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1a Del grd VTYAB taxing via B, VAB Del Grd txi via C to Isol Bay.

Sending sec
Cabin crew info that a pax services. Del Grd
has locked himself in the
toilet and refusing to come
out no demand so far from
pax CNL Dep req taxi inst to
Aprn & Sec on arvl.


1b DelTwr VTYAB G/A VAB Del Twr RCPL TFC at FL 140.

Will clmb and mntn fl 130till

clr of tfc VAB
40 D to JAL 0330 F 130 On R
460 LLK air space closd Req
cmb F350
ed request client flight level
3500 cleared climb flight
level 350 leaving flight level
35 04 flight level 350 Delhi
control Victor Tango Yankee
Alpha Bravo overhead
Lucknow FL 3500 will join
route whisky 85 cancelling
for at Lucknow request BA for
and Descent 2 flight level 120
in VMC cleared decent to
flight level 12 0 leaving flight
level 12 04 flight level 50
Pantnagar Tower Victor Tango
Yankee Alpha Bravo overhead
Pantnagar FL 50 request
Descent to circuit altitude
Victor Tango Yankee Alpha
Bravo Pantnagar clear to
descend to circuit altitude
and join left hand went
Runway 10 and join left hand
down wind Runway 10 leaving
FL 1500 to circuit altitude
will join left hand down wind
Runway 10 Victor Tango
Yankee Alpha Bravo Roger
Pantnagar Tower Victor Tango
Yankee Alpha Bravo
established left downway 108
circuit altitude Rodger
Pantnagar Tower Victor Tango
Yankee Alpha Bravo on down
wind turning left base leg
Runway 10 roser Pant Nagar
Tower Victor Tango Yankee
Alpha Bravo on left best lake
Runway 10 turning left on
finals Rodger aircraft is
requesting deviation by 17
nautical miles due lines call
holding over non directional
begin Delta papa below level
3500 not permitted no
change in Runway and light
operation maintain rate of
decent 610 altitude 5000
Aeronautical information
Regulation and control is he
should buy direct rate
general of Civil Aviation

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