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Exercises 6 - SOLUTIONS.

Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

1. Formulate the hypothesis statement for the following claim: “The average adult drinks
1.7 cups of coffee per day”. A sample of 35 adults drank an average of 1.95 cups per day.
Assume the population standard deviation is 0.5 cups. Using  = 0.10, test your
hypothesis. What is your conclusion?


H 0 :  = 1.7
H1 :   1.7

As the alternative hypothesis has the  sign, we know we are dealing with a two-tailed

Since  = 0.10, the critical points are  1.645

We are given:
X = 1.95
SD =  = 0.5
n = 35
X −  H0
Using standardized normal scale units, we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 1.95 − 1.7
Z= = = 2.96
 0.5
n 35

Reject Ho Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

–1.645 0 1.645
As Z = 2.96 we reject the null hypothesis H 0 and conclude the mean of the population is not1.7
cups per day.

2. Formulate the hypothesis statement for the following claim: “The average age of
customers is less than 40 years old”. A sample of 50 customers had an average age of
38.7 years. Assume the population standard deviation is 12.5 years. Using  =0.05, test
your hypothesis. What is your conclusion?


H 0 :   40
H1 :   40

As the alternative hypothesis has the <sign, we know we are dealing with a one-tailed test
with the rejection region to the left of the critical point..

Since  = 0.05, the critical point is − 1.645

We are given:
X = 38.7
SD =  = 12.5
n = 50
X −  H0
Using standardized normal scale units, we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 38.7 − 40
Z= = = −0.74
 12.5
n 50

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

–1.645 0

As Z = -0.74 we do not reject the null hypothesis H 0 and conclude that we do not have enough
evidence to support the claim that the average age is less than 40.

3. Formulate the hypothesis statement for the following claim: “The average life of our
light bulbs is more than 1,000 hours”. A sample of 32 light bulbs had an average life of
1,190 hours. Assume the population standard deviation is 325 hours. Using  = 0.02, test
your hypothesis. What is your conclusion?


H 0 :   1000
H1 :   1,000

As the alternative hypothesis has the >sign, we know we are dealing with a one-tailed test
with the rejection region to the right of the critical point..

Since  = 0.02, the critical point is 2.05

We are given:
X = 1,190
SD =  = 325
n = 32
X −  H0
Dealing in the original units we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 1,190 − 1000
Z= = = 3.31
 325
n 32

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

0 2.05

As Z =3.31 we reject the null hypothesis H 0 and conclude that the average light bulb life
exceeds 1,000 hours.

4. Formulate the hypothesis statement for the following claim: “The average delivery
time is less than 30 minutes”. A sample of 42 deliveries had an average time of 26.9
minutes. Assume the population standard deviation is 8 minutes. Using  = 0.01, test
your hypothesis. What is your conclusion?


H 0 :   30
H1 :   30

As the alternative hypothesis has the <sign, we know we are dealing with a one-tailed test
with the rejection region to the left of the critical point..

Since  = 0.01, the critical point is -2.33

We are given:
X = 26.9
SD =  = 8
n = 42
X −  H0
Dealing in the original units we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 26.9 − 30
Z= = = −2.51
 8
n 42

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

–2.33 0

As Z = -2.51 we reject the null hypothesis H 0 and conclude that the average delivery time is less
than 30 minutes.

For questions 5-8 answer the following questions:

a) Is this a one or two –tailed test?

b) Identify the rejection region.
c) What is the value of the test statistic?
d) What is the decision regarding H 0 ?

5. The following information is available.

H 0 :  = 50
H1 :   50

The sample mean is 49, and the sample size is 36. The population standard deviation is 5.
Use the 0.05 significance level.


a) Is this a one or two –tailed test?

. Two-tailed – as the alternative hypothesis is  .

b) Identify the rejection region.

At the 5% level of significance

Reject Ho Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

–1.96 0 1.96

Reject Ho and accept H1 when z does not fall in the region from – 1.96 and 1.96

c) What is the value of the test statistic?

We are given:
X = 49
SD =  = 5
n = 36
X −  H0
Dealing in the original units we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 49 − 50
Z= = = −1.2
 5
n 36

d) What is the decision regarding H 0 ?

Reject Ho Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

–1.96 0 1.96

Fail to reject Ho

6. The following information is available.

H 0 :   10
H1 :   10

The sample mean is 12, and the sample size is 36. The population standard deviation is 3.
Use the 0.02 significance level.


a) Is this as one or two –tailed test?

. One-tail with the rejection region to the right of the critical point – as the alternative
hypothesis is  .

b) Identify the rejection region.

At the 2% level of significance

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

0 2.05

Reject Ho when z > 2.05

c) What is the value of the test statistic?

We are given:
X = 12
SD =  = 3
n = 36
X −  H0
Dealing in the original units we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 12 − 10
Z= = =4
 3
n 36

d) What is the decision regarding H 0 ?

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

0 2.05
Reject Ho and conclude that  >10

7. A sample of 36 observations is selected from a normal population. The sample mean is
21, and the population standard deviation is 5. Conduct the following test of hypothesis
using the 0.05 significance level.

H 0 :   20
H1 :   20


a) Is this as one or two –tailed test?

. One-tail with the rejection region to the right of the critical point – as the alternative
hypothesis is  .

b) Identify the rejection region.

At the 5% level of significance

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

0 1.645

Reject Ho when z > 1.645

c) What is the value of the test statistic?

We are given:
X = 21
SD =  = 5
n = 36
X −  H0
Dealing in the original units we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 21 − 20
Z= = = 1.2
 5
n 36

d) What is the decision regarding H 0 ?

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

0 1.645

Fail to reject the Ho at the 0.05 significance level.

8. A sample of 64 observations is selected from a normal population. The sample mean is
215, and the population standard deviation is 15. Conduct the following test of hypothesis
using the 0.03 significance level.

H 0 :   220
H1 :   220


a) Is this as one or two –tailed test?

. One-tail with the rejection region to the left of the critical point – as the alternative
hypothesis is  .

b) Identify the rejection region.

At the 3% level of significance

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

–1.88 0

Reject Ho and accept H1 where z < −1.88

c) What is the value of the test statistic?

We are given:
X = 215
SD =  = 15
n = 64
X −  H0
Dealing in the original units we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 215 − 220
Z= = = −2.67
 15
n 64

d) What is the decision regarding H 0 ?

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

–1.88 0

Reject Ho and conclude that the population mean is less than 220 at the 0.03 significance level.

9. The MacBurger restaurant chain claims that the waiting time of customers for service
is normally distributed, with a standard deviation of 1 minute. The quality-assurance
department found in a sample of 50 customers at the Warren Road MacBurger that the
mean waiting time was 2.75 minutes. At the 0.05 significance level, can we conclude that
the mean waiting time is less than 3 minutes?

H0 :   3
H1 :   3

This is a one-tail with the rejection region to the left of the critical point – as the
alternative hypothesis is  .

At the 5% level of significance

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

–1.645 0

Reject Ho if z < −1.645

We are given:
X = 2.75
SD = 1
n = 50
X −  H0
Dealing in the original units we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 2.75 − 3
Z= = = −1.8
 1
n 50

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

–1.645 0

Reject Ho

10. At the time she was hired as a server at the Grumney Family Restaurant, Beth
Brigden was told. “You can average more than $20 a day in tips”. Over the first 35 days
she was employed at the restaurant, the mean daily amount of her tips was $24.85. The
population standard deviation is $3.24. At the .01 significance level, can Ms. Brigden
conclude that she is earning an average of more than $20 in tips?


H 0 :   20
H1 :   20

This is a one-tail with the rejection region to the right of the critical point – as the
alternative hypothesis is  .

At the 1% level of significance

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

0 2.33

Reject Ho if z > 2.33

We are given:
X = 24.85
SD =  = 3.24
n = 35
X −  H0
Dealing in the original units we have the test statistic: Z =

X −  H0 24.85 − 20
Z= = = 8.9
 3.24
n 35

Reject Ho
Do NOT reject Ho

0 2.33

Reject Ho

11. Chicken R Us claims that 90% of its orders are delivered within 10 minutes of the
time the order is placed. A sample of 100 orders revealed that 82 were delivered within
the promised time. At the 10% significance level, can we conclude that less than 90% of
the orders are delivered in less than 10 minutes?

Where is the proportion of deliveries within the promised time.

This will lead to a one tail test with rejection region to the left hand side. The Critical
point will be z, as we have a large sample (greater than 30).

The test statistic will be:

We can look up the critical value to be

Reject Ho Do not Reject Ho

=   = 
–1.28 

-2.6667 test statistic

Ho is rejected. Less than 90% of the customers receive their orders in less

12. Research at the CSUF indicates that 50% of the students change their major area of
study after their first year in a program. A random sample of 100 students in the college
of business revealed that 48 had changed their major area of study after their very first
year of the program. Has there been a significant decrease in the proportion of students
who change their major after the first year of this program? Test at the 5% level of

Where is the proportion of changing their major area of study after their first year in a

This will lead to a one tail test with rejection region to the left hand side. The Critical
point will be z, as we have a large sample (greater than 30).

The test statistic will be:

We can look up the critical value to be

Reject Ho Do not Reject Ho

=  = 
–1.645 

-0.4 test statistic

Ho is not rejected. The proportion of students changing their major has not changed.


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