018 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company 4

Pathways Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking, 2e Level 4: Unit Test

Name: ________________________

SPEAKING SKILL: Expressing Causal Relationships

Which underlined phrase in each conversation does a speaker use to express a causal relationship? Write
the phrase in each space.

31. A: How do people become savants?

B: Sometimes they’re born that way. But sometimes it’s the result of an accident or illness.


32. A: What are phobias?

B: They’re irrational fears of something that isn’t usually dangerous. Negative experiences in childhood can be
responsible for some people’s phobias.


33. A: How come you have such great general knowledge? You seem to know everything!
B: It’s due to my parents. When I was a kid, they wouldn’t let me or my siblings watch TV or use a computer. So
we ended up reading all the time and I guess I just remember a lot of what I read.


34. A: My friend says he’s depressed and doesn’t want to do anything. I think he should just cheer up!
B: Actually, studies show that depression is often caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Your friend can’t
just change his brain chemistry and feel more cheerful, can he? So be careful how you talk with him about his
condition, OK?


Read the question. Spend 15 seconds thinking about how to respond. Then speak for up to 45 seconds.

35. When they have a problem in their life, some people like to ask for help and support from friends and family
members in order to solve the problem. In contrast, other people prefer to solve the problem on their own without
asking for help or support from anyone. Which way of solving life problems do you usually prefer? Explain and
support your answer with reasons, details, and examples.

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Answer Section

1. ANS: B PTS: 2 REF: Lesson A TOP: Vocabulary

2. ANS: C PTS: 2 REF: Lesson A TOP: Vocabulary
3. ANS: C PTS: 2 REF: Lesson A TOP: Vocabulary
4. ANS: A PTS: 2 REF: Lesson A TOP: Vocabulary
5. ANS: A PTS: 2 REF: Lesson A TOP: Vocabulary
6. ANS: C PTS: 2 REF: Lesson A TOP: Vocabulary
7. ANS: superior

PTS: 2 REF: Lesson B TOP: Vocabulary

8. ANS: innate

PTS: 2 REF: Lesson B TOP: Vocabulary

9. ANS: obsolete

PTS: 2 REF: Lesson B TOP: Vocabulary

10. ANS: ethical

PTS: 2 REF: Lesson B TOP: Vocabulary MSC: AWL

11. ANS: radical

PTS: 2 REF: Lesson B TOP: Vocabulary MSC: AWL

12. ANS: unprecedented

PTS: 2 REF: Lesson B TOP: Vocabulary MSC: AWL

13. ANS: C PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A | Lesson B
TOP: Listening for Main Ideas MSC: TOEFL
14. ANS: A, D PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A | Lesson B
TOP: Listening for Main Ideas MSC: TOEFL
15. ANS: B PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A | Lesson B
TOP: Listening for Details MSC: IELTS
16. ANS: C PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A | Lesson B
TOP: Listening for Details MSC: IELTS
17. ANS: D PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A | Lesson B
TOP: Listening for Details MSC: IELTS
18. ANS: A PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A | Lesson B
TOP: Listening for Details MSC: IELTS
19. ANS: D PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A | Lesson B
TOP: Listening for Details MSC: IELTS
20. ANS: B PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Listening Skill
21. ANS: B PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Listening Skill

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22. ANS: A PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Listening Skill

23. ANS: A, D, E PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Pronunciation
24. ANS: A, C, D PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Pronunciation
25. ANS: C, D, E PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Pronunciation
26. ANS: A, C, E PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Pronunciation
27. ANS: were

PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Grammar

28. ANS: has

PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Grammar

29. ANS: have

PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Grammar

30. ANS: were

PTS: 3 REF: Lesson B TOP: Grammar

31. ANS: it’s the result of

PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A TOP: Speaking Skill

32. ANS: be responsible for

PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A TOP: Speaking Skill

33. ANS: It’s due to

PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A TOP: Speaking Skill

34. ANS: is often caused by

PTS: 3 REF: Lesson A TOP: Speaking Skill

35. ANS:
Answers will vary.

PTS: 10 REF: Lesson A | Lesson B TOP: Speaking Task: Free Speaking


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