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01/04/2024, 15:20 Course EN: MSc

BMME110 Managing Innovation


26-2-2024 11:13

© [2022] Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.​

This study material is protected by copyright under Dutch copyright laws. It is provided in the
context of your study programme and is destined solely for your personal use. You are thus
permitted to create a personal copy. You are not permitted to reproduce, distribute or otherwise
make available to third parties any part(s) of this study material without prior written consent of
the Erasmus University Rotterdam.


Teaching block(s) Block 4

Course load 6 EC

Coordinator Hesam Fasaei

Teaching staff Hesam Fasaei

Course activities Lectures

Examination format Assignment

Mandatory attendance Yes, see attendance rules

Pre-requisites No

Please check the most up-to-date schedule via


Contact information and availability

Course overview
Increasingly, in today’s fast paced, converging world, sustained innovation is a necessity not only to
thrive but also to survive. However, for most firms, the strategies and processes associated with
innovation remain vague and are not strategically managed. As a result, most firms are unable to
innovate successfully, and thus fail to create meaningful value for their customers.

In this course, we will learn how firms could create and capture meaningful value for their
customers. The aim of the course is to provide a set of concepts and theories as well as practical 1/12
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tools and processes that can be used by managers in their organizations to manage innovation
more strategically.

Learning goals
BMME110-1 - Understand the importance of Managing Innovation Strategically and its underlying
BMME110-2 - Apply the theories and concepts of the course related to purpose-driven innovation
& disruptive innovation, experience design, and storytelling to create impactful and strategic
innovations with long-term benefits for individuals, organizations, and the society
BMME110-3 - Evaluate various and novel ideas in the debates and discussions to develop viable
and evidence-based solutions
BMME110-4 - Collaborate effectively in teams by connecting different perspectives to find
BMME110-5 - Communicate novel ideas and critical points effectively and convincingly
BMME110-6 - Create solutions for societal problems by navigating complexity in the field of
Managing Innovation Strategically

The workload for this course is 168 hours as the course has 6 ECTS. The breakdown of the workload
is as follows:

Contact hours (attending lectures): 16 hours

Prior preparation for lectures in terms of literature study (reading and watching the mandatory
material): 60 hours

Prior preparation for lectures in terms of preparing the team assignments and their
presentations: 60 hours

Final individual assignment preparation: 32 hours

Course activities
The course is taught in a very interactive fashion. Therefore, attendance is essential and your
participation matters. The format is intense but allows you to focus on the subject matter and to
have engaging debates in the classroom. Consequently, the course will provide you with an
insightful and fun learning environment. Applying theoretical and practical knowledge is a central
aspect of this course. Therefore, it will include several practical examples and cases.

All sessions will be highly interactive, with sufficient room for discussion, group presentations
focusing on applying the theory to practical examples, and small group exercises. The approach is
strongly participative and based on the co-creation method of learning. Co-creation involves
developing deeper relationships between you and me as the facilitator, and between you and other
learning partners in the class. Education is perceived as a shared endeavor where learning and
teaching are done with you not to you. Co-creation method of teaching and learning is therefore a
collaborative, reciprocal process through which all participants have the opportunity to contribute
equally, although not necessarily in the same ways, to curricular or pedagogical conceptualization,
decision making, implementation, investigation, or analysis. Hence, in the spirit of fruitful in-class
discussion, you are expected to come prepared to class by having read the mandatory readings and
watched the mandatory videos.

Each week, we will have team assignments to be prepared for the next session. You will be working
on the assignment pertinent to the theme and content of the next session during the week, and you 2/12
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will then present your outcome of the assignment in terms of a short presentation in the next
session, and we will have profound and in-depth discussions and debates about your presentations.
This way, we will learn a lot by doing and by engaging in intellectual discussions and debates.

In order to have interesting sessions and to benefit from them to the fullest, you need to come to
the class well-prepared. Beside the fact that the nature of the course is intense and highly
interactive, there has been always a very high positive correlation between active engagement in
team assignment preparations and in-class discussions and debates on the one hand, and final
performance in the individual assignment on the other hand. Therefore, ultimate preparation and
engagement in all aspects of this course are vital to have an enjoyable journey, benefit from the
learning style of the course, and perform well in the final individual assignment.

Attendance rules

In order to have interesting sessions and to benefit from them to the fullest, you need to come to
the class and be well-prepared. Beside the fact that the nature of the course is intense and highly
interactive, there has been always a very high positive correlation between active engagement in
team assignment preparations and in-class discussions and debates on the one hand, and final
performance in the individual assignment on the other hand. Therefore, ultimate attendance,
preparation and engagement in all sessions and all aspects of this course are vital to have an
enjoyable journey, benefit from the learning style of the course, and perform well in the course
including the final individual assignment.


Session overview

Session Time & Location Topic Readings and Videos

Strategic Innovation To be found in the

To be found on
1 Leadership: Thriving in readings & videos list
a World of Disruption on Canvas

Pioneering Innovation:
Purpose-Driven To be found in the
To be found on
2 Leadership as the Key readings & videos list
to Early Market on Canvas

Navigating the
Innovation Landscape: To be found in the
To be found on
3 Driving Market Traction readings & videos list
Through Experience on Canvas
Design and Storytelling

Leading the AI
To be found in the
To be found on Revolution: Managing
4 readings & videos list
Timetables Innovation Strategically
on Canvas
in the AI Era

Integrity statement
Students are expected to take individual tests to the best of their own ability, without seeking or
accepting the help of others or use resources that are not explicitly allowed nor to help others. In 3/12
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teamwork, students are not allowed to collaborate outside their own group. Sharing solutions with
other teams is also considered a fraudulent action.

Examination schedule
The dates of written exams are available via

Examination registration
The registration of your first exam goes automatically with your course enrolment. If you are
enrolled, you will NOT need to register for the first exam. As for the resit exam, Programme
Management will enrol for you if:

1. you have failed the first exam or,

2. you did not participate in the first exam.

If you want to improve a passed grade of a course by taking the resit exam, please note that you
will have to register for the resit exam yourself 26 to 5 working days prior to the exam date. Please
see Exam and Resit Procedures for details, and see Osiris Student for your registration records.

Examination perusal
The date and time of perusal will be announced once the examination results are published.

Retaking the course

Enrollment for your second year will not be automatic. If you started the master per September
2021 or earlier and wish to re-enrol and continue the master in the 2022-2023 Academic Year, you
must complete the following steps:

1. Re-enrol for the master programme, normally via Studielink

2. Register for the course(s) in OSIRIS

Note that only a re-enrolment via Studielink is not sufficient. You must also register for the courses
either via OSIRIS Student or other platforms. Please refer to the Re-enrolment Guide for detailed
instructions on when and how to re-enrol for your master programme and course(s).

Validity of grades
Unless otherwise mentioned, the term of validity for passed courses – including approved courses of
another degree programme – and granted exemptions is in principle unlimited.

In derogation from the preceding paragraph and as long as the final exam has not been passed yet,
the Examination Board, in consultation with the Academic Director, may declare the term of validity
of a course passed more than six years ago, expired if – in its judgement – the knowledge, insights
or skills taught during the course have become obsolete. In that case, the Examination Board can
impose an additional or alternative course or examination before the student may pass the final

If the examination of a course is composed of more than one test, the term of validity of each test
shall be limited to the academic year in which the tests are taken. In exceptional circumstances,
upon substantiated request of the examiner, the Examination Board can approve derogation from
this rule. Approved derogations must be explicitly mentioned in the course manual.

Assessment plan

Peer assessment of team assignments

Part I: Peer assessment of preparing the team assignments (15% of the final grade) 4/12
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15% of the final grade based on the peer assessment of your contribution to the preparation of
weekly team assignments

For team assignments, you will be eligible each time for this part of your peer assessment only if
your team submits their team assignment on-time and if you submit a complete peer
assessment on Canvas on all aspects/criteria of assessment for all your teammates on-time.
Otherwise, you get a 0.

4 Criteria for peer assessment of preparing the team assignments: Reliability, Responsibility;
Participation in Group Work; Intellectual Contribution; Contribution to Preparing the Presentation

After the completion of each session, you must submit your filled out peer assessment of the
week on Canvas by giving 0 for Unacceptable Performance, 1 for Does Not Meet Expectations, 2
for Meets Expectations, and 3 for Exceeds Expectations for each criterion to each and every
teammate of yours. The template sheet that you must use for peer assessment can be found on
the Canvas page of the course. The deadline to submit your peer assessment of each week is on
Wednesday of the same week by 20:00 on Canvas. If you miss the deadline, you will get 0 for
the peer assessment of that week. The only mode of submission is through the submission part
of Canvas for each week.

The criteria and their rubric:

Reliability, Responsibility

Unacceptable Performance: Did not contribute at all

Does Not Meet Expectations: Often unprepared; little evidence of reading or independent study;
fails to follow through with self-directed learning tasks; comes late, leaves early, or misses

Meets Expectations: Consistently prepared; has always read required materials and completed
assigned tasks; always on time and ready to work.

Exceeds Expectations: Usually highly prepared, more than others; takes initiative in finding valuable
resources; exceptionally thorough follow through on tasks; exerts more effort than others.

Participation in Group Work

Unacceptable Performance: Did not contribute at all

Does Not Meet Expectations: Disrupts group with irrelevant comments; takes up a lot of group time
without contributing much; seems not to listen to others; rude, insensitive, or disrespectful of
others; simply does not participate; responds defensively or aggressively when others disagree.

Meets Expectations: Cooperative and considerate of others; listens well and avoids interrupting
others; contributes regularly by asking questions, offering hypotheses, and sharing information;
does not dominate or intimidate; responds reasonably to disagreements.

Exceeds Expectations: Helps get others involved in discussion; helps others with fulfilling their parts
of the assignments; takes an effective lead in discussion and moving the group learning forward;
particularly sensitive and respectful of other members' ideas and feelings; resolves conflicts;
responds gracefully to disagreement or criticism from others and tries to use it to advance group

Intellectual Contribution

Unacceptable Performance: Did not contribute at all 5/12
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Does Not Meet Expectations: Displays limited knowledge acquisition; consistently unable to answer
questions; consistently has difficulty identifying problems, generating hypotheses, drawing
conclusions, and seeing the "big picture"; explanations illogical or poorly formulated; unable to
integrate and synthesize information; has difficulty applying facts and principles to problems.

Meets Expectations: Shows reasonable knowledge of relevant materials; answers most questions
adequately; contributes by identifying problems, generating hypotheses, and drawing sensible,
well-formulated conclusions from information; helps generalize from the specifics and applies
information toward new problems.

Exceeds Expectations: Shows outstanding acquisition of relevant knowledge; formulates particularly

strong arguments; answers go beyond initial questions to offer new insights and understandings;
integrates diverse pieces of information into elegant syntheses; solves difficult problems by a
thoughtful application of facts and principles.

Contribution to Preparing the Presentation

Unacceptable Performance: Did not contribute at all

Does Not Meet Expectations: This person contributed the least amount of ideas and work,
significantly below others in the group.

Meets Expectations: Made a fair contribution to what we see in the presentation.

Exceeds Expectations: The presentation reflects more of this person's ideas and work than that of
anyone else in the group.

Calculation of the grade for peer assessment of preparing the team assignments: 0 for
Unacceptable Performance, 1 for Does Not Meet Expectations, 2 for Meets Expectations, and 3 for
Exceeds Expectations for each criterion for each week. The given scores by each teammate on all
criteria will be then added up (will be a grade between 0 and 12 eventually, as we have 4 criteria),
and your peer assessment for preparing the team assignment for that week will be determined by
calculating the average grade that you get from all your teammates for that week. The final peer
assessment grade for preparing the team assignments for the course would be then determined by
calculating the average grade that you get from all your teammates on all weeks corresponding to
team assignments, after conversion to a grade in the scale of 0-10, considering the 15% weight for
this part of the assessment.

Part II: Peer assessment of the delivery of the team assignments and in-class
contribution regarding Active Participation in presenting/discussing/debating in class
(10% of the final grade)

10% of the final grade based on the peer assessment of the delivery of the team assignments
and in-class contribution regarding Active Participation in presenting/discussing/debating in class

For team assignments, you will be eligible each time for this part of your peer assessment only if
your team submits their team assignment on-time and if you submit a complete peer
assessment on Canvas on the underlying aspect/criterion of this part of the assessment for all
your teammates on-time. Otherwise, you get a 0.

After the completion of each session, you must submit your filled out peer assessment of the
week on Canvas by giving 0 for Unacceptable Performance, 1 for Does Not Meet Expectations, 2
for Meets Expectations, and 3 for Exceeds Expectations for the underlying aspect/criterion of this
part of the assessment to each and every teammate of yours. The criterion for this part of the
assessment is embedded in the same template sheet that you must use for peer assessment and
can be found on the Canvas page of the course. The deadline to submit your peer assessment of
each week is on Wednesday of the same week by 20:00 on Canvas. If you miss the deadline, 6/12
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you will get 0 for the peer assessment of that week. The only mode of submission is through the
submission part of Canvas for each week.
The criterion and its rubric for this part of peer assessment:

Active Participation in presenting/discussing/debating in class

Unacceptable Performance: Did not contribute at all

Does Not Meet Expectations: This person contributed the least amount of active participation in
presenting/debating/discussing in class, significantly below others in the group.

Meets Expectations: This person contributed a fair amount of active participation in

presenting/debating/discussing in class.

Exceeds Expectations: This person contributed outstanding amount of active participation in

presenting/debating/discussing in class, significantly above others in the group.

Calculation of the grade for peer assessment: 0 for Unacceptable Performance, 1 for Does Not Meet
Expectations, 2 for Meets Expectations, and 3 for Exceeds Expectations for this criterion. Your peer
assessment of the delivery of the team assignment for that week will be determined by calculating
the average grade that you get from all your teammates for that week on the "Active Participation
in presenting/discussing/debating in class" criterion. The final peer assessment grade for preparing
the team assignments for the course would be then determined by calculating the average grade
that you get from all your teammates on all weeks corresponding to team assignments, after
conversion to a grade in the scale of 0-10, considering the 10% weight for this part of the

Weighting factor 25%

Form of examination Assignment

Group or Individual Individual

Formative or Summative Summative

Mandatory for final grade Yes

Minimum grade applicable 5.5

Opportunity to re-sit within the academic year No

Interaction/contact with company or


Feedback or evaluation provided by: Teacher, Peer(s)

Assessment of which course educational goal(s) BMME110-1 - Understand the importance of

Managing Innovation Strategically and its
underlying challenges
BMME110-2 - Apply the theories and
concepts of the course related to purpose-
driven innovation & disruptive innovation,
experience design, and storytelling to create
impactful and strategic innovations with long-
term benefits for individuals, organizations,
and the society
BMME110-3 - Evaluate various and novel
ideas in the debates and discussions to
develop viable and evidence-based solutions 7/12
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BMME110-4 - Collaborate effectively in teams

by connecting different perspectives to find
BMME110-5 - Communicate novel ideas and
critical points effectively and convincingly
BMME110-6 - Create solutions for societal
problems by navigating complexity in the
field of Managing Innovation Strategically

Final individual assignment

Submission deadline: 06-05-2024

At the end of the lecture series, you will be asked to demonstrate your understanding of Managing
Innovation Strategically in a final individual assignment. This individual assignment will cover all
materials of the course (i.e., material covered during sessions, assigned readings and academic
articles, selected videos, slides of lectures, and insights that you collected during sessions via
discussions/debates). The final individual assignment will be a take-home assignment and include
open-ended questions about the application of theories, concepts, and models that we discussed in
this course in a chosen setting. Questions will be open questions and will cover the application and
synthesis of concepts, models, and theories covered in the course and its underlying lectures,
slides, videos, and readings. Note that for some questions, different answers might be viable, as
long as the reasoning is compelling and based on the principles covered in the lectures.

Here below you can find detailed guidelines for the final individual assignment:

The questions that you need to address in your final assignment are based on a real setting. You
will be provided with selected material about the setting (to be found on the Canvas page of the
course after the completion of the last session), but you also need to gather related information
about the setting yourself, to be able to address the questions in the best way possible. So, do
not limit yourself to the provided material about the case, and only use it as a starting point. The
questions that you need to address in your final individual assignment will be discussed in the
last session of the course.

You should prepare a slide-deck (to be submitted preferably as a pdf file) for addressing and
answering the questions. You could use whatever elements that you like in designing your
slides: text, images, tables, graphs, videos, etc. Be creative in addressing the assignment’s
questions using your slides. The number of the slides that you need to design will be discussed in
the last session of the course.

Answer the questions sequentially based on the natural order of the questions. Use a headline
that corresponds with a certain question in addressing it.

The answer to each question will be assessed on a scale of 0-4. You can find the rubric on
Canvas in the "Rubrics" after the completion of the last session. The scale is explained below as

Your earned points will be then translated to a grade in the scale of 0-10.

You have limited slides for the content of your assignment (to be announced in the final session
of the course). You also need to have a first slide (title slide) with your name, your student
number, and a chosen name for your story (assignment) on it. The title slide doesn’t count in the
number of slides that you have for the content. On the top of that, if you have other slides for
references or table of content, they don’t count in the number of the slides that you have for the
main content either. 8/12
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It is up to you how many slides you want to dedicate to address each question, but in the end,
you have only limited number of slides for the main content of your assignment (excluding the
title slide, table of content if you have one, and the reference list).

Submit your slide-deck on Canvas by Monday, May 6th, 2024 before 23:59.

The name of the submitted document should follow this format: “your full name-your student

You are expected to do this assignment to the best of your own ability, without seeking or
accepting the help of others. Please be aware that violation of these terms will be considered as
fraud. All assignments will be checked for plagiarism. Any form of plagiarism will be reported to
the Examination Board, which decides on further sanctions.
Here below you can find how your assignment will be graded:

Minimal requirements (prerequisite to be graded):

Front page (first slide) with title, your full name, student number, name of the module,
lecturer’s name, and due date

Reference list in the end using either of Harvard or APA referencing styles

Grading scheme for each question (the grade that you could earn in each category is mentioned
within parentheses):

Excellent (4): All aspects of the question are addressed completely and developed to a great
extent in regard to substantiated arguments and in-depth and detailed synthesis and analysis
using the pertinent theories, concepts, applications, and insights that have been discussed in
the course, being reflected in the assigned articles, videos, content of sessions, slides of
sessions, and the discussions in class

Very Good (3.5): All aspects of the question are addressed completely and some parts of the
answer are developed to a good extent and some to a great extent in regard to substantiated
arguments and in-depth and detailed synthesis and analysis using the pertinent theories,
concepts, applications, and insights that have been discussed in the course, being reflected in
the assigned articles, videos, content of sessions, slides of sessions, and the discussions in

Good (3): All aspects of the question are addressed completely and all parts of the answer are
developed to a good extent in regard to substantiated arguments and in-depth and detailed
synthesis and analysis using the pertinent theories, concepts, applications, and insights that
have been discussed in the course, being reflected in the assigned articles, videos, content of
sessions, slides of sessions, and the discussions in class

Above Average (2.5): Most aspects of the question are addressed but still parts of the
question are unaddressed, and/or of the addressed parts, some parts are developed to an
average extent and some to a good extent in regard to substantiated arguments and in-depth
and detailed synthesis and analysis using the pertinent theories, concepts, applications, and
insights that have been discussed in the course, being reflected in the assigned articles,
videos, content of sessions, slides of sessions, and the discussions in class

Average (2): Most aspects of the question are addressed but still parts of the question are
unaddressed, and/or of the addressed parts, all parts are developed to an average extent in
regard to substantiated arguments and in-depth and detailed synthesis and analysis using the
pertinent theories, concepts, applications, and insights that have been discussed in the
course, being reflected in the assigned articles, videos, content of sessions, slides of sessions,
and the discussions in class 9/12
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Below Average (1.5): Considerable (most) parts of the question are unaddressed, and/or of
the addressed parts, some parts are developed to a poor extent and some to an average
extent in regard to substantiated arguments and in-depth and detailed synthesis and analysis
using the pertinent theories, concepts, applications, and insights that have been discussed in
the course, being reflected in the assigned articles, videos, content of sessions, slides of
sessions, and the discussions in class

Poor (1): Considerable (most) parts of the question are unaddressed, and/or of the addressed
parts, all parts are developed to a poor extent in regard to substantiated arguments and in-
depth and detailed synthesis and analysis using the pertinent theories, concepts, applications,
and insights that have been discussed in the course, being reflected in the assigned articles,
videos, content of sessions, slides of sessions, and the discussions in class

Insufficient (0.5): Question is barely addressed and answered with no plausible and
substantiated arguments present

No Marks (0): Question is not addressed at all

Weighting factor 75%

Form of examination Assignment

Group or Individual Individual

Formative or Summative Summative

Mandatory for final grade Yes

Minimum grade applicable 5.5

Opportunity to re-sit within the academic year Yes

To pass the course, you must get at least 5.5 for
the final individual assignment and also for the
final grade that consists of the weighted
average of all assessment components of the
course (i.e., 15% of the peer assessment of
preparing the team assignments, 10% of the
peer assessment of the delivery of the team
assignments and in-class contribution, and 75%
of the final individual assignment combined) .
There will be a resit option for the final
individual assignment should you get a grade
lower than 5.5 for your final individual
assignment or fail to submit your final individual
assignment by its first deadline, or get a grade
lower than 5.5 for the final grade that is
calculated as the weighted average of all
assessment components of the course (i.e.,
15% of the peer assessment of preparing the
team assignments, 10% of the peer assessment
of the delivery of the team assignments and in-
class contribution, and 75% of the final
individual assignment combined).
Obviously, there won't be any improvement
opportunities for the assessment part regarding
peer assessment of your contribution in
preparing and delivering the team assignments,
as it naturally happens only once during the 10/12
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course. The improvement option is only

applicable for the final individual assignment,
provided that you meet one of the conditions
that are described in the previous paragraph.
Only then, you would be eligible to resubmit an
improved version of the same final individual
assignment by June 7th, 2024 before 23:59.
Please be notified that taking the
“improvement option” for the sake of
improving your grade is not possible if you
didn't meet one of the three conditions
that are mentioned in the previous

Interaction/contact with company or


Feedback or evaluation provided by: Teacher

BMME110-1 - Understand the importance of

Managing Innovation Strategically and its
underlying challenges
BMME110-2 - Apply the theories and
concepts of the course related to purpose-
driven innovation & disruptive innovation,
experience design, and storytelling to create
impactful and strategic innovations with long-
term benefits for individuals, organizations,
Assessment of which course educational goal(s)
and the society
BMME110-3 - Evaluate various and novel
ideas in the debates and discussions to
develop viable and evidence-based solutions
BMME110-5 - Communicate novel ideas and
critical points effectively and convincingly
BMME110-6 - Create solutions for societal
problems by navigating complexity in the
field of Managing Innovation Strategically

Reflection on UN Sustainable Development Goals

This course reflect upon the following UN SDGs:

Goal 1: No poverty
Goal 2: Zero hunger
Goal 3: Good health and well-being
Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Goal 7: Affordable and Clean energy
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Goal 10: Reduced inequality
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate action 11/12
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Goal 14: Life below water

Goal 15: Life on land
Goal 16: Peace and justice strong institutions
Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the goal

Managing innovation strategically based on various SDGs is an essential part of the course,
especially reflected in specific team assignments.

Other relevant information


All information about the course will be communicated through Canvas. Please check regularly for
announcements. The slides will be made available through Canvas right after each class.

Depending on the question, please use one of the following communication modes:

1. For questions about personal circumstances/situations that may hamper your work should be
directed to the student advisor.

2. For practical questions about procedures, materials, or assignments, first consult your fellow
students. If they don’t know the answer, send an email to, a message via Canvas
or ask it in class.

3. For questions related to the course content, please first ask advice with your fellow students. If
they don’t know the answer, send an email to, a message via Canvas or ask it in

Study materials
Slides (via Canvas)

Selected readings (via Canvas)

Selected videos (via Canvas)

Important about copyright

All study materials such as readers, (online) classes, web-lectures, assignments and exams
published on Canvas (“content”) or otherwise made available to you for your studies are protected
by copyright under Dutch copyright laws. The copyright is owned by the Erasmus
University Rotterdam or the party credited in the publication. ​

​ he content is provided solely for your personal use and study. You are allowed to create a copy for
your personal use. You are not allowed to make the content or parts thereof available to others or
reproduce it without prior written permission of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. ​

​This means that you cannot:​

publish, copy or distribute the content in any form, by any means;​

upload the content to external websites or databases such as online platforms that allow
students to share study materials;​

provide or sell the content to tutoring organizations. ​

Failing to comply with the above may result in appropriate measures being taken.​ 12/12

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