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By Sreejita Samanta

he witch hadn’t slept for three nights. The first night she’d
spent deep in thought, plotting. The second she’d spent
stooped over her cauldron, muttering evil incantations as
she prepared the foul and odorous brew. On the third night, the deed
had been done. Without a glimmer of remorse, she took flight once
again, glancing back over her shoulder at the wreckage she’d left
behind. A merciless cackle
escaped her chapped lips. What a
shock these barmy and repulsive
humans would get! The witch’s
personality is almost impossible
to describe, but I shall make some
attempt to do so later on. Let us
leave her for a moment and go
back to the humans.
These humans lived in a small and
humble town called Skyflower. In
a small, simple home lived
Roberta and Janet, along with
their mother, Mrs Ellis. They were
very kind and affectionate.
Roberta and Janet were very
helpful and obedient children to Mrs Ellis. Roberta had been
orphaned as a baby, and Mrs Ellis had adopted her, and treated her
no less than her own daughter. They lived together as a jolly family.
Although they had to work hard for enough daily supplies, they
always overlooked the fact that they were poor. Mrs Ellis often
would go and help different families with household chores and
when she came home tired and worn, Roberta would keep dinner
ready for her. Janet would go to water the plants in front of their
house. Both girls did their best to help their mother.
Every day, Roberta and Janet would go to Skyflower Local School.
The school always encouraged everybody to do their best in their
interests. Both Roberta and Janet had a high intellect and were
clever at everything. However, Roberta was excellent in
Mathematics and English as well as playing tennis and swimming.
Janet was brilliant at Geography and Science as well as playing
hockey and horse riding.
The witch.
This witch you have read about is not just any ordinary fictional
witch, but one far scarier and eviler (is that a word?) than any other
witch in this vast, endless universe. However, she was not ugly as
you would expect; her immense beauty was known for deceiving
people. This time she was confident that her destructive scheme
would work. In the very centre of Skyflower was a deep pit. Years
ago, the witch had come to the mayor, asking, or rather shouting and
screaming, to let her stay at his house for 7 nights where there
would be not a single plant or living creature at midnight. When the
mayor, Mr Wentworth, asked why she fell silent. Then she glared at
the calm, resolute and dignified mayor. Not one single soul knew
what had happened next. But all I can tell you is that the black-
hearted and vile witch had put a spell on Skyflower. She cursed with
her malevolent and blood-curdling howl that whoever went near the
Deep Dark Pit would silently transform into a still stone statue.
Whenever Roberta and Janet went to play with their friends, their
mother warned them, ‘Be careful of the Deep Dark Pit. You both
remember what your beloved father faced, don’t you? If you want to
live a good and pious life, don’t cross the courtyard of the
Skyflower Town Hall. Is the message clear?’
Roberta consoled her mother. ‘Do not worry, Mother. We are good
and trustworthy girls.’
‘Yes. You can rely on us,’ promised Janet. And so, they trotted off
to play with their friends. Among their friends, was a very careless
and daft girl by the name of Erica. She hated Roberta and Janet
immensely. Erica was forced to play with the two of them since her
best friend, Georgina, loved to play with them. She disliked them
enormously because of their cautious, yet kind and playful nature,
whereas Georgina was easy to manipulate. One day, some years
ago, Erica wanted to explore the nearby woods. But Roberta, Janet,
along with Georgina had refused as their mothers had instructed
them not to. Ever since Erica had planned revenge. Erica admired
Georgina as she came from an upper-class family but never paid any
attention to her sweet and gentle nature. As Erica watched the others
play, a spiteful thought crossed her conceited mind. ‘If only I can
somehow take them to the pit I can please my darling mother,’ she
thought. What the others were unaware of was that Erica’s mother
was none other than the monstrous witch. Erica had told all the folks
of Skyflower that her mother and father had been killed by a hungry
lion in the deep dark woods. The town was most horrified and ever
since had treated Erica in the kindest and most fun-loving way. The
whole Skyflower community had always made sure that she did not
feel the absence of a mother and a father. It was a complete mystery
about what happened to her father. Even I do not know. Let’s get on
with Erica’s rather split personality. Erica, in the presence of elders,
would always pretend to be a pleasant and amusing girl. In the
presence of her classmates, friends and juniors, she would reveal her
true colours. She was a very dishonest, irresponsible, snobbish,
conceited and spiteful girl. Those are all the possible words I can
use to describe her right now. Now we really must get on with the
Erica went on as decided. She called to the others, saying in a pretty
voice, ‘Roberta, Janet, Georgina, why don’t we play a game? I have
a new game, a fun game! My mother taught it to me when I was
very young. Come on, I’ll explain it all to you!’
All three ran towards Erica in a state of great anticipation. Georgina
said, ‘What game is it? Tell us quickly! I am so, so bored of this
tedious game!’
‘All right,’ said Erica, taking a deep breath. ‘So, one of us will have
to blindfold three people. That one person will lead those three to a
place. The three people will take turns in guessing the place.
Whoever gets the most accurate answer will win. Mind you, make
sure it’s a safe place. Otherwise, we’ll all be in trouble. I will start
since I know the game better. Janet, go get me three blindfolds.’
Janet obliged. In a few seconds, she was back, a small bundle
visible in her hands. Erica very carefully blindfolded each one of
them. She held hands with all of them and started to lead them to the
forbidden pit behind the courtyard of Skyflower Town Hall.
The Deep Dark Pit was nowhere nearby. In fact, it was quite far
away as the town had put in long mazes for the safety of children.
But Erica had got much information from her awful mother.
Alas! When they all were quite close to their treacherous
destination, Georgina cried out, ‘Stop! Oh, please do stop. I am so
very tired. You took us such a long way, Erica. I want some water.
Let me open my eyes to this wondrous world and breathe some
fresh air.’ Before Erica could stop her, she wrenched the cloth off
her bright green eyes. Then she stared around in the very greatest
amazement. ‘Erica! What on earth are we doing here!? I trust you
have some reason for this outrage. How dare you take us across the
Hearing Georgina’s enraged cries, Janet and Roberta too removed
their blindfolds and rubbed their eyes in absolute disbelief. They at
once understood the entire situation and were as angry as Georgina.
All of them demanded explanations. When Erica wouldn’t utter a
single word, Roberta threatened, ‘You won’t tell? Very well. I shall
at once go to the mayor and explain everything.’
And so it was, for Erica didn’t dare to speak a word. Roberta, Janet
and Georgina angrily marched off; all of their tongues ready to
complain. The mayor at first found it extremely hard to believe at
first but then realised that the girls before him were good-natured
and trustworthy. The next day, he addressed Erica to come before
him. Mr Wentworth had a strong personality and soon had Erica spit
out her extraordinary explanation. When she had finished with the
most bitter expression on her face, Mr Wentworth made his speech.
‘So,’ he remarked coldly, ‘you have tricked all the people of
Skyflower. You will pay for it! You will no longer be permitted to
live in this town. As for your mother, she will no longer be
permitted to live in this graceful world. Skyflower is not for you.
This vast world is not born to be under your mother’s control. It is
born to be under the control of good-natured and humble people,
who use their intelligence for the betterment of others. You will
immediately request your mother to pay a visit to Skyflower
Soon the news of Erica’s immorality spread around the town like
wildfire. Mrs Ellis was in tears at what happened. When Roberta
and Janet arrived home, she greeted them with a big hug. ‘Oh dears,
I am relieved to see you safe and sound! Are you okay?’ she cried
out and then fell upon their necks. Roberta and Janet assured their
mother that they were quite fine.
The mayor was busy planning how he could teach the witch a
lesson. He thought that if he could spare some time to see the spirits
of the Skyflower forest that might do. He went there and received a
flask of a greasy purple potion. The spirits told him to put it in the
witch’s food. The mayor decided to invite her to supper the next
evening. After the witch had finished everything on the plate, she
yawned and fell back, asleep. The mayor ordered his guards to have
her thrown in the same pit born from her power. He thought that
somebody as foolish and imprudent as her would never understand
what true love was. He had addressed the entire town and said,
‘How could somebody who has her heart full of greed, jealousy and
evilness ever have space for love, gratitude and patience?’ Erica
was filled with grief and anguish at how the mayor had unmercifully
ambushed her mother. She almost wished that she was some mighty
being who could transform the kind and cool mayor into a pitiful
frog. But there was no time to do so. Mr Wentworth had announced
her expulsion then and there. She was thrown out of Skyflower and
was arranged to stay in one of the world’s harshest workhouses. All
the town’s seniors had agreed, for they knew that Erica would
suffer. And nobody felt the least sorry or hesitant about her
punishment. ‘A person who plants evil and greed will be forced to
eat it up. What we plant, we eat.’ That the town knew very well.
And now Skyflower lives as a humble, happy town. As for Roberta,
Janet and Georgina, they spent blissful and pleasant lives in the
town, being the town’s most beloved children, and growing up to be
some of the world’s most successful people.

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