Calimag - Ruffa Mae - P. Ethics

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Based on the Applied Dimension of Ethics, choose 2 and explain


For this activity, I make the following truthful statement:

I understand that acts of academic dishonesty shall be penalized to the full extent as
indicated in the provision of the PhilSCA Student Manual (Page 30, No. 6.)

Signature of Student over Printed Name

Name: CALIMAG, RUFFA MAE P. Instructor: Ms. Marijin Rueca

Cyber Ethics
Cyber ethics is defined as acting in a responsible manner online. The Internet is a
widely accessible public space where anyone can access information. Because they can do
anything online, people can either be apparent or unnoticed. The internet has evolved into a tool
for our daily lives. In the digital world, action or conduct may be both legal and criminal.
Unfortunately, there are many people that engage in immoral behavior every minute online.
Hacker is a phrase used to characterize someone who behaves badly online. Hacking is defined
as a type of cybercrime that harms people's privacy, society, organizations, and the government.
Telecommunications service theft, cyberterrorism, hacking, and electronic vandalism are all
examples of cybercrime. Although the internet is a virtual place for us, we continue to comply
with the law in terms of cyber ethics. It's also crucial that we never steal other people's content
and that we show respect and truthfulness to everyone we come across online.

Environmental Ethics
Environmental ethics is a branch of ethics that examines how people and the environment
interact. Both humans and other organisms, such as plants and animals, are a part of society.
These things play a significant role in the world, so I believe that as moral beings, humans, we
should respect and act morally while dealing with these things. According to me, the
environmental ethic is crucial for assisting us in protecting the environment and managing our
natural resources to satisfy our ever-growing demands and desires. But I soon realized that I
knew very little about environmental ethics. I learned that there are many environmental ethics
that we should apply in our daily lives to maintain the sustainability of the globe through the
chapter on environmental ethics, conservation ideals, and reasoning. By integrating human
values, moral principles, and better decision-making into conservation with research, these ethics
are grounded in a scientific understanding. It is important to let environmental ethics become a
major concern these days.


Quiz: Essay
1. Explain the Difference of Meta-Ethics, Descriptive and Prescriptive Ethics


For this activity, I make the following truthful statement:

I understand that acts of academic dishonesty shall be penalized to the full extent as
indicated in the provision of the PhilSCA Student Manual (Page 30, No. 6.)

Signature of Student over Printed Name

Name: CALIMAG, RUFFA MAE P. Instructor: Ms. Marijin Rueca

Meta-Ethics, Descriptive and Prescriptive Ethics

The difference between the three is when we talk about, Meta-ethics, often known as
analytical, is the field of study that focuses on comparing ethical ideas or clarifying the meaning
of ethical words. For instance, the job of meta-ethics is more like to that of a football
commentator than a referee or player. Rather than making practical arguments or kicking the
ball, metaethics judges and criticizes on how the ethical game is being played. As a football
analyst might comment on the appropriateness of certain tactics or set-piece routines, a
metaethical, for instance, might discuss the meaning and appropriateness of ethical language.
While A study of human conduct because of moral judgments about what is good or bad,
insofar as it serves a purpose or achieves a desired result, is known as descriptive ethics or
morals. Morals can be considered of as the study of what is deemed right and what is typically
carried out by a group, society, or culture. Morals typically line up with what is really done in a
society. An example of the theory of descriptive ethics, which draws on work in history,
sociology, psychology, and anthropology. Such empirical investigations note that every culture
and society have its own moral standards that support or disapprove of behaviors. In addition to
comparing the moral norms of other societies, descriptive ethics also assesses how these norms
have evolved over time.
Normative Ethics or Prescriptive Ethics: the study of moral problems which seeks to
discover how one ought to act, not how one does in fact act or how one thinks one should act. To
be clearer, the normative ethicist is more like a referee who establishes the rules dictating how
the game is played than they are like a football player.
Basically, Meta-ethics is the study of how people should behave, while descriptive ethics
studies people's opinions on moral ideas. Normative ethics is essentially the study of ethical
action. The primary distinction between normative ethics and descriptive ethics is that normative
ethics analyses how people ought to act whereas descriptive ethics analyses what people think is
right whereas meta-ethics provides an explanation of why we should uphold moral principles.

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