Nama - M Rifat a-WPS Office

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Nama: M Rifat ansori

Kelas: IX A

Absen: 20

Bhs Inggris

1. Asking for Certainty:

1.Are you sure?

2.Are you sure about it?

3.Are you certain about it?

4.Are you positive about it?

5.Do you think it is true?

6.Do you think so?

7.How sure are you?

8.Is that definite?

9.How are you?

10.Do you think so?

Expressing Certainty:

1.I'm not sure about it.

2.I doubt it.

3.I’m not really sure about …

4.I don’t know for sure that…

5.I’m not completely sure that …

6.I’m not wholly sure that …

7.I have my own doubt.I don’t think so.

8.There’s some doubt in my mind that …

‌9. Not as far I know

10. I don't know yet

Exspressions of congratulating

Exspressions of congratulating are used congratulate someone in gaming an achievement or getting

happiness/special are some exspressions of congratulating and their responses.

Congratulating exspressions.


•Well done!

•That's fantastic!

•Congratulations on...

•May I congratulate you on...


•Thank you.


•It's very good of you to say so.

•Thank you very much for saying so.

•I'm glad you think so.

Taks 1

Read the greeting card and answer the questions!Dear Tamara

Congratulation! Finally you can bring home your first international trophy.
I know you are a skillful badminton player. The hard practices are paid

off. I'm so proud of you. Let me know when you come back home. I will

treat you as a celebration of your winning.

Your friend, Carissa


1. What does the text tell us about?

2. Who is the recipient of the greeting card?

3. What will they do when the receiver come back home?

4. What does the pronoun "you" in the text refer to?

5. Mention the expression of congratulation in the text!

The Answer

1.Never despair of pursuing our dreams


3.I will treat you as a celebration of your winning


5.Congratulations,I'm so proud of you.

Taks 2

Your friend got the first place the class

friend:Congratulations!my friend, you got the rank in your class, you are the smartest student in our

Me:but I will keep on trying. I will get the rank like you. Remember my words?

Friend: okee, thanks

Taks 1

Sayang, Fahri Selamat atas keberhasilanmu Kapten tim basket! Aku mendoakanmu. Banyak
keberuntungan, untuk mengelola tim untuk menjadi tim yang hebat. Saya harap anda memiliki waktu
yang baik di tugas baru anda, hanya tahu bahwa kita mendukung anda! Lakukan yang terbaik sebagai
kapten. Berharap anda untuk mencapai tujuan anda untuk membuat tim memenangkan kompetisi
tahunan tahun ini. Saya percaya bahwa anda pasti akan.

Sekali lagi, good luck untuk tugas nesw anda dan congratuletions pada prestasi anda. Dengan kegigihan
dan kerja kerasmu kau akan mencapai lebih banyak untuk kau dan tim. Kotak yang bagus


Taks 2

Answer the question based and the text in task 1!1.what does the greeting card tell us about?

2.what achievement does Fahri get?

3.what wish Anita make for Fahri?

4."...... to make the team wins the (annual) competition this year." What does the underlined word
mean?[kata di garis bawahi mksdnya dalam kurung]

5."i wish (you) lots of luck....."

what does the underlined word refer to?

The answer

1.Fahri's success as a basketball captain

2.Basketball competition winner

3.Encourage him to win the following year



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