4.1 Vocab Shopping Around

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1. He isn’t very tall or very short. He is of A _ _ R _ _ E height.

2. I bought these Nike football boots at a B _ _ G _ _ N price. They were really cheap.
3. You should think twice before buying expensive gadgets to avoid making an
impulse P _ _ C _ _ S _.
4. Wearing a hip bag (nerka) as if it was a quiver (kołczan na strzały do łuku) is the L _ T _ _ _
trend among boys from 3SL at GES.
5. Please, E _ _ _ _ your PIN number on the terminal.
6. I am L _ _ _ _ NG _ _ T for a new baseball cap because I lost my old one.
7./8. This delicious doughnut is very T _ _ P _ _ _ _ but I must not eat it know because I’m trying to
C__ D _ _ _ on sugar.
9. I was having a very bad day so I decided to T _ _ A _ myself to a pizza amd chocolate milkshake.
10. I prefer buying clothes in traditional shops because I like to feel the F _ _ R _ _ that the clothing
is made of.

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