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Building Construction
W.B. McKay

With an introduction by Henry Russell



W. B. M~KA Y, M.Sc.Tech., M.I.Struct.E.






Materials- Bonding---Stopped Ends-Junctions and Quoins-Piers-Jambs-Foundations-Damp Proof COUrlIelI

-Sile Concrete--Offsets and Corbels-Lintels-Arches-Window Sills- Thresholds- Copings- Plinths- Tools,
Construction, Jointing and Pointing.

11. MASONRY 33
ClslISification of Stones-Quarrying-Prcparation- Defects-WallinJl:-Rubble Work-Ashlnr-Arches-Window
Sills-Plinths-Cornices-String Courses-----copings-I\Iosonr~· Joints-Mortar Jointing-Lifting Applian~s.

Structure, Growth, Felling, Seasoning, Preservation, Conversion, Defects and Classification of Timber-Floors-
Single, Double and Framed Roofs-Trench Timbering-Ccntcring.

udgtd Braced and Battened, Framed Ledged Braced and Battened, Panl:lIed and Flush Doors-Casement,
Cased Frame, Pivoted and Yorkshire Windows - Hardware -Ar<;hitraves, Skirtings, Pictu~ Rails and Angle
Beads-Nails, Screws and Fasteners-Tool,.

Formation, Quarl1'ing, Convel'1liun, Pre paration and Charactl'risties of Srates -Cl'nlTC'-nailed and Head'nail~d
Slating Details-Nails-Ridges-Hips- Vallcys-Tools-Plain Tiling.


Manufacture and Characteristics of Lead-Lead Rolls, Drips, Flashings and Soake rs-D~tails of Lcadwork at
Gutters, Flats, Chimney Stack!, Ridges. Hips and Valleys-Lead Pipe Joints-Eaves Gutters-Down-pipes- Tools.




Material., includin~ Bri<;h, Lime, Cement, Mortars and Concrete- -Squint Junctions-~quint Quoins-Rebated
and Splayed Jamrn.-Pien;-Cavity Walls-Circular Work-Raking Bonds-Reinforced Brickwork-Special Bonds
- Arch.,s-Darnp PtoOlin~ of Bas.. mcnts-Opcn Areas-Stepped Foundation.-Concl1ole Floor Construction-
Dcooralcd nrickwork--Firerlac.,s, Flues, Chimney IheRst. amI Stacks-Settin,IC Out.

Sewage Disposal-Drain Pipes and Traps-Setting Out and F.l<cavation of Drain Trench~--Construclion of Drn;ns
- Drainac:e Schemt."!;-imerceptinli: 3nd Inspection Chamhers-Ventilation-T..stinJ(.

Fonnalion and Classific~tion of Ston.,..-GranilC8 -S:lndston~'S-Limestoncs-Marbles-Slates-Defcctli-Tests­
Quarryin~ and Minin)(-!\lacnil1~ Dro>liosing-Dressin~ TO Door ami Window OpeninWl-Cnmices-SI~rS
and STairs.


Boh$ and Rivets-Details nf R{)(}f Truss(""s suitable for 20.ft., 30·ft., 30 to 4o.ft. and 4o·fl. Spans.




Classifica\"m, Slruc!UI"{" CUmeflllOn, ~a~uTli,,!(, l"cM::nalivIl, l)cfc~t:., Ch .. r.lcl ec;5IiL.', U~U. l''''I',,,-al;'''' ."d
!'>oun::u of Timbers- Wooclworkinl,! Machin(,ry- Doubled. Frnmed "nd Fir".n-siuing Floors, [kll"rminutioll
of SilCI "f Joists and !lo.'ams. and Floor Fmish«-Sloothc:d, Tru!oS~d ,mu Sl~b I'artilio,,~ -Sound­
pruofinJ:-Doubk. i...Imimll ... d ~nd Queen Pu.;;t Roofs-Deep Tn::"ch TimLx·rinH-C",nltrmg.


Tnlll.50mcd, :;Cmi~ir<;ulu Hca<.kd, lih.zed and Flush DooI'l- SemidrcuhlT J-\('adcu ami Thr"e LiJo:ht Cased
Windows and ;".1,,1.. 1 Windows- Dclllds of SlllIillht Flight, Oog.lell and Open Stain;, Wmdcr. aml Special
SI{'I'.-~lanufaclurc. t:har.u::lcrutiC>l and U"''S of 1>I),woo<.I, Laminoo..rds. B1ockboanls, Dau"nboarJ" ;md
Compo$ile Boards.


.\1anufacturc ali<.I Ch..I.mcteri.t;cs or CI.y, Shale and AI~sto5-CCmCIlt TIles and Shcets-lkt:li6 "I' 1'1HIn ,
Pan, Italian and Spanish Tilin!:, AsbestOl · Cell1<'nt Sheeting, Stone Slaun!l, Shinglmg, and CO£'l"'r and Zinc



A American alh, iii, '9,35,70 Arch«---eontd. Asphalt, asbellOS felt, i, 68-71; iii, n.
beech, iii, 19, 25, J8, 56, 70, 98 lancet, ii, 5:1 Aslt'mbling plywood boards, iii, 100
Abrasive paper, iii, 30 birch, iii, 20, :IS, J6 pointed, ii, 5<1 Atl .. cement, ii, 25
Absorption, ii, 1-+ black walnut, iii, :14, 25 pu~-made brick, i, :14-<16 Attlched piers, i, 12, 13, 19,78
Abutmenu, i, 22; LII, 116, no, u6, chestnut, iii, 20, 25 rere, 11, 5 I, 53 Auger, i, n9; ii, 3, 13; iii, :19, '04
iimr, iii, '9,:15 rough relie,-ing, i, <15, <16 Augite, ii, 85
Accelerator, iii, 110 ",d oak, i, 60; iii, :1:1, 25, J8 segmental, i, 26, 47: ii, 52,107,110,113 AU1l11l1i.n blackwood, iii, s, :10, 35
Acera mahogany, ili, S. :11, 2S. 70, 100
Accrington bricks, H. 17
Acoustic floor clips, iii, 38
Activated sludltl' ~)'Slem, H, 7'
Adhesives, i, 86, 8,; iii, 101- 103
whitewood, iii, :14, :IS
Ammonium phosphau, iii, I.
whitr oak, i, 60: iii, n, 25, 38

Ancaster stone, ii, 87, 93-')4, 96

Andaman padauk, Hi,S, :13, :15
semicircular, i, 26, -47; ii, S', 6J, 64,105
stilted, ii, 51
with orders, ii, 51
Kmi-el1iplical, ii, 51, 5<1
semi-hexagonal, ii, 6.
walnut, iii, 24, 25, 102
AUlItrian oak, i, 60; iii, n, 25
Autoclave, ii, 17
AUlomatic cutter grinder, iii, JI
feeding table, iii, :18, <19
animal !!lue, i, 86, 8,; iii, 101, 101 Anll'ic beads, i, I l l , 1:15 "soldier", i, :U, 93, 109 saw-sharpening machine, ili, 30, 31
blood albumen glue, iii, 101 cleats, ii, IU-"'5, 127, ... 8; iii, J6, 37 Slone, i, 39, 46-4 8: ii, 105-113 Avodir~, iii, 19,25,98
cnein glue, ii i, 101, IO~ drafts, i, 38 terms, i, :1:1 Axe, i, IJO, 134
oil seed residue glue, iil, 101 ties, i, 74 tiled, ii, 64 Axed bricks. i, 23-:16
resin cemenlS, i, 8,; iii, 101-10] tiles, iii, I1I nimmer, i, 26, 68 Axed-brick archu, i, :16
Scotch glue, i, 86, 8,; Hi, 101, 102 Angles, steel, i, :11, I l l , 158; ii, ll1 - n8; Tudor, ii, 52, 53
soya bean glue, iii, 101 iii, 12:1-124 Venetian, ii, 52, 53 B
"cge'ablc glue, i, 89, 87; iii, 101 Angular hips, iii, 101} Archill1lvet, i, In; ii, 107-I IJ; ii;, 63. 66,
Aerated. cement, iii, 47 valleys, iii, 110 68, 70, 93 Backliningt,i, IIJ, 114
African ebony, iii, 10, 25 Animal glue, i, 86, 87; iii, 10., 10:1 Argillaceous aandstones, ii, 89 Badger, ii, 76
mahogany, i, 60; iii, S. 21, 25. 70,100 Annual or gro,"~h rinlf!', i, 55, 57-60; iii, I, Arris, i, :I, 3 Bag_Will, ii, 6
olh'c, Lii, 2J, 15 4, 5, '7-:14, n6 K«ne's ~ment, i, Ill, 1:15 B.lanci~ atep', Hi, 78, 80, 8:1
uak. i, 60; iii, :ZI, 15.]8 Anobium punctafum, iii, 16 Arrowl, ii, 68 Ball leSt, ii, 78
wa ln ut, iii, 24. 15 Anston $Ionr, ii, 87, 9:1---<}4, 96 Artificial seasoning, i, 56; iii, 1)-1:1, J8, 100 Balaa, il;, ' 9, :IS
AggrcKall'S, i, 1, J; Li, 17.25. <16, 28-J6, 58, Antique glass, iii, 66 Asbest~, iii, 1:1' Baldm fir, iH, I
60,8, Apex ltonts, i, 5 ' ; iii, ...6 cement, iii, 47, 48, 5 I , 53, 54, 10J, 120-124 Baltic redwood. i, 60-62, 70, 78, 108, 116;
ashcs, ii, 26 Apitong, iii, 21, :15, J8 ctal1leterislics, iii, 1:11, 1:14 iii, 1,:1,5,18, 2!i, 36, 38, 106, 110, I I I
blast-furnlce IbR. ii, 15. 19 Appayia, iii, '9, :15, 98 details, roofinl{, iii, 1:lI-n4 whitewood, i, 60, 62: iii, I, t9, 25, 38
breeze, ii, ", n, 17,29 Applrton stone, ii, 87, <)0, 9J, 96 msnufacture, iii, 121 BaluSlen, ii, "7-nO; iil, 30, 78, 88-<)1.
brokrn brick, i,:I: il,:l8 Appley Bridge Blue stonr, ii, 87, 90, 93, 96 plrtition., iii, 47, 48 93-95,97
Itone, i, 2; ii, 28 Aprons , Jrad, i, '43; iii, IU rain-water good.!, i, 156 natustraclel, ii, liS-no; iH, 78, 80, 81, 88-
burnt ballast, ii, :19 stair, iii, 78, 80, 88 .heels, Hi, 48, S', 5J, 54, 10J, 1<12-1:14 97, 102
clinke r, ii, 11, 26, 29 Arches, i, 21-:16, 39, 47, 68, 83-85, 99, 109, .lales, iii, 121-1:13 bronze, ii, 119,210
crushed 1I0ne, ii, 26 uo;ii, 51-5J,62-t14, 105, '07, 110, II J lilinl(, iii, U,"" .33 open, iii, 78, 80, 8., 88-Q1, 93-97
expanded ,laiC, ii, :19 axed brick, i, 26 "1'umall" 'I'rafford tile!!, iii, 1:1<1, 1:13 solid, Hi, 78, 8o, 81, 90, 92, 93, 95, loa
foamed I IBII', ii, 29 bonded, ii, 51 Ash, iii, 2, '7, 19, :lJ, 25, 38, 40, 70 wrought iron, ii, 115- 118
grading, ii, :IS, 29 circular, ii, 51 American, iii, 19, 25, 70 Band re-!IIwinll machine, iii, 6
Rravel, ii, 29, 87 classification, i, :13 Enjllish, iii, 19, 25, 70 saw, iii, 6, 26, 28, 31
pumice, ii, 29 construction, i, 24, 83-85; H, SI Japanese, iii, 19, <15 aawing machine, iii, :17, <18, 97, 100
sand, i, 2, ):1, 45: ii, 25- )6, 58, 87 drop, ii, sz mountain, iii, 23, <IS, 38 Band. and gudgeon hooks, i, 92
whinstone chippin!!., H, 60 elliplical, ii, 52 Aahburton marble, ii, 87, 92, 93, Q6 BanniSlen_ See" BaluJlers "
Air brick., i, 61; ii, 17: iii, IS equilateral, ii, 52 Ash closets, ii, 7' Banker muon, i, 34 , 3S
Alabaster, ii, 97 flat, i, :14, 47, 99, 109, 120; ii, 64, 107, IIJ Ashes, ii, a6 Banksimn pine, iii, 18, 25
Albumunl, i, S5 Florenline, ii , 52, 53 Ashlar, i, 39, 45-53; ii, 105-116 Barefaced tenons, i, 92; iii, 88, QO
Alder, iii, 70 gauged, i, 24-26 Ashlaring, iii, 5:1 Bark, i, SS; iii, 2, 40, 41, 98
Aluminou5 cement, ii, 2S, 28 jack, i, 26 Asphalt, i, 17, 68, 69, '52: ii, 54-56 Barking lathe, iii, 98
Barrow-lift, ii, 35 IkndinJ( stick, i, 148, 157 Blood albumen IIlue, iii, 101 Bond --=ntd,
Ban, 5t.,.,I, i, 21, 62, 68,158; ii, 121, n8; wood, iii, 63, 72, 97 Blow lamp, i, 143, '53, 157; iii, !,S raking-contd,
iii, 36, 43, 45, 47, 48, 52, 8 4 Bends, drain, ii, 72, 74 Blue Staffordshire b ricks, i, 18; 11, 17 herring-bone, ii, 48, 6:01
BaKb.,d, i, 33 Benin mahogany, iii, 5, 21, 25, 70,100 damp proof course, i, ,8 rebated jambl, i, 13, 14
B.",m.,nts, ii, 55-58 walnut, iii, 24, 25 vilriol, iii, 12, 13, ,6 splayed, ii, 39
Basilican li]in!!", iii, 116- 11 8 Ikrri51all stone, ii, 87, 89, 90, 93, Q6 Blythe's presef\'ing process, iii, 13 stepp<:d, ii. 39
Basis pri~, coppc'r, iii, 130 Bcthel prcsuving process, iii, 12., 13 Boarding, roof, i, 136, 138; iii, 100-110, slating, i, 135, 136
Bask.,tw.,,,·., bond, ii, 62, 6 4 Be"el, i, 29, 126 114,115.117- 11 9,126,130- 132 special. H, 49- 5 I
pattern, iii, 38 cutting, iii, 28 Boards, floor, i, 57, 59, 61-ti5; iii, $, 6, 10, square jambs, i, 7, 13
Basswood, iii, 19, 25 housed joint, iii, 56 29, 31- 41 slopped ends, i, 4, 6----8, 10
But, iii, 2 Bc,-dl.,d bau, i, 4, 13 \-alley, iii, 110, 116 stretching. I, 6, 7; ii, 40
Ilastud tuck pointing, i, 32 closers, i, 4 Boastu, i, 36 Sussex, ii, 49, 50
Hatc~ box,_.ii, 34, 61 haunched joint, i, 66, 74 Bobbins, i, 148, 157 Bond.,d arch, ii, 5 I
ffiIX.,rs, n, 34, 35 housed joint, i, 66 Bodying, ii, 16 Bondcrs, i, 39
Bath stone, i, 33, 38; ii, 44, 87,92-96,101 rebated joint, i, 116 Bolection mouldingll, i, 95, 98, 99, 10 2; BondinJ(" brick, S~" Bond "
Baths, ii, 84 ","wo, iii, 26, 27 iii, 64, 69 srone,l, 39- 53; ",105-115
Bats, i, 4, 10, n, 13,29; iii, 104 Bc\'elling, iii, 28, 30. 49, 58, 70 Boles, iii, 5, 6, 98 ashlar, i, 39, 45-53; ii, 105-115
Ban.,nboards, iii, 103 Bcvds, saw, ii;, 26, 30 BolSler, i, 29 flint, i, 43, ....
BaH.,ns, i, 57, 70, 87-93, 136, 138-141; Bifurcated stain, Hi, 79, 81 Bolton "'ooels -,one, ii, 87, 90, 93 Lake DlllnCl masonry, i, 18,44. 4S
iii, 5, 6, 54, 106-123, 125-129 Binders, iii, 31-36, 45 Bolts, barrel, i, 88, <)0, 91,122 polygonal. i, 43, +1-
Baulk", i, 56; iii, 5, 6, 8, 24 sizes, iii, 32, 34, 35 briek, ii, 7 random rubble, uncouT$ed, i, 39, 40
Bau",it." ii, 16, 25 Biotite, ii, 86 flush, i, 91,100 built-to-courses, i, 40, 41
bricks, ii, 16 Birch, i, 60; iii, 1,4,5, 19,20,25,36,38, handrail screw, iii, 66, 72 squared rubbl." uncours.,d, i, 41, 4:1;
Baywood, iii, 5, 21, 25, 70, 98 40, 70, 98, 102 Lewis, ii, 122- 128 ii, 106, 107
Bcad and rcal ornam.,nt, ii, 10'7 American, iii, 20, 25, 36 wroughl ircn or steel, i, 20, 73, 78, 81. built-la-courses, i, 42, 43
Bcad.,d drip., iii, 133 black, iii, 20, 25, 36 158,159: iii, 36, 52, 56 reJ(ular coursed, i, 42, 43
B.,aded joint, i, 32 Canadian y ..llow, iii, 20, 25. 36 Bombay black wood, iii, 23, 25 Bonding 5trips, iii, 43
Budin!!" h.,ad, iii, 28 curly iii, 20, 25, 36 Bond, definilion, I, 3 Boning rods, il, 67, 68, 75, 76, 78
rod, iii, 133 European, i, 60; iii, 19, 25, <)lI basket ..... ea\·e. ii, 62, 64 Bonnel hip 111..1, iii, 108, 109
Beads, J(luing, i, 110 Quebec, iii, lilO, 25, 36 brick-on-edlJe, li, ~?, 50 Booms, iil, 52
inner, i, 1I3-116, 119-122 )'t'lIow, iH, 20, 25, 36 rat-trap, 11, 50; 111, I11 Bordered pits, iii, 2
out., r, i, 119-12.1 Bird's-.,ye figure, iii, 5, 12 Sih'erlock's, ii, So Boring macnine, iii, 29
parting, i, "3-117; iii, 70, 72~5 mapl .. , iii, 5, 22, 2$, 38, 40, 101 cavity wall, ii, 17, 38, 40-46,115,116; Bossing, i, 143
BUmfilling, i, 76 dird smoulh brick., ii, 18 iii, 33, 34, 45, 49, 9<4, 95, 106, 107, Ill, mallcl and bossinjl; stick, i, 146, IS6
Bum saw machin." ii, 102 joint, i, 7z--'74: iii, 52, 83, 88 11 3,1 15- 11 7,119,128 Botanical classification, timber, iii, I
Bums, sterl, i, 59, 158; Hi, 31-37, 52, 53 Biscuit burning, ii, 16 chimney, ii, 64-67 Bottomer, iii, 127
filler, iii, 36, 37 Bitumen, i, 17, 18: H, 52, 76 circular work, li, 44, 70 Boucherie preserving process, iii, 13
flitched, iii, 31 Black bean, iii, 5, '9, 25, 70, 100 diaper work, ii, 64 Bowing, i, 58; iH, 8 .
sizes, iii, 3 1, 32, 34-)6 birch, iii, 20, 25, 36 dog's looth, i, 39 Bow saw, i, 127, 131
.trsining, iii, 43, 54-56 cor.. , ii, .~.3 Dutch, 11, 49 Box, iii, 2
Bcarers, floor, iii, 38, 39 guarea, Ill, 20, 25 Engli! h,;, I, 5--7, 9--'4 mould, ii, 4
Runer, i, 72, 8 1, 146 marble, ii, 96 c ross, ii, 49 Brac., and bill. i, 129, 131
roof, iii, 52, 53, 130 mortar, I, 47: ii, 27, 61, 62. 98 {acinJ(, ii, So, S I Braces, i, 85, 90, 9:1; "', 43, p, 53. 60
stai r, lii, 78, 80, 85-89, 93, 94, 96 Sea walnut, iii, 24, 25 gard .. n Will, ii, 40, 49 Brackenhill 1I0ne, ii, 87, 90, 93
DearinK plat.,., ii, 122, 124, 128 walnut, American, iii, 24, z5 Flemi~h, doubl .., i, 7-9, 11- 14 Bradawl, i, 119, 131
Bed, brick, i, 3 Blade, ii, 6 J<3rd~n wall, H, 40, 49, 115 Bramley Fall stone, ii, 87, 89, 90, 93, Q6
joints, i, 4, 23, 24, 29, 3 I , 39, 40, 04-5 Bladon stone, ii, 87, 92, 93 single, I, 8, 10 Brashn.,n, iii, 8
moulds, i, 76, 11 I Blut-fumac.. c .. ment, ii, 25. 28 headinJ(, i. " H, +4 Breasting, i, 1:17
nalural, i, 38, 39; ii, 88, 97 slaJ(, ii, liS, 29 hoop iron, It, 46 Breasts, chimney, ii, 6 4 , 65
Ihatch, iii, '33, 134 Blende, iii, 132 junctions, right-angled, i, 9, 10 Brcccia mubl .. , ii, 97
Bedding, i, 18,21 ,49,6 1,87, loB, Ill, 137 Blending, clay, ii, 2 squint, ii, 36, 37 Brlchc Rose marble, ii, 97
Beech, iii, 1-5, 19,25,38,56,70,98 Blist .. r figure, iil, 5, 18, :1-23 longiludinal, ii, 48 Bre.,=, ii, 11, 1:1, 17,29
B«r Slone, ii, 87, 92-94, 96, 101 m aple, iii, 5, 22, 25, 38, -+0, 101 monk, ii, 49 slabs, ii, 17
Belgian Fossil marble, ii, 97 Blisters, saw, iii, 27 pi.,.. , i, 12, 13, 19,43,78; ii, 39, 40, 64; Brick archei, i, 2:1- 26, 83, 85 j ii, 51, Sa, 6a,6-+
marbles, ii, 97 Bloating, ii, I) iii, 34, 54 cappings, ii, 67
tooftruss, ii, 127, 128 Blackboards, iii, 70, 103 quoins, ril/hl_angled, i, .0-12 chimney hreasll, ii, 6 4 , 65
Belt sandu, iii, 30 Block-in-course masonry, i, 43 squint, li, 36, 38, 39 stacks, i, 77, 148, I SO, IS'; H, 64-67
Benching, ii, 59, 80 BlockinF eourse, i, 51 decorated. ii, 62 copingl, i, 28; ii, 18,62, 63: iii, 116, 117,126
Bending lud pipe., i, '46, 148 Blocks, built-up, Hi, 96, 97 raking, ii, 48, 49, 6 2 Hricklay.. r'. crsft, i, 3
moment, iii, 32, 34 stair, iii, 78, 83, 87 diagonal, ii, 48. 62 tool., i, 29
Bricknogged panition, "~"~ 43 Brick~-conTd, Brickwork-contd. Calamine, iii, 1)2
Brick-on-edge bonds, ii, 49, 50 moulding processes--contd, fireplaces, etc., i, 64, 67, 68; ii, 64-67 Callipers, i. 127
copings, i, 28, 29; ii, 18,62,63. iii, 116, hand, i, I, 2, 4,)1, ii, )-5 foundations, i, 15-17 •• 1. 46; ii, 59, 66 Camlxr arches, i, 24
117, 126 sand-moulding, ii, 4,12 jambs, i, 7, '3, 14; ii, 39 tiles, iii, 104, 105, 10<)-111, 120
parapets, ii, 62, 63 slop-moulding, ii, 5 junctions, 1,9. '0; ii, 36,)7 Camhium, i, 55; iii, 2, of,
sills, i, 26--28, 112, 113 machine, i, I; ii, 2, 3, I ) Hntels, i, 20. 21, 109, I11 Canada balsam, iii, 4
string courses, ii, 62, 63 press..d, i, I; ii, 3 pi~r.s, i, 12, I), 19,43,78, ii, 39, 40. 64; Canadian red pine, iii, 18,25, 71
thresholds, i, 27, 28, 98, 99, H, 51, 53, wire-cut, i, I; ii, 3, I) 1II, 34, 54 spruce, i, 60, 62, 82; iii, I, 18,25
iii, 66, 67 plastic process, ii, .a quoins, i, 4, 10-12; ii, 36, 38, 39, 6ll white pine, iii, I, ll, 5, 18, 2S
Brick-on-end lintels, i, 20, :U preparation process, ii, 2 raking bonds, ii, 48, 49. 62 yellow birch, iii, 20, 25, 36
parapets, ii, 62, 63 semi_plastic process, ii. 2 reinforced, i, 2 ,; ii, 45-fS; iii, 4), 45 pine, iii, 1,2,5,18,25
plinths, i, 29, 30 stiff-plastic process, ii, 2 setting OUl, ii, 67-70 Canary whitewood. iii, 24, 25
sIring courses, ii, 62, 63 multi_coloured, i, 2; ii, 2, 12, 13, 61, 62, 64 special bonds. ii. 49-5' Cantilever steps, ii, 117
Bricks, i, 1-4, '0-13, 21-26, 29-31; ii, 1- nicked, ii, ,8 strength, ii, IS Canting ann planer, ii, 102
19, 36--52, 61-67 ornamental, ii, 4 Bricktor, ii, 46 Cape Lopez mahogany, iii, 5, 21, 25, 70, 100
Accrington, ii, 17 paving, ii, '7 Bridging joists, i, 59,65-67; ii, 31-35 Capillary grooves, i, I l l , 145; iii. 66
air, i, 6.; ii, 17; iii, 15 perforated, ii, 16, 18, 46 Bridle joint, i, 74, 78, 80; iii. 43.52 Cappings, chimney, ii, 67
axed, i, 23-26 pistol, ii. ,8 British Columbian pine, i, 60, 65; iii, 2. 5, copper, iii, 1)0
bats, t, 4, 10, 12, 13,29 plinth, i, 29, ii, 18 17,25, )6, 40, 56, 70, 98, 101 moulded, Hi, 78, 88, 93
bauxite, ii, 16 pressed, i, I, 31; ii, 2, 3, 13, IS, 18 Honduras cedar, ili, 20, 25 2inc, iii, I))
birdsmouth, ii, 18 purpose-made, i, 4, 21, 2), 24, ii, '7-19 pitch pine, iii, 18, 25,)8 Caps, newel, iii, 30, 78, 79, 88. 93, 95
blue Staffordshire, i, 18; H, 17 rublxr, S, 23, 24; ii, 16 Brittleness, iii, 4, 8, Carbolizing preserving process, iii. I )
bullnose, i, 4,13,29, ii, 18, 39 salt-glazed, ii, ,6 Broad tool, i, )6 Carbonation, ii, 20
cement and concrete, ii, 17 sand-faced, i, 32; ii, 4, 12, 13 Broc.atel1e Jaune marble, ii. 97 Carboru~dum!.ii, 89, 101, IOZ, 104
characteristics, i, 2; ii, 14, 15 sand-lime, i, I; ii, 'S, 17 Violette marble, H. Q7 saws,', )5; 11,102,103
chromite, ii, 16 sand-moulded, ii, 4, 12 Broken brick, i, ll; ii, 28 Carpentry, i, 55-85; ii, 31--62
circular, ii, 18, +1- silica, ii, 16 stone, i, 2; ii, 2!! definition, i, 59, 86
clamp_burnt, ii, I1 sizes, i, ); ii, 12 Bronze balustrade, ii, 120 Carpets, iii, 41
classification, ii, 15-17 slop-moulded, ii, 5 door, ii, 113 Carriage bolts, ii, 124
closers, i, 4-14 Southwater, ii, 17 faced ply....·ood. iii. 10) pieces, iii, 78, 80, 8), 87, 88, 9), 96
colour, ii, 2, 12, '3, 61, 62, 64 special, t, 4, 21, 23, 24; H, 17-19 panitions, iii, 48 Cascade, ii. 81
common, ii, IS splay, i, 4 Brown oak, iil. 22, 25 Case-hardening, iii, 8, 10
coping, i, 28, 29; ii, 18 squint, ii, 18, 36 Brush application, preserwtive8, iii, 14 Casein glue, iii, 101, 103
co"'~ose, ii, 18 staining, ii, 12 Building paper, ii, 56; iii, 40. 130 Casements, wood, i, loS-113, 119
defects, i, 2; ii, 13-15 stock, ii, 2, 4, 11 Built-up stone steps, ii, 115 metal. iii, 74, 76-'78, 93
doglcg, i, 4; ii, ,8 strength, ii, '5 Bulk density, ii, 99 fasteners, i, I l l , ' I ) ; iii. 76
enameUed, ii, 16 terms, i, 3, 4 excavation, iii. 58 stays, i, Ill, 11); iii, 66, 76
engineering, ii, '5-17 tests, ii, '4,. '5, ~2, 33 Bulking, ii, )0 Casings. beam, iii, 36
fdeing, i, 1,2; ii, 3, 7,11-16,36,40,44, compreSSIOn, 11, IS, )2, 3) "Bull Dog" floor clips, ii;, 38 door, framed, i, 100, 101
49-5 1,61-64,67,70 efflorescence, ii, IS Bullnose bricks, i, 4, I), 29; ii, 18. 39 plain, i, lOO-lOll, 105; iii, .... 3. 45, 68,
fireclay, ii. 2, ,6 frost resistance, ii, IS steps, iii, 80, 93, 96 69, 71
Fletton, ii, I, 2, 10 permeability, ii, I. Hull's eye arch, ii, SI skeleton, i, 100, 101
ganister. ii, 16 texture, ii, 13,61 cffltering, iii, 60, 61 Cast iron covers, ii, 80
gault, ii, , weight, i, 2 Buris, iii, 5, 98 lead. i. 142
glass, ii, 19 wire_cut, i, I; H, ), 13, 15, 17. 18 Bunna padauk, iii, 2), 25 Caulking, i, 98,143,154
glazed, ii, 6, ,6 Brickwork, i, 1-32; ii, 1-70 Burnettizing preserving prOCe1l1. iii. 13 tool, i, 157
grooved, ii. 46 arches, t, 2'-26,83-85,99, 10<), 120; H. Burning tiles, iii, 105 Cauls, iii, 63, 100, 101
hand_made, i, I, 2, 4, 31; ii, 3-5, 13. '5, 61 51-53, 62-64 Burnt ballast, ii. 29 Cavetto mould. i, 48, 50, 124
hoUow, ii, 17-19 basements, ii, SS-58 Burr figure, iii, 5. 19, 24, 98 Ca,-ity walls, i, 4; ii, 17, )8. 40-46, lIS.
Hunziker, ii, '7 cavity \\o'alls. i, 4; ii, 17. 38, 40-.6. 115, Burring, ii, I ) 116; iii, 33, H, 45, 49, 94. 95. loO,
keyed, ii, 18
kilns, i, '; ii, 6--1 I
London stock, ii, 2, 11
116; iii, 33, 34, 45, 49, 94. 95, 106.
107, Ill, 11), "5-117. 119. Ill8
circular work, ii, 44, 70
Butler Delph stone, ii, 90. 9)
Butt hinges, i, 94, 98, '03. I11
joints, i, 10, 52, 62, 64; iii, 36. 58, 93, 130
tie!, ii, 40, .1
107, Ill. "3. "5-117, 119, Iz8
Cedar. iii, 17, 20, 25, 126
magnesile, ii, 16 decorated work, H, 61-64 preserving treatment, iii, 13 Central American, iii. llO, 25
manufacture, i, I, 2, ii, 2-13,16, '7 arches, ii, 62, 64 Buttresses, i, 13 Pacific red, iii, 17.25, 126
burning process, i, ,; ii, 6-12 diaper work, ii, 64 c8ppings. i. 20 western red, i, 60; iii, '7,25, 126
clamps, ii, 11, 12 jointing and pointing. H, 61, 6ll. 6.... C Ceiling joists, i, 72, 81; ii, 121, 128; ili, 31-
kilns, ii, 6--11 piers, ii, 64 Cabot's quilt, iii, 49 35,42,43,49,50,52-56, Ill. 119
drying process, i, I; ii, 5-7 quoins, ii, 62 Calcareous sandstones, ii, 88 Ceilings, i, 68
moulding processes, i, I, 2, ii. 3-5 dry areas. ii, 58 tufa. ii, 97 Cellactite, iii, 124
Cellar £ung.,u, iii, 16 Chains, sash, i, "3, 118, 119 Circular saw.--coned. Coach-screW1, i, 126
C~lls, i, H, 56; iii, 1-4,7 Chalk, 11, I, 20, 2:1., iii, :1.6-27 Coal slack., ii, 6, 11
Cellulose flooring , iii, 41 Chamber drye .., ii, 5 lIulleting, iii, 30 Coal-tar, iii, la
C~lotex, Hi, 49 Chamben. inspection, ii, 78, 80, 81, 84 hollow_lIround, Hi, :1.6 Coarse grain, i, 58; iii, 5,19
Cemfnt, i,:I.; ii. :I.'-:l.S, :1.7, :1.8, 30-36 inl"rcepling, ii, 78, 79, 81, 8:1., 84 plate, iii, 6, :14-:1.7, 30, 31 texture, iii, S, :1.1,:1.3
aluminous, ii, 25, 28 Chamfer, i, a8, 38, 47, 88, ,oS rip, iii, :1.4, a6, 27, 30 Cogg"djointt, i, 61, 73; Hi, 31, 35, 43
All.. , ii, 25 joinl, ili, 92, 93 setting, iii, 26 Coke-breeze brick., iii, 110, I 11
coloured, ii, 25 Chamfering, iii, :18, 30, 43 sharpening, iii. 30, 31 COnCRte block partitions, iii, 45-47. 90,
fibrous wood, ii, 28; 111, 47 Channelled joint., ii, .os. 113 .....alJe, ~ii, a~~ 27 QJ
fill"", i, ISO Chann,,]s, drain, ii, 72, 74, 80 tenslorung, 111, 27 Cold chisel! .. , IJO
floating coal, i, 65 steel, i, 158 Circular tlain, iii, 79 pal 1"'1, 11, 24
grout, i, 2, 21, 31, 43, 47, 49, 52, 87 Chase wMge, i, 146, I S6 work, ii, 4-4, 70 steeping preserving procell, iii, 13, 14-
Medina, ii, 22 Chaser mill, ii, :I. 5"tting-out, ii, 70", iii, 8
monar, i, 2-4, 12, 17, 18, 28, 32, 45, 47, 52, Checking, iii, 8, 10, '00 Circumfer"mial shrinkage, i, 58 Collar roofs, i, 72-75; iii, 52, Sl
53, 110, 137, 141, 143, 146, 150; C115"_hardening, iii, 8, 10 Clamping plywood boards, iii, 101 Coloured uphall, ii, 56
ii, 27. 45 end, iii, 8 Clamps, i. IJO, '31; ii, 11, 1:1. cement, ii, :1.5
walerprooftd, i, 3:1.,137; ii, :17, 57, S8, hon"yoomb, iii, 8 Classification, limber, i, 59, 60; iii, " 17-:24 Columbian pine, i, 60, 65; iii, 2, S, 17. as,
65; iii, ,,6 internal, iii, 8 botanical, iii, I 36, 40, 56, 70, 9B, 10 1
nut, Ctm"nl, i, 53; ii, 75 surface, iii. 8 commercial, iii, I, 17-a4 Combed joint, iii, 70
nonnal Ponland, i, a; ii, 22--24, 27, 28. Ihrough, Iii. 8 hardwoods, i, 59, 60; iii, I. 17, 19-2..4 Comb gnin, iii, 4-7, n. 38, lOO, 126
30-36; iii, 121 ,'eneen, W, 100 toftwoods, i, 59. 60; iii. 1.17-19 Combined air and kiln se&IOning, iii, 11, la
manufacture, i,:I; ii, :1.2--24 Chemical composition, cement, ii, 2:1., :13, Clay, i, I; ii, 1-4, 1:1., 16; iii, 56, 10'4 log and deal frame, iii, 6
lUll, ii, 22-24 'S blending, ii, 2 Comblanchien ma rbk, ii, 97
chemical compo.ition, ii, :1.:1., 23 clays, ii, I, :I., 12 block and day partitions, Hi, 45 Comm" rcial clauification, timber, iii, I.
cold_pat, ii, a4 granites, ii, 88 chc:mical constitution, ii, I, :I.. la '7-:1.4-
fineneu, ii, 22 Iim"", ii, 20 cleaning, ii, :I. Commod" Ilel», iii, 78, 80
hot-pat, ii, :14 limestones. H, <)6 de-airing, ii, 3 Common fum.tuR beetle, W, 16
' ttllng tim~, H, a3, 24 marb,,"., ii, <)6 fireday, ii, :I., 16 panitions, ili, 42, 43
final, ii, 24 .-ndstones, il, 96 gault. ii, I Compacting factor tesl, ii, 3a
initial, ii, 24 Cherry mahogany, iii, aa, 25 Knott., ii, 1,2 Compass.,., i, 26
soundn"u, ii, a4 Chimney bar, ii, 65 loamy, ii, I Compass laW, i, 1:1.7
strength, ii, a3, :14 breasts, ii, 64, 6S maim, H, I Compo manu, i, 2; ii, :17. 450 iii, 114
comp r"ui\'e, H, 23, 2..4 fiR interior, H, 66, 6? marly, ii, I, iii, 103
lensile, ii, 2J flues, ii, 65, plastic, ii, 2 Composition, cem"nt, ii, :12, 23, as
plug, i, S:I heanhs, i, 64, 67, 68; ii, 66, 67 red, ii, 1 clay, ii, I, a, ':1.
Portland blul-fumace, ii, :1.5, 28 pots, ii, 65 reduct~on, !!, a ConCR!e, ii, a8, 30, 31, 34, 35, 57, 60
rapid _hudt'ning Ponland, ii, a4. a8 ttacks, i, 77, t48, '50, 'S'; H, 64-6, s.creenmg, 11, 3 granil,,', ii, 88
Roman, ii, 21 Chipbreaker, iii, :1.9, 30 souring, ii, 4 lim.,., ii, :1.0
while Ponland, ii, :1.4, :1.7 Chipped grain, i, 59 w~alheting, ii, 2 limestonel, ii, <)6
Cement and conCRle blocks."d brick., ii, 17 Chi.,,] drafted margins, i, 38 CI.yhales, i, J9 marble!!, H, 96
Cementing plywood, iii, 100, 101 Chisels, i, 39, 36, 3B, I a8 Cleansing IoCR"'S, ii, 84 sandstonel, ii , 96
Cemenlone, ii, 27 Chromit" brick •• ii, 16 Cleats, i, BI ; ii, 1:1.:1.-125. 1:1.7, 128; iii, 36. Compound Wills, i, +4-48; ii, 110, 112, 11",
Cenlfring, i, a6, 83- 85: ii, 60, 62
circular arches, iii, 60, 61
easing, i, 83, 8S
Chuffs, ii, 13
Chute, drain, ii, 81
Cigar-box cedar, iii, :1.0, 25
37, "S , 5:1.-57
Cleft shingle., iii, la6
ClinchM. i, 88
Compr"•• ion strength, brickl, ii, IS
cement, ii, a3, :1.4
flat arches, i, 83, 84 Ciment Fondu, ii, :IS Clinker, H, 22, a6, 29 concret"., H, 31, 3:1.. 34
pointed an:hes, iii, 60, 61 Cippoline marbl", H, 97 Clinkermg, ii, 13 graniles, ii, 86
segmental arche" i, 84, 8S Circassian walnut, iii, 24, 25 Clipper, plywood, iii, 100 limeston",. H, 9a
s.emicircular archu, i, 84, 8s; iii, 60--61 Circ1" vaU"ys, Hi, 109, JIO, 126 Clips, COI?P"r, iii, 130 sandslonu, ii, 90, 91
s.emi_elliptical arches, iii, 61, 62 Circular arch, ii, 51 fI?<>r, .i l!, J8 "",ss, i, 20. 66, 76; Hi. 3:1, 56, 62
striking, i, 83 brias, ii, 18, +4 amc, Ill, '31-'33 testing Tachines, ii, I S. 32, 101
turning pieces, i. 24, 83-8S «nl"ring, iii, 60, 61 Clipsham IIone, ii, 87, 9:1.""""96 Concr",e , I, a, 3, 15- :1.:1.,6:1.,63,65,67,68,
Central American cedar, iii, :1.0, :IS saw bench, i, 34, 35, 107, 130, 13a; ii. Cloakroom, iii, 93 liS , 119; ii, :1.8-J6, SS-57, 59, 60.
mahogany, i, 60; iii, S, :11, 25, 70, 98 'oa, 103: iii, 2.. , 26. 27, 97, 100 CIQ3e couple roof, i, 71, 7a 68; iii, 36, 38, 41, 4S-47, 90, 93. 120
Cwtre_nailt'd slating, i, 135, 138 mill,iii,6 picked wailing, i, 43 aggrepl"s, i, 2, 3; ii, 17, as, :1.6, :18-36.
Cenlral batching plant, ii, 35 saws, bevelled, iii, 26, a7 alring1, ili, So, 83"""91, 9J, 96 58, 60, 87
Ceupool, i, 7:1., 145, 146 caroorundUm, i, 35; ii, 102, 103 Closed drum mixer, H, 3S blocks and bricks, ii, 17
Chain cutter, iii, 29 cross-cut, iii, 2..4, 26 mortice and '"non joint, i, 86 partilions, iii, 45-47, 90, 93
do,., i, S3 diamond, i, J5, '3a; H. 102, 103 CIO$C", i, 4-14 compacting, ii, 35, 60
lewi., i, 53 dnm.ken, iii, 30 Clo", clay, iii, 1G.4 composilion, ii, :1.8, 30, 3t, 34. 35. 57, 60
Concrete-comd. Conversion---contd, Corrennie granite, ii, 86, 93 Cut strin~, iii, 80, 97
curing, ii, 35. 60 radial-sawn, i, 57; iii, 4--7, 11, 38, 100, 116 Corrosive sublimate, ili, 12, 14, 16 Cutterblocks, iii, a8-)t, 100
defects, ii, 29. 35 rift_sawn, i, 57; iii, 4--7, u, 38, lOO, u6 Corrugated metal nw-edge fastenen, i, Cune", iii, 28-31, 87
floors, i, 65; H, SS-57. 59-0,; iii, 36-.P rotary cutting, W, 98, 100 n6; iii, 70 Cutting iron, i, t )4
foundations, '. '5-'7, 19 • • 1••6; ii, -41. h alf-round .:utlinR, iii, <)8 shUlI, iii, n:l-, n4 li, ts, i, 107
43, 57. 59, 66, 68 stay-log cutting, iii, <)8 .. E~~rite Bigsi. ", iii, U2, n4 table,i, l;ii,),4;iii, 104
grading, ii, 25. 29 I tandard, iii, n4 Cylinder, "eneering, ili, 7a
hunns, i, 6<11-64,
hoist, ii, 35
68; ii, 66, 67
.lab-sawn, i, 57; iii, 4--1', 116
sl i.:ing, iii, 98, 100
tangemiat-sawn, i, 57; iii, 4-7,116
Corsehill red stone, ii, 87, 89, 90, 93, 96
Corshim· Down stone, ii, 92---94, 96, 101
sander, iii, JO
Cyma recta mould, i, +8, So
laitanc"" ii, 60 Copings, i, 18, :1-9, So, SI; ii, 18,6:1-,63; Cotawold District atone, ii, 89; iii, uS, u7 revena mould, i, 48-50, 96, 1 U
levelling. ii, 68 iii, 116, 117, 116 "one Ilating, iii, 121:-1:1;7 Cymatium, i, 49; ii, 11]
lightweight, H. 29; iii, 45-47 apex stone, i, SI Count~r-battenl, i, 138; iii, 106, 11-+, u6 Cypress shingles, ili, u6
linteis, i. 21, 13, 115 . 119 br,,:Ir.-on-edse, i, 28, :1-9; ii, 18, 62, 6); laths, Hi, 31, 34, 36, 43
ma$5, ii, 2S, 35 lii, 116, 117, 126 Couple roofs, i, 71, 72 D
matrix, i, 2; ii, 28 bri.:k_on_end, i, a8; ii, 61, 63 Coura~s, i, 4, 5
mixing, i, 3; ii, ]4, 35. 6. bullnose, i, 29 Cove r beads, iii, 74 Dado panelling, iii, 93
pl~cing, ii, ~S double cant, ii, 18 fillets, iii, 78, 88 Damp proof courses, i, 17, 18, 29; ii, +', ....
remfor«d , I, 7,12, :U, a2 , 71, liS. 119; feather-edge, i, 5 I flashing., i, 14), '45-1 41 46,52 -58,60; iii, '5, 16
U, aH-3Q , 56, 1[7. 119. 1<110; ILl, )6, 37. kneeler, i, 51 Cownosc bricks, ii, .8 :uphalt, i, 17; ii, 51, H, SS
39. 4'i parallel, i, 51; Hi, 116, 117, 116 Cradle, iil, 87 blue Staffordshire brick, i, 18
u .... dust, ii, 28; iii, 47 raking, i, 51 Cradling, iii, H, 36, p, copJH'r, i, 18
Kreeding. iii, )8 .... ddle-ha.:k, i, 29, SI pieee, i, 68 fibrou.s a.p~lt felt , i, 18 ; H,~, 5a, H, 56
aile, i, .8, 19. 62, 6), 6s; ii, S9; iii, IS leRlllental, i, 5 I Cramped joint, i, S:I; lead, I, 18 ; 11, 42
urength, ii, ]1, )2, 34 semici rcular, i, 29; ii, 18 Cramps, i, 49, 52, 64,106,130 stoneware, i, 18

sub-floors, i, 63. 6s; ii, 55-,;7; Hi, 38, 39,
tcm, H, ) 1-34; ii;,)8
complcting factor, ii, J2
compre»ion, ;i , )2, 34
dryneu, Hi, 38
s pringer stonc, i, SI
Copper bit, i, 153, 157
damp proof course, i, 18
joint, i, '5)
Copper roofing, i, 68-70; iii, 119- 1)2
<:appings, iii , 130
Cramping doors, i, 10+ , 106
floor boards, i, 64
Cruing, ii, 13
Creasing, tile, i, 29 : iii, 110, 116, no
Creetown granite, ii, 86
Creosote, i, 57, 61, 87; ii, H; iii, 1:1--14, 16,38
Dancing ateps, iii, 78, 80, 8a
Deadwood, i, 58
De-airin!> day, ii, 3
Deals, iil, 5, 24
lliath_wat.:h beetle, iii, ,6
Deciduous, iii, I
slump, ii, 31- 34 .:haracteristia, iii, n9, 130 Cro.. bandi~8'5, iii, 70, ~, 100 Decorated brickworlo, ii, 61-64
tiles, iii, '20 dips, iii, 1)0 cut IIlW, I, n7, 131; ll, .0:1-; iii, 5, 24, arches, ii, 6:1--64
moulding machine, iii, !:lO drips, iii, 1):1- 16, 27 diap~r work, ii, 63, 64
10WO:I, ii, 35 flashings, iii, 131 cutting timber, iii, :1;4, :1-6, 30 jointing and pointing, ii, 61, 6<1, 6-+
wat~r-cem~m I"Itio, ii, 31 hip.s, iii, 1)1 Rrain, iii , 97, Q8, l OO, 10:1- piers, ii, 6), 6.
wat~rpmof~d, ii, )6, 57 joints, ii i, 1)0-131 tongued/'oint, iii, 70, 7:1;, Q6 quoins, ii, 62, 63
Cone crusher, H, 21 ttanding seam., iii, 1)0, 131 Crolland I i1l5l0ne, ii, 90, 9), 96 Deep_cutting, iii, 64
hip tiles, iii, 109, 116, no welts, iii, 130, 13:1- CrOlch, iii, 5, :1-4, 98 Defects in bricks, i, 2; H, 13-15
Conical roll, iii, 1)0 wood rolls , iii, 130, 1)1 Crown, i, 22 black core, ii, 13
Coni/mot, iii, I manufacture, sheets, iii, 1:1-9 Croaaling, ii, 13 bloating, ii, I )
ConiophoTO ,tTtiHlla, iii, 16 sizes, iii, 130 Crushed stone, ii, 26 burring, ii, I )
Connemara Irish Green marble, ii, 97 ridges, iii, 13:1- Crushing ~ol1a, ii, 3; iii, 104 .:huffs, i;, I]
Conservancy system, ii, 71 strings, iii , 130 Crypto·florescenu, H, '4 cra2ing, ii, I )
Coruoles, ii, 108 , Ill, 11) valleys, iii, 132 Cuban mahogany, i, 60; iii, 5, 21, IS, 70,98 .:ro:l;zling, ii, I)
Conuruction, ar.:hes, i, 14, 83-85; ii, 51 COPJH'r sulphate, iii, 12, 13 pine, iii , 18, 25, 38 effiores.:cnce, ii, I, 13-15
drains, ii, 76--78 Corbels, i, '9, 6:1-, 68; ii, 112, 11) Cubi.:al rot, iii, IS griuling, il, '4
steps, iii, 83, 8 .. , 87, 97 brackets, i, 6:1- Cupboard, iii, 84 iron spots, Ii, 14
truss, i, 81 Cord, sash, i, 113 , 118, 119 Cupping, i, 59; iii, 8, 40 laminations, ii, 14
walls, i, 3', 53 Core-dri'-er, i, 106 Cup ,hakes, i, 58 lime nodulcs, i,:I-; ii, 14
Contact bed, ii, 7' Cores, plywood, iH, 98, 100, 103 Cups, i, '10, 114, ,as, 126 IICumming, ii, 7, 8, 14
Continuous loilns, ii , 6-10, 19 Corngrit stone, ii, 92, 93, 101 Curing chamber, iii, 120 Defects in concrete, ii, a9 , 35
guides, iii, 58 Cork floor co,'ering, ii i, 40, 41 concrete, ii, 35, 60 ~xpalUion, ii, 29
mixers, ii, 35 carpet, iii, 41 Curly birch, ili, 20, IS, 36 frost act ion, ii, )s
Itair, iii, 79, 81 manufactur~, iii, 40 grain, .ii, +, 5, 20 Dcfects in 1l0nC, i, 39; ii, 97-101
Conversion, timber, I, 57; iii, 4--7, U, 98, skinings, iii, 40 maple, iii, 5, 22, 25, 38, 40, 101 clay_holcs, i, 39
tiles, iii, 40 Curtail st~p, lii, 80, 97 duc to al8odation of dissimilar stones,
flat-uwn, iii , 4--1', 1Z6 Cornices, i, 35, 49-51, 150, 152; ii, 107- 1 16 Curved soffit linings, iH, 70, 7:1- ii,98
plain_sawn, Hi, 4--1',116 protection, i, ISO, 15:1; ; ii, 113 Cussomel, W, nS atmospheric impurities, ii, 97
quaner-sawn, i, 57; iii, 4--7, U, 38, Cornish slales, i, 1)4 ; ii, 87, 97 CUt and mitred hipa, Hi, 109, u6, ug car~l~ss selection, H, Q8
Corona, i, 49; ii, 107 "alleys, iii, 110 corrodible m~tal fastenings, ii, 99
Defects in .tone--oonld. Diag~nQI..I:>'md, ii, ..8, 6l Double dimension IIIlW bench, iiJ, 30 Draughl .~li p, iii, 68
due 10 efflorescence, ii, 98 gram, 111, .. eave~ course, i, 136, '''I; iii, lOS, 106, st rip s, iii, SI
frost action, ii, 98, ,00, 101 Diallage, ii, 8S 110, IaI, la9 Draw_pinned joint., i, 87; iii, 88
incorrect bedding, ii, 97 Dillmond saws, i, 35, 13l; ii, 102, 103 Flemish bond, i, 7-9, 11-14 Dresse r, i, 1..6, 156
moul e, i, 39 .lates, iii, U I, J:al ftoon, i, 59; iii, 31"""34 Dressing slone, i, 35-38; ii, 101-105
sand-hole., i, 39 Diaper work, ii, 63, 6.. glazing, iii, 51 Drills, portable elect ric , i, 130
ahakes, i, 39 DiatomaceolU earth, iii, .. 5 half_turn slairs, iH, 79 Drip plate, i, 1..6, 156
~helly ban, i, 39 Dicolyledonu, iii, , lock cross well, iii, 130 Drip., lead, i, 144- 1..6
.nailcreep, i, 39 Diffu..,-porou5 woods, iii, ~, 4, 19, lO, :u quarter-turn $lairs, iii, 79 copper, iii, 13a
Defecll in timber, i, 55-60; iii, .. , " 8, 10, Dihedral angle, Hi, 109, 110 Roman tiling, Hi, 1 16, 118, 119 zinc, ii;, 133
14-'7, )8. 40, ·41 , SI, lOO, 103, 130 Diminished fliers, iii, 80 roofs, i, ,a-"76; iii, S I-54 Dri vi ng lcrews, iii, na, u ..
bowing, i, s8 lIile door, Hi, 68 spindle moulder, iii, 29 wedges, iii, 57
bnlllhness, iii, 8 Diminidung coursed work, i, '33, '35, IJ6, tenoned jointl, i, 87, 9a; iii, 63, 68, 70 Drop arch, ii, Sl
briulenen, iii, .. , 8 139, 1,,0 Douglu fir, i, 60, 65; iii, l, 5, 17, as, J6, Drops, n" ..... eI, iii, )0, ,8, 79, 88, 93""""9J
eellQT fungus, iii, ,6 Dipping prestn'ing procen, iii, t .. 40, 56, 70, 98, 101 Drum sander, iii, 30
checking, iii, 8, 10, 100 Diorites, ii, 85, 88 Dove marble, ii, 97 Drunken saw, iii, 30
case-hardening, iii, 8, 10 Disc polisher, H, 105 Dovetai l saw, i, I:a7 Druxineu, i, 58
end, iti, 8 rivets, iii , lal , na Dovetailed halved joint, I, 72, 7J; 111, sa Dry areas, ii, sS
honeycomb, iii, 8 and bobbin sande r, iii, 30 housed joint, i, 66, 7"; iii, sa, 88 umented proce.. , 111, 100
intern.l, iH, 8 I-ander, iii, JO lenon joint, i, 116 dipped process, ii, 16
surface, iii, 8 Disposition, timber, Hi, I, 17-l4 Do,·etailing, iii, 29, JO, 70, 97 hydrated lime, ii, 20, a i , a7
through, iH, 8 Distribuling bars, iii, 36 Dowelled joints, i, 52, 86, 87, 92, 98, '0<4-, pans, ii, a
venecrs, iii, 100 Ooatiness, i, 58 108; iii, 66, 72, 88 and weT bulb ,hennometer, iii, 10, 11
chipped grain, i, 59 Dogleg bricks, i, .. ; ii, IS Do .... els, i, "9, 53, 86, 8" 9a, 104, loS, ISO Dryinl( bricks, artificial proc"ss, ii, S, 7
coUapte, iii, 8 $lairs, 78, '9, 87""""93 Down-draUllht kiln , H, 6, 7.. clumber, ii, 5
circumferential .hrinkage, i, 58 Dogs, i, 65 pipes, i, 154, 156 hot Roor, ii, 5
coarse grain, i, 58; iii, 5,19 Dolomite lime, ii, 21 joints, i, 154 shed, ii, 5
cup shakes, i, 58, 60 limestones, ii, 9a, 94, 96, 98 Dngon beam, i, 69, 7.. tunnel, ii , 5
cupping, i, 59; iii , 8, ,,0 mortars, ii, l6 Drags, i, 38 - nalural proceu, ii, 5, 6
deadwood, i, 58 sandstones, ii, 88, 9l, 9.. Drainage, ii, 71-84 D rying tiles, iii, 105
death-witch b«tle, iii, 16 Door-casings, i, 100010l, 105; iii, "3, 45, l ubsoil, ii, 55, S6 Dry rot, i, 58, 6 1, 62, 76; iii, 7, ,,,- 16,38,
doatinen, i, 58 68,69,7' Drain pipes, ii, 7'....,S , 78 41, S'
druxineSl, i, 58 chain, i, 94, 100 bends, ii, 72, ,.. Duala mahogany, iii, S, ll, as, 70, 100
dry rot, i, 58, 6., 6~, 76; iii, 7,1,,- 16,38, gaps, ii, " 8 channels, ii, 7l, 7.. , 80 Dummy, hand, i, 148, '57
4 1, 51 lock! and latches, i, 88-92, 98, 10J, 10" characteristics, ii, 7.. h.eel, i, 148, 157
foxiness, i, s8 posts, i, 86, 87, 89, 91-93 ; iii, 4"1, "5, 63- chute, i;, 8, Ions, i, , ..6, 157
hean .hakes, i, S8, 60; iii, 18, aD 6, toints.. ii, '.~ Dumpy level, ii, 67, 75
knots, i, 58, 60; iii, 18, 19 Slop, i, 103 JunClions, 11, 72, 7.. Dungeon.. stone, ii, 87, 89, 90, 93, 96
lyctus beetle, W, 16, ' 7 Doors, i, 86-107; Hi, "l, .. ), 45, "7, SI, 63- manufacture, ii, , .. Dunn House stone, ii, 87, 89, 90, 93, Q-6
shnnkage, i, SS-58, 86-8S, 9.. , ua; iii, 7, 71,84, 93 rods, ii, 80, 81 Duplex lBW machine, ii, loa
8, ,,0, loa, la6 classification, i, 87 Itraight, ii, 'a....,.. DUfBmen, i, SS
splitting, iii, 8, ID, loa, u6 fanli~ht , iii, 6~-66 traps, ii, 71"'", 8 ,-8.. Dunnast oak, iii, n , as
......elling, i, s6, 58, 100, Ill ; iii, 7.,,0 fire_raisting, lii, 70 ,wlies, ii, 72-'74, 8a-8.. Duteh bond, ii, 49
twined grain, i, 58 flush, i, 94; iii, 68, '0, 71, J9 mtercepton, 7.. , 81, 8l, 8.. elm, iii, 20, 25
upsets, i, s8 framrd, led~d and bauened, i, 92, 93 Drains, conSTruction, ii, 76-78
veneers, iii, 100 ledged, braced and battened, i, 9a""""94 di8-C(lnnection, ii, 8l, 8.. E
wane, i, 59 gla'led, iii, 66-70 foundations, ii, 76..,8

warping, i, 57-59; Hi, 8, 10, ,,0, loa, 10J,
bow, i, 58; iii, 8
cup, i, 59; iii, 8, 40
hanging, i, 88, 9a, 94, 9S: TO)
ledged and battened, i, 87-90
braced and battened, i, 90, 91
m an ufacture, i, 9.. , <)8, 10,,-107
inspection, ii, ,8, 80, 8..
interception, ii, 78, 81, Sa, 8..
principl"l, ii, 78-8..
tetting-out, ii, 75
Elrnock stone, ii, 90, 93
Ears, i , IS ..
Earth clotets, ii, 71
Euirl8, unlrea, i, 8J, 85
spring, Hi, 8 panelled, i, 94-107; iii, 63-69 Iystern., H, 78-84 Illin, Hi, 78, 87, ?!>
twi st, iii, 8, loa preparation, i, 88, 9l, 10,,-107 tests, ii, ,8 Eau African olive, ili, :aJ, :as
wind, iii, 8 proportion, i, 8, ball, ii, ,8 Indian IItinwood, iii, 5, a3, lS, 9 8
wet rOl , i, s8 semicircular ht1lded, iii, 66, 67, 70, 71 hydraulic, ii, ,.. wllnut, iii, :aI,:aS
De Lane granite, ii, 86, 88, 93 lizes, i, 87 smoke, ii, ,8 EavCl, i, 69, ' I , 7a, 74-'17, 136, 138-1"8;
Density bulk, ii, 99 Dormer window, lii, SI, sa timbering, iii, S6-59 iii, 53-55, 10S- I07, 110, In-lIS, 11,
IOlid, ii, 99 Dol mould, i, 157 ventilation, ii, ,8, 8l-8.. n l- ns, 1:17-ra9, 13 ..
Derbyl hire Itone, i, 33, H Double abutment joint, i, 81 Draught bead, i, 11,, ; iii, 7a closed, i, 71 , 7"-'17, IJ9; iii, "5, 119,
Detached pier., i, n, 13 boarded floon, i, 65; iii, )6 excluder, iii, 51 1:16, 1:18

_ ____.. , ... ,,""IT I

Eavu--concd. European larch, iii, I , 17, :IS , 56 Figure--contd. Flint w.lling, i, 39, 4J, . .
definition, i, 69 spruce, i, 60, 61; iii , I, 19,015,38 pith flecks , iii, 5. 19, a4 F1itched beams, iii, 31
filler piece, iii, 114 walnut, W, :14, 15 ram's born, iii, 5 Flitches, iii, 5, 6, 98
flush, t, ,I, ,.; Hi, 54. IZJ Even grain, iii, 4 ribbon, ii i, 5, l l-a4 Floating floo r, lii, 4Q
guC\cn, t, ' 53 texture, iii, 5, 18, :10-:1) ripple marks, iii, 5. ai , 013 Floor bearen. iii, 38, 39
joints, i, 153 Evergreen timbc:n, iii, I, 40 roe, iii, 5, 11 , a3 binders, ii i, 31- )6, 45
open , i, 7 1, 74. 139. '40; Ill, 5S "E'"erite Bigsix" corrugated sheeu, iii, 111, . il"er grain, i, 57; iii. 4, S,:za determination or .ius, ii i, ):1, 34, 35
. prockded, i, 69. 75-'1'. IJ8, '39; ii;, n, • tripe, iii, 5, 31. 1), 14 boards, i, 57, 59, 6a-65; Hi. 5, 6,10, ::t9•
106, '07 . "4. liS Exfoliation, ii, 98 Filler beam., iii, 36, 37 J :Z- 4 1
Ebony, iii, 20, 2 5 EXmet, ii, 4 5, 46 Fillers, ii, U4 clips, ii i, 38
African, iii, 20, 25 Exogens, i, SS Fillets, i, 29, 49, 50 fiUer bc:ams, Hi, 36, )7
Maca5sar, iii, 20, :lS Expanded metal, ii, 19. 56, 105; iii, 36, 47, mortar, iii, I l l , "4, 116, "7, 1:16 fini shes, iii, 36-4'
Edgcfold stone, ii, 90. 93 wood, iii, 31, 36, 4a, 43, 56, 57 carpet, iii, 41
Edge grain, iii, 4- 7. :n , 38, 100, 116 '"
slate, ii, :19 welds, ii, 111 cellulolC. iii, 41
nmncl'll, ii, 2 ; iii, 104 Exposure line, . hinglel, iii, 119 Fine grain, Hi, 5 cork, iii, 40, 4'
dry pans, ii, .2 Extension hinges, i, Il l; iii, 74, 76, 77 teJI:ture, iii, S, 19. 10 carpet, ii i, 4 1
p ... mill., ii,.2 External fan comp,nment kiln, ii i, 10 Fineness test, ii, :la tilel, iii, to
",ct pans, ii, .2 Extrados, i, :11, 47 Finger cone pine, iii, 18, a s linoleum, iiI, 41
EdIJing slips, door, iii, 68 plate, i, 104 parquet, Hi, 40
timber, iii, 24 F Finish es, floor, iii, 36-41 inlaid, Hi, 40
&) grass, iii, 49 Face, i, 3, )6 F inishing plywood bouda, LII , loa ordin.ry, iii, 40
Efflorescc:ncc, ii, I, 1)- 15,26, 27.98 bedded stone, i, )8; ii, 97 FinJ,c roof trull, ii. U 7, u8 pined, iii, 40
Efflu ent, ii, 7' p liu, iii, 98, 100 Fireclay blockt, Hi, :16 plywood. iii, 40, 41, 1001
Egg and dart o rn ament, ii, 107 Faci ng bond, ii, 50, SI bricks, ii. ::t, 16 rubbc:r , iii, 41
EleclTic pyometen, i i, I1 bricks, i, 1,:1; ii, 3, 7, 11-16,36, 40, 44, pipes, ii, 71--'15 sheet, W. 41
Electrical moisture rntten, iii, I1 49-51, 6 1-64, 67, 70 Fire columns. ii, 7 tile., iii, 41
Electrode, ii, UI Fanlights, iii, 63-66 Fireplaces. i, 64, 67, 68; ii, 6,,-67 strip , iii, 36
Elliptical ",ch, ii, 52 Flseias, i, 61), 70, 74, 76; iii, 53, 78, 88, 106, heanhs. i, 68; ii, 66, 67 wood b locks, iii, )8, 40
It"in, iii, 79 no interion, H. 66. 67 boards, iii, )6, 38
Elm, i, 60; iii, 2, S. '7 , la, 25. 126 Fasteners, corrugated met,1 nw-edge, i, Fire-retarding timber, iii, 14, 1016 girden, mild tt .... l. i, 59, 158, 159; Hi,
Dutch, iii, ZO, 25 u6 ; iii, 70 Finner chisel, i, u8 )1-)7
English , iii, 20, 25. 116 F aucet, ii, 72 Firrings, i, 70, 71; Hi, 34,)6 determination or sizes, iii, J4, 35
while, iii, 20, liS Feather-curl figure, iii, 5 Firs, iii, I, 2, 5, 17- 19,25, 36,38,40, ,6, joists, i, 59, 61, 62, 65-68; iii, )1-35. 40,
wych, iiL :0:0, 2S edged bo~"~ding, iii, 101) 70,98, 101,105,110, II1 4:\,43, 5:1, 83, 88, QO
Emery discs, iii, 31 tongues, Ill , 7:1 Fishing, i, 73 determination of siZes, iii, 301, J+
Empty-cell preserving procell, iii, IJ Feeding table, ii i, 18, :19 Fis h plate, iii, 56 Floors, cleaning off, i, 6S
Enamelled bricks, ii. 16 FeUing timbe r, iii, s Five-cutter, iii. 18 concrete, i, 65: H, SS-57, sQ--ti 1 ;iii, J6-41
Encasing drain" ii, 78, 84 felspar, ii, 85 Fixed cutten, iji, 18 double, i, 59: iil, ) 1-3 4
End c, iii, 8 Felspathic und5l0nu, ii, 88, 89 sashes, i, l og, 113 boarded, i, 6s: iii,)6
grain, iii, 4 Felt. iii, ;~, 49, SI Fixing bricks. ili, 110 fire- resisting. iil, )6, 37
EndcJiffe stone, ii, 87, 90, 9J paper, Il l , 40 points, i, 157 floaling, W. 49
Endogens, i, 55 Fences, iii, 14, 28-30 Fl~gstones, ii, 89 framed, i, 59: ii i, 34-36
Eng, iii, zo, :z s Fender walls, i, 19, 61 Flashings, copper, iii, 13a single, i, 59-68
Engineering brick., ii, 15- 17 "Ferrocrele" cemenl , ii, 24 lead, i, 143. 145- 151; iii, 116, " 7, UO, u9 sound-proofed, Hi, 48-S I
English ash, iii, IQ, 015, 70 Ferruginous sandttonu, ii, 88 zinc, iii, 133 trimming, i, 6a, 66, 68
bond, i, ~~. 9-14 Fibres, iii, 4 Flash-wall, ii, 6 triple, i, 59: iii, 34- 37
cross. 11, 49 Fibre saturation point, iii, 7 Flat a rches, i. a4, 47, 99, 101), u o; ii, 64, wood-co\"ercd concrete, I , 6), 65; H,
faci ng, ii, 50, SI Fibrous asphalt felt , i, 18, 6c}, 70,1)6,138, '07, 113 SS-57; iii, )8 , )9, 4 1
garden wall, ii, 40, 49 146; ii, 54, 56; iii, 106- 101). Ill, "5- cut, iii, g8 F lorentine arch, ii, 51.53
elm, iii, :10, 015, u6 119,114,136,130 grain, iii, 4, 5, 7. a4, u6 Flowered sati n wood, ili, 5, al , as , 98
marbles, ii, 87, 92, 94, Q6 wood_cemenl, H. :18; Hi, 47 roofs, i, 70--'11, 146, 149; iii, IJo-I)3 Flues, ii, 65
oak, i, 60; iii, 01:1, :15, JB, 40, 70, u6 Fiddle-back figure, W, S, :zo-lJ sa"''Il timbc:r, iil, 4--'1, u6 Flush doors . i, 94; iii, 68, 70, 71, 93
walnut, iii, 24, 25 maple, iii, 5, 11, 25, 38, 40, 101 FI~unching, ii, 65 fire-resisting, iii, 70
Engobe, ii, 16 Figure, i, S7i iii, 4, S, 17-24 Flecks, iii, 5, 19, :\4 Flush join", i, 31; ii, 6z
Entablatu re , ii, 107, 11) bird'a-eye, iii, 5, OIl Flemi!h bond, i, 7- 14 Flushing c isterna. ili, 49, 9l
Equilateral arch, ii , 52 blister, iii, 5, 18, ll - a3 garden wall bond, ii, 40, 49, liS Foamed cement. iii, 47
Ero-ion, ii, 98 burr, iii, 5, 19, 14 Flctton brick., ii, 1,1,10 slag, ii. a9
Eteutcheon, i, 90 fe. ther curl, iii, 5 Fleur de Pcche marble, ii, 97 F olding wedlle. , i, 65, 66, 8)--85; W, 56-6&
Eaaent ial requiremenU , lIain, iii, 80, 82-84 fiddle-back. iii, S, lo-:t ) Fl ie rs, ii i, 78, 80. 8). 84, 87, 90, 93 Followers, iil, 1:15
European birch, i, 60; ii i, 19, 25, 98 mott led, iii, 5, 17, 19, ao, 1:1, 1) Flight, stair, iii, 78 Foot iron., ii, 80
Forced drausht kilns, iii, Io-U Grain-contd. G .....ell. ii, 121-11:8

Forked tenon joint, i, 116 plain liling, i, 140, I .p; ii, to6, 107. 109, irr~gular, iii, 4, 5, '9-0101 Gutter bearers, i. 72, 81. 146
Form, ply....ood, iii, 102 quartet, iii, 1-7, aa, )8, 100, 126 Gutters. i. 72, 81, 145, 146, 150, 151; Hi.
Fonn ..... ork, ii, I~ rod. i, 29, 31 thon, iii, 4 106. tlO, 116, 118, 132
Foundations, 1,15-'7, 39-... , ~6; ii, ~I. ~3, Roman liling, iii, 118 .,l\,er, i, 57: iii, 4, 5, 012 Gypsum, ii, 012
57, 59, 66 shingles. iii, 129 .Iash, iii, 4, S. 17, a4, 126
brick footin(l5. i, '5-'7 .lating, i, 135, 136, 139, '40 spiral, iii, 4, 17. 18 H
chimney, ii. 6~. 66 asbestos_cement, iii, 121 lilraillht, iii, ., 5, 17-:24, 126 Habla Kiln, H, 8
concrete. i. 15-'7; ii, .p, ~3, 57, 59, 66 stone, iii. 125 unt,,"~n, iii, 4 Hacks. ii, 5,6
and footlnj{s. i. '5-17, 19, ~ I, ~6; ii, 59 Spanish, iii, 118 vertical, W, 4--;, a2, 38, 100, l a6 Hair feh, iii, 40, 49. SI
drain, ii. 76, 78 stick, i, 132, 134 wavy, iii. 4, 5. 17, 20-:24 H alf batl. i. 4. 10
setting out, ,i, 67--;0 vertical tiling. iii •• 10 Granites, i. 33: H, 85-89, 93,101, 105 lsppedjoints, i, 61, 74
. tepped, ii, 59
stone. i, )9. 40
Four-culler planing and thicknuaini
machine, iii. ~8
Gauged arches. i. 24-26
Gault bricks, ii, t
day, ii, I
Genera, timbers. iii,
b.otite, ii. 86
composition, ii. 88
distribution, ii, 86, 93
hornblende, ii, 85, 86
.. ,
newel, iii , 88
round h.p tiles, i, '37, 139; iii, 109, 1 16-

ridge liles, i, 137, 139. '41 ; ii, 123, uS;

Frame ""..... , i, 34, 1~7; ii, 101 Geology, ii, 85, 87 biotite, ii, 86 ii i. 107. 109. 112, 113, 118, 120, 121,
Framed floors, i, 59; iii, H-36 General joiner, i, 107; iii, 30 muscovite, ii, 86 ,,6
ledged and battened door, i. 92, 93 Geometrical stairs, iii, 79, 8, biotite, ii, 86 space landings. ii, 118 ; iii, 79.80,88.90.
braced and baltened door, i, 92"""'94 Gibs and cotteu, i, 80, 81 polIshing, ii, 105 9J
partitions, ili, .H-45 Gilding melsl. iil, .03 Granny bonnet h1p tiles, i, 14'; iii, 108, 109 turn stai.,., iii. 79, 80, h"""'95
Frames, door, i, 86, 87, 89, 91-'n; iii,~, Gimlet, i, 129 Granolithic finish, ii, 60 Hall-ed joints, i, ,08
45,63-67 Girders. mild til(>tl, i, 59, 158, 159: iii, Granulated cork. iil, 48, 51, 70 H amme r-headed key tenoned joint, iil, 66, 70
bedding, i, 1),87, I11 3'-37 Gravel. ii, 29, 87 H amme rs, i. 29. 36. 38, 129. ')4
trench, iii, 57, 58 dtt~rmin.ation of sizes, iii, )4, 35 Gra\'ity nw, il. loa Hand board, i, 29
windo ..... , i, 108-115, 119- 122; iii, 70,7~--;8 Glan, i, 110 Great maple, ili, 5, 23, 25, 70, 98, tal drelsed stone. i, 35-38, 41,-4-5
Fn.nked joint, i, 108 bricks, ii, 19 Grecian marbles, ii, 97 float. ji, )6, 60
Freestones, ii, 89 partitions, iii. 48 Gr«nheart, ii i, 20, 25 made bricks, i, I , Z, 4, )1; ii, 3-5, I). 15.
Free2:ing lest, tiles, iii, 105 panes, proponion, i, 110; iii, 68 Gr~enstone, ii, 88 6,
French marbles, ii, 97 paper, i •• 06, 129, '30; iii, 30 Grey fir, iii, 17.25, )8 moulded tiles, iii, 1 0~-106, 110, 11:2, 116
roof lrun, ii, 1~7, 128 Glaud bricks. ii, 6, 16 Grcywood, Indian slt.'er, iii, 20, as, 70, 98 trenching. iii, 84
walnut, iii, ~4, 25 d~rs, !!i. 66--;0 Grinding machine, iii, 30, 31 Handrail punch, iii, 72
Frenchman, i, 29 p.pes, 11, 74 miUs, ii , 201 screw bolts, iii, 66, 72
Frieze, i, .9. So; ii. 107-112, 114 tiles, ii, 66, 67 Grindstone. i, 130; ii , 31, iii, 78, 84. 85. 88-96
Frog, i, •• 31 GIszinl!', i, 110; iii, 63. 66, 68. 76 Grips. iii, 58 Handserew, i. 130
Frost action, ii, 15,35.98, lOO, 101 bars, i, 108-11), liS, ,,6; iil, 63. 6., 66, Griutones, ii, 88"""'9t H angers, i, 72, 74; ii, 1018; iii, 52
Fruit bodies •• ii, '4- T6 try, 74 Griuling, ii, 14 Han,lling doors, i, 88, 92, 91, 98, 103
Full_cen preser\'ing process, iii, 12, 13 beads, i, I 10. 112; iii, 63. 64, 66-68 Grog, ii. 3, ,6, 74 Hard COte. ii, 60
Fungi, iii. u, 14 Glue blocks. iii. 78, 83, 87 Groo,"~d bricks, ii, 46 maple, iii. 5, 22, as. 38, 40, 101
spreader, iii. 100 Groo\'ing. iii. 28-30 Hardware, door, i, 88-t05
G Glues, i, 86, 87: iii. 101, .02 head. iii, 019 windo,",'. i, "1 , 116-1 2a
Gabbro, H, 85. 88 Gluing, i, 10 •• 106, 116; iii, 66, 70, 7a, 87, Ground floor, i, 59-65 H ardwood margin, i, 65
Gable "'';111, i, 41 97, Q8, 100-10) off saw, iii , z6, 27 Hardwoods, i, 59, 60: iii, 1-5, 19-25
Gaboon, iii, 20. 25, 70, 98 Going. Sla;.,., Hi. 78. 7()-86, 93-96 Grounds, i, 100, la. characteristics and uses, i, 60; iii, 19-a~
maholr"n y, iii, 20, 25, 70, 98 Gouges, i, 36. 38, 128 Grout, i, 01, 21. 31. 43. 47, 49, 5l, 87 class ification, i. S9. 60; iii, f, 17. 19-".
Galleted joints. i, 40 Graded timber, iii, 31, 32, 35 GrO"'1h rings, i, SS, 57-60; iii, I, . , 5, 17- Aceta mah.ogany, iH, 5, 21, 25,70, 100
Galletin!!, iil, 114-118 Gta?in~ aggr~.$"ates, ii, 25, 29 a., 126 African ebony, iii, 20, 015
Gal\'aniud corrugated iron sheet., i, 68- Gram. '. 57; Ill, 4, 5, 17-24, 38, 97-100, Guarea, iii, lO, as mahogany, i, 6o:iii, 5, 2 1, 25, 70,100
70; iii. 12~ '02, 126 black, iii, ao, 25 ola-'e, iii. JI), 25
Gah';, H. 45 coarse, i. 58; iii, 5, 19 Icemed , iii, 20, 25 teak, i, 60; iii, JlI, 2S, 38
Ganister brick.., ii, 16 comb. iii, 4-7, 22, 38, lOO, 126 white, iii, 20, 25 walnul, iii, 24, 25
Garden wall boncb, ii, 40, 49, 115 erou. iii, 97, Q8, 100, 1001 Gudgeon hooks. i, 9a al der , iii, 70
Gauge board. H, 76 curly, iii, 4. 5, 20 Guillotine. iii, 100 American ash. iii, 19, 25, 70
cunin!!. i, 127 diagonal, iii, 4 Guisel~y stone, ii. 87, 90, 93 beech, iii. IQ. 25. 38, S6, 70, 9iI
lines. ii, I l l , 128 edge, iil. 4-7, 201, 38, 100, 126 Gullet, nw, iH, 24 "irch, iii, 20, 25, 36
marking , i. 127 end, i,.i... 4 Gulleting, uw blade •• Hi. 30 black walnul, iii. 24, as
mortise. i, 106, 127 even, lLI, 4 Gullies, ii, 72, 74, 82, 84 chestnut, iii, 20, 25
panel, i, 106, 127 fine, iii, 5 Gum, iii, 2, a l lime. iii, 19. 25
pantiling. Lii, 114 flat, iii, 4, 5, 7. 014, 126 Gun-stock .tile, iii, 68 red oak, i, 60; iil, 22, as, 38
ubellos-cement, iii, I:U interlocking, iii, 4, 5. 17, 19-24 Gurjun, iii, Oi l , 25. 38 white oak, i, 60; W, n, 25, 38
Hardwood.- contd. Hardwoods - contd, Hardwoodl- contd, Hardwood.-contd.
claSliifical;on-<»I\td. dauification-contd, c1l1sification--contd. c1l1sificatlon-contd.
American whitewood, ili, 14. as chestnut, Spanish, iii. ao, 25 Japanese ash, iii, 19, 25 oak-contd,
Andaman padauk, lii, 5. al . 25 sweet, W, S, 20, a5 oak, i, 60; iii, 22, 25, 38 American n:d, i, 60; iii, u, 25. 38
apilong, iii, : 11, as. J8 chuglum. white, iii, ao, as, 70, 9B jurah, iii, 21, :15, J8 white, i. 60; iii, 22, as, J8
appayi., W, IQ. 2S. 98 cigar-box cedar, Hi. ao, 2S kanyin, iii. 21, 2S, 38 Austrian, i, 60; iil, 22, 25
ash, Hi, 1 , 17. 19.23. 2.5. 38, 40, 70 Circassian ,,,.alnut, iii. 24, 2S karri , iii, 21,:15 brown, iii, aa, 25
Amuian, iil, IQ. :IS. 70 Cuban mahogany, i, 60; iii, 5, ai, 25. keruing, iii. 21, 25, 38 durmlll, Hi, aa. 25
EngliJh, iii. 19, :IS, 70 7 0 ,98 kokko, iii, 21, 25
Japan«e. iil, 19.25
mountain, iii, 13 . 25. J8
curly birch, iii, 20, 2S. 36
maple, iii. S, :n , 25 . 38. 40, 101
Lagos mahogany, iii, 5. :U, 25. 70,100
lauan, red, iii, ai , 25 ,,'
Engli.h, i, 60; iii, :U, .:IS, 38. 40, 70,
Japanese, i, 60; iii, 22, 2S. 38
Australian blackwood, iii, s. 20, 15 Duala mahogany. iii, 5'. 2t, 25, 70, 100 white, iii, ai, 25 pedunculate. iii, 22, 25
walnut, iil, :1.4. 2S . 101 durmast oak, iii, 22, 25 laurel, Indian. iii, 5, 21, 25, 70 Polish, iil, aa, 25
Austrian oak, iii, :n, 15. Dutch elm, iii, 20, 2S 'iillum vitR, iii, 21, as Russia n, i, 60; iii, 21, 2S
avodiri. iii, 19. 2S . 98 East African olive, iii. 23. 25 lime, iii, '9, 21, 25 $Cnile, iii, 22, .:15
ba].-, ili, 19. 25 Indian ~tinwood. iii. S, 23. 2S, 98 American, iii, 19, as silky. iii, aa, as
bauwood., iH, 19. l S walnut, iii, H, 25 Macas~r ebony, iii, 20, 25 Tumanian, W, 23, as . 38
baywood, Ill . S. 11, 25. 70, 911 ebony, Ill , 20, 25 mahogany, i, 60, 98; Hi, I, 2, 5, :10, ai, ViClorian, Hi, 2), ':15, 38
beech, iii, 1-5. 19,25. 38, 56, 70, 98 African, iii. 20, 25 as, 70, 98, 100 wainscot, i, 60; iii, 21, as
Amerkan, iii, 19. 25 . 38, 56, 70, 98 MacaUIT, iii, 20. 25 Accra, iii, 5, 21, 25, 70, 100 obeche, iii, 2), 25
South land, ili, 19. 25 elm, i, 60; iii. 2, 5. '7. 20, 25. 126 African, i, 60; iii. S, 21, llS. 70, 100 odum, iii, 21, 2S
Bcnin mahogany, iii, s. 11 , 1S. 70, 100 Dutch, iii, 20, 25 Bcnin, iii, 5, 21, 25, 70,100 okoum~, iii, 20, 25. 70, 98,
walnut, iii, 24. 15 English, iii, 20. 25, 1.26 Ca"" Lopez, iii. 5.2 1, 2 5,70,100 olive. East African, ili, 2), 25
birch, i, 60; ili, I, 4, S. 19.10, 1S. 36, wbte. iii. 20, 25 Central American, i, 60; iii, 5, 21, 25, olon, iii, 19,25,98
]8,4°,70,98, 101 W)'ch, iii, 20, :IS 70 ,98 padauk, Andaman, iii, 5, .:13, 25
American, iil, 10, 1S. 36 eng, iii, 20, 2S cherry, iii, 22, 25 Burma, W, 23, 2S
blRck, iii, 10, 2S. ~6 English, ash, iii, '9, as. 70 Cuban, i, 60; iii, 5, 21, 25, 70, 98 ""duncu[ale oak, iii, 21, as
Canadian yellow, .H, ZO, 15, J6 elm, iii, 20, 2S, 126, iii, S. 21, 2S, 70, 100 plane, iii, 5, 23, 2S, 70, 98, 101
curly, iii, 1? 25 •. ~~ oak, i, 60; iii, 22, 2S, 38, 40, 70, 126 gaboon, iii, :10, 25, 70, 98 Polish oak, iii, 21, 25
European, 1, 60; 111, 19. 15. 98 walnut, iii. 24. 2S, Honduras, i, 60; iii, 5, :11, 25. 70, 98 Porta Rico mahogany, iii, 5, :11, :IS. 70,
Queh<><:, iii , 20, 25, 36 Euro""an birch, i, 60; iii, 19, 25,98 Jamaican, iii , 5, 21, 25, 70, 98 98
yellow, iii, 20, 2 S, 36 walnut, iii, 24, 25 Lagos, iii, S. ai , 25, 70, 100 P yinkado, iii, 23. as , 38
bird's-eye maple, iii, S, 22, 2S, 38,-40, 101 fiddle-back maple, iii, 5, 22, 2S, 38. 40, Porto Rico , iii, 5, 21 , 25, 70, 98 Quebec birch, Hi, 20. 25. 36
black bean, iii, s. 19, 25. 70, 100 '0' sa""le, iii, 5, a3, :IS, 98 Queensland maple, iii, 5, 22, 25, 101
birch, iii, 20, 25, 36 flowen:d P linwood, iii, S, a) , 2S. 9B Spanish, i. 60; iii, S, 21, 25, 70, 9B WlIlnut, Hi, 24, 2S. 102
guarea, iii, 20. 25 Fn:nch walnut, iii, 24, 25 \Vest Indian, iii, 5, ZI , 25, 70, 98 red lauan, iii, 21, a5
Sea walnut, iii, 24, 2S gaboon, iii, 20. 2S , 70, 98 makon!, iii , 22, 2S merantl , iil. 22, 25
walnut, American, iii, 2-4, 25 mahogany, iii, 20, 25, 70, 98 maple, i, 60, 62, 65; iii, 5, 2a, 2J, 25, oak, AmelIcan, i, 60; iii. 22, 25, 38
blackwood, AUlItno.lian, Hi, S, 20, 2S great maple, iii. S, 23. 2S, 70, 98, 101 38,40,70. Q8, 101 seMlya, Hi, 23 , 25. 38
Bombay, iii, 23, 25 gr«nhellrt , iii, 20, 2S bird'S-e)'e, iii , 5, 22, :15, J8, +0, 101 Rhode,ian teak, iii. 5, 24, :IS, )8
blister maple, iii, S, 22 , 25 , 38. 40, 101 grey fir . iii, 17,25,38 blister, iii, 5, Z:I, 25 , 38, 40, 101 rock maple, i, 60; iii, 5,21,25,38, +0,
Bombay blackwood, iii, 2~ , 25 greywood, Indian silver, iii, 20. 25 , 70, 9B curly, iii, S, 22. llS, J8, 40, 101 '0'
British. H o nduru cedar, ili, 20, 2S guarea, iii. 20, 25 fiddle-back, iii, 5, H, as, J8, 40, 101 rosewood, Ho nduras, iii, 23, 2S
brown oak, iii, 22, 2S black, iii, 20, 25 gn:at. iii, S, 23. 25, 70, 98, 101 Indian, iH. 23, 25
Burma padauk, iil, 2J, 2S scented , iii, 20. as hard, iii, 5, H, 25, J8, -40, 101 Runiln oak, i, 60; iii, aa, 25
Canadian yellow birch, iH, 20, 25, 36 white. iii, :10, 25 Queensland. iii, 5, :12, 25. 101 upele, IH , S. :I), 25 , 9B
canary whitewood. iii , 24. 25 gurjun, iii, 21 , 25 , 38 rock , i, 60; iii, 5, u, 25, 38,40, 101 mahogany, Hi, S, :&3, 25, Q8
Cape L ope;!; mah.ogany, iH, S, 21, 25, hard maple, lii. S, 22, 25, 38, 40, 101 sugar, iii, 5, 22, 25, J8, 40, 101 Plinwood, East Indian, iii, 5, .:13, :&5, 98
70 ,100 Honduras mahogany, i, 60; iii, 5, 21, white. iii, S. 22, 25, 38. 40, 101 flowered , iii, 5, 2), 25, 98
ceda r, British. H onduru. iii, 20, 25 25, 70, 98 me ... n!i, red, iii, :12, 25 Jamaica. iii, :I~, 25 , 98
Centnll American, Hi, 20, 25 rosewood , iii, 23, 25 white, iii. 22, as Welt Indian, lii, 2J, as, 98
cigllr-box, iii, 20. as hornbeam, iii, 21, 25 yellow, iii. 22, 25 scenIC';; guarea, iii, 20, 2j
Mexican, iii, aa, as In, iii, 20, 25 Mexican cedar, iii, ao, 25 -.c"ya, red, iii, 23 • .:IS, 3
Nicaraguan. iii, ao, as Indian laurel, iii, S, 21, 25, 70 mountain uh, iii, 23, llS, 38 white, iii, 23, 25, 38
Trinidad. W, ao. as rosewood, iii, 23. 2S m\'ule, iii, :11, 25 scssile oak, iii, 2.:1, 25
Wut Indian. ili, ao. 25 silver greywood, iii, 20, 25, 70. 98 Nicaraguan cedar. iii, 20, 25 si[kwood, iH, S, 22, 25, 10 1
Central American cedar, ili, 20, as iroko, iii, 21, 25 Nigerian walnut, iii, 24, 25 silk y oak, iii, 22. 25
mahogany, i, 60; Hi. S. 21, 25, 70, 98 Italian walnut. iii, 24 , 25 oak, i, 60, 6:1, 65, 86, 98, loS, 116; .ilveTllreywood, lndian,iii,ao, :15,70,98
cherry mahogllny, iii, 22, as Jamaican mahogany. iii. S. 21. 25, 70, 98 iii, 1-5, 16, 17, 22, llJ, 25, 38. Southland betch, iii, 19. 25
chestnut. American, iii. 20, as satinwood, iii, 23, 25, 98 40,98. 101, 126 Spanish chestnut, iii, 20, 25
Hardwoods-contd. Heading joint, i, 64 Hornblende, ii, 85, 86 J
c1ani fication----conld, Head-nailed. alatinll, i, 77.135. 138,139 Horns, i, 66, 86, 87, 106, 108, 116 Jack archei, i, 1I6
Spanish mahogany, i, 60: iii, S,:U, liS, Headroom. stair.. iii, 78, 80, 8~, 93, 95 Hornton stone, ii, 9:1, 93 pine, iii, 18, 25
70,98 Headstock, iii, )0 HOl'1le, iii, 10~ raft ers, i, 69. 70, 73--75
5UIr'4r Jrulple, iii, S, U, liS, 38, ~o, 101 Heart shakel. i, 58; iii, 18, 10 Hot.~d·cold st~ping preserving procnl, Jamaican mahollany, iii, 5, 21, liS, 70, 98
aweet chestnut, iii, S, lilO, 'liS Heartha, i, 611-64, 67, 68: ii, 66, 67 Ill, I ) satinwood, iii. 23, liS , Q8
aycamo~e, iii, S, 1I3, liS, 70, 98, 101 Hurting, ii, I ) dip procna, ii, ~S Jamns, moulded, ii, 107
Tasmanian myrtle, iii, n, liS Heartwood. i, 55: Hi. 1I floor drying, ii, 5 rebaled, 1, I), 14
OlIk, iii, 23, liS, )8 Helicoidal wire .... wing plant, ii, 10S pat test, ii, 2~ and splayed, ii, 39
teak, i, 60, 65,108,116: iii, S, 1I1, 2), Hemlock. western, iii, 17, as.)8 steeping preserving proces.s, Hi, 14 and stepped, ji, 39
liS , H, )8, 116 Herringbone bond, ii, ~8, 62 Housed join", i, 61, 66, "4, 114 : iii, 'lI9, square, i, 7,13
Af~ican, i, 60: Hi, 11, liS, 38 pattern, iii, 38 ~;r., H, 83, 87, 88, 95, Q6 Japanese ash, Hi, 19, 25
Rhodes ian, iii, 5, 1I4. liS, 38 Itnltting, i, 66, 68. 70 strings, iii, 80, 8)-91, 93--Q6 oak, i, 60: iii, n, 'liS, 38
Trinidad cedar. Hi, 10, liS Hcworth Bum ItOnC, ii, 87, 90, 93, 96 Hunziker bricks, ii, 17 Jarrah, iii, 21, 'liS, )8
Victorian OlIk, iii, lIJ, liS, J8 Hinlles. butt, i, 94, 98. 103. I I I Hydrated lime, ii, lilO, 21, 17 Jaune Lamartine marble, ii, 97
wainscot oak. i, 60: iii, :n, liS "tension, i, I l l ; iii, 74, 76, 77 mortar, ii , 1I7 Jaw crusher, ii, n, 28
walnul, iii, 17, 1I1, 1I4, liS, 40, 70, Qi, 102 Ikew butt, i, 103 Hydl'liltion, ii, :14 Jenny Lind polisher, ii, 10", u:>S
African, iii, 24. liS SII1lP, i, 91 Hydl1ltor, ii, 21 Joggle joinu, i, l l , 49, 511: ii, 117
Aznuican black, iii, 1I~. liS t~, i, 88-911 H ydl1lulic lime, ii, :10, :1.1 Joggled archei. 1, 47, 48
Auslralian, iii. 1I4, liS, lOll H,ps, i, 6<), 73, 74,1)7,141; iii, 106, 108, mortar, ii, 26 Joiner', 10011, i, 116-131
Benin, iii, 1I4-. 25 109, •• 6, '18, 126, '1I9, 13a, 13~ test, ii, 78 Joinery, i, 86-13 1; iii, 63-103
Black Sea, iii , 1I4, 'liS angulu, i, 1)7, 141: iii, 108, 109 Hypabysnl rocks, ii, 88 definitiOn, i, 86
Circa~5ian, Hi, 1I4, 15 bonnet, i, 141; iH, 108, 109 Hyph<r, iii, 14- 16 Jointe r, i, 1I9, 31,):1.
East Indian. iii, 1I1. liS cone, iii, 109, 116, 1:1.0 Jointing, i, 30-32, )5, 98: ii, 61, 6:1, 6~; iii,
English, iii, 1I4, 25 copper, iii, 132 28-30
European, iii, 1I4, liS cutandmitrw,i, 137, 139: iii, 109, la6, 119 Identification, limber, iii, ~ veneers, iii. 100
French, iii. 1I4. liS jl:rann)', i, 141: iii, 108, 109 Igneous rocks, I, 3): ii, 85, 86, 88 Joints : bricltft'Orlt and ",aJOlt,y-
italian, iii. 1I4. liS naif-round, i, 137, 139 ; iii, '09, 116-118 Impost, i, 1I3 bed, i, 4, 23, 2~, 1I9, 31, 39, 40, 45
r\'igerian, ill, 1I4, liS lead, i, '37, 139, 148; ii i, 119 In, iii, :10, :15 butt, i, 10, 511 iii, 24. liS , lOll purpose-made, i, 141 ; iii, loS, 109 Inbands, i, 47, 119 chamfered, I, 38: ii, 107
\\'est Ind ian cedar. iii, lilO, 25 Hoffman kiln, ii, 9, 10, 19 Indents, i, ~ channelled, ii, lOS, "3
mahogany, Hi, S. 1I1, liS, 70, 98 H og·back ridge , i, 137, I 3g-141; iii, 108, 109 Independent ceiling, iii, 49 continuous venial, i, 3, 4, 7,10,12, I)
satinwood. iii. 2 3, 25. 98 Hoist, concrete, ii, 35 Indian laurel, iil, 5, 1I1, 25, 70 cram(l<'d, i, 52: ii, 115
white cnUlllam, iii, lilO, liS, 70, 98 Holde~bats, i, 154 rosewond, iii, 23, liS dowell,ed, i, p
dm. iii, 1I0. liS Holdfast, i, '30 silver gr"ywood. iii, ZO, liS, 70, q8 Hush, I, 31; 11, 6:1
guarca. iii, 1I0. 25 Holding do .... n dips, iii , 1)3 Inner beads, i, 113- 116, 11g-1211 hollow bed. i, 47
lauan, iii, 21, 25 Holing slates, i, '33, 134 lininj{$, i, 113- 115, .17 joggle, i,ll, 49, SlI; ii, "7, ,,8
maple. iii, 5, u. 25, J8, 40, 101 liles. iii, 104, 120 Inspection chambers, ii, 78, 80, 81, 8~ keyed, i, JlI
mel'lilmi, iii, 21, 'liS H ollingt on Sione, ii, 87, 90, 93, 9li Insula ting materills, iii, 40, 48-5 t, 10) masonry, I, sl
oak, Amuican. i, 60: iii, 1I11, 15,38 Hollow bed joint, i, 47 Insulation, ii, ~3 ma""n's mine, i, ~7
sel'lilya, iii, 23, 15, 38 bricks, ii, 17-19 InBulite, iii, 49 plugged, i, sa
whitewood. American, iii. 2~, liS chisel, iii, :1.g-31 Interceptinll chambers, ii, 78, 79, 81, 8a, 8~ projectinll' i, )1,)1I
canary. iii. Z4, liS ground saw, iii, 16, 30 Interceptors, ii, 73, 74, 79, 81, 81, 8~ rebated. i, SI, 52; ii, 115
wych elm, iii, 20. 15 Homework prOllrammea, i, 160, 16t: ii, Interlocking grain, iii , .. , 5, 17, Jg-:l~ recessed, i, 31
yang. iii, 1I1. 25. 38 IZq; iii, 1)5 sheet pilinll, iii, 60 nlsticatcd, i, Sl
yellow birch, iii, 1I0. 25, 36 Iheet, i, 113, 115 tiles, iii, 120 saddle, i, 49
mel'lilnli, iii, 22, 25 H onduras mahogany, i,60 ; iii, 5, 1I1 , 2S, 70, 98 Interm;lIent kilns, ii, 6, 19 splayed rehated, ii, 115
identification, iii, 4 rosewood, iii, :13, liS Internal cheeking. iii, 8 stnlck, i, 31; ii,61
sources, i, 60: iii, I, 19, 2~ H oneycomb alates, iii, In Intersections, brick, i, 9, 10 overhand, i, 31
structure, i, 55: iii, 1I-4 Honeycombin,ll, iH, 8 Interties, iii, ~3-4S tong,;,w, iii, 74, 75
H assell's joint, ii, 76 Hood mould, ii, 51 Intrados, i, n, 17 ,'ee, I, 32, 511
H atched liles, iii, 105 Hook bolts, iii, 122, 1Z4 Irish marbles, ii, 96, 97 Joints: carfUnt ry and joiMry--
Hatchet bit, i, 157 11100', iii, 24, 3' Ilates, ii, 97 barefaced tenon, i, 92; iii, 88, 90
Haunch, i. 211, 66, 86 Hoop iron bond, ii, ~6 Iroko, iii, lI', liS bevel rebated, i, 116
Hllunch.,d. mortice and tenon joint. i, 86, H opton-wood marble, ii, 87, 911--96 Ironmongery, See" Hardware " bevelled haunched, i, 66, 7..
92, 100, 108, 116 Horiwnlal dl'lilughl kiln, ii, 6 Iron spots, H, 14 hou~ed, i, 66; iii, 56
Haunching, i, 87 lo~ band mill, iii, 6 Irregular grain, iH, 4, 5, Ig-n birdsmoulh, i, 72--74; iii, 5:1, 83, 88
Hawk, i, 1I9 frame sa""ing machine, iii, 6 italian marblel, ii, 97 bridle, i, 74, 78-80: iii, ~), 5:l
Huder, i, ), 7. 10, 17, 19, 39 sliding sashes, i, IU tiling, iii, 116, 118, 119 bUll, i, 62, 64; iii, 36, 58, 93,130
Heading bond, i, 7: ii, ... H ornbeam, iii, ai, :15 walnut, iii, :1.4, 25 chamfered, iil, 9:1., 93
Joints: wrpffllry (md join",y---<:ontd. Joints: ,arpmtry andjQinery-1:Ontd. Kilns---conld. Lap---contd.
closed mortice and tenon, i, 86 tongued, grooved and mitred, iii, 3S, 36, eXlemal fan compartment, iii, 10 asbesto~·cement slating, iii, 121, 122
coggcd, i, 61, 72; i"~, 31, 35, 43 96, 97 forced draughl, iii, 10-12 standard corrugated sheets, iii, 124
combed, iii, 70 tusk tenoned, i, 66, 67; iii, 88 Habla. ii, 8 " Tumall " Trafford tiles, Hi, 122
cross-tongued, iii, 70, 72, 96 twin tenoned, i, 103 Hoffman, ii, 9, 10, 19 lead, i, 144, 145
double abutment, i, 81 Joints: ,oPf>D'- horizontal draught, ii, 6 pantiling, iii, 112, 114-116
tenon, i, 87, 92; iii, 63, 68, 70 drips, iii, 131, 132 intermittent, ii, 6, 19 plain tiling, i, '4'; iii, 106
tongued, iii, 74, 75 rolls, iii, 130-132 Manchester, ii, 7"'9 vertical, i"~, 110
dovetailed, iii, 70, 97 standing seams, iii, 130-132 muffle, ii, 6 ... Roman tiling, iii, 118
hah'ed, i, 72, 73; iii, S2 welts, iii, 130-t32 natural draught compartment, Ill, 11 Shingles, iii, 129
housed, i, 66, 74; iii, 52, 88 Joints: drailt- Newcastle, ii, 6 Slates, i, 135, 138-141
tenon, i, 116 cement, ii, 75, 77 overhead imemal fan oompanment, iii, Spanish tiling, iii, 118
dowelled, i, 86, 87, 92, 98, 104, 108; W, bituminous, ii, 76, 77 stone slating, iii, 125
66, 72, 88 H as...,ll's double-lined, ii, 76, 77 "
progressive, iii, II, 100 Larches, iii, I, 17, 25, 56
draw-pinned, iii, 88, 90 Joints: plumbing- rotary, ii, 22 Larrying i, 43
slot mortice and tenon, i, 87 copper bit, i, 153 score, ii, 6 Latches, i, 88, 90, 98
fishing, i, 73 down-pipe, i, 15.01- Scotch, H, 6 Latex, iii, 41
forked tenon, i, !.6 drips, i, 1+4-146 semi-continuous, ii, 6 Lathe, iii, 30, 98
gib. and cotters, i, 80, 81 eaves gutter, i, '53 sunk-drawn, ii, 19 Lath~, i, 68,136; iii, 31, 34, 3S, 43, 52, 83,
half.lapped, i, 61, 74 laps, i, 1+4, 145 tunnel , ii, 10, 19; iii, 11 84,87, 88, 114, 129
halved, i, ,08 rolls, i, 144-146 up-draught, ii, 6 Lauan, red, iii, 2T, 25
hammer-headed key tenoned, iii, 66, 70 welts, i, 145, 148 2igzag, ii, 8 white, iii, 2', 25
handrail-screw bolted, iii, 66, 72 wiped, i, 152, 153, 155 Kiln-white, ii, 7, 8, 14 Laurel. Indian, iii, 5, 21, 25, 70
haunwed mortice and tenon, i, 86, 92, Joints: zinc--- King pOSI roof IfUSS, i, 76-81; iii, 54, 56, 62 Lavatory basins, ii, 84
100, 108, 116 drips, i"~, 131, 133 roll, copper, iii, 132 Lazonby stone, ii, 87, 89, 9', 93
heading, i, 64 beaded, iil, '3', 133 Kite winders, iii, 80, 96 Lead ap rons, i, 143, 148; iii, 112
housed, i. 61, 114, 124; iii, 29. 42, 52, 74, welted, iii, 131, 133 Knspped facing, i, 43, +4 buminK, i, 143, 152, '57
83, 87, 88, 95, 96 flash.ings, iii, I 33 Kneelers, i, 51 characteristics_ i, 142
lipped mitred, iii, 36 rolls, iii, 131-133 Knives,.i, '57 covered cornices, i, 49, ISO, 15::; iii,I13
mitred, i, 47, 65, 76, 95, U4; ili, 36, 70, 96 Joists, ceiling, i, 7z Knots, i, 58, 60; iii, 18, 19 cupped wash",rs, iii, 124
and reb3ted, i, 124 floor, i, 59, 61, 62, 65-68; iii, 31-35, 40, KnOllS day, ii, I, 2, damp proof course, i, 18
morticed and tenoned, i, 86, 92, 98, 103, 4Z, 43, 52, 83, 88, 90 Kokko, iii, 21, 25 dowels, i, 108, ISO
106; iii, 66, 68 sizes, i, 59, 61; iii, 34, 35 Korean pine, iii, 18, 25 drips, i, 14-4-146
notched, i, 61, 66, 72, 74; iii, 52, 88 trimming, i, 66 Kraft pap'er, iii, 49 flashings, i, 143, 145, 146, ISO; iii, 116,
oblique tenon housed, i, 74, 79, 80 Jumpcn, i, 41 tape, ",, 100 IZO, 129
haunched tenon, iii, 88 Junctions, drain pipe, ii, 72-'74 Kyanizing preserving process, iii, 14 flats, i, 70, 146
morticed and tenon, iii, 52 righ.t-angled, brick, i, 9, 10 gutters, i, 81, '45. 146, 150
pinned, i, 74, 86; iii, 66, 72 squint, brick, ii, 36, 37 L hips, i, 137, 139, 148; iii, 129
ploughed and tongued, i, 64, 114 manufacture, i, 142
rebated, i, 62, 64; iii, 58, 97 K Laced valleys, i, 141; ii, 106, 1a6 pipes, i, 145, 146, 154
tongued and grooved, i, 64 Lacing courses, i, 43 pitch, i, 6Q
scarfing, i, 73, 81 Kanyin, ii;, 21, 25, 38 Ladle, i, '57 plug, i, 52
scribed, i, 76, 95, 107, 108, 110, u4 Karri, iii, 21, 25 Laggings, i, 85; iii, 60, 62 ridges, i, '37, 148: iii, 109, 129
single abutment, i, 81 Kauri pine, iii, 5, 17, 25, 38 Lagos mahogany, iii, 5, 21, 25, 70,100 rolls, i, 144-146
slot and tenon, iii, 43 Keene's cement arris, i, Ill, 125 Laitance, ii, 60 saddle-piece, i, ISO
splayed, i, 64: i"~, 84, 89 K emnay granite, ii, 86, 93 Lake District masonry, i, 18, 39, +4, 4S soaken, i, 137, 143, '48, ISO: iii, IOQ,
rebated, tongued and grooved, i, 64 Kentish rag, i, 43; ii, 87, 94 slates, ii, 87, 97 110-112,126, 129
scarf, Hi, SS, S6 K erridge stone, ii, 90, 93 Laminated wood trusses, iii, 53, 54 tacks, i, '+4, 145, 148
_quare, butt, plain or shot, i, 62, 64 Keruing, iii, 21, 25, 38 Laminations, ii, '4; W, 10S valleys, i, 137, 141, 148; iii. 110, 116, 12':)
housed, i, 66 Key brick o r stone, i, 22 L ami nboards, iii, 45, 70, 93, 95, 103 wedges, i, 143-146, 150
stub tenoned, i, 8" 94, 106; iii, 42, 43, Keyed, bricks, ii, 18 Lancashire slates, i, 132-134 weights, i, 70, 142
66,93,95 joint, i, 32 Lancet arch, ii, 52 welts, i, 145, 148
tongued and grooved, i, S2, 62, 67, 70, Kibblers, ii, 3 Landing!!, iii, 78-80, 8z-84, 88, go, 93"'95 wool, i, 154
88, U4; iii, 36, 40, 45, 47, 58, 63, Kicking plate, iii, 70 half_space, iii, 79, 80, 88, 90, 93 Lean lime, ;i, 20

70, 72, 80, 83, 84, 87, 88, <)6, it4,
grooved and beaded, i , 88, 89
and dovetailed, iii, 38, 39
and lip mitred, iii, 35, 36
Kieselguhr, ii, 6
Kiln drying schedules, iii, 10, 11
seasoning, i, 56; W, 9-12
Kilns, i, 1; ii, 6-11, 19, 20, 22; iii, Io-n. 100
continuous, ii, 6-10, 19
quarter- space, iii, 78-82, 93
Lap, i, 4,135,138-141,1+4,145; iii, 106,
112,114,118,122, IZ4, IZ5, 129
ubestos-cement pantiling, ili, 122
"Eyerite Bigsix " corrugated sheets,
Lean-to roof, i, 72
Le Chatelier apparatus, H, 24
Ledged and battened door, i, 87-90
braced and battened door, i, <)0, 91
Ledges, i. 87--<)2.
and V-jointed, i, 76, 88, 89 down-draugh.t, ii, 6, 74 iii, IU, 124 Letter plate, i, 100, 10S
LeVlnto Rosso m arble, ii. 97 Limeltones~contd. M Machine!l- contd-,
Le~'elling Wncrete, ii, 68 distribulion--contd. M«anar ebony, iii, ~o, 15 four-hud planer. ii, 1004-
Leve llers, i, 41 Weldon. ii. 8,. 91-94, 96 M.chine dressing, stone, i, 34, 35, 38; ii, frame saw, i, 34; ii, 101
LeWIS bolts, 1;, Ill-US magnesian limestone., ii, 8" 9a-94, 10 1-1 05 frost resistance, ii, I S, 100
Lewisel, i, 5), 54
Liee board, i, 148 06."
Anslon, ii, 87, 9a-<}4, 96
mou lded liles, iii, 104, 105
M achines, apparJIUS and plant, i, I , 3, 34,
gencraljoine r, i, 107; iil. 30
glue-sp reader. iii, 100
Lifting appliances, i, 53. 54 Linby, ii, 87. 91, 93 35, 6a, 104, 107, 130, IJ1, IJ4 ; ii, gravity, saw, ii, 10J
Lifts, iii, 58 Park Nook, ii, 87, 9a-<}4, 96 1-5, 13-15, '7, 11-24, 31-)5, 54, 74, grinding mills, ii, 2a
Lightning ce ment , H, 25 dress ing, i, 35, 38; ii, 10 1- 105 100-105: iii, 5, 6, 27-3 1, 40, 46, 87, grindstone, iii,)1
Lightweight co ncrete, ii, 29: iii, 4$-47 fonnation, ii. 85 97- 101, 104, 120, 111 guillotine, iii, 100
Lignum vitre, iii, 21 , as oolitic, ii, 87, 9a-96, 98, las u~"os · C('ment blending, iii, UI helicoidal wire sawi ng , ii, 105
Lime, i, 2; ii, 19-:u; iii, '9 . 21 ,25 ,helly, ii, 87. 92-96 forming, iii, 111 horizontal log band mill, iii, 6
American, iii, 19, 25 "ructu..." li, 94. 95 '$phah felt , ii, 54 log frame sawing, iii, 6
clllSinc:ation, H, 20, 21 testa, ii, 9')- 101 auger, ii, 3, IJ: iii, a9, 104- ,·eneer slicer, iii, Q8
composi tion , i i , 20 L immer u plalt. ii, 54 blnd·renwing, ii i, 6 hydrator, ii, al
h)'dnted, ii , 20, 21, 27 Linby stone, ii. 87, 91, 93 nwin(r, W, 17, a8, 97, 100 Je nny L ind polishe r, ii, 104, 105
h ydnulic, ii, 20, :U Line and pins, i, 19, ) I barkinf[ lathe, iii, 98 lathe, ii, 104 ; iii, ]0
kilns, ii. 19 of n05ings, iii, 79, 80, 85. 86 bale~ box, .Ri, 34, 6 1 barkinl{, iii, 98
mll{fluian, ii. 20, II Linen, timber, ii i, 45, 47 mixers. H, 34, 35 Le Chatelier , ii, 24
man't, i, a,], 24. 29. ) 1, ) :1 , 40 , 4). 45 , Linings, door, i , 100-102, 10S ; iii, 68, 69, 71 closed drum, ii. 35 mitreing, iii, 30
47.49,61, '37; ii, lIIS-l7. 45. 61 window, i, 111- 114 ; iii, 700-74 cont inuous, ii, J5 mortise chain CUller, iii,) .
black, ;,.-47; i,i.' 27. 61, ~~ Linoleum , iii, 4 1 tilling drum, ii, 34 hollow chisel grinder, iii, 31
compo, L, 2: 11, 27 , 4 5: ill , "4 Lintels, brick, i, 20, 11 , 109, III beam laW, ii, 101 monising, i, 10, : iii, a9-J I
colo ur , ii, 27, 6, concre~e, i, ai , 22, I.~', 119 boring, iii, a9 moulding, iii, 28-)0, [20
hydnted, ii, 7.7 stone, 1, 10, 11, 47; Ill, 31 brick, cut, :ng table,i, I; 11 , J, 4- open-side planer, ii, 104
hydnulic, ii, 26 wood., i, 20, 21, 89, 9 1, 93, 99, 102, 105, mould., i, I; ii, 3-5 panel planing and thickneuing, i, 107;
m.gnnian, ii, :6 109, I l l , no prenes, i, I; ii, 3, 4, 17 iii, a8
n, ii, 26 Lip~d mitred joint, ii i, 36 eanting arm plane r, ii, 101 ~elcr, iii, 98
pure, 11, zo L ips, iii, 57, 58 central balching, ii, H ~ndulum, ii, 105
IIrength, ii, 2S, 27 L iver stones. ii. 89 chlKr mill, ii, a penneability, ii, 14, 9'il
wDterproofed, i, ) 2 ; ii, 27 L10yd board, ii i, 49 bench, i, 34, 35, 107, 130, 132; planing and malching, i,62, 104 ; iii, 19,30
nodule., i i , 14 Laading floor, ii , SS ii, loa, l03: i; i, a4, 16, 27, 30, 31, 97, 100 and moulding, i, H; ii. 102, 1004-; Hi,
putty. i, 24. 53 Loamy cl.y, ii, 1 carborund um, i, 35; ii, 10~, 10] ::t8-30
Limu lonn, i, 33-)5. 43, 45; ii, 85, 8" 89, Loch.rbriggs slone, H, 89, 91, 93, 96 diamond , i, 35, IJ1; ii, l oa, 103 and surfacing, iii, 18-30
9~-94, 96,101-105,107; Hi, 115, 127 Lock blocks. ii i, 68, 70, 71 laW mill, iii, 6 pneumatic dressing and dlrYing, i, 35;
chemical composition, ii, 96 Locks, mortice, i, 90-9~, 98-104; iii, 68 clip~r, iii, 100 ii, 105
c1...ification, H, 87, 91 rim, i, 88, 9O-9a, 104, 105 combined 1011" and deal frame, iii, 6 polishing, ii, 104, 105
defects, i, 39; ii, 97-101 dead, i, 88, 90 compacti ng factor, ii, ) a port.ble electric sander, i, 130
distribution , ii, 91-<}4 night latch, i, 98, 105 compression tuting, ii, IS, 31 machine planer, iii, 40
Ancuter Brown Weather Bed, ii, 87, Lags, i, 56; iii . 5, 6, 98 concrete, cent ral batching, ii, JS press, cold, iii, 101, UI
91-<}4, 96 Landon clay, ii, 2 hoilt, ii, 3S hot, iii, 101
Free.tone, ii, 87, 91-94, 96 sIOCk5, ii, a, 11 mixers, i, 3; H, 34, 3S PUR mill, i, I ; li, 1, 3; iii, 104
Ashburton, ii, 87, 9~, 93, 96 Long fifteens, iii, nS . Iab moulding, iii, 46 rack feed &Sw bench; iii, 6
81th, i, 33, 38; ii , 44, 87, 91-96, tOl fourteeN , Hi, uS tile mouldi",! iii, u~. redproc.lling crolt-eut saw, iii, 5
Corngrit, H, 91, 93, 101 nines, iii, 115 eron-CUIIIW, H, 101; Ill, 5 rotary table press, i, I ; ii, 3. 4. 17
Conham Down, ii, 9~-94, 96, 101 li:neenl, iii, 115 crusher, cone , ii , aa veneer cutter, iii , Q8
M o nk's Ps rk , ii, 87. 91-96. 101 Ihirteens, iii, uS jaw, ii, %1 , 18 router, iii, 19
St. Aldhelm 80", Ground, ii, 91-94, twelves. iii, las roll., ii, 3; ii i, 1004- rubbing bed, i, 35; ii, 1004-
96, 101 wip~u, iii, 115 kibblen, ii, 3 sand-pa~ring, i, 107; iii, 30
Beer, ii, 8" 91-94, 96, 101 Longitudin.l bond, ii, 48 Slone , ii, ~ , 18 belt, ii i, JO
Bladon , ii, 9a, 93 Ihrinka~, iii, 7, 101 diamond saw, i, 35, 1)1 ; ii, 102 , 103 cylinde r, iii, 30
Clip.ham Big Pits Quarry, ii, 87, 9a-1}6 Langridge atone , ii, 87, 91, 93 d itc poli.her, ii, 105 disc, iii, 30
Old Qu.rry, ii , 8" 91-96 Loo-boards, ii, 6 double-dimension saw bench, iii, )0 and bobbin, iii, 30
Cotawold District, ii, 89; ili, 115, 127 LooK-cut surface, plywood, iii, 100 dovetailing, ii i, )0 drum, ;ii, 30
Hopt on-Wood, ii, 87, 9a-<}6 Lower Persley gn.nite, H, 86, 93 pipe, ii, 74 .harpening, iii, 30, 31
Hornton, ii, 9a, 93 Lugs, i, 154; iii, 76 duplex saw, ii, loa automatic CUller grinder, iil, 31
Kendsl , i, 45 Lumps, saw, iii, 17 e~ runners, ii, a; iH, 104 IIIW, iii, 30, 31
Portland, i, 33-35, 39. 47, 49, 53; H, Lune! marble, ii, 97 dry pan, ii, 1 ,ingle-dimension I1W bench, Hi, 30
87. 9a-96, Q8. lOO, 101 Lyctut powder_post beetle, ii i, 16, 17 pin mill, ii, a Ilate holing, i, 13), IJ4
R.dford, ii, 87, 9a, 93. Q6 Lye-byes, iH, 117 wet pan, ii, a .lump, ii, 31, 34
Mac:hinn-amtd. Manufacture---contd, Masonry-contd. Mild steel----contd.
.pindle moulder, i, 107; iii, 29, 87 copper sheetl, Hi, 129 c1as$ification---contd. platn, iii, 53, 56
ate.m navvy, ii, ~, 2:1 cork tiles, iii, 40 rubble work---contd. purli"", ii, 111 - 12B; iii, lZa- 124
aurface-planing Ilnd thickness;ng, i, 107; drain pipn and traps, ii, 74 square !necked, i, 39, 41-4]; ii, 106, rivets, i, 159: ii, IZI-u8; iii, 34, 36
iii, 28
IlIping, iii, 100
fibrous asphalt felt, ii, 504
laminboards, iii, 103
consoles, ii, 108, 112, 113
roof truues, ii, 1111 -128 ; iii, 504, 56, 12:1,
tempering mill, ii, ~
tenoning, i, '07; iii, 29
lime, ii, 19,21
linoleum, iii, 41
comices, i, 35,49-51, ISO, 152 ; ii, 107-116
dressings to doors. i, 46-49; ii, 105-113
round bars. i, 11. 68, 138
shoes, ii, 1::za- lz8
tensile testing, ii, 23 p3ntiles, iii, 11 ~ windows, i, 41, 41, 46-49; ii, 1I0-It3 shot, ii, 101, 105
tower, com,;rc:ling, ii, JS plain tilc:3, iii, 104, 105 spire, H, 99 square: bars, i, 158
uni~· woodworktr, i, 10']; iii, 30 plywood, iii, 98-103 Ilairs, ii, 117- 110 S!rap', i, 73, 80, 8.
venicallog band mill, iii, 6 rubber, sheet and tiles, iii, 41 .teps, i, 46, 49; ii, 115-118 tee bars, i, 158; ii, 121
Ipindle mouldinK, i, 107; iii, 2q, 87 zinc sheet., iii, 1]2 Mason's mitre, i, 47 washers, .i, 78, BI, 159, ii, 124
veneer slicer, iii, 98 Maple, i, 60, 61, 65, W, 5, :n, 23, 15, 38, tools, i, 29, 35. 36-38 windows, iii, 74, 76-78, 93--95
vibrators, ii, 35 40, 70, 98, 101 Mau concrete, ii, 25, JS M ining stOne, ii, 101
Vieat, ii, 24 bird's-eye, iii, 5, 22, 15, 38, 40, 101 Mastic, i, 65, 70, B7, loS, ' 38, 146, 153 Mitre block, i, 10'], IJO
wash mill, ii, I, ZZ blisler, iii, 5, 12, 25. 38, 40, 101 Match boarding, i, 87: iii, 29, 45, Sa, 54 box, i, 1)0
wire-cuning table, tiles, Hi, 104 eurly, iii, 5, zz, ~5, 38, 40, 101 Matrix, i, 2; ii, 25, 28 joint, i, ~7, 65, 76, 95, '24; iii , 36, 70, 96
Machine trenching, iii, 84 fiddle_back, iii, 5, zz, 15 , 38, 40, 101 Medina cemcnt, ii, ~1 square, I , 126
Magnesian lime, ii, 21 great, iii, 5, a3, 15, 70, 98, 101 Medium texture, iii, 5, 19 templ et, i, 130
limnlones, ii, 87, 92--9", 96, 98 ha rd, iii, 5, :n, 25, 38, 40, 101 Medulla, i, SS Mitred doser, i, ",
monar, ii, a6 Queensland, iii, 5, 12, 25, .01 Medullary nYI, i, SS-57, 59,60; iii, a-S, and rebated joint, i, 12"
sandstones, ii, 88, 91--94, 96 rock, i, 6o: iii, 5, ZZ, 25, 38, 40, 10 1 19-24 Mitrcing, iii, ]0
Mlif\esite bricks, ii, 16 sugar, iii, 5, 22, 15, 38, 40, 101 Medusa, H, 17 machine, iii, 30
Magnesium silicoHuo ride, iii, 12, 16
Magnetite, ii, 8s
white, iii, 5, 22, 25, 38, 40, 101
Marbles, ii, 85, 87, 9", 97,101,104,110
Meeting rails, i, 115- 117
Melting pot, i. 157
Mixes, concrete, ii, 18, 30, )1, ]4. 35,
Model bye-la",,,, i, IS, '7, 62, 66, 10
I" 6a
Mahogany, i, 60, 98; ,ii, I, 2, 5, 20, 21, as, Belgian, ii, 97 Memc:l fir, i, 60-62,70,78,108,1 16; iii, I, Modulus of section, iii, J2, 304, 35
70,98, ,00 composition, ii, 96 2, 5, 18, ::115, )6, 38, 106, "0, III Moisturec:ontent, i, 56; iii, 7-12, IS, 17,36,
Ace ... , iii, 5, 21, 2S, 70, 100 Engli.h, ii, 87, 92, 94, 96 Mennli, red, iii, ::za, 25 100,101
African, i, 60; iii, S. 21, 2S, 70,100 French, ii, 97 white, iii, 31, 15 detennination, iii, 10, I1
Benin, iii, 5, :11, 25, 70, 100 Grecian, ii, 97 yellow, iii, ::za, 25 meters, iii, II
Cape: Lope2, iii, 5, 21, 25, 70,100 Irish, ii, 96, 97 Mercuric chlo ride, iii, '1, '4, 16 Moment of resista nce, iii, 3~, ]4, 35
Cenlral American, i, 60; iii, 5, 21, 2S, 70, Italian, ii, 97 M"u/iuJ lac,ymmll, iii, 14-16 Monel metal, iii, 103

cherry, iii, 22, 15
Cuban, i, 60; iii, 5, ~I, 25, 70, 98
Duala, iii, 5, 11, 25, 70.100
No .....,egian, ii, 97
pol.ish.i."g, ii, 104
Ita,r, H, 120
Swedish, ii, 97
Metal balustrades, ii, 115-120
faced plywood, iii, 102, 103
fastenin(!:$, ii, 99
panilions, iii, 48
Monk bond, H, 49
Monk's Pa rk stone, ii, 87, 9~--96. 101
Mop-stick nandnil, iii, 78, 95
Monar. See "Cement mortar" and
gllhoon, iii, ~o, 2S, 70, 98 Margin chisel. dnflcd, I , J8 windows, iii. 7t76-?8, 93--95 " Lime monar"
Honduras, i, 60; iii, S.:U, as, 70, 08 fillet, iii, 93 Metamorphic roe ,i, 33; ii, 85, 94, 96, 97 fillets, i, ISO; iii, Ill, 114, 116, 126
Jamaican, iii , 5, 21, 25, 70, 98 slate, i, 136 Mexican cedar, iii, 20, 2S fire-resistlnt. 11, 17
Lagos, iii, 5, H, 25, 70, 100 atai r, iii, 79 Mica, i, )8: ii, 85 jointing and pointing, i, 31, ]~, 52-54;
Pono Rico, iii, 5, 21. 2S. 70, 98 templet, iii, 109 Micaceous sandSlonel, ii, 87, Sq, 90, 96 ii, 61, 61, 64; iii, 10<), I l l , 112, 114.
aapele, iii, 5, 2], 25, 98 tile, iii, 10<] Microtome, iii, 4 116, liB, 120, 121, 1~5
S~anish, i, 60; iii, 5, 21, 25, 70, 98 Marking awl, i, ' 26 Middle boards, iii, 53, 54 Morticed and tenoned joints, i, 86, 92, 98,
\ est Indian, iii, S, 21, :IS, 70, 98 Marly clay, ii, I lamella, iii, 1 103, 106: iii, 63, 66
Makorl! iii, 22, ~5 Masonry, i, 33-504; ii, 85-118 Middlewood stone, ii, 91, 93 Monise chain CUller, iii, 31
Mallet, i, 129 classification, i, 39 Middling boards, iii, 57-59 chisel, i, 106, 128
Malm,ii, I uhlar, i, 39, 45-53; ii, IOS-116 Mild sled, angles, i, ::Ill, Ill, 158; ii, 121- hollow chisel grinder, iii, 31
Manchester kiln, ii. 7--9 flint, i, 39, 4], +4 128; iii, 33. )4, 122-124 lock, i, 90--92 , 98-104; iii, 68
Manchurian pine, W, I B, 15 Lake District, i, t8, 39, 44, 45 beams, i, 59, '58, 159; iii, J'-37, 51'1' Monising, i,i, :19
Mandril. i, 157 polygonal ...... llinp:, i, 39, -4], +4 bearing, base o r IOle plates, ii, IIIZ- Ia machine, i, 107 ; iii, 19, 3'
r.hnsfield Itone, ii , 87, 88, 91--94, 96 rubble work, i, 34,30, 39-45; ii, 106, 116 bolts, i, ao, 73, 78, BI, 158; ili, 36, 52, 56 Motorized machines, iii, 5
Manufacture, aerated cement, iii, 47 random, i, 36, 39-41, 45 channc:ls, i, 15B Monied figure, iii, S, 17, 19, 20, 12, 11
asbc:Alos-cement, iii, 111 built to coursel, i, 39""41 deau, ii, 122- 11B; Hi, 36, 37 Moulded plywood, iii, 102
blockboarJs, iii, 103 uncoursed, i, 36, 39,40 expanded metal, ili, J6 Moulding bricks, i, 1,1; ii, ]-S
bricks, i, 1 , 2 : ii, ~- I ]. 16, 17 squared, i, 36, 39, 41-43; ii, 106, flat bars, i, U, 61, 158; ii, 1111, 1118; iii, drain pipes and traps, H, 74
cement, i, 2; ii, ZZ, 25 36,4),45, 47, 4B, 51, 84 machines, woodworking, iii, z8-)o
concrete blocks, iii, 48 '0'
buill to courses, i, 39, 42, 43 gu5sets, H, 121- l a8 tiles, iii, 104, 112
Illbs, iii, 46 regul.r cour!(.ed, i, 36, 39, 41 - 43 manufacture, i, 158 Mountain uh, iii, 13, 25, 38
tiles. iii, I~O uncoursed , i, 39,41-43;ii, 106, It6 nuts, i, 80, 81,158,159 pine, iii, IB, :IS
l\1uffity, iii, 125 Nighl latch, i, 98 Oregon pine, i. 60; iii, 2, 5, 17, 2S, 36, 40, Pantiles, i, 68--70; ii i, 56. 1l2, 114-' 17. ua,
Muffle kiln, ii, 6 NogKing pi"c" •• iii, 42. "'3, 48 56,70,98. '0 1 "3
Mullet, i, .06 Non _hydraulic lime mortan, ii, a6 Ornam"ntal bricks, ii, ,. asbestos-cement, iii, na, 123
Mulli ons. i. ,41 , ,.:1. 49, 108; iii. 7,., 75, 78 graded timber, iii. 32, 3... copper roll, iii. 130 manufaclUre, iii. 112, 121
Multi-coloured brick~, i,:I; ii. 2, il, 13.6 1, pr"ssure pr"..,n>'ing procc:ss, iii, 13. 14 Ottawa r"d pine. iii, 18, 25. 71 siz"., iii. I 12, 112
62,6,. slip st"ps. ii, I ao whit" pin", iii, I. a,S, 18, 25 Pantiling. i, 68--70; ii, 83; iii, SS, In. "4'-
ply boards, iii, ,.S. 98, 100
Muntins, i, 95, ' 03, '05-107; iii, 66, 6,
Norfolk latch. i. 88, 89. 91 Outband.'l, i, ,.7. "9 "7, 1l2, U3
abutments. iii, 116, 117
Norl!" Clai r m arble. H, 97 OUler bead.'l, i. 1' 9-UI
Musco".te. ii, 86 North"rn pine, Se,," Red .... ood " linings, i, 113-11 5; ii i, 70. 7J--,]S eaves, ii. 83; iii, "4, "5, n3
Muluks, ii, •• ] whit ewood, S,..," \\'hi te .... ood " O\·erbwden. ii , 2, 101 hips, iii, 116. t l7
M,·ule . iii, 21 , 25 No r.... ay fir. !kt" Redwood " Q,'"rflow tank. ii. 99 ridg"s, ii i. 114. " 5, 117
Myctiiu,", iii. ',.-1 6 Norwegian marbles, ii. 97 Oyerhand ~truck joint. i. 31 valleys, iii, 116. 117
No,,, bar, iii. 98 O,·er.h.ead imernal fan compartment kiln. verges, Hi, 114. 117
N Nosi ng, iii, 79. 82, 83. 85"'90, 92 111,11 Parapets, i, ,.6... 50. 51. 79, 145- ltl, ',.9.
lines. iii, 79. 84, 86 spindle mould"r. iii, a9 150, 151;11,62. 63, 113- 115 ; 111, 116,
Nail punch, i, 65. IJO Notch boards. iii, 80. 97 Ovenailing courtes. i, 20 "7, !l6
Nailinl/: boa rds. floor, i, 64. 6S Notch"d joints, i, 61. 66, 7:1, 74; iii, 52,88 Over tiles. iii. 116, 118- '20 gulters, 1, ... 6. 81. '45-1,.7
coppu dips. iii. 130 0"010 mould, i, 48. 95. 96 Pare nchyma. iii. 2-,.
ludwork, i, 1,.3 o OZi"TS, thatch, iii, 133 Parging. ii, 65
do.., and oJM'n, i. 1,.3 Oak, i, 60, 62, 65. 86, 98 .• 08. 116; iii, 1-5, Paring chisd, i. 106, 128
Ihingles. ii i. 129 16, '7,22,a3, 25,38,,.0,98, 101, n6 p Park Nook Slone. ii, 87. 92---<)", Q6
,Ialinl/:. i. 'H, 1]5, 138; iii, '21, 125 Am,,';can. red, i, 60; iii. 22, 25, ]8 Parquetry, iii, 40
tiling. i, 1,.1 ;iii.lo6. I 10, Ill. 11,., 118, I U white, i, 60; iii, ll, 25, J8 Pacific red cedar, iii. '7, 25. 126 inlaid, Hi. 40
xinc rolls, iii, 1]3 Austrian, i. 60; iii, 22. 25 Packing, saw. iii. 27 ordinary. ii i. ,.0
Nails. i, 125, IJ4, '35, 138. 1,.1, 1,.3; iii, brown, iii, 22. 25 Padauk, Andaman. iii, 5. al , a5 plated. iii. 40
106,110. I l l . "4, 118, Ill, '22, 125, durmast, iii. 22, 25 Bunna, iii. 23. 25 Parting b.,a<b. i. "3- 117; iii. 70, 7l-7S
'29, ' 30, 13:1. 133 English, i, 60; Hi. :n, as, J8, ,.0, 70, u6 Pad, insulating. iii, 51 slips. i. 113- " 5, 117; iii. 7:1--']4
composition, i. 'H ; ill . 106, Ill, 115 Japan"..,. i, 60; iii, 22, 25, J8 stone, i, n. 73, 78; ii, na- n 8; iii, 31, Pani lions, iii, 42-51. 5l , 8 ... , 90, 9). 101
cop p<:r, i, IJ4, ' 43; iii, 106, ill , I:lS, JM'ndunculate. iii, 22. 25 34,.5 2 asbestos-cement, iii. ",7, 48
129, 'JO Polish, iil, a2. "5 saw, I , 127 brick-noIUlw, iii, 43
CUI clasp. i, laS RUMi an, i, 60; iii, 22, 25 Padlock, i, 88, 90, 91 day block and brick, iii, ,.5
floo r brad., i. 65, ns ussil". iii, ll. 25 Pag"', iii, 57 conc rete block and slab, iii. " 5-",7, 90. 93
galvanized wrought iron, i, IJ4; iii, 129. silky, iii, 2a . 25 Pail do""tR, ii. 71 fram"d, iii. 4~-"5
'33 Tasmanian. iil. 23. a s. 38 Pallets. i, 87. 100; H, 4. 5; iii, '04, 105 , no. glass brick, iii, ...8
joiners' brads, i. 125 Victorian, iii, 23, as, 38 metal. iii. 48
needle points, i. I2S wainscot, i, 60; iii, 22 . 25 '"
Panel mouldin ~. i, 95---<)7; Iii. 63--69 piast"r slab. iii. 47, 93
panel pin •• i. 95, 125 Obe<;he, iii, 23, 25 bolcaion, i. 95. 98, 99, 102, 10S ; Ill. sound-proofed. ill, ,.8-51
'~ikes.' i, 125 Oblique "'non hous"d joint, i. 7,., 79, 80 64, 6() stoothed, iii. 42. 43, ,.8-p, 84, 88'"""90. 9.J.
WIre. I, US haunched tenoned joint, Hi, 88, 90 planted. i. 95--97; iii, 63. 65 terra-colta block and brick. ii i, 4S
wrought, i, 11 ~ mortic:c:d and tenoned joinll, iii, 52 solid or struck, i, 95--97. 102; iii, 63. tfUSSC'd, iil. 43- 45
zinc. i. '34; iii, 133 Odum, iii, ai, 25 6, Patching plrwood, iii, 100
Nllpoleon marble. ii. 97 Offs"ts, i, '7, 19.62 squa,"", i, 1)6; W, 67 Patina, iii, 1l9. 130
Nalural bed. i, J8. J9; ii, 88, 97 Oge" mould. i. 48-50, Q6, III l unk, i, 96. 97 PaU"rn, ii i. 79. 84. 87
d rauxht compartment kiln, iii. 11 Oil can. i. IJO planing and thicknusing machine, i, Pavings. ii. 17
seuoning. i. 56; iii. 8, 9, s""d residue glue. iii. 101 ' D?; iii, 28 Pavonaz~tto marble, ii, 97
Neuchatcl asphalt, ii. 5,. Itone. i. 1]0 saw, 1,10.... 127 Pavonazzo marble, ii, 97
New Brunswick spruce. i. 60, 62, 8a; iii, I, Okoum";, iii. 20, 25. 70, 9B Pands, brick. ii, 62 Ped iments. H, .07-t 09
,8, 25 Old Roman tiling, iii, 11 6, 118 , 119 Panelled doors, i, 94- 107; iii. 6 3--69 Pedunculate oak, iii, aa, 25
Zealand kauri, iii. 5, '7, as, 38 Olon, iii, 19, 25. Q8 four, i, 96. 103- 107 P,..,ler, iii, 98
NewellSllc kiln, ii, 6 O nys mubles, ii, 97 manufactu,"" , i. 10",- 107 Peggi"" i, 133. 135. 136
Newels, iii, 30, 78. 79. 87--91, 93--<)7 OOlit ic limutonel. ii, 87, 92""""96, 98. us l ingle, i. 96--99 Pegs, ii, 68, 75; iii. IlS
caps, iii, 30. 78, 79. 88, 9 1, 9]--95 O JM'n areas , ii. 58 two. i, 96. 10l, 10J ; iii. 63, 6,. Pencil-round"d, i, 95; iii, 66
d rops, iii. JO, 78, 79. 88, 91. 93---<)5 balustrad"s, iii, 78. 80, 81. 88---<)1, 93"'97 Pan"lIing, iii. 7, "'3. 78, 90, 93, 95. loa, 103 Pendulum machine, ii. 105
Newel atai.", iii, 79. 87---<)1, 93--<)7 I"ad ,·alkygutters. i, 1,.8, 1,.9; iii, 110, 129 Panels, flat , i, 95. 96. 105; iii. 67 P"nning, ii. 60
Nibs. tile. i. 1,.0, '4 1; iH, 10.... 105, 107, mould, ii,,. raised and chamfe red, i, 97 Percentag" porosity tnt. stone, ii. 99
11 0. 112,113. '20 aide plan"r, ii. 10,. and Hat, i. 95, 96; iii. 69 P" rcolating filter, ii, 7'
Nicaraguan cedar. iii, 20, 25 &Iating, i, 137 sunk s nd fidded . i. 95. 98 Perforated brick •. ii. 16. 18, 46
pin", iii, 18, as, 38 &t rings, ii i, 80. 97 and moulded. i, 95 P"nnubil ilY, i. 17
N ick"d bricks, ii, .8 tank pr"..,rving procc:uu, ii i, 13. 14 sunk, i. 97 ICSI, bri<.:U, ii, 14,99
Nigerian walnut, ii i, a4 , 2S ...... dl Itain, ii i. 79, 80, 93'"""95 Pan mill, H. a til"', iii, 105, no
Perpends, i, 4, 29, 31, 135 Plain tiles-contd, Plates, iii, 53, 56 Polish fir, iii, t, z, S, 111,15,36,38, .06, 1I0,
Pericot stone, ii, 94
Peterhead granite, ii, 86, 93
pressed, iii, 104, 105
sizes, i, I.p; iii, 105
Platforms, iii, 57
Plinth blocks, i, 122-12 4; iii, 66
oak, iii, 22, 25
Phenolic resins, iii, 101 lests, iii, 105, 120 bricks, i, 29; ii, 18 Polishing machines, ii, '04, t05
Picking bed, ii, 101 freezing, iii, 105 510ne, i, 35, 48, 411 Polled facing, i, 43
Picture rails, i, 12], 125 permeability, iii, lOS, I ZO Ploughed and tongued joints, i, 64, 114 Polygonal walling, i, 39, 43, 44
Piers, i, 12, 13, 19,43,78; ii, 39, 40, 63, 64; transverse, iii, 105, 120 Plugged joint, i, 52 Pores, iii, 2-5, '9-2"4-
iii, 3'*, 54 texture, iii, 105 Plugging, i, 72, 87, lOO, 124 Porosity, i, 17; ii, 14,99
foundations, i, 17 tiling, i, 68--70,140,141; H, 83; iii, 104- chisel, i, 87, 128 test, ii, 911
Pilaslers, i, I ] "3 plywood, iii, 100 Portable electric sander, i, 130
Piling sticks, iii, 8, 10, 102 eaves, i, 140, 141; ii, 83; iii, 106, 107, Plumb-bob, i, 130 machine planer, iii, 40
timber, iii, 8, 10, 11 rule, i, 29, 31, 53 power tools, i, 130
Pillars, iii, 36 '"
hips, i, '41; iii, loS, lOO} Plumbers' tools, i, 1$6, 157 Portl.~!1d cements, i, 2; ii, 12-25, z8, 30--36,
Pincers, i, 130 ridKc~, i, '40, '4'; ii;, ''''-'09, ,"" Plumbing, i, '"4-"-'57 "', U'
Pines, i, 60; iii, 1,2,5,18, 2S, 38, 56, 71, 84, valleys, i, 141; iii, 108-110 terms, i, 143 stone, i, 33- ]5, 39, 47, 49, 53; ii, 87, 92-
106, J 10, I11 verges, i, 141; iii, 111-11] up, i,]1 96, 98, lOO, 102
Pinned joints, i, 74, 86, iii, 66, 72 vertical, iii , • • 0--1 I ] Plutonic rocks, ii, 85 Porto Rico mahogany, iii, $, 21, 25, 70, 9S
Pins, ii, 68 angles, iii, I l l , IIJ Plywood, i, 94, 95; iii, 36, 40, 41, 45, 49, 52, Powellizing preserving process, iii, 14
Pipes, bend, ii, 72--'l4 window openings, iii, 'l2, 113 68,70, 9J, 97-10] Precast steps, ii, 120
channel, ii, 72--74, 80 wire_cut, iii, 104 battenboards, iii, 103 Preparation, clay tiles, iii, 104
junction, ii, 72--'l4 Planc~r, iii, 79, 93 blockboards, iii, 70, 10] doors, i, 88, 92, ' 04-I07
straight, ii, 72--'l4 Plane, iii, 5, 2J, 25, 70, 98, 101 COmPOSile boards, iii, T03 logs, iii, 98
taper, ii, 72, 73 Planes, i, 128-IJI laminboards, iii, 45, 70, 9], 95, 103 timber, iii, Z4-30
P istol bricks, ii, 18 bead, i, 128, 1]1 manufacture, i, 9S; iii, 98-103 stone, i, 34-38; ii, 101-10;;:
Pistolite, ii, 94 block, i, 128, 131 assembling sheets, iii, 100 Preservation, timber, i, 57;. .',ii, IZ-15
Pitch, ii, 54 bullnose, i, 129 cemenling, iii, 100, 10] non-pressure processes, Ill, 13, 14
board, i"~, 79, 84 compass, i, 128 conversion, iii, 98 steeping, iii, 13, 14
corrugaled sheels, iii, 122-124 hollow and round, i, 128, 131 horizontal cutting, iii, 98 cold, iii, 14
edge, iii, 84 jack, i, '28, '3' rotary cutting, iii, 98 hot, iii, '"4-
pine, i, 60, 62, 65, 108, 116; iii, 2, 5. 18, metal smooth, i, 129, 131 vertical slicing, ii;, 98, 100, 10Z hot-and-cold, iii, 13
25, ]8, 56, 84 moving and sash fillister, i, 128 drying, iii, '00 Kyanizing, iii, '4
pockets, iii, 100 plough, i, ,06, 128, 131 finishing, iii, 102 Powellizing, iii,. 14
roofs, i, 69, 1]5, 141 ; W, 106, 11 4, 118, portable electric, i, '30 planing, iii, 102 pressure processes, I, 57: ",, '2, 13
121, 122, 125 rebale, i, '28, IJI sanding, iii, 102 Sethel, iii, 12, 13
rivels, ii, 121 router, i, 128, 131 trimming, i"~, 102 mytne's, iii, I]
stairs, iii, 79, 87 shoulder, i, 129 ~l~in,g, ii~!,IOO, 103 Boucherie, ii;, 13
threads, i, 158 smoothing, i, lOO, 121!, 1]1 Jom!lng, Ill, 100 Bumettizing, iii, 13
Pitching piece, iii, 88 spokeshave, i, 128, 1]1 prepD:rati~~, of logs, i"~, 98 creosoting, i, 57: iii, 12, 13
tool, i, 36, 38 toothing, i, 129 pressmg, Ill, 101-IOJ empty-cell, iii, 13
Pith, i, 35; iii, ] tonguing and grooving, i, '29 cold, iii, 101-103 full-cell, iii, 12, 13
flecks, iii, 5, 19, 24 trying, i, '04, .06, 128, 1]1 hOI, iii, 10 '-'03 superficial, iii, '4
Pit sand, i, 2; ii, 26 Planing, iii, 28-30, 40, 102 re-d:r.'ng, .t,;.', loa brush application, iii, 14
Pits, iii, 2-4 snd matching machines, i, 62, 104; iii, repalrmg, Ill, 100 dipping, i!~! 14
bordered, iii, 2, 3 29, ]0 trimming, iii, 100, 102 sprayIng, Ill, '4
simple, iii, 2, 3, and moulding machines, i, 35; ii, 102, metal -faced, iii, loa, 103 Pressed bricks, i, I, 31 ; ii, z, 3, I], 15, IS
single, iii, 2, ] 104; iii, 28-30 moulded, ii;, 102 tiles, i"~, 104, 115
Pivoted sashes, i, 119-122; iii, 60 and surfacing machines, Hi, 18-]0 sizel, boards, iii, 102, 10] Pressure ~ar, iii, 98
Place bricks, ii, 14 portable machine planer, iii, 40 uses, iii, 101, t03 preserVing processes, i, 57: ii;, u, 13
Placing concrete, ii, 35 Planks, i, 56; iii, s, 6, 24, 57 Pneumatic dressing plant, i, 35; ii, 105 Priming, i, 87
Plain-sawn timber, iii, 4--7, 126 Plans, houses, i"~, 82, 85, 87, 89, 93, 94 Pocket chisel, i, 128 Principal rafters, i, 76, 78-80; iii, 53, 5$, 56
Plain tiles, i, 140, 141;iii, 52, 104-114, 120 Planted mould!, i, 95--97; iii, 6], 65 P()cket8, i, "4 Privy middens, ii, 71
characteristics, iii, 105 Plaster, i, 32, 68; iii, 31, ]4-36, 4], 46, 47, Pointed arches , ii, sa Profile head, iii, 28
hand-made, iii, 104-106 54, 56, 63, 78, 83, 84, 87, 88, 90, centres, iii, 60, 6. Profiles, ii, 68, 69
manufacture. iii, '04, 105 9J Pointing, i, '3, 18,31, ]2, 87, '43, 146; ii, Progressive kiln, iii, ' I, 100
burning, iii, 104 slab partitions, iii, 47, 9] 61,62,64 Projecting joints, i, 31, 32
drying, iii, 105 Plastic clay, ii, 2 baslard flick, i, 32 Proportioning concrete, ii, 18, 30, 31, 57
moulding, iii, 104, 105 wood, i, 124 rule, i, 29 Props, iii, 56, 57
hand, iii, 104 Plate lock, i, 90 tuck, i, ]2 Protected metal corrugated sheets, iii, 11 ....
machine, Hi, 104, 10S saw, iH, 6, 24-27, 30, 31, 97, 100 Pole plate, i, 8 1 Pudlo, ii, 27
preparation of clay, i"~. 1<1.4 Platens, iii, 41,101, 111 Poling boards, i, 82, 83; Hi, 56-58 Pugging, iii, 48
Pug milia, i, I; ii, 1,); iii, I~ R Red day. ii. I Rim loclts. i, 88, 90""93, 104, 10S-
Pulley Stile, i, 11)-119; iii, 70, 71"'"'75 Red deal. See" Redwood " de3d lock, i, 88. 90
Pulleya, i, 113, 116-119; iii, 7)"'"'75 Rack feed pw bench, Hi, 6 lauan, iii, :11. lS latch, i. 90, 9 1
Puivinaled frien, H, 107 Racking back. i, 4 m~I'".tnti, ,ii, ll. l5, nighl latch, i, 98, 10S
Pumi~, ii, 19 Racks, ii, 5 oak, American, i, 60; iii, 1:1, 15, 38 lpeed, saw, iii, l7
Pummel, ii, 35, 60 RadIoed stone. ii. 87. 91. 93, 96 P~terhe.d granite, 86, 93 RinK. arch, i, 11
Pum:h, iii, I~ Radial hammering, iii. :17 pine, iii, 18. l5. 71 fences, iii, 19
Puneheons. iii. 41. 51. 58 shrinkage, iii, 7 senya, iii, :13, lS, 38 Ripper, i, 1)4
Pure lime, ii. :10 Radius rods, ii, 51 ; iii, 60 Re_drying plywood boards, W, 101 RipPinll, ili, l04, :16, 30
Purlins. i. 70, 7)--'79, 81; ii, 1:11-n8; iii, Raften, common, i, 69-79, 81; ii, 121-115, Reducing atmosphere. ii, 13 Ripple marks, iii, 5, 11, :13, :IS, 30
5:1-56, 1:1:1-1:14 iii. 106. 107, 114, 115. 117, 119, nl. Redwood, i, 60-6:1, 70, 78, 108, 116; iii, I, Rip saw, i, 104, 106, Il7; iii, :14, :16, 30
Purpose-lTUIde brick.. i, 4, :11. :I). :14; ji, 1:16-119 l, 5, 18,15, 36, )8. 106, 110, 1 11 machine, ii, 10:1
17- 19 hip. i. 609, 73-75, 1)7. 1)9 Reeds, iii, "4, 133 Rise, i. 33; iii, 79, 8+
arches, i, :14-26 jack, i, 6<), 70, 73--'75 Remforced brickwork, " l.; ii, 45-48; Risen, i, 41; iii, lI9, 78, 79, 8l1-84, 8,. 90,
eaves din, iii. nl principal, i, 76, 78-80; iii, 53, ss, 56 iii, 43, 45 96,97
hip tilea, i. 141; iii, 108. 109 valley, i,609, 70, I SI;iii. 108. 117 lintels, i, l'; ii, 48 Rise r templet, iii, 79, 84
VlllIey liln. iii, 116, 121 Rag bolts, ii, 111-118 pillars, ii, 48 River land, i, 1; ii, 16
verge tiles. iii, 116. 118, 110, 111 Rails, i, 91-100, IOl-107; iii, 64--'71 walls, ii, <45-47; iii, <4S Rivets, i, 159; ii, lu-n8; iii, H,:l6
Putty. i. 110, 153; iii, 6), 66. 68. 76 Rain-water goods, i, 153-156; ii, 78. 81-84 Reinforced concrete, i, 7, Il, ll, ll, 7l, Riving knife, iii, :14
lime. i, 14, 53 asbestos·cement, i, 156 "5, "9; ii, 18-30. 56, Tl7, 119, 110; Roach bed, i, 33
powder. H, 104. 105 cast iron down-pipes, i. 153-156; H, 78, iii, 36, 37, 39, 49 Robertson protected metal sheets, ",, 114
Pyinkado, Hi. 1). 15. 38 81-84 floors, ii, 56; iii, 36, 31, 39, 49 Rock maple, i, 60; iii. S, 21, 35, 38.40. 10,
Pyr ites. iii. 85 bends. i, 154, ISS lintels, i, ll, :n, 115, 119 Rocks, ii, 85- 97
P yrometers. ii, 11 branches, i, 154, 155 .tair, ii, 117, 11 9, 1:10 Rod.!!, drain, ii, 80, 81
head, i, 154, 'SS; ii, 8) Rehforced "Glascrctc," iii, f8 gauge, i, 31; ii, 70
holde rbats, i, 154, 155 plaster partitions, iii, <47 settinJZ.oul, i, 104
Q joints, i. 154, ' 55 R~nde r ing, ii, 65, 80 Iteel, i,ll, 68,158; iii, 36, 43, 45, 47, 4S,
lugs, i, 154, 155 Renl sh ingles, iii, 116 5l, 84
Quarrie., i. 33.)4; ii, 93, 94. 96, 101 shoes. i. 154, ISS; ii, 8) R~pairing p lywood veneers, iii. 100 Roe figure, iil, 5, l', :I)
Quarryina. i. 3), 34; ii, 101 cast iron ea,'e! gutten, i, 139, 140, 15)-5 Re-pointinf!', i, )l Rol1s, copper, iii, 130, 131
Quarry-dressed IIone. i, 36. 39. 41, 43-45 guttcr bolts, i, 153- ISS Rere arch, li. SI, 53 h;ad, ~!.1"'-149
sand, i. 1; H. 16 joints, i. 153-ISS Re-sawing, iii. 6 ZIDe, 111,131-13)
saP. i, 35; ii. 101 outlets, i, 153, ISS Resin, iii, l, 17, IS. 40, 41,101-103 Roman cement, li, 1I
tiles, i, 18 stop ends, i, 153, 155 bonded plywood, iii, 40, 10 ' -103 tiles, iii, 116-118
Quaner gnin, iii. 4"'"'7, 11, 38. 100, n6 trough, i, '54 cements, i, g7; iii. 101-10) tiling, iii, 116-118
partilion., iii, 41, 4), 48, 49. SI, 5:1, 84, union dips, i, 153 dUCIS, iii, 1, 4,:11 double Roman, iii, 116, 118, 119'
88.90.9) wrought iron brade", i, '53, 155 Retlinmg wal1. ii, 58 old Roman, iii, 116, 118, 119
sawn limber, i. 57; Hi. 4--'7. 11, 38, 100, enamelled iron, i. '56 Reveals. i, 13 IlnJZle Roman, iii, JlD, JIg, 1 19 '
space landinll'. ii, 118; iii, 78-8:1, 9)-<;15
Rake, saw, iii, 14. 31
Raking bonds, ii, 48, 49, 61
cover flashings, i, 143, I SO
Rhodesian teak, iii, S. 14, l5, 38
Ribbon figure, iii, 5, 1I-1f
Roof ballens, ~"Battens"
boarding, See" Boarding, roo("
turn stain, iii. 79, 8, Ribs, i, 84, 85; iii, 6o-6l, 66 coverings, i, 68"'"'7 I, 131-151; iii, 104-1).
Qu.nerinll'. i. ~7 Rammers, ii, 35, 60 Ridge courae, s lating, i, 1)6 ubeSlos-cement corrugated sheeting.
Quarten, See • Studs " Random rubble, i, 36, 39-41. 45 tiling, i, 141; iii, 105-107 Hi, 11l- 1:l4
QUSrt:l. ii, 85 Ilate!, i, 133, 136. 139, 140 Ridges. i. 609. 71--'73, 79, 8., 137, 139-141. pantiling, iii, Ill, 113
Quartzite, ii, 97. 110 RllIlge_work, ii, ... 148, 151; ii, I U- l l7; iii, 105, 1fY]- slatmlr, iii, UI-113
Quebec birch, iii. 10, 15, 36 Rapid-hardening cement, ii, l4, lS 109. ill-liS, 117, 118, no, n . , 113- asphalt felt, i, 68-'71
red pine, iii. 18.15,71 Rat-trap bond, ii, So; iii, I11 1:15.1:17-119, '31, 13l, 1)4 Basilican tiling, iil, 116. "g, 119
.pruce. i. 60. 61. 81; iii. I. 18,15 Rasps, i, Il9, 131. IS7 copper covered, iii. 131, 13:1 copper, i, 68-'70; iii, 1:19-1)1
white pine, iii, I, 1, 5,18,15 RaYI, i, SS-57, 59, 60; iii, l-S, 19-:1<4 hog_back. i, '37, 139-141; W, 107-109 galvaniud corrugated iron sheering,
yellow pine, Hi, I . 1, 5, 18, 15 R~b"ed jambs, i, '3, 14 half-round. i, 137, 139, 141; ii, 1:13, uS; i, 68--'70; iii, IlI4
Queen dosers, i, 4-14 and splayed jambs, ii, 39 iii, 107, 109, I n, 11), 118, 1:10, 111, 1:16 interlocking tiling, iii, 110
poIIt roof tru.. , Hi, 54-56 and stepped jambs, ii, 39 lead covered, i. 148. 151; ii, 109 !laHan tiling, iii, 116, 118. 119
slalea, i, 133 joint, i, SI, 5l, 6l. 6<4; iil, 58, 97 .hingle cove red, iii, u8, 119 lead, i, 68--'70, 14:1-ISI
Queensland hu ri, ii i, 17, 15 ton gued and grooved joint, i, 64 , late. i. '37, '39 panliling, i, 68"'"'70; ii, 83; iii, SS, I n.
maple, iii, 5, 11, 15, 101 Rebating, iil, 18, )0 .tone, i, ' 37, 139; iii, u s. 1:17 114-117, I:Il, Il)
walnut. iii, 14, 15, 101 R eceSI, i, 13 t hatched, iii, 1)4 plain,,~i1inll, i, 68"'"'70, 140. 14 1; ii, 83~
Quicklime, H, I, 10 Recessed joint, i, 31 under lil~s, iii. lOS, 10'], 109 1l1,104- l ll
Quirked besd, i, 115. n8
Quoins, i. 4,10-11,40,41.45. 4?; jj, )6,
R ecessing, iii, 19
machine, iii. :19
vee-shaped, iii, 108. 109, 1:15
Rift -sawn timber, i, 57; iii. 4"'"'7. ll, )g.
venical, iii, 110-111
protected metal corrugated iron sheet- I
38, )9, 61. 6) Recip rocating cron-cut taW, iii, 5 l OO, 116 ing, iii, 1'lI4
Roof c~dngs~contd, s Sandstonel-contd, Saturation coefficient test, ii, 99, 100
Roman tiling, iil, 116, 1,~,8, n, Saddle boards, iii, u9
classification and distribution--contd,
Longridge, ii, 87, 91, 9)
Saw blades, machine, iii, 5, 6, 24, a6-28 ,
30, 3 1
shingles, i, 69, 70; LII, 1:16, 128,
joint, i, 49 Mansfield, white, ii, 87, 88, 9a-<}4, 96 band, iii, 6, 26, a8,) 1
.lating, i, 68-70,1):1-140 piece. lead, i, I So Middlewood, H, 91, 93 circular, iii, 6, 24, 26, :17, )0, 31
Spanish Or Sicilian tiling, ii i, 118- Salt_,II:lunl. brickt, ii, 16 Runcom, red, il, 87, 88, 91, 93 bevelled. iii, :16, 27
"0 drain pipes, ii, 7 1--,}S, 78 Seout, ii, 91, 9) carborundum and diamond, i, 35; ii,
stone slating, i, 69. 70; iii, 124-1:17 11"111'1 , ii, 71--'}4, 81-84 Shawk, ii, 91, 9) ,oa, 10)
thatching, i, 609, 70; iii, I)). 1)4 $alting, ii, 74 Sp ringwell, 11, 87. 91, 9), 96 cross_cut, ii, 102; iii, 24, 26, 27
:linc, i. 68--'}o; iii, 1):1, I)) Sample boards, iii, 10 51,8«5, red, H, 87, 9', 93, 96 drunken, iii. 30
Roofs. i, 68-8.; ii, ul-u8; iii, SI-56 Sand, i, 2, la, 45, 47; ii, 25-)6, 58, 87 Stancliffe, i, )3,)4; ii, 87, 91, 9), 96 ,ll:Tound-off, iii, 26, 27
classification, timbe r, I, 70 blasting, ii, I ) Stanton Park, li, 87, 89, 91, 93 hollow_JZround, iii, a6, 27
close couple, i, 71, 7:1 bulkinlf, ii, )0 Stanton \Voodhou$~, ii, 91, 93 plalC, iii, 6, a4-27, 30,)1
cort~r, i, 72-75; iii, 52, 5) colour, ii, 27 Thomton Blue, ii, 87, 91, 93 rip, iii, :14, :16, 7.7,)0
couple, i, 71, 72 faced bricks, i, la; ii, 4,12,13 Wellfield, ii, 87, 91, 93, Q6 swage, iii, 26, 27
double, i, 7)-,}6; ii" SI, 54 gnding, ii, :IS, 28, a9 W~st End, ii, 91, 93 sellin,ll:, iii, a6
lean-to, i, 7:1 holes, i, 39 \Vindyv.'ay, ii. 9 1, 93 .harpcninll, iH, 30,)1
flat, i, 70-72, '46, 149; iii, 1)0--1)) lime brick$, i, I: H, t5, '7 \\'oodkirk, blue, ii, 87, 91, 93, 96 tensioning, Hi, 30
lean-Io, i, 7:1 mixing, ii, 34, )5 brown, ii, 87. 91, 93, 96 Sawdust concrete, ii, :18; iii. 47
.ingle, i, 70'--'}) moulding, ii, 4, n \Voolton, i. 33, 45; ii, 87-119, 9 1,93.95 Sawn Ihil\.llle., iii. 126
tenns, i, 68--'}o paper, i, n9, 1)0; Hi, 30 York, i, 33, )6; ii, 89, liS; iii, 12S Saw 5Ct, iii, a6
t riple, ,i, 76--8 1; iii, 54-~.~ papering, i, 106, 107, l a9, 1)0; iii. 30, 40 defects, i, I, )9; ii, 97-101 side, iii, 26
truss, I, 70, 76, 78-8t; Ill, 54-56 machines, i, 107; iii, 30 dressing, i, 35- 38; H, 10.-tOS spring, iii, a6
king post, i, 76, 78-81 belt sander, iii, )0 felspathic . ii, 88, 89 swaKe, iii, a6
laminated w?:?<i, iii, 5), 54 cylinder unde r, iii, 30 ferruginous, i, 33; li, 88 Saws, hand, i, 29, 104, lOO, 107, 127. 1] 1
queen post, Ill, 54-56 disc under, iii, )0 flagstones, ii, 89 bow, i, U7, 131
Sfet'!. ii. 12.-128: iii, 54, 56, I.~2, la) and bobbin aander, iii, 30 fonnation, ii, 85 compUI and cro~~-cul, i, 127, 1)1
Iklgian, French or Fink, 11, 127, drum, iii, 30 fr«srones, ii, 89 dovetail, i, 127. I}I

marble, ii. 97
portable elect ric sander, i, 1)0; iii, 40
pit or quarry, i, 2; ii, 26
griutones, ii, 88-<}1
Ii"er, ii, 89
fnme, i, U7
pad, i, 127, 1)1
Rosewood, Honduras, Hi, :I), :IS proportioning, ii. )0, )',)4 magnesian, ii, 88, 9a-<}4, 96 panel, i, '04, la7
Rotary cutters, iii, :18, )0 river, i,:I; ii, a6 micaceous, H, 89 rip, i, 104, 106, U7
table press, i, I; ii,), 4, 17 lea, i,:I; ii, 26, a8 siliceous, i, 33; ii, 88, 89 tenon, i, lOO, l a7, 131
kiln, ii,:U Sandstones, i, 33, 34, 36, 45; ii, 85, 87-91, structure, it, 89, 95 sctting and sharpeninj{, i, 1:17
~'enee r cutter, iii, 98 '01 - 105, 107; iii. 124, 12S tests, ii, 99-101 Saws. machine, i. 34, 35, 104, 107, 130; ii,
Rouge marble, ii, 97 Itgiltaceous, ii, 88, 89 til~stones. ii, 89; iii, 125, 127 101-103; iH, 5, 6, :14, a6-a8. )0, 3 1 ,
Rough bnckets, Hi, 78, 8), 85-87 calcareous, i, 32; H, 88 Sandstone di!lOl, ii, 31 34,97. 100
carriages, iii, 78, So. 8), 85, 86 chemical composition, ii, Q6 Sin Stefano marble. ii, 97 band rc:-u.wing. Hi, 6
c utting conversion, iii, 98, 102, 10) classification and distribution, ii, 87, 89, Sap, i, 35, 55. 56; iil. a sawing, iii, 24, 27. 28. 97
picked walling, i, 43 9O,9',9l Sapcle, iii, S, al, 25, 98 carborundum, i. )s; ii. 102, 10)
relieving archea. i, 25, :16 Appleton, ii, 87, 90, 9), 96 mahogany, iii, 5, a), as, Q8 circular uw bench, iii. 24, ~6, 27, 97, TOO
RoughClllt, Hi, 53 Appley Bridge Blue, ii, 87, 90, 93, 96 Sapwood, i, SS, 57. 60; iii, Z, 17-aa mlll,iii,6
Round top rc,ll, i"~, 1)0 Berri.talt, ii, 87, 89, 90, 93, 96 Sash axle pulleys, i, 11), 116-.19; iii, 73-75 portable electric, i, .)0
Rou ter, plane, i, 128, 1)1 Bolton ' Voods, ii, 87, 90, 9) balance, i, 113, 119 combined 10J[ and deal frame, ili, 6
machin~, iii, a9 Brackenhilt, ii, 87. 90, 9) catches, i, U2 c ross-cUI or beam, ii, loa
Rubber bricks, i, a3, a4; H, 16 Bnmley Fall, ii. 87, 89, 90. 9), 96 chains, i, 113, Its, 119 diamond, i, J,~, 1)2; ii, 102, 10~
floor covering, i"~, 41 Butler Oelph, ;1, 90, 93 cI~al!, i. I:la double-dimension saw bench, ili, 24, 30
manufactur~, iii, 4t Corschill, red, ii,.87, 89, 90, 9), 96 cord, i, 113, 118. 119 frnme, i; 34: iii, 101, 10)
.heet, iii, 41 Cotswold Oi"rlct, ii, 89; Hi. U S, U 7 doors, iii, 66, 68 I{Tavity, ii, loa, 103
til~s, iii, 41 Crosland Hill, ii, 90, 9), 96 opening gear, 1ii, 66 horizontal log band mill. iii, 6
Rubbing bed. i, )5; ii, 104 Ounn H ouse, ii, 87, 89, 90. 9), 96 eyelell, i, 12a log frame sawinj{, iii, 6
Rubble work. See" Masonry" Eamock, ii, 90, 9) fast~ner, i, 116 reciprocalmlC cross-cut, iii, 5. 6
Rubi. law, granite, ii, 86, 9) Edgerold, ii, 1)0, 93 handle, i, 11 8 rip, ii, loa
Rue pi ng p res~rving process, Hi, 13 Endcliffe, ii, 87, 90, 93 lifl, i, 118 sharpenin(r, automatic. ii;, 30,) 1
Rule., i, :IQ, u6, 157 Guiseley, ii, 87, 90, 9) pivots, i, 121 ""nical lOll fnme lawing, iii, 6
Run, iii, 78, 79 H ewonh, Burn il, 87. 90. 93. 96 WelRhll,i.113, 11 4, 118, 11 9 ScabblinlC hammer, i, 38
Runcom stone, ii, 87, 88, 91, 9) H ollington, ii, 87, 90, 93, 96 Satinwood, East Indian. iii, S, a), as, 98 Scallops, thatch, iii, 1)4
Runners, i, 7a, 74; iii, 52, 58, 60 Kerridgc, H, 90. 9l flowernl., iii, S, a3, as, 98 Scantlinga, i, 57'
R UII;an oak, i, 60; iii, n . as La.ronby, ii, 87, 89. 91, 9) JlIl1lica, iil, :I), :IS, 98 Scarfedjoint, i, 7), 8 1
Rusticated jointl, i, SI , 5:1 Loo;:harbriiP. H, 89, 9 1, 9), Q6 WClt Indian, iii, a), as, 98 Scented auarea, i"~. 20, as

Sehed ulu, kiln-drying, iii, 10 Set tiles. iii, 104, 105 Sib. H. 17 Slales- contd.
Scintling, ii, 6 Setting bri~.ks. ii, 7 Silica bricks, ii, ,6 Slone, iii, 124. 1.<lS
Selallie granite, ii, 86, 93 a"
cement, 11,
in stick, i, 1,,6, I S6
Sili~us undstones, i, 33; ii, 88, 89
Silkwood, iii, 5, 22, 15, 10 1
terms, i, 135: ill, 125
Scontion l, i, 47 weight, i, 70
Score, kiln, ii, 6 out brick..... ork. H, 67-'10 Silky oak, ill. 21, 25 S lating, i, '32-140
Scotch glue, i, 86, 87; iii. 10', lo a doors, i , 10" Sill~, i, ~6 -18, 47, 48, 108, 114, 122;ii, III IIOne, i, 69, 70; iii, 124- 127
kiln, ii, 6 drains, ii, 7S Silver, i, 53 Sleeper walls, i, 19, 59, 61
Scol;a, iii. 79, 83. 87 .tairs, iii, 8", 87, 90 grain, i, 57: iii, 4, 5, 22 Slices , iii, S. 6
board. iii, 79, 96 sa ..... blades, iii, a6 gr"y"oo<I. Indian, iii. 20, 25, 7°,98 Slicing, iii, 98, 100
SCOIS fir or pine. Sec" Redwood " ..... e~s, iii, 60 spruct', iii, 18, 25 Slides, gla.. , ii, 89; iii, '4
Scolli,h Ilates. ii, 97 Se ..... t'n, ii, 71 Sih'erloc.k'. bond, ii, So Slip, i, 2: ii, I, 16,22
Seout stone, ii, 91, 93 Seysscl asphal!, ii. 54 Single abutment, joint i, 8 1 1I0ne, i, '30
Scraper, i, lOO, n9 Shafting, iii, 5 dimension saw bench, iii, 30 Slop-mouldinK. ii, 5
SCrallen, ii, na, n3, n s, U 7, 1:&8 Shakes, i. 58, 60: iii, 8. 20 Flemish bond. i. 8, 10 Slope. stairs, iii. 79, 87
Screeding, concrrte, iii, 38 Shale, i,.; ii, 1, 1, 11; iii, 1Q,t lock crots welts, iii, 130- ' 33 Slot and tenoned joint, iii, 43
Sereeninll" day. ii. 3 Shap granite, ii, 86 piu. iii.l moni,ing, iii, 30
Screwdri"en, i, 130, 151 Sha"e hooks, i, 151, 157 Roman tiling, iii, . , 6, •• 8. "9 Sludge, ii , 7'
Screwl, i, 11 0, 114. la6; iii, uS Shawk stone, ii, 9 1, 93 I plndle moulder, i. 10']; iii, 29 Slump test, ii, 3 1, 34
SCre ..... -wrench , i, 157 Shear stress, i, ao, 11, 66 Sill' contrete. i, 18, 19, 62,63.65; ii.59; iii, I 5 Slurry, i. <I; ii, I, 16, aa
Scribin.l£, i, 76, 95, 97, 10'], 108, 11 0, U4 Shed dryers, ii, 5 Sitka spruce, iii. 18, "5 Smoke test, ii, 78
cutte rbloelul, ii i, a9 Sheeting, i, 82, 83; iii, 56, 58 Six-cutter machine, iii, <1 8 Snake stone, ii, 104
p late, i, 157 ShccI glass, i, '10 Size ttiek, i, 132 Snap headers, i, 10
Sc roll, H, 113 lead, i, ' 42 Sizes of binders, lIird~J'S and jOiSlS, iii, 31, Snecks, i, .p
Scumening, ii, 7. 8, 14 rub ber, iii, 41 31. H-36 S now boa rds, i, ' 45
Scutch, i, 39 S hdly limestones, ii, 87, 9a-96 b ricks, i, 1,3. s: ii, 12 Soakefs, lead, i, 137, ' 43, 148, 150; iii,
Sea sand, i, a; ii, 26, 28 Sherardizing i, I1I d",in pipes. ii, 7 " 109-111, Iz6, 129
Seamen, iii, 130 Shingles, i, 69, 70; iil, u6, u 8, 119 finished, dre ssed, net Or wrought, timbe r, Soaking preserving processes, ili, ' 3, 14
Selloning none, ii. 101 ddails, iii, ,26. u8, u9, i, 6<1, 97.109, 112,113 Sodium fluoride, iii, n, 16
limber, i, SS, 56; iii, 7- la, 38, l OO, 10% abUTment. iii, 119 nominal or Ituff, timbe r, i, 61, 86, 87, 97, Soffits, arch, i, a2
anificial . i. 56; iii. Q-11. 38, 100 ea,'es, iii, 128, 129 ea,·cs, i. 6<), 71, 75-'17. 1)9, 140; iii, 106.
period, iii, U, 100 hip, iii. 129 '"
Skcl"lon slone steps. ii, 115 107,113,119,118
combined ai r and kiln, iii, 11, 1% ridge, iii, u8, 129 Skewback. i, aa bearers, i, 6<), 75-'77, 139: iii, u8
period, iii, n ''alley, iii, 129 Skew butt hinges, i, 103 boards, i. 69. 7 1, "'....,7. 139; iii, 10'],
natunl, i, 56; iii, 8, 9 IJIwn. iii, 126, u8 Skews, iii, 127 liS, "9, 128
period, iii, 8, 9 . p lit, iii, u6 Skiw. iii. 8, 10, 102 lining, i, 114, 115. 117; ii, 70, 72, 7J
Secret lead .prom, iii, In "en ieal, iii. 129 Skinings. cork, iii, 40 stair, iii, 79, 93
nailin.l£, i, 64, 6S Shippus, ii, '4 ' wood, i. 123, 124; iii, 49, 66, 68, 70, 87, 93 tiled. iii, 119, 120
vaUey cUller, iii, 110 Shooting and jointing boards, i, 130 S kyro. marble. ii, 97 Soft t issue. ii i, 2, 4
Sedimentary rocks, i, 33; ii, 85, 88-96 Shores, iii, 58 Slabbing, ii, 101, 102 Softwood., i, 59, 60; iii. 1-9, 12, 13, 17- 19 ,
Sedimen llltion test, ii, '16 Short. bc~.~, iii, 125 Slab 8a"'lng, i, 57; iii, 4-'7, 126 25, 26,36-41 , S6, 70, 98, 106, 11 0,
Segar conet, ii, 1I
Segmental an:hes, i, 26, 47; ii, S2, 106, 107,
gram, Ill, "
nines_ineen., iii, 124
Slabs, rtmforccd concn:te, iii. 36, 39
Slag, blast-furnace, ii. 25 , 29
characteristics and uses, i, 60; Hi, 17-19
110. 11 3 Shot, ii, 101, 105 foamed, ii. 29 class ification, i, 51,1, 60; Hi. I, 17-19
headed clled windows, ii, 110, 11 3; iii, Shouldering, iii, ' 14-1 16, 118, 121- 124 wool , iii, 48-51 balsam fir, iii, I
7a, 75 Shoulde r tongu", iil, 66 Slaking lime. ii, 20 8altic redwood. Sce" redwood ..
Self-faced Ilone. ii, 36, 45 Shredding plale, ii, 3 Slash Kraln, iii, 4, 5, 17. <1 4, u 6 whi lewood, i, 60,61: iii, I, 19, 25, 38
Semicircular ...ches, i, 26. 47; ii, 51, 64,105 Shrinkage, i, SS-58, 86-88, 94, l2a; Hi, 7, pine. iii, 18,25,38 Banksian pine, iii, 18, as
centering. i, 84, 8S; iii, 60-62 8, 40 ,102, 126 Slate damp proof course, i. 18; ii, 58 Brilish Columbia pine, i, 60, 6,; iii,
elliptical, ii, 5', 52 longiludinal, iii. 7, 10% holinK machine, i, 133, IH 1,5,17.2S,J6,40,5b,70,9II, 10 1
headed cascd ..... indo ..... , iii, 70, 7a radial. iii, 7 Slaters' tools, i. 133, 13" Hondurols pitch pine, ii i, 18, 15, 38
doors. iii. 66, 70 tangential, iii, 7, loa Slatu, i, 33, '3a- 140; ii, 8S, 87, 97: ii i, 121 , Canadian n:d pine, iii. 18, as, 71
helll.RQnal. ii, 64 Shuffs, ii, 13 , al, 124, 125 spruce, i, 60, 6~, 81; Hi, I , 18, a s
$tih~d, ii, S. Shu tt ~ring, ii, 120 a$bestos-eem~nt, iii, 12 1- ' 23 white pine, iii. I, 2, 5, 18, 15
with orders, ii, SI Siberian larch , iii, I characteristics, i, 133 , 134 yellow pi ne, iii, I , 2. S, 18, as
Semi-continuous kiln, ii, 6 pine, iii, I, ,8, as convenion, i, 13a Colum bian pine, i, 60, 6S; iii. 1, S, 17,
Septic tank, ii, 7 ' Sicilian marble, ii, 97 formation, i, 132; ii, 8S, 87, 97 2S, 36, 40, 56, 70, 98, 101
Seraya, red, iii, a3, 25, 38 Sidt' dresst'r, iii. a6 pitch, i, 69: iii, u S Cuban pi ne, iii, 18. 2S, )8
white, iii, 33, 25, 38 Sienna marble, ii, 97 pn:paralion, i, 'H, 138 Dou glas fir, i, 60, 65; iii, 1. 5, 17, 25,
Senile oak. iii. 2a, a~ Sieves, ii, 22, 29 quarrying. i, 13l 36, 40, 56, 70, 98. 101
Set gau(!e. iii, a6 Sight rails, ii , 75 lile •• i. I JJ: ii, U I; iii, u S European larch, iH, I, 17, " S, 56
Sofr"."Qo(is-amtd.. Softwc.ods-contd. Spring wood, i, SS, 56; iii, l ,], 5, 7 Stain-conld,
clusification-contd. clusification---«lntd. Springwell stone, H, 87, 91, 93, 96 steps, diminished, iii, 80
European spruce, i, 60, 61; iii, I, 19, as, yellow deal. See" redwood" Sprocketed uvea, i, 69, 74~7, 1]8, 139. flien, Hi, 80, 83, 84, 87, 90, 9]
pine, iii, 1,:1,5, ,8,:15 iii, 106, 107, '0<}, 114 , 115 kite, iii, 80, 96
finger cone pine, iii, 18, as
firs, iii, I, 2, S. '7-IQ, as. 36, 38, -.0,
yew, iii, 19, lS
identification, iil, 4
Spruces, i, 60, 6l, 8l; W, I, l, 18, 19, 3 S
Square, butt, plain or "lOt joint, i, 63, 64
proportions, iii, 8:z
scroll, iii, 80
56,70,98.10 1, 105.110, I 1I sources, iii, '7- 19 housed joint, i, 66 spla~'ed, iil, 80, 87, 9], 96
grey fir, iii, 17. a5.)8 structure, iii, 3, 4 roll, copper, iii, 130 winders, iii, 78, So, 8l, 95, 96
Jlck pine, iil, 18, as Soil pipes, ii, 8:1, 84 Squared rubble,i, ]6, J9, 41-4}; ii, 106, 107 !tringJ, iii, 78, 80, 8]-<Yl
kauri.., pine, iii, s. 17. as, 38 Solder, i, 143, 15:1, IsJ Squares, i, 39, ]6, 106, u6, 157 close or housed, iii, 8<>, 8]-96
Korean pine, iii, 18, as pot, I, '57 Squint brick., it, 18, ]6 cut, iii, So, 97
larches, iii, I, '7. a~, 56 Soldering iron, i, 157 junctions, ii, ]6, J7 notch boardl, iii, 80, 97
Manchurian pine, iLi, ,8, a s
Memd fir. See" redwood "
mountain pine, iii, 18, as
New Bnmswick. ' pruu, i, 60, 6a, 81 ;
" Soldier arches," i, 21, 93, 10<}
Sole plate.., iii, 57, 60
Solid balustrade., iii, 78, 80, 90, 93, 95, 10l
density, ii, 99
quoiru, ii, ]6, 38, ]9
Stacking timber, iii, 8, 1 0, 11
Sticks, chimney, i, 77, 148, ISO, 151; ii,
open, iii, 80, 97
rough, iii, 78, 80, 8], 85-89, 93, 94,

terms, iii, 78-80

iii, I, 18, 25 moulds, i, 95""97, 103 ; iii, 6J, 65 Staff bead, i, 114 Stair ttencher, iH, &..t, 85
Zealand bune, iii, s, ' 7. as.)8 Sound-insulated doo r. Hi, 51, 70 Staging, iii, S7 Stairway, iii, 80
Niea .... guan pine, iii, 18, :lS. )8 Soundness t<'"$I, ii, l4 Staffordshire blue bricb, i, 18; ii, 17 Stalactites, ii, 97
nonhem pine. Scc" ~dwood " Sound-proofinii, Hi, 38, 4J, 46, 48-51, l a] Staining bricks, ii. u Stalagmitea, H, 97
whit"YIOOd, i, 60, 6:1; iii, I , '9.14. Sources, timber, i, 60; iii, I, '7-l4 Staircase, iii, 78, 79 St. Aldhelm Box Ground stone, H, 9l~4.
25. 38 Souring clay, il, 4 Stairs, reinforced conc~te, iii, 117, 119, IlO 96.101
Norway fir. See" redwood " Southland beech, iii, 19, :is slone, ii, 117- llO Stancliffe stone, i, ]], 34; ii, 87, 91, 93, C}6
Oregon pine, i, 60; ii i , :I , 5. ' 7. as. 36, Southwalt'r bricks, ii, 17 wood. iii, 78-97 Standa rd asbestos-cement co rruQ"lted
4°,56,7°,98, 10 1 Soya bean glue, Hi, 101 baluslrades, ii, IiS- UO; W, 78, 80, 81, sh«ta, ii i, u4
Ottawa red pine, iii, 18,25.7' Spade_finished concrete. H, 60 88""97, 10l Standing .ums, iii, l ]o-l J l
white pine, iii, 1,1, s, 18, as Spalls, i, 40, 4S brom:e, H, 119, 1:10 Stand-up weln, iii, I Jo-Ill
Pacific rf'd cec:!.ar. Hi, 17, :lS. 126 Span, i, l], 6Q open, iii, 78, So, 81, 88-91, 9]""97 SI. Anne I1UIrble, ii, 97
pines, i. 60; lil, I,:t, S, IS, :ZS, JS, 56, Spandril, arch, i, l ] solid, iii, 78, 80, 81, 90, 9l, 9], 95, 10l St. Beu stone, ii, 87, 9 1, 93, 96
7', S4, .06, 110, I I I Itair, iii, 79, 90 wrought iron, H, "5- 11 8 Stanton Park I tOne, H, 87, Sq, 91, 9]
pitch pine, i, 60, 6:z, 65, lOS, 116; iii, steps, ii, 115 classification, iii, 79 \Voodho\Ue stone, ii, 91, 9]
:z, 5, 18, :zs, 38, 56, 84 Spanish chestnut, Ill, :ZO, lS bifurcated, iii, 79, 81 Staples, i, 90; Hi, 134
Polish fir. See" redwood" mahogany, i, 60; iii, 5, :U, l5, 70, 98 continuous, Hi. 79, 8 1 Statuary marble, ii, 97
Quebec red pine, Hi, 18, :ZS, 71 tiles, iii, lI S-I1IO geometrical, iii, 79, S, Staves, Hi, 72
~pruce, i, 60, 6:z, 8~; iii, I, 18, ~ 5 o,'ers, iii, 118- llO circular, iil, 79 Steam na\IVY, ii, l, U
white pine, Hi, I,~, 5, IS, ~ 5 unden, iii, 118- 130 elliptical, iii, 79 pipea, iii, 10, I 1
yellow pine, iii. I,:Z, 5, 18,:Zs liling, iii, 118- 1110 winding, iii, 79, SI Steel. See" Mild lteel "
Queensland kaurie, iii, 17, ~5 Span, i, bQ-79, 8 1; ii , 1113-1115; J1I, 106, newt'I, i"~, 79, 81, 87-90, 93""97 Steeping preserving processea, iil, 13, 14
r(d duI. S«" r(dwood " 107,114, liS , 117, " 9, Ill, 1:l6-u9 straight flight, iii, 79, 8 1-87 cold, iil, 14
pine, iii, 18, lS, 71 .. Spearpoint " floor clips, iii, ]8 !Urning. iii, 79 hot, iii, 14
r(dwood, i, 6o-6l, 70, 78, 108, 116; Hi, Spe<:ial brick bonds, ii, 4Q-51 half-turn, ii, "7, 118; iii, 79, So, hot-and-cold, iii, I]
I,:Z, 5, .8,:ZS, 36, 38, , 06, 110, I 1I bricks, i, 4, :Zl, 33, l4; ii, 17-19 8,,8l""95 K yani~ing, iii, 14
$cots fir or pine. See" ~dwood " Species, timber. iii, I, 17~l 4 dog-leg, iii. 78, 79, 81, 87-9] Powelli~inli' iii, 14
Siberian larch, iii, I Spelte r, ii i, 1):1, open well, ii, 1'7, 118; iii, 79, 80, Stemming, iil, 58
pine, iii, " 18, :ZS Spigol, ii, 75 8" 9]""95 Step irons, ii. 80
silver spruce, iii, , 8,:15 Spindle moulde r, i, 107; iii, 19, 87 quarter_lUm, iii, 79, 8., 95, 9li Stepped fnundatioru, ii, 59, 60
sito, spruce, iii, ,8, ls Spinl grain, iii, 4, 17, 18 three-quarte r _turn, iii, 79 Steps-brick, i, l8
slash pint', iii, 18, :IS, JS Spire, ii, 99 construction, Hi, 83, 84, 87, 90, 97 concrete, i. 38
I PruceS, i, 60, 6l, 8l; iii, I,:Z, 18, 19, :15 Spirit level, i, 19, 1]0; ii, 75 design, iii, 82 ~inforced concrete, ii, 119, ' la
IUgar pine, iii, 18, ls Splay bricks, i, 4, 86 es".,nt;al requir(ments, iii, 80, 8:1-84 marble , H, 119, 'la
Swedish pine, See" redwood .. Splayed scarf joint, iii, 56 landings, ii, 118; iii, 7S-84, 88, 93 non_stip , ii, "9, 120
wutern hemlock, iii, ' 7, :zs, 38 rebated, tongued and grooved joint, i, 64 half-space,ii, I tll; iii, 79, 80,88,90,93 prt'cast, ii, 120
r~d cedar, i, 60; iii, 17, :Z5, 1:16 Split brick courus, i, ll, l8; ii, 70 quarter-~pace, li, 118; iii, 78-S3, 9]""95 stone, i, 46, 49; ii, "5- 118

white pine, Hi, 18, :Z S lihingles, iii, u6 steps, wood, iii, 78- 87, 89-97 built_up, ii, IJS, 116
\\'eymouth pin~, Hi, " :I, 5, 18, :IS Splitting, iii, 8, 10, 10l, u6 balancing. iii, 78, 80, 8 2 cantilev(T, ii, 117- llO
white deal or fir, i, 60, 6:1; iii, I, 19, :IS, Spraying prest'rving proa:u, iii, '4 bull-nosed, iil. 80, 9). 96 hanging, ii, 1'7-120
SpeilJ$, i, 11 0; iH, 66, 68 commode, iii, 78, 80 rectangular, i, 46; ii, 106, 108, "5-117
pine, iii, ',:I, S, 18,:Zs Springers, i, l~, SI; ii. 107 con.stroction, iii, 83, 84, 87, 97 skeleton, ii, 115
spruce, i, 60, 6:z, 8:z; iii, I, 18,:zs Spring-u«s, iii , 78, 80, 83, 87, 88, 93, 9li curtail, iii, So, 97 spandeil, ii, "5, 117, 118
wh.tewood, i, 60, 6l; iii, I, 19, :IS, 38 ,,"rping, iii, 8 <lanci"., iii, 78, 80, 8l wood. See" Srain, steps, wood ..
Stim, piling, iii, 8, 10, 101 Stone,---eontd. Strip flooring, iii, 36 SWeUing, i, 56, 58, 100, Ill; ii, 13; Ill, 7,40
Stiles, i, 91---<)9, 101~117, 110, I l l ; iii, 64 , surface finishes. i, 36-38 lathing, iii, 114 Swept valleys, i, ' 37, 141; iii, 106, 108- 110,
66-70, 71, 73, 75 batted, i. 36, 41 Struck joints, i, 31 126, 129
Stippling, ii, '3 boasted, i, 36 Structure, stones, ii, 89, 94, 95 Sycamore, iii, 5, 2), 25, 70, 98, 101
Stirrups, ii, 48, 110 dragged, i, 38, 41 wood, i, 55; iii, 1-5 Syenites, ii, 85, 88
Stock bricks, ii, 'I, 4, 11 furrowed, i, 36, hardwoods, iii, 2-4 Syllabuses, Building Construction, I, I V, V,
board, ii, 4; iii, I I I hammer-dressed, i, 36, -tJ fibres, iii, 3, 4 1,33,55,86,132,142,158; ii, Preface, I,
lock, i, 90 picked, i, 36 growth rings, i, 55, 58--60; iii, 1~5, 7 I, 85, 121; iii, Preface, 136
mould, ii, 4 plain work, i, 36 19- '14
Stockings, it,ll punched, i, 36 parenchyma, iii, J, 4 T
Stones, i, 3J ~ S4; ii, 8; ~ '18 quarry_dressed i, 36, 39-45 pits, iii, 2, 3
classification, i, 33; ii, 85---<)1 reticulated, i, 38 pores, iii, 2- 5, 19, 20 Tabling, iii, 127
cleanin,l.l, ii, 98 rock-faced, i, 38 rays, i, SS, 57, 59,60; iii, 1-5, IQ-24 Tackinli( rivets, ii, 124
dciecls.- See " Def~cts in stone" rubbed, i, 35 ve~sds, iii, 2-5, 19, 20 Tacks, lead, i, 144, '45
details, i, 39~51; ii, 105-118 scabbled, i, 38 softwoods, iii, 2-4 Tailstock, iil, JO
arche~, i, 39, 46-48; ii, 105-113 straight_cut, i, 36, 41, 43 growth rings, i, 55, 57--60; iii, 1-5, _Talc, ii, 54
arehitraves, ii, 107- 113 ,·ermiculated. i, 38 17- 19, 1'16 Tally slates, i, 13J
consoles, ii, 108, 11'1, 113 tests, ii, 32, 33, 99- 101 parenchyma, iii, 2 Tamper, ii, 60
copings, i, 35, 49-5', ISO, '52; iii, 116, compressi,"e strength, ii, 32, )3, 101 pits, iii, 2 Tanli(ential sawing, i, 57; iii, 4-7, 126
117, 126 frost resistance, ii, 100, 101 rays, i, 55, 56, 59, 60; iii, z .hrin.kaRe, iii, 7, 102
cornice., i, 39, 49, S0, 'So, 152; ii, percentage porosit y, ii, 99 resin ducts, ili, 2, 4, 18 Tann;n, iii, 'I
107-116 penneability, ii, 99 tracheids, iii, 'I, 4 Tanpin, i, '52, '56, '57
dressings to doors, i, 46-49,115,119; ~atu ration coeffici~nt, ii, 99, tOO Struts, i, 76, 78-83; iii, 43, 44, 52-H, 56- T ant, iii, 125
ii, 105-113 Stoneware damp proof course, i, 18 6, Taping machine, iii, 100
to windows, i, 41, 42, 46-49; ii, pipe~, ii. 7'-73 Strutting, floor, i, 66-68;ii;, 31, 49, So T ar, ii, 54
1l0-1I3 Stool pallets, ii, 5 Stub-tenoned joints, i, 80, 81, 94, 106; iii, Tasmanian myrtle, iii, 22, 15
entablatures, ii, 107- 113 Stools, sill, i, 18, 47, 48 42. 43, 66, 93- 95 oak, iii, z3, 25, 38
footin!!:s, i, 39-4' Stoothed or stud partitions or .toothings, Stuck mouldings, i, 95-97, IOZ; iii, 63, 65 T eak, i, 60, 65, 108, 1I6; iii, 5, 21, 23, 15,
friezes, i, 49, 50; ii, 107- 111
limds, i, 20, '11, 47; iii, 31
mullions. i, 41, 42, 49
pads, i, 12, 73, 78; ii, 122-128; iii, 31,
iii, 42, 43, 48-5 2, 84, 88-90, 93
Stopped ends, i, 4, 6-8, 10
Storey rods, i, 29, 31; iii, 80, 84, 90
Stout heart boards, iii, 98
" .
Studs, iii, 42, 43, 48-52, 84, 88---<)0, 93, 110,

Stumps, iii, 5, 98
Subfloors, concrete, i, 6], 65; ii, 55-57; iii,
.14,38, u6
African, i, 60; iii, 21, 25, 38
Rhodesian, iii, 5, 24, 25, 38
Tee-bars, i, 158
34, 51 Straight-cUI stone finish, i, 36, 41, 43 38 ,39,4' hinges, i, 88---<)2
parapets, i, 46, So, 5 I ; ii, 113-11 5 Straight edge, i, '14, 29, 31, 35,126; ii, 68, wood, iii, 38-41 Temperinli( mill, ii, z
pediments, ii, '07-1'9 75, 76 Subsoil drainage, ii, 55, 56 Templates. See "Stone pads"
plinths, i, 35,48, 49 drain i?i.p es, ii, 72-74 Suction, ii, 14, 16 Templels, i, 24; ii, 17, 52, 70; iii, 63, 79. 8 4 •
ridges, i, 137, 'lO}; ii, 125, n7 gram, Ill, 4,5, '7-24, 126 Suffolk latch, I. 88, 89, 91 86, 87
stairs,ii, 1'7, 118, 120 St~ining..beams, iii, 43, H-56 Sugar maple, iii, 5, 22, 25, 38, 40, 101 riser, iii, 79, 84, 86
steps, i, 46, 49; ii, 106, 108, 11 5-118 p,ece, Ill, 43 pine, iii, 18, 25 t",ad, iii, 79, 84, 86
string courses, i, 39, 46, 49, So sill,iii, H, 56 Summer wood, i, 55, 56; iii, 2, 3, 5, 7 Temporary timbering, i, 81-85; iii, 56-61
thresholds, i, 27, 28, 46, 49, 98, 99; Strap hinges, i, 9~ Sump, iii, 58 centering, i, 83-85; iii. 60--61
ii, "5, 116 Straps, wmllli(ht iron, iii, 43-45 Sunk draw kiln, ii. 19 tr~ nchl's, i, 82; iii, 56-60
transomes, i, 41, 42, 49 Strata, classification, ii, 85-87 Superficial preserving processes, iii, 14 Tenoning cutterblocks, iii, 29, 30
tympanum, ii, 107. 108 Strenli(th, brickwork, ii, 'S brush application, iii, 14 machine, i, 107; iii, 29
wallin!!:. See" !\.bsonry " cements, ii, 23, 24 dipping, iii, 14 T~non saw, i, 106, 127, '31
window sills, i, 46-49, 108, IOQ, 115, concretes, ii, 31, 32, J4 spraying, iii, 14 Tenons, i, 66, 74-81, 86, 87, 92, 94, 98, t03,
119; ii, 110, 112, 116; iii, 73, 71- li(ranites, ii, 86 Superimposed loads, iii, 32, H, 35 106, 108, 110, 116; iii, 42, 1-3, 63, 66,
dressinll:, i, 34-38; ii, 101-105 limestones, ii, 92 Surface checking, iii, 8 68,70,88,90,93,9S
face -bedded, i, 38; ii, 97 mortars, ii, 25, 27 finishes, stone. S~e "Stones" barefaced, i, 92; iii, 88, 90
fo~atlO~, ii, 85 sandstones, ii, 90, 91 planing and thicknessing machine, i, 107; double, i, 87, 9Z; iii, 63, 68, 70
mmmg, 11, 101 timber, iil, 17, 102 iii,28 dovetailed, i, 116
natural bed, i, 38, 39; ii, 88, 97 Stretchus, i, 3, 7,10,17,19; iii, 60 ,·ibrator, ii, J5 fork, i, 116
preservation, ii, 99 Stretching bond, i, 6, 7i ii, 1-0 Surfacing floors, iii, 28-30, 40, 102 haunched, i, 86, 92, 100, 108, 116, .i.' 33, 34; ii, 101 Strike, ii, 4 Suspended ceiling, ii i, 1-9 oblique, i, 74, 79, 80; iii, 51, 88, 90
seasoning, 11, 101 Striking piate, i, 90; iii, 76 Sussex bond, ii, 1-9, 50 proportions of, i, 86
selection, ii, 98 off board, ii, 60 Swage saw, W. 26, 27 stub, i, 81, 91-,106; iii, 42, 4], 66, 9), 95
sdf-fa~ed, .i, 36, 1-5 String cours~s, i, 39, 46, 1-9, SO; ii, 62, 6] shaper, iii, 26 tu~k, i.. 66, 67; iii, 88
Sn3!'!'In!!". I, 35 Strings, copper, iii, 130 Swedish marbles, ii, 97 tWIn, I, 103
splitting, i, 34, 35 stair, ii, 119, 120; iii, 78, 80, 83-97 pine. See "Redwood" Tensile testing machine, ii, 23
ItrucfUre, ii, 89, '}4, 9S Stripe figu"" iii, 5, 11, 23, 24 Sweet ch~,tnut, iii, 5, 20, 25 Tem.ioning saw blades, iii, 27
Ten.ion lods, iii, 43 Thicknnsing, iii, 18-)0 Tiles-contd_ Timbcr-.;:onld.
stress. i. la, 21, 66. ,6; iii, )2, 62, loa madunt'S, i, 107: iii, 18, )0 purpolc- made "erge, iii, '16-118, 110, weighl, i, 60; iii, 7,17-2", )2, 34, 3S
Tentetr, Hi, 49
Terra·eotta block alld brick panicion., iii,
'rhornton Blue stone, ii , 81, 9', 9)
Three-light cased window, i.i, 74, 75
quarter-turn sta irs, iii, 79
, ... lIey, iii, 116, 122
Roman , iii, .,6, I r8, 119
windo\\s, i, 107-121 ; iii, 71-']5
Tinos marble, ii, 97
Tinted glass, iii, 66, 68
" ii, 60,120
Test.pi«e timber, iij, 10
Thresholds,., 17, 18, 46, 49, 98, 99; ii, 1'5,
,16; iii, 6)-67
segmental, iii, 120
Spanish or Sicilian, iii, 118- 110
Tongued and grooved joinu, i, 52, 62, 67,
70, 8R, '1,,: iii, 36, ,,0, "5, "7, 58, 63,
Tesll, h, '4, 15, n - 24, 3'-)4, 78, 99"-101; Throat, flue, H, 65 overs, iii, 118-110 70,71,80,83,8.. , 87, 88, <]6, I'", 1)0
iii, )8, '05. !la Throating, i , 18, 47: ii, 11 3 undets, iii, 118- 120 gr<XI"ed and he2ded joints, i, 88, 89
bricks. ii, ':h I~., p, 33 Throuxh checking, iii, 8 "Turnall" Trafford, iii, 111, 12) and dovetailed joints, lIi, 38, 39
..:ompn,sslon, n, '5.32, JJ Throughs, i, )9-45 TilestOnU, ii, 89 and lip mitred joints, iii, 35, 36
effioreoc"nce, ii, IS Thumb latch, i, 88 89,91 Tilinll, i, 68-'70, ,,,0, 14'; ii, 83: iii, 104- and V_joints, i, 76, 77, 88, 89
frost ft'Siltance, ii, 'S Thwac.ker, iii , 112 11 .. , 116-'13 mitred joints, iii, 35, 36, 96, 97
penncability, H, '4 Thwacking framc , iii, 111 asbestos-cemenl_ il', 111, 12) Tongues, cross, iii, 35, )6, 72, 73
cement, 11, 22-:1 ", Tie beam., i, 76, 78-81; lii , 53-56, 62 Rasil'can, iii, 116_ 118, 119 feathe r, iii, 71
chemical comp<»ition, ii, n, :I) Ties, cavity, il, ,,0, 4' Italian, ii;, •• 6, 118, 119 shoulder, id, 66, 67, 96, 97
cold·pat, ii, a4 Tighl_cut s urfacc, plywood, iii, .00 pantil'ng, ii, 83; iii, 112, 114-1'7, 122, Tonguing, iii, 29, 30
c:ompreu;\'e stre ngth, H, al. 1<1- Tile battens, i, 140, 14 1; iil, 106--115, 117, head, iii, 19
fineness, ii, 1:1
hOI_pal, ii, 24 '"
creasing, i, 19: iii, 110, 116, 120
plain, i, 140, 1.. 1; ii, 83; iii, 104-112
Roman , iii, llb, '18, 119
Tool~, brickllyen ', i, 19
ca~nters' 2nd joiners', i, 126-131
seninl{ time, ii, al. 24 pUeting, Hi, 55, 11,,- 118 Spanish or Sicilian, iii, 1.8-110 mason~', i, 29, 35, 3b-38
final, ii, 24 hanging, iii, 110-.13 venial, iii, 110-11) plumbers', i, 156, IS7
initial, ii, 24 insets,iii, 108, IO<},112-11", 117-110 Tilting fillets, i, 1)6, 139-141; iii, 106, 107, slaten', i, 133, 134
soundness, ii, 1I4 nails, i, 1.. 1: Hi, .06, " 0, 114, 1.8, 111 116, "7, ,18 TootnillM, i, ..
tensile strength, ii. 2J tongues, iii, loS, 10<) Tilting drum mixer, H, )4 Tor Brake granite, ii, 86, 93
concrete. ii, )I-J<f: iii, )8 underdoaks, iii, 111-114, 118, 121, 126 Timber, i, SS--60; iii, 1-3 1 Down xranite. ii, 86, 93
compacting (.etor, ii, 32 Tiled arch, ii , 64 characteristics, i, 60; iii, 17-14 Torcning, i, 136, 139, 1.. 0; W, 106, 107,
oompreSll;\'e Itrtngth. ii, )1-34 Tiles, i, 26, 18, 68-']0, 110, 140, 1"1; ii, 66, dauification, i, 59, 60; iii, I, '7-2" 126, 1:17
. lump. ii, 31-34 67; iii, 52, 55, 56, 10,,-1 10, 111, '1) con\'enion, i, 570 iii, ,,-7, 11, 98, 100 Tower, concreting, ii, 3S
drain, H, ,8 angle, iii, 11', 11 3 dcfeclB, i, 55 - 60 ; lii, 4, 7, 8, 10, 1,,- 17, Tracc holes, ii, 8
ball, ii. ashellos-cement, W, 111, 113 )8, ,,0, "', 51, lOO , 103, '30 Tracheids, iii, 1- "
hydraulic, ii, ,8 Insilican, iii, 116, 118, 119 doors, i, 86-107: iii, 63-,]1 Trammeh, i, 24, 85,1:16; ii, 70
.moke, ii. ,8 bonnet or Ilranny, i, 141: iii, loS, 10<) felling, i, SS; iii, 5 Transomes, i, 41, ,,1, ,,9,108; iii, 63--66
floor, drying, iiL, )8 WnI::rete, i,i, 110 figu~, iii. 4, 5,17-1" lights, iii, 6)--66
sand, ii, 26 wne, iii, 10<), 116, 110 fire- retarding, iii, ' .. , 116 Trans,'erse bars, iii, 36, 39
chemical, ii, a6 eaves under, iii, 105-107, 110, 114, 118, floon, i, 59-68: iii, 3 1- 43, "S, .. 8- 5 1 sepia, i, SS
sedimentation, ii, 26 "9, 111 grain, iii, 4, 5,17- 2" test, tiles, iiL lOS, 120
stone, ii, 32, 33, 99""101 glazed, ii, 66, 67 growth, i, 55; Hi, 1,1 Tnps, dllin, ii, 71-'14, 81-84
eompreuive I trength, ii, 32, 33, 101 half-round, i, 137, 1)9, '''I; iii, '07, 10<), hardwood., i, 59, 60; lii, 1-5, '9-25 Tra\'ellinj! ca rriage, i,i, 6
froS! resistance , ii, 100, 101 '11,113,1,6,118,120,116 identification, iii, .. table, iii, 6
perCental'[e poro.ity, ii, 99 hand-made, iii, '0,,-106, 1 ' 0, '11, 116, panitions, iii, 41-5 ', 51, 8 .. , 90, 93, 101 TnlveBe, i, 131
permeability, ii, 99 ,, 8 prepardti~m, i!i, 2"-,~,O Tra\'ertine marble, ii, 97
Ilturation coefficient, ii, 99, 100 hog_back, t, 137, 139- 14'; iii, 108, 109 preservatIOn, I, 57: 11', 12-15 Treads, ii, 11,- 110; iii, 29, 79-84, 87--97
tilea, Hi, lOS, 110 interlocking, iii, no roofs, i, 68-8.: iii, SI-56 Trenching, iil, 29, 83, 84, 81
fren:in(f, iii, 105 Italian, iii, 116, 118, 119 .izel, finished or dreued or net or Trench timbering, i, 81, 83; iii, 5&--60
permeability, iii, 105, 110 double Roman, iii, 118, 119 wrought, i, 61, 97,10<), 111, 113 Trimming floors, i, 62, 6), 66-68
traruwerse, iii, 105, 120 overs, iii, 116, 119 nominal or Ituff, i, 61, 86, 87, 97, 111 plywood bolrds, iii, 100, 102.
timber, moisture conten t, iil, 7, 10, 11 unders, iii, 116, 119 BeallOning, i, 55, 56; iii, 7- 12, 38, 100, roofs, i, 74, 77
Tuture, bricks, ii, I ), 61
Itone, li, 88-ql, 9 ..
single Roman, iii, 118, 11 9
machine-made, iii, 104, 105, 111, 110,
IIOftwoods, i, 59, 60; iii, I -S, 7--9, 12, 13,
Trinidad asphalt, H, 504
cedar, iii, 20, 25
tilea, iii, 105
timber, iii, .. , 5, 18-1) ."
pllntilea, i, 68-70; ii, 8); iii, 56, 111, 114-
17-19, 16, 36, 38, 40, ,,1,56,70,98,
106,110, I11
Triple "<XIn, i, 59: iii, )4-37
roofs, i, 76-81; iii, 54-56
COII rse, iii, 5, 11, 1) 117, 111, 113 lIOurces, i, 60: iii, I, 17-1" Trough gUllen, i, 154
even, iii, 5, 18,10--1) plain, i, 68-']0, ,,,0, '''I; ii, 83; iii, 51, specificalion, i, 60 Trowels, i, 14, 29, 31, 37: ii, 60
fine, iii, 5, 19,10 10,,- 11 3 i ~, i, 56; iii, 8, 10, 11 Trucks, iil, 10, 11
medium, iii, 5, 19 eaves under, Hi, lOS, 106, 110, 114. 118 stain, ili, 78--97 Truss, king 'post roof, i, 76, 78-81
uneven, W, S ridge under, iii, l OS, 109 Itr~ngth, iii, 17, 102 laminaled wood, iii, 53, 504
Thltch, i, 69, 70: iii, I)), 13" tile_llnd_a_half, iii, 106, 10<)-111 llructure, i, SS; iii, 1-5 queen post roof, iii, 504-S6
Thermlcoust slabl, iii, "7, "9, So pUrp<1H_made eaVet, iii, 112 textu~, iii, .. , 5, , 8-1) .Ieel, ii, 121 - 128, iii, H, 122, IZJ
Thermometer, dry Ilnd wet bulb, iii, 10, 11 hip, iii, 108, 10<) uses, t, 60; iii, 17- 1" Belg,an, French or Fink roof, ii, 127, la8
Truu",d pantlionl, Hi, 43-45 Ven",,;an arch, ii, 51, 53 \V.lnut, iii, 17. 11 , Z4, :zs, 40, 70, 98, 102 Weillht ~ , lead, i, 118; iii. 74, 75
purlin, iii, 5z, 53 centre, Hi, 60, 61 African, iii, 24, 015 Weldin!!", i, 1"'3, ISI, 157 ; il, I:z1; iii, 36, 74-
Try-squar", i, 29, 36, 37, 106, 126, 131, Venlilating grat"', i. 6., 63 American black. di, 2... , 25 \\'ddon stone, ii, 87, 92-94, 96
'57 V",ntilation. floo"" roofs and ~neral, i, 58, Au stralian, iii, 24, z5 , "n Wellfield 1I0ne, d, 87, 91, 93. 96
Tub c!O~I" ii, 71 6',76,108; iii, 15, 16 Benin . iii, 24, :Z; Well stair, iii, 8o, 81, 93-95
Tuck pointing, i, 30, 32 drain, ii , 78, 8z-84- Black Sea, iii, 2.... 25 Welsh ,Iate$, i, 1301-1)4; ii, 87-97
Tuclung boards, Hi, 57 holes, door, iii, 68, 71 Circalllian, iii, 01"" 015 \\'el:ed drips, iil, IJ I, 13J
Tudor arch, ii, 52, 5) Vents, i, 38 Easl Indian. iii. :Z1 , .z5 roll •• iii, 130, 1)1
Tunn",1 dry"'"" ii, 5 V""de Antico marble, ii, 97 English, ii;. 24, ~5 \\'ells. copper, iii , 130- 132
kilns , ii, 10, 19; Hi,
"Turnall " Trafford liln, iii, 122, I:l)
V""ges.slate, i, 'U, 136, 1)8, 139
tile,iii, 106, 111-114-, '1 6-118, 120,126,
European, iii, 2-4-. 25
French. iii, ~4, ~5
lead, i, IH, 141:1, 151
"l:inc, iti, 1)1, I))
Turning piecn, i, 24, 8)-85 'H lIali l n, iii, 24, 25 We$! End stone, ii, 91. 9)
Itain. !ke "SlIin" Italian, iti, ,,8 Nigerian, iii. 014, 015 Weslern hemlock,.ii, 17. 015. 38
Twin blade machine, H, 102 pantile, iii, 114-, 116. 117 Quet:nsland, iii, ~4, "1:5. 10"1: red cedar. i, 60; W, 17, 25, 126
pllntilH, iii, 11:1 plain tile, iii, 111-113 Wane , i, 59 while pine, iii, 18,25
t",non joint, i, 10) Spanish, iii, 120 \\'arping, i, 57-59;iii, 8, 10,40, Hl"l:, 10), 130 \Vesl Indian cedar, iii, ao, 25
Twin, iii, 8 stone slate, iii, 126 bo... , i, 58; iii, 8 m:lhogan)', iii, S, ::: I, 25, 70, 9&
Tympanum, ii, 64, 107, 108 thatched, iii, 134 cup, i, 59: W, 8, 40 satinwood, iii, a), 25, 98
Venical battens, iii, 118. 119 sprin(l, iii, 8 \\'eslminster H all roof, iii, 16
u damp proof courses, ii, 52-60 Iwist, iii, 8, 10"1: \Vet -dipped procen, ii, 16
grain, iii, 4--7, 22, 38, 100, 126 wind, iii, 8 glu"'~'proceu, iii, 100
V n dercloaks, li]"" iii, " '-114, 118, 11:1, log band mill, iii, 6 Wash bank, ii, 1 pan, 11, 2
." shingles, iii, 1:19 \\'uhers, i, 78. 81,159; ii, I:z4 rot, i, 58
Vnducut toll, iii, 1)0, 131 slating, iii, 112 Wuhing-off frame, iii, I I:z \Veymouth pine, iii, 1,2, S. 18, ZS
V n du ",av"'l ,Iates, Hi, 121, 12) ~liding suhe., i, 113-119; iii, 70, 7), .1:" \Vash mill, ii, I, 11 WhinSlone, ii. 88
tiles, iii, 105-107, 110, 114, 118, 119, 1:12 spindle moulding machine, i, 107; Ill, Wute pipes, ii, 78, 82- 84 Whilned, i, 3): ii, 94
Vn",v",n grain, iii, 4 a9,87 \\'ater bars, i, 018, ·47, 98, 99, 108-'10, 114, White c huglam, iti, 20, 23, 70, 98
texture, iii, 5 tiling, iii, 110-11) "5; iii, 66, 69, 72, 73, 77, 112, 11) deal or fir, i, 60, 6z: iii, I, 19, as,)8
Vni,·erul woodworker, t, 107; iii,)o venet:r slicer, iii, 98 carriage system, ii, 71 elm, W, 20, 25
Vntnrabl", fell, i, 1)6, 1)9; iii, 106, 107, Vessels or pore$, iii, ~s, 1 ~4 cement ratio, ii,)1 guarea, iii, ZO, 2S
114, liS, 117- 119, 1:16 Vibraton, ii, )5 closets, ii, 78, 8), 84 lauan, iii, :11, 25
Vpper floor , i, 65-68 Vicat apparatus, it, 2... of Ayr stone, ii, 105 maple, W, S' n , 25, )8, 40, 101
Up-draught kiln, ii, 6 Victoria ...,d m arble , ii, 97 proored concrete. ii, 36, 57 meranti, Hi. 22, 25
UpselS, i, 58 Victorian oak, iii , 013, 25, )8 mortar , ', )"1:, '37 : ii, 27, 57, 58, 65; oak, American, i, 60; iii, 11. 25, )8
VS"'I,, i, 60 ; Hi, 17-24 " Viloc:rele" cement, ii, 014 iii , 116 pine, iii, I, 2, S, 18, 23
Volcanic rocks, ii, 88 \\'alerahot, i, 45 Ponla nd cement, H. z4. 27
v Vous.soin, i, z2-:z6, 47 \\'avy grain, iii, ... , S. 17, 2C>-24 ,eraYl', W, 2), z5, )8
V-shaped. ridge , i, ')7, 1)9 ; iii, 108, lOll, Wnther boards, i, Q8; iii, 63, 66 spruce, i. 60, 62, 82; iii, I, t8,:lS
V2l d", Trav"'n uphill, it, S4 125, 127 tiling, iii, 110- 113 \\'hitewood , i, 60, 6z: Hi, I , 19,24,25,)&
ValleYI, i, 70-'12, 137, 141, 148, 151; iii, Vulcani%ing, iii, 4 1 Weathering, i, 26, "'7, 114-; ii, 2 American, iii, :14, :15
lot, 108- 110, 116, 118, no, 126, Wedg", wood, i, 65, 66, 83-88, 106, 116, !bltic, i , 60, 62; iii, I , 19, 24, 25, )8
'H w t«; iii, 56-62, 83-87. 89. 91, 97 canary, iii, zi, 25
copper, iii, 1)2 lead, i, '4), , ... 6, '47, '49. ISO Wickets, ii, 7, 8
Ind, i, 70-'12, 1)7, 1)8, l,.a, 151; i ii, Wainscot oak, i, 60; iii. n, 25 \\'eight. asbestos-cement co\·ering, i, 70; Widlhing, ih, 28
110, 116, 11 7 , 129 Wslingll, i. 8z, 83: Hi, s6-60 Hi, III \Vinchester cut, tiling, iii. 11::1, 11)
open, i, 1)7, 141, 148, 151: Hi, 110, line, iii, 80, 95, 96 brickworlr, iii, ... 7 Wind or twist, iii, 8
116, 11 7 Wall boards, iii, 48, 49, 504, 84, 120, 129 copper, i, 70: iii, 130 Winden, iii, 78, 80, 8:r, 9S, CJ6
I«:ret, i, 148, 151; Ill, 110 piea, i, 72 fibroul wood cement, iii, 47 Windfilling, i, 76
s latu with .oak",n, i, 148 plates, i, 19,6 1-6), 6Q, 71, 77, 1)9; iii, pantiles, i, 70: iii, 11", Winding Itai"" iii, 79
Ilaled, IW"'pt, i, 137 83,85, 106, 107, l IS, 119, 127, 128 plain lile., i, 70; iii, 114, 116 Itrips, i, 104
tiled,i, ' 4-I;iii, 106, 108, 110, 116 Walls, brick, i, 6-)2; ii, )6-67 plall er, iii, J2, )5 Window boards, i, 110, I11

lac",d, i, 1.401: Hi, 106, 108. 11 0
purpol",-made or angular, iii, ! 08, 11 0,

sweptorcirc!"" i, ' 4 ' ; iii, 106, 108-11 0

cavity or hollow, i, 4; ii, 17, 38, 4_46,
115, ,,6: iii, )), 34, 45, 49, 106, 107,
"',11), lI S-II7, 119, Iz8
circular, ii,.0j..4., 70
shingln, i, 70; iii, 126
timber, i, 60; iii, 7, 17-z4, 3z, )4, 35
ceiling joil ts, iii, 35
floo r boards, iii, )2, 34
frames, i, 108-115, "7- 112; iii, 70, 72-

IIshel, i, 108- 11), IIS-IZ2; iii, 7 2--'18
,ills, brick, i, 26-28, 108-' 09
thalched, iii, t34 compound, i, « - 48; ii, 108, 110, 11 2, binden, iii, JZ, )S stone, i, ,.6-49, 108, 109. 115, 11 9 ; ii.
Veejoinl, t, 29, p, 52 114, lI6 j?ist' , i.i.i., )01, )4 11 0, t 12, 116; Hi, 73, 7 ...
Veg"'table glue, 1,86,87; iii, 101 construclion, i, 31, 53 IlnC,', 70; lLI, 1)2 tile, i, 110
Vene",n, i, 94-; iii, 6, 4-0, 70, 7 2, 96-11) reinforced, i, 11; ii, 4-S-48; iii, 4), 45 \Veillhu, call iron, i, 1I3- I IS, 117-11 9; wood, i, 108-IIS, 120-122; Hi, 7 :1, 73>
.licing, iii, 98, 100 lIone, i, 39-5); ii, 105-115 iii, 73--'75 77
Windo".. , type., i , 107-1%2; iii, 70, 71"'"18 \Vired tiles, iii, 110 \"l'rought . tone , i, 3. z
cased (nun., and .Iiding ...hel, i, 11)- Withn, ii, 65 timber, i, 61
119; iii, 70, 71.....,. Witrues, thatch, iii, 1)3 W ych elm, iii, 20, 15 ZiP. ki ln, H, 8
ClISementl, i, 108-11), 11 9 Wood bending, ii i, 63, 71, 97 Zinc, I , 68..,0; ii i, 1) 1- 1))
dormer, iii, SI, ~1 mastic, iii, 40, 9) x roofing, Hi, 1 )1-1))
double-glued, iti, Sf rolls, copper, ii i, 1)0, ' 11 eappings, iii, 1)1, 13)
fu:ed, i, 109, 11) lead, i, 144-146 XtSlobium nllofliUmum, Hi, 16 c hataClerislics, Hi, 1)1
metal, iii, 74, 76..,8, 9)-95 zinc, iii, 131- 1)) Xy lem, iii, 1 chloride, iH, 11, I ), 16
pi\'Oted, i, 119, 110 wool cement, iii, 47 clips, iH, 1 31 - 133
segmental_headed cased, iii, 7<', 74, 75 \\'oodki rk slone, ii, 87, 9 1, 93, 96 y ftashinp, ii i, 133
lemicircular helded ased, iii, 70, 71, 7) \Voolton stone, i, 33, 45; ii, 87.:..s9, 9 1, 93, 95 joints, iii, 1)1 - 1))
three-light eased, Hi, 74, 75 Working, iii, 7 Yang, Hi, 11, "5, 38 drips, iii, 13 1, 133
Yorkshire light, i, 11 1, IlnI str~sses, timber, ii i, ) 1 , 31 Yellow birch, iii, 10, 15, )6 beaded, Hi, 1)1, l) )
\\'i nd}"wa y Itone, ii, 91, 9) \Vroug ht iron water o r welther ban, i, 18, deal. See "Redwood" welted, 131, 13)
Wiped joint. i, 151, 153, 155 47,98,99,108-110,114,115; iii, 66, meranti, iH, 22, 25 welts, iii , 131, 13)
Wiping cloth, i, 153, 157 pine, iii, I, 2, 5, 18, 15 wood rollt, ii i, 131 - 1)3,
\Vire-cut bricks, i, I,
tile s, iH, 104, 105, 111
H, 3, I ), IS, 17, 18
bolts, i, 10, 7], 78, 81, 1511, 159
bracken, gutter, i, IS), 155
Yew, iii, 19, 15
York stone, i, 3], )6; ii, 89, 1 '5; iii, 115
manufacture, iii. 1 31
pitch, i, 69
cutting lahle, tiles, ili, I ~ straps, i, 80, 8., 87; ii, 43-45 Yorkshire light, i, 121, 122 .ize••• heelS, iii, 131

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