Post Experiment Questionnaire FINAL

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Gender Norms Survey Experiment relating to the Evaluation of ‘Aquaculture:

increasing income, diversifying diets, and empowering women in Bangladesh’

– Post Experiment Questionnaire (Male)

1. Pond & Land Ownership

A. Land Owned: Ask for aquaculture season from April 2023 to March 2024:
S.N. Question Response Instructions
1 How much was your total arable land
area in decimal? (owned)
2 How much was your total leased-in
arable land? (in decimal)
3 How much was your total leased-out Q3 <= Q1
arable land? (in decimal)
B. Pond ownership:

NOTE: List all land (all type of land & water bodies) owned, leased in or leased out, whether or not
it was operated during the previous aquaculture season from April 2023 to March 2024
S.N. Question Response Instructions
1 How much is the total pond area
owned by you? (in decimal)
2 How much is the total leased-in pond
area? (in decimal)
3 How much is the total leased-out Q3 <= Q1
pond area? (in decimal)

*(CAPI to calculate total pond and land area in decimal; land owned + leased-in land + pond area
owned + leased-in pond area)

2. Commercialization (reference period from April 2023 to March 2024)

S.N. Question Response Instructions
1 What was your HH’s total harvest of
fish (all varieties) (in Kg) from April
2023 to March 2024?
2 What was your HH’s total sale of fish
(all varieties) (in Kg) from April 2023 to
March 2024?
3 Did your HH hire any labor for 0. No If coded 0, skip
aquaculture production from April 1. Yes to 5.
2023 to March 2024?
4 If yes, approximately how much spent
on hired labor? (Taka)
5 Did your HH use commercial feed 0. No If coded 0, skip
from April 2023 to March 2024? 1. Yes to 7.
6 If yes, what was the expense on
commercial feed used for the HH,
from April 2023 to March 2024? (in
3. Religion
S.N. Question Response Instructions
1 Religion of Household 1. Islam
head 2. Hinduism
3. Christianity
4. Buddhism
99. Other (specify)
2 What is the ethnicity 1. Bangali 9. Tribe: Pahan
of your HH ? 2. Bihari 10. Tribe: Rajbongshi
3. Tribe: Santal 11. Tribe: Rajooar
4. Tribe: Uraon/Oraon 12. Tribe: Karmakar
5. Tribe: Munda 13. Tribe: Teli
6. Tribe: Mahato 14. Tribe: Others
7. Tribe: Paharia (specify)
8. Tribe: Malo 99. Others (specify)
4. Roster for HH members
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Name of Relationship to head of household Sex Age in Highest Did [MEMBER] Is member Current Has [ID]
all 1. Male years completed spend more currently Occupation engaged in
household 1. Head 2. years of than a year of enrolled in (Use work outside
members 2. Wife/husband Female education education any baseline the home to
starting 3. Son/Daughter 3.Other, above grade 5 educational codes) earn income?
with head 4. Daughter-in-law/ Son-in-law specify in an urban institution? [Ask for
of 5. Grandson/Grand daughter educational Age>6 women > 16
household 6. Father/Mother institution age<30 yrs only]
7. Brother/Sister [For those who
8. Father-in-law/ Mother-in-law have 0. No
9. Nephew/Niece completed 1. Yes
10. Brother-in-law/ Sister-in-law grade 5]
11. Grandfather/Grandmother
12. Uncle/aunt
13. Servant
14. Grand daughter-in-law/Grandson-
99. Other (specify)

S.N. Code 1: Occupation list

1 Wage labour, agriculture 8 Salaried job, private sector (specify)

2 Wage labour, construction 9 Business-product related

3 Wage labour, other (specify) 10 Business-service related

S.N. Code 1: Occupation list

4 Farming – agriculture 11 Business-product and service related

5 Farming - aquaculture 12 Business-Other (specify)

6 Livestock/poultry rearing 99 Not engaged in any income generating activities (including student)

7 Salaried job, government (specify)

5. Current and past migration of household members

A. Has anyone, who was a member of your household in the past five years, been a migrant (living away for 6 months or more within the country (but not
in same union) or abroad?
0. No [skip this table]
1. Yes

1 2 3 4 5
Member ID Has MID been a For which destination (s) has MID spent more than 3 If 4, please select division If 5, please select country
migrant (see months as a migrant (MULTIPLE CHOICE) ? [MULTIPLE CHOICE] [MULTIPLE CHOICE]
definition)? [DROP DOWN] [DROP DOWN]

1. Village in same district and same division

2. Village in another district but same division
2. Town in same district and same division
3. Town in another district but same division
4. Another division, please specify
5. Another country, please specify
MID Code Code
6. Smartphone and Internet Use
S.N Question Response Instruction
. s
1 Do you own or use a phone 0. No If coded 0,
regularly? 1. Yes skip this
2. Is the phone a 0. No
Smartphone/touchphone/featur 1. Yes
e phone which uses internet?
3 What do you primarily use your 1. Calling and sending text messages If coded
phone for? 2. Click pictures and record audio and other than
(MULTIPLE CODING) video. 3,4 or 5
3. Using social media apps like skip
Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, question 4
Instagram etc.
4. To watch videos, photos, movies
and content online.
5. Using other apps (Specify)
6. Others (Specify)
4 Which specific social media 1. WhatsApp
apps do you use? 2. Facebook
4. Telegram
6. Other apps (Specify)

7. Respondent time use on a regular weekday Number of hours

1 How many hours do you sleep at night?
2 How much time do you spend feeding, caring for and looking after
young (below 5 years) children?
3 How much time do you spend caring for older (above 5 years)
children, including doing homework, reading, recreation, etc.?
4 How much time do you spend taking care of elderly or other adults
in need of your support?
5 How much time do you spend working on aquaculture related
6 How much time do you normally spend on social media using
mobile phone/internet?

8. Gender Attitude Questions –

NOTE: All responses are on a 5-point likert scale,
1. I strongly agree
2. I agree
3. I neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. I strongly disagree
S.N. Question Response Instruction
1. I strongly agree s
2. I agree
3. I neither agree nor
4. Disagree
5. I strongly disagree
1 If economic conditions are good, a woman should
not go for employment outside home
2 When women work, they take away jobs from men
3 Going outside home for work is unsafe for women
4 It is not respectable for a woman to earn more
than her husband
5 Gender equality has been mostly achieved
6 Gender equality is beneficial for well-to-do families
and not poorer families
7 A woman's most important role is to take care of
her home and family
8 A woman whose children do not do well in studies
does not get the respect of others
9 A woman who does not do her domestic chores
satisfactorily does not get the respect of others
10 It is not respectable for a man to do work like
sweeping floor, washing clothes and vessels
11 Girls should be taught to be assertive and ask
questions to elders
12 Boys should be taught to be assertive and ask
questions to elders
13 A man whose wife or daughter moves freely
outside the home loses respect of others
14 A woman who does not obey her husband does
not get the respect of others
Household decisions
15 A man whose wife does not obey him does not get
the respect of others
16 Women should leave the final financial matters
decisions to men
17 Women should leave the final decisions on
children’s education and marriage to men
18 Women should leave the final decision on political
participation to men

9. Post experiment questionnaire

S.N. Question Response Instructions
1 How easy or difficult was it to answer Easy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the questions you were asked? Difficult

2 Were some questions harder to 0= No If coded 0, skip

answer than others? Yes/No 1= Yes to 5
3 If yes, which question or questions did
you find more difficult?

4 Suggestions for how questions or

implementation could be improved?
Post Experiment Questionnaire (Female)

1. Maternal family Information

S.N. Question Response Instructions
1 How many years of education did your father have?

2 How many years of education did your mother have?

3 Did your mother engage in work outside the home to 0. No
earn income? 1. Yes
4 What was your age at the time of marriage?

Hint to interviewer: If respondent married more than

once, ask about first marriage.

2. Female knowledge about aquaculture practices

1 2 3

Do you know about [PRACTICE]?

S.N. Practice 1. Yes, I know

2. I somewhat know
3. No, I don’t know anything [skip to
next Practice]
1 Construction/ repairing of pond dikes

2 Removal of black soil from pond bottom

3 Pre stocking liming

4 Quality fish seed identified for stocking

5 Use of home-made supplementary feed

6 Use of commercial/formulated feed

7 Keeping nutrient rich SIS varieties like

Mola, Puti, Darkina etc

3. Smartphone and Internet Use

S.N Question Response Instruction
. s
1 Do you own or use a phone 2. No If coded 0,
regularly? 3. Yes skip this
2. Is the phone a 2. No
Smartphone/touchphone/featur 3. Yes
e phone which uses internet?
3 What do you primarily use your 7. Calling and sending text messages If coded
phone for? 8. Click pictures and record audio and other than
(MULTIPLE CODING) video. 3,4 or 5
9. Using social media apps like skip
Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, question 4
Instagram etc.
10. To watch videos, photos, movies
and content online.
11. Using other apps (Specify)
12. Others (Specify)
4 Which specific social media 1. WhatsApp
apps do you use? 2. Facebook
4. Telegram
6. Other apps (Specify)

4. Respondent time use on a regular weekday Number of hours

1 How many hours do you sleep at night?
2 How much time do you spend feeding, caring for and looking after
young (below 5 years) children?
3 How much time do you spend caring for older (above 5 years) children,
including doing homework, reading, recreation, etc.?
4 How much time do you spend taking care of elderly or other adults in
need of your support?
5 How much time do you spend working on aquaculture related
6 How much time do you normally spend on social media using mobile

5. Economic and other shocks

S.N. Shock Name During the last 12 How severe were the impacts
months has 5your on your HH’s economic
household: condition?

0. No Not Severe................ 1
1. Yes Somewhat severe...... 2
Severe....................... 3
Extremely Severe ..... 4
1 Suffered production losses because of
too little rain?
2 Suffered production losses because of
too much rain?
3 Suffered economic losses because of
a natural disaster?
4 If yes, what type of disaster Describe:

6 Experienced difficulties because of

pests affecting your crops?
7 Experienced difficulties because of
diseases affecting your fish or
8 Experienced difficulties because of
9 Experienced difficulties because of the
job loss of a household member
(specify MID)?
10 Experienced difficulties because of the
injury or illness of a household
member (specify MID)?
11 If yes, did your household incur
hospitalization or other substantive
6. Gender Attitude Questions –
NOTE: All responses are on a 5-point likert scale
1. I strongly agree
2. I agree
3. I neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. I strongly disagree
S.N. Question Response Instructions
1. I strongly agree
2. I agree
3. I neither agree nor
4. Disagree
5. I strongly disagree
1 If economic conditions are good, a woman
should not go for employment outside home
2 When women work, they take away jobs
from men
3 Going outside home for work is unsafe for
4 It is not respectable for a woman to earn
more than her husband
5 Gender equality has been mostly achieved
6 Gender equality is beneficial for well-to-do
families and not poorer families
7 A woman's most important role is to take
care of her home and family
8 A woman whose children do not do well in
studies does not get the respect of others
9 A woman who does not do her domestic
chores satisfactorily does not get the
respect of others
10 It is not respectable for a man to do work
like sweeping floor, washing clothes and
11 Girls should be taught to be assertive and
ask questions to elders
12 Boys should be taught to be assertive and
ask questions to elders
13 A man whose wife or daughter moves freely
outside the home loses respect of others
14 A woman who does not obey her husband
does not get the respect of others
Household decisions
15 A man whose wife does not obey him does
not get the respect of others
16 Women should leave the final financial
matters decisions to men
17 Women should leave the final decisions on
children’s education and marriage to men
18 Women should leave the final decision on
political participation to men
7. Post experiment questionnaire
S.N. Question Response Instructions
1 How easy or difficult was it to answer Easy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
the questions you were asked? Difficult

3 Were some questions harder to 0. No If coded 0, skip

answer than others? Yes/No 1. Yes to 5

4 If yes, which question or questions did

you find more difficult?

5 Suggestions for how questions or

implementation could be improved?

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