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Printed Pages: 1 Roll No.

M. ARCH. (Interior Design)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 50
Notes: i Clearly mention Question Number as mentioned in Question Paper and attempt all Answer
contents of one Question at one place only, otherwise Marks will be deducted.
ii Do not write anything on Question Paper except Roll Number at specified place.
iii Be precise in your answers and draw sketches wherever required.

1 Explain the following questions in not more than 30-35 words each: (10x1=10)
a) NCB (1)
b) Distribution Boards. (1)
c) BOD (1)
d) Sound Absorptions (1)
e) TDS (1)
f) Task Lighting (1)
g) ODU (1)
h) MCB’s (1)
i) PVC & CPVC in pluming systems (1)
j) UGT (1)

2 Attempt any five parts of the following question. Word limit for answers is
approximately 250 words each. (5x5=25)
a) Explain what the different types of architectural lightings are; explain their role in interior
transformation. (5)
b) What is HVAC, explain the working principle of Refrigeration & air condition. (5)
c) What is light pollution, explain how excessive lighting affects human health and ambience
of spaces. (5)
d) Explain various methods of lighting arrangements in interior ceilings. (5)
e) What are the various types of valves used in water supply system? (5)
f) What is home automation, explain how home automation can revolutionize design
industry. (5)
g) What are inspection chambers and man holes? (5)
h) What is upholstery in interior design; explain its application in different areas of interior
design. (5)

Attempt any two questions from this section. Word limit for answers is
approximately 400 words each. (2x7.5=15)
3 Explain a step by step procedure of preparing electrical drawing for a residential interior
project. Explain how as an interior designer you will proceed with electrical layouts.
Support your answer by neatly drawn sketches. (7.5)
4 Discuss various acoustical flooring, walling and roofing materials you recommend for a
peaceful bedroom planned right next to a busy road. (7.5)
5 Explain dos and don’ts related to sewage and water supply that may hamper the desired
work quality; support your answer using neatly drawn sketches. (7.5)

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