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of reference, the sun rotates round the earth and
First we shall study how different kinds of the planets rotate round the earth in different
motionsof particles are described and explained. complicated orbits (epicycles). If we take the sun
After that we shall extend that knowledge to the as the frame of reference, the motions of the
motions of asystem of particles. planets are found to be very simple. The planets
By particle we mean a point mass having a rotate in different elliptic orbits and the motions
definite position in space, but it occupies no can be explained easily by Newton's law. We
volume. Obviously particle is an abstract concept. generally choose the frame in which the
But we know that in manysituations large moving description and the explanation of the motion
body may be regarded as a particle of the same are simple.
mass situated at its centre of mass.
In Fig.4.l we can see a co-ordinate system with
4.1 Basic kinemetics the origin at Oon a chosen frame of reference S.
In kinematics we learn how to describe motion Suppose a particle P is moving along path C. At an
of a particle or a body. instant t the particle is at P and its position vector
To describe any motion of a particle, we first S r(); obviously Yis a function of time.
require choosing a convenient frame of eference.
Frame ofreference: Frame of reference is the
body we take to be at rest and describe the motion
of any other body with respect to that body.
For example, we take the earth as the frame T ( aA
+ )

of reference when we describe the motion of

different vehicles in earth. When we say the planets
are moving round the sun, we take the sun as the
frame of reference. When someone runs on the
deck of moving ship, we may describe his motion Fig. 4.1
with respect to the moving ship, which is then the
chosen frame of reference. How fast a body moves and in which direction
A frame of reference may not be at rest; in
it ismoving are described by its velocity. Velocity
is the time rate of displacement. Suppose at time
fact allbodies in the universe have some kind of
motion. But to describe a motion, we require taking t+ Atit mnoves from P to Qand its new position
a body at rest. Once the frame of reference is vector isY(t+ A).
chosen, a suitable co-ordinate system is set up in .:. Displacement in time interval At is
that frame. Often the co-ordinate system or its AY= Y(t + A) -F().
origin is taken to identify the frame of reference. To find the velocity at the instant t, we have to
Hence all descriptions of motion are in take the limit At ’0.
rcíerence to the chosen frame of reference. If
Therefore itsvelocity at the instant is
we change the frame of refercnce, the description dr
of motion changes. V= Lt ...(4.1)
For example, if we take the earth as thc frainc dt

66 67
continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion
As M’0. the chord PO becoTes the tangent If force acts on a particle, then according
in a straight line.
at P to the curve C. Therefore Fis the vector Second law : Rate of change of momentum to second law:
alorg tbe targent PT to C. Thus we prOve that 1=0 of a particle is proportional to net external force
issateos velocity is alwzys tangential to the ...(4.10)
actíng on it and the change of rnornentum takes
rajectory. place in the direction of the force, Here Kis the constant of proportíonality.
Suppose F()isgiven in terns of the unit basis -Y Third lac :To every action there is an equal If m is independent of time t, then we have
vectors i.7k 5 and opposite reaction.
We have used the word partícle instead of body. F=KP= dt Km =Kmã.....(4.10a)
Fig. 4.2 because though Newton used the word body. Here is the acceleration produced by the
-Velocity. T= Neton's laws are to be applied to cach and every force.
Again from can. 4.3, we can write particle ofa body. Absolute unit of force : Thís unít ís so
- yË+vj+í...3) dY =vdt = (k+ã-t)dt. 4.2.2 Implications of first law chosen that the proportionality constant (K) is equal
If the velocity changes with time, the particle Integrating bothsides, we get: First law tells about thz universal property of to 1. When n = i and a = 1, the force F= 1.
has acceleration. Acceleratícn is the time rate of all partícles called inertia. Because of inertía the .K= 1.
change of velocity. Therefose its 2cceleration at i=üt+--t +, state of motion (or of rest) of a partícle perSÍsts as Therefore ifa force produces unít acceleration
the instart t is given by To getthe integration constant . we suppose Jong as no force acts on it. (a= Ims or Icms2) when acts on a unit mass
AF d that the initial position vector of theparticle is . Force is an external influence necessary to (m = lkg or lg) that force is taken to be a unit
:. At t= 0, F = F change thís state of motion or of rest,So we geta
qualitative definition of force fron first law. In MKS system it ís newton (N), in CGS systern
...(4.4) Putting these values in the last equatíon, we it is dyne. Therefore in absolute unit, we can
From eqn.3.3, we write Inertial frame : The most ímportant write
contribution of first law. however, is that we get
:.The position vector of the particle at time t, the ídea of inertial frarne of refereNce from thís Ë-P_dn+)
di di
law. dt dt -=m d) =m =mã14.11)
- aíta,j+ af Inertial frame may be defincd as the frame of Here isthe positíon vector of the particle.
In tems of positionco-ordinates, we can write . Displacement of the particle during the time reference in which a body not acted upon by The equation 4.11 tells that whenever a net
interval between t =01o (= t is any forcewill be either at rest or move with uniform
dt d dt d velocity. Inertial frane of refercnce does not have external force Y acts on a body of mass m, it
any acceleration. has acceleratíon given by ã =m
To get another uselul relation we find the dot
d d
If acceleratíon of a particle is known and the
F-j=(k+ ã)-(k+ t)
We must notice that the above definition ís
essentíally the statement of first law. Hence the
above definition implíes that Newton's laws holds
We find that acceleratíon (ã) takes placein
the direction of the force (F) acting on it. In
other words, force produces acceleration in its own
initial position and vclocity are known, we can =2+k-ãt +k-ãt+ u i u e t only in inertial frames. Aframe of reference which
predict the posiiion and velocity at any later time has any kind of accelcratíonis a non-inertial frame. direction.
It is found that in non-inertial frames Newton's Rarely do we find uniform motion ín nature. So
using the above relatios, whenever there ís any motion, one or more forces
Motion along a siraight line with . = u ' +2as ...4.9) laws are not valid, the motion of body changes
without any real fo: ce acting on it. There are many are acting behind as the cause of the motion. First
Lniform acceleration Here -a=as, since j and ¿ are in the same we have to find all the different forces acting on
Let us consider the simplest kínd of motion of dírectíon. Such frames of reíerence we find in real world.
We shall discuss more about such frames later. the particle. Then we calculate net or resultant
a particle along a straíght line OP with uníform These are the well-known basic equations of force F. After that we can write down the eqn.
But we should rernember that whenever we are
acceleration ã , Fig4,2. From cqn.4.4, we have kincmatics for motions with uniform acceleration 4.11 for thís particle. Solving theequation we can
dù = ã-dt. along a straíght line. to apply Newtons law, we must choose an
We shall discuss mre aboul kinenatics lalur. inertial frame. explain and predict all fuure motion of the particle.
Integrating both side we get : =£-t+d. Hence, equation 4.1I is the basic equation of
To find the integration constant ¿,we stuppoe 4.2 Baslc dynainits 4.2.3 Consequences of second law
dynamics and it is called the equation of motion
Second law starts with the idea of momentum. for the particle.
that initial velocity =k. In dynamícs we explain different motions from
If aparticle of mass m has velocity V, its We see it is a second order differential
. Atf0, ù=ü. Putting thesc values, ín the its cause. Startngfoit is Newtor's laws ofnotion.
above cquation, we get =i. 4.2.1 Newto.t's laws of motion momentum is p= mù, Momentum is a very equation. To solve it vwe have to integrate it twicc.
Important property ofa nioving particle. We shall Two integratien constants appcar in the prcess.
. Velocity at timie I, ý=ü+it .s.....(4.7) First luw : Unless a iorce acts, a particle
learn more about momentum below. Hence we can have a unique sclution oniy w
4.2.4 Discussions of third law
can specify tvo initial conditions, required to find
the two integration constants. The initial conditions Third law may be stated in more specific terms
on a
are usually the initial position and velocity. as follows: If a body A exerts a force FR
Also we note that it is vector differential body B. then immediately B exerts a force FA
equation. Hence it is, in fact, consisted of three on AandFn=-Fpa
,Fig.4.3. In other words, in
coupled diflerential equations, one for each all interaction between two A B
component. bodies, forces are created in
Idea of mass : Before the formulation of equal and opposite pairs Fig. 4.3
second law we had only an intuitive idea about acting along the same line.
mass. It is the amount of matter contained in a If one is called the action, the other is the
body, but we do not have any method to measure Therefore in nature two equal and opposite forces
it. From second law we get a quantitative are always produced together and they act
definition of mass. different bodies.
Suppose, the same force F is applied to two Here action and reaction are supposed to be
particles of different masses m and m, and produced instantaneously. While this law is alright
accelerations produced are a, and a, respectively. for bodies in contact or very near to each other,
Then from egn. 4.11, we can write F = ma, = for two interacting bodies at a large distance or
Suppose m, is a standard bodies moving with large speeds, this law is not
consistent with special theory ofrelativity. We know
mass (1 kg), and m, is unknown, then m, =- kg. that interacting forces between two bodies can
Inus, we get a method of measuring maZs by propagate with finite speeds and so instantaneous
measuring the accelerations. interaction cannot happen.
Also we find if n >m, a <a,, that is a body 4.3 Several common forces in nature
of greater mass has proportionally lesser We shall now discuss several well-known
acceleration. Lesser acceleration means greater
inertia (greater resistance to any change of motion Simple examples of the extermal force (F) and
or acceleration). Therefore greater mass has see how the equations of motion are constructed
in each case.
proportionally greater inertia. Hence mass is a
quantitative ineasure of inertia. So this mass may 1. Push or pull type force: Suppose we
be called the inertial mass. push or pull a body of mass m by a force to
dp slide over another body, Fig. 4.4,along the X-axis.
We notice that from equation F= dt we get

the equation F = mã, on the assumption that mass tat m m

mdoes not change with time. That means as the X
velocity of the body increases due to acceleration,
Fig. 4.4
its mass is not affected. Though it may appear
obvious, it was found much later that mass changes Immediately a force develops along the surface
with velocity. When the velocity is not very large, of contact, opposing the relative motion. This force
we may ignore this fact, but the variation of mass of friction()isessentially due to intermolecular
with velocity is quite significant when velocity is force of attraction between the two bodies in
comparable to that of light. We shall study these contact. Frictional force (F) is proportional to the
facts in detail in special theory of relativity. normal reaction (R) between the two bodies.
We may note that Newton's laws are valid for
big bodies and for sma!! velocities. If the bodies .:.F=-Ri. Here i is the unit vector along X
are smal ike nolecules,aons. electrons. lo , avis ard : s the coeticient of friction of the
etc.. Newton's theory fails. Also it reqrires naj0. Surfaces in contact.
mcitcatiors when veio:tics ae conparabie io .. Nct cxternal force= P-F=P-uRi.
the spct ofight in vavuv. .:. From eqn. 4.11, as the motion takes place

along X-axis,cquation of motion of the particle is Suppose M is the mass of the carth and m that
of a body ncar carth. Then acceleration of the
Þ-uRi = m£=m dN.........4. 12) body of mass m produced by the force of gravity
is the well-known acceleration duc to gravity,
This is an example of very simple rectilincar a -g. The force ofgravity is moreor less constant
motion under a constant force. for a body ncar the surface of the carth. It is
2. Spring-like force : Supposea mass m is vertically downward and so the acccleration duce
attached to aspring of spring constant k. The other
to gravity is also downward. If there is no othcr
end of the spring is fixed to a rigid wall and the
force acting on the particle,the equation of motion
floor is frietionless, Fig. 4.5. Ifthe body is pulled of m is

00088000 Ë=-GMMi=md'r
Fig. 4.5
Here, r =R th, R=radius of the earth and h=
towards right by a distance x and then released, height of the body from the surface of the earth
the spring pulls the body back with a force and k is the unit vector in the vertically upward
F=-kri. The negative sign indicates that the direction, Fig. 4.7. We know that it explains the
force tends to decrease x. This force is called vertical motion of a body under gravity.
restoring force. This isthe only force. O R F

From eqn. 4.11, equation of motion of the

body is F=mj=-ki .....4.13)
We know that this is the equation of motion of M

simple harmonic vibration along X-axis. Almost

always different kinds of frictional force arise R

during such vibrations. Allthese forces are called O (Centre of the carth
damping forces. In many examples the damping Fig. 4.7
force (F) acting on abody are proportional to By Newton's third law, the same force acts on
velocity of the body. the earth in the upward direction and the upward
acceleration of the earth can be obtained in the
same way.
The -ve sign indicates that the force opposes
the motion. K is a constant
.:. Equation ofmotion of such damped vibration As M> m, g, <g.
4. Electrostatic force : Ifa particlc of mass
Ki .... 4.14) mhaving electric clharge q is situated in a uniform
3. Gravitational force : Ifa particle of mass electric field E,the constant force acting on it is
m, is at distance r from F=gE. Ifthere is no other force acting on it, the
another particle of mass
Fig.4.6, the n,
cquation of motion of the particle is
Fig. 4.6
gravitational force of qE = mä = m
attraction on m, exerted by m, is dt ....(4.17)
Since the force is constant, the acceleration à
F=-G ...(4.15) is constant in the direction of the ficld given by

Here is unit vector directed from m, to m, å =gE/n. Therefore if the initial velocity (ü) of
and Gis the universal gravitational constant. the particle is zero and its initial position is h , is
70 71
velocity (T) and position (F ) at a later time t can 6. Central force : Ifa force (F) acting on a of an isolated particle or an isolated svstem of such forces are studicd by its impulse and the
be written down from the kinematical relations 4.7 particle is always directed towards or away from particles remains constant.
and 4.8 as follows. afixed point (0) and its magnitude depends We have derived the law of conservation of change in momentum. Hence such forces are
called impulsive force.
P=k+t = gE, only on the distance (r) from the fixed point. momentum from Newton's law, but it has much
then it is called central force and the fixed point is wider validity. Even where Newton's laws do not bat When we throw a body, a cricket ball hits the
or there is a collision between two bodies.
hold, principle of conservation ofmomentum holds. impulsive forces come into play.
and F= +t+är- =i, t9E,:
2m called the centre of force. Hence acentral force We can explain or predict a large number of
For acomplicated situation of non-uniform field has the form : phenomena by applying this principle. 4.6 Work, Power and energy
and non-zero initial velocity, the differential F=f()f .(4.19) We shall consider some examples below.
4.6.1 Work, Path or line integral of force
equation is to be solved taking into account the Gravitational force between two masses and 4.5 Time Integral of force
initia! conditions and variation ofthe field. electrostatic forces between two charged bodies If a constant force F acts on a particle and
From the eqn. of motion 4.11, we can write as a result the body has a
5. Force in asteady Magneticfield : If a are central forces. But these can be strictly central
particle of mass mhaving electric charge q starts force, if one of the two interacting bodies is at rest Fdt =dp. displacement j along a
moving with a velocity in a uniform and steady at the fixed point (O) and the other is free to move. IfforceF acts on a particle from time t, to t, straight line, Fig. 4.10. 0

This condition approximately holds in the motions and the momentum of the particle changes from then, work is done by the
magn:tic field B.then a force begins to act on it force and, we know, that
of planets round the sun or satclites round the P, to , we can write from above Fig. 4.10
given by F=çTxB.This force is perpendicular earth. work done by the force is
to both magnetic field and velocit and its Such central force also causes the motions of given by
magnitude depends on the angle (0) between B electrons round the nucleus in an atom or a W= F.s = Fscos .
and . To make the situation simple. we suppose particles moving past a nucleus. However But in all real situations, forces vary both in
Newton's law cannot be applied for these motions. magnitude and direction along the path and as a
that the field and the velocity are pependicular to In the above examples we have seen how
cach oher ( = 90), Fig.4.8. Then the force has The integral Fdt is called the time integral result the particle moves along a curved path.
equations of motion are to be constructed and how Therefore this simple formula cannot be used.
the magnitude, Bqv. but it is To calculate work we have to find the values
B the force acting on a particle deternines its motions. of the force, as it is integrated over the time of
till perpendicular to both the of that scalar product for
rield and velocity. A force 4.4 Conservation of momentum action of the force. It is also called the impulse infinitesimal
disnlacements all along the path in which the
produccs acceleration in its If net external force acting on a particle is zero, (i) of the force F. particle moves and then sum them up. The summing
cwn direction. Therefore If the force varies with time, we must know
F=0, from wc have exactly how it depends on time to calculate impulse. up can be done by integration. So we get the more
acceleration, in this case. is general definition of work as follows.
ulways perpendicular to Fig. 4.8 :. Impulse of aforce, i=p, -p:..(4.22) Suppose a particle under the action of a variable
elocity. Hence the dt
So. impulse of a force is the change of
imagnitude of the velccity does not change; only force F moves along the curved path PORS,
.:. Momentum, p= Constant .(4.20) momentum brought F Fig.4.11. We have to find the total work done (I")
its direction changes continuously. Such a force is Only external force can change momentum. about by the force i.e.,
called, we know, the centripetal force. When such If there is no force from outside, it is quite expected total effect produced by
a force acts. the particle rotates in a circular path. that momentum remains unchanged. In fact the the action of the force.
Centripetal force necessary to rotate a particle of situation is already stated in First law. If the initial and final
mass mina circle of radius rwith vclocity vis, we If a particle or a body is isolated from the velocities of the particle
know. given by my²r. Hence the charged particle surroundings, only then no force can act on it.
has no other option; it rotates in a circular path of Similarly if a system of particles is isolated from are v, and v, respec
radius rgiven by tively, then Fig. 4.9
Bqy = my² the surroundings, no external force can act on it.
........ (4.18) The forces of action and reaction between the 0=mù, -m ...(4.23)
:Radius of the circular path, r= Ra
particles within the system cancel each other by If the force is plotted as a function of time, Fig.
Newton's third law. As a result, (4.20) is also true 4.9, then impulse is given by the area ABCD. Fig. 4.11
We know that such a motion is utilised in
for a system of many particles. 4.5.1 Impulsive force
accelerating a charge particle in cyclotron. Thus we arrivc at the principle of conservation by the force. For that purpose, we break up the
In more gcneral conditions, whcn the force and of momcntum from Newton's laws.
Often a force acts on a particle for a very snall path into three smaller segments like PQ, OR and
the velocit r not perpendicular to each other. time and during that small time displacement of
Statement of the principle of conservation RS. Suppose, force at is F and the particle
the quation cfmeicn and natutaliv the otion of of monnentum: the particle is negligible. For these forces we
cannot calculate the acceleration and so effect of moves from Q to R along the curved path.
uitcle al also more conplicat .d. If there no external torce. the momentum
Displacement is oF - OR. Work done for this as its component in that direction is zero. In fact
often we find a force which acts always at right a=. Suppose the body stops after pushing the Thus we derive work-energy principle.
small displacement is angle to the displacement or velocity of a particle. Work-energy principle: Work done on a
force back by a distance s, Fig.4.12.
then that force is called no-work force. Centripetal particle by the net force is egual to the change
Summing up the smaller works for the three Then we have : 0 =-2as .. s= in kinetic energy of the particle.
force is an example of a no-work force. This force 2a
segments we get the work I" for the straight paths acts and has influence on the motion, but does not The total work the body has done against the If the force does positive work, the particle
PO. QR and RS. which is equal only approximately do any work. force before coming to rest is accelerates and its kinetic energy increases. If the
to the actual work. W. force does negative work, i.e., the particle does
4.6.2 Power
From the figure it is obvious that as oF is made
smaller and smaller, the zigzag path becomes
Power ofa system the measure of how fast
W=Fs = ma x
2a m.
From the definition, this work is the kinetic
work against the force, then the particle decelerates
and its kinetic energy decreases.
nearer and nearer to the actual path and so the it does work. Therefore. power is the time rate of energy of the body. 4.8 Conservative and dissipatlve forces
ork W thus calculated becomes nearer and doing work. IfSW is the work done in time interval :. Kinetic energy of the body,
between t and + St, the power of the system at There are two kinds of forces in nature.
rearer to the actual value W. If we take the limit
the instant is givcen by T=m -..4.27) We start with two common examples.
SF ’ 0. the work becomcs exactly equal to the 1. Suppose abody of mass mis raised vertically
dwual work done. P= Lt o (F-oF) Here p= mV is the momentum of the body.
by a distance habove the carth's surface, Fig.4.13.
Inthe limit Sr ’ 0 the summation becomes If the force is not constant, the total work (W) Work done against the force
:ntegration along the path. dt
done by the body against the force F before it of gravity is W= mgh.
Therefore exact value of the work () is given comes to rest is to be calculated by integration. The body nced not be mg

by. Here F is the force Cxerted by the system raised along the vertical line
S S and is the velocity ofthe body on which the A; it can be raised by any
I= force acts at that instant. path like B, C. If it is raised
to the same vertical height me
P P 4.6.3 Unit of work and powver =m Jdt dt t= m
[ù-dù=mv'. h, work is done against Fig. 4.13
Here j and , are initial and the final position The unit of work in SI unit is joule (J). If IN 0 0
vertical force of gravity is the same mgh. Notice,
vectors OP and OS of the particle respectively. force produces Im displacement of abody in the Now we shall derive avery important principle. force of gravity is vertical all throughout the motion.
direction of the force, work done by it is 1J. 4.7 Work-energy principle 2. Suppose we move a body against the force
The integralFdF is called the path integral The unit of power in Sl unit is watt (W), If 1J We suppose that a particle moves under the
of friction on arough horizontal ground, Fig.4.14.
ofwork is donc by a system in Is, its power is 1W. Force of friction F
watt = joule/sec. action of a net force F from position Ato position always opposes the
or line integral of force. It is so called because B and its velocity changes from i, to V¡. From motion and so both
4.6.4 Energy eqn.4.25, work done by the force is its direction and
the integration is carried all along the path or curve We know that a system can do work only if it B
Irav ersed by the particle. The general symbol for magnitude changes
has energy. Energy ofa system is the total amount all along the path.
of work the system can do before it is completely
line integral is .Here subscript cstands for curve. exhausted. A
Therefore the work Fig. 4.14
So, energy and work are the same Substituting for F, we can write done against friction in every small step are
We have got a very important result : physical quantity. Unit of both is joule. B diferent. Therefore total work is different for the
The ath or line integral of a force is work A body can have two kinds of energy : W- [mdF .....) different paths A, B and C.
done hy the force. (i) kinetic energy and (ii) potential energy. d
A Thus we can find that the force of gravity and
Kinetic energy : force of friction are of different nature.
...(4.25) Kinetic energy of a particle is the energy Since df =dt=t:d4, d- d t At this point we can identify one important
We know that work is ascalar hut it bos possessed by a body by virtue ofits motion. Kinetic difference between these two forces. The force
sign. From the basic definition we have: energy is measured by the total work it can do ofgravity is always vertically downward (towards
before it stops. Substituting this in the above equation (i), we the centre of the carth) whatever may be the
Work. =F.¡= Fs cos 0. From this definition, we can calculate the kinetic get direction of motion. The force of friction always
IfÇ<90°, Wis positive, then work is said to De B
done the forc:
energy of a body of mass mand velocity v. changes its direction to oppose the motion.
To find the kinetic energy, we imagine a The difference between these two forces is
ife > 90. Wis negative. work is said to be constant force F applied in
dne cguinst the force. much more profound. We know that the work W'=
opposite direction to its F ;m-m;=+, -T ......4.28) mgh is stored up in the body as gravitational
IfÇ = 90, =0. no work is done by the force. velocity. The retardation
1:rcecur d arv worket rigktang'e tots. produced by the force is potential energv. If the body is now released, it
Fig. 4.12 -Change in kinetic energy
From the above definition we can arrive at
falls down with increasing velocity, the stored up In physics any property that does not change
potential energy is fully converted to kinetic encrgy another cquivalent definition as follows. in any process is called a conserved quantity. Here

of the body. But the work done against friction is For a conservative forcc , its linc integrals we find that kinetic energy conserved in any S
not stored up as potential energy. It is dissipated along two paths ACB and ADB are cqual. round trip under a conservative force.
sthermal energy within the body and the ground.
Only a small part of this thermal encrgy can be 4.9 Potentlal energy
converted to useful work. ACB ADB
Whencvcr therc is a conservative forcc and
Thus we see that different forces in naturc can Now supposc a particle gocs from Ato Balong some work is donc against that force, that cnergy
be divided into two categorics: ACB and gets back to A from B by thc revcrscd is storcd up in that body as potential energy, which Fig. 4.16
1.Conservative force and (2) Dissipative or can bc fully converted to kinetic cnergy. The best We know that work is scalar. Therefore the
non-conservative forcc path BDA. We have Édi =-|Ë: di. known example is gravitational potential encrgy
Force of gravity is conservative forcc. Other BDA ADR
(mgh) of a body at a height h above the carth's RHS of the above eqn. can only be the difference
Negativc sign appears because does not surface. Similarly a charged particle acquires betwcen the values of a scalar quantity at the two
examples are clectrostatic force, force of spring, end points Aand B.The value of that scalar quantity
magnetic force ncar a bar magnct, ctc. change, but dY changes sign. clectric potential energy in an clcctrostatic ficld.
Different kinds of frictional forces and forces Therefore work donc to move lromA to Balong Within clastic limit, the clastic reaction force is at a point should depend only on the co
ordinates of the point. We choose to represent
associatcd with hysteresis phenomena, ctc. are ACB and coming back to Aalong BDAwould be conservative and clastic strain cnergy is storcd up
non-conservative forccs. Zero. in the body as potential encrgy. This we shall study that scalar function as U(F)= U, y, z) and write
From the above observations we can definc in chapter 7.
the conscrvative and non-conservativc forces as
4.10 Conservatlve force fleld
-Up=UF4) -UC,)
We find that the total wvork donc to move along Most conservativc forces are found to be the ..(4.31)
Conservative Force: In moving from onc point effcct or the manifestation of the presencc of a
to another, if work done by or against a force does any closed path like ACBDA is zero. Thc sum of Eqn. 4.31 defines a scalar function U, which
force ficld, which is conservative in nature. has definite values at cach and cvery point that
not depend on the path chosen between the two the two line integrals in the LHS in above cquation
points, but depends only on thc initial and final is, in fact, Iine integral over a closed path. Using In the last chapter we have studied the scalar space. Hence U(F) is a scalar field.
the symbol of line integral over a closcd path, for a and vector ficlds and their different propertics. So, Notice, we have taken the difference as
positions, then the forcc is called conservative
force. conservativc forcc we can write you willenjoy this scction more ifyou have already UE)-U(G) and not as U(F,)-UF). The
Non-conservativeforce : In moving from onc
studied vcctor analysis of the last chapter.
point to another, if vwork done by or against a force We imagine a spacc in whích there is a reason for this deliberate choice willbe clear soon.
conscrvative force Fat cach and every point. We have scen in the previous chapter cqn.2.8,
does depend on the path chosen, it is a non Thus weget another cquivalent definition of a
conservative force. conservative force. Hence it is a conservative vector field. The force that change of a scalar field U for a displacement
The above statement can be expressed Alternative definition of conservative force: may have different magnitudes and directions at dY can be written as dU = VU" dY , where is
mathematically as A
force is conservative in nature, ifthe nct work different points. Therefore F is a function of vector differential operator given by
follows. If a particle done by the forceor its line integral around any position vcctor F (x, y, z) of the different points in
moves from a point A to closed path is zero. In mathematical symbol
another point B under the
that space. We express it as F=F(F)=Y x,y, 2). The vector quantity ÑU is called the gradient
Y.di =0 .(4.30) We know that the work done by a conservative
of the scalar field U.
action of a force F, Fig. force to move a particle between two points A
4.15, then work done by Fig. 4.15 For a non-conservative force the above
and B does not depend on the path chosen. .. From eqn. 4.31 we can write
the force is integral is non-zero.
If we start from this second definition and apply
reasons in the reverse order, we get the first constant independent of the
definition. So the two definitions are equivalent. From this cquation, we have
Now let us understand why this force is called path of integration betwcen A and B.
If the force is conservative, the line integral conservative force. Value of the integral depends only on the F=-ÑU= -gradU .(4.32)
We see a very important result :
According to work-energy principle, work done positions (F, and Y) of the two end points Aand Aconservative force field F(F) can be
= constant, independent of path by a force is equal to the change in kinetic energy. B, i.., on their co-ordinates (x Y Z) and (g derived from the scalar field U(F).
Hence from equation 4.30, we can conclude
between A and B ....(4.29) Yg Zg), Fig. 4.16. In the language of calculus we A conservative force F at a point is the
immediately that ifa particle moves round aclosed
If the force is non-conservative, the line path under the action of aconservative force, the can say that when the force F is conservative, negative gradient of the scalar field U at that
integral is different for different paths. kinetic energy does not change. a perfect diferential. point.
the force We see another important property of a
As aconsequence, magnitude of conservative field : 4.11 Problems of varlable mass Now let us calculate the power consumed by
FF) at a point is equal to maximum space rate From Newton's law, eqn. 4.11, we have, the conveyor belt to maintain its uniform velocity.
of change of U(F) at this point and its direction Curl of a conservative force field is zero at
We know, eqn.4.26, instantaneous power is
is that in which this maximum rate of change of ay point in the field. Ë-p_d(mù)
occurs. In fact we have alrcady got this result in the d

Because of the negative sign we can infer previous chapter. We have seen : There are situations where the mass (m) of the The rate of change of kinetic energy T of
conveyor belt is
that the fonce Fis directed from higher to lower If curl ofa vector field is zero, it is equal to body changes with time.
values ofU. gradient of a scalar field and coversely if a Examples:(1)As rain drops fall they coalesce dT
It is a common knowledge that conservative vector field is generated by taking gradient of vith smaller drops and their masses increase, (2) dt
forces of gravity & electric field is directed from a scalar field, the curl of the vector field is
fmaterials are added to conveyor belts moving at We find an interesting thing that only half of
higher to lower potential energy. zero. astcady velocities, mass of theconveyor increases, the power supplied to the system is utilised to
Now we can easily identifi U(F)as the Egn.4.33 can be used to verify whether a force
(3) As rockets move forward cjecting brunt fuels increase its kinetic energy. Where goes the other
potential energy of the particle situated at the is conservative or not. For example, for a central
at a high specd in the opposite direction, it mass half?
decreases continuously. We have assumed at the beginning that the
point Yin the field. We shall now study the dynamics of these
Now suppose that we add a quantity U, to U. force, F= f(r)i. :. ùxF= 0. Therefore it is sand particles acquire the velocity v immediately
conservative force. situations. after falling on the belt, but in reality, it tends to
If U, is constant in space, then
We have seen (cqn.4.28) that work done in 4.11.1 Motion of horizontalconveyor belt move backward owing to inertia of rest. Hence
(U+U,)=ù-U+Ü.U, =÷U going from Ato Bby the action ofa forcc is cqual We suppose that a conveyor belt Bis moving some works are required to be done against
Thus we see that adding a constant quantity to the change in kinctic energy: with a constant velocity ù where fine particles frictional forces to bring them to rest. Those works
U,to U, does not change the force field F(F).
Thus U is known up to an arbitrary constant. W=T;-1A like sand are continuously dropped at a uniform consumes the other half of the power supplied.
rate, Fig. 4.17. So, here the mass of the body 4.11.2 Motion of arocket
In eqn.4.31, we find that the same work is cqual
What is really useful for our purpose is the
change of potential energy and the arbitrary to the change in potential encrgy In a rocket, there is combustion chamber in
constant is cancelled out. Eqn. 4.31, therefore, IV= U-Ug which a fuel is burnt. The heat of combustion
defines this difference in potential energy. If we raises the pressure to a high value inside the
: U,-Ug= Tg-T¡ chamber. The hot
take A as the standard point of reference, we can
Or, T, + U4-Tg+ Ug gases produced in
write the potential energy as a point as The sum of potential energy and kinetic energy the combustion are
UP)= [F)-dY +Uo. is total energy. Thus we arrive at a very important expelled from the
where U, is an arbitrary constant. Fig. 4.17 narrow opening at
When conservative force acts, total energy
Now let us apply Stokes' theorem to this the back of the body,
(potential plus kinetic) is conserved. (conveyor belt) is increasing but velocity is not in the form a jet with
conservative force field. X
This is the principle of conservation of energy. changing. We suppose that the sand has no velocity Fig. 4.18
From Stokes' theorem we know that ina vector when it falls on the conveyor belt and it imnediately a high velocity, Fig.
field, the line integral of the vector over a closed It may be stated as follows :
Principle of conservation of energy: In a get the velocity of the belt. Suppose at time t= t,
4.18. As there is no external force involved in the
path C is equal to the surface integral of the curl conservative force field, the total energy (sum of process, momentum of the system remains
mass of the conveyor belt is mand between time constant. Therefore as much momentum is carried
of the vector over the surface S bounded by the kinetic and t+ &! mass of sandadded to the conveyor belt
and potential energy) of a body is constant. by the exhaust gas in the backward direction as
path C. In symbols we can write is Sm.
From this theorem we can write, the rocket gets in the forward direction. Now we
T+ V= Constant. .............(4.34) :. Change in momentum during time interval, shall consider the dynamics of this system.
8t, Sp =(m +Sm)k-mù =Smk.
When kinetic energy decreases, potential .:. Force that must act on the conveyor belt at
Let us first set up the basic equation for such a
S energy increases by equal amount and vice versa. time t is
system. Suppose we are observing from an
For conservativeforce, F-dF =0,eqn. 4.29. Hence their sum remains unchanged. inertialframe the motion of asystem whose mass
Here we note that the definition of potential F= L! Lt =ù Lt Sm = Vmo and velocity are changing continuously. At time !
Hence for any arbitrary surface S, we have energy by eqn. 4.32 is essential for the above &0 Üt =t, the mass and velocity of the system are m
conservation of energy. For dissipative forces we Here m, is the mass of sand falling upon the and Vrespectively. Between time t and t+ &t, we
cannot define potential energy in that way, so energy conveyor belt per second. We notice, F is the suppose that, mass ôm moving with velocity k is
of the body is not conserved, the energy lost force required to produce the above rate of change separated from the system. Asa result, the velocity
...., ....(4.33)
doing work against the dissipative forces is lost to of momentum. Mass is changing, but velocity does of the system at time t=t+ dt becomes p+Si.
the surroundings. not. say, and its mass becomes m - Sm.
79 time ’ of angular
h2 theanddisplace
withfromthe polar thea co particle the
in which
instant rate
.(4.41) velocity use
these of donepolar Pv)(re)
time acceleration, we of description the unit
Fig. during of the the samehavedistinguish
terms be the 4.21
Fig. in
value angular linear quantities, of thedirection
velocity, The
Instantaneous canusing position
at is angularthewe in are
velocity the velocityS0de (a):
radian/s velocity displacement, plane
are acceleration acceleration
that wayparticle. the
St angular
Instantaneous to angular
these These Only a simplethe
at Fig.4.20,
in thesee
an intervalangular
it it suffers
angular angular
angular Its y) co-ordinates
andthe along
particle i i
time &t Hence as dt dt
to acceleration. corresponding particleof we CO(x, When
andmotion. linear. see and
adjective instant.
Let thatthe linear AB,
at P, t
time Average
displacement a=
addition velocity and CO-ordinates:0) 4.21, are
like We X-and
thatat time . is8t
interval see is of rectilinearVelocityshall (r
a elegant ordinates
velocity. at
LI has Fig Cartesian
of ordinates 0).
suppose in we othen change particlement, We motion an (r, along
at arrives radian .. If O=
3. In linear very In at any with
and St. 0, in the P
angular through
in is measured of angular
mo themaximum a in three angulara of
along (XYdifferent
the vector angle interval rate
of confined positions as
all motion
In ...4.40) motion require thatposition thisparticle.angle timeits
burning and moving
namely of
makes time islalways is
the see change (0):The
path, Theparticle
=-gt vehicle, the we velocity the
quantities, We its the ( ) the certain
for P are (o):
motion study
is mo 4.12Rotational curved motion particle of
instants. Theof a displacement
dm required
the m, etc 4.19
Fig. plane displacement
vector displacementof
vector a
In m angular X-axis. angular
its velocity
displacement of
MECHANICS g-v,In of n a a kinematicala P, the motion displacement
mo v, timemass v,gT+ along such
4.12.1 see P, atparticlethe
along result, position
+ over the
the angular
by and we
thetheattained=Yo- now moving
single P,
a describe acceleration.
moves withangularIAngular unit)Angular
Vo m,is displacement
path.Y a
sweeps of
Vo As
V V= be are
We additional (0) the plane Theradian angular
T and particleTo particleplane).
angles which
or, Vmax
.:. If fuelspeed In curved the 2.
the (r) is the in
we in Fromanymassand of attains
out caseneglect
of From
(4.38) time. the
rocket ratio downward theandIntegrating
(4.36) mass variation dm
time at thevelocity .....4.39) altitude.direction.v, m =0)
this m,
speed that the
DEGREE at fast m,= burnt of In We - is
( mass
fdv=-y, (4.37)rocket MÍ
thehowexhaust and is
value speed. gravity. the
the with
OF vo: we In
write massthat fuel in its
Mmo get or exhausted The
vehicle the the ignore upward
BOOKis the v, the its of m
maximum of (g)is and
In we t the see
time v,
v, Av, of Vo m on m, all velocity Vmax larger fromforce gravity
Voty, (downward),or, thev, get
=- m v,. = 1+ of we of depends
fraction independent
+ speed
whenm, launchedand the write dm at is m
massand Mo
eqn.4.36, Itv,
n equation massof =m, to that external in d-mg-V,
Vo Av In the to
resistance v limits,
- theAv
m=me V, mo= of
mass Maximum see
is due isv can suppose are
A V It fractionfuel,
m, thet
we higher Rocket and we
its or, Writing get mg -
-Y above released.
the acceleration
4.35, of
and In
M We ofterms V= is m, mass Thus direction
t is air We velocity
at within
mo get
the is the
.. "S 2. there the
eqn. m
small is of ...4.35)
of is of It ) Thus themass, motion theno
t (Freaction at k, we velocity
p. integrate
mass velocity
This it. rocket
two time dmdt
leaving as
4.35, to
is Sm+]-mù at
the because -Vel body. variablethe
......4.5a) suppose
&t this decreasing.
continuously as to is relative to the
time of relative of massforce
written eqn.
gas constant have of
productfor dt main rate be of dm oppositeme-d
dm mass
in + omi necessary negative, =m to reaction maysystemabove We in
the dt before get we
6T) to the due the
. =m-(7-)d(k-)= be law. resistance.
space: assume
that we relation
the respect a the
+ ++mÑT
-Bm)(F neglected is systemby may 4.35a
the with in magnitudes,
force The
dmdt dm a
4.35 or motion apply freein
the 2mdt signis
dt the
in -Smi SmÑT.
quantities = exhaustdt
Vrel theregarded air
negative that
Change Extermal l The
term 4.35 in moving
isthe theeqn. =F rateto
have =Lt mass of
eqn.of according
to let Rocketno =0. their suppose
where on above aofrocket. and constant get
We ejected equationNow is .F write
can comes
78 .. .. called be exerted m The 1.
rocket The To We
can the
v, it.
only r-co-ordinate of the particle increases. yr co In terms of the polar co-ordinates the position - From eqn.4.47 and 4.50, we get:
vector of the particle can be written as .:. Magnitude of its linear
ordinate does not. Similarly is the direction in Y
velocity p changes as o
which the1-00-0ndinate ofthe particle increases. changes, but its direction
In order to keep the expressions compact and
N O-Ordinate does not. remains always tangential to
elegant. we introduce short symbols for time the circular path.
Now we introduce w new unit l'ectors and derivatives. We shall write
Now it has wo accelera
Ç. which are perpendicalar to each other. The dr as i and d as,
as tions, as shown in Fig. 4.24.
unit vector is the direction in which r increases, Fig. 4.24
Fig. 4.23(a) 1. Radial acceleration,
e does not. Similarly àis the direction in which 0 Similarly 0 and

as 0.
Velocity of the particle is F=D and , =-rê;= -ro'i, towards the centre
increases, r does not. (centripetal acceleration).
Using the above relations and symbols, we find acceleration. = iY.
First we realise the important difference 2. Transverse acceleration, a =rê = röê
between the unit vactors iand i.on the one hand. the velocity and acceleration of the particle as it This is the simple rectilinear motion.
moves along any curved path, from eqn.4.46. = rað along the tangent.
and f and ê on the other. When the particle moves 2. Aparticle Pis moving along a circular path.
.:. Velocity of the particle is In this case r is the radius of the circle and so r
:. The resultant acceleration is a =a? +a
the unit vectors and does not change with and it makes angle with the inward radial direction
time, they are bound to the two axes X' and Y. But di de does not change : only changes.
the unit vectors and à are bound to the particles
dt dt dt dt d9 dt
. From eqns. 4.47 and 4.50 we get : given by tan=
ò a
= Y+rÖê a,
or itsposition vector i.So when aparticle moves, ..(4.47) This motion can happen only if some torque
the unit vectors and change with time. We have got the components of velocity along Velocity of the particle, T=rôê....4.53)
acts on the particle, as we shall see below.
Acceleration of the particle,
Let us first find the relations between and i and directions. These are called the radial 4.12.2 Torgue and angular momentum
=rêi+ röê. ...(4.54)
è. In Fig. 4.22, we see f and Ç brought to the and transverse (cross-radial) components Torque and angular momentum are two
respectively. Here is angular velocit (= o) and is important physical quantities especially important
:. Radial component ofvelocity, y, =i..(4.48) angular acceleration (Ö= a) of the particle. for motion of a particle along a curved line. First
Transverse component of velocity, vå =rê we shall define them, and then find the relation
7 ..(4.49) .:. Linear velocity, V=roê and linear between them.
Acceleration of the particle is, from eqn. 4.47, acceleration, =-ra²f + raê ..4.55) Definitions :
(i) If there is no angular acceleration a = 0, 1Torque on aparticle: Aparticle Pofmass
=dt =#+;d
d0 dtdeê+rãê + rÙde
d9 dtde the particle moves in a uniform circular motion. m is situated at the
Fig. 4.22
.:. Using eqn. 4.44, we get ..From eqn.4.53 and 4.54, for aparticle moving position vector F in F
origin by parallel displacements. Looking at the in a uniform circular motion an inertial frame S Fex
igure, letus find the components of the unit vectors Velocity is constant and with origin at 0. s
dt equal to v=ro along Çi.e., in Fig.4.25. A force F
iand è along X- and Y-axes.
- (Y-Ö²)ê +(rÖ +2rèê .....4.50) the direction of the tangent to acts on it. Moment
Components of the unit vectors are 1-cos 0 the circle, Fig. 4.23(b). ¼= ro of the force
and l-sin . We have got the radial and transverse
Acceleration is of constant Fabout O or torque
components of acceleration.
Components ofthe unit vectors are -1-sin 9 Radial component of acceleration, magnitude ro² =ylr and its about O is defined as l=r sino
and 1-cos . direction is - , i.e., towards the vector product of Fig. 4.25
a, =(Y-²). ........(4.51) Fig. 4.23(b)
.:. We can write i= cos - sin 0 j and Transverse component of acceleration, the centre O. This is called the Fand Fas
=-sin i - cos j....(4.43) centripetal acceleration. =-rot i=YxF ..(4.57)
a; =(rÖ+2rè) (4.52) If the mass of the particle is m, the force
We see that both and â are functions of 0.
From the above relations we get
Transverse acceleration is also called cross required for its acceleration is, Being across product of F and F. it follows
radial acceleration. that torque is perpendicular to the plane
Three special cases : F=mã=-mo'ri =-m.....(4.56)
de and =-.......4.4) 1. A particle P is going along a straight line. r containing Fand F in the direction given by the
:. Position vector of the particle at the instant Fig.4.23(a). It acts on the particle towards the centre. This right hand thumbrule: swing F into Falong the
Iwhen it is at Pcan be witten as In this case, the magnitude (r) ofposition vector is the well known centripetal force. curled finger of theright hand, the extended thumb
Ychanges with time but its direction (0) does not (i) If the particle has angular acceleration, will give the direction of 7. Hence is perpen
F=xi+j= rcose i-rsin8 j .......445) change. then linear velocity is T =ro8. dicular to the plane of thepaper vertically upw ard
Now we tind the lanon eieN torque and lou have surely noticed that to distinguish from that of mass-energy. We have arrived at it from
angular momentum we call momentum as linear Newton's law, but it has much wider validity.
Magieoisgivn by;=rsino= Tonque, =F·=F\Mraà 4.12.4 Central foree and angular momentum
If a particle of mass moves in a circle of
mr°e)= mr°a..60) adius r with angular velocity o, it has angular We have seen above that central force (F) is
Her è is the unit vNOT Npendicular to the momentum given by either directed towarnds
We iN grN t tne nans ot the nar in the sense davidai by nght l =p'= mr=mro.. ..4.62) or awa" from the centTe
haN thunb rle. To understand the significance ofZ, we go back of foree 0, Fig. 4.28. .:
o Newton's second law :
Ner fone, F-4p
ds4,11) If Fis along F, the Fig. 4.28
The s law, ader a litle denvation, gives Putting this into cqn.4.57, we get force (F ) is npulsie.
Example : clectrostatic force acting between
two particles of like charges.
Thus wñ g the lation beIwen toque (r) Since velocity is parallel to linear momentum, If Fis along -F, the force is attractive ( F, .
}=F -)=F ) and ngular aneleraion (a). Examples:clectrostatic force acting between two
The quantity mr is called he moren of particles of unlike charges or the gmvitational
ner: rhe r i e ahou the wint Q. .4.63) forces.
2. Angular momentum of a particle : A The torque of a central force about the centre
ariclePotmasis sinuatad at the winonvor This is another form of Newton's second law of force is
F in an inertial trane Swith the orngin at O and it otmotion applicable to cineular orotational nmotion.
lt tells : T=YxF= f(r)Yxè= 0
has alinear momentum ,Fig. 4.27.
Torgue of the net force about afixed point
is cqual to the time rate of change of angular . By eqn,4.63, T =dt 0.
paracle Hene thc magninde of momentum about the same point. .. L=constant ****..s..........(4.64)
Fdos nt change, the particle For a particle of mass mmovìng in a circle of
TOats in a cirrular nath ot radius adius r under the action of a torque t, we have Thus we arrive at avery important fact:
. Fig46. In this case the force The angular monentum of any particle
dLdmro) =mr2 o =mra moving under a central force is conserved.
À produces acceleration a dt dt dt
along the tangent. As a rsulL both Comparing the eqns. 4.11 and 4.63, we find Again angular momentum, Zis perpendicular
linear velociy r and angular i=rsino that the roles linear nmomentum and force play in to both and .Z= Fxp=m(Fx ).
Fia. 4.26 Fig. 4.27 translational motion are played by angular
velocin a of the paricle change. Since direction of Eremains unchanged, F
The particle has angular acceleration a. The anglar momentum (I ) of the particle momentum and torque respectively.
Angular acceleration is the time rate of change of and must always lie in the same plane
about O is defined as the vector product of F 4.12.3 Principle of conservation of angular
angular velocity. and p. momentum perpendicular to i. In other words, the path of
da the particle moving under the action ofa central
..(4.61) From eqn. 4.11, we got the principle of force must lie in a single plane containing the
conservation of linear momentum.
From Newton's second law we have centre of force.
Magnitude of L is L=rxp sin Í=p. where
If F=0, P= Constant. The motions of the planets round the sun or
F¡ = ma= mdi =m(or)=mr do-ra
l=r sin ¢is the perpendicular distance of theline
of action of the momentum from 0. Similarly from eqn. 4.63, we get the principle that of a artificial satellite round the earth take
of conservation of angular momentum. place under a central force (gravitational force).
Since the particle moves with increasing angular Angular momentum Lis perpendicular to the Therefore the centres of the planets and the sun
velocity and linear velocity. the motion is a non plane containing and p in the direction given If 7=0,i=Constant. or those of carth and its satellite are in the same
uniform circular motion. by the right hand thumb rule : swing F into The principle can be stated as follows : plane.
We have seen above that in auniform circular along the curled finger of the right hand, the f net external torque acting on a particle is 4.12.5 Impulse of a torque
motion, there is no tangential force and so there is extended thumb will give the direction of L. zero, its angular momentumn is constant
no torque; only the centripetal force acts. Thus In the figure, I is perpendicular to the plane (conserved). Impulse of a torque is defined as the product
we can conclude that to produce a non-uniforn of the paper vertically upward as shown by the This is a fundamental law of physics like the of the torque and the time interal for which it
circular motion, a torque must act on a particle. usual symbol. principle of conservation of linear momentum and acts. If a torque (t) acts on a particle for a time
(F) 4.12.9 4.12.8 angular being
done. 4.12.7 ds.
by is
circular that on 4.12.6 about is.
interval 84
and acceleration respectively. When by
In Pis .. For Fig.4.29,the
If the a
torque are
translational Power, torque th e particle. by =
m{ar)4.68) th e Powe, Power a force produces definition. from
motions in
Kinetic finite particle only Work change the
accelerationrelevant. Comparison velocity path.
a power force.
(t). (a), circular by is 9.
dW= isthe tangential torque.
we adone t,
Butquantities =tLt
definition, constant, angular displacement work that Therotates havetorque in given and
motion, energy Fgds
at dtaW Fa- byangular i,
have the A0 dt torque
the (a), In motion done force seen acts by
momentum of For a
most of instant A0
At wedisplacement = or in torque
angularcircular linear linear the iswith Ferd0
a the have momentum impulse
interesting angular TO......(4.67)
particle values the
velocity timetorque W= 4.Fi2g9.
momentum(L) and torque de
velocity (p rate
....(4.66) work =
td0 af
) t(0, the
and (v),circular revolving t ds brought
fact and and of is torque
forcelinear work -0,)
that (o), the the
Iftwo up. frames
of ordinate inertial
frame. two
frame other.velocity, 4.13 more of m quantity masscomes
respect respectively equations,
at Let a We Now we We the The L=
motion: motion:
frames, particle Two inertial We (m)
F=f-%... that may important particle
to the of
suppose We shallquantity mr, see if inout
instant O s 7 axes
personsreference acceleration,
Galilean v0, (m)
O position A P,are be bylikeframes shall see we
be, at (OXYZ which correspondence: translational from HAND A
a Fig.4.30.
making transformed when below
about nmy² F=ma, inabove
Yo, the that to study
4.Fi30g. A deduce of is a~mro?
T=ma, circular
we vectors and and inobservations a the BOOK
position which S reference etc. how the is
body thatcentrecalled a
B ofa
observationsO'YZ)B and
instant of moment the motion.motion that
relations OF
in two S to the body the of the
vector P, frames those are vectors, finite moment of F
e inertial
artransformation T=m²
isrole DEGREE
Y rectangular fromone relatedpositions the s
(4.69) t on havebeenset two from observed of below: Thiplayed
be size circle. ,
of the S inertia of
F to
p becomes played
0' and -P motion and inertial another rotates. inertia by PHYSICS
with in each from the by
the co is L,
'. S

frames. frameand S frame S', respect to coincide, velocities frames

at from we
acting andaredifferent
can accelerations S respect an
Smeasured in Here
Thus If have Weequation Thiscan dt di HereDifferentiating On t=0, Using dr-,velocity
dtdiÙ Differentiating
substitution the
on m have =k, F=Y-vo the of
we the is anyinertial
to dt dV,acceleration
-= dt timewe thenreference. frame %, = dt
F= the the origins of this
a0, acceleration velocity frametheS.
see particle acceleration. assumed frame 7, a =,
mã mass body
formula S.
that = frames.
of acceleration =Vof.
a di_dvÍ dt get both
d in dtdidY
of body S. Eqn.4.69 of If of velocity
at usedbe measured
the we of P dt sides
acceleration ma is the
d sides
we the as
Therefore the of two make
particle, beginning
.. measured fromtwo frame measured
of P dt we frames can
*....(4.70) of dt with
an the as of of
=0. compare th eto get the from S' the respect
....4.74)of ..(4.73) none
the ...(4.72) frame measured measured inP eqn.4.70...(4.71) (0
choice as in particle
a that different measured the
body net of S' and to
them both with frame time
and force with O') that the
in as
measurements their done be but,measured. with Then
in measured
=t'.observes and
independ assumptions. reference.velocities
verifiable within ofcannot experiment
experiments inertial go valuehence
relations transformation. ordinates comparable and t
Let vacuum. true,assumptions For These may (ii) assumptions These
( ) are In the So, from
WeTheseImmediate This in (iii) In
at the B the inthe
should =j-o a'=and£ F=Y-tinaccuracy. us speeds a Theobserves The in inThe frame the uniform be other all
because long fact, the the above frame one force
as set collect velocity any scales frame.
are nor deternmined inertial
mentioned may of mass particle time is wiwithin
l words,
to As time they twthoe way two inertial of
remember consequences relations could that much relative zero.
and of soon all are (m) the intervals derivationnecessary
be the of frames
on of Thisvelocity yield any from motionframes.acting
the be experiments
of lower particle to we
called t not be measurcment the So, is identical one frame on
= done, light asscientists the ofa framesare to by another
in is above particles true. situated absolute cannot does
the the called t' body velocities ar e
of of the
than appear frame between
events twO we the
were at in even an the to body
assumptions results: equal
the these of has P have chosen result. another. not
the began at
thebelieved at at dynamics. any
inertial two
distinguish by
velocity havingspecd that to nothing in the equal. P rest if change has
*.....4.75) observed bewhich it is instant an
at IfA distancer
of of made
the and experiment the frames.doing
..(4.75a) to time instant t. frame velocity is the
of observe speeds of them obvious frames. do neither framne
above. these were to three if same
and are: and light not A1 All any onc we 85
co to do of
accelerated frame, it expericnces this force. Hence, system are symmetncally distributed. Suppose m, cancel each other as these are produced in cqual
These relations can be applied to produce quite it is called pseudo force or fictitious force. As is the mass of a particle of the system at position and opposite pairs by Newton's third law. Thus
acceptable results when the velocities of the bodies the pseudo force is not vector ¡ With respect the origin O and the above cquation tells that the system of particles
involved are very smallcompared to that of light. applied on the body by any moves in such a manner that its centre of mass
All the conclusions mentioned above may be
stated in a concise form, which constitute the
other body, this force does M= Sm, = total mass of the systenm of particles, moves with acceleration given by
not have reaction force S M
statement of Classical principle of relativity : associated with it. Notice, Fig. 4.32.
Classical principle of relativity : If net external force, F= 0, P.m =constant.
the direction of the pscudo Position vector of centre of mass (G) of thc Then two things may happen. The individual
All laws of motion are the same for all inertial
observers moving with constant velocity relative force is opposite to the system is given by particles move in different directions with different
direction of the Fig. 4.31
to each other, when the obsenvers compare their velocities, but the motion is so correlated with cach
observations using the Galilean transformation. acceleration of the frame, Fig.4.31. others that
We shall get the accurate relations (the Lorentz Pseudo force is found to be proportional to the (i) The c.m.remains at rest, if it was initially at
mass of the particle. Therefore it is also callcd M ...(4.76)
transformations) when the special relativity will rest, or
be discussed. inertial force. It is also very much like the Toknow the significance of centre of mass we (ii) The c.m. moves with a uniform velocity, if
gravitational force (mg). Therefore for an extended procced as follows. it was initially moving with that velocity.
4.14 Non-inertlal frames and pseudo body it acts at the centre of mass of the body. As an example, we consider that a time bomb
forces According to Newton's law only external force
Diferentiating both sides w.r.t. time we get
at rest explodes. No external force is involved and
Now we consider a situation similar to that can produce acceleration. But here we sce that
so, C.m. would remain at rest. So the different
discussed in the previous section, with the even ifexternal force F = 0, a body situated in the dt dt or, MV =)mv,
i=l i splinters of the bomb will move in different
difference that the frame S' has acceleration a, accclerated frame gets an acccleration (-åo ). directions with exactly those velocities that keep
Thus we can see clearly that Newton's laws arc Here V is the velocity of the centre of mass the rest at its initial position. If the bomb
with respect to the inertial frame S. Hence the not valid in a non-inertial frame.
frame S' is now, by definition, non-inertial frame. and v, is the velocity of ith particle. was moving with uniform velocity before explosion,
Let us see what changes happen in the frame S'. In many situations we come across a body the motions ofthe splinters will be so adjusted that
As, ãn õ, wehave from eqn.4.72. a =ä-ap situated in an accelerated frame. For example, it Pem.=X, the c.m. continues moving with the same velocity.
The frame Sis inertial. In this frame the particle may be moving lift or car or the surface of the i=1
4.16 Dynamlcs of a rlgld body
revolving earth. In such non-inertial frames we Here pem is the momentum of a particle of
is moving with acceleration d. If mass of the must take into account the pseudo forces along Now we shall consider the dynamics of a rigid
particle is m, by Newton's second law, the external mass Mmoving with velocity and P,, is the
with real forces to get the correct equation of momentum of the i-th particle. Thus we see that if body.
force acting on it is F=mã. This force arises
motion. In inertial frames, however, pseudo forces we imagine asingle particle of total mass Mplaced Rigid body : A body is called a rigid body if
obviously from some interaction between this have no relevance. the distance between any two constituent particles
at the c.m., then its momentum is equal to the remains
particle and some other body or bodies. The forces fixed under the action of force or torque
4.15 vector sum of momenta of all the particles. We
are, for example push-pull type, gravitational, Dynamlcs of system of partlcles
electric, magnetic etc. In a single word it is real can conclude that the system of particles can be of any magnitude. Hence the volume and shape
Now we shall study dynamics of a system of replaced by a single imaginary particle of mass M 0f the body do not change during its motion.
force. particles. Then we shall apply those results to In nature we do not find absolutely rigid body.
In the non-inertial frame S, the particle is develop the dynamics of rigid bodics. placed at its c.m. moving with the resultant
momentum. But ifthe forces or torques acting on it are not too
moving with acceleration '. So, the effective force By a system of particles we mean several large, most solids can be treated as rigid.
particles having fixedpositions with respect to each Differentiating both sides of the last equation
on it is
W.r.t. time we get We see that a rigid body is not much different
other and bound together by any mutual from a system of particles. Only difference is that
F'= nß = m(- ,) =mã - mã, =F - mãp interaction. instead of discrete particles separated by a fixed
We see something interesting. Owing to the dt dt
4.15.1 Centre of mass (c.m.) distance, the particles of the rigid body are
acceleration (,) of the frame of reference, a For a system of N continuously distributed over a fixed volume
force (-n, ) arises and this force together with particles, centre of
dt without any separation between neighbouring
mass (c.m.) is a particles. Hence we can similarly define centre of
the real force (F) produces the acceleration (a) mass of a rigid body. Centre of mass of a rigid
very important Here is the force acting on the i-th particle
of the particle in that accelerated frame. point. Centre of °m4 body is the unique point situated inside or outside
This force (-m, ) is not due to any mass is a unique
and F is the resultant force acting on the system. the body, about which the mass of the body is
interaction between matters ; it is not applied by point about which Here we should understand that F is the net symmetrically distributed. The discrete sums of
one body on another. It arises due to acceleration masses of the external force. There may be intemal forces acting the Suppose
above results are to be replaced by integration.
density of the material of the body is
of the frame. If a body is situated in that particles of the X Fig. 4.32 between the constituent particles, but these forces
88 89
p. then mass of an elementary portion of volume Couple : If two equal. parallel and the body, it has a general motion
(translation cum
oppositel directed forces (F. ) act together on rotation). Ifa particle of mass m moves with an angular
di of the body dm = pdl. Let l' be the total velocity o in acircle of radius r, then for the particle,
olume of the body. a body. Fig.4.35. the two together is called couple, Now suppose thata single force F acts on the we have:
The resultantof the couple is
. Mass of the whole body is given by body B, which does not pass through the c.m. but Linear velocity, v= 0r, linear momentum,
zero, but the two forces do
B not balance each other, as passes through P. Fig.4.36. What will be its efect? p= mV.

they do not act alonga single

To infer this we imagine that AF F
1f the position vector of line. The eftect of the couple
Fig. 4.35 two equal and opposite Kinetic energy, T=my²- = ; ma',
forces (F,- F) act at the Angular momentum, L= pr = mvr = mor.
m is F. Fig 4.33. then the is producing a pure rotation of the body. We shal) c.m. (G) of the body. Since Using these formulae we can calculate the kinetic
Osinon vector of the centre see below that nder the action of a couple, a
the two forces balance each energy and angular momentum of each constituent
of mass oÉa igid body B is bod roiates about iis centre of mass (G).
Fig. 433 The magninude of a couple is the product of other the situation is not particle of the rotating body. Summing them up
given by changed. Now the previous Fig. 4.36
any one of the two forces and the perpendicular we get those things for the whole body.
...(4.77) force Fand the new force -F together form a Let a particle of mass m, of B be at a distance
distance (N berween them. It is called the moment
of the couple or torque of the couple. couple producing the efect of rotation of the body r; from the axis, it rotates in a circle of radius r,.
The fomm to eaken b d+ and the limits of about the c.m., as shown in the figure. We are left Another particle of mass m, is at a distance r,, it
. Moment of couple or torque. r =Fl...(4.79) with the force F passing through the c.m. which
intTaD0n depen on the gOmetry of the given The istance / is calledthe arm of the couple. rotates in a circle of radius r, etc. Each particle
by. lf the by is homgenaus and of rgular Notice that a couple cannot act on a particle. produces a motion along its direction. Hence the has the same angular velocity o, but linear
share the cenre of mas is the geomeic Cenire body would rotate about c.m. and move along F
Moment ofhe couple is generally taken as positive velocities are different for different particles.
ofthe boy ifitotates anticlockwise and vice versa. We know 4.16.2 Centre of gravity Kinetic energy of the whole body,
Al he s of the cenre of mass we that the etteet of a large number of forces can be Centre of gravity (c.g.) is the unique point of a +
have disuSsd ¿heve holdequaly in the case ofa replaced bv a single force, which is their resultant body at which the resultant force of gravity (Mg
rngii b . Hene fr any ranslational momon, a force. But the ettect of a pair of forces forming a = attraction of the earth) acts. Its position
n g b may b p l ib aint mass at its couple cannot be replaced by a single force. coincides with the centre of mass of a body, if the
Cr OÉ miss. Bu: to explain the otaion of a As a consequence. if a large number of forces act size of the body is so small that the value of
rigid boiy we require some more physical .(4.80)
on a body and many of them fom couples, we acceleration due to gravity (g) has the same value Here we have put the sum of the series
n0ts wih we shall now discus. have to add the couples together to find the at all parts of the body. Hence for bodies of
4.16.1 foment of aforce and couple resultant couple and the other forces together to ordinary sizes the two terms c.g. and c.m. are Zm=1 ......
Consider a rigid boiy 4B which cannotnove get the resultant forces. regarded as synonymnous. Where gravity is not
S hole. but can There may be three situations : involved we call this point specifically as the c.m. Angular momentumn of the body,
rotate about a point 0. AF (i) Only a non-zero net couple (torque) acts on 4.17 Kinetic energy and angular L=m,or +m,or+ ......

Fig. 434. We apply a a body.

force Fas shown in the
If the body was initially at rest, as there is no momentum of a rigid body - m,orf =omy = l..4.82)
net force, the c.m. must be at rest. As a result, the rotating about a fixed axis and
igure. the body will Fig. 4.34 idea of moment of inertia
rOtate about 0. either body starts rotating about the c.m. by the action of We see that to find the KE and angular
clockwise or anticlockwise. The effectiveness of the torque with a definite angular acceleration. The Arigid body B of finite size rotating about a momentum of the body of finite size rotating about
motion is pure rotation. fixed axis XY with a constant angular velocity o an axis, we must know the value of the quantity I.
the force to rotate the body depends on (i) Fig.4.37. Let us calculate the kinetic energy and We have
magnitude of the force F and (ii) perpendicular If the body was initially moving with aunifom
X Angular momentum of a rotating body,
distance I of the line ofaction of the force from 0. velocity, it continues moving with that velocity and
at the same time rotating about the c.m. L= ol. .(4.83)
Hence it depends on the product of Fand l. This
Kinetic energy of a rotating body,
product, we have seen. is called the moment of (ii) Only a non-zero net force Facts and it m
the force about the point O or torque (t) about passes through c.m., then the body moves such .....4.84)
that the c.m. moves along the direction of the force
Torque, t =Fi ...(4.78) in a straight line with a definite linear acceleration. A body rotating about an axis has no definite
It is obvious from the figure that if a force F It is a pure translational motion. linear velocity, different particles have different
passing through Oacts on the body, its torque about If the net force does not pass through the c.m., velocities, but all of them have the same angular
Ois zero and it cannot produce any rotation of the the body will have both rotational and Fig. 4.37 velocity. So it is natural and convenient to havev
body. To produce rotation of a body like AB, a net translational motion. This is explained below. angular momentum of the body. We shall find some replaced by o. Also we know that in case of
non-zero torque must act on it. (vi) If non-zero net force and net torque act on very interesting result. rotationalmotion Lplays the role ofp.
90 91
Now let us compare the relations : Here M= total mass of the body,> n,. Radius of gyration--I is the distance (k) at
which a body, rotating about an axis, can be If force acting on the particle is i, then by
p=mv with L= lo,
replaced by a particle of the same mass (M)
and T=mv'- 2m with T-lo' - 2/ The dimension of /is [1] =[n] [= [M) [L2) rotating with the same angular velocity (o), so that
Newton's second law, Ë=
(ML²]. Its unit is kg.m² or'.
We see that in rotational motion in place of mass Therefore the dimension of k is (LJ. It is some the moment of inertia, kinetic energy and angular
of the body m, there occurs the quantity T. lis length or distance.
momentum of the particle are the same as those
where i, is the external torque acting on the
called moment of inertia of the body about the axis of the body.
To get the significance of kwe put /= Mk in
of rotation. Hence we must know the moment of Inother words, the body can be renlaced by a Particle about the axis of rotation. Substituting these
eqn.4.84 We get, results in the above eqn., we get
inertia ofa body about the axis of rotation in order Mk')
particle of the same mass at that distance.
that we may calculate the kinetic energy and KE of the body, T = lo =
angular momentum of the rotating body. Radius of gyration, k = dLd -Si,=i,
= M
(ko)² = My2 We also notice that like moment of inertia, value
4.17.1 Physical significance of moment of Here is the total external torque acting on
inertia Here V= ko = velocity of a particle revolving of radius of gyration depends on the position and the body about the axis of rotation.
in a circle of radius k about the axis of rotation. orientation of the axis of rotation.
In rotational motion moment of inertia () plays We have got the relation between torque acting
the same role as mass (m) of the body plavs in
Thus we get a very interesting result. on a body and rate of variation of its angular
4.18 Dynamics of the rotation of a
translational motion.
The KE of the body rotating about an axis body about an axis momentum, applying Newton's law. We have
is equal to the KE of a particle of the same found:
We know that mass is the measure of inertia. In the previous section we have studied the
mass Mrotating with the same angular velocity Torque acting on a body rotating about an
SO we may conclude that the quantity I is the o about the same axis placed at a distance k basic dynarmics of rotational motion of aparticle. axis = time rate of change of angular
measure of inertia in the case of rotational
fromt the axis. Now we study the dynamics of body rotating momentum. In mathematical symbols
MODOn. Hence I is called the rotationa! inertia In other words the body can l
about an axis.
ot mOment of inertia of the bocy about the aris dL
be replaced by a particle of Angular momentum of a particle is given by T=
the same mass placed at a L=Yxp. We may not use the vector sign here, because
It should be menioned that though moment of
ineria plays the role ofmass in rotatiocal motion, di_tance k from the axis. This .:. Total angular momentum the directions of all the vectors i. . ö and
distance k is called the radius of the body about the axis of angular acceleration, are along the axis of
but uhke mas iiis not an intrinsic propert of
the boty The vzue of momert of inertia of a of gration. Fig.4.3S. rotation XYof Fig. 4.39 is rotation.
Similarly. angular Putting L = lo in the equation we get,
bocs depends on the choice of the axis of momentum of the body, L = Fig. 4.38 m;
dlo) do = la
ol= oMk = Mok)k = MIK = angular (4.88)
4172 Cakalation of moment of inertiz of e momentum ofa particle of mass M moving with a where is the radius vector First we compare this equation with the
velocity in acircle of radius k. Again we get the of the i-th particle measured Y Newton's equation
Tbe momt onrie is gvnby same result thar the boiy can be replaced by a from the axis of rotation and Fig. 4.39
l-n=n- -m paricla of the same mass at a distance &from the Fdp=d
(mv)= m
= ma

its linear momentum is Pi.

Now suppose the angular momentum of the The correspondences between the quantities
Similar simplification is possible for a relevant to translational and rotational motion are:
translational moion, where a body may be replaced body is changing with time by the action of torque. Ft,p L, m ,v 0, a aT
ba particle of the same mass placed at centre of We like to find the relation between the torque The same correspondence was observed for
mass The important difference is that the distance and angular momentum. the motion of a single particle. Egn. 4.88 may be
of the cenre of mas fromn the axis of rotation and Let us diferentiate both sides of the above
regarded as the Newton's law for a body rotating
the radius of gyration are not equal. The position equation with respect to time, we get about an axis. Force produces change in linear
shee Bi we oñen ieal with bodies of of the cenre of mass R and the radius of gyration momentum. Torque produces change in angular
Xwith respect to the axis of rotation are d dt momentum.
rsively givea by
shs 4.18.1 Principle of conservation of angular
Now. =.velocity ofthe particle. From egn.4.88, we get if t = 0, L=constant.
R= and k= M
We arrived at the principle of conservation of
417.3 Res f g r s
Obviously R. Thus eplacing a body by a d P: Xm, =0, since the vectors angular momentum :
485) If total external torque acting on a svstem
point mas is not the same thing n all sinuations. are parallel.
5. The earth, spinning on its axis, maintains a
of particles or a body is zero, total angular () exerted by F on the rigid body about the axis Again we find that torque plays the same role
momentum is conserved. constant angular momentum. So long as its moment ofrotation. in rotational motion as force does in translational
of inertia about the spin axis does not change, its
4.18.2 Some interesting examples of the the .: SW =t 80 motion.
angular velocity will remain constant. Hence
principle of conservation of angular angular rotation of the earth forms a convenient
For an infinitesimal time interval, St’0, we 4.20 Calculation of moment of inertia
momentum have diW=t d. of different bodies
momentumofa particle. I. basis tor our time measurement. For finite rotation from initial angular position
We nave: Angular But we know that in the geological time span
0, to the final position ,, the work done is given
Ifwe take a continuous and homogeneous body
new mountains rise above the surface and rivers of yooular shane and choose an axis about which
Angular momentum of a body, L = ol, where carry millions of silt towards the equator. Such by the body is symmetrically placed, its moment of
causes increase the moment of inertia of the earth *.......(4.89)
inertia about that axis can be found very easily.
slightly and reduce its angular specd. Tidal friction For such symmetrical bodies, we can always
1. A ballet dancer is spinning about a vertical dissipates the rotational kinetic energy of the earth find a very small portion, every constituent particle
For aconstant torque, W=t (0, -6,)... (4.90)
axis, with her arms outstretched. If she folds her into heat and causes it to slow down. It has been of which are at equal distance (r) from the axis of
arms, moment of inertia () of her body about the estimated that the earth is slowing down at the Comparing this with the expression for work, rotation. If mass of that portion is dm, moment of
W= Fs, we see the correspondence: inertia of that small portion about the axis is dI=
vertical axis decreases. because distances of many rate of 0.00 1second per century. F and angular displacement,0 > linear
portions of her hand from the axis of rotation are The decrease in angular momentum of the earth displacement, s.
dm x 2. To get I for the whole body, we can sum
is accompanied by an equal increase in the angular up allsuch d>'s by integrating over proper limits,
now smaller. But no external torque is involved in Average power of the agent producing rotation
the process. Therefore to keep the value of angular momentum ofthe moon in its orbital motion around of the body is given by so that all portions may be included. This is the
general principle of all calculations of moment of
momentum (L=lo) unchanged her angular velocity the earth. This causes an increase of distance of Pav inertia.
(o) increases. the moon from the earth and decrease of its speed.
(i) Moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod
2. Similarly, an ice skater spins with both arms It is estimated that the distance increases by one When St-0, we get the instantaneous power,
quarter of acentimetre per rotation.
rotating about an axis passing through its
and a leg outstretched. As she pulls her arms and dWd centre and perpendicular to its length.
Pa ....4.91)
leg. her spinning motion changes dramatically. It is found that the shapes of the galaxies are dt
determined by the lavw of conservation of angular In Fig. 4.41, AB represents a thin uniform rod
3. Ahigh diver leans forward a litle before he 4.19.1 Work-energy principle of mass M and length 1. The axis of rotation CD
jumps from the diving board. Therefore, when he momentum. At the other end of the scale, it is found
jumps. the force exerted by the board does not that many important properties of atoms and In particle dynamics, the work-energy principle
tells :
pass through his centre of mass and so he gets an molecules are governed by this conservation of
initial torque. His subsequent motion is under angular momentum. Work done by a force = change in kinetic
energy brought about by the work.
gravity. acting at his c.g. As a result his c.g. moves 4.19 Work, energy, and power in In the case of rotation of a body the same E
along a parabolic path with a constant angular
momentum. If the diver wants to undergo one or
rotational motion principle holds, only force is replaced by torque :
more somersaults in the air., he would draw in his Rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis can Work done by a torque = change in kinetic
be described by any single point fixed on the body. energy of rotation brought about by the work.
arms and legs to decrease his moment of inertia
and thereby increase his angular velocity. We suppose that an extermal force F acts at a We suppose that a torque t acts on a body for D
atime interval t increasing its angular velocity from
4. Planets move round the sun in elliptic orbits point Pon a body producing o, to w, then initial kinetic energy, T,=%lo? and
Fig. 4.41
with the sun at the focus, under the action of the rotation about an axis passing passes through its middle point 0 and is
force of gravitation (central force). Acentral force through 0, perpendicular to the the final kinetic energy, T,=½ Io. If theangular perpendicular to its length.
p displacenment during the time interval is , then the Since the rod is unifom, its mass per unit length
has no torque as it acts along the line joining the plane of the paper, Fig.4.40. In
a small time interval St, work (W done by the torquet is given by eqn.
centres of gravity of two bodies. As a result they
displacement of the point of o 4.89, .Consider athin element of length dx at a
move with a constant angular momentum (mv);: distance x from the axis of rotation.
Fig. 4.40
they can be regarded as point mass n, because application is 8s.The angular
the distance is very large. Therefore when they displacement is 8.. Since S0 is very small, we The mass of the element = M x d. Since the
are at the perigee (closest distance from the sun), can write, &s =r8e, where r=radius ofthecircular 0
element is very thin, all of its particles may be
their velocity (1) has maximum value, when they path of the point P. Now the work done by the supposed to be equidistant from the axis and the
are at the apogee (greatest distance from the sun) force for thisdisplacement is given by
their velocity is maximum. Velocity varies all along SW = F-Ss = F Ss cos ¢ = F cos r S0
ado =+1(a; -o) distance =x.
. The moment of inertia of the element about
the path to conserve angular momentum.
F cos p is the component of the force in the (4.92) x d x.
The same behaviour is shown by artificial
direction of s. The product Fcos o1r is the torque
:. W= T-I; ... the given axis =
94 95
It can bc proved in the same way
For finding the moment of inertia /of the whole that if the (v) Moment of inertia of a flat ring about
rod, the above epression is to be integrated axis of rotation IS parallel to the length of the an axis passing through its centre and
and then lamina, /= Mb² perpendicular to its plane
between limits N 0 and A 12
multiplied br : t0 include the other So, for the above rod. / MI In the above two cases, the radius of If a concentric circular portion is cut out from
3 gyration a thin circular d1sc. we P
half s0.
Here. the radius of gyration, k are k= 2 and k=, respectively. get a flat ring. Suppose.
(iv) Momnent of inertia of a thin circular disc the external and intemal
(ii) Momnent of inertiaof athin uniform radii of such a flat ring
about an axis passing through its centre and
rectangular lamina about an axis passing perpendicular to its plane. are Rand r respectively
through its centre and parallel to one of the and its mass = M. The
Fig. 4.44 shows a P
its sides. axis of rotation PO
thin circular disc of
ABCD is a thin P mass M and radius r. passes through its
So, for a thin unifom rod rotating about an axis uniform rectangular The axis of rotation PÌ
centre 0 and is
lamina. Its length is l, A perpendicular to its
passing through its centre and perpendicular to its passes through the

breadth b and mass is plane (Fig. 4.45]. Fig. 4.45

centre 0 and
length. I= MI
M. The axis of
perpendicular to its The surface area of
Again. if kbe the radius of gyration, then M rotation PO passes the flat ring = R - = I(R -). So. mas
plane. Now, the area
through its centre and M
;D C of the disc = and per unit area of the ring =
is parallel to its
the masSs per unit area
breadth BC or AD. The flat ring may be supposed to be composed
(ii) Moment of inertia of the above rod when
g. 4.45). Since the of the disc = M of numerous thin concentric rings one of which
the aris of rotation passes through one end and lamina is uniform, its Fig. 4.43
Fig. 4.44
dr as showT in the
is perpendicular to its length. Consider a thin concentric annular ring of has radius x and thickness
The axis of rotation CD now passes through mass per unit area =xh' radius x and width dr. The area of this annular figure. The surface area of this ring
ring = length of its circumference x width = = 2rrdr and its mass = M
the end. say, Aand is perpendicular to the length I(R-r)
27 rdt
of the rod Fig. 4.42). The mass of the rod = M Considera thin strip of length dx and breadth 2xdx. Hence, the mass of the annular ring =
b at a distance x from the axis PQ. The mass of 2Mx d
M x bdx = M dx. As the strip is Mx2nr-d° =2Mx-d. (R'-r')
the strip =

lxb As the ring is very thin, its moment of inertia

very thin, particles of the strip may be supposed Since the width of the ring is very small, all of about the axis PO
to be equidistant from the axis and the distance = the particles of the ring are at the same distance 2Mr
x. So, the moment of inertia of the strip =
dr from the axis PO and this distance is x. So, the (R,dr (R-.
moment of inertia of the annular ring about the
Now, integrating the above expression betw een
The lamina may be divided into a large number given axis = 2M -.x- dr xx =2M.f.dr limits x = R and x = r, the moment of inertia of
of such thin strips parallel to its breadth and the the flat ring
Fig. 4.42 sum of the moments of inertia of all such strips The whole disc may be supposed to be divided R
and its length = I. Since the rod is uniform, the about the axis PO will evidently be equal to the into numerous such concentric rings of radii 2Mr -dx = 234

mass per unit length of the rod =

moment of inertia of the whole lamina. This may ranging from zero to r. We can get the momnent (R
be obtained by integrating the above expression of inertia l of the entire disc by integrating the
As before, consider a very thin element of between the limits x = 0 and x = and then
above expression between limits x = 0and 2M
length dx at a distance x from the axis. The x=r. Thus, the moment of inertia of the disc. (R-)
moment of inertia of the element about the axis multiplying by 2. So,
CD = d. /2
To get the moment of inertia I of the whole Here, the radius of gvration, & R+
rod, the above expression is to be integrated
between limits x= 0 andx= !
2M |4
=Mr 2
[Note: (i) Ifr 0, ¿c,ifthe body in question
I3o 12
is a circular dise of radius R.

We have, therefore., J= MI
12 Here, the radius of gyration &=
(ii) If R = r, ie., if the body under As the annular cylinder is very thin, all of its Now. as the sphere rotates about the diameter Consider a thin slice bounded by the planes EG
consideration is a thin circular ring of radius R. particles may be supposed to be cquidistant from PO,the disc also rotates about the same line as and CD at distances x and x + dx from 0
the axis of rotation PO and this distance isr axis. In the case of a circular disc rotating about respectively. Clearly the slice is athin ring, having
I= R- R²)=MR) Hence. the moment of inertia of the annular line passing through the centre and perpendicular radius = EF and thickness = EC (not dx).
nthe plane of the disc, we know the moment of
(vi) Moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder cylinder inertia =XI mass x (radjus)2
Now, the radius of the slice = EF = OE-cos
and the thickness = EC = rdO. So. the area of the
about its own axiS : 2M x_. dy xx = 2M -xdu.
(R'-) slice = length of the circumference x thíckness =
Consider a hollow cylinder of external and (R-) So. the moment of inertia of the disc ABC
about the line PO 2rr cos x rde = 2ur cos de.
internal radii Rand r respectively and mass M Now, integrating the above expression between
rOtating about its own axis. X=R and x=rwe get the moment of inertia of .. Mass of the slice=x 2 cos de
mass of the disc x (radius)? 4r2
Now. the hollow cylinder may be supposed to the whole cylinder. So, the required moment of cos dO.
be divided into a number of thin flat rings, each inertia
1 3M (2- d x
having an extermal and internal radii same as those 2 4, Now, from the figure, we can write, x=r sin 0.
2M -dx=
of the cylinder itself i.. Rand r respectively. If (R'- 4 Differentiating, we get, dx =r cos 0 do
each flat ring has a mass m. then its moment of (R Now, integrating the above expression between Or, cos 0 dA = dx

inertia about the given axis = 2.M the limits x=0and x=r and then multiplying by
(R²-r) 2. we gct the moment of inertia of the whole .. Mass of the slice = Mdr
So. the moment of inertia of the whole cylinder
If the cylinder is solid r = 0 and in that case. sphere. We have already seen that the moment of
So, the required moment of inertia inertia of a thin ring about a line passing through
its centre and perpendicular to its plane = mass x
8,.3 (radius)
.. Moment of inertia of the slice about the
(vi)Moment of inertia of a solid sphere
roiating about any of its diameters : given axis
The radius of gyration, in this case. is k = Consider a solid sphere of radius r and mass
M. The centre of the sphere is O and the diameter 43. Mdrx (EF)Mdrx(r-x).
PO is the axis of rotation. The volume of the Now, integrating the above expression between
[N.B. ifr=0ic, if the cylinder be solid, I= limits x =0and x =r and then multiplying by 2,
M3M we get the moment of inertia of the whole shell.
sphere r'and its density p 3 4

Alternative method : The cross-sectional area 3 So, the required moment of inertia,
of the hollow cylinder = (R -). If l be the Suppose, the solid sphere is divided into a large 43|
length of thecylinder, its volume = (R - .
Hence, the density of the material of the
number of thin
circular discs, with
4,.3 Sr-M
mass M their planes perpen
cylinder volume R(R²-r²} dicular to the axis d
Suppose, the hollow cylinder is made up of a
large number of thin co-axial cylinders, one of
PO. Consider such a
thin disc of thickness
O-||B The radius of gyration, in this case, k= -
(viii) Moment of inertia of a thin spherical
which has a radius x (say) and width d:. [Fig. dx at a distance x
4.46]. The surface area of the thin annular cylinder from the centre O
shell rotating about any of its diameters :
Consider a thin spherical shell of radius r and
= 2rrdr and its volume = 2r:rdrl [Fig. 4.47], It is easy Fig. 4.47 mass M, having The radius of gyration, in this case, is k=
to see that the line
centre at O. The (ix) Moment of inertia of a hollow spher
POpasses through the centre of this disc. So, the shell is rotating or thick shell about any of its diameters :
P .R.... -O Let r and Rbe the
radius of the disc =AB = J2_ ' . The surface about the diameter
...... dr intermal and external radii
PO as axis [Fig.
4.48]. Q respectively of a thick
area of the disc = t
Fig. 4.46 The surface area shell, which is rotating
.:. The mass of the annular cylinder Its volume = n(-xdu. of the shell = 4u about the diameter PQ 0
. Mass of the disc = volume x density (p) and its mass per [Fig. 4.49]. Its moment
M x 2rr-dr-l=2M Fig. 4.48 of inertia about the given
n(R - (R²-) = n(-dr xM3M unit area = M_ axis will be equal to the Fig. 4.49
43 4ry2
98 99
difference of moment of inertia of solid sphere x base x altitude =ah.
Hence, the mass (xi) Moment of inertia of a cone about its i Theorem of perpendicular axes : The
of radius R and another solid sphere of radius r axis:
theorem states that the sum of moments of
about the same axis. Now, the volume of bigger of the lamina, M=~ahp. In Fig.4.51.we have a inertia of a plane lamina about any two
cone of height h and radius perpendicular axes in its plane is equal to its
solid sphere = 4 R and its mass = R'p. A
of the base is R. we are to moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular
where p = density of the material of shell. The
find its moment of inertia
volume of the smaller sphere = 4 and its mass Mzat N about the axis XY. We
to its plane and passing through the point of
d intersection of the first two axes.
consider infinitesimally
p. Also, the volume of the shellor the The lamina shown in Fig. 4.52 has one axis 0Z
B thin disc of height dx at a normal to the plane of the lamina, and two other
hollow sphere = (R - ) and its mass = distance x from the base.
Fig. 4.50 Suppose the density of the
(R³ -)p. material be p and the radius
Now, the moment of inertia of the bigger sphere Consider, now, a thin strip MN at a distance x Fig. 4.51
of the disc be r. From the
(solid) about the axis PQ from the base BC. The width of the strip = d. geometry of the figure we have
The area of the strip which is almost rectangular
= MN x dx.
R h
Similarly, the moment of inertia of the smaller MN_h-x Mass of the thin disc is dm = prdx.
sphere about the same axis Now, BC h Moment of inertia ofthedisc about the axis,
-xrpxr²=-p. M-)a(h-x) Fig. 4.52
.:. MN = BC axes OX and OY at right angles to each other i
Moment of inertia of the hollow sphere
So, the area of the strip = d and its the plane of the lamina. If the moments of inert
15 15 -) of the lamina about OX, OY and 0Z be I,, I, an
respectively, then it is to be proved that
Now, p=
Mass of the shell
Imass =
alh-3).p-dx. To find the moment ofinertia ofthe whole cone
about XY, we have to integrate dI from x=0 to h. 1,+,=l,
The momnent of inertia of the strip about BC = Proof : Let us take a particle of mass m at
3M prR4 on the lamina. The co-ordinates of the point P wit
4n(R3 - ) a(h-x) pdx x x2 =x
0 respect to OX and OY are x and y. Then
So, the required moment of inertia +y, where z is the distance of Pfrom z-axis.
Now, integrating the above expression
3M -x(R$S-s) between limits x =0 and x= h, we get the 2Sh4 (h--lprRs
lprR4 Now, moment of inertia of the particle abou
4n(R³ p) moment of inertia of the whole lamina. So, the 2 Sh4 OX= my and that about OY = m'.
required moment of inertia Considering numerous such particles whict
- (R-) 3
constitute the lamina it may be said that thE
(R³-) 10 3
moment of inertia of the lamina about OX =
I=h Mass of the cone is M=R'hp.
5 (R-) 3
Zmy? and that about OY =mx'.
..Moment of inertia is I= 10 MR'.
The radius of gyration, in this case, is k =
4.21 Two theorems of moments of
i. I,+1,= Emy2 + Emx?
2(R$-5) 0
Value of moment of inertia ofa body about an
axis naturally depends on the choice of the axis.
So, I +I =I,
(x) Moment of inertia of a triangular lamina 12 (Y Theorem of parallel axes : The
about one side of the lamina So we must know how moments of inertia of a theorem states that the noment of inertia of a
Suppose, ABC is a thin triangular lamina, But the mass of the lamina M=ahp. body about the different axes are related to each lamina about any axis is equal to its momen.
other. There are two theorems which are very axis passing
rotating about one of its sides, say BC. We are to 2M of a bodv 0J lnertia about a parallel
calculate its moment of inertia. [Fig. 4.50]. .p= a-h Useful to calculate moment of inertia through its centre of gravity plus the produc.
about a chosen axis from the knowledge of the
Substituting this value, we get, I = Mh²
Let the surface density, i.e., mass per of the mass of the lamina and the square o,
unit area of the lamina be p, height = hand 6
h moment of inertia about another axis. We shall the distance between the two axes.
the base BC = a. The area of the lamina The radius of gyration, in this case, is k= now study these theorems and simple proofs.
Suppose, CD is any axis on the plane of the cube) with OX, OY and 0Z as its three mutually And. moment of inertia of the whole body
about X-axis, i.e..
paper and AB a parallel c A
perpendicular axes parallel to the length, breadth
axis passing through and height respectively. Consider a point mass m 1, = SmPN = m(+
ihe c. g. (G) of the of the body at a point P somewhere inside it. So, I, +4, +1.
lamina, also lying on he P(o) Draw PM perpendicular from P on (x- y) plane - Sm(+ )+ Sm (+ +m( + The radius of gyration, in this case. is k =
plane of the paper [Fig. [Fig. 4.54]. Join P0 and OM. Draw MO parallel
4.53]. If the distance 7
=23m(+y +
between the axes be h G = 23my2
and the moment of Hence, the theorem is proved. (ii) Monment of inertia ofa circular disc
inertia of the lamina
P(n) 4.22 Application of perpendicular and about any diameter :
about the axes CD and
parallel axes theorem Suppose the moment of inertia of the disc
AB be I and I, ID about the diameter AB = I. Then from the
respectively then we (B Momnent of inertia ofa thin
Fig. 4.53 unijorm symmetry, we can say
are to prove that / = I, rectangular lamina about an axis passing the moment of inertia of
- Mh. where M is the mass of the lamina. through its centre and perpendicular to its the same disc about a
Proof : Consider a particle of mass m at P on M
plane perpendicular diameter
the lamina at a distancex from the axis AB. Now ABCD is a thin rectangular lamina of mass M. CD is also1. [Fig. 4.56].
it is clear that the moment of inertia of the particle Fig. 4.54 Its length and breadth are respectively and b. Now, if we take an

about the axis CD = m(r + h) = mx + mh to the X-axis and MN parallel to the Y-axis. Also, The axis of rotation PO passes through the centre
2mhx. If the whole lamina be supposed to be axis PO passing through
PR is drawn parallel to OM. Co-ordinates of P O
and is perpendicular to the plane of the lamina the intersection of the
composed of numerous such particles, then it is are, clearly, x = ON= OM;y= 00 = NM and [Fig. 4.55]. diameters AB and CD
obvious that the moment of inertia of the lamina P
z= PM= RO. i.e., through the centre
about the axis
As PM is perpendicular on (x-) plane, 0 of the disc and Fig. 4.56
CD = + mh + 2mxh) ZOMP is a right angle. We have, OM + MP2=
perpendicular to its plane and if we call the
Smh + 2mxh Op2 moment of inertia of the disc about the axis PO
= Sm +Pn + 2h Smx or. OM = OP2 - MP' =j - where OP=r as Ipo then according to the perpendicular axes
[: h is constant] (say). theorem, lpo I+ I= 21.
ButS = l , and h Sm = Mh.Now, mx But, OM² =og? +QM2 =+ We know Ipo= 2 Mwhere Mis the mass
means the moment of the weight of the lamina .+=p- or++=2 ...) and r the radius of the disc.
about the AB. But as the weight of the lamina acts Now, join PN and PQ. They may be shown to Fig. 4.55 .: 2/= Mr or, I = Mr
through the c.g. G along the line AB, the moment be perpendiculars on X and Y-axes respectively. 2 4
of the weight about the axis AB, i.e., mx = 0. As ZPMN is a right angle, we have, Now, the moment of inertia of the lamina about
an axis passing through 0 and parallel to the In this case, the radius of gyration, k= .
So, the required moment of inertia about the PN²= MN2 + PM²= y +
axis CD = I, + Mh. (iii) Monment of inertia of a circular disc
:. +PN2 = +y+2=2 length AB is, we know. Mo and that about a about a tangent perpendicular to its plane:
In other words, I = I, + MI". 12
or, ON + PN =2 [: x= ON MI2 PÌ is a tangent P
[N.B. The two theorems may also be applied in the
This shows that ZPNO is a right angle i.e., PN similar axis but parallel to the breadth AD is 12 perpendicular to the plane
case of three dimensional bodies but the result willbe Since the axis PO passes through O and is of a thin circular disc of
slightly different for perpendicular axes theorem.] is perpendicular on X-axis.
Similarly, it may be shown that PO is perpendicular to the axes mentioned before, radius r and mass M. AB
*(iüi) Perpendicular axes theoren for a perpendicular to Y-axis. according to perpendicular axes theorem, the is another axis which
three-dimensional body : moment of inertia of the lamina about the axis P0 passes through the centre
Now, moment of inertia of m about the Z-axis
* For Advanced Students. =n x PR = n x OM O and is parallel to PQ.
For a three dimensional body, the theorem .. Moment of inertia of the whole body about [Fig.4.57]. According to
states that the sun of moments of inertia of the Z-axis, i.e., 12 12 12 the parallel axes theorem, B
body about three mutually perpendicular axes If the axis in question, passes through a comer, Fig. 4.57
is equal to twice the summation Sm about the Similarly, the moment of inertia of the whole
origin of the axes. body about Y-axis, i.e., Say A and parallel to PO, then according to the We know , =
Let us consider a thrce-dimensional body (a parallel axes theorem, the moment of inertia of the
lamina about the given axis
Now, according to the parallel axes theorem 4.23 Determlnatlon of moment of = length and breadth respectively. Place the bar
M+M-M the moment of inertia of the disc about the parallel Inertla of a bar In a laboratory on thecraddle in such a manner that the wire W
2 passes through its centre. Now, set the craddle
axis PQ If arod be suspended through its centre of
So, for the tangent PO, lpo =7 eravity by a wire or a thread which can undergo into torsional oscillation and find its time-period.
41 orsion and ifit be set into torsional oscillation, it Ir T, be the time-period, then,
The radius of gyration in this case, k=. can be proved that the time-period of its oscillation
If the tangent PO lies in the plane of the disc, Md +M. dk. .. (1)
then take a diameter AB parallel to it. In this case 41 is given by, T= 2n wherc I= the moment of
Now, integrating the above expression bctwcen inertia ofthe rod about the suspension wire as axis Now remove the bar from the craddle and
also, the parallel axes theorem gives, Ipo Bt the limits x= 0 andx= /2, and then multiplying
M2. and e =torsional rigidity of the material of the place the bar under test in its position. The wire
by 2, we get the moment of inertia of the wirc, Scc cqn. 7.32,. Wshould, as before, pass through the centre of
We know n = M4 cylinder. Experiment : lig. 4.59 shows a torsional thc bar. After setting the bar into oscillation, find
Mr + Mr² = M2. /2 nendulum used for determining the moment of the time-period. If it is T, then,
4 inertia ofa bar. A wire Wis suspended from a
torsion head 7, which supportsa craddle R. The (ii) ......

So, for tangent PQ lying in the plane of the

Squaring the equations, we get,
disc, IpÍ MP
4n?(U, +1,) and
Here, the radius of gyration, k= 2

4n²(U, +/,)
(iv) Moment of inertia of a solid cylinder
about an axis through its centre and
perpendicular to its length :
-) c

Let M= mass of the cylinder ;r its radius
and /= its length. Since the cylinder is uniform,
its mass per unit length =. Here, PQ is the
axis of rotation and XX'is the axis of the cylinder
[Fig. 4.58].
So, I = $) Fig. 4.59
whole arrangement is enclosed in a box A with
glass windows. There arc two long and narrow or, I, = I,
The radius of gyration k = perforations (S, S) on the top of the box. The wire
A All the quantities on the right hand side of the
which supports the craddle, passes through the above cquation being known, I,can be found out.
(v) Moment of inertia of a solid sphere centre of mass of the craddle. If the craddle
about any tangent : undergocs torsional oscillations, the wire acts as 4.24 Rolling without slipping
Take a diameter of the sphere parallel to the the axis of oscillation. When a cylindrical or spherical body rolls over
tangent about which the moment of inertia of the Now, set the craddle into oscillation by slightly
sphere is to be found. From Fig. 4.48 we know, arough plane and the friction can prevent slipping,
twisting the torsion hcad T. Count the time for 25 the motion is called rolling without slipping. The
the moment of inertia of a sphere about any complete oscillations and from that find the time sphere or cylinder has two kinds of motion (i)
period of oscillation of the empty craddle. If the rotional motion about the axis of rotation XY, Fig.
Fig. 4.58 diameter where M and r are the mass
lime-period be T, and the moment of inertia of 4.60 and (ii) a translational motion for which the
The cylinder may be divided into a large and radius respectively of the sphere. So, the craddle be I, then,
number of thin cireular discs of thickness dx. One
according to the parallel axes theorem, the
of which, say D, is at a distance x from the centre
moment of inertia of the sphere about the tangent
0. Clearly the mass of the disc dx and its
Now take a rectangular bar. Find its mass,
M² +M?-M². length and breadth. Find its moment of inertia l, B
The monment of inertia of the disc about its 2
diameter AB x mass of the disc x (radius) about an axis passing through its centre and Fig. 4.60
perpendicular to its plane from the formula 1,
axis of rotation advances. In this casc, the time
a full revolution
4 4/ dv. The radius of gyration k (+b) where M-mass of the bar, I and b during which the body makes

(2r radian), the axis of rotation advances through

called the axle. The axle is supported on ball :. Gain in kinetic energy of the fly wheel and
a distance equal to the circumference of the or, y²= 2gh hearings to reduce friction to a minimum [Fig.
4.62]. the mass m= -m+lo
cylinder and sphere. In order to deter Neglecting friction, we have
Let the radius of the sphere or cylinder be r
mine the moment of
and its angular and linear velocities be o and v If we suppose that the acceleration of the body inertia of the wheel m² +1o'= mgh (i)
respectively. Then we can write down the inclined plane is a, then
about the axis AB, a
2 = ot and 2y = .. v= r0.... (1) We have a=, if r is the radius of the axle.
Relation (i) is to be satisfied for rolling without 2= 0² + 2as = 2a sin 0 (ii) cord or a rope is
If a is the acceleration of the falling mass, v =
wound on the axle
slipping. If m be the mass and I be the moment From (i) and (ii) we can write several times. The 2ah and h=a, Putting these values in eqn.
of inertia of the body about the axis of rotation, free end of the cord or Fig. 4.62
the body has two kinds of kinetic energy : a= y' sin gsin 9 (ii) the rope carries a mass m which is allowed to fall (), we get
() KE of translation =m² and (i) K.E. of down. The length of the cord or the rope is so I- m(2gh -v')r? m(2gh 2ah)r2
rotation =lo. taken that when the mass, falling downwards, 2ah
If the inclined plane is almost frictionless, the reaches the ground, the other end of the cord or m(g-a)r2
.. Total K.E. T -m+lo? body would slip and its acceleration would be g the rope just leaves the axle. a
sin . So, a body falls with a lesser acceleration Let us suppose that the mass m falls through
when it rolls down without slipping. a height h on the ground so that the loss of
m(g-2h/P)r? m(gi?-2h)r2
2h/12 2h
Also we shall see that the acceleration would potential energy = mgh.
Measuring the quantities on the r.h.s. we
). where k is the radius be different if the body is solid or hollow.
Radius of gyration ofa solid sphere of radius
Neglecting friction, the loss of potential energy
is equal to gain in kinetic energy of the mass n
and the fly wheel.
get I.
If we like to take correction due to friction, we
have to find the mass m, for which the wheel just
Here we should meniio: that the body does Ris k, =R. Let the moment of inertia of the fly wheel
turns and the mass falls without acceleration. Then
not lose any kinetic enerv, because no work is about the axis AB be I, v and o be the linear and
required to be done to move against friction. But The same for a hollow sphere of inner and angular velocity respectively when the mass just the above formula we have to replace m by
outer radii r andR is m-m.
the sufficient friction is ess:ntial for this motion, strikes the ground.
because otherwise the body would slip.Now we
shall consider the motion oirolling of asphere and SUMMARY
a cylinder down arovgh inclined plane without Conservation of momentum follows from
slipping. Fig. 4.61. Suppesc the body starts from To describe any motion we must first choose
R the conventient frame of reference. second law : when F=0, momentum p=
Therefore hollow sphere comes down with a Basic laws of dynamics are the Newton's laws Constant.
Smaller acceleration than a solid one of equal size. of motion. These laws hold in intertial frames of Time integral of a force is called impulse of a
Similarly for a solid cylinder of radius R and a reference. force.
hollow one of inner and outer radii r and R, we First law gives qualitative definition of force
have and defines inertial frame of reference. Inertial
frame of reference has no kind of acceleration : Time integral ofa force, Fdt = dp =P2 -
Fig. 4.61
and k, R+
2 >k,
it can have uniform velocity.
Second law : Net external force,
= change in momentum brought about by the force
rest and in time r it falls down vertically by h and
Therefore hollow cylinder also comes down during the time interval t, to t,.
through a distance s along the inclined plane. with a smaller acceleration than a solid one of F- p_d(mi) =m=m- =mã Force acting for a very small time during which
Suppose it gains velocity v. dt dt dt dt?
equal size.
Here it is assumed that mass (m) of the body displacement is negligible is called impulsive force.
Gain in kinetic energy =
Loss in gravitational potential energy of the
Hence we can identify which one is solid and
which one is hollow, by comparing how fast these is an invariant property of a body and it follows
from the law that mass is the measure of inertia.
Impulsive force acting on a body produces a
sudden change in momentum.
body = mgh. are rolling down an inclined plane.
Third law essentially tells that the forces of Work (W) done by a force (F) is the path or
Since no energy is lost against friction, we can 4.25 Moment of lnertia of a Flywheel interaction between two bodies are always line-integral of force. RAVO

cquate these two energies. A fly wheel consists of a heavy wheel P produced in equal and opposite pairs, one force
capable of rotation about a horizontal axis AB, acting on one body and the other force acting on
which is also the axis of a long, narrow wheel Q the other body. Daie...

U) is a scalar licld
as it has yalue Encrgy of a body is conservcd when only put a dot over thc symbol and to imply second
Using this
along the
Integration is to be carricd out all position. scalar ficld for conservative forccsct, If dissipative forces
act derivative we put two dots over it.
tlhe final points, Change in the VU : d somc cnergy is converted to thernal cncrgy and symbol wc get,
path fronm the initialposition to displacennent di is given by dU - lost to thc surroundings.
Alorce cannot do any
work in a direction at
C'ompuring the lust two relations wc
can write Velocity of the particle, ý dY
always at Problems of variablc mass:
right-angle to itsclt. Any force acting Acccleration,
right angle to thc force is u n0-work force. VU= gradU When mass of a body incrcases with timc
Example : centripetal lorce. llence any conservative force is the
ncgative owing to addition of mattcr, a forcc ( ) is dy -(Y-ryi +(Ö+ 20)9
rate of doing scalar ficld hus the nccessary lo maintain its vclocity (V) and as a
Power of' asystem is tho tine gradient ofa scalar licll. This radial
work by a body or a system. dimensions of cncrgy and lrom our knowlcdge of result some powCr (P) is Consumed. The component along is called the
Instantancous powe, P-;, ÷ and /'
yruvitational and cleclric ficlds; we can identify ömy Öm
Component and that along 6is
instantancous velocity und foree respectivoly. the scalar as potcntial cnergy. U(Y) is
the = L!
componcnt. Many interesting special cases have
Kinctic energy (7) of a particle is theotion. potential cnergy at i. bcen discusscd in the text.
body by virlue of its
possessed by a
total work it The ncgative sign belore grad sign (V) is a Torque (i): If force Facts on a particle
Kinctic cnergy is mcasured by the conscquence of our deliberate choice of U, U, A
problem of the convcyor bclt is discusscd in
can do before it slops. situated at the position (F), the moment of the
instead of U, U, in the cqn.(ü), This choice is Ihc text,
particle about the
2m in fact follows from our expericnce that the Rocket movcs forward by cjccting gas at a forcc or torquc acting on thc
Work-cneryy principle: Work done on aparticle gravitational and clcctric forces are dirccted from high spccd in the opposite dircction. The motion origin is =ixF.
higher to lower potential energy. is aconscquence of conservation of momentum
by the net force is cqual to the change in kinclie
point Let F= ,i+ Fa0, F, and F, are radial and
cncrgy of the particle. Ifa body goes
The conservative force ' ) ariscs from the and mass of the rocket is decrcasing continuously.
and its kinctic The motion of the rocket is discussed in detail in transverSe components.
A to B by theaction of a force
scalar ficld U(F), Magnitude of a conservative Then =Yx F=Fx(Fi+ F,9)= rF, (i x9)
cnergy incrcases lrom 7,lo 7, work donc by the force at a point in the ficld of Uis cqual to the the text.
Rotational motion : when a particle moves in
force is
maximum space rate of change of Uand its a curved path, it is morc convenicnt to describe = rfoñ. Only transversc force has non-zero
dircction is the direction in which this maximum the motion by its angular displacement (0). It is torque. ñ is the unit vector perpendicular to the
Conservative Force :In moving from one point is
to another, if work done by or against a force does change occurs, Negative sign indicates that the angle which the position vector of the particle plane containing and in the sense decided
two dirccted from highcr to lower valuc of U.Value
not depend on the path chosen betwecn the sweeps through. Angular vclocity, )= dt by right hand thumb rule.
points, but depends only on the initial and final of potential energy is known up to an arbitrary
positions, then the force is called conscrvative constant. That mcans that if UF) is increascd Angular acccleration, a= do_ d0 By Newton's law : F= mã =m
force. Line integral ofa conservative force around by aconstant valuc U, at every point, the dt di2 dt
conservativc force docs not change. To describe the motion of a particle along a = m(i-rÖ2 )ê +m(rë+ 2F0)ê
any closed path is zro, curved path in a planc, it is more convenient to
Non-conservative force : In moving from one ý.U-Ü.U, = -V.U usc the polar co-ordinates (r, 0) than the - (F,i+ F,Ô).
point to another, if work done by or against a force As we arc always interested in change of rectangular co-ordinates (x, y). .Ô are the unit For pure rotation in a circular path, =0.
does depend on the path chosen, it is a potential cnergy, the constant term is always vectors in the directions in which only r and only
nonconservative force.
canccllcd out and so the constant term is of no 0 increases respectively. These are radial and
.i=rFañ = mr²ön=mr²aD
Work is scalar and it is the line integralof the Torque acting on a particle in a circular motion
physical significance. transversc directions, i,j are the unit vectors produces angular acceleration.
force along the path from the initial position Alo
along the X- and Y-axis respectively. Unless we
final position B. From Stokes' law
fF-d -(0xPy dã .
( S change the co-ordinate axes the unit vectors i, j Angular momentum (L) of a particle : If a
do not change with time, but ,@, beingparticle
tagged paricle at the position F has a (lincar) momentum
or a conservative lorce : FdY =0. With the particle, changes with time as the
Irthe force is conservative, Wdocs not depend changes its position.
P. Its angular momentum about the origin is
on the path chosen but depends only on the end
positions A(F) and B(Y#). Hence Wmust be For a conservative force : ùxF=0. f= cosei +sin and L-ixp.
equal to the difference in the value of some scalar From (i) and (ii) we have Ö=-sin0 i+ cos0j.4-Ù and
=-i. Now =YxF=Fx-xp) =dt
quantity U(P) at the two points. W=T,-T=UU, i. T,+ U,=1,+Us de d1 dt
Thus if a particle moves under the action of Position vector We see another result directly from Newton's
conservative force the total energy E (sum of F=xi+yË=rcose î+ rsin0j= ri (0)
w- [Y): dr -U,-Ug=Uli,)-U(,) kinctic energy and potential energy) remains For convenience here we use a new symbol.
Torquc about a point = time rate of change of
....., (i) constant. E =T+ U= constant. To imply the first timne derivative of a quantity we angular momentum about that point.
another observer from the frame S and his
Conservation of angular momentum : If 7=0. observations are ' and t'. direction it is negative. These are added
Darticle is If an external Torce F acts on a particle of
L= constant. If net torque acting on a The relations between these two observations mass and its acceleration in the frame S isä algebraically to get the net torque.
zero, its angular momentum is conserved. If two equal, parallel and oppositely directed
Central force : It is a force which is either
are then F= mã forces (F, F) act on a body, it produces a pure
directed towards or away from a particular point, F=Y- and '=t Acceleration of the particle measured in S' is rotation of the body about its c.m. The two
which is called the centre of force. Examples : This is Galilean transformation. a'=å- . Therefore the force that is acting on together is called a couple. A couple is measured
gravitational and electrostatic force. If centre of Consequences the mass is F'=m' = m(-k)= m -mã, = by its moment.
the force is taken as the origin and a particle is at (i) Distance between two points measured in Moment of acouple, T= El,l is called the arm
F=rY,thecentral force acting on it is F, =Fi. the two frames has the same value : of the couple, perpendicular distance between the
.:. Torque due to a central force,
We see that because of acceleration n of the
two forces.
frame of reference, a force -m, comes into play If a body rotates about an axis with angular
T=Yx, =0. (i) Time interval between two cvents obscrved in the non-intertial frame. This force is not a real
.:. Aparticle moving under a central force has in the two frames has the same valuc: velocity o, its kinetic energy and angular
force arising out of interaction between two momentum is the sum of kinetic energies and
a constant angular momentum. bodies. Therefore Newton's law does not hold in angular momenta of all its constituent particles. It
(ii) If and are velocities of aparticle the frame S". But still if we like to apply Newton's
L=Yxp=m(F xV) law in S, we have to take into account this force
is found that
observed from the two frames: '=i-,.
Lis perpendicular to both Fand k. So, to keep in addition to the real forces. This force is called
its direction unchanged the motion under a central (iv) If and ä' are the accelerations of a pseudo-force.Pseudo-force is proportional to mass
Kinetic energy, .T=tomr-}o',
force must take place in a single plane. particle observed from the two rames : a=ä, and it acts in direction opposite to the direction of Angular momentum, , L=o}mr=ol,
Impulse of a torque : acceleration of the frame.
since Vo is constant.
Centre of mass (c.m) : It is the unique point Where m, is the mass of the i-th particle at a
If mass m of a body is supposed to have the about which mass of a body or a system of
same value in the two frames, forces acting on particles are symmetrically distributed. Its position distance r, from the axis of rotation. T= 2/
the two are equal : F=mã = m' vector is given by
= change in angular momentum brought about Acccleration and force are invariant under The quantity I =>m,r? is called the moment
by the torque during the time interval betwcen t, Galilean transformation. That means they have the
and t,. same value in any inertial frames. of inertia of the body about the axis of rotation. It
(v) As equation of motion is identical in the two M plays the part of mass in rotational motion and so
it is also called rotational inertia.
=-de. If
Work done by a toque : W frames, any experiment done in the two frames
give identical results. Therefore one cannot do any when m, is situated at ¡(i = 1,2,3, ...), M=
torque is constant, W=(0, -0,)= torque x experiment within a frame to know the velocity
Radius of gyration is given by k= It is
total mass = distance from the axis of rotation of the point at
of the frame. This is true even if the velocity of
angular displacement. which the whole mass M of the body may be
Power associated with torgue: P =to. the frame is zero. So, absolute restis neither If matter in a body is continuously distributed supposed to be concentrated and its angular
Kinetic energy of a particle revolving in a verifiable nor necessary in dynamics. Allvelocities and its density at the location Yis p, the position momentum and kinetic energy of that point mass
are relative to the chosen frame of reference.
circular motion : T=;m² =mos2 The above facts are approximately truc and of c.m. is given by remains unchanged.
1 When a body rotates about an axis, the torque
Galilean Transformation : It relates give acceptable results when the velocities () acting on it is equal to the rate of change of
observations made in one inertial frame with those involved are very small compared to that of light.
made in another inertial frame. The correct law of transformation is the For translation motion, we can replace the body angular momentum (L).
Suppose S and S' are two inertial frames, Lorentz transformation. Results of Lorentz by a point mass M placed at its c.m.
The reason is explained in detail in the text.
.-(lo)dt dt =10 dt a
velocity of S'relative to S is Vo. Vo must be transformation, however, reduce to Galilean When net torque, t = 0, L = constant,
constant as the two frames are inertial frames. transformation if we suppose that velocity involved Rotational motion of a body of finite size : (Conservation of angular momentum). Many
Origin of the co-ordinate axes set up in the two are very small compared to that of light. Moment ofa force and couple acting on a interesting consequences of this principle is
frames coincide at initial time, t =0. An event Non-inertial frames and pseudo forces body discussed in the text.
occurs at a point P in space, for example a particle Any frame of reference having acceleration of Ifa body can rotate about a point and a force As in the case of a single particle we have
arrives at the point P. An observer in frame S Fis applied on the body, moment of the force or
any kind is non-inertial frame of reference. similar relations for bigger bodies as follows
observes the position vector of P and the instant SupposeS is an inertial frane and S' is a non torque acting on the body ist = El. It is the
of occurrcnce of the event to be Yand t effectiveness of the force in rotating the body 2
inertial frame having acceleration , with respect Work done by a
respectívely. The sarne observation donc by to S. about the body. If rotation produced is
anticlockwise the torque is positive, in the opposite

Instantaneous power required to rotate a body,

P= -=rd0=TTO -}I(o? -af) -1,-,
dt dt Value of moment of inertia of a body depends
Work-energy principle : on the shape of the body and distance and
orientations of the axis of rotation relative to the
body. In the text detail calculations for different
W=[de =I[ade =1 odo bodies are given.

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