11) QAP - External Provided Processes - Purchasing Process

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RIJ Engineering Pvt Ltd Externally Provided Processes, Product Doc No

Machining Division
and Services (Purchasing Process) Date: 27.01.2024

Quality Assurance - Supplier Selection, Supplier Monitoring & Page 1 of 7

Procedure Supplier Control

To define and provide for a system for managing externally provided process (purchasing process) in order to
ensure that externally provided products satisfy the organisation’s needs and requirements, as well as those of
interested parties.
All externally provided (Purchasing) activities affecting product conformity and manufacturing processes.
4. Managing Director – Overall responsibility for all purchasing activities. Sole responsibility for commercial and
contractual matters.
5. Manager (Admist. & Purchase) – To effectively and efficiently perform tasks assigned by the Managing
7. For this procedure the definitions given in the International Standard IATF 16949:2016 Quality Management
Systems – Fundamentals and Vocabulary apply.
8. Supplier - An External provider who supplies such as raw material such as steel and tool steel, and shop
supplies such as cutting tools and oils. A processor of raw materials and parts and provider of services such as
Tooling, heat treatment, machining, inspection, calibration, etc
10. General
11. Company’s needs and requirements of purchased products, Outsource Processes and services are identified
during quality planning process.
REPL’s needs and requirements relevant to product conformity and manufacturing processes are
limited only to purchases of the following:
a. Forged and pre-turned parts from REPL Forging division
b. Pre-turned & CNC parts from REPL supplier
c. Cutting tools and tool inserts
d. Oils and coolants for machines
e. Machine spare parts
f. Measuring instrument calibration services.

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RIJ Engineering Pvt Ltd Externally Provided Processes, Product Doc No
Machining Division
and Services (Purchasing Process) Date: 27.01.2024

Quality Assurance - Supplier Selection, Supplier Monitoring & Page 2 of 7

Procedure Supplier Control

12. Of the above list oils and coolants, and machine spare parts are standard items available per manufacturer’s
specifications and are purchased from authorised dealers/distributors. These are exempted from control of this
13. Majority of the cutting tools and inserts are standard items purchased from authorised dealers/distributors.
These are exempted from control of this procedure.
14. Calibration services & some speciality tools are purchased from tool manufacturers or customers
per REPL requirement. These are exempted from control of this procedure.
15. Outsourcing of forged and pre-turned/CNC parts, a controlled through this procedure.
16. 5.1 Evaluation and Selection of Supplier
17. Supplier who is already supplying material to REPL & is proposed to supply new parts shall be approved as
a. If the part offered is similar in nature as supplied by supplier, then that particular supplier can
be approved on the basis of past 6 month performance.
Totally New proposed supplier shall be approved as below.
 Receive Information with Supplier registration form, REPL ensure that new Suppliers
organization shall have minimum ISO 9001 certification. In case of supplier is not ISO
9001 certified then ask road map for QMS certification from supplier. After getting road
map for QMS certification, supplier evaluation is carried out.
 Plan Supplier evaluation audit & communicate to supplier.
 REPL person shall visit for Supplier Evaluation Audit on agreed date with supplier.
 Evaluate the supplier as per Supplier Evaluation Report format REPL/MD/F/SVR/R2.
During supplier evaluation, the aspects mentioned in supplier evaluation report format
shall be assessed, by considering the type and nature of the item being developed.
 During the visit the all requirements check as per Supplier Evaluation Report format
 During evaluation audit if any non conformity observed or improvement actions are
identified, prepare the action plan & track the same for its timely completion.
 On completion of supplier evaluation, supplier evaluation report is completed and given to
supplier for further action implementation.
 During assessment, if overall marks scored by supplier above 70%, then the supplier shall
be approved & same is added in approved supplier list.
 If marks scored by supplier less than 70%, supplier re-evaluation is required after mutually
agreed period for implementation of recommended corrective actions. After confirmation
from supplier on implementation of corrective action along with the evidences, plan Re-
Evaluation audit as per agreed date. Calculate Re-Evaluation audit score if overall marks

Prepared by: Approved by:

RIJ Engineering Pvt Ltd Externally Provided Processes, Product Doc No
Machining Division
and Services (Purchasing Process) Date: 27.01.2024

Quality Assurance - Supplier Selection, Supplier Monitoring & Page 3 of 7

Procedure Supplier Control

scored by supplier above 70%, then the supplier shall be approved & same is added in
approved supplier list.
 Update the approved supplier list (REPL/MD/F/ASL/R6).
 Add this supplier in supplier system audit plan. According to that plan conduct audit.

5.2 Performance monitoring of approved suppliers

Monitored approved supplier performance for below parameters -
REPL evaluate supplier performance in order to insure conformity of externally provided products,
processes, and services to internal and external customer requirements.
At a minimum, the following supplier performance indicators shall be monitored:
a) Delivered product conformity to requirements;
b) Customer disruption at the receiving plant, including yard holds and stop ships;
c) Delivery scheduled performance;
d) Number of occurrence of premium freight.

5.3 Supplier System audit

REPL exercises control over Supplier in order to assure satisfactory product quality and service through
any of the following methods:
 Prepare audit annual audit plan.
 The audit frequency will be once in year as defined in the audit plan.
 REPL person shall contact Supplier in advance for System audit date conformation at their
end as per yearly audit plan/ schedule. Based on confirmation from Supplier, REPL person
shall visit to supplier for Process audit. In case of not meeting the schedule due to incidental
problems / priorities, reschedule the audit plan accordingly.
 Access supplier process using Supplier System Audit check sheet REPL/MD/F/SVR/R2.
 During System audit if any non-conformities or improvement actions are observed, record the
same in action plan.
 Get the agreement from supplier on non-conformities or improvement points recorded.
 Supplier should score above 70% rating during above system audit.
 If the score is below 70%, supplier shall initiate appropriate corrective actions to improve the
systems and same shall be discussed in monthly MRM meeting.

Prepared by: Approved by:

RIJ Engineering Pvt Ltd Externally Provided Processes, Product Doc No
Machining Division
and Services (Purchasing Process) Date: 27.01.2024

Quality Assurance - Supplier Selection, Supplier Monitoring & Page 4 of 7

Procedure Supplier Control

 Product audit applicable for CNC turning supplier. According to that plan conduct product audit
 Access supplier product using Vendor Audit sheet REPL/MD/F/VAS/RO.
 SQA will check effectiveness after closing of the non – conformity.
 IATF&ISO –Certificate found expired during system audit need to increase product audit
frequency for concern supplier.

5.4 Purchasing Information

5.4.1 General
It is policy of REPL to issue annual purchase orders to its suppliers. These purchase orders
contain the purchasing data as described in the section 5.4.2 of this procedure.
Monthly schedules of requirement are communicated to the suppliers either in written form or
verbally over telephone. These requirements are based on the monthly planning
documented in the form ‘input materials planning’.
Responsible person for production and supplier scheduling prepares the input materials plan and
monitors the receipt and storage activities and related documentation.

5.4.2 Purchasing Data

Purchase orders describe the products clearly and completely including, where applicable;
a. Product and process specific requirements in case processing carried out by the
b. Precise identification, specification, dimensions, grade, etc. in case of raw materials,
tool steel, bought out components and consumables,
c. Title and issue of relevant standards, specifications, process requirements, and other
such technical data,
d. Requirements for approval and/or qualification of products, processes and personnel.
When applicable, requirements with regard to quality records are specified in the purchase orders.
Quality records supplied with the purchased products are critical for determining the
amount of receiving inspection. Following types of quality records are required when
 Test Certificates
 Inspection reports
 Statistical data
 Process Approval/Qualification Reports
Prepared by: Approved by:
RIJ Engineering Pvt Ltd Externally Provided Processes, Product Doc No
Machining Division
and Services (Purchasing Process) Date: 27.01.2024

Quality Assurance - Supplier Selection, Supplier Monitoring & Page 5 of 7

Procedure Supplier Control

 Processes Capability Study reports

 Second or third party audit reports.

5.4.3 Review And Approval Of Purchasing Documents

All purchasing documents are reviewed and approved by the Managing director before issue.
Any amendments to the purchasing documents and data will be governed by the procedure
‘Control of Documents’ (REPL/QAP/CD/R4).
5.4.4 Verification of Purchased Product
Purchased products are verified for conformity to requirements after receipt from the Supplier.
Product processed by subcontractor is verified using sampling inspection per sampling plan
REPL/F/SP/R3. Results of receiving inspection are recorded in the form ‘Incoming Inspection
Report’ (Form No REPL/MD/F/PDIR/R0).
Whenever measuring instruments are received duly calibrated from the supplier, calibration certificate
issued by him is verified for completeness.
At present it is not REPL’s policy to perform verification at supplier premises. As and when this policy is
changed, intended verification arrangements and methods of product release will be stated in the
purchasing documents.

5.4.5 Preservation of Product

Apply rust preventive oil on the products to avoid rust on the material & put it onto the trays or bins in the
stock area. Cover these trays & bins with plastic sheets to avoid entry of dust.
Put Identification tag on every stock material indicating part name, part no., material, quantity, next process
Review parts or materials for every 4 months to check condition of product in stock & also apply rust
preventive oil. If parts or material found rusty, use polish paper & diesel to remove rust.

IATF 16949:2016; Clause 8.4
RPEPL Quality Manual, Section 8
Procedure ‘Control of Documents’ REPL/QAP/CD/R4

19. RECORDS /Documents:

Prepared by: Approved by:
RIJ Engineering Pvt Ltd Externally Provided Processes, Product Doc No
Machining Division
and Services (Purchasing Process) Date: 27.01.2024

Quality Assurance - Supplier Selection, Supplier Monitoring & Page 6 of 7

Procedure Supplier Control

Sr Description Form No Retention Custodian

No Period
1 Supplier Audit Checklist ( Supplier visit REPL/MD/F/SVR/R2 3 Years Purchase
2 Purchase Orders and their amendments 3 Years Purchase
3 Schedules 3 Years Purchase
4 Inward Inspection Reports REPL/MD/F/PDIR/R0 1 Year Purchase
5 Supplier quality agreements REPL/MD/F/SQA/R0 Live Purchase
6 Supplier Monitoring Sheet REPL/MD/F/SES/R1 3 Years Purchase
7 Sampling Plan for Inward Inspection REPL/D/QA/09 Live QA

Rev Description Section Effective
0 Initial Release -- 01-01-2004
1 Supplier Monitoring Incorporated 5.5.5. 07-06-2004
2 Reviewed and reprinted. -- 01.05.2007
3 Review and in reference TS std. edition changed. 6.1 01.05.2010
4 After Verification of Purchased Product phase, Preservation of 25.05.2013
Product phase added &ISO 9000 changed to ISO 9001
5 Reviewed & reprinted - 07.01.2015
6 Updated to incorporate IATF16949:2016 requirement 4, 5 & 6 26.12.2017
7 Supplier Audit plan review frequency added. 5. Control 10.03.2022
of Supplier
8 New Supplier selection criteria added 5. Control 01.11.2022
of Supplier
9 Supplier selection Process the point has been added. 5.3 27.01.2024

Prepared by: Approved by:

RIJ Engineering Pvt Ltd Externally Provided Processes, Product Doc No
Machining Division
and Services (Purchasing Process) Date: 27.01.2024

Quality Assurance - Supplier Selection, Supplier Monitoring & Page 7 of 7

Procedure Supplier Control

8. Flow Chart of the Purchasing Process


Contract Review

Quality Planning

Need for

Decision NO


Approved Evaluate and/or

Supplier List Select

Customer Purchase Order/

Schedule Schedule to Supplier


Receipt &
Incoming n

Inspection Report
Accept? NO Sort Out? NO

YES YES Reject

Supplier Performance
Review 100%

OK Quantity


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