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Life of a Teenager

Good morning everyone, I am Marjorie Elleazar. Today I am going to give a speech

about Life of a Teenager.
Over the course of time, life as a teenager has changed abundantly. How teenagers
lived back then is incomparable to how they live now. In today’s generation, being a teenager is
anything but easy. Or at least that’s how I feel. Teenage life is a critical stage of our lives where
we teens should be careful in everything we do. The growth from childhood to adulthood is
effortless for some, but also difficult for others. There are many challenges to face, decisions to
make, and roads to take set out for all of us. As we go through life, we meet changes. Changes
that will make our character stand above all. What you do now will lay the foundation for your
state in the future. As a teenager, we are in that privileged stage where everything is positioned
to go our way. We are young, full of energy, we feel like we are invincible, totally carefree and
becoming free and more independent.
On my opinion, the hardest part of being a teenager now is feeling stuck. Stuck between
what responsibilities are yours to handle. You’re no longer a child but you’re not officially an
adult yet either. We will also have a thousand and one questions as we enter this new stage of
life. Sometimes it gets very frustrating trying to live up to so many expectations from your
parents, teachers, friends, family members, and their friends too. We’re in this stage in life
where we’re expected to be responsible young adults yet we’re not permitted to do just as much
as adults can. This is also the time when we actually need the guidance and support of our
parents and elderly people.
We are social creatures and the need for companionship is most pronounced among
teenagers. The company we keep will have a great effect in our teenage life. Choosing the right
circle of friends will save us a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret. Enjoy
the company of different kinds of people and develop important social skills. It is very rare to find
young people who set clear definitions and limits on their personal behavior. Whether it is drugs,
crime, premarital sex, pornography, alcohol, smoking etc., many young people just seem to go
along with the crowd. They easily give in to peer pressure.
There may be temporary thrills and pleasures but the end result is always the same - a
life of grief and deep regret. It can also be the most tragic and heart breaking for some.
Teenagers greatly struggle with getting things done when it’s needed. I myself, at times
put myself in a lot of trouble. Oftentimes adults automatically expect us to do things exactly how
they want us to and expect us to act just as they did, but they don’t understand that we were
raised differently, but we must recognize that our parents are more knowledgeable and we
should respect their wishes and try to learn as much as possible from them.
Teenagers should not hesitate to seek help from counsellors either in their schools or
from outside. A teenager’s vulnerability can be reduced considerably by instilling the right blend
of values and necessary discipline.
As I end my speech, teenage life is the stage where we should learn to how to manage
our time, instill humbleness and discipline among ourselves, have a great respect to others
opinion and set goals and responsibilities to meet, because this is the only stage where we can
mold our future self to be who we want to be, because this is our only chance and there is not
turning back. It is imperative for us that we listen to our parents because they are the only
people that can give us unconditional love, understanding and patience to guide us through this
crucial period in our lives.

Thank you all for listening and have a great day ahead.

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