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I dedicate this book to God Almighty for inspiring me
Firstly, my appreciation goes to God almighty for the inspiration to write. I also
appreciate my Parents and siblings for their immense support and
encouragement. To friends and everyone who made this possible, I say God
bless you.
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel

Strong Christian morals

I was an innocent boy and the only son of my parents. The Christian morals were
very strong, so much that I was afraid to socialize with just any kid because I didn't
want to be polluted. If you want to be my friend then my parents must examine you
first. We lived in Emsco empire️. The empire under the leadership of Emsco (he
had numerous empires due to how strong he was, he took over the territories of his
opponent after battles and named it after himself). The emperor (Emsco) had only a
daughter. The wife died after giving birth to their only child and the man never
married again. Why are we talking about Emsco and his daughter? You will soon
get to know. His daughter was just a year older than me and a class ahead of me in
school. It all started when I got to JHS 2

That day, I decided to study for two more hours after school because we were in
examination week. She was also in form 3 and was preparing for her mock. I had
never spoken to her before because of the guards that move with her! That faithful
day she didn't come to school with any of those guards and she decided to also stay
for some more hours for personal studies. Development had hit the land and the
empire was running on the wings of technology.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel

The beginning of my fall

I was just strolling on the corridor so I practically sink in what I had studied into my
cerebral cortex. When I got to the JHS 3 class I noticed someone was sitting there, I
looked closely and realized it was Empress, the princess. I told myself this is the
only opportunity I had to talk to the princess. Sorry I forgot to describe the beauty
of this young lady!

I loved her curves of softness. She was the most amazing girl I ever met... easy to
talk to and fun to be around. There's beauty in being a good listener, someone who
seeks to make connections and see things from new perspectives. She had safe eyes,
perhaps that's the best way to say it. She had a beauty that made those billboard-
princesses look as paper thin as they are, she was something robust and real. Age
can't touch that kind of beauty, it's just there. So, we talked a lot but I don't know
how it happened we kissed. That was my first time so I got so scared. When I got
home, I went to my room and cried for forgiveness because my Sunday school
teacher had taught us fornication was wrong and kissing was part. I cried in my room
asking God for forgiveness. That night I saw empress in my dream. One day the
unexpected happened when I visited empress. That was the beginning of my end.
We had sexual intercourse and we were caught. We were caught by Clara. Empress
only friend, Clara promised to keep quiet if I had intercourse with her too! She was
the demon that turned my life around! You know why? Because after I slept with
Clara, I felt something entered me. It was like a sex virus that made me go miles just
for sex! I didn't care who it was! So far as the person was available, I will have it
with her, it could be a married woman, age didn't matter though I was just a JHS
fresh graduate.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel

I Excelled

I was very brilliant so though I engaged in this act it never affected my academics.
When the B.E.C.E result came, I was adjudged the best regional student. I got
admission to the best Boy's School in the country. Secondary school was another
open area for my sex life. We had programs where️ our girl’s school/sister school
was invited (A sister school is the️ affiliate girls school of a single sex boys school).
I made lots of friends with the ladies in my Sister school and slept with most of them.
I became very popular among ladies in that school. Girls who loved sex were always
breaking bounds just to meet me because they had heard about me (Through
recommendation from their friends). A boy called Bruno who was equally good like
myself but very God fearing invited me for a prayer meeting which I attended. That
night I saw deep things in my dream! It had been a long time since I last dreamt (It
seems God was mad at my sex life and decided not to give me visions anymore). In
the dream I found myself in the Marine world. I saw very beautiful ladies who were
sent out on mission to enslave the young ones and anytime they sleep with them,
their sperms drop in a container and they deposit lust into them so that they continue
sleeping around. Each container had its owner and the mermaid that spoke to me
showed me the biggest container containing lots of sperms. I asked her what they
needed it for and she told me that is their biggest weapon and what refreshed them
after battles with the angels from God. She told me the sperms were not just mere
sperms that they were destinies of men who moved about having sex with just
anyone. She told me she had personally slept with 500 men and showed me her
container which contained so many sperms. The more your sperms the more
authoritative and powerful you become in the kingdom.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
The marine world

They also help people to become rich when they come for money rituals using the
sperms. Then there was a short education for me. She said "In fact, the average male
will produce roughly 525 billion sperm cells over a lifetime and shed at least one
billion of them per month. A healthy adult male can release between 40 million and
1.2 billion sperm cells in a single ejaculation. Every sperm is sacred that's why we
use sperms meaning billions of sacred lives. Every sperm is great. If a sperm is
wasted, God gets quite irate," I paused listening and began thinking of what Uncle
Daniel our Sunday school teacher use to tell us, he said "Fornication is wrong and
when sperms are released in an ungodly manner, it irritates God especially sperms
that are made to go waste when made to fall on the floor or other surfaces instead of
the purpose and function he designed for them, he gave us an example of a man who
did that in the Bible and God killed him, his name was Onan" in Gen 38:9 "And
Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in
unto his brother's wife, that he spilled [it] on the ground, lest that he should give seed
to his brother." Kindly continue the reading from your Bible to see what happened
to him. I then switched to listen to what she was saying and she said "In contrast,
women are born with an average 2 million egg follicles, the reproductive structures
that give rise to eggs. By puberty, a majority of those follicles close up and only
about 450 will ever release mature eggs for fertilization." Then I asked "But if it only
takes one sperm and one egg to meet and create a baby, then why do men produce
such a whopping number of sperm? Wouldn't it be less wasteful for a man to release
a single sperm, or at least fewer, to meet one egg?" She said "That one I have no
answer to unless you ask the Big man up there" she referred to God. Then continued,
the next thing she said shocked me. She said "Sometimes in the quest for more
sperms, we go into the pornography industry, actually we control that industry too,
is a way of dispatching lust to young men and women, we've been able to use that to
get hold of even very powerful men and women of God who are no longer able to
stop watching because they've become addicted, that is where we get most of the
sperms, anytime they watch they release sperms, some have also become addicted
to masturbation as they masturbate with the image of the actress in mind! some of
us act these porn films when we go to the human world, other times we possess
young ladies to go with their bodies and we get the credit from what they do by
getting more sperms, though they do that with the intention of getting money, they're
actually helping us a lot, because they don't know what we're getting through them.
We've been able to keep billions of people captive through the spirit of lust we
dispatch, because a lot of people watch our channels, even very young kids like 5-
6years watch and when they grow, they join the sex train with multiple partners and
the credit come to us". In a big screen I saw a video of myself sleeping with someone,
the face was familiar, I later noticed it was Clara, empress friend, she was an agent
of the kingdom too, she taught me how to watch pornography and had series of sex
with me. I saw myself masturbating on some occasions and sperms were dropping
into Clara's account or container. The mermaid told me I was a victim by chance.
They wanted to get my parents because they were winning lots of souls for Christ so
they got me through Clara. I knew that was not the end of the lecture as I got to
understand why after sleeping with Clara, I had the sex virus. There was a lot to
learn as she was ready to teach more but I fell down and cried till my eyes opened
and I realized it was all a dream. Even after I woke up, I realized tears were falling
from my cheeks.
To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
I excelled but didn’t have inner peace

As a result of the dream, I reduced the rate of sleeping with girls but I couldn't stop
because the sex virus was very active in me (it reduced to three ladies per week).
After WASSCE (WASSCE is an examination conducted for schools in West Africa)
it became worse because I couldn't go a day without sleeping with two or more
ladies. I then noticed that the scripture that says that the devil finds work for the idle
man is very true, it all became real. I understood more about the teachings of Paul
on sinning against our body through sex in Corinthians, that point I had become a
slave to sex and sin that I had even forgotten the exact quotation for scriptures though
I knew it was located somewhere in the Bible. I asked myself on numerous occasions
whether God could still reside in a body as corrupt as mine because I still remember
Paul said something like "know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit". For now, it seems the Holy Spirit was very far from reach. My parents still
saw me as the innocent child who couldn't even kill a fly. They had no idea their
child had changed so much just within 5years! Our WASSCE results came out after
some months. I had 8A's, that's all A's and I was awarded the best business student
in West Africa and automatically I received an award for best business student in
Ghana. I became the best West African business student because I had the highest
cumulative grade point. When I took these three awards that year, lots of students
wished they were in my place though I also wished I was in theirs because my
lifestyle was one thing that gave me away, I didn't like myself for that. You may be
wandering why three awards as I mentioned just two, yes, my third award was the
overall best West African Student! My cumulative grade was higher than all those
who took awards for best West African Student in their respective area of study. I
was in newspapers and even television with my colleagues who had their awards in
their respective area of study. You may be wondering why am talking about West
Africa when I started my story in the big and Famous Emsco empire. Sorry I left
something. We left Emsco Empire and settled in a beautiful town called Danfa in
Accra, Ghana. I received a scholarship for my four-year study in any Public
University of my choice in the country.

I chose to pursue Bachelor of commerce in Finance. I was picked for my first choice
which was Bcom (Finance), my second option was Actuarial science, you may be
asking why I chose to pursue mathematically inclined programs. It was simply
because I loved Math. Tertiary was hell! Just continue reading and you will
understand why I compared it to hell, I virtually became a demon.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel

My Encounter with the lady serpent

In the tertiary level, I continued my unpleasant act! This was an environment where
there was pool of resources for my sexual satisfaction. Back in secondary school I
had to break bounds to engage in the act since we were all boys but, in this place,
there was enough freedom to do what I please. Just in my first year, I had slept with
most of the ladies irrespective of their level (from L100-L600). I became very
popular in the School of Arts and School of Economics. Second Semester of level
100, I had slept with a number of T. A’s, some Masters students and 3 lecturers.
That day I was so tired after attending lectures from 6:30am to 8:30pm, though there
were short breaks within the lecture hours, I didn't go back to the hostel because
those hour breaks were not enough to move to my hostel and return back to campus
so I spent my whole day on campus. After my last lecture, I tried studying because
I had a quiz early morning the following day. I liked the body stature of this lady!
She was very beautiful and I just couldn't allow her to pass me by! We had some
nice drinks, ate banku and grilled tilapia which she prepared using my kitchen. I
was in a one in a room self-contain and didn't have any roommate to disturb me on
the girls I bring to the room so I did whatever I wanted. We enjoyed ourselves and
this particular lady was quite different, she was never exhausted even after 5 good
rounds. I had no idea this lady was an occult! She turned into snake after I laid on
the bed! I just stood up and though I was tired, I don't know where the strength came
from. I just took my boxer and took to my heels. I didn't care I was wearing only
boxers! I run as fast as my leg could carry me. All eyes were on me as I was just
wearing boxers and running without anyone after me. Some thought I was going
mad and were moving away from me. I had heard a lot about the Serpentine cult on
campus but it never occurred to me that I will sleep with one. I knew that group was
an all ladies cult, I was scared I was going to die soon as she prepared food for me
to eat and I slept with her 5 good times! Not even once. I started blaming Clara for
what she had caused me and tears were falling like water. I heard a knock on my
door and realized it was all a dream, I slept on my book while studying for the quiz
I had that morning. Thank God was all I could say, but this was the least of what I
was actually going to experience soon!
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
The Initiation

The surprising part of my sex addiction was, the times I tried to reduce or stop this
sex lifestyle were the times I engaged in it the most. The quiz went really well.
Though others were complaining, I knew I did what was expected of the lecturer.
On my way to the hostel, I came across a very beautiful lady, she was decently
dressed and she was quite exceptional from all the ladies I had come across. Her
name is Asantewaa, from enquiries I got to know she was an executive of a popular
denomination known as Ghamsu (Methodist Student Union on campus). I tried my
best to get closer to her, not because of sex but I just wanted to be close because she
was very different, I felt happy anytime I saw her but she had no idea I was spying
on her! Someone later told me she is a medical student and a very studious one.
From enquiries too I got to know she had bounced bunch guys so I revised my
strategy, that was, to go as a student who wants to join her fellowship and also be a
friend. We became good friends as she introduced me to the Bible study wing. We
attended Bible studies together and after Church we both walked together as our
hostels were just opposite each other in the same area. That Saturday morning, I was
washing my clothes when some four guys came to me. They introduced themselves
as members of the most famous occult group (Black saints). Their leader cautioned
me to stay away from Asantewaa unless I wanted death to come for me, he made
me understand that Asantewaa bounced him and he's still interested in her so I
should back off. On the Sunday Asantewaa came calling me for service but I
pretended as though I wasn't around, she also heard stories from her colleagues that
she should stay away from me that am a Playboy, because some of the ladies in her
class were once my victims. She gradually reduced visitation and I never saw her
again. The black saints did not stop visiting me as they forced me to join their cult,
because they don't disclose their identity but since I now know them, I had to join.
There were threats that I was going to die in the next 48hours if I still refused to
join. I had no option and joined. The initiation was very scary and serious pains
were inflicted on us to endure. The reason is, when one is caught by the police, he
will have to still keep everything about the group very secretive, so the pain was to
demonstrate that it was not an easy group to join. Nine of us were being initiated
but 4 died during the initiation and only 5 of us survived. We were made to drink,
blood to signify unity and a green and smelly substance which was meant to turn
our sperms into worms. Why worms? You will understand better in part 8.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
The Black saints
There were so many rules in the cult and they explained to us each and every rule,
and made us understand the consequences of breaking any of those rules. The reason
why we were made to drink the green smelly liquid substance was to make our
sperms turn into worms! The reason is, your being promoted in the group was based
on the number of girls you've successfully slept with and the sacrifice to be made to
the group was based on the same girls you slept with. Now let me explain, when
you drink the greenish liquid, you will never produce sperm again! This means that
your sperms will rather be worms and the main agenda is sleep with ladies. When
you sleep with the ladies you don't wear any contraceptive. Why? Because if you
wear the contraceptive you won't allow the sperm-worm to penetrate into the
woman. So, it was compulsory that everyone in the group should have unprotected
sex. I know you will surely want to know why we want the worm to penetrate into
the woman. The reason is, when the worms enter the woman, it will multiply by
itself! Is like a worm virus, it will continue to multiply in the woman till the worms
become so much in the system of the woman/lady then she dies! When she dies,
that is the sacrifice you've made to the black saints. The more women you sleep
with, the more powerful you become. When you're able to reach the target of a level
you're promoted to another level. The levels in Black saints are as listed below in
descending order:

1. Tudor Rose (The Grand Master)-Only one person (The Boss): His attire is white

Symbol (Anaconda)
2. Paradiso (The Second in command) - A group that wears black

Symbol (Crocodile)

3. Dante's inferno dragon (The third in command)- A group that wears black and
red Symbol (Dragon)

4. Baphomet (The immediate level after the least rank)- A group that wears green
Symbol(Three headed beast)

5. Flaga (The least rank) A group that wears yellow

Symbol (Cheetah)
Immediately you're initiated, you become part of the Flaga group. In all, the group
was made up of members that form a total of 95. Excluding us the newly initiated.
Meaning 95+5 making an increased current number of 100members. Everyone in
the school knew and heard about how powerful the group is but no one had ever
seen a member's face before. Your friend may be part but you will never know. Due
to that you dare not speak badly against the group because those who did
disappeared! It was after joining the group I realized they didn't disappear but they
were killed and buried so there was no trace of them. To me the assignment was
simple because sleeping with ladies was not a big deal as it was my hobby! The big
deal was who I was gradually becoming, I am now a partner with the devil and my
mission was killing (disguised in sex) ladies or women or girls as age didn't matter
to the cult. I was once very innocent but now I was next to the devil. Because of
how power was upheld I wanted to be promoted in no time and I knew I was surely
going to get promotion soon because️ sleeping with girls wasn’t a problem.
In four months’, I was promoted to Dante inferno dragon (third in command). I was
actually the only level 200 in that group (Dante's inferno dragon)! They were all
300s and 400s. I helped the cult to collapse the biggest Church programme on
campus (that programme was supposed to win 500souls). To know how I did that
just read part 9.
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
We collapsed the biggest Church programme on campus
Every second semester, a very big Church programme is held on campus. This
programme is held by the chaplaincy unit of the university. Every denomination on
campus is part of the Chaplaincy committee so all denominations come together to
help anytime there's a program held by the Chaplaincy unit. This programme brings
together all heads of the various denominations on campus, but there are executives
in the Chaplaincy though some lecturers are Patrons. The name of the annual
programme is Campus for Christ and the purpose of the programme is to win souls.
The cult had a meeting that evening and the agenda of the meeting was Campus for
Christ. I suspected it had to do with distracting the programme so though we were
not told, I did my personal plan through thorough thinking involving drawing of
graphs and everything well arranged. During the meeting, the Tudor Rose (Grand
Master) told us that upon his analysis, campus for Christ that was meant to happen
that year was going to win 500souls that semester and he wanted us to ruin the
programme so he explained to us that since he is in level 400 there will be handing
over the same semester (Handing over is only done when the grand master graduates
meaning if you become the grand master in level 200, you will be in office till you
graduate) he intends to hand over to anyone who brings the perfect plan on how to
destruct the program irrespective of the rank (normally it was handed over to
someone in Paradiso but this time he made it open to all levels). We could only
destruct the programme but we didn't have the power to stop it. He told us that
whoever bring the perfect plan will be the incoming grand master! People from
different groups did their presentation but the grand master wasn't impressed and no
one in our group had a plan so I decided to move forward and present on behalf of
our group.

My Presentation
I went forward very convinced that I had a great plan. This is how I presented

I am..... and I belong to the Dante's inferno dragon. I believe that before you can
bring anything down you have to first target the heads. I did a little search with the
power I possess as a member of Dante's inferno dragon and I realized that the
President of the Chaplaincy is crushing on the secretary so I believe that as a team
we can put our powers together and work to force them both to defile themselves
and since we know what one may lose through sex, that will be a big problem as the
success of the programme rests on their shoulders.

Secondly, I realized that prayer secretary of the prayer arm of the Chaplaincy (head
of all denominational prayer secretaries) has a past record of sex addiction before
he became born again so we can liaise with the Serpentine (all ladies cult) since we
know how powerful they are when it comes to attraction, seduction and deceit. So,
they get a member to seduce the prayer secretary. After that, we can easily handle
the smaller prayer secretaries.

I believe the programme will get ruined if we weaken their Spiritual strength
through this act, because most of them don't know the spiritual implications of sex
so we can use these strategies to defeat them.

After my presentation, the Tudor Rose stood up and clapped for 5minutes and
everyone followed suit. We successfully implemented the plan and just as I said,
when the head prayer secretary was defeated through sex, the other prayer
secretaries wasted most of their prayer meetings arguing who amongst them could
pray most! They all spoke in tongues challenging each other as to who has the hoarse
voice (to them they thought the one that had the hoarse voice was the one who could
pray most). We watched them on the big screen in room 501(our special room) and
we realized how spiritually weak they are.

That programme was the worst Christian programme ever organized on campus and
everyone knew it. No soul was won and everything about the programme was
messed up. I became the next Tudor Rose and I was more powerful than any Tudor
Rose that had ever sat on that throne. Part 10 will let you know how I worked with
high demonic forces.
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
I Became Very Powerful And Worked With Demons

There were rumors that the Tudor Rose of black saints always complete with first
class but they never knew whether this was true or false because no one knew who
he was (the Tudor Rose), no one knows a black saint so is not possible to see the
Tudor Rose. If you mistakenly get to know the Tudor Rose that means you had to
die. The rumors regarding Tudor Roses completing with first class was not true
because the one who handed over to me completed with second lower. I was a first-
class student not because I was a member of the cult but simply because I was very
good. I'm very sure you already know that based on my previous awards from
B.E.C.E to WASSCE, and in the tertiary level I've been taking overall best student
in Dean's award every year. I was in level 300 by then and was the only Tudor Rose
who never became a Paradiso but was promoted from Dante's inferno dragon
straight to Tudor Rose. I became so powerful that I was going in leagues with
demons! I could perform transcendental meditation (used for a method of
meditating in which you close your eyes and repeatedly think) but the exceptional
part of mine was, my body floats with a range from ground of about 8feet! That tells
you how powerful I had become. I could also perform Astro traveling (a situation
when ones Spirit can leave his body and returns back to the body later). I did Astro
traveling and moved out with demons on most occasions! Our mission was
destroying Churches and we successfully destroyed a number of Churches. Most
Churches we destroyed, we just brought confusion among Church members and the
leaders of the Church, for other Churches, the Pastors were not spiritually strong so
we dispatched lust into them and they slept with most of their Church members and
their end came when they were found out.

Demonic Operations
I had insight in demonic Operations! I won't tell you now, kindly read the next part
to know more. You will marvel at how we treat certain things as trivial but how they
really matter in the Spiritual realm.
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
Demonic Operations
I appeal to you, pastors. Please teach the people how to pray." The people who don't
pray can be taking in anything by the devil, and there are ways that the enemy can
exploit their lives and their prayers. The enemy knows even how to exploit the
prayers of those who don't know how to pray.
"Teach the people how to use the spiritual armor that God provides.

Prayer is not a competition! You're not praying to man but God (the one who
searches your heart)

Let me continue
Demonic agents fight angels and they refresh themselves after each shift, why shift?
When the enemy wants to nail you down, he will never stop until you're destroyed,
you understand why the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing (1Thes 5:17), because
the devil works 24/7. They're always actively working. How do they refresh
themselves? The demonic agents refresh themselves when they're tired, after which
the partners they work with move into their place to continue the unfinish business
of distraction. They refresh themselves with witchcraft, bloodshed (abortion,
warfare, human and animal sacrifices), sexual immorality like perversion and
promiscuity (homosexuality, adultery, fornication, masturbation etc).

Why do they fight with angels? They fight with angels to capture the product that
you've been waiting for as a result of constantly praying to God (the angel when
returning from heaven with answers to your prayers, he's engaged in battle with
demonic forces). If you consistently pray, then your angel is fortified to battle with
the demonic forces but if you stop praying for some time, the angel may not be able
to return with the gift from God. When they cease the gift from the angel, they give
it to their co-workers in the evil deeds like Fetish priests, so if you were supposed
to receive a child from God, the demonic agents after snatching it from the angel
will give it to the Fetish priests so that if someone comes to him for a child, he can
give it to the person, but they always destroy the great gift from God before they
give it out and they attach conditions to it eg.

They can cause the Child to possess some things which, when she manifests in the
physical when she grows, will make you know she's not from God. They also give
children and money to people, after they've snatched it from angels of Christians,
so that, when people get answered request from Fetish priests, they glorify the name
of the Fetish priests and his gods, then the merit goes to them. Remember that the
devil doesn't give, he is meant to kill, still and destroy. Note that whatever spiritual
weapon you ignore on earth, your angel does not have it when he serves you. In
other words, our spiritual armor is not protecting our physical bodies; it is protecting
our spiritual exploits. What do they do after capturing the gift from your angel?
They arrest your angel. How do they arrest him? They capture him and prevent him
from coming back to you. Why do they do that? They do that so that you will be
without an angel and they can specially assign a demonic angel to you in place of
your angel (that's why some people get false visions and false prophecies and such
people claim the ungodly things they do are from God). This helps them to get direct
access to you. If you still don't pray, prayers of intercessors are what causes the
release of your captured angel.

The devil cannot stop our prayers but he can distract it. You will get to understand
some surprising facts about how the devil distract our prayers. At this point, I will
plead with you to continue reading because there's something in the next part you
must really know.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
Forms of Prayer
Pastors, please teach your members how to pray, it shouldn't be different from how
Jesus Christ taught us. Jesus also proved to us the essence of prayer and his life was
an evidence of such (Matt 6:9-13, Luke 4:1-2, Matt 14:23)

My Conversation with the demon

I know you distract their prayer but how do you do it? He said "Christians know the
scripture but they don't know the power the words carry! We also know scriptures
too and we know that it carries great power". Then there was a short lecture for me.
He said “When a Christian prays, they move in different forms, we see their prayer
as smoke”.

Prayer of a sinner
He said "when someone commits a sin and the person prays, they don't try
distracting the person, because people who sin and don't acknowledge that they've
sin by asking God for forgiveness before continuing in prayer do not need to be
distracted, because their prayers don't get anywhere!
When we see the prayer moving up, in no time it disappears into thin air"

Faithless Prayer
He said "there's another group of people, though they pray, when their prayer is
moving up like a smoke, because they don't back their prayer with faith, their prayer
also vanishes into thin air"(immediately he said this, I remembered there was a
scripture-James 1:6)
Perfect prayer
With this person, he believes he will get an answer to his prayers and such people,
when they pray, the smoke we see moving up is surrounded with fire and this
person's prayers easily open the heavens. Under no circumstance have we seen such
people not getting answers to their prayers. The heaven is open to those people so
whatever they declare is final. Is easier for such people to convert unbelievers no
matter how difficult the unbelievers may be. This is because there's something
extraordinary about them that when they talk to you no matter how difficult you are,
your heart just become still, and you obey whatever they say. This kind of people
are serious enemies to the devil. So, what we do is, we find out who he was before
he became a believer. Eg. If he was a womanizer, then we will send one of our very
seductive agents to seduce him. If we successfully get hold of him, then the open
heaven become shut.

Other distractions
Sometimes, when we realize that your prayer is very powerful and will cause things
to happen, what we do is, we can intentionally cause a good friend of yours to call
you, immediately you stop the prayer to receive the phone call, you go back to stage
zero, when you start praying again is not easy to reach the height you were before
we distracted you, other times we can distract you with food and surprisingly, some
stop their prayers and they find some food to eat.

I was very surprised as I listened attentively.

Understand the relationship between ministering spirits, angels, and our spiritual
lives, and be sensitive to what is happening in our hearts as a leading regarding what
needs to be done in the spiritual realm on our behalf. That brings us to the third part:
The Holy Spirit.
We should not regard the Holy Spirit as our servant, who is serving us and bringing
us things. He does not run back and forth between us and the Father to tell Him what
we need. That is the angels’ job. He️ stands by our side️. Doing what? Guiding
us, teaching us, leading us, and helping us to pray in the right way. And when these
things are happening in the spiritual realm, He lets us know.
Sometimes He wakes you up in the middle of the night and says, "Pray." But you
say, "No!

My time has not yet come." And He says, "Pray now!"

Why? He sees what is happening in the spiritual realm. Sometimes He says, "Fast

But you say, "Oh, no; I'll start on Monday!"

But He understands what is happening in the spiritual realm. We should learn to be

sensitive to the Holy Spirit. He guides us in paths of righteousness.
I also wanted to distract the next campus for Christ before I hand over but this time
something marvelous happened. I encountered angel Michael.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel

My Encounter with Angel Michael

It was just Four days to graduation and three days to campus for Christ. I was
performing my transcendental meditation and handing over for Black saints was just
the day after graduation so I had planned that, that evening during our meeting, there
will be a presentation on how to distract Campus for Christ and I gave Black saints
a prior notice so they come prepared. I also indicated that the one who brings the
perfect idea will be the next Tudor Rose. During the meeting, I told Black saints
that upon my analysis, campus for Christ was going to win 800souls and I made
them understand that the previous executives of the Chaplaincy were not too strong
that's why we easily defeated them but the current executives are on fire, I made
them understand that is only two of the executives who are not strong enough. I
opened the room for presentation and we had very brilliant ideas. There was a
particular person who gave very smart and convincing ideas, he belonged to the
Paradiso and I knew he was going to be the next Tudor Rose! His popular name was
scorpion (he always had scorpions in his pocket and he was one of the dangerous
guys in the fraternity). After the meeting I knew we were going to distract campus
for Christ again because everyone came with a perfect idea just that scorpion's idea
was outstanding. On the way to the hostel, around 1:00am, I encountered something
that turned my life around. I saw a very bright light ahead of me but I had no idea
what it was so I still approached it. For the first time I saw an angel and this
particular angel was special and I just could tell. He was Michael because that's what
I saw on his forehead. He was sparkling and just there I felt so empty and dirty, I
fell on my knees and started crying immediately he started speaking, and these were
his words

“God didn't expect you to fight Him, because️ you were️ supposed to be️ one️
of the️ great men of God who will transform your generation with a kind of fire
never experienced by humanity before. Your purpose is totally different from the
path you're treading now. You're now a partner with the devil instead of God. You
were supposed to be greater than most men of God because you had a unique
assignment totally different from what most men of God are doing today but you
turned out to be a deviant. Never try to disrupt the Campus for Christ else you will
die the very moment you try! This time you won't succeed because there are two
people among these souls that will be saved on that day, and these two will win over
thousand souls for God in the future so they're dear to God's heart. One is a lady and
one is a gentleman; the gentleman will become the UN general Secretary and will
make great impact; the lady will be️ like️ Katherine Kuhlman. Just don't attempt
to proceed with your plans”

My face was stuck on the ground, even after the angel left, I wept as though someone
was dead. The street was very quiet and I later realized the angel spoke to me for an
hour, and I was face stuck on the floor for 1hour 30minutes even after the angel had
left (it was 3:30am)

His last statement felt like an arrow had pierced my heart. He said "Those
pornographic actresses you've been arousing yourself for, most of them are dead
and majority didn't repent before dying, and those ones are currently in hell crying
for a second chance to live their life right because they're suffering in the fire. You're
arousing yourself with a dead being!"
That statement killed me. The next thing that hit campus was, the Tudor Rose of
Black saint is missing!

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
Tudor Rose is missing

No one needed to tell me I've missed it! I knew exactly what to do. I went straight
into the bush (it was 3:35am) and prayed like never before! I took the Tudor Rose
attire from my bag and burnt it. Immediately I set the attire on fire, a strong invisible
force pushed me! I heard people screaming from the attire I was burning (those were
people who were sacrificed and their blood was used to recite incantations onto the
attire)! I knew Black saints will kill me when they get to know what I've done but I
still didn't care. I cried to God and pleaded for mercy without food for two days in
the bush! No one knew where I was and though the Black saints searched for me
everywhere on campus, they still didn't find me. At a point they thought I died in
my room so they broke my door. They searched everywhere on campus but couldn't
find me. Due to my absence, they couldn't proceed with the plan of distracting
campus for Christ because they needed my powers to back theirs (I am the most
powerful Tudor Rose they've ever had so even the past Black saints looked up to
me). There were principles in the fraternity too so they couldn't carry on anything
without my permission. On the third day, I was very weak because I had not eaten
for three days. When I got to know Campus for Christ was ongoing, I left the bush
and joined the programme, I bought a cap to prevent a saint from noticing me. I sat
at the back of the congregation and I heard three ladies discussing that the Tudor
Rose of Black saint is missing and they're seriously searching for him. They talked
so much that they didn't even listen to the message the Man of God was preaching.
I went forward when they called for those who wanted to give their life to Christ
and I noticed most people stood up after I went forward. The ushers took our details
and we were prayed for. After the programme, the secretary announced that 800
people gave their life to Christ. I was surprised because I was expecting it to be 801
since I joined (I already knew it will be 800 but didn't know I was supposed to be
part of the 800people). After the programme, I heard another group discussing about
the missing Tudor Rose. It was the latest filla on campus. It was even captured in
the campus weekly broadcast (a weekly broadcast concerning issues on campus).
The following day was graduation and I wanted to run away though I knew my
parents will be there.

They were very happy because they knew I had done it again! They knew I was the
overall best student so running away will be a disgrace for them. I was the overall
best graduating student of the university. I was also the best for my college (College
of humanities and legal studies). I was the best for my school (School of business)
and automatically the best for my department. There were four awards to receive
that day with tempting scholarship opportunities but I didn't care about awards
anymore! I just wanted to run away. I knew the Black saints will show up at the
graduation and since they knew I was going to take awards, they expected me to be
there. As the saints do it every year, there's always a special portion allocated for
Black saints by the Dean of students because he's an old saint (he was in Paradiso).
No one knew the people who were made to sit there were Black saints. My class
was very happy as they knew all the big awards were going to someone in our class.
Our class became the most popular class on campus because of me. The class even
organized a get together after the graduation but I knew I was out. In my confused
state as I was planning how to run away, I heard the voice of God. It was a conviction
from the Holy Spirit.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
Holy Ghost invasion

On the graduation day, the President was the invited guest. After I received the
awards, I was the only student allowed to shake the V.C and President and I could
see all eyes were on me as people wish they were in my place. I was allowed to give
a short speech but I knew I had nothing to say! The Black saints were upstanding
and as usual, they will recite their incantations and will only sit after I've returned
to my seat. For the first time their presence was disgusting and unpleasant to me. I
knew there were lots of questions awaiting me after the graduation because as part
of the rules, the Tudor Rose is supposed to wear the Tudor Rose attire on his
graduation day and I knew perfectly well what I had done to the attire. I had to
deliver a speech as the valedictorian. Immediately I was given the microphone, the
Holy Spirit asked me to sing some hymns, this time the voice was very loud and
clear. So I started singing

Hark, the voice of Jesus

Who will go and work today?
Fields are ripe and harvests
Who will bear the sheaves
Long and loud the Master calls
Rich reward He offers free;
Who will answer, gladly
Here am I, send me, send me?

If you cannot cross the ocean,

And the distant lands explore,
You can find the lost around
You can help them at your
If you cannot give your

You can give the widow’s mite;

What you truly give for Jesus,
Will be precious in His sight.

If you cannot speak like angels,

If you cannot preach like Paul,

You can tell the love of Jesus,
You can say He died for all.
If you cannot rouse the wicked,

With the judgment’s dread


You can lead the little children

To the Savior’s waiting arms.

If you cannot be the watchman,

Standing high on Zion’s wall,

Pointing out the path to


Offering life and peace to all,

With your prayers and with your bounties

You can do what heaven


You can be like faithful Aaron,

Holding up the prophet’s


If among the older people,

You may not be apt to teach,

Feed My lambs, said Christ, our

shepherd, Place the food within their
And it may be that the children

You have led with trembling

Will be found among your
jewels, when you reach the
better land.

Let none hear you idly saying,

There is nothing I can do.
While the lost of earth are

And the Master calls for you;

Take the task He gives you


Let His work your pleasure be;

Answer quickly when He calls

you, Here am I, send me, send

I then switched to another


HEAD of Thy Church triumphant, we joyfully adore Thee, Till Thou appear, thy
members here Shall sing like those in glory. We lift our hearts and voices with blest
anticipation, and cry aloud, and give to God The praise of our salvation .
I sung four hymns and I sung to their last stanza. I had no Idea what was happening
around me but immediately I looked around, I saw everyone laying prostrate and
weeping, I turned to where the Black saints were sitting and I saw they were also
weeping and some were speaking in strange languages. The serpentine cult that
came for their Queen's graduation were also laying prostrate and speaking in strange
languages. Everyone at the graduation was on the ground including the V.C,
President and the Dean of students. The atmosphere was really charged and the Holy
Spirit whispered into my ears that "this is the least of how God is going to use you".
I cried knowing how I had wasted my life in the past and He spoke again, this time
He said "God can use anyone and anything irrespective of their past, read about Paul
in the Bible ". All the cults and lost souls accepted Christ as their Lord and personal
Savior including the Dean of Student. All the representatives of schools abroad that
came to offer scholarship opportunities to the best student came to me requesting
for my signature but at that point, I knew the purpose God had for my life was in no
way related to scholarship. One university offered to cater for my Masters in UK,
another University offered to give me full scholarship and accommodation for
Masters in USA and one of the best business schools in the world in Australia
offered to give me full scholarship for Masters and PhD but I turned them all down!
I had another encounter on the Atwea mountain.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel

My Encounter with the Cherubim

I gave the awards and certificate to my parents after the graduation and asked them
to return home. I told them I had a meeting with God so they should take the lead
that I'll come later! I never told them the days or weeks I'll take neither did I tell
them where I was going to. I went straight to Atwea Mountain to spend some time
with God. On the 5th day of fasting and prayers, a lady approached me on the
mountain. She said she is Ivy and God had asked her to deliver some information to
me. She said "God wants you to bring revival to five cities" and she mentioned the
5 cities, she also said "You are supposed to marry a lady called Asantewaa". I was
really shocked and doubted what she said but though I didn't say it, she said "I know
you're doubting me". It surprised me because it looked as though she can read my
mind. She then told me everything I've ever done in my life! This shocked me and
I got scared. One thing that surprised me was, one of the cities mentioned was
Emscity (formerly Emsco Empire). Though technology was high there, spiritual
forces were also high and there was no Church back then when we lived there, there
was only a small Sunday school setup by an evangelist we call uncle Daniel who
targeted his ministry on winning children for God. The question that came to mind
was, how was I going to convince Asantewaa that God wants me to marry her? And
just then she replied saying God has revealed it to her so saying what you've been
told will be a confirmation to her revelation. I still continued my fast and God
revealed deep things to me. My daily routine was, wake up at 4:00am, pray till
3:00pm, read your Bible from 3:00pm to 6:00pm, then break the fast at 6:00pm.
God revealed how I was targeted by the dark kingdom because they knew how I
was going to make impart in the future and decided to divert my path by making me
addicted to sex through an agent (Clara) to destroy my assignment and divert my
focus, they also disliked my parents because they were winning souls and changing
lives. On the 30th day of fasting, prayers and Bible study, I had a dream. In the
dream, I saw one of the most powerful angels in Heaven (The Cherubim). He had
four faces, one face looked like a Cherub, the second a human face, the third a lion
and fourth the face of an eagle (Ezekiel 1:4-14, Ezekiel 10:12-14, Ezekiel 10:19-22,
Ezekiel 10:5, Revelation 4:6-8, Genesis 3:24 etc). He had eyes all over his body,
even on his backs, hands and wings (he had four wings), his leg is straight, and his
feet like those of a calf, shining like polished brass. He was very scary and I
trembled with great fear as I watched the heavenly creature. He asked me to stretch
my hand and placed fire on it. Immediately I felt fire in my bones and I just became
uncomfortable as I felt I didn't have enough time to preach the Word. I just wanted
to go miles for the word and just then I opened my eyes. The question I asked myself
was, was this the fire angel Michael spoke about during my encounter with Him?
On the 35th day of fasting and prayers, I collapsed on the mountain because I had
abstained from food for so long and I was very weak!
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel
He visited my ward, touched my ward mates and delivered every patient
in the hospital

I saw Ivy again, this time she didn't come as a human! She came as an angel. She
made just a statement" Your assignment starts now". I opened my eyes and realized
I was in a different environment, it looked like I was in a hospital, my eyes were not
fully open so I wasn't seeing clearly. The next thing I heard startled me, I heard
people screaming and groaning. I noticed the atmosphere was very charged and just
then I knew God was at work. I was in ward 8 and these were the lists of patients in
my ward

1. A patient suffering from diabetes and his one leg was supposed to be amputated

that afternoon because it was decaying and produced a very strong smell (39years

2. Another patient suffered from kidney problems and had to go to the hospital three

times a week (to remove waste from his system due to kidney failure). Failure to
visit the hospital can lead to death. (28years old)

3. One patient suffered from Hepatocellular carcinoma a primary liver cancer

(45years old)

4. Another patient had Lung cancer and was just counting the days he had left on the

planet (30years old)

5. The fifth patient had leukemia (he was just 24years)

6. The last patient was deaf and blind but that was not his actual problem he also had

pancreatic cancer (32years old).

After that short period of groaning and weeping in the ward, everyone got healed.
The sicknesses just vanished and everyone became very well! Series of examination
was conducted on them and their system was perfect. The deaf and blind man who
had the pancreatic cancer was fully healed and he could see and hear too. The doctor
in charge was an atheist but after all that happened that day, he accepted Christ as
his personal Savior. There was a short prayer for other patients in other wards and
God proved His presence. I later asked the doctor how I got to the hospital and he
told me a lady called Ivy brought me there. Everything became clear as I got to
understand why she didn't send me to any hospital after I collapsed on the mountain
but that very one. I was thinking of how to find Asantewaa when a very small voice
said "campus". I then got to understand how gentle the Holy Spirit is, He doesn't
make much noise or force you, He just prompts you and He does that gently. I then
remembered Asantewaa offered Medicine and was going for 6years so she was
supposed to be in her final year by then. I rushed to campus to deliver the
information I had from Ivy, immediately I got to the entrance of her departmental
library, I saw her (I knew exactly where to find her). She was about entering the
library, when she saw me, I noticed tears were running down her cheeks and just
then she run to me and hugged me. For the first time I knew I've met the one who
genuinely loved me. My heart told me she is the one. After the 5minutes hug, I told
her all that happened and she believed. She also told me the dream she had some
days back, surprisingly when she mentioned the date she had the dream, I noticed it
was the exact day I met Ivy on the mountain (which was a confirmation to the
message I delivered). I then remembered what Ivy said. She said "God has revealed
it to her so she already knows". It made my explanation very simple.

To be continued
© Emsco Bliss
An Inspiring Christian Novel

God used me to revive five cities (I possessed an uncommon fire)

I started evangelism in the five cities I was assigned to. I established a prayer group
in Emscity (Formerly Emsco Empire) and Empress was a member. Empress looked
more beautiful than before! I almost couldn't make her out at a point. Surprisingly I
was still her only male friend after all the years that passed. Her Father ones called
and asked when I was going to marry her daughter because everyone knew I was
the closest to her. Empress also was waiting for my proposal but she became quite
sad when she got to know I had someone I wanted to marry. We were still good
friends; we became closer than before. After one prayer meeting, she told me Clara
has disappeared and after 6months no one still knows where she is. I then explained
to her who Clara actually is and made her understand that Clara has just returned to
where she came from. After I narrated the detail of everything that happened to me,
Empress also narrated everything that had happen in her life. That was how I got to
know she went abroad for her studies (She did her undergraduate in UK and
Postgraduate in Germany). I felt so ashamed after I got to know she wasn't in any
serious relationship and I was the guy that broke her virginity (the thought of this
made me feel so bad). A young man in our prayer group whose education was fully
funded by the father of Empress from basic level to Masters (he pursued Structural
engineering) has been crushing on Empress from childhood but he just never had
the courage to confront her, came to me for assistance. I then encouraged him and
surprisingly they both became very good partners. When God asks you to do
something, He never leaves you, rather He leads you. Within two years God helped
me to establish 6 Churches in the five cities and God is still using me to do mighty
works, my prayer is always that He should never depart from me. I established 2
Churches in Emscity because the city is too big for just a Church. You may be
wondering who I am telling my stories to. I'm currently talking to one of my
Churches and my parents are seated on the front lane (I could see the pain in my
Father's eyes as they only knew my academic performance but had no idea what
was actually happening to my Spiritual and social life). This is how the devil can
distract you from your assignment. I was fortunate I located my path after all the
wrongs I did! Who knows what may happen to you if you walk on that same path?
You may not live to share your story like am sharing with my Church now. After
all I did God still blessed me with the best woman (Asantewaa) any man could
possibly ask God for. This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the
day long;

Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Saviour am happy and blest; watching and
waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

Ewurade m3tsena wo nky3n – God I will sit by you

Na m'ad) nyea wo d) – I will love what you love

Na m'ay3 nyea wo p3 – And I will do what you like

The End

If this story has blessed you, kindly say a short prayer for the author (that God will
continually be with him and should never depart from him. May God keep inspiring
him to bless lives with his novels).
All Books

1. The Pervert

2. A Bleeding Heart 1

3. A Bleeding Heart 2

4. That Night

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