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Title of the experiment

Name of the student



Defining the Problem (B.i)- Your research question is what you are trying to answer.

INTRODUCTION: - Relevant Background Information*

a) What will you be doing in this experiment?

b) Background research on the topic - Background research should be directly related to your
research question and your variables.
c) Reasonable justification for why you are experimenting using these variables.
d) Supported by reliable, credible research.
e) Discuss any important science concepts that will be needed to understand the question, results,
f) Reference scientific journals
g) ALL information should be in-text cited using a recognized format (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc), a
bibliography should then be created at the end of the report.

Hypothesis (B.ii) -Your hypothesis can be one well-written sentence or an entire paragraph. It should
sound something like “If...then...because...”. IF you change your independent variable, THEN you predict
this change in your dependent variable, BECAUSE of the scientific explanation that you offer.


Variables (B.iii)- Variables are the part of your experiment that you will change and measure.

Variable How is it measured? Description

Independent variable
something that you
change in the

Dependent variable
the data you are
collecting (how will you
measure if the IV is

Variable How is it What value it will Impact of
controlled? be kept at. investigation
(justification of


Materials (B.iv) -The materials is what you need for your lab


Item Quantity Type (provide pics and


Name of item

Apparatus diagram:


Procedure (B.iv) -your procedure is a very detailed description of what you PLAN to do and how will you
do it. Write the step-by-step procedure.

Useful words: Set up, Measure, Weigh, Pour, Mate, Record, Connect, Join, Calculate, Determine, Read,
Locate, Mark, Label, etc...

Precautions/ Risk Assessment:

Type of Risk: How you will control it

Safety or Environmental Concerns


Collecting raw data, presenting processed data, graphs (C.i)

Qualitative Data table:


Quantitative Data:


Formula: Calculation:

Independent variable Processed Data Result


Don’t forget to include...

• title
• x and y axis
• axis titles including units
• proper scale of numbers

OBSERVATION /PATTERNS: Interpret your results from the investigation.

Patterns (C.ii)- Before evaluating your hypothesis, you need to first identify the
patterns in the data. Is the dependent variable increasing or decreasing? Is there
a linear relationship, or exponential? How exactly are the variables related or not

Evaluating the Hypothesis (C.iii)- When you evaluate your hypothesis, you will be
discussing if your hypothesis was supported or not. This should reference your
data, graph, and the patterns you found. Make sure to have a very clear
statement of your final conclusion.

a) Evaluating the Method (C.iv)- Your method probably may not be perfect,
that’s ok, as long as you discuss the issues. List down what could have
been some of the errors in the investigation, and how did those errors
effect your results.
b) Suggesting Improvements (C.v) - Now that you have identified areas of
reliability and validity that need improvement, make sure to suggest
specific ways to improve on these.


Science Investigation Rubric

Criterion B: Inquiring and designing Year 3
Level 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 Reflection

Describe a State a State a Outline a Describe a Specific for

problem or problem or problem or problem or problem or the
question to question to question to question to question to assignment/cr
be tested by a be tested by a be tested by a be tested by a be tested by a iteria
scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific
investigation investigation, investigation investigation investigation
with limited

Outline a State a Outline a Outline and Outline and Specific for

testable testable testable explain a explain a the
hypothesis hypothesis hypothesis testable testable assignment/cr
and explain it using hypothesis hypothesis iteria
using scientific using using correct
scientific reasoning scientific scientific
reasoning reasoning reasoning

Describe how State the Outline how Outline how Describe how Specific for
to manipulate variables to manipulate to manipulate to manipulate the
the variables, the variables, the variables, the variables, assignment/cr
and describe and state how and outline and describe iteria
how data will relevant data how sufficient, how sufficient,
be collected will be relevant data relevant data
collected will be will be
collected collected

Design Design a Design a safe Design a Design a Specific for

scientific method, with method in complete and logical, the
investigations. limited which he or safe method complete and assignment/cr
success. she selects in which he or safe method iteria
materials and she selects in which he or
equipment. appropriate she selects
materials and appropriate
equipment. materials and

Criterion C: Processing and evaluating Year 3

Level 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 Reflection

Present Collect and Correctly Correctly Correctly Specific for

collected and present data collect and collect, collect, the
transformed in numerical present data organize and organize, assignment/cr
data and/or visual in numerical present data transform iteria
forms and/or visual in numerical and present
forms and/or visual data in
forms numerical
and/ or visual

Interpret data Accurately Accurately Accurately Accurately Specific for

and describe interpret data interpret data interpret data interpret data the
results using and describe and describe and describe assignment/cr
scientific results results using results using iteria
reasoning scientific correct
reasoning scientific

Discuss the State the State the Outline the Discuss the Specific for
validity of a validity of a validity of a validity of a validity of a the
hypothesis hypothesis hypothesis hypothesis hypothesis assignment/cr
based on the with limited based on the based on the based on the iteria
outcome of reference to a outcome of a outcome of a outcome of a
the scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific
investigation investigation investigation investigation investigation

Discuss the State the State the Outline the Discuss the Specific for
validity of the validity of the validity of the validity of the validity of the the
method method with method based method method assignment/cr
limited on the based on the based on the iteria
reference to a outcome of a outcome of a outcome of a
scientific scientific scientific scientific
investigation investigation investigation investigation

Describe State limited State Outline Describe Specific for

improvements improvements improvements improvements improvements the
or extensions or extensions or extensions or extensions or extensions assignment/cr
to the to the to the method to the method to the method iteria
method. method. that would that would that would
benefit the benefit the benefit the
scientific scientific scientific
investigation. investigation. investigation.

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