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Mealen Espinosa & Jenin Abong April 27, 2024

Teachers Date of Demonstration
Prof. Ronnieth Monares 7:30-9:00am
Mentor Time

I. Objectives
With the use of various activities, the students will be able to:
a. Understand the importance of assessing learning in social studies.
b. Define and identify various methods of assessing learning in social
c. Apply assessment methods for assessing learning to evaluate their own
understanding of social studies concepts.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Assessing Learning in Social Studies
Concept: Assessing learning in social studies involves evaluating students'
understanding of various concepts, skills, and content related to history,
geography, civics, economics, and culture.
Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Pentel Pen, Cartolina
III. Learning Activities
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom management
 Checking of attendance
Energizer (Kpop song)
B. Activity
The teacher will divide the class into two groups. In designated place and chairs each
group there’s hidden strips of paper. Each group will be given a span of time to find the
strips. Once they find a card, they should read the statement/question aloud to their
group and discuss.
C. Analysis
The teacher will introduce the topic and will give further explanation. Afterwards,
the teacher will give some examples about the topic.
Assessment is a process of gathering information to come up with decisions on
intervention and instruction with young children
Assessment is a process of gathering information to come up with decisions on
intervention and instruction with young children
Assessment is a process of gathering information to come up with decisions on
intervention and instruction with young children
Assessment is a process of gathering information to come up with decisions on
intervention and instruction with young children
Assessment is a process of gathering information to come up with decisions on
intervention and instruction with young children
Assessment is a process of gathering information to come up with decisions on
intervention and instruction with young children
Assessment is a process of gathering information to come up with decisions on
intervention and instruction with young children
Assessment is a process of gathering information to come up with decisions on
intervention and instruction with young children. Assessment is a process; a tool for
decision making; can be applied to both individual or group; and is generated through
product or performance.
Assessment in Social Studies The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) is
one of the leading advocates of social studies education. They argued that social studies
assessment methods should always be aligned with the goals of social studies,
encompassing objectives, and have more authentic tasks. The NCSS in 1994
recommended the following guidelines for assessment:
 Assessment tools should: be grounded on the goals of the curriculum; be a
mechanism for improved curriculum and instruction; evaluate content and process;
be applicable for diagnostic, prescriptive, and instructional purposes and possess
fairness to all learners.
 Assessing students’ achievement should: be especially used to improve
instruction; involve a variety of approaches and tools to measure knowledge,
skills, and attitudes, be in line with the curricular objectives and the classroom
experiences, and be cumulative and sequential.
 National and local agencies should: support the capacitation of teachers in
developing, selecting and implementing assessment tools; involve educators and
other social studies specialists in crafting objectives, planning for instruction and
assessment, and designing assessment instruments; and evaluate enduring
effects of social studies education.
Here are some key principles and methods for assessing learning in social studies:
 Authentic Assessment: Use assessments that mirror real-world tasks and
scenarios encountered in social studies, such as analyzing primary sources,
conducting research, creating maps or timelines, participating in simulations, or
engaging in debates and discussions. Authentic assessments provide students
with meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their understanding in relevant
 Performance-Based Assessment: Design assessments that require students to
actively demonstrate their skills and knowledge through performance tasks,
projects, or presentations. For example, students could create historical
narratives, design civic action plans, conduct economic analyses, or develop
cultural exhibits. Performance-based assessments allow for the integration of
multiple skills and encourage higher-order thinking.
 Formative Assessment: Incorporate ongoing formative assessment strategies
throughout instruction to monitor student progress, identify misconceptions, and
provide timely feedback. Formative assessment techniques in social studies may
include exit tickets, quizzes, class discussions, peer reviews, or self-assessment
activities. These assessments help guide instruction and support student learning
as it progresses.
 Summative Assessment: Use summative assessments to evaluate students'
overall mastery of social studies content and skills at the end of a unit, course, or
grading period. Summative assessments may include traditional tests, essays,
projects, portfolios, or standardized assessments. These assessments provide a
comprehensive measure of student achievement and inform decisions about
curriculum and instruction.
 Rubrics and Criteria-Based Assessment: Develop clear and transparent criteria for
assessing student work, and provide rubrics or scoring guides to communicate
expectations and standards. Rubrics help students understand what is expected of
them and provide a consistent basis for evaluation. Consider including criteria
related to content knowledge, historical thinking skills, communication, and quality
of argumentation.
 Differentiated Assessment: Recognize and accommodate the diverse needs,
interests, and abilities of students by offering varied assessment options and
providing appropriate accommodations or modifications. Allow students to
demonstrate their understanding through multiple modalities, such as written
assignments, oral presentations, multimedia projects, or creative performances.
Differentiated assessment promotes equity and inclusivity in the evaluation
 Reflection and Metacognition: Encourage students to reflect on their learning
experiences, assess their own progress, and set goals for improvement.
Incorporate opportunities for metacognitive reflection into assessment tasks, such
as journal prompts, self-assessment checklists, or peer feedback activities. By
engaging in reflection, students develop a deeper understanding of their learning
process and become more self-directed learners.
D. Abstraction
The teacher will ask the students to recall the following discussion.
1.What is Assessment?
2. Why is it important of assessing learning in Social Studies?
3. What are the methods for assessing learning in social studies?
E. Application
Criteria Percentage
Performance 50%
Creativity 30%
Collaboration/Team Work 10%
Overall Impact 10%
Total: 100%
The class will have a role play, and will divide the class into two groups. Each group will
pick what assessment method they will act and they will be given 5 minutes to prepare.
Afterwards, the students will present in front of the class.

F. Assessment
Test I. Identification
Direction: Identify the terms being describe in each number.
1. Encourage students to reflect on their learning experiences, assess their own
progress, and set goals for improvement.
Ans. Reflection and Metacognition
2. One of the leading advocates of social studies education.
Ans. The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
3. Design assessments that require students to actively demonstrate their skills and
knowledge through performance tasks, projects, or presentations.
Ans. Performance-Based Assessment
4. Provide students with meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their understanding
in relevant contexts.
Ans. Authentic Assessment
5. Strategies throughout instruction to monitor student progress, identify
misconceptions, and provide timely feedback.
Ans. Formative Assessment
Test II. Enumeration
1-5. Give at least 5 key principles and methods for assessing learning in social studies.
 ~Authentic Assessment.
 Performance-Based Assessment
 Formative Assessment
 Summative Assessment
 Rubrics and Criteria-Based Assessment
 Differentiated Assessment
IV. Assignment
The teacher will ask the learners to make a reflection paper about the discussion.

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