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GP 30-01-02 Marine Transportation and Support Vessels September 2011

Marine Transportation and Support

GP 30-01-02

1) This ExxonMobil Global Practice (GP) covers the requirements for all marine transportation and
support vessel operations for Company, including the following:
a) Ships, tug/barge combinations, and offshore supply vessels transporting cargo.
b) Tugs towing a cylindrical shaped unit, TLP, FSO, FPSO, GBS, large floating modules, barges,
barges with oversized cargo, accommodation barges, and any other floating objects.
c) Crew boats and offshore supply vessels transporting passengers.
This GP specifically excludes the transport of bulk oil by tank ship or tank barge.
2) Transportation engineering requirements, except as noted herein, are excluded from the scope of this
GP and are addressed in the relevant design GPs and GP 30-01-01.
3) This GP, referenced GPs, Project-specific Coordination Procedure, and defined National and
International Standards comprise Company's requirements for Contractor. Contractor's documents
and procedures shall be based on the above and shall provide a well-defined process to plan and
execute a safe, efficient, timely, and cost-managed marine transportation operation.

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Copyright Waiver
ExxonMobil Development Company and ExxonMobil Pipeline Company hereby license the use of ExxonMobil Engineering Practices System (EMEPS) Global Practices (GPs) for
use by any ExxonMobil division, subsidiary, or more-than-50%-owned affiliate. The GPs may be downloaded and modified as necessary for project and affiliate use. Written
permission from ExxonMobil Development Company or ExxonMobil Pipeline Company is not required. However, any modified GPs must be renumbered to a project-specific or
affiliate-specific number to distinguish them from the GPs on the EMEPS web site. ExxonMobil operated joint ventures may utilize GPs to create project-specific or location-specific
specifications. It is the responsibility of individual affiliate or joint venture to ensure that the use of GPs and their derivatives is limited to joint venture related business and not
disclosed or used outside the JV without appropriate EM management approval.
GP 30-01-02 Marine Transportation and Support Vessels September 2011

Table of Contents

1. Required References ............................................................................................ 3

1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices ................................... 3
1.2. ExxonMobil Publications ............................................................................... 3
1.3. Other References ......................................................................................... 3
2. Acronyms and Definitions .................................................................................... 4

3. General ................................................................................................................... 5
3.1. Marine Transportation Organization Plan ..................................................... 5
3.2. Primary Documents ...................................................................................... 5
4. Transportation Engineering and Analysis .......................................................... 6
4.1. Engineering Studies ..................................................................................... 6
4.2. Transportation Analysis ................................................................................ 7
5. Transportation Plans and Procedures ................................................................ 7
5.1. Vessels and Vessel Equipment .................................................................... 8
5.2. Voyage Plan ................................................................................................. 8
5.3. Emergency Response/Incident Notification/Orientation Plan ....................... 8
5.4. Security/Anti-Piracy Plan .............................................................................. 8
5.5. Mobilization/Demobilization Plan .................................................................. 8
5.6. Logistics Support .......................................................................................... 9
5.7. Contingency Plans........................................................................................ 9
5.8. Daily Progress Report ................................................................................ 10
5.9. Test Reports and Certifications .................................................................. 10
5.10. Towing Operations ..................................................................................... 11
5.11. Cargo Ship and Offshore Supply Vessel Cargo Operations ....................... 13
Record of Change ....................................................................................................... 14

Attachment: Purpose Code Definitions.................................................................... 15

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GP 30-01-02 Marine Transportation and Support Vessels September 2011

1. Required References
1) This Section lists the Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall be used
with this document. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition.
2) Where references conflict as to requirements, the most stringent shall govern, unless an order of
precedence is defined in the contract. Contractor shall, where there are discrepancies or inadequacies
in the practices or standards, immediately notify Company for resolution.

1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices

GP 30-01-01 General Requirements for Marine Operations

1.2. ExxonMobil Publications

Marine RP, Feb 2007 Recommended Practice for Managing Engineering of Marine Tows
(Document owned by EMDC Engineering Marine)
(Document for internal Company use only - release to third parties
requires Document Owner approval and compliance with Company MPI

1.3. Other References

Contractor shall ensure and document that all operations, plans, procedures, equipment, analysis, vessels,
and personnel comply with national and international standards that include but are not limited to:

DNV MAROPS Rules Rules for Planning and Execution of Marine Operations, Parts 1 and 2
(except as superseded by the requirements of this GP).
Port and Flag State All marine operations, vessels, equipment, and personnel shall be in
Regulations documented compliance with the laws and regulations of the vessel Flag
State and each Port State of operations.
Vessel Class 1) The Classification Society for marine transportation and support
Certifications and vessels used on Company Projects is required to be a member of
Notations International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).
2) Marine transportation and support vessels used on Company
Projects are required to have Class Notations specific to the vessel
type of service and for the hull, machinery, personnel, safety,
equipment, and operations.
Vessel Statutory Marine transportation and support vessels used on Company Projects are
Certificates required to have Statutory Certificates issued by a member of IACS and
all statutory certificates as required by International Maritime
Organization (IMO) Conventions and/or Flag State of registry.

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International All marine transportation and support vessels used on Company Projects
Maritime are required to be in compliance with all applicable IMO conventions,
Organization (IMO) rules and guidelines and without otherwise limiting this requirement, the
Company specifically requires the following:
1) All vessel marine personnel are required to have Standards of
Training, Certifications and Watch Keeping (STCW) endorsements
per their assigned job category.
2) All marine vessel owners or operators are required to have an IMO
International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) Document of
Compliance (DOC).
3) All self propelled marine vessels are required to have an ISM Code
Safety Management Certificate (SMC).
4) All self propelled marine vessels are required to be in compliance
with International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From
Ships (MARPOL), Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), and International
Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREGS).
5) All self propelled marine vessels are required to have an
International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC).
6) All self propelled marine vessel are required to have an International
Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) and Shipboard Oil Pollution
Emergency Plan (SOPEP) certification.
Company requires the following to be used per the specific type of
marine operations:
1) International Convention on Search and Rescue.
2) International Code for Intact Stability.

2. Acronyms and Definitions

Acronym Description

COLREGS International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea

DNV Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
FSO Floating, Storing and Offloading
GBS Gravity Based Structure
GP Global Practice
IACS International Association of Classifications Societies

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Acronym Description

IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

IMO International Maritime Organization
IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention
ISM Code International Safety Management Code
ISSC International Ship Security Certificate
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships
MOH Medical and Occupational Health
MWS Marine Warranty Surveyor
OSV Code Code of Safe Practice for the Carriage of Cargoes and Persons by
Offshore Supply Vessels
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
STCW Standards of Training, Certifications and Watch Keeping
TLP Tension Leg Platform

3. General
1) The minimum general requirements for marine operations, including safety, health, environment,
quality, and risk management are described in GP 30-01-01. Additional requirements, specific to
marine transportation and support vessel operations, including towing of barges or floating objects
and transport of cargo/modules and/or passengers, are contained in the sections below.
2) [*] Company may, at its own discretion and at any time, impose additional requirements as may be
necessary to assess or mitigate the risks of the marine transport personnel, passengers, vessels,
equipment, cargo, and operations.

3.1. Marine Transportation Organization Plan

[*] Contractor shall provide the Company with a marine transportation/support vessels operations
organization chart at least two months prior to the mobilization of any vessels, with defined roles and
responsibilities for each person and the résumé of key personnel.

3.2. Primary Documents

Primary Documents—Contractor shall provide Company with engineering/analysis and plans/procedures
and documentation defined in Sections 4 and 5 of this GP. All of these items shall be listed in the
Contractor Master Document Register.

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4. Transportation Engineering and Analysis

4.1. Engineering Studies
4.1.1. Vessel/Operations Control and Maneuvering
1) [S] [A] [O] Contractor shall, at Company's request, conduct simulations or model tests of marine
transportation operations and/or vessels necessary to adequately define prerequisites and vessel
suitability for control and maneuvering performance. Model tests will typically be required where
analytical software modeling of the simulations cannot accurately predict the vessel performance
characteristics. Contractor shall also provide analysis that defines the vessel(s) capability and
suitability to perform as required in the vessel Scope of Work and under the Company provided met-
ocean conditions for the specific route/area of operations and time of year. This shall include the
vessel motions, limiting conditions, and/or decreased performance. Simulations or model tests shall
be operation-specific using exact vessels, location, and Company-provided environmental criteria.
2) [A] Company may request Contractor to perform simulations or model test that include but are not
limited to the following:
a) Marine Vessel Transits—Transits of canals, ports, or rivers where the safety of operations with
respect to any of the following pose a risk to the vessels or operations:
i) Size, number, or proximity of vessels involved.
ii) Type of operations or maneuvering requirements.
iii) Under keel clearance.
iv) Geometry of the port, facilities, canal, or river.
v) Ratio of channel width to vessel beam.
vi) Local environmental conditions.
b) Towing—Towing operations involving a cylindrical shaped unit, TLP, FSO, FPSO, GBS, large
floating modules, barges with oversized cargo, and other non-routine or large floating structures.
c) Position Holding/Mooring - Use of vessels for position holding or mooring of a cylindrical
shaped unit, TLP, FSO, FPSO, GBS, large floating modules, barges with oversized cargo, and
other non-routine or large floating structures.
d) Out of Dock or Out of Basin - Operations where the size, tonnage, unique features, or capabilities
of the vessels involved requires studies of this type to ensure control under the defined limiting
conditions and for the duration of the marine operations.
e) Offshore Delivery of Cargo - Cargo ship or offshore supply vessel capabilities, including
dynamic positioning necessary for the offshore delivery of cargo.
f) Remote Location Beaching/Delivery Operations - Barge or landing craft beaching or remote
locations operations including the use of any temporary ports or offloading facilities.
g) Emergency Conditions - Simulate operations with extreme metocean conditions including squalls
and currents, including simulations with failures of tugs and/or towing equipment.

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4.1.2. Seafastening Design and Installation

1) [A] [O] [R] Seafastening Design Requirement—Seafastening of all cargo is required. Contractor
shall develop and submit for Company review and approval the seafastening design based on cargo
design basis, cargo acceleration limits, structural capacity of the cargo vessel, barge ballasting and
motion analysis of the specific cargo vessels for the route, and time of year using Company-provided
metocean criteria.
2) [A] Seafastening Installation/Inspection/Approval—Company-approved seafastenings shall be
subject to Company or Company MWS inspection to verify they have been installed (after any
ballasting) per the agreed procedure. Seafastenings shall be subject to testing to include material and
fabrication (Mill Test Results, non-destructive testing) as defined by the Company or Company MWS
and this is required with documentation for final approval and issuance of a Sailaway Certificate.

4.2. Transportation Analysis

[O] Contractor shall conduct analysis of the marine transportation operations in accordance with Marine
RP - Recommended Practice for Managing Engineering of Marine Tows. The Company-approved results
of the analysis shall be submitted for Company review and approval not less than 90 days prior to the
mobilization of any vessel, and then made part of the Transportation Plan and Procedures described in
Section 5 of this GP. Contractor analysis shall include, at a minimum, the following:
1) [S] [A] Ports of Use and Ports/Places of Refuge—Verify the water and air drafts and minimum under
keel clearance for all vessels and assist vessels at the departure port, arrival port, area/route of
operations and in-transit ports including any ports/places of refuge. Identify all physical and/or
environmental limiting criteria for the entire route/area of operations, departure and arrival ports, and
ports/places of refuge to include bridges, water depth, underwater obstructions, overhead power lines,
locks, wind speed, visibility, anchorages, and safe berths.
2) [S] [A] Assist/Emergency Response Vessels—Identify the type, location, and use of any assist vessels
(tugs/passenger transfer). Identify and provide particulars for all ports/places of refuge for emergency
response and/or salvage and including specific local contractors and their vessels capable of providing
assistance or emergency response to the transport or support vessel(s).
3) [A] [O] Port Requirements—Define the customs, immigration, security, port, and pilot requirements
for entering and clearing the departure port, arrival port, ports/places of refuge, and any canals.
4) [A] [O] Canal Transit—Define requirements and procedures for any canal transits.
5) [A] Vessel Mooring/Anchoring—Provide vessel mooring analysis and plans for the departure and
arrival ports and the offshore project site (other vessels, platforms, facilities, or structures).

5. Transportation Plans and Procedures

[A] [O] Contractor shall develop a Transportation Plan for Company approval. The Transportation Plan
shall take into consideration the guidelines in Marine RP - Recommended Practice for Managing
Engineering of Marine Tows and be submitted for Company review and approval no later than 90 days
prior to the mobilization of the subject vessels and include data and results from Sections 3 and 4 above
and a comprehensive set of project specific procedures that fully describe the methods to be employed,
including step-by-step accounts or narratives of each phase of the work. The procedures shall include

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drawings, diagrams, and schematics that clearly describe the work and for the specific vessel and areas of

5.1. Vessels and Vessel Equipment

[A] Contractor shall provide for Company review and approval no later than 90 days prior to the
mobilization of the subject vessels the full particulars, detailed specifications, load capacities (ships, cargo
barges, offshore supply vessels, crew/supply vessels), and drawings for each transport vessel with
documentation of how this vessel(s) meets the project/operations specific requirements resulting from
compliance with this GP and with the requirements of the Company Marine Warranty Surveyor.

5.2. Voyage Plan

1) [A] [O] Contractor shall provide detailed voyage route plan for the entire marine transport operation.
The Voyage Plan shall be submitted for Company review and approval no later than 90 days prior to
the mobilization of the subject vessels. The voyage route should clearly define the specific planned
route on a chart with waypoints, distances between waypoints, distance overall, estimated voyage
execution time, and estimated speed, and indicate the location and distance of each harbor or place of
2) [A] The Voyage Plan shall be in compliance with the IMO Guidelines for Voyage Planning [IMO
Resolution A.893 (21); SOLAS Annex 25] and the IMO Ship's Routing Guidelines [SOLAS Chapter
V, Regulation 10 and Resolution A.572 (14)].
3) Special Note - Some Port States require development and submission for Port State regulatory
approval of a Navigation Safety Plan. Contractor is responsible for notifying the Company of this
requirement and for developing, submitting, and receiving Port State approval.

5.3. Emergency Response/Incident Notification/Orientation Plan

[A] Contractor shall provide each of the following and these shall be submitted for Company review and
approval no later than 90 days prior to the mobilization of the subject vessels:
1) [S] Vessel Emergency Response and Incident Notification plan for Scope of Work, Type of
Operations/Vessels, and Area of Operation.
2) [S] Operations Specific Safety Management Plan including Pre-Departure and Pre-Arrival Safety
Meetings, Checklists, and Job Safety Analysis Plan.
3) [S] Personal Protective Equipment Use Requirements for the Scope of Work and Area of Operation.
4) [S] Orientation and Training of Personnel on Project and Vessel Specific Operations, Risk and

5.4. Security/Anti-Piracy Plan

[S] [A] [O] Contractor is required to have a Security and Anti-Piracy Plan, which shall be submitted for
Company review and approval no later than 90 days prior to the mobilization of the subject vessels. The
requirements for this are in GP 30-01-01.

5.5. Mobilization/Demobilization Plan

[A] [O] Contractor shall develop a detailed plan for mobilization and demobilization of vessels. The plan
shall be submitted for Company review and approval no later than 90 days prior to the mobilization of the

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subject vessels and include the location(s) and schedule(s) for each vessel and provide for tracking the
position and other key mobilization/demobilization data.

5.6. Logistics Support

[A] Contractor shall develop for Company review and approval a logistics support plan for all vessels.
This plan shall include, at a minimum, all of the following:

5.6.1. Fuel/Lube Oil

Contractor shall provide the following detailed information:
1) [O] Vessel daily fuel and lube oil consumption for working and standby mode.
2) [O] Vessel total usable fuel and lube oil capacity onboard.
3) [O] Vessel minimum reserve fuel and lube oil quantities onboard at required resupply.
4) [O] List vessels that will require refueling/lube supply, estimated fuel/lube amounts, refueling/lube
locations, and vessels involved.
5) [O] Define pollution prevention procedures/equipment and response plan for refueling operations.

5.6.2. Personnel
1) Define requirements for and frequency of crew/personnel changes for all vessels including the total
number of personnel for each vessel.
2) [O] Define locations for personnel changes, number, and particulars of vessels involved and ensure
that this information is in compliance with the Personnel Transfer requirements of GP 30-01-01.

5.6.3. Vessel Resupply

[A] Contractor shall provide a detailed plan for resupply of all transportation and support vessels. This
Plan shall be submitted to the Company for review and approval no later than 90 days prior to the
mobilization of the subject vessels and define the types and frequency of resupply, items to be delivered
(catering, spares, critical spares, renewals, etc.), particulars of vessels involved, locations used, and
procedures necessary to move/handle supplies between shoreside locations and vessels and between
vessels offshore.

5.7. Contingency Plans

[S] [A] Contractor shall develop for Company review and approval no later than 90 days prior to the
mobilization of the subject vessels contingency plans and procedures for a minimum of each of the
following (as applicable to the type of vessel and operations) and be inclusive of the IMO International
Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue.
1) Main engine failure
2) Generator failure and vessel blackout
3) Steering failure
4) Abandon ship
5) Fire

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6) Grounding/Stranding
7) Medical emergency
8) Adverse weather conditions
9) Collision or rescue vessel operations
10) Tow equipment or tow wire failure
11) Piracy
12) Flooding

5.8. Daily Progress Report

[O] Contractor shall provide Company with a daily vessel operations report that is transmitted
electronically, uses web based vessel tracking, and contains a minimum of the following:
1) Vessel position and course
2) Average speed to date and speed last 24 hours
3) Distance for voyage, last 24 hours and to go
4) ETA for arrival port and any intermediate ports (refueling, etc.)
5) Wind speed and direction
6) Sea state (sea and swell direction and height)
7) Presence of ice and visibility
8) Roll/pitch of vessel and any towed vessel
9) Fuel consumed last 24 hours and remaining onboard
10) Incidents/injuries

5.9. Test Reports and Certifications

[A] Contractor shall provide the Company with the following test reports and/or certifications.

5.9.1. Towing Vessels

1) [R] Class Certification—Provide the vessel Class and Statutory Certifications and that the Class
notation is inclusive of the vessel being used for towing operations. Provide the Class Bollard Pull
certificate conducted within the last five years, Class-approved Stability Book, and Class certificate
for vessel anchors.
2) [R] Towing Gear—Provide Class or other Third Party certificates for all primary and secondary tow
gear (or pushing gear for river operations) to include shackles, tri-plates, chains, and blocks.
3) [R] Towing Equipment—Provide Class certificates for stern rollers, tow pins, shark jaws, and gob
4) [R] Towing Winch—Provide Class or Third Party tow winch test reports including brake test report
and certification of quick release.

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5) [O] [R] Towing Wires—Provide tow, pennant and all other wire maintenance procedures, inspection
procedures, wire use log, and wire retirement criteria. Provide wire testing protocol and test results
from a Class, competent Third Party inspector, or a Marine Warranty Surveyor.

5.9.2. Barges or Towed Objects

1) [R] Class Certificates—Provide Class certificates and notations and endorsed Stability Book for
2) [R] Towing Equipment and Gear—Provide Class or other Third Party certificates for all primary and
emergency tow gear to include tow gear recovery winch, shackles, tri-plates, chains, tow brackets,
chocks, and floating lines.
3) [R] Towing Wires—Provide Class or Third Party certificates for all primary and emergency tow and
pennant wires. Provide wire maintenance procedures, inspection procedures, wire use log, and wire
retirement criteria. Provide wire testing protocol and test results from a Class, competent Third Party
inspector, or a Marine Warranty Surveyor.
4) [R] Mooring Bitts/Chocks—Provide Class certified safe working load for all bitts and chocks.
5) [R] Mooring Lines—Provide the specifications, safe working load, and Class or Third Party
certificates for all mooring lines.

5.9.3. Cargo Ships and Offshore Supply Vessels

1) [R] Class Certification—Provide the vessel Class and Statutory certifications and the endorsed
Stability Book.
2) [R] Cargo Load Capacity—Provide the certified deck and under deck load capacities.
3) [R] Cargo Cranes (Geared Cargo Ships)—Provide crane certification and Class test reports.
4) Cargo Lashing/Sea Fastening Equipment—Provide Class or Third Party certificates for all equipment
used in cargo lashing or sea fastening.

5.9.4. Passenger/Crew Transport Vessels

1) [R] Class Certification—Provide the vessel Class and Statutory certifications and the endorsed
Stability Book.
2) [O] [R] Operating Limitations—Provide Class and/or Flag State certificates of operating limits, i.e.,
distance offshore, sea state, or distance to port of refuge.

5.10. Towing Operations

1) [A] All tugs, barges, and towed objects are subject to Company approval and suitability requirements
as defined in GP 30-01-01. Where applicable, they must be classed for the type and area of service.
2) [O] All towing operations shall be in compliance with the following:
a) IMO Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towing (MSC/Circ.884).
b) DNV MAROPS Rules, Part 2, Chapter 2, Section 4, Towing Operations.
c) Requirements as detailed below in Sections 5.10.1 and 5.10.2 of this GP.

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5.10.1. Towing and Towing Assist Vessels

1) [O] [R] Main Engines/Propellers—All towing and towing assist vessels are required to have a
minimum of two separate main engines and two separate main propellers. Propellers can be
azimuthing, fixed, or cycloidal.
2) [O] [R] Steering Systems—All towing and towing assist vessels are required to have redundant
steering systems.
3) [O] [R] Stern Roller/Tow Pins—All towing and towing assist vessels fitted with a stern roller must
have Class certification for this unit. All towing and towing assist vessels must be fitted with tow
pins substantial enough to control the tow wire so as to prevent the angle of the tow wire from
tripping the tug.
4) [*] [O] [R] Winches/Tow Wires—All towing vessels are required to have a minimum of a double
drum towing winch and two equal capacity and condition certified main towing wires, except for
limited coastwise/near coastal or towing assist operations (as determined by the Company) where
single drum winches and a spare tow wire can be used. All towing and towing assist vessels are
required to have a tow winch emergency release device that is controllable from the vessel
wheelhouse/pilothouse and main deck. Towing and towing assist vessels are required to be fitted
with a device to display tow tension and tow wire used in the wheelhouse/pilothouse. All towing and
towing assist vessels shall have analysis to determine the tow wire catenaries at various tow wire
lengths, vessel speeds, and sea states. All towing and towing assist vessels shall have procedures for
handing off and retrieving tow lines between towing vessels during refueling or re-supply operations.
5) [O] [R] Bollard Pull—All towing and towing assist vessels are required to have a Class certified
bollard pull test that is not more than five years old from the date of Company inspection. All towing
and towing assist vessels bollard pull requirements (towing force) for open sea towing shall be
sufficient to maintain zero speed under the Company-provided current wind and wave met ocean data
for the specific route and time of year with the specific barge and cargo or towed object. DNV
Requirements (Reference Rules for Marine Operations, Part 2, Chapter 2, Section for
sustained wind, head current, and significant wave height are not to be used for this calculation.
6) [O] [R] Towing Arrangement—Provide drawings and equipment specifications showing the towing
arrangement and locations of the tug (and any assist tugs) and the object/barge to be towed and all
equipment to be used.
7) [O] [R] Towed Object Boarding—Procedures and equipment for boarding and inspection of the
towed vessel while en route.
8) [O] [R] Towing Speed—Analysis to define the estimated towing speed of the tug and barge/towed
object combination using the specific tug and barge (with and without cargo at the loaded and light
drafts)/towed object for the Company-provided met ocean conditions.
9) [O] [R] Use of Tow Hooks—Company does not accept the use of tow hooks except in some harbors
and under limited weather conditions and types of operations. Determination of the use of tow hooks
is the exclusive right of the Company.
10) [*] [O] [R] Number of Tugs—The number and location of tugs (including any assist tugs) required is
primarily and initially determined by calculation of the required bollard for the specific towed
vessel/object, location, time of year, and metocean conditions. If more than one tug is required, then
each tug is required to have nearly the same certified bollard pull as each other tug. Final
determination of the number of tugs required is the sole right and at the sole discretion of the
Company. Risk factors that the Company may consider to determine the number of tugs required can
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include length of the voyage, location of the tow, accuracy and certainty of the weather forecasts for
the route, proximity to ports/places of refuge, maneuvering/control requirements, availability of
rescue/assist tugs on the tow route, risk of tug or towing equipment failure, etc. If the Company
determines that more than one tug is required to manage the towing risk, then generally the other tug
or tugs shall be connected to the towed vessel/object and not operate in a disconnected/un-tethered
escort mode.

5.10.2. Barges and Towed Objects

1) Primary and Emergency Towing Equipment—All towed barges and objects are required to be fitted
with a full set of Class certified and Company-approved primary towing equipment for each towing
vessel. All towed barges and objects shall be fitted with at least one Class certified and Company
approved emergency towing chain, wire, pickup line, and buoy for each primary towing vessel. All
barges and towed objects are required to have specific data and certifications for towing points with
type, location, strength, and method of use/deployment. All towed barges are required to have a
towing equipment retrieval winch and related equipment.
2) Navigation Lights/Shapes—All barges and towed objects shall be fitted as required by COLREGS.
3) Anchor—All barges are required to have Class certified anchor and deployment/retrieval equipment.
4) Ballast—All barges/towed objects that require the use of ballast shall have defined procedures and
trained personnel for the specific operation and be equipped by internal systems or temporary pumps
to conduct this operation
5) Manned Tows—All manned tows are required to have Class and Flag State certification (including
SOLAS and MARPOL) together with detailed equipment, personnel, and procedures for housing,
catering, and sanitation and safety/vessel management.
6) Tandem Barge Tows—Company does not accept tandem barge tows when the barge is carrying
Company cargo or personnel.

5.11. Cargo Ship and Offshore Supply Vessel Cargo Operations

1) [A] Ship's Lifting Equipment—Contractor to provide the certification, capacity and reach for the
cargo ship's lifting gear for Company review and approval no later than 90 days prior to the
mobilization of the subject vessels if will be used for loading or offloading. Contractor to provide
lifting plans for cargo being loaded or unloaded using the ship's gear.
2) [A] Cargo Plan and Cargo Space—Contractor to provide cargo loading plan, open deck area, under
deck, between deck, and lower hold cargo arrangements and documentation for Company review and
approval no later than 90 days prior to the mobilization of the subject vessels to define compliance
with the vessel stability, to meet the specific cargo dimensions, weight, and COG and for the
Company- provided metocean conditions of the specific route and time of year. All cargo operations
shall be in compliance with the requirements of IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
(IMDG), Code of Safe Practice for the Carriage of Cargoes and Persons by Offshore Supply Vessels,
Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing, and International Code for Intact Stability.

UPST For Company Use Only Version 3.0.0

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GP 30-01-02 Marine Transportation and Support Vessels September 2011

Record of Change
Version 1.0.0 Date: 06/04
Location Action Description
Initial Publish.

Version 2.0.0 Date: 11/04

General Modifications General revisions throughout GP.

Version 3.0.0 Date: 09/11

General Modification Entire GP rewritten.
Section 5.12 Deletion Deleted Personnel Transport Operations. Moved to GP 30-01-01.
All Global Modifications To standardize the format of the Global Practices and to meet other
Practices requirements, the following changes have been implemented:
"For ExxonMobil Use Only" has been replaced with "For Company Use
A copyright waiver has been added in the first page Footer.
The definition of asterisks in the Scope has been deleted. The asterisk is
now defined in the Purpose Code attachment and is used within brackets
as other Purpose Codes.
Multiple paragraphs within a Section have been numbered.
The standard text for Required References has been modified.
The standard text for Additional Requirements has been modified.
The [S] Purpose Code has been modified.
The following Purpose Codes have been added:
[*] for additional information or decision required of Owner's
[A] for approval requirements before beginning work or finalizing

UPST For Company Use Only Version 3.0.0

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GP 30-01-02 Marine Transportation and Support Vessels September 2011

Attachment: Purpose Code Definitions

Code Description
* Assigned to paragraphs that require the Owner's Engineer to provide additional information or
make a decision.
A Assigned to paragraphs that require approval from the Owner's Engineer before the work may
proceed or the design is finalized.
C Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is reduced costs. Reduced cost in this context
refers to initial investment cost and does not include life cycle cost considerations. Life cycle
cost considerations are captured under reliability, maintainability, or operability purpose codes.
E Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is driven by environmental considerations.
Environmental considerations typically include specifications intended to protect against
emissions/leakage to the air, water, and/or soil. Deviations from the specifications contained
in such paragraphs require formal review and approval according to local environmental
I Assigned to paragraphs that provide only clarifying information, such as Scope statements,
definitions of terms, etc.
M Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to provide for maintainability of equipment
or systems. Maintainability provisions are those that facilitate the performance of maintenance
on equipment/systems either during downtimes or during onstream operations.
O Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to assure operability of equipment or
systems. Operability is the ability of the equipment/system to perform satisfactorily even
though conditions are off-design, such as during start-ups, process swings, subcomponent
malfunction, etc.
R Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to improve or assure the reliability of
equipment or systems. Reliability is a measure of the ability of equipment/systems to operate
without malfunction or failure between planned maintenance interventions.
S Assigned to paragraphs containing specifications/guidance where the primary purpose is the
avoidance of incidents impacting personnel safety, process safety, and the public in general
and/or involving responses to emergency situations. Any deviation from the specifications
contained in such designated paragraphs requires formal review and approval according to
local safety policy.
Personnel Safety: Refers to the prevention of incident-related personnel injuries or illness,
e.g., burns, cuts, abrasions, inhalation of or exposure to dangerous
substances, etc., that could result in medical treatment, restricted work,
lost-time incidents, or fatalities.
Process Safety: Refers to the prevention and control of process releases, fires, and/or
explosions that could result in damage to equipment, process disruption,
or personnel injury or illness.

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