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I Fill the gaps with in, on, at.

1. I have a dentist appointment _______9 AM tomorrow.

2. We'll meet you _______the park _______noon for a picnic.
3. The concert will take place _______ Saturday evening _______the arena.
4. She is going to start her new job _______ January.
5. We'll go camping _______ the summer when the weather is warm.
6. The museum is closed _______ Mondays.
7. We have a staff meeting _______2:30 PM today.
8. They celebrated their anniversary _______ October.
9. The movie premieres _______ Friday night _______the local cinema.
10. The conference is scheduled _______ three weeks.
II Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.
1. This is ___________ book, not yours.
2. Sarah, this is ___________ new jacket. It looks great on you.
3. Can you pass me ___________ phone? I left it on the table.
4. The cat is grooming ___________ fur in the sun.
5. I met Paul and Linda at ___________ house last night.
6. Is this pen ___________ or someone else's?
7. The children played with ___________ toys all afternoon.
8. He invited me to ___________ party on Saturday.
9. She's going to the store to buy some groceries for ___________.
10. They are looking forward to seeing ___________ friends at the concert.

III Fill in the blanks with the appropriate quantifier:

1. There are ____________ cookies on the plate.

2. She has read ____________ books this month.
3. I need to buy ____________ oranges for the recipe.
4. He has ____________ friends in different countries.
5. I have ____________ free time today.
6. Can you pass me ____________ sugar for my coffee?
7. She speaks ____________ languages fluently.
8. We have ____________ guests coming for dinner tonight.
9. He showed ____________ interest in the topic.
10. I have ____________ tasks to complete before the deadline.

IV Fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions: "to," "from," "into," "out of," "across," or "along."

1. She walked ____________ the room and opened the window.

2. The cat jumped ____________ the table and onto the chair.
3. They swam ____________ the river and reached the other side safely.
4. He cycled ____________ town and back home in less than an hour.
5. We hiked ____________ the mountain and enjoyed the breathtaking view.
6. The children ran ____________ the playground, laughing and playing.
7. She climbed ____________ the tree to get a better view of the sunset.
8. He stepped ____________ the car and started the engine.
9. They rode their bikes ____________ the park and had a picnic.
10. I watched as the birds flew ____________ the sky.
V Present tenses

1. He __________ (live) in this city for over ten years.

2. Susan __________ (study) for his final exams this week.
3. We __________ (take) guitar lessons since 2020.
4. He _______________ (just/finish) his homework.
5. He _______________ (travel) to many countries.
6. He usually _______________ (wear) a suit to work, but today he _______________ (wear) casual clothes.
7. Sam __________ (read) that book three times already.
8. I __________ (visit) my grandparents every summer.
9. I _______________ (not, eat) meat because I'm a vegetarian.
10. I _______________ (not/visit) my grandparents recently.
11. I _______________ (read) three books this month.
12. I usually _______________ (enjoy) reading novels, but today I _______________ (read) a magazine.
13. I'm sorry, but I __________ (not have) time to talk at the moment.
14. It __________ (rain) heavily right now, so we can't go outside.
15. My parents _______________ (live) in London, but I _______________ (live) in New York.
16. Right now, I _______________ (watch) my favorite TV show.
17. She __________ (never try) sushi before.
18. She __________ (work) as a teacher at the local school.
19. She _______________ (live) in this city for five years.
20. She _______________ (never/be) to Europe before.
21. She usually __________ (go) for a run in the evenings.
22. The children __________ (play) in the garden for an hour.
23. The sun _______________ (shine) brightly in the sky today.
24. The team _______________ (win) the championship.
25. They ________ already___________ (travel) to Europe.
26. They __________ (play) tennis every Saturday.
27. They __________ (watch) their favorite TV show right now.
28. They _______________ (already/visit) that museum.
29. They _______________ (not/see) that movie.
30. They _______________ (study) for their final exams this week.
31. They often _______________ (visit) their grandparents on weekends.
32. We __________ (prepare) dinner for our guests tonight.
33. We _______________ (not/eat) dinner yet.
34. Why _______________ (you, look) so tired?
35. How long _______________ (you, live) in this city?
36. Where _______________ (they, go) on vacation this year?
37. What _______________ (he, do) at the moment?
38. _______________ (you, ever, visit) New York?
39. How many languages _______________ (she, speak)?
40. Why _______________ (he, not, come) to the party?

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