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Tugas 2

Soal 1

a. What is the difference between lexical and syntactic ambiguity?

b. Point out what makes each of the following sentences ambiguous.
i. The postman left a letter and a package for Sarah.
ii. The man survived in the operation in Papua.

Soal 2

How do the underlined words differ in meaning? Explain your answer.

a. They caught several fish.
b. You can fish for trout in this stream.

Soal 3

a. What is entailment?
b. Mention what is entailed by each of the following sentences.
i. There are tulips in the garden.
ii. Professor Wood went to his office.
iii. Jane ate a piece of chicken.
iv. This bicycle belongs to Sarah.
v. The anarchist assassinated the emperor.

Soal 4

Identify the semantic features of the following words.

a. Sofa
b. Stool

1. A. Lexical ambiguity is the presence of two or more possible meanings for a single word. It's also
called semantic ambiguity or homonymy. It differs from syntactic ambiguity, which is the
presence of two or more possible meanings within a sentence or sequence of words
B. - The postman left a letter and a package for Sarah.

1. This sentence had 2 different meaning but the main meaning are the sama like “the
postman sending a letter and package to sarah or the postman leaving the letter and
package to sarah”
2. The man survived in the operation in Papua.
This sentence had an ambiguous the word survived means the man still living in Papua or
still had already leaving Papua after the operations

a. Both of the two sentence had different meaning, we can see that the first sentence said “they
caught several fish” we can see that the meaning fish here is mean a living organism fish and
used as a food source to human, or aquatic animal. On the second sentence “you can fish for
Strout in this stream” this sentence means that you can cought strout here in the stream, the
word fish here means an action to catch fish, on the first sentence means the thing you caught
or the object we got from out action.

b. Entailment is a concept that refers to a specific kind of relationship between two sentences.
More specifically, entailment means that if one sentence is true, then another sentence would
also have to be true: the second sentence would be entailed by the first sentence.

i. There are tulips in the garden.

- In the garden had grown tulip
ii. Professor Wood went to his office.
- Professor wood had his own office
iii. Jane ate a piece of chicken.
- Jane are not hungry
iv. This bicycle belongs to Sarah.
- Sarah had her own bicycle
v. The anarchist assassinated the emperor.
- Somebody had assassinated emperor
c. A. Sofa the semantic feature are furniture, for sitting, cushion, couch, and normally in living
B. Stool the semantic feature are wood, small, four leg, and for siting

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