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EMU Saw qiuom ™ GSS New Syllabus * Pakistan Affairs Ideology of Pakistan & Land & People of Pakistan Salnan Kazmi EMU Sait ai1uom oS oO Flan of Fakisan Affars(Compulsory) Related Tepies Salman Ksemi 2 eolegy of Pakistan—defini n and elucidation, historical axpecte: Muslim rule h the Sube Continent its downtall ang efforts for Reraissancy ceatement for reform Shah Ahmad Sarin, Shah Vall, Suyyid Ahmad Shaheed, Alparh Deoband, Nadwah, Other edueitiona nsttoins—-sindh Madassoh and lam College Peshawee Ideclogyof Pakistan in the ight of Speechesand statements of Allams label Recetas ‘Geography, Society, Natural resources, Agriculture in Pokstan Industiy and education With réference charactersts, trends and problems. CCuilMilitary Relationsin Pakistan Political Evolution Since 2971 Foreign Policy of Pakistan Pest 9/1 Evolution of Democrat System in Palistan Patistan's Relations with Neghbors excluding India Palistan and india Relations Since 1947 Kashmiriesue Hero Pelitics; Water Issues in Domestic and Regional Context Economic Challenges in Pakistan Pakstan’s Energy Problems and thelr Eifects Xi, Pakistan and US War on Tercor AN, Tha wan Afghanistan since 1979 and ts impact on, and challenges to Pakistan, Jn the Post 2024 era, Proxy Wears: Role of External Elements = Ya Nontralonal security Threats In Palit: Role of Nen tte Atos “Omi fonemi Condon of Pakistan, the Mest Recent Economie Suny the Previous > ‘tnd Currant Budgets, and the Problems nd Performance of Mejor rere Economy, Pakistan's Nationa Interest Challengesto Sovereignty {Ethnic tssues and National integration Ne feblosl Eonomic Cooperation SAARC, ECO, £0) and the Role of Patan 1X Paklstin’s Role fn the Region \M_ Pakistan and Changing Regional Apparatus, x feet Program of Pakistanis afety and Securty:itemations Concerns X Palestine tose 3h, Chane Securty Dynamics for Pakistan: chaltongesto Nation, Security of Pakistan OWI.” The Recent Consttuticnal and epalCobates, the Latest Consthutonal ‘Amendinents andimportent Legislaticns, Lo courts. JOVI. The Prevalling Social Preblems of Pakistan and the St Poverty, Education, Health and Sanitaton, Cazes and the Role of Higher tegles to Deal with Them, WORLD Times THis PAPER: PAKISTAN AFFAIRS (100 MARKS) Sal cant.” swig 5 i : ee ey naan ldap y ce Te ‘coosepiy, a “ Sa [anemia Si a stn Pemtatnt "Selec npn Ps —. ee eee climate change, source Setomestse-n: Pin Se hein, | amt ee : 130A ws Need Ce nanan, {ff ethtcomtic tht we inary Yesssins PPP govttrem ata uate, regular sonore 20-21 ny hat eGooome, Seta g) MBteaMadrieetoe ioaon andiood horboe. [sos eabers PruentGotedtuln Trsedopes we chen FS Mésncon, tangates shan, ‘emanates nse dab ‘ere ‘Unetoe ae a F ‘tineraremess ed 2 eines, sada WiLEcoiomiehallesges” eying srehense Sere AMM pace tne rtlans Cops = nPabisa ‘oleic, cononic an =e crane acberten os a on eel iit Matoyany38a-asj_" Friant eae, “geren ch iainssree a het angels fndance a enh] | CedBowrd Bec Good on She Southcenter Sian cee Metirsenl: Noanewusie ee Ronapiamtegeamenn «ws aedis impacts ca aay oem eiepenetnnigotedpemee °K in fom oto, © Sort anenente = Fdoction ‘wade and bestnentorportities = eee =o Soracriss, weds sndpitiens. Membre “seemvontemes “ eyurerw omen Shsith Abad Satta, ae, shrinking, =a eee ee ee aS = emesis iy. ‘Ssiid Amat tons on . = \aationa secur thea ‘Best, Deskand naga, M-Pabitn & ic Rienst 3 fereer twat storags forsee ‘inch Madrasah ona on = ‘oof ding ernes + Rexorions os ae Resuedaicnpetin ites f * ole ae Satie. saree Eo ped ipetrn oui hs entity Sigiens | | ute ‘fpeeches and statements ci Meeion. on rectal dusts i lereguar urban Resiotitence tniatnd Rann Cretan Rose, ‘ea ised Qi om 224 Ubelten Tse camen eet > iy ‘nected th a for Usokictan, hadbeen members of ann “deteriorating econome in | 7 ee : icattng, apa Sh -worip times (Sin Se e Terrace ote teeta wai ca eae al cy of Pn raters & theitHeets Sian ee nipiilsdied ‘that ats fom thelad el now ‘imate othe tet Teel mn eecigs tev," Somenlpeoye poe ewe a ones aacineccana aaiebeeeetee eeeee. “yee °° Seeeecacnatarsie fein arate Sapente smanienchne ecaadlpcecet P+ rntenrean’ enamel satpruscoaneca terete Gmeitedceamtaretteralerchedemcnmitet mca een arcing Tene ai ences Tertensnd fica ad i Shanewonenee See soompi iments SSUES tonsaanamcmn SSicwceenrennes Sooners ats’ ery roe ta ot enon Ant ins Bove nde Seamcecenyrecees ‘afta Minin’ meen ‘a tice Sm eee Menem iam tae ‘Sipe eran ear cet Pemokeionter — dsingtereinns Sey Sheowwectoas, Sicoctigneasert ima + Wekewenee ae Seco setae nary. Joet cong poet Secon er 1H) potsonct meter of Sceglenndsncttaara rats Scone apie Botynnt tient, encregrelen ‘rnd nats hen an a Wey eat gases on Sacer wets ety the Yeasalhe Warenferor torso Steen Th ac pases | ~ SettendbySatil petenon teri eda cokes eta hes An or. Scena om ee Safeco panto Grech "RINGWANEIO Frida Freenn ‘Risch icine Do Enecy Peters Sonepat ieund feed anita “397 Coon faring, er eDe - paiueeieeee Ue cauaegnmeiacn tout | “ces scone trios! ‘ah eg =e veal wan ovine tertorTodoys “ad Hogan penis assent > “pnt es SSimporscnetinecncomeotoo“taneeen ene ——— “onmiiewn, Somberg Toc on wopelaiot@sed—_ elrendon wretieronbwsel ere tnanfoon “henry ‘Sober miaer SRecrweyimedtecins Suction aeorcomnanee a ctingnint - ceepekeniaiee, AMARA. tan “cere ocepsonnlageehicticain | “Deshel Zaua Tein Secor a i ee nnaceatig, . -copetommmorss SMe A sca ee eee eee mca neertneteeny em Sh: Tet tn estecen A tena; meant Ritemiscntylocs: — Seenrtnae "= byenary Teas ee eee Se eereeeetergpsten tie Aine Ades 2582 aheratseop aio aeciny Shcinuctomdawension __ “seaowntiner Set ES prconsnn) > teas mp0 Spencer) | Seas Fert [Groncecuerrernicins on election “Rah FereAshrs57¢ WORLD TIMES. Wig _WORLD TIMES TR (SALMAN KAZMI) | 1206-1526 1857-1947 ADVENT OF ISLAM 712-1206 passes 1526-1857 iieusderue MEE Usman Bin Abi | 1. Muhammad Bin | 1.Slave Dynasty | 1. Mughals . Alaas Qasim 1206-1290 | __1526-1540 % Sissred Ahmedihhan | 2. Impacts of the ¥ : 2. Khilji Dynasty | 2. Suri Dynasty 2. Mugheera | policies of M.8 eA bee ee 2. Dar Ul Aloom Deoband | Qasim 3. Muhallab Bin 3. Invasions of Sultan | 3. Tughlug Dynasty | 3. Again Mughals Sagheera Mehmood Ghaznavi | 1321-1414 1555-1857 3, Natwa tut Ullerna Reformists: 4, Islamia College © Sheikh Ahmed Peshawar Sir Hindi 5 1564-1624 » | 5. Sindh Madrassa tul 4,Sannan Bin Salman © eae aan a eee © Shah Wali Ullah | Islam | 1703-1762 * SyedAhmed | 6. Ideology of Pakistan in | | Shaheed the Light of speeches | 1786-1831 of JINAH and IQBAL 7. Chain of Constitutional 5. Lodhi Dynasty 1451-1526 | 5. Arrival of Britishers 7. Abbad Bin Ziyad Development 1774-1947 | 8. War of | Independence 1857 WORLD TIMES [TEs © austin RULETW sue conTINEN 2._ Histories! Background + 2._Artival of Muhammad fin Qasim FAD —7I5AD ‘3._Post Muhammad Ein Qasim period 4._GhatnaviPeriod 361 A0— 118500 ‘5. Alptgin 361AD— 977.0 G._Subittigin S77 AD—997 4.0 7._Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi 397 AD— 1027.0 8._Mas00d, Mehmood, Bahram Ss 9. Ghats Period i 92AD— 120546 1. Slave Dynasty 2060 —i290A9 rom 2._ Rh Dynasty 129040 = 1321.0 a7 BUAD—1aVAD 3526 AO 3857 AD © ‘Evolution of lelam in Sub-Continent sen Usman Bin Abi Alaa attacked the coastal areas of nth ne of art Une governor of Thao nad arch Inn Tara and Ber f Ama Muheure sacked Detar that Haat Une faint toumaeh ; toatac neva eyed in theere fh decent in food and sary fateh == aa atari ucts ere vey CME st mpi besetiney wi beet roe se enan wiles stato. Aadmery ec Sn hapa washing vt ree an Hera man rn art bd ae ses cota aac, nate nes a A era Mekronan bse Zed congue ich alten Tan aran Bn ar nghera mada mary ates costal en fe Fo et gma parvo murresoeet onan he Govena of Taal mete eh ey Wh A © [Gjreod of liam before Mughal Empied ‘Giaups which spread elt inSub-Continent “Turks fom Central Asian States Pothans from Afghanisten ‘Mughal & Mango from Central Asion states maaan missionaries from Middle Cast (They converted iow cate Winds & Buchs) ore hab merchants died In Cavin. King of Ceylon sent widows and Kids on ship, @ a = a = = Al “A = Ta A ates mateo ba to whe on esd These war plane se ol 100 se +33, Tey wae ened ‘Then 6000 (Syrian + Iraqi) army was sent | ‘under the command of Muhammad bin Qasim, Than 0 yan 8 ara epee bere aban 732A Hees ot toned or Re fa tobe eB a re a eta bat canton cafe, am eter became are Debalvas apted: fete a eM rr RUN mayen SWAN FOTRES/SIM ® in ato vel tin eed rhe OA ‘Then Gasim demanded 3000 Persian horses for help and then began to advance. Tha Csi eal at a0. ry bu va dene. Feomating Windus wert to raha abad, Qasim attacked there Siri to Casim Rei ows, ron the Ranl saw her defeat, she suicide along with her Kid In the flames. sermazsim went to Multan. Multan resisted for wo months but he conquered t aa poyentomnove towards Kash but at ths stage be was damiased andes clledtnet Toa eter had ge the rule {om ind o Panjab apart, tl Kashmir berder n non & falputor? Ingast. $f attr guide, casim guaranteed ie property, freedom of worship to conquered masses ‘to awarded status of Zimis to the people of SIND. Grahmins and Buddhist priests were respected ar Revenue, He instructed: nd given important offices in Administantion and hnonest+Shares of Govt + Fixtax according to people's ability pa: EMU saw ai0om Tre mane bin Abdul a caledta scoot Gene 05 {a Muslin witers, mistonaries sores “Ths ue converted whole reel of Present de a ot put (0 an end. In 725A0, ‘And commanden concord Katvar, Guat, south ier WT Were sill brave enouth to defend CHALUKTAS, RASH-TRAKUTAS, And I GWAUYAR, KALNUAR, DEKL, AIMEER, QAUANG, Mahe Mahmood iu:eeded in ctiintingthe Hindustan, ‘Ovrasty and annexed hiskingdom, * Seaver Siteen war surah cle orneagn oa his master, nd Won hege tert, he Kot the reine of power in 998.0, at 27 years of nn dry season and ured ot Rojas. + When they were defeated, ‘thelr treasures were looted, Multan, SJINIL qd1u0om | ALMLILSNI EMU saw ai0om ste was one ofthe few peosle who had isting imeact. Although not directly responsible for progress of {slam inthe Sub-Continent. jehmood’s successors in Sub-Continent (1 Fenvod, politcal ses to Ghaanavide Dynasty started. Almost became ificance Paacced, zon of Mehmood, appointed a Governor i Lahore, He Instructed ne ht. He liked to mbx up with hindus. ae rough himself toconquer HANSK:His absence from Ghazn cost hin Nis throne toSALIUCS.~ {cir of Natood. In iste MARIPAL Ralaof Deh tried o oust ther. But be alled. Hen ey aanavis strength hold on Purjab. Made expeditions in Banaras, Got Aodhan PAKPATTAN. = ° a = =) = s fA va Siweomasy 55 6), 4. Quthud Da Ask —Foandar of Syed Dy 'Y. Alle Commander of Ghauri He won ‘nau, aways, alr, Bengal and Behar, n 106 when Ghouri died, te eat of Nerat, Deni 2Aramshah 4210-4214 "competent, Defeated by hutmesh re Ren instrator, Outstanding Senta. Appoted t's Purehas Nan eaarat £28 him Important post Revoks to ‘TajudDin alder, data ‘Nasi ud Din Qabach Ghat udOln Hi wi was to ve re toh daugher a Incompetent, More fea tng State runby mothe Shah Taran ery cet ay, Nobles kiled both ef them Weak, Worthless, 3 Shamsud Oi Great Sates na eat A2i1~1236 4. Rubunbin Ferse 1236 S,ReiaSutana Sitar of niko competent vga erste god Aéminitrate.Saacous, Just Hates sara ATT Alabtes whch ae eo fora King. Herself wsedio vst the nem Gents lke dress, Started thing estrella wd Din oe People dished 1. She ws hilld, G Mulud din 3240-1242, thi le murderer ROMtENE Puppet inhands of Turks, Mango Rima tiah “ ciptired iors Hemmer ‘Mntvar vd Dn ands memberof 40s Sanger. Other 40's became alert andkilled hin Ten ene son ofRukunDln Mere Poppe, o meet MuhazabudDh used to handle state tar, T-1G Margie arved andeapure acer ne removed him, SHEMET 260t100 Nati de Nests wat noble, ous, aint peron. Wise not to Mahmud Rani t® AOS Later became underintuence of tie oe ‘threw out hs metheron, ‘Advise of Babban, Satay dD led with dcipine and autnorty, Gest ler Wisdom, courage, devotion, Used to 68 T2ap“°% Mlporat poss Outstanding hare ‘ard General. Peace and order in the 12661205 sate Sppmases Raps le Khan of fenga.Demolished the power of 40's, ‘ied alk Baba ot 4, Haat than Dudh asec sn” Ser Khan KPK. Prominent ruler: rattled Grand son of Saban. 27 years old inerPevenced. Dspaton, Nobles ile him and threw Kelaubaa In verdana, 127 ~ 1299 EI saw c1wem 3290~ 1296 ‘There AleudDia killed him. ‘gin ud Din The queen announce hs con ukrdDln 9 SH but Alsud Din gave fotof- goats Pearls aan eg a oblesendbecame Suan. Than he sents toe ‘Ughal khano kl Queen o ie suppressed Nangd ivesionsin 1292, 1299, ‘of Balban. His Son Macro, Silver, Peart etc-Jlalud Dr beamevery MPP ‘Rukunbin, Ughol Khan kiked them in Mia tr3o3, 3306, 1307. In 1299 two lac mangels TERN DYNASTY 229 ened nis 5 years: Sur fn Law AlauueDin Ehifi Govemor of us ‘sat outside Debi. His b ‘Khan each time defeated ther. His ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS: No soc MILTARY REFORMS: Miltary genious. Army 5 [REVENUE REFORMS: Land Suey ‘Malik Kafor pelsoned him andltriedto make 2 ree adwhen became Suan. Turkish Ari die’ ik hina fof iehiwes also unhapoy. So he srcied evoltot Mangok in 1252 & of alk hajunepnet seame a terror for mango} song. Horse branding. About 478,000 horse men pater, Revenue collection Mustakh is a nspactor. ing, KhusroShah a new Mustin 32 rn state from Kick. ih captured Deowagriand loted ‘Went to receive him at Kar rave commander Zafer ‘ol wine, Effelentspy system: ‘udDinas Sutan but he was Killed ‘miner Shahab Tiled him and became Sultan Met his 6 Talus ‘conquered and afters 4, Ghayas vd Din Tut ‘S.Abu Balar Shah 1389) 6. Naseerud DIO Fn Dn sikandarShah 1364.Son of Nisee:.Died)ust afer? BNaseerud Din Mubarmmad Tughlug 3294 — 1414 "TAIMOOR'SINVASION ‘one ofthe greatest conquers. Came from his grand son Pir sey indus and won Uch, Depalpur, Multan and Paks ‘Muhammad cross Sas dans fough: but defeated, He tank Int of IND | ‘a. MubarikStah Incompetent. Marigges mal 1316-1320 eae shah He ecame Stan afer ling Muar She igh posts to nobles toplease ther. 1320 1321 hadi wark tobe ruled bya new indian asin, onl rt aD mv wich is arty and defeated Khar Shah and With -TUGHLUG DYNASTY 0-3 TeGhayas ud al with Army to kil Naseer ud Din, Baca Tae eral gon Prine Jura (MuamenadTughta) se ty ‘wth a wooden structure and "520 1328 ‘become the new Sultans 220 He mde iw exprimert fnadmbastuive tar netaoes ee Scheme of shiting capital Muhamed paul auc. many people ied siting Inoue ore ‘eins. House of every Cohlndt 1 Tae became it Sciemes ended in dase, MUDHSY Delatabad, Bengal, Vey Noga hed sare ot He could oly suppres tha evel rom Oudh Attacked on ‘Qaracil In which ‘One lac soldiers were destroyed. s.reroz Shh Deli notes made hm Stan crest Gere) one Mir rt God Fearing ruler-lininate rete al unjust aves Public welfare Revenue refoTms adi eforms.Orgarized Army, Attacked 1351- wasn Supresed reves rom Gat Katha O48 Lvxarioustufe, killed by agent of Run. ‘1388 ~1389 Worhless Ruler Naseer rq Shab 121390 Cousin of Ghiyas ud Din. ster years ‘Muhammad in 3397 with (OF TUGHLUG DYNASTY sion exposed weak amv. wreas, Many states got independence lite John pu SRS rade Coat knan sultan, Khtar Khan bad steady won months war defeated Delat Khan and feunded of getting there, It shook the foundhtons. He 1 Din Mehmood enatehed rule from hf months. tan. Later Taimur came art work and rafts men with Ni ppointed Khizar nd Sarna. Guy, saw anarchy in india after Feroz shah Sent ‘way fer main invasion. PIF with 92000 army. han as in charge of 1una sultan ded. Debit 8 Tek and Narmol: He was ver trang, He attacked Sayyid Dynasty. EMU saw ai0om 2. hizar khan 141¢~ 1621 {became Suita Diedin 1421, he helped Tainur inconquerig Det, Lateron he defeated Dolat khan and Hari Singh, 2. Mud Din. Mubavikshah . Good Administratar. Grant General Suppressed ‘volts ob SgFathKhokhar, nd Rathores Died in 1434, 3. Mihammod ‘Nephew cf Mubark Shah, Dehli nobles made him Shahia3e— re44 Sutan, Durirg his relgnhe defeatont Serva ul Mul. 3443 bedefentedMehmoodshanknif ond eee Died in 14.44 4.Alam shah Faderentnt ur In 1448 he handed overrule to one of hs reatve 1444-1451, dean tov lures We, Under hse crcunstances Netlcent ee "i imsol went ol todhi to ame Sultan andfounded tedhi Dynasty Come nd weerthecouniie cepe ) LOOT OAASY =a .Bahbl Lodhi je uncer of Lodhi Dynasty. Rule of 38 years Successtuly ‘consolidated Empke, in 1479 1452-1489 i corauared Jon pur Mate Mabark Khan Ll as Coverage ‘of Jobn Purbut ater 7 Gxnerartgn seis Sart asthe Gover otloha Pur. GoodAdmpineay t Gener High order lederhip cuaties Tested Neselter este 148 2. Sikandar Lodhi Son of Bahl odin 14891517. Auay ‘nls unc Alam Khan, Isa Kha Sehar. 150815; Outstanding ruler and General. Crushed Afghans, Good Administrator Dit ly used to waich the prices, Awareness about Country.iterry person Wrote a book ibe sikangr, 3. lbrahim Lodhi = & " rane of Shanda LedhLDefeted a an who sho wanted get th 3547-1526 the was opposite inchs he had dsrespec and harshowes For Delhi Nobles, Heremavedislan Khan as procaney Arvval of Babar and fest batt of Panipat 1826 Sao cate. Moving wellequioped wy wth gun poder ete aah tony was having force of ebout 3. rnin {20 Seohans.tabars tore became hopeless Bay ee them by saving that he would have trinkng if his men would fight with snag, Bn power the lephants vampied te cwn lodhiwas killed, Paved the wayfor Long Mughal Rule, EMU SaAWIL aiv0om EU Saw qiuom ® Tr ZANEER UD DIN BABAR 1526 - 1530, “BYEARS 2. HUMAYUN, 3530 = 1540 (Again 1 yearn 2556) 21 YEARS. 2556 = 1605, 49 YEARS 3._AKBAR “&,_JAHANGIR (6, AURANGZEB 7.__BAHADAR SHAN B_JAMANDAR SHAH 9, _FARRUKHSIVAR 30, MURAMIAD SHAR 3605 - 1627 DRYEARS, Tr SERT ESB naan gee nen oe SEYEARS on moses | 3658 = 1707 SO VEARS, 3707-3712 CB YEARS 372-1733, CLYEARS, ag. 1719 (06 YEARS, 3719 = 1748 IB YEARS “HL, AHMAD SHAH. 3748=1754 ‘OS YEARS, 32, ALAMGIR 1754~ 1759, 05 YEARS ATYEARS. 13, SHAW ALAM 1750— 1806" 1806-1837 31 YEARS ao : e A, AKBAR I 35. BARADAR SHAH ZAFAR. 1837 — 1657 ECU SaWiL aq1uom EMU Saw qiuom 1526 — 1857 MUGHAL EMPIRE 1. Zaheerud Din Babar 1526-1530 2. Humayoon 1530-1540 ‘SURI DYNASTY 1. Sher Shah Suri 1540-1545 2. Jalal Khan, 1545 ~ 1553, 3. Mubriz Khan, 1553-1555, AGAIN MUGHAL EMPIRE 3. Humayoon 1555 ~ 1556 tled Mubri Khan & Saved the rule from gong into Windy Hands) 4, Akbar 1556 ~ 1605 (killed Hemu Baqqai & saved the rule from going into Hindu Hands, then in 1581 te innovated Deen e ilahi and was about to eliminate islam when Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi 1564 ~ 1624 saved Islam) 5. Jehangir (Saleem) 1605-1627 6. Shah Jahan (Khurram) 1627-1658 7. Aurangzeb 1658 ~1707 (As he was a staunch Muslim, so number of Muslims increased upto great extent Moreover Oue to his rigidity and harsh Attitude with non ‘Muslims he created huge extent of enmity and left incapable successors to cope with. ) Incapable Successors of Aurangzeb 8. Bahadarshan 1707-1712 9. Jahandar Shah 4712-1713 10, Farrukh Siyar 4713-1719 ‘11, Muhammad Shah 1719-1739 12. Ahmad shah 1748-1758 13, Alamgir i 1784-1759 14, Alam Shab It 1759 - 1806 415. Akbar 1806 ~ 1837 16. Bahadar Shah Zafar’. 1837-1857 Reformists: Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi 1564 ~ 1624 Shah Wali Ullah 1703 - 1762 Syed Ahmad Shaheed 1786 - 1831 * Arrival of Britishers + War of Independence 1857 EMU Saw. gi1uom WORLD TIMESI Siu © pula fom ay pyr w/o oman ute oymeg reOE poepestou cess pany Pts ne Maaame tS erect a wena nes yen us seaeyny rane oun of node {espa earner wa tete pene pet tree cts nse eet mre peace ‘edo yal oH ERE sem AyuDazoras usm vou un apm Wey Ue Ap RC ng Pos. J De Os RENN DUNE sem 9H) LOL B59F prtveimy "5 ‘osu an eueseg nue sae) poe 0g pata ‘nos ma pp garSvemy 8 S59 upenartsem yazan ouos eyey fe Jou0 0 ‘snomud joo wads ueuer eas e991 OU P Ina papUAP An "Aa pepe qaZEIY@ Pesny wNS EGS HHS ROUSEHED WUC no} SH) BSN ESE (weamon veyeryeas -y -weyer ges arog mm oy Suny dp as wm HOE BOAO popuRY aero? Gre Sa POLES PU poLoNSP PoC UE ‘eg 0 wR aes" 20 ans ae" ard yo EON a WEDS paasanes "Re 2 UD poyUND wom Os oF EDS ENE) ENTS (waates numer (Gonproves Fest ~ P95 Bus rune ps Uy eS SEAS ‘xanoge sem poe em 9 wsea phesow ay 8ST wwe SpuRH Np One SUC WOH ama PRES BBS See poor mG ERS mLOH POND SODT asst sow i woteunt {spues ep 9008 wns a ones 9 we Sgr ou PEP Spun fly ry Fe ean, NSO a Meme ED) BEST st ‘etbeg nun pau pay 0 Popue OH Yen pve URE TURNIP 04 PME 0H] LOL eee Teasesel ae {enamine oy 9 ea MR Ne PS ea eo ILE Se wore e wie ei) “SIN #195 Ul WOM UOoARWNH ‘JeALWe S14 320798 “auONIA aut P2amIde>D Pue PayoRa) ay ‘saNOIg Sy AqeanSiqU: SPST -orST nsueysoys OV anp yam autorag PeYy YOOKEWNH UN parsasgo ay USN 209940 uD a 3 aH Lei ue hpeudUo sem uns Yeas os AISYNAO tans onst-or teoteun) ost sest xeguam sare un pv—m rary soos SIT Sst wna pes ‘st #861 ana eHOnvY WORLD TIMES. Mud = oS, = s fA “n 1 Zaheer ud Din bar 1526-1530 so2.-Humayun 3530-1540 Then 2356, 2. Sherhah Sur 1540~ 1545, 2. Jalal khan 1545 ~ 1553 3. Mubris khan 155)~ 1888) 2 Humayun 1555 3. Akbar 4. Jahangir (Saleem) 1605 —1627 founder.of Mughal empire Defeated brahim Lodhi at. Panipat. Defeated Rajputs at Kanwah nd Alghan at Ghagn, He conquered a huge anor earn India. ost brillant Aslaic Prince, Good sense of hy wmout. Outstanding weer. Autobiography “Merrie of Babar” s very famous. He died inte, Founder of Suri Dynasty Orignalvan Afghan Chet of Extra ordinary Administer, xtra ornsry Gon pit! to make personal inspections tor everythin bg Seals athe, 548 while pongtoKsinarhe ded nan reey Afghan 20 on throne, He followed policies of his father. He Browtht new cilardmitary reforms. rented Aihara harshly. in 1589, ‘Nephew of Jalal Khan incompetent rule Revots AhmadKhan in Punjab, otammad Kh a raat wes inset exe, ook help ef Pesan ting Tahmasap. He Jesinereabelit 1547, Then thing opportunity of the Seat es ynas ‘Aaain Mac the gov. systim better Ded afer one yeon by felling Deen he somnegtit Bor when Humayun wat in ele, Thanks to he uardiy be survived. 2 "war of Panipat he fought with Hem Ba conquering Malva, Gondwana, Ranthambore, Kain Abad Nagar and Asir Garh, Great Administrator, Proved wor n Batam khan, Gujrat Bengal, Kabul Kashmir, sind, Kanchar, ar wes een Muslin. People of Ns cout used to re sm, They {slam was for literate BBachward peo le OF Ara They uted to make fun of Rewed & ‘Threat, Kell or Heave : ETRE an! even revelason. & person Tea ul Arfeen said Akbar As insan e Kamil and zit elldhi. Akbar himself Sapna elt f Hawa Maryam. irtrest,gimbling, wi i slaughtering prohibited. Died In 1605, Son of Akbar Eventful peiod Many Miltary & Pottcal Schievements, 1606 supressed ‘evok of Prince Khuto, 1611 married to Roor han she outstanding inteligerce. ECU saw. a1w0om she helped her husbard alt. Aime came when she became alin all He nassome ingortance for Pakistan Ideology le. he fished deen o ina, Released Sh. Sicbind Atawred to preach soldiers bis own son &in royal curt. Finished wrong perceptions bout isla slam was respected. Died in 1627, A song compound of tendemess, Cruelty, justice and britalty,Famous with ade jahagir. on btvahangir Already had proved hs werth as general when he was prince, '5.Shah Jaan a Hemmaried ton intelectual lady Mumtaz Mahal, She died in 4631. He mad = #00000 7 <7 « 1627.~ 1658. (hurram) ‘ej Mahal for her which sti among 7 wonders ofthe world Golden age of Muahas- Pace & prosperty. Taj Maha, Pear! Mosque, All Masid. Few wars. Last few years very adh Hi 8 sone hod aight. Murad, Shujaa, Dara and Aurangzeb. Aurangzeb von. He rot ‘Only became kg but alzo impdsoned his father Shah Jah in Jahan, Land marks in pottical soca, religious &Militay fields. suppressed G.durarezeb Alamgir Sonot 4658-1707 aetohs of lutts,sikhs,satnamies: Atuunch muslim. Imposed azya on non musing, ates with Marhatans, He kept 65 sons fer away fem Royal court afar, Diet! in seGy atthe age of 89 yeass, Inwords of Lane Pools forthe frst time the Mughals Up © Paid rigid im in ther emporers.PatstanIdedlogy:his staunch Islamic behavior faved wor for slam whieh had dented dve toiberl poly of Akbar. 3707-1732. = 3713 ‘OL YEARS EMU saw ai0om = 3 Te BAMADARSTOM PA "27. JAHANDAR SHAH. 18 FARRUICA SAR arid 379 06 YEARS fA 35 MUHAMMAD SHAM 79-1748 2BYEARS 20 ANMADSHAM 17481758 06 YEARS = 17s4=1759, SOB VEARS. a aconpate and akad te avis of hr aes aa Adaaton ere puppet To eet errncompater genera, Duntgratin Bare Renaud Heras Punjab, Mewar ana Bharatoor : ERE RERTUNTTO, ia ins he me SHANI I739 NF NADIR SHAN 7 ted havc nthe form f the Pern hing NaS In 738.38, it en ested the cvensot alive careedotreutng he dah of 30000 Pepi Ane, « arden nena mar rom nathan of Reha, neieast of el, By ham of 99 ‘heath Mah Ensen the Mug de, Ate see teats ao ale ti east ‘against the central rule. reo’ saat hacen pace statin the Esta Company began srneeing saan) SPS ian onevander aga an Srjusdlah of Bengal te oy i Se creda major tealtrough fe the Brith Inthe Sub-ctnent Sete the whole of Ind URiatly came ender the ‘They conspired with principality. The Battle of Pl Rr paved the way for the company's rule in Bengal company/srule, % in the 19t century, Muslims ke Syed Ahura ravi and shah small aed 5s Mead fo tha Sikh, sid In th “Aten i Sultan i Cccan aanst the Brtsh, However, the fled in thet efforts to stop the downfall of eae agar The final erunch came afer the war of 3857 when the Mughal rule oily cameo 67 ‘end and Indigcame under the direct rule of the British erown. British Arsivedin india rth Atv ofthe Bich East i Company negotiating a deal with 2ToralInden trader 1th Politics of Inia. The 'wasin the guise of defense of the 18th century the war controlover India. The British local rulers and the lack of The Marhatas, thre This resulted in 9 series of ined by ingloMarhatta Sat ed othe deine of he Mun Empke Inthe Sbcontoent A few of them are as ares ects SOVEMIME Wit or sone subsite, When {he ceniral government becomes weak there Drennan ith country. When the hsm rte esate ee on the centr government, Marathas of thir oops nb ands of Aaraand Del erploked thease ‘They Setup severalindepandent sates cp thelr respective areas. No Ruts fr 5 EME sai a10em EMCO saw. a138m @& the tte way fo modern sleness This backoardness boldly affected ther one ‘and political fe. As a result ve ey jd high postions in goverment ofa and eft the Nuss betind ‘every walk off. Luxurious ife ar tnd polngig of the Mughal rule made the Mughal princes ford of MOTO, He, At the royal cour, TRS jacers and msars were preferred to te trave and the wares sooty ‘When the noblos saw that the the je pjoved more respect and were honowed wih pres as compared to anybody else they also got ‘temptation to choose the same cours Unde Liberal Policy Of Akbar... = a. = = = one eee an oerrrocarh rateed wih panded, He made 8, cumbet Of Cooter! et in effective ba wationin hs ast empire He. was howeves, 2 era that he maid ee orn and appeinted Hindu ae ts Thus Hindus became fluent and they began to exerse hele Poe in state aff. Akbar also oe ncaa raw religion Deen +1ahl which fed Hm to take such messarey the tenets of Islamic ih This poe awed. great harm toh vst empire ied on the way to decline. ‘Weak Military Foree Heya ser could not perceive tha calt-ef the time, They dl not Bye Wipaseess to develop modem Toe rag and atest techniques of warfare, The Muslim solders depended oo 100 ‘and lances wtich were not anor meet the new cralenges, The genera had lott courage, They Dae OCtTE ‘eary-lovng that they spouth fo metre bale fl, nd were accompanied by servants and women. Due ‘sixteenth century wnt Mropeaneatons reathed Ind, they took advacage ofthe weakness ne ‘Muslim amy and took station of thelr terrhores Decne Inthe military force isan knponant ue ‘of the detline of the Mastin rule Inthe subcontinent. Lack of tlaval Power Lact ewe Tr of the subcontinent gave no Importance to ravy whereas He ova) countries had ra thal feats mhichestabiched thor supremacy over the coastl connie. They could easly conquer the evry by appiving naval force, The Muslims hed no navy to defen *hel sal teritores, ln the Arabian Dew terrier alan Ocean the crarmstances hed reached the stage thatthe PIGS had to seek permission from Sea andthe inlet ore procedig for plgitnage Te Portuese openly warmed he Mus that they would tem nrvangeance on thar at sea fhe later caused any harm tothe Forelgn invasions coer eign ol Muhammad Sha Rang, India wis attacked by adi Se Iran. This attack proved a severe: Dari fsa Kngom. The massacre cad out by the Invaders in DOM ‘shattered the economy of the Blow te wae Mughal Emperer ltogeter lot i any, ater, he Marans paralysed even the remaining ower ot Mughals Even In thse critical eeumstancs, te courier continued thelr conspiracies, The invasion Of Pew shah Abd destroyed even the raining prestige ofthe Mughe) cogent ‘Abed eof Panipet though destroyed the power of Maratha, et col” ‘provided the Brishers with an Thpertunity to make thelr postion strong nthe Subcontinent, Internal Conspiracies tevernal Conse suecesson of Aurangreb made the Royal cout an aren of Sos PICA “The ministers and nobles To neo eou Key posts and monopoy on state aa Ths sues body Ses) ‘the whole administration. were made avery raed the country. The nobas quareled emong themselves for power, Such a stite, of ‘affairs turned the country too weak to survive Loss of the spritof Jehed ta of had as aluays ben the main Spring of amie Governenen AO caused ths split by proferring The sot of ea per ng eure of rae lod tothe amy fom fe mat os Cntr Asia Heduto Mts fora ertstowed fe of eae, The Maal rinks were wale ee Ute and she ta eet Fecoms indalent.Tisfactor weakened the Mus army and was no loner je to defend the country. Toren nea” ores tad come as vers ok flladvtage of he tera nari egg with Meer Jafar Ta EA er of Boral. Tha gl of Bengal made ter success posi he ‘Anglo-renchwarsin the ana became she mesg ve eer ato beta Tu Suan Tey sed tsk eGvnes Te Dean. In Myre iene Masi goverment and suceeded ee mUR So ‘After the we epoderen War (857) they putan edt the Musk rile an bruh Se whole continent tne thei possession. e | SLMLLLSNE ES UP Sultanate Period: ce From the term “Dethi Suitanato" is meant that period which ta.t 11828 A.D. During this period five dynasties viz (ne Slave dynasty, the “hi Tughlug dynasty, the Sayyid dynasty and the Lodhi dynasty 1 the rulers of these. five dynasties called themselves as the sultens in emperors. Afier the death of Muhammad Ghuti his abla Liouténant Qutbuadin Aibak laid the foundalion of the Slave dynasty in Indo-Pakistan, This dynasty lasted from 1208 to 4290 AD, iitutmish and Balban were the other outstanding ruiore of this dynastic order, Balban successfully checked the attacks of Mongols end gatranised art and Iterature. In 1290 AD, the Khili dynasty succeeded the Slave dynasty and flourished til 1320 A.D, This dynasty ushered. in an."era of ceaseless conquests, unique experiment in. statecraft 27d. of incomparable literary activity.” Alauddin Khiji (1296-1316) was the most outstanding sultan of this cynasty. He not only defended his reaim against the Mongols but also made bold experiments in ihe field of administration of the state. His economic and miltary reforms were adopted and continued by the later kings, Afar the decline of the Khifi dynasty, the Tughluq dynasty remained ihe master of the thane of Delhi from 1320 to 1414 A.D; Muhammad bin Tughl (1325-1351) and Firuz Tughlug (1351-1388) were the greatest sultans of this order. Out of these two monarchs Muhammad Tughluq was an amazing compound of contradictions. He “combined a headstrong temper with advanced ideals of administrative reforms and when his-peopla failed to respond to his wishes, his wrath tecame terrible. His impatience was tho result of popular apathy, just a8 popular apaithy was the outcome of his starling Innovaiions." On the other hand Firuz Tughiug was a just, kind, colirteous end God-fearing ruler. He completed many public works for the welfare of his people’ The Tughlugs were followed by the Sayyids (1415-1451) and the Lodhis (1451- 1526). Short tenures of these two dynasties cid not allow them to leave eny conspicuous mark on {fie socio-economic history of India. ° Duting the entire sultanate period Sultan was the head of the kingdom, He was = the fountain-head of the political authority and performed his functions with the ‘om 4206 lo dynasty, the ‘the throne of Balai, All ead of kings or consultation of powerful _nobles and the ministers, As the Muslims were in minority in - india, the Sultans had to contend with Hindu majority. The Muslims and Hindus represented two differant religions and cultures. Consequently, despite centuries of joint living both the communities held their seperate identities, The caste-riaden Hindu society considered the Muslims as Malechcha (impure) and avolded any connection with them. “The result was that two immobile religious conmunitias siood side by side in India, The Muslins were not preparad to accept the religion and social structure of the Hindus and the Hindus were not prepared to accept Islam and lose their identity as other people conquered by the Muslims had done.” Muslim Society in the Sultanate Period: During the Sultanate period, the Muslim sociely consisted of people belonging to various nationalities like: the Turks, the Persians, the ‘Arabs, the Abyssinians, the Afghans, the Khorasanis and the Egyptians. Most of the Muslims migrated to India from Central Asia. Alauddin Khilji sdopted the policy of associating indian converted with the administration. For example, Alauddin appointed Malik Kafur as his deputy and later on Firuz Tughlug elevated Khan-Wahan tothe post of Prime Minister. The Muslim society was divisible into working classes like tis Umara (nobility), merchants:, soldiers, peasants, clerks,. artists, scholars, physicians, mystics, artisens, Ulema,. musicians, wrestlers, darvesites and shopkeepers. The Umara constituted the most privileged class. ‘They were mostly the kiths and kins of the Sultans. The nobility used the titles of Ami Khan and Malik and enjoyed exceptional privieges and prestige. After the qubiity the Muslirn sociely could-be divided into Middle Class, the Lower Class and the claves on ttre basis of their property and holdings. The Muslim womenfolk in India have ricl equal status with the mea. The women ware at the mercy of their husbands, Ledies hetanging EMU Saw. gi1uom 3 aavoion ana wed Klaut Pir, Fidul Ugh, Lala Tu! Gaar, Shab--Beral, Muslin Society Under the Mug ts . Afier ths ef Lochi ct nes lan passed into the hands 1826 to 1857 A.D. During this period sgnal emperors escended the throne of Delhi. rhe X Sil 1707 4.0. When the daativof Aurangzeb sel in the Fiom ths point crwarde tls empire continued, is sli extending aver 331 yeat Mughal empire wee at decline of the Mughals. _ downwards. The politica: instabiily of this ere can’be Judged from the fact (hat no less thon eleven emperors apnaared on the throne of Delhi during 155 years (1707-1887), Cn the other hand, only sik emperors viz Batur, Humayun, Akbar, Jehangir, Sitah Jatian and Aurangzeb had worn the crown in the eraceding 181 yoars (1528-1707). The Mughals were desvariants ot the Chughtal Turks and the Mongols of Central Asia, They had great cultural tracitions behind them. "Theit ancestral Kingdom at Samarqand wes the meeting ground of the cultural traditions of Central and West Asia. Babur himself represented that cultural tradition. india with a rich cultural heritage of, 6 own was an ideal piacu for. ine upsurge dnd minging of new cultural traditions, The tAughals brought with them the ‘Turke-iranian cultural traciticns which were amalgamated with:the Indian traditions and that was the:composite Mughal culture.” During the Mughal period the population mostly consisted of the Hindus whereas the ruling Muslims were in minority. The society on the whole comprised of three classes viz the upper ciass, the middle class and the jower class. The upper class consisted of members of the ‘oyel family, the nebles and the mansabilais, The nobles belonged to all ristlonaities. like Persian, Afghani, Turenian and Hindustani. They enjoyed special privileges and had abundance of wealth. Ttis middle class consisted of merchants, pelly, mansabdars and professionals, The members ot this cluss led’a prosperous and happy life. The lower ‘lass comprised artisans, culivators, poor worke's, slaves end household servants. This clazs too fell conlented because tha prices of the: articles of dally use were within thé” reach of common. man. During the Mughal period the people belonging to different roligions enjoyed full liberty. ¢ carry on’their religious activities. The Hindus, Musiims, Buddhists, Jane and Sikhs. csladrated their fairs and festivals in their trecitional manner. Holl, Basant, Diwali and Dussehra were. the impertent festivals of the Hindus, Tne Muslims celebrated many festivate which included Muharrarn, Eid-u-Fitr, &- eee aqiuom Muslim Society During the British RU tn the 18 Century the Mughal empire was passing through the process of cisintegration. During this poviod the Britsh gradually strenathened their’ foothold an the Sub-Contineni. They started their Ueacherous assauit-on India in 1757 by defeating Nawab Siraj-ud-Oauleh of Bengul: Leler on, they succeeded in humbling Tipu Sultan, the Marathas, the French and tie Sikhs cne by one, Finally, the failure of the War of Independence in 1887 sealed the fats of the” Muslims in the “Sub-Continent. Consequently, the Queen's Proclamation of 1858 deviared the assumption of the contrul of India by the Crown from tho East India Company. The Indian subjects were deciarsd equal to the otner subjects of ihe British Empire. After the Was of Inclependence of 1857, the British turned ail their virath against che Muslims and subjectad inei to all sorts of oppression and repression They were cy doprivad of their properties and jobs. Throwing light on the plight of Muslims after the War, Asoka Mehta writes in his book entitled “The Communs} Triangle” that, “Nol only were ihe Musims economically crushed, educationally and socially siso ther position was deliberately depressed by the Government.” Sir William Hurter has also described tne miserable condition of the Musims in his book ‘tha Indian Mussalmeris." He wites, “in tne three grades of Assistant Government Engineers there were fourteen Hindus and not one Musselrnan; among the apprentices there were four Hindus and two Enolishmen and not cng Mussalman, Among the Sub-Eagingers there were 24 Hindus 19 one imussalinan, 1 he office of acceunts there were.50.naines of Hindus and not ene-Muszaimen-ond the upper subordinate: depariment here were 22 Hindus-cnd again not one Musselman, Discussing the great historical past of the Muslims of India W. Hunter states, “The truth is that when the country passed under our rule the Muz:ialmens were the superior raco ancl superior not only in the sofrrass of the heert and! strongin of arm but in poe, of potical erganization and science of political government." inthe 19th century the Britsh undertook many measures to perpetuate thol rule in the Sub-Continent, These included the introduction of English language 9s tne medium of instiuction in place of Persian, Arabic and Sanckri, This move aimed al civaling a class of Indians which might serve as interpreters between the British ard the milions whom they governed, This class was to be “indian in blood and colour but English n taste in opinions, in morals and in intolect.” Thus as a result cf Lard tacaulay's educational report (1835) inany English échools were opened throughout the length and breadth of the country. These inchided 40 schools which were opened at district headquarters in 1840. The Christian Missionary. Organizations too established many educational schools and colleges which were used for tha propagetion ef Christianity, von English language replaced Persian as the official language of india. Later on, according 10 the proposals of the Woods Despatch (1854) and the Hunter Commission (1682), Education departments were set up in all the provinces and universities of Caksutta (1857), Bombay (1857), Madras (1867), Punjab (1882) anu Allnnabad (1887) were opened. These instiluions were greaty instrumental in promoting English language, {orate and culture among the Indians. In addition tne British abolished tne posts of “i ‘rom the courts and confiscated Muslim Augaf properties. These steps lessened the importence of the mosques and the madrassas and led lo the destruction ef Musiim ediicational systemin the Sub-Gontinent o The sufferings of the Muslims multiplied when they refused to adopt the system: of education introduced by the Gritish. They refused to send their children to the European and. Government schools because they hated’ English language, The resuit wes that the Muslims could not acqute modern education: anct were Kopt away from feassemble government jobs. The Brilsh excluded the Muslims fiom civi and military honours with the sigma of disdainful unfitness. At this stage Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan realised the pitiable condition of the Muslim community and decided to restore the lost polilical, sccisl;.economic and cultural status of the Muslims by imparting modem education to them, Consequently, in 1875, he founded MA.O, High School at Aligarh which was later on’elevated to the ztstus of College in 1877 end a University in 1924 ‘These institutions played an important role in educating the Muslin's and produced isevers tke Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Maulana Shauket Ali and Zafar All Khan who served as the Vanguard of the Pakistan Movement, The Aligarh Moverrent gow sense cf respect and distinction to the Muslims and they soon esserted themsev. dignified nation which mateived ‘the: ski constitutionat challenges, In 1906, the Muslims estab e @ wo = G 7 Ss mA . aived ‘Alkindia Mastin Leaquet which under the able guidance of Quaid'e-Azam Muhamnad Ali ‘Slate called 1 IMPACT OF ISLAM ON HINDU SOGIETY: be a short prelude to tho eubsecuent Musi rule i the Sub-Continnt which lasted from W900 fo 1057 AD. ‘is six end a half centuries old Musi rue in India revoluionses the {206 'eighUS, police, opciel and cultural sat up of the county. The universal teachings. Tee sora fverced-the-Hiniu-socielys The ‘ane’ sractore"OF NUT WE akon to is foundations miions of downtrodden people belonging to caste, shalcon 10 Ju cociety embraced Islam end the supremacy of the Brahmans was shattered forever. According to Dr. Tarachand:- ® jnnab lad lo the creation of a. separate sovereign independent Muslim: aistant in August 1947. “The Arab conquest of Sindh in the first quartor of the 6th Century AO. turned to Not only dd Hindu religion, Hind art, Hindu Iterature and Hind éonce absorb Muslin elements but the very spit of Hindu cutture and the vary stuff of the Hindu inind were also eilered. ‘The Impact of Islam on Hindu society in the religious, social end cultural fields: @y cen be summed upas undor. (A) a), @ @ Religious Effects: Telam developed the followingreligious effects on the Hindi sociely: + ‘Simple teachings of Islam exposed the myth of the cosly cererm bling folthe of Hinduism imposed by the priestly class. Thus th Brahmans wes lowered in the Hindu society. Pim concept of the Unity of God in Islam lnfuenced many Hindu reformers like uals and ius of the _Vablr, Chaltanya, Valobhacharys and Dadu. This gave rite 19 lhe, ak (eer nom Gung the 191n and the 16th conlirios. The reformers, preached Hove ‘of God, love, myelizism and brotherhood. The Bhakti Movement liberalised the ideas of Hindus, ane Motors. of Hindus were attracted by: the universal Isami teachings of equality wid brotherhood which were contracictory to the ease system of Hinduism. Thue large portion of thn Hindu‘population entered the fold of Islam. The progress of Islam In the Sub-Continent nat nly checked the, grown cf The sire but also sounded a similar note for Buddhism and Jainism. Islam struck tithe roots of the Ahinea theory which formed the basis of hesé religions, Social Effects:

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