Writing CK2

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Write a paragraph about the surgeon job

Write a paragraph about the benefit of Viet Nam as a member of international

From a view of a Vietnamese student, joining in the international organization make a killing
for Vietnam as it creates many opportunities for employment, global-merchandises and
tighten friendship between countries. Firstly,
- Việt Nam tham gia tổ chức quốc tế :  Các hoạt động giao thương được ủng hộ và
hỗ trợ về mặt pháp lý  Thu hút các businessmen
- Việt Nam tham gia tổ chức quốc tế  Chứng tỏ Việt Nam là đồng chí với các nước
khác – là đất nước ôn hòa, ổn định  Thắt chặt quan hệ với các nước khác,
- Giao lưu văn hóa và kiến thức
Write a paragraph about the benefit of blended learning
It is true that hybrid learning has many merits, namely providing the ideal learning
route for students, cost-effective and time-saving. Firstly, hybrid learning mode is the
combination of traditional and new methods’ bright sides. It enables teacher to deliver the
content of lecture in person, which is praised as the best approach, while allowing students
to self-study at their best pace online. Secondly, flipped classroom saves money for both
teachers and class-attendants. Specifically, printing costs, classroom rent, classroom’s
electricity bills, etc. are minimized to least through virtual tools and platforms, as a result,
tuition fee is cheapened. Last but not least, blended learning optimises time-usage.
Evidently, this learning mode shorten the process of class preparations for teachers by using
apps for interactive games or creating slides. In conclusion, mixed classroom represent the
ideal shift in instruction method due to the aforesaid reasons.
Write a paragraph about some environmental problems facing human nowadays
The environmental issues represent as a huge challenge for human beings nowadays,
ranging from the loss of biodiversity, climate change and pollution. Flora and pauna
extinction causes the ecological imbalance of the planet as it alters and breaks the food
chain. Human activities, such as deforestation for agriculture, wildlife smuggling or
pesticides usage, are considered as the main contributors to the wildlife depopulation.
Secondly, climate crisis is the top concerned issue facing human nowadays. This term refers
to permament shifts in temperature, precipitation, and other weather patterns. Climate
change melting glaciers, rise increasing in the frequency of severe weather events, etc. This
issue is

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