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Point –
 The poet uses …
 (Poet Name) uses…
 In the (Poem Title) the (Poet Name) uses …
 In this poem, the poet uses the poetic technique of (Poetic
technique e.g. metaphor)…
 The poetic technique (name poetic technique) is used by
the poet in the poem (Poem Title)

Evidence –
 I know this because …
 An example of a (poetic technique) is …
 In stanza (number) it states …
 In stanza (number) it says …
 In stanza (number) the poet writes…
 (Quote) is an example of a (poetic technique)

Explanation –
 This shows us a s readers …
 As readers this (poetic technique) shows us…
 This gives us an insight into the poet's life at this time …
 This gives us an insight into the protagonist’s life…

 As readers, we feel…
 As readers, we can relate …
 As readers we imagine …
 As readers, we understand the appreciation of …

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