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Assignment 01

You are designing a vehicle drive train system and you have an engine/EM with 100 kW power.

● Vehicle has zero clutch and drive shaft losses.
● Vehicle has only friction and churning losses.
● Vehicle has 5 speed transmission.
● Vehicle has an open differential.
● Vehicle is driving in a straight line.

Task To Be Performed:
● Calculate the power at the wheel hub after friction losses in transmission.

Efficiency of different gears:

 External Gearing 0.985
 Planetary 0.98
 Bevel 0.98

Windage and Oil Churning losses, Approx. 15-20%


To calculate the power at the wheel hub after friction losses in the transmission, we need to consider the
power losses at each stage of the transmission system.

Engine Power = 100 kW
Efficiency of different gears:
 External Gearing = 0.985
 Planetary = 0.98
 Bevel = 0.98
Windage and Oil Churning Losses = 15-20%

Power left after external gearing losses = 100 kW * 0.985 = 98.50 kW

Power left after planetary gear loss = 98.50 kW * 0.98 = 96.53 kW
Power left after Bevel gear loss = 96.53 kW * 0.98 = 94.60 kW
And to calculate the power left after windage and oil churning losses, lets consider the losses to be 17.5%
Then the required power left = 94.60 kW * (1-17.5/100) = 78.05 kW

Therefore, the power at the wheel hub = 78.05 kW

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