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Assessment Practical/Observation

Student Name CIT Number

Competency Title, Code and

Banner Code Frame and Fit Wet Area Fixtures - CPCCCA3012

Assessment Type In the workplace ✘ Simulated environment Other

F r a m e a n d F i t We t A r e a F i x t u r e s
Assessment Name Construct frame for nib wall and Install bath

Assessment Date

Student Statement: This assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been
acknowledged. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this statement.

Student Signature Date

PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: CIT is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be used in accord-
ance with the CIT Privacy Policy.

Assessor Feedback (also complete observation checklist and questions on last page)

 Student provided with feedback

Attempt 1 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Date / /

Attempt 2 Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Date / /

Assessor Name Assessor Signature

Note to Assessor: Please record any reasonable adjustment that has occurred for this assessment.

Instructions to Assessor
Work, Health and Safety: A work health and safety check of the assessment environment is to be conducted prior to the assessment and
any hazards addressed appropriately.
List the assessment range and conditions, time and materials on the next page

© Canberra Institute of Technology RTO Code 0101 Page 1 of 4 Date created: 20/09/2016 Date updated: 13/05/2024
Information for Students: You may have two (2) attempts for this assessment.
 If your first attempt is not successful, your teacher will discuss your results with you and
will arrange a second attempt.
 If your second attempt is not successful, you will be required to re-enrol in this unit.
Only one re-assessment attempt will be granted for each assessment item.

Time Allowed: 8 hours

Materials Provided by Assessor: All materials and tools required to complete the task will
be provided.

Materials and Equipment to be Supplied by the Student: Personal protective equipment

PPE and nail bag.

Assessment Range and Conditions: Assessment will be conducted in simulated work

environment CIT Bruce under teacher supervision at all times. if at any stage the assessors
deams the assessment to be unsafe it will be stopped. Access to all resources, manual and
standards is permitted.

Assessment Criteria: To achieve a Satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your
ability to demonstrate the key skills/tasks/knowledge detailed in the Assessment Task to
industry standard.
The criteria that you will be assessed for this task are:
Planning and Processes Planned, organised task and perform work following
accepted industry processes and standards.

Take responsibility for own Actively participated and engaged as an individual and/or
outputs in work and learning team member in all tasks and activities.

Specifications Job meets specification requirements, to industry standard

Time Management Task achieved within time and available information

Communication Written and oral communication met minimal job /task


WH&S Maintain a safe work environment and complied with

WHS regulations supervisor instructions and used
appropriate PPE for required tasks

Clean-Up Materials, tools and equipment are stored in line with

instruction. Area is left clean and free from hazards

© Canberra Institute of Technology RTO Code 0101 Page 2 of 4 Date created: 20/09/2016 Date updated: 13/05/2024
Assessment Instructions - you are required to do the following tasks

Using the plans,specification and job requirements, correctly set out the Wet Areas Fixtures
practical as described in this document.

You will be required to complete the following documents and tasks

 Read and comprehend the setting out instructions for the Wet Area Fixtures practical.
 You are require to participate in the Toolbox talk and fill out and complete the JSA
(Job Safety Analysis)
 You are required to fill out the ‘required tools and equipment’ and the ‘required mater-
ials’ lists.(This is in the tool box talk)
 Successfully build framework and install a bath and shower base according to the

You must submit the following by uploading into readyskills:

 Photographs of yourself standing in front of your completed task and a photo of your
signed paperwork

© Canberra Institute of Technology RTO Code 0101 Page 3 of 4 Date created: 20/09/2016 Date updated: 13/05/2024
Observation Checklist: Frame and Fit Wet Area Fixtures:
Students Name: ________________________________
During the demonstration of skills, did the student satisfactorily:

Attempt 1 Attempt 2

T1 Planning and preparation

The student was able to read and interpret all work instructions and planned the correct
sequence of work
All work planned met WHS, NCC and manufacturers specifications including CIT’s policies
and procedures
The student completed the JSA and contributed to its safety highlighting any hazards, risks,
needs for signage/baracades and applied controls
The student completed the toolbox talk selecting the correct tools and materials needed for
the task
The student completed all necessary documentation to complete the task including quantities,
calculations and prepared the work area ready for construction

T2 Construct frames for bath installation

The student correctly set out noggings and housings for the bath and fitments
The student successfully notched studs to the correct height, level and required depth
The student correctly built the bath frame supporting the bath correctly and level
The student correctly installed noggings and jack studs for lining

T3 Construct frames for shower base installation

The student correctly set out noggings and housings for the shower base and fitments
The student marked and notched all plates and studs to required depth for shower base
The student correctly installed noggings and jack studs for lining
The student correctly installed the corner flashing

T4 Clean up
The student deconstructed the task safely and stacked all the timber back in the designated
Materials were recycled where possible and/or disposed of correctly
All tools were cleaned, checked and stored back in the correct place
Any tools that needed maintenance was reported and given to the storeman for repair

Student Signature


© Canberra Institute of Technology RTO Code 0101 Page 4 of 4 Date created: 20/09/2016 Date updated: 13/05/2024

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