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IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551
















SESSION 9: REVISION (Cont.) Page 205





IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


Sau mỗi buổi học, các em về nhà nên tự xem lại các topics, ôn lại dạng bài, học thuộc từ
vựng đã highlight và các cấu trúc hay. Việc này giúp các em hiểu kỹ và nhớ bài tốt hơn.
Những essay được chọn để viết và nộp là những essay có dạng bài điển hình và chứa các
từ vựng căn bản của chủ đề. Các bài trong phần này đã được giáo viên hướng dẫn kĩ càng
hoặc có sẵn giàn bài, từ vựng trong sách, em làm và nộp bài theo hướng dẫn sau:

B1: Xem lại để hiểu→ suy nghĩ thêm ý→ lên outline→ tự viết 1 bài hoàn chỉnh

B2: Mở ra phần Sample Essay, đọc qua bài mẫu của essay đó, xem có ý, từ vựng, cách
diễn đạt, ngữ pháp nào hay→ bổ sung vào bài của mình.

LƯU Ý: KHÔNG chép nguyên văn từ 2 câu trở lên trong bài mẫu vào bài của mình, nếu
muốn học hỏi các câu như vậy thì phải PARAPHRASE (Mở xem lại GRAMMAR→

B3: Kiểm tra lại bài thật kĩ trước khi nộp để tránh bị mất điểm 1 cách đáng tiếc. (Có thể
dựa vào phần Common mistakes)


2 bước ở trên là căn bản để em nắm bài, nhưng để viết tốt thì cần phải tự luyện tập thêm
nhiều. Cách tự luyện:

B1: Đọc đề, gạch chân từ khóa, xác định dạng bài→ Suy nghĩ các ý cho bài→ Lên
outline→ Suy nghĩ và liệt kê ra các từ vựng để viết bài, đối với các từ em gạch chân trong
đề, tìm ít nhất 3 từ đồng nghĩa.

B2: Tìm thêm ý, từ vựng và cấu trúc hay ở trong phần IDEAS AND VOCABULARY, từ điển
và báo (*)

B3: Tự viết và kiểm tra lại bài. Các em nên dùng writing answer sheet để viết cho quen
và đủ số chữ cần thiết.

B4: Mở ra phần Sample Essay, đọc qua bài mẫu của essay đó, xem có ý, từ vựng, cách
diễn đạt, ngữ pháp nào hay→ bổ sung vào bài của mình→ Tự kiểm tra lại bài.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


Muốn viết giỏi thì cách duy nhất là đọc nhiều và viết nhiều.

B1: Đọc đề, gạch chân từ khóa, xác định dạng bài→ Suy nghĩ các ý và từ vựng cho bài.

B2: ĐỌC bài mẫu NHIỀU LẦN và HIGHLIGHT ý, từ vựng, câu, ngữ pháp hay mà em muốn
học→ Ghi chú vào một quyển sổ tay và HỌC và LUYỆN VIẾT THEO.

Ở đây có khá nhiều đề cho em luyện tập từ bây giờ cho tới ngày thi, những bài mà bây
giờ chưa luyện tập được, em có thể dùng làm Practice Test trong những ngày gần thi.


B1: Gõ idea cần tìm thêm thông tin vào Google. Vd: “children study finance in school
news”→ Click chọn và đọc link báo hoặc mẫu tin đáng tin cậy.
B2: Đọc, note lại ý hay và từ vựng để dùng cho essay của mình.
All Topics: BBC News, CNN News, The New York Times, Forbes, NPR News, Telegraph,
The Independent, Guardian…
Culture: NPR News, Vietnam Heritage

Environment and Technology: Science News (Science News for Students).

Jobs: Business Insider, Financial Times


Bài đầy đủ và nội dung đa dạng, tất cả chỉ được học trong 3 tiếng. Vậy thì để đảm
bảo lên lớp em nắm được lí thuyết và thực hành sau 3 tiếng, để bớt thời gian em
ôn bài sau buổi và đặc biệt là ôn trước ngày thi→ LUÔN XEM BÀI TRƯỚC Ở NHÀ.

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TOPIC: Some students take a year off between school and university, to work or to
travel. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?




TOPIC: Many people move to cities to work and live. What are advantages and
disadvantages of this trend?

The government have difficulty
allocating budget and human
resources due to the imbalance
numbers of workers in urban and
rural areas.


SOCIETY Overpopulation leads to high crime

(PEOPLE) rate in cities


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Children in cities benefit from

good facilities, study in
prestigious schools and have a
chance to study abroad.

TOPIC: Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

- Involve theory, practice and require
teachers’ experience→ the
ECONOMY government have to allocate more
budget for education→ affect other

SOCIETY - Understand value of money →

(PEOPLE) treasure labour and property


- expose themselves to figures,
operations and business→
EDUCATION enhance their mathematical skills,
critical thinking and creativity


Topic sentence Supporting idea 1: Explanation and Example

(at the beginning/
Supporting idea 2: Explanation and Example
at the end of the paragraph)

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TOPIC: Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Nowadays, it is argued that finance should be taught as a compulsory subject in school. I
strongly believe that the incorporation of this subject in the curriculum is
beneficial due to following reasons.

It is undeniable that financial literacy provides students with many life skills
including avoidance of swindle and investment. Initially, due to lacking knowledge
and experience in transaction, many adults were defrauded by criminals. For example,
customers of some banks were swindled out of thousands of dollars when they revealed
their passwords in the bank website. In addition, after learning monetary management
in school, many teenagers are able to establish their own business, namely lemonade
stands or school supplies stores, thus earning money to support themselves and
creating business foundation for future success.

Besides, young learners, who understand finance, tend to treasure labor and
property. As the economy thrives, numerous children and young adults from affluent
families, who are indulged with foods and toys, often squander money on video-games,
bars and extravagant outfits. If they were taught finance at early age, they would be less
likely to spend money on such frivolous pastimes. Furthermore, financially literate
students often understand that their parents have to work assiduously to make money;
therefore, they have a tendency to save money and take responsibility for their
belongings more than their peer friends.

In conclusion, it is advisable to make financial education an obligatory component

of the school program. This preparation is a cornerstone for students’ future
achievements. (279 words - IELTS band 8)

▪ Defraud sb of sth(v) /dɪˈfrɔːd/ Lừa đảo

/ˈswɪndl/sb/aʊt/ /ɒv/sth
▪ Swindle sb out of sth
/ɔː//ˈswɪndl/sth/aʊt/ Lừa lấy vật gì của ai
OR swindle sth out of sb
▪ Reveal password /rɪ’vi:l//ˈpɑːswɜːd/ Để lộ mật khẩu
▪ affluent families /ˈæflʊənt/ /ˈfæmɪliz/ Gia đình giàu có
▪ indulge sb with sth /ɪnˈdʌlʤ/sb/wɪð/sth Nuông chiều
▪ work assiduously / wɜːk/ /ˈsɪdjʊəsli/ làm việc vất vả

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Essay 2: BALANCED (50/50)

The idea that finance should be taught as a compulsory subject in school remains a
source of controversy. While I accept that students had better be compelled to learn
monetary management, downsides of this policy cannot be overlooked.

On the one hand, there are significant advantages of financial education for
learners at an early stage of life. Firstly, children can learn and understand concepts
of money, which leads to appropriate solutions to future crises. For instance,
instruction on saving at school enables many single mothers to better control their
expense after divorce. In addition, financial education helps children understand that
their parents have to work assiduously to make money. As a result, it reminds them to
spend money reasonably and plan future expenditure wisely. This subject, accordingly,
can be taught in a school program to provide a strong background and deep knowledge
for the youth in terms of preparing for their future.

On the other hand, when children are taught about money too early, they might be
affected negatively. Initially, the subjects of finance are fairly complicated and
challenging for young students compared to mainstream subjects such as mathematics
and history. This is mainly because most financial courses are practical, requiring
experience along with theory. Moreover, people who expose themselves to money
matters at early age may measure everything from a profit-oriented perspective. In
other words, children are probably obsessed with money, having an inclination to
prioritize materials over relationship or even health.

In conclusion, though finance literacy is crucial to students due to some upsides, it

seems inappropriate to them considering its difficulty and negative impact.

(303 words-IELTS 8)


▪ Crisis->crises (pl.) /ˈkraɪsɪs/->/ˈkraɪsiːz/(pl.)

Khủng hoảng (pl.)
▪ reasonably (adv) /ˈriːznəbli/ Hợp lý
▪ instill sth into sb /ɪnˈstɪl/sth/ˈɪntuː/sb
Truyền đạt điều gì cho ai
▪ mainstream subject /ˈmeɪnstriːm/ /ˈsʌbʤɪkt/
Môn học chính thống
Quan điểm định hướng
▪ profit-oriented perspective /ˈprɒfɪt//ˈɔːrɪentɪd//pəˈspektɪv/
lợi nhuận
▪ obsess (v) /əbˈses/ ám ảnh

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1. Giving reasons or causes

Phrases, words Examples

This is mainly/ fundamentally/ This is fundamentally because mothers mostly
simply because…+ S-V stay at home, they have a greater responsibility in
upbringing children.
The major/ primary/ main reason is
that…+ S-V

Since/ because/ as+ S-V Since: Since the developing countries have adopted
technology in their agriculture sector, their yearly
productions have increased significantly.
Because of, Due to, owing to, on Due to: Due to the widespread corruption in these
account of + N/ V-ING less developed countries, the fund should be
directly handled and utilized by the authority of the
developed countries.

Owing to: The new factory would have many

negative effects and would destroy the serenity of
our community owing to its location in the middle
of our area.
Example 1: People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to
live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Agree: Newcomers should obey conventions and lifestyle in the host country. The
major reason is that when they follow local customs and behavior, they can live in
harmony with the locals. As well as that, they can broaden their horizons about culture.

Example 2: Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

When children are taught about money too early, they might be affected negatively.
Firstly, the subjects of finance are fairly complicated and challenging for young students
compared to mainstream subjects such as mathematics and history. This is mainly
because ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...



IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

2. Giving results or consequences

Phrases Examples
As a result, lessons learned from our
As a result, + clause. experiences have better effects in our
Hence, I completely disagree that the
Hence, + clause. factory would be a good place for new
jobs for the community people.
Many factories deliberately emitted
smoke into the air and discharged
Clause, thereby/ thus + N/ V-ing.
sewage into rivers, thus/ thereby
polluting the local area.
Therefore, television is the most popular
Therefore, + clause. media for entertainment in most of the
countries in the world.
Thus, overreliance on technology can
Thus, + clause. bring the dreadful events in the
upcoming future.
Consequently, we remember such gifts
Consequently/ As a consequence, and revere the good wishes that were
conveyed through those gifts.
For this reason, I would like to own a
For this reason, + clause. private car than always relying on the
public transportations.
Sea level rises rapidly, resulting in top-
Clause, resulting in+ N/ V-ING. soil erosion and accommodation loss to

Example 1: It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history

than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Agree: It is significant that schoolchildren should learn about their local history. Firstly,
knowing about the past of their region or country will foster a sense of belonging and
pride in each child. As a result, children treasure their life and country, thus making an
effort to contribute to their nation.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Example 2: Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Agree: When students learn finance in school, they tend to treasure labor and
property. Financially literate students often understand that their parents have to work
assiduously to make money; therefore, ……………………………………………………………………….




3. Giving further explanation

✓ In other words, …
✓ That is to say…
✓ …., meaning that…
✓ In fact, / Indeed, …

Example 1: It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history

than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
From another angle, learning about world history shares equal importance just as local
one. Acquiring knowledge about the world’s past events equips students with a
more well-rounded perspective of life. In other words, they are able to compare what
happened in their region with the similar event on an international scale at the same
time. World War 2 is a case in point.

Example 2: Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

People who expose themselves to money matters at early age may measure everything
from a profit-oriented perspective. In other words, …………………………………………………….




IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

4. If 2 (An unreal condition and its probable result)

Example 1: It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history

than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

From another angle, learning about world history shares equal importance just as local
one. There is a concrete association of history and other socio-economic fields. If
students stopped learning this subject on an international scale, they would not
understand trading, political and educational activities in their own region in relation
to neighboring countries.

Example 2: Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Agree: It is undeniable that financial literacy provides students with many life
skills including avoidance of swindle and investment. First, due to lacking
knowledge and experience in transaction, many adults were defrauded by criminals.
For example, customers of some banks were swindled out of thousands of dollars when
they revealed their passwords in the bank website. If …………………………………………………..




To cite an example: To cite an example, I started learning a second language at my

primary school and that did not increase my study pressure at all.
For example: For example, most of the companies want their employees to enhance
their skills so that they can better perform over the time.
For instance: For instance, many developing countries are trying to improve their GDP
through their export activities.
To take ST/ SO as an instance/ example: To take Japan as an example, however
scarce the natural resources are, citizens make an unremitting effort in developing
technology and service.
To illustrate: To illustrate, universities, these days, offer a wider range of subjects than
they used to do in the past.
Is a case in point: Cancer is a case in point. While many Western medicine fails to treat
this serious disease, alternative medicine resorted by patients indicates a gradual

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Such as: Chemicals discharged from industrial sites such as factories cause water



According to (recent) newspaper/ articles/ research/ scientist,...

(Recent) newspapers/ articles/ researches/ scientists indicate/ reveal that...

According to recent articles, approximately thirty percent of children in underdeveloped

and developing countries suffer from malnutrition.



Giving your idea and

Giving the opposite idea explain it+ Concluding
with yours and explain it
(your idea)

• It is often thought that / It • Although the core of this • It is an indisputable fact

is often supposed that/ claim is valid, I believe that/ It is undeniable
There is an argument that that this is a short- that/ It is evident that
+ sighted viewpoint.
• Concluding: Accordingly/
All in all/ This is the
reason why I believe that...

Example 1: It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history

than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Your idea: Disagree: → There is an argument that students should study regional
history alone. This is mainly because most young students reside in their locality until
they grow up, meaning that international knowledge is not necessary for them.
Although the core of this claim is valid, I believe that this is a short-sighted
viewpoint. It is an indisputable fact that acquiring knowledge about the world’s past
events equips students with a more well-rounded perspective of life. Therefore, they
can subconsciously connect events to have a clearer picture of history, which
simultaneously broadens their horizon and helps them study other subjects effectively.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Accordingly, along with national history, the international one is worth learning in
every school.

Example 2: Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Your idea: Disagree: → It is often thought that monetary management should be a

compulsory subject in school. Financially literate students often understand that their
parents have to work assiduously to make money; therefore, they have a tendency to
respect adults and their labour. Although the core of this claim is valid, I believe that
this is a short-sighted viewpoint. It is evident that many people who expose
themselves to money matters at early age may measure everything from a profit-
oriented perspective. In other words, children are probably obsessed with money,
having an inclination to prioritize materials over relationship or even health. All in all,
finance had better not be included in school programs as an obligatory subject.


Nowadays/ These days / Currently, / At present, / Nowadays many people choose
to become vegetarians since a vegetarian diet is believed to be better for the human
body. Although I agree that eating only plant foods provides us with a healthier diet, I do
not believe that everyone should stop eating meat in order to enjoy good health

In recent years/ Recently: In recent years, some commentators have argued that it is
more important for children to study the history of their own country or region, rather
than the history of the world. I disagree with this view because I believe that schools
should teach local, national and world history.


In my opinion: In my opinion, both the government and citizens of a country should

come forward and fight the corruption.
In my viewpoint: In my viewpoint, mothers have more intimate relationships with
their children and that is why they should spend more time with them.
From my perspective/ From my point of view: From my perspective, this is a very
good solution to water contamination.
I admit that … : I admit that we now have a busy life but that does not mean that we
should not find time to take part in community programmes that are aimed to make our
community a better place to live in.

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It is evident/ undeniable/ indisputable that

It is advisable that
No one can argue that
Regarding= As regards = With regard to= Concerning= In terms of + Noun/ V-ING:
about Sth


First/ Firstly = The primary/ fundamental factor is that

Initially, public transportations are cheap and can carry many passengers at a time.
Firstly, increasing the fuel price would affect the daily budget of all citizens.
To begin with, old people has paid taxes and worked for the country for their whole life.

Second/ Secondly:
Second(ly), we do not have to worry about parking, garage, traffic rule violation and fuel
cost when we do not own a car.

Third(ly)... Fourth(ly):
Third(ly), smoking does not have a single benefit but a pile of disadvantages.
Fourth(ly), ever increasing population is a reason for increased house rent, competitive
job market and pollution.

Lastly/ Finally:
Lastly, the rail is one of the safest transportation systems that can carry a huge number
of passengers at a time.
Finally, parents spend more time with their children than a teacher does.
Last but not least, countries like Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal prove that
violence and crime can be in a peak even under the woman leadership.



Additionally: Additionally, computer games are addictive and can waste a large portion
of the valuable time of a school-going child.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Moreover: Moreover, young people have better technological knowledge than the older
In addition: In addition to that, fast food contains the fat, preservative, and other
harmful ingredients which are very detrimental to our health.
Furthermore: Furthermore, helping developing countries in terms of providing
education facilities can strengthen the relationship between two countries.
And: And helping developing countries in terms of providing education facilities can
strengthen the relationship between two countries.
Not only... but also: Deforestation not only damages the natural habitats of many
species, but it is also the main reason for global warming.
Also: Also, cities provide better job opportunities and a better-living standard.
Besides: Besides, cities provide better job opportunities and a better-living standard
As well as: Too much dependency on technological devices as well as the internet
would bring catastrophic consequences once something goes wrong.


Balanced, Advantage- Disadvantage essay, Discussion essay) CAN BE CONNECTED

Body 1 Body 2
On the one hand, … On the other hand, ...
▪ It is obvious/ evident/ ▪ However,
undeniable/ indisputable that ▪ Nevertheless,
▪ It is advisable that ▪ Despite its benefits, …
▪ No one can argue that
▪ Regarding= As regards = With
regard to= Concerning= In terms
of + Noun/ V-ING: about Sth


Especially: This step would be advantageous for people, especially for rural people, as it
would increase the job opportunities in rural areas.
Clearly: Clearly, this law is a violation of people's privacy and that is why this law needs
Obviously/ Evidently: Obviously, automation in government sectors would reduce the
corruption to a great extent.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Specifically: Corruptions in government sectors, specifically in countries like India and

Bangladesh, is another hindrance in the overall progress.
Definitely/ Undoubtedly/ Indisputably: The government definitely has a
responsibility to support those older people. But that does not mean that children of
such senior citizens are free from their own responsibilities towards their aged parents.
In particular: In particular, there is almost no university in such underdeveloped areas
and a large number of students, due to this, move to the city areas each year.


While/whereas/ Although S-V, S-V
S-V, while/ whereas/ although/ but S-V
In contrast to/as oppose to+ N
Unlike+ N, S-V
Despite: Despite its immense benefits, we should be wary of its usages in our daily life.
In spite of: In spite of a remarkable progress in recent years, women are still suffering
from social discriminations in many developing countries.
By contrast: By contrast, knowledge gained from travelling and from real life
experiences has a greater impact on our future course of actions in life.
Alternatively: Alternatively, the government can impose laws to control the market
price of most essential commodities.
On the other hand: On the other hand, owning a car is expensive as it requires parking,
fuel, servicing, maintaining and yearly renewal costs.
Still: Still, strictly controlling the number of children a family can have is not a feasible
However: However, many destitute families rely on the earning those young children
bring to the family.
Although: Although implementing this would require a huge sum of money, this, in my
opinion, is the most optimal solution.
Even though: Even though their arguments are somewhat convincing to listen to, in
reality, the scenario is quite the opposite.
While…= Whilst: while an Asian viewer can be amazed by the individualism conveyed
in western blockbuster movies, an American can explore the significance of collective
eastern values from a Chinese or Korean drama.
…., whereas/ while:

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In comparison: In comparison to the past century, people these days do not have a
strong family tie.
Admittedly: Admittedly, severe punishments set examples to other people temporarily,
but it lacks any long-term effect.
Similarly: Similarly, capital punishment is brutal and fails to establish a bridge between
the social unrest and reformation.
Likewise: Likewise, technological advancement creates new job opportunities in both
developing and developed countries.
In the same way: In the same way, increasing the tax would not be a viable solution to
address this issue.


Given/ Considering + N, CLAUSE.: Given/ Considering the attempts from the
governments, tackling natural damage still requires cooperation from individuals.
Given that/ Considering that + CLAUSE 1, CLAUSE 2: Considering that many animals
have been slaughtered every year for human’s consumption, it is time for people to
convert to vegetarian diet
Not to mention/ To say nothing of: The war caused unprecedented suffering to
millions of people, not to mention its impact on the country’s economy.

Provided that

Usage: This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just
“providing” to mean the same thing.

Example: “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear
in mind the limitations of the methods used to obtain it

In conclusion,
Taking the above ideas into justification/ consideration,
Considering the aforementioned ideas,

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1. Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school program.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

2. In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than
in the past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?


➔ ONE-SIDED ESSAY (agree/ disagree)
➔ TWO-SIDED ESSAY (balanced/ neutral/ partially agree)

II. WRITING INTRODUCTION: (usually 2 sentences)

1. Sentence 1: Paraphrase the question

➔ Structure:
▪ There are various perspectives on the question of whether or not …
▪ Many people believe/ argue that…→ It is believed/ argued that…
▪ The idea that… has become/ remains a source of controversy.

2. Sentence 2: State your opinion

▪ I strongly agree that/ I am convinced that…
▪ I advocate that/ I concur with the idea that…
ESSAY Disagree:
▪ I strongly/ entirely/ completely disagree that…
▪ I strongly/ entirely/ completely disagree with the idea of…
▪ I oppose/ cannot accept that…

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▪ While/ although I accept that…, downsides of… cannot be

TWO-SIDED overlooked.
ESSAY ▪ Though there is some truth in the argument that…, it is also my
belief that…

Examples 1: Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
▪ Financial education= financial subject= finance= monetary management: mon
tai chính/ quan tri tien te
▪ Mandatory (a)= compulsory= obligatory: bat buoc
▪ Oblige= compel (v) bat buoc
▪ (School) program= curriculum (= in school)

→ Introduction for one-sided essay - Agree:






→ Introduction for balanced essay:






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➔ Restate your standpoint and provide a suggestion if possible

Example: Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

→ Conclusion for one-sided essay - Agree:






→ Conclusion for balanced essay:






IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a
range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related
to a particular career. Which of these two systems is more appropriate in today’s
world? (2015)

2. Some people say that humanitarian subjects such as philosophy, history and
literature that people study in universities have no value for their future career.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (7.2016)

3. Some people think that studying from the past offers no benefits to today’s life
while others believe that history is a valuable source of information for us.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion (9.2016)

4. Academic institutions should only deal with academic studies and passing
examinations. Skills such as cookery, woodwork, tailoring are better to be taught
at home by family members and friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the statement? (8.2016)

5. It is observed that in many countries not enough students are choosing to study
science subject. What are causes? And what will be effects on society? (5.2016)

6. It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world
history. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2.2016)

7. Financial education should be a mandatory component of the school

program. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

8. While many people go to university for academic study, more people should be
encouraged to do vocational training because there is lack of qualified workers
such as electricians and plumbers. Do you agree or disagree?

9. Some people think that schools should select students according to their
academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with
different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own

10. It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university

places for a high proportion of young people.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? (12.1.2017)

11. Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school
students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers.
Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.

12. In some countries, young people have little leisure time and are under a lot of
pressure to work hard on their studies.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?

13. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every
subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

14. Students in schools and universities learn more from their teachers than through
other means such as the Internet, libraries and TV. To what extent you agree or

15. It is better for college students to live in schools than live at home with their
parents. Do you agree or disagree? (3.2017)

16. Many people believe that schools should teach children to become good citizens
and workers rather than independent individuals. To what extent do you agree or
disagree? (3.2016)

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17. Some people think that schools should reward students who show
the best academic results, while others believe that it is more important to
reward students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion (4.2015)

18. Some students take a year off between school and university, to work
or to travel. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? (2015)

19. Some people think that to lead a successful life a university degree is important.
Others believe that this is no longer true nowadays. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion. (10.2016)

20. Nowadays, university education is very expensive. Some people say that
universities should reduce their fees, especially for the less fortunate students or
those coming from rural areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? (5.2016)

21. Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education.
Some people think that it should become easier for them to study at universities.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


SUBJECTS IN SCHOOL (Topics 1 to 8)
1. General subjects (comprehensive education)
-Students gain a comprehensive overview of a wide range of subjects to enrich their
knowledge and enhance their personal skills
-The education of various subjects enables learners to determine their future careers
Career-oriented subjects (vocational subjects)
-Particular subjects facilitate secondary school students’ future career preparation

- In the current competitive labor market, having a profound insight into a particular
field endows a young student with strengths over other candidates

- If not required to learn many domains, they will have more spare time for
extracurricular activities


▪ a comprehensive overview/ə ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv ˈəʊvəvjuː/

một cái nhìn tổng quát

▪ enrich knowledge / ɪnˈrɪtʃ ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ làm giàu kiến thức = broaden horizons

▪ enhance personal skills / ɪnˈhɑːns ˈpɜːsənlskɪlz / trau dồi các kĩ năng cho bản
thân = improve personal skills

▪ enable sb to do sth (v) / ɪˈneɪbl/ giúp cho ai có khả năng làm việc gì

▪ facilitate sth (v) /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ to make an action possible or easier: giúp cho việc
gì diễn ra dễ dàng

▪ endow sb with sth (v) / ɪnˈdaʊ/ give sth to sb: cho ai điều gì

▪ a profound insight into/ə prəˈfaʊnd ˈɪnsaɪt ˈɪntə/ một cái nhìn sâu sắc về điều gì

▪ domain (n) / dəˈmeɪn/ lĩnh vực kiến thức

▪ extracurricular activities/ˌekstrəkəˈrɪkjələ(r) ækˈtɪvəti/ các hoạt động ngoại


IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

2. Humanitarian subjects are beneficial for future career

-Workers can apply approaches and principles from these subjects to their working
process (Ex: the rule of quantity and quality, strategies and mistakes in history)

-These social science subjects sharpen learners’ language use and communication skill.

-Humanitarian content enhances graduates’ morality, attitude to their job and

relationship with their colleagues.

Humanitarian subjects are valueless for future career

-Some occupations only require staff to work according to an already-established

pattern, not using any principles or soft skills.

-Some students in tertiary education pay less attention to philosophy, history and
literature since these subjects are not an integral part of their majors.

-In some international education system, learners are exempted from humanitarian


▪ approaches and Phương pháp và nguyên

principles tắc
▪ rule of quantity and /ruːl/ /ɒv/ /ˈkwɒntɪti/ Quy tắc về số lượng và
quality /ænd//ˈkwɒlɪti/ chất lượng
▪ strategies (v) /ˈstrætɪʤiz/ Chiến lược
Làm nhạy bén hơn, mài
▪ sharpen (v) /ˈʃɑːpən/
▪ morality (n) /məˈrælɪti/ Đạo đức
▪ attitude to /ˈætɪtjuːd/ /tuː/ Thái độ
▪ occupation=
/ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃən/=/prəˈfeʃən/ Nghề nghiệp
▪ already-established
/ɔːlˈredi/-/ɪsˈtæblɪʃt/ /ˈpætən/ Mẫu đã được thiết lập
▪ tertiary education= /ˈtɜːʃəri//ˌedjuːˈkeɪʃən/=/ˈhaɪər/
Giáo dục đại học
higher education /ˌedjuːˈkeɪʃən/
Một phần không thể
▪ integral part /ˈɪntɪgrəl/ /pɑːt/
▪ be exempted from /biː/ /ɪgˈzemptɪd/ /frɒm/ Được miễn

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

3.History is necessary

-Studying the past enables learners to gain a thorough insight of the culture and
evolution of the country

-History reveals mistakes in the past, enabling people to avoid similar outcomes in the

-Students explore valuable information, namely ancient medical remedies and

techniques from historical archives.

History is redundant

-History includes dates, facts and scenarios from the ancient time that are inapplicable
to daily life.

-Historical events are often interpreted in different ways, making them unreliable and

-People should focus on technology and science that are more practical and relevant
to the current and future society.


▪ a thorough insight /ə/ /ˈθʌrə/ /ˈɪnsaɪt/ Một cái nhìn sâu sắc
▪ evolution (n) /ˌiːvəˈluːʃən/ Sự phát triển
▪ reveal (v) /rɪˈviːl/ Tiết lộ
/ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt/ /ˈmedɪkəl/ Phương pháp chữa bệnh cổ
▪ ancient medical remedy
/ˈremɪdi/ đại
▪ technique (n) /tekˈniːk/ Kỹ thuật
▪ historical archive /hɪsˈtɒrɪkəl/ /ˈɑːkaɪv/ Kho lưu trữ lịch sử
▪ scenario (n) /sɪˈnɑːrɪəʊ/ Kịch bản
▪ inapplicable to /ɪnˈæplɪkəbl/ /tuː/ Không thể áp dụng
▪ interpret (v) /ɪnˈtɜːprɪt/ Giải thích
/ˈpræktɪkəl/ /ænd/ Thiết thực và có liên quan
▪ practical and relevant to
/ˈrelɪvənt/ /tuː/ đến

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

4. Art and skills should be taught at school

-Art and skill-based subjects cultivate learners’ creativity

-Woodwork and cookery are means of entertainment to reduce study pressure.
Art and skills should be taught at home
-Learners need time for academic subjects (Connecting with Topic 1)
-Art and skill-based subjects require many facilities that are provided more sufficiently
at home, not at school.

/ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ /ˈlɜːnəz/ Nâng cao sự sáng

▪ cultivate learners’ creativity
/ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvɪti/ tạo của học sinh
▪ sufficiently= adequately
/səˈfɪʃəntli/=/ˈædɪkwɪtli/ Đầy đủ

5. Not enough students select science subjects:

-Science field requires talent and high intelligence that not many learners possess.
Conversely, the conditions for social subjects are diligence and experience that can be
accumulated over time.
-Occupations in scientific fields normally have lower payment than careers in business
and society.
-Fewer technological inventions effect industry, healthcare and entertainment in the
-Universities have to decrease or eliminate places in science-related majors.
▪ possess (v) /pəˈzes/ Sở hữu
▪ diligence (n) /ˈdɪlɪʤəns/ Siêng năng
▪ Conversely (adv) /ˈkɒnvɜːsli/ Ngược lại
▪ accumulate (v) /əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt/ Tích trữ
▪ eliminate (v) /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ Loại bỏ
/ˈsaɪəns/-/rɪˈleɪtɪd/ Chuyên ngành liên quan
▪ science-related major
/ˈmeɪʤə/ đến khoa học

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

PEOPLE IN EDUCATION (Topics 9 to 17)

9.Benefits of mixed –class

- Mixed ability classes provide a better environment for children’s all-round

development because they learn from their peers.

- Learners expose themselves to an environment similar to a real society

- Grouping by ability may damage students’ self-esteem since children do not want to
be considered less intelligent than others

Benefits of Streaming

- Teachers can work at the right speed for their students, using the same materials and

- High-level groups may progress faster, and lower level groups can benefit from a
slower pace


▪ all-round development /ˈɔːlˈraʊnd/ /dɪˈveləpmənt/ Phát triển toàn diện

▪ peer (n) /pɪə/ Bạn cùng trang lứa
▪ ability= capacity (n) /əˈbɪlɪti/= /kəˈpæsɪti/ Khả năng
▪ expose oneself to /ɪksˈpəʊz/ /wʌnˈself/ /tuː/ Tiếp xúc với
▪ self-esteem /self/-/ɪsˈtiːm/ Lòng tự trọng

10.It is neither possible nor useful to provide university places for a high
proportion of young people


-The government has to take the needs of both the youth and other issues including
healthcare, environment and crime into consideration. If the state gave more subsidy
to tertiary education, they might fail to allocate budget to other sectors.

-If everyone could gain admittance to college, it would lead to the imbalance in
workforce. (tertiary education graduates do not want to do manual jobs)


Connecting with topic 1


IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

▪ take sth into consideration Xem xét điều gì
▪ allocate budget to /ˈæləʊkeɪt/ /ˈbʌʤɪt/ /tuː/ Phân bổ ngân sách cho
▪ gain admittance to /geɪn/ /ədˈmɪtəns/ /tuː/ Được nhận vào
Mất cân bằng trong lực
▪ imbalance in workforce. /ɪmˈbæləns/ /ɪn/ /ˈwɜːkˌfɔːs/.
lượng lao động.
▪ manual job /ˈmænjʊəl/ /ʤɒb/ Công việc chân tay

OTHER TOPICS (Topics 18 to 21)

18. Benefits of taking a gap year:

-Gap-year takers are independent, mature and courageous

-They expose themselves to many environments, thus being able to decide on their
favorite majors.
-Many students work or establish their own business and earn a considerable amount of
-Young people earning hands-on experience are more likely to succeed/ get
promoted/ climb the career ladder than those who just have a degree.
-Many university graduates are unemployed.
Drawbacks of taking a gap year:
-They delay their study.
-It is difficult to retrieve knowledge when they return
-They confront danger such as swindle when travelling.


Người nghỉ học 1 năm trước

▪ gap-year takers /gæp/-/jɪə/ /ˈteɪkəz/ khi vào đại học (để đi du lịch
hay làm việc)
▪ earn hands-on /ɜːn/ /hændz/-/ɒn/ Kiếm được kinh nghiệm thực
experience /ɪksˈpɪərɪəns/ tế
▪ get promoted /get/ /prəˈməʊtɪd/ Được thăng tiến
/klaɪm/ /ðə/ /kəˈrɪə/
▪ climb the career ladder Leo lên bậc thang sự nghiệp
▪ delay (v) /dɪˈleɪ/ Trì hoãn
▪ retrieve knowledge /rɪˈtriːv/ /ˈnɒlɪʤ/ Lấy kiến thức
▪ confront danger /kənˈfrʌnt/ /ˈdeɪnʤə/ Đối mặt với nguy hiểm

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

19. University degree

Connecting with Topic 1

Other ways

Connecting with topic 18

20. Universities reduce their fees, especially for the less fortunate students or
those coming from rural areas.


- Having access to tertiary education, underprivileged students gain knowledge and

enhance skills. Therefore, they can make a substantial contribution to the society.

- Tuition fee reduction or exemption facilitates a stable life for students and their
families in remote areas.

- Education is equal to everyone regardless of their family background


Connecting with Disagree in Topic 10, Disagree.


▪ underprivileged (adj) /ˌʌndəˈprɪvɪlɪʤd/ Nghèo

▪ make a substantial /meɪk/ /ə/ /səbˈstænʃəl/ Đóng góp đáng kể
contribution to /ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃən/ /tuː/ vào
▪ regardless of /rɪˈgɑːdlɪs/ /ɒv/ Bất kể

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across
a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related
to a particular career. Which of these two systems is more appropriate in today’s
Secondary schools in some nations incorporate a wide range of subjects into a
comprehensive education, whereas in this level in other countries, students primarily
learn some career-oriented subjects. Although I accept that general study has many
merits, upsides of the latter cannot be overlooked.

A curriculum providing general knowledge of diverse subjects benefits secondary

students in different ways. Initially, students could gain the overview of a wide range of
subjects, helping them develop essential personal skills and grasp an overall
understanding of different aspects of life. To illustrate, without the profound knowledge
of Finance, artists would have daunting difficulties managing their family budget.
Conversely, economists whose expertise is in Math might fail to explain socio-
economic matters if they did not have a background in social sciences. In addition, an
education program with various subjects empowers students with essential orientation
to determine their career passions which seldom come into shape during their teenage
years. It is a well-rounded curriculum that gives secondary school learners the
opportunities to get engaged in various subjects to identify their occupational interest.
However, I am also of the opinion that a specialized training is a better choice because it
would facilitate secondary students’ future career preparation. The primary reason
is that such a training program allows students to nurture in-depth knowledge and
skills in the occupation that they appeal to, thus paving a way for major professional
advances. In the current overwhelmingly competitive labor market, having a
profound insight into a particular field would endow a young student with strengths
over other candidates. Sports coach is a case in point. Recruiters tend to give priority to
candidates who originate from sports gifted school from secondary to tertiary education
In conclusion, while I agree that the option of teaching diverse subjects has its upsides, I
contend that specialized training system provides optimal professional preparation for
secondary students to lead successful career paths.
(318 words- IELTS 8)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

▪ socio-economic matters Các vấn đề kinh tế xã hội
Làm cho ai tự tin, mạnh
▪ empowers sb /ɪmˈpaʊəz/
▪ get engaged in /get/ /ɪnˈgeɪʤd/ /ɪn/ Tham gia vào
Tạo điều kiện cho sự
▪ facilitate secondary /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ /ˈsekəndəri/
chuẩn bị nghề nghiệp
students’ future career /ˈstjuːdənts/ /ˈfjuːʧə/ /kəˈrɪə/
tương lai của học sinh
preparation /ˌprepəˈreɪʃən/
trung học
▪ nurture in-depth /ˈnɜːʧə/ /ɪn/-/depθ/ /ˈnɒlɪʤ/ Nuôi dưỡng kiến thức và
knowledge and skills /ænd/ /skɪlz/ kỹ năng chuyên sâu
▪ the current
/ðə/ /ˈkʌrənt/ /ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋli/ Thị trường lao động cạnh
/kəmˈpetɪtɪv/ /ˈleɪbə/ /ˈmɑːkɪt/ tranh áp đảo
competitive labor market
▪ endow sb with sth /ɪnˈdaʊ/ sb /wɪð/sth Give sb with sth

2. It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world
history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people have valued the role of regional history over that of international history
to students. In my opinion, I disagree this perspective as both of them are equally
essential for young learners.
Studying the history of children’s hometown is definitely an indispensable part of
school’s curriculum during their early education. Having thorough insights into what
happened in the past at one’s locality develops his patriotism. Learners of primary and
secondary schools in Vietnam, in particular, are taught about how their ancestors
defended their territory against outside intruders and reclaimed sovereignty. As a
result, those young children would take pride in their origin and treasure their current
life, thereby making unremitting effort to contribute to the country
development. Additionally, it is not only students’ privilege but also their
responsibility to have a profound comprehension of their hometown’s traditional
values and identity primarily because each individual is highly indebted to
From another angle, learning about world history shares equal importance just as local
one. Acquiring knowledge about the world’s past events equips students with a
more well-rounded perspective of life. Lessons about the World War or Feminism
protest against women’s abuse and discrimination would help those learners enhance
their understanding about various aspects of the world. Furthermore, I think that being
taught about the other countries’ historical backgrounds would benefit young learners

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

in their future career. Students who accumulate knowledge of this particular field at an
early age would possess a golden selling point to work for foreign enterprises,
especially those who highly value company culture like Japan.
In conclusion, I believe the significance of domestic and international history cannot be
brought into comparison to see which one is more necessary because they have
distinctively equal meanings to children.
(282 words-IELTS 8)
▪ indispensable (adj) /ˌɪndɪsˈpensəbl/ Cần thiết
▪ thorough insight /ˈθʌrə/ /ˈɪnsaɪt/ Sự hiểu biết sâu sắc
▪ patriotism (n) /ˈpætrɪətɪzm/ Lòng yêu nước
▪ defend (v) /dɪˈfend/ Bảo vệ
▪ intruder (n) /ɪnˈtruːdə/ Kẻ xâm lược
▪ reclaim sovereignty /rɪˈkleɪm/ /ˈsɒvrənti/ Giành lại chủ quyền.
▪ making unremitting
/ˈmeɪkɪŋ/ /ˌʌnrɪˈmɪtɪŋ/ /ˈefət/ nỗ lực không ngừng
▪ privilege (n) /ˈprɪvɪlɪʤ/ Đặc quyền
▪ profound
/prəˈfaʊnd/ /ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃən/ Hiểu sâu sắc
▪ be indebted to /biː/ /ɪnˈdetɪd/ /tuː/
Mắc nợ thế hệ đi trước
predecessors /ˈpriːdɪsesəz/
▪ equip with /ɪˈkwɪp/ /wɪð/ Trang bị với
▪ abuse (v) /əˈbjuːs/ Lạm dụng
▪ discrimination (n) /dɪsˌkrɪmɪˈneɪʃən/ Kỳ thị
▪ accumulate (v) /əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt/ Tích lũy
Điểm thú hút người
▪ selling point /ˈselɪŋ/ /pɔɪnt/
khác (business)
▪ enterprise (n) /ˈentəpraɪz/ Doanh nghiệp
▪ domestic (adj) /dəʊˈmestɪk/ Trong nước, nội địa

3.Some students take a year off between school and university, to work or to
travel. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

It is true these days that many high school leavers choose to start their work or take a
trip before going to higher education. Though taking a gap year may cause some
potential problems, I believe that the benefits are more remarkable.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

On the one hand, young students are very likely to encounter several difficulties when
delaying their university study. One of these problems is the retardation in academic
progress caused by spending one year off school. This is because it is almost impossible
for young people to enjoy their experiences in doing a job or travelling to a new place
but still schedule a certain amount of time for revision. As a result, gap-year takers may
forget the knowledge at school, suffering more pressure of catching up with their peers.
Besides, the life out of university campus may prove to be mentally and physically
overwhelming for inexperienced school graduates. They, for instance, may be at risk of
being exploited in an exhausting job or confront potential danger on their trips to a
new country. If not well prepared for such possible obstacles, young high school
graduates can suffer from unintended consequences.

On the other hand, I would argue that these disadvantages are outweighed by the
positive effects. A gap year is an ideal opportunity for students to learn knowledge not
conveyed at tertiary education. Working with other people who are experts in a
particular domain, newcomers acquire not only prowess of the job but also valuable
practical lessons to help them become more mature. When it comes to applying for a
position in a company, employers tend to favourably consider applicants who have
extensive experience in life and the occupation. Furthermore, in terms of recreation,
having a year to relax is advantageous as students can a chance to relieve stress in
study. With a comfortable and willing attitude, undergraduates can acquire knowledge
more effectively in comparison with those who go to university straightaway.

In conclusion, despite some negative aspects, it seems to me that the benefits of a gap
year are more significant for the reasons mentioned.
(350 words, IELTS 8+)
▪ encounter several
/ɪnˈkaʊntə/ /ˈsevrəl/ /ˈdɪfɪkəltiz/ Gặp nhiều khó khăn
▪ the retardation in /ðə/ /ˌriːtɑːˈdeɪʃən/ /ɪn/ Sự trì hoãn tiến bộ học
academic progress /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ /ˈprəʊgrəs/ tập
▪ revision (n) /rɪˈvɪʒən/ ôn lại
▪ mentally and
/ˈmentəli/ /ænd/ /ˈfɪzɪkəli/ Quá tải về tinh thần và
/ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ/ thể chất
▪ exploit (v) /ɪksˈplɔɪt/ Bóc lột

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▪ exhausting job /ɪgˈzɔːstɪŋ/ /ʤɒb/ Công việc mệt mỏi

▪ confront potential Phải đối mặt với nguy
/kənˈfrʌnt/ /pəʊˈtenʃəl/ /ˈdeɪnʤə/
danger cơ tiềm ẩn
▪ obstacle (n) /ˈɒbstəkl/ Chướng ngại vật
▪ convey (v) /kənˈveɪd/ Truyền tải
▪ prowess of the job /ˈpraʊɪs/ /ɒv/ /ðə/ /ʤɒb/ Năng lực của công việc
▪ extensive kinh nghiệm sâu rộng
/ɪksˈtensɪv/ /ɪksˈpɪərɪəns/ /ɪn/ /laɪf/
experience in life trong cuộc sống
▪ relieve stress /rɪˈliːv/ /stres/ Giảm bớt căng thẳng

4. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every
subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There are various viewpoints on the question of whether or not tertiary education
should admit the equal number of men and women to all majors. However, I disagree
with the idea of accepting the same proportions of each gender in every university
subject due to the following reasons.
Having the same number d of men and women on all degree courses is simply unrealistic.
This is fundamentally due to the fact that student’s number on any course depends on
the applications that the institution receives. If a university decided to fill courses with
equal numbers of males and females, it would need sufficient applicants of each
gender. In reality, many courses are more popular with one gender than the other,
making it unfeasible to aim at the identical percentage of candidates from both
sexes. Nursing majors, to illustrate, tend to attract more female applicants; therefore, it
would be challenging to enroll fifty percent of male counterparts in these courses.
Apart from the practical concerns expressed above, I also believe that it would be
unfair to base admission to university courses on gender. Universities should
continue to select the best candidates for each department according to their
qualifications. In this way, no students are deprived of educational opportunities,
and applicants know that they will be successful if they work hard to achieve good
grades at school. If a female student is the best candidate for a place on a course, it is
undeniably wrong to reject her in favour of a male student with lower grades or
fewer qualifications.
In conclusion, the selection of university students should not be based on gender
since it would be both impractical and unfair to change the admission procedure in
this way.
(265 words, band 9- IELTS Simon)

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▪ need sufficient
/niːd/ /səˈfɪʃənt/ /ˈæplɪkənt/ Cần đầy đủ ứng viên
▪ making it unfeasible /ˈmeɪkɪŋ/ /ɪt/ /ˌʌnˈfiːzəbl/ Làm cho nó không khả thi
to do sth /tuː/ /duː/sth để làm sth
▪ the identical Tỷ lệ phần trăm bằng
/ði/ /aɪˈdentɪkəl/ /pəˈsentɪʤ/
percentage nhau
trình độ chuyên môn,
▪ qualification (n) /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/
bằng cấp
▪ deprived sb of sth /dɪˈpraɪvd/ /ɒv/ tước bỏ
▪ reject (v) /ˈriːʤekt/ Từ chối
▪ admission procedure /ədˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ /prəˈsiːʤə/ Thủ tục nhập học

5. Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school
students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism on their teachers.
Others think it will lead to loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.

Finding ways to improve educational quality is often one of the top priorities in every
education system. In some cultures, high school students are encouraged to give their
opinions on teachers’ performance, but I believe that this can also result in disrespect
and indiscipline in the classroom.

On the one hand, it is true that feedback from learners may contribute to an
improvement in educational quality. In many cases, the level of comprehension of
students heavily relies not on the content of the lesson but on teachers’ conduction. If,
for example, the class is fairly weak, it will be ineffective for teachers to teach too fast as
most students fail to retain the information. Without the comments of students, it
would be difficult to know whether the speed of the lesson is appropriate for the class,
which may eventually hinder learners from achieving objectives.

However, there are several drawbacks of allowing students to grade their educators.
Firstly, teachers may be vulnerable to the negative words of students. Many probably
feel that their efforts in delivering the lesson deserve praise rather than criticism or
any forms of feedback. This idea is commonly shared by teachers in the education
systems of many Asian countries. Secondly, the classroom may be in chaos due to

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massive numbers of comments. Varying from one student to another, comments are
impractical when teachers have to base on them in their adjustment of approaches to
fulfill all students.

In conclusion, students’ feedback on their teachers comprises both upsides and

downsides. From my perspective, since drawbacks of this policy outweigh its benefits,
bringing it into force is not advisable.

(270 words, IELTS 8)

▪ priority (n) /praɪˈɒrɪti/ Sự ưu tiên
▪ disrespect (n) /ˌdɪsrɪsˈpekt/ Không tôn trọng
▪ feedback (n) /ˈfiːdbæk/ Phản hồi
▪ the level of
/ðə/ /ˈlevl/ /ɒv/ /ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃən/ Mức độ hiểu
▪ retain the information /rɪˈteɪn/ /ði/ /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən/ Nhớ thông tin
▪ hinder learners from /ˈhaɪndə/ /ˈlɜːnəz/ /frɒm/ Cản trở học sinh đạt
achieving objectives /əˈʧiːvɪŋ/ /əbˈʤektɪvz/ được các mục tiêu
Đánh giá giáo viên
▪ grade their educators /greɪd/ /ðeər/ /ˈedju(ː)keɪtəz/
của họ
▪ be vulnerable to /biː/ /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ /tuː/ Dễ bị tổn thương
▪ praise (n) /preɪz/ Ca ngợi
▪ criticism (n) /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzm/ Sự chỉ trích
▪ in chaos /ɪn/ /ˈkeɪɒs/ Trong hỗn loạn
▪ adjustment of Sự điều chỉnh
/əˈʤʌstmənt/ /ɒv/ /əˈprəʊʧɪz/
approaches phương pháp dạy
Thỏa mãn tất cả học
▪ fulfill all students. /fʊlˈfɪl/ /ɔːl/ /ˈstjuːdənts/.

▪ bringing it into force /ˈbrɪŋɪŋ/ /ɪt/ /ˈɪntuː/ /fɔːs/ Đưa nó vào thi hành

6. Some people think that schools should select students according to their
academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with
different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own
Some people contend that mixed ability classes are more beneficial for children’s
development than streaming them on the basis of judgement about their academic

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abilities. Though many are certain about the former opinion, I hold the view that it is
advisable to place learners of different levels in a class.
On the one hand, mixed ability classes provide a better environment for children’s all-
round development. In such classes, children with different abilities study together and
in turn, they can learn from one another. From example, a student, who is good at
academic study but weak in dancing or painting, can learn how to dance or paint from
his peers. In this sense, mixed ability classes allow students to develop their capacities
in different subjects instead of only academic fields.
On the other hand, I advocate that streaming students brings more benefits to teachers
and students. Separating children with better academic abilities from others facilitates
effective teaching and learning mainly because this practice enables teachers to control
their students more conveniently and easily. Compared with mixed ability in which
teacher should consider students’ differences when they are using materials and
teaching methodologies, streaming simplifies this situation. In an English Listening
class, to illustrate, playing the recording two times is adequate for learners at a
similarly good level in one class. In contrast, when it comes to a class with students
having learning disparities, teacher may play the recording three or four times for fairly
weak individuals, making good ones feel tedious. To make it worse, if they play the
recording two times, slow learners fail to comprehend the lesson, leading to a low
study outcome.
From the aforementioned justification, mixed ability classes are beneficial for students’
versatile development, but in my opinion, segregating students based on different
academic ability is better for both teachers and students
(285 words, IELTS 8)

▪ judgement (n) /ˈʤʌʤmənt/ Đánh giá

▪ adequate (adj) /ˈædɪkwɪt/ Đầy đủ
▪ comprehend (v) /ˌkɒmprɪˈhend/ hiểu
▪ versatile (adj) /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ Đa tài

7. It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for a
high proportion of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many people believe that offering tertiary education to the vast majority of the youth is
not only unfeasible but also pointless. In my opinion, the provision of university study
for a high percentage of students is both unachievable and ineffective for following
Firstly, obviously, it is impossible to provide almost all young people with access to
tertiary education. Institutions often charge more exorbitant fees than lower levels, so
many youngsters cannot afford to pursue them. For example, while prominent students
resort to scholarship to cover their expense, ordinary ones take out student loan or opt

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for vocational training with cheaper tuition. However, if the government dispended
university educational services on such a large scale, they would have to give learners a
considerable subsidy. On the top of that, so challenging and strenuous is the university
entrance examination that merely a minority of students can enter their target schools
in the first attempt. For this reason, accommodating the youth with more places means
lowering the standard of admission which impacts educational quality afterwards.
Regarding the benefits of this policy, the widespread entry into university does not
seem really useful to a country mainly because of the imbalance in workforce and low
quality of graduates. If everyone could gain admittance to college, it would lead
to unemployment in intellectual labour. In more concrete, despite the cut-throat
competition among those who earn a university degree, there is slim chance that they
choose manual jobs such as working in factories. Furthermore, except for developed
nations, underprivileged and developing ones confront adversities in improving
facilities, methodologies and lecturers’ quality. Teaching in many schools of higher
education is theoretical and impractical. Therefore, even when there are numerous
graduates, they probably fail to contribute their knowledge and effort to the society.
In conclusion, I strongly oppose the idea of supplying university study to a high
proportion of young people as this suggestion is both unachievable and fruitless.
(306 words- ILETS 8)
▪ dispend (v) /dɪsˈpend/ / Cung cấp
▪ job security /ʤɒb/ /sɪˈkjʊərɪti/Sự đảm bảo trong công việc
Mất cân bằng trong lực
▪ imbalance in workforce /ɪmˈbæləns/ /ɪn/ /ˈwɜːkˌfɔːs/
lượng lao động
▪ exorbitant (a) /ɪgˈzɔːbɪtənt/ Đắt đỏ
6. Some people think that schools should reward students who show the best
academic results, while others believe that it is more important to reward
students who show improvements. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

While some people believe that only students achieving the highest grades deserve
rewards, others argue that praising students who make unremitting effort is much
more reasonable. From my perspective, learners showing study enhancement should
be acknowledged.

On the one hand, there are a variety of reasons why awards should be given to
students having excellent academic performances. Firstly, this could create a highly
competitive studying environment at school, seeing that students often desire to
win prizes. As a consequence, school children could be encouraged to put their effort
into studying for the highest scores. Secondly, by adopting this approach, gifted
students who are outstanding could be given opportunities to nurture their
abilities. Some secondary schools, for instance, select students with the best results
for extra classes to develop their capabilities in order for them to partake in

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national competitions.

On the other hand, I believe that giving encouragement to those who make strides
in their studies results in more favourable outcomes. The initial benefit is that this
could give equal chances for every student to receive awards, rather than only focus
on the highest achievers. For this reason, instead of feeling disappointed when
competing with their top classmates, students who are recognized for their attempt
during semesters will feel motivated if they are rewarded for making significant
progress. Another merit is that this form of recognition follows the holistic
principle of learning, which is to access the world of knowledge, not just to gain
high scores. Consequently, several common phenomena, which occur when
examinations approach, including pressure, anxiety and cheating, would be reduced.

In conclusion, although rewarding students with the highest scores is advantageous

to some extent, it seems to me that it is better to give encouragement to those who
have improved their level of academic performance.

(318 words, IELTS 9)


▪ acknowledge /əkˈnɒlɪʤ/ công nhận

▪ competitive /kəmˈpetɪtɪv/ cạnh tranh
Nuôi dưỡng năng lực của
▪ nurture their abilities /ˈnɜːʧə/ /ðeər/ /əˈbɪlɪtiz/
▪ capability /ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlɪti/ Khả năng
▪ partake in national /pɑːˈteɪk/ /ɪn/ /ˈnæʃənl/ Tham gia vào các cuộc thi
competitions /ˌkɒmpɪˈtɪʃənz/. quốc gia
▪ make strides in /meɪk/ /straɪdz/ /ɪn/ Tiến bộ
▪ the holistic principle of /ðə/ /həˈlɪstɪk/ /ˈprɪnsəpl/ Nguyên tắc học tập toàn
learning /ɒv/ /ˈlɜːnɪŋ/ diện
▪ phenomenon- Hiện tượng-hiện tượng

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1. Eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy lifestyle.
To what extent do you agree?

2. Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to
have a healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree? (19.9.2015)
4. In some countries, many more people are choosing to live alone nowadays than in the
past. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

5. The percentage of overweight children in Western society has increased by almost

20% in the last ten years. Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend.

6. Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk food.
Some people think that the answer to this problem is to educate people. Others think
education will not work. Discuss both views and give your opinion (10.2015)

7. Some people think it is more important for government to spend public money
on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the
treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

8. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against common childhood

diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children?
9. Some people think that genetically modified (GM) crops are a positive development.
Others, however, argue that they are potentially dangerous. Discuss both these views
and give your opinion?

10. Genetic engineering is an important issue in modern society. Some people think that
it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a threat to life on

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Discuss both opinions and give your opinion?

11. Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to
test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be
banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favour
of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both views and give your own

12. Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine.
However, at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be dangerous.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
13. Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices. Some governments have
banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree that this is the right
course of action? Give reasons for your opinion.
14. The costs of medical health care are increasing all the time. Governments are finding
it difficult to balance the health care budget. Should citizens be totally responsible for
their own health costs and take out private health insurance, or is it better to have a
comprehensive health care system which provides free health services for all?

Discuss your viewpoint on this issue.

15. In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will
this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to
reduce the impact of ageing populations.

16. Research has shown that overeating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, the
advertising of certain food products should be banned in the same way as the
advertising of cigarettes is banned. Do you agree or disagree? (15.9.2016)

17. Many people say that cooking and eating at home is better for the individual and the
family than eating out in restaurants or canteens. Do you agree or disagree?

18. Some people think that the government has the duty to ensure its citizens have a
healthy diet, while others argue it is the responsibility of each individual. Discuss both
views and give your opinion (19.7.2014)
19. Some people think that in order to prevent illness and disease, governments should
make efforts in reducing environmental pollution and housing problems. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this statement? (10.10.2015)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

20. Some people say taxes should be spent on health care. Other people say that there
are more important priorities for tax-payers' money. Discuss both these views and give
your own opinion (23.7.2015)
21. Many doctors are concerned about the high use of computer games by children and
young people. What mental and physical problems may arise from excessive use of
these games? How could these problems be reduced?

22. Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others
think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion (9.8.2014)

23. Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting
occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions
in a safe way. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

24. Some people believe that competitive sports have a positive effect on children’s
education, while others believe there is no place for such sports in schools. Discuss both
points of view and give your own opinion.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


HEALTH AND FOOD (Topics 1 to 21)

1. A balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy lifestyle.

- A balanced diet including a right proportion of nutrients, normally with green
vegetables, fruit, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, can provide a body with
sufficient energy to work and study effectively.

- If a person strengthens his immune system from an early age by eating nourishing
meals every day, he is, in all likelihood, not susceptible to infectious diseases.

- An ideal food intake can diminish people’s fatigue and extend their lifespan by as
many as 20 years.

- While overeating results in obesity and diabetes among children, having a meager
diet makes them prone to malnutrition and mental retardation.

- Not only can routine workout prevent patients from ailments and serious diseases,
but it also enhances people’s optimism, motivation and self-esteem.
- Maintaining good relationships boosts your happiness and alleviates your
- Despite having a balanced diet with wholesome ingredients, many workers suffer
from splitting headache, lethargy and even heart attack; therefore, stress management
is of vital importance.
a right proportion of /ə/ /raɪt/ /prəˈpɔːʃən/ /ɒv/ Một tỷ lệ thích hợp các chất
nutrients /ˈnjuːtrɪənts/ dinh dưỡng
sufficient energy /səˈfɪʃənt/ /ˈenəʤi/ Năng lượng đủ
strengthen immune /ˈstreŋθən/ /ɪˈmjuːn/
Tăng cường hệ miễn dịch
system /ˈsɪstɪm/
nourishing meal /ˈnʌrɪʃɪŋ/ /miːl/ Bữa ăn bổ dưỡng
susceptible to = prone /səˈseptəbl/ /tuː/=/prəʊn/
Dễ bị nhiễm bệnh/ tổn thương
to /tuː/
A food intake /ə/ /fuːd/ /ˈɪnteɪk/ Một lượng thức ăn
diminish people’s Giảm sự mệt mỏi của con
/dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ /ˈpiːplz/ /fəˈtiːg/
fatigue người
extend their lifespan /ɪksˈtend/ /ðeə/ /ˈlaɪfspæn/ Kéo dài tuổi thọ

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a meager diet /ə/ /ˈmiːgə/ /ˈdaɪət/ Một chế độ ăn nghèo nàn

malnutrition (n) /ˌmælnjuːˈtrɪʃən/ Suy dinh dưỡng
mental retardation /ˈmentl/ /ˌriːtɑːˈdeɪʃən/ Thiểu năng trí tuệ
routine workout /ruːˈtiːn/ /ˈwɜːkaʊt/ Tập luyện thể dục thường lệ
ailment (n) /ˈeɪlmənt/ Bệnh tật (nhẹ)
boost happiness /buːst/ /ˈhæpɪnɪs/ Tăng hạnh phúc
Thành phần dinh dưỡng, lành
wholesome ingredients /ˈhəʊlsəm/ /ɪnˈgriːdiənts/
lethargy (n) /ˈleθəʤi/ Mệt mỏi

2. Vegetarian diet or non-vegetarian diet

Vegetarian diet
- Vegetarians have lower risks of developing several chronic illnesses such as
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, some forms of cancer and obesity.
- Going vegan, far from nutritional deficiency, can provide our body with adequate
nourishment. (Ex: protein: nuts, seeds, lentil, tofu… fiber, potassium, and antioxidants:
fruit, vegetables, vitamin supplements)
Non-vegetarian diet
- Non-vegetarian diets are considerably higher in total protein intake, which can
strengthen the immune system.

- Meat is also a fertile source of many nutrients such as iron or zinc. While iron helps
in producing tissues inside the body, zinc is indispensable for transporting oxygen to
different parts of the body, thus allowing the proper function of all body organs.

- If a vegetarian’s daily meals are not balanced, he might suffer from the lack of calories
to satisfy his energy needs.
chronic illnesses >< acute /ˈkrɒnɪk//ˈɪlnɪsɪz/></əˈkjuːt/ Bệnh mãn tính>
illnesses /ˈɪlnɪsɪz/ <bệnh cấp tính
cardiovascular diseases /ˌkɑːdɪəʊˈvæskjʊlə//dɪˈziːzɪz/ Bệnh tim mạch
going vegan /ˈgəʊɪŋ/ /ˈviːgən/ Đi thuần chay
/fɑː/ /frɒm/
far from nutritional
/nju(ː)ˈtrɪʃən(ə)l/ /dɪˈfɪʃənsi/ Trái lại với việc thiếu
->/fɑː/ /frɒm/sth:/ˈɒpəzɪt/ dinh dưỡng
far from sth: opposite to sth
adequate nourishment /ˈædɪkwət/ /ˈnʌrɪʃmənt/ Đủ chất dinh dưỡng
protein intake /ˈprəʊtiːn/ /ˈɪnteɪk/ Lượng protein

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Một nguồn dinh

a fertile source of many /ə/ /ˈfɜːtaɪl/ /sɔːs/ /ɒv/
dưỡng giàu chất dinh
nutrients /ˈmeni/ /ˈnjuːtrɪənts/
the proper function of all /ðə/ /ˈprɒpə/ /ˈfʌnŋkʃən/ Chức năng phù hợp
body organs /ɒv/ /ɔːl/ /ˈbɒdi/ /ˈɔːgənz/ của tất cả các cơ quan
/ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ /hɪz/ /ˈenəʤi/ Đáp ứng nhu cầu năng
satisfy energy needs
/niːdz/ lượng

5. Causes and effects of obesity among children

- Excess weight gain among children is attributed to the growing consumption of fast
food which is high in calorie, sugar and fat. Since parents are overwhelmed with jobs,
children often consume junk foods, ready-made meals rather than home-cooked ones.
- Children and teenagers tend to lead a sedentary lifestyle owing to technological
development, playing computer games and not doing exercises.
- In terms of mass media, advertisements of junk food which target children and
adolescents are prevalent in such forms as TV commercials, posters and vending
machines in schools.


- Overweight children are likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes,

asthma and joint problems.
- Childhood obesity is related to depression, anxiety and bullying at school.

- Obese children may encounter future health risks as the disease, if not treated
properly, becomes more severe when they reach adulthood.

excess weight gain /ɪkˈses/ /weɪt/ /geɪn/ Tăng cân quá mức
the growing consumption of Sự tiêu thụ ngày càng
fast food tăng của thức ăn nhanh
/ɒv/ /fɑːst/ /fuːd/
/liːd/ /ə/ /ˈsedntəri/ Có cuộc sống ít vận
lead a sedentary lifestyle
/ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl/ động
adolescent /ˌædəʊˈlesnt/ Thanh niên
vending machine /ˈvendɪŋ/ /məˈʃiːn/ Máy bán hàng tự động
asthma /ˈæsmə/ Hen suyễn
be related to sth /biː/ /rɪˈleɪtɪd/ /tuː/sth Có liên quan đến điều gì
severe /sɪˈvɪə/ Nghiêm trọng

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6. Health problems by eating junk food. Does the solution of educating people
work or not? Discuss
We should educate people
- Provided with information of nutritional content in junk food, consumers know their
intakes of fat, cholesterol and sodium. Therefore, they are seemingly dissuaded from
eating chips, hamburger, pizza and other fast food.

- Raising students’ awareness of effects of junk food by lessons at schools at can help to
form healthy eating habits for children and parents (Connecting with Topic 5,

Education does not work

- Busy people persist in eating junk food because it is convenient and time-saving.
- Healthy food is commonly inferior to fast food in terms of taste and prices.
nutritional content /njuːˈtrɪʃənəl/ /ˈkɒntent/ Nội dung dinh dưỡng
Ngăn cản ai khỏi làm
dissuade sb from doing sth /dɪˈsweɪd/sb/frɒm/ /ˈduːɪŋ/sth
điều gì đó
Tạo thói quen ăn uống
form healthy eating habits /fɔːm//ˈhelθi//ˈiːtɪŋ//ˈhæbɪts/
lành mạnh
persist in eating /pəˈsɪst/ /ɪn/ /ˈiːtɪŋ/ Tiếp tục trong ăn uống
persist in doing sth /pəˈsɪst/ /ɪn/ /ˈduːɪŋ/sth Vẫn tiếp tục làm gì đó
/ˈhelθi/ /fuːd/ /ɪz/ /ɪnˈfɪərɪə/ Thức ăn lành mạnh kém
healthy food is inferior to
/tuː/ /fɑːst/ /fuːd/ /ɪn/ /tɜːmz/ hơn thức ăn nhanh về
fast food in terms of ….
/ɒv/ mặt ...
Be inferior to sth /biː/ /ɪnˈfɪərɪə/ /tuː/sth Kém hơn so với gì đó

7. Government should spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyles rather

than on the treatment of ill people.
Spending money on promoting healthy lifestyle

- In the rural areas, many people fall prey to easily avoidable diseases mainly because
they are not aware of how to prevent them

- By encouraging citizens to have regular health screening, protect the environment

and work out, the government can diminish the number of sick people.

- Budget on disease prevention is evidently much cheaper than money allocated to

illness treatment.

Spending money on the treatment of ill people

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- Many patients who suffer from chronic and acute diseases are destitute, thereby
desperately needing the state support.

- There are some epidemics that must be curbed immediately; otherwise, their spread
may result in high rate of fatality.
curb (v) /kɜːb/ hạn chế
fall prey to sth /fɔːl/ /preɪ/ /tuː/sth Thành nạn nhân của
avoidable diseases /əˈvɔɪdəbl/ /dɪˈziːzɪz/ Bệnh có thể phòng tránh được
health screening /helθ/ /ˈskriːnɪŋ/ Khám sức khoẻ
destitute (adj) /ˈdestɪtjuːt/
= indigent (adj) =/ˈɪndɪʤənt/ Nghèo
= impoverished (adj) =/ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃt/
epidemic (n) /ˌepɪˈdemɪk/ Bệnh dịch
= plague (n) =/pleɪg/ = bệnh dịch hạch
/haɪ/ /reɪt/ /ɒv/
high rate of fatality Tỷ lệ tử vong cao
spread (n) /spred/ Lan tràn
→contagion (n) The spreading of disease by
touching each other: lây bệnh
→infection (n) Causing/ getting a disease: lây/
nhiễm bệnh

8. Should children’s immunization of common childhood diseases be obligatory or

optional to parents.
Immunization is obligatory
- If an outbreak of plague occurs, children without sufficient vaccination are
susceptible to that disease which is detrimental to their health.
- Mandatory immunization can decrease infant mortality rate in communities.
- Enforcing parents to inoculate their children is a cheap way to prevent illnesses
compared to an exorbitant cost of treatment.
Immunization is optional
- Little information is released about the harmful effects of vaccination which can
sometimes cause stunted growth or even death
- Human body has a natural mechanism to defend by itself.
- Some impoverished families cannot afford to immunize their children.

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Một cơn dịch bệnh bùng
an outbreak of plague /ən/ /ˈaʊtbreɪk/ /ɒv/ /pleɪg/
detrimental to sth /ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ /tuː/sth Gây hại cho điều gì
infant mortality rate /ˈɪnfənt/ /mɔːˈtælɪti/ /reɪt/ Tỷ lệ tử vong ở trẻ sơ sinh
inoculate (v) /ɪˈnɒkjʊleɪt/ Tiêm chủng
stunted growth /ˈstʌntɪd/ /grəʊθ/ Tăng trưởng còi cọc
/ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl/ /ɪˌmjuːnaɪˈzeɪʃən/ Miễn dịch nhân tạo

9. GM crops are positive or dangerous (plants with genetic alteration)

GM crops are positive

- Crops are resistant to insects, pests and plant diseases; therefore, there is no need to
use fertilizers and pesticides

- To meet the demand of increasing population, countries are producing genetically

engineered crops to produce a good variety of plants and abundant harvests.

- GM foods often look attractive to consumers, providing farmers with more tremendous

GM crops are dangerous

- Most modified foods contain toxins that are harmful to consumers, causing food
allergy and serious diseases among people

- When it comes to the environment, once genetically modified organisms are released
into the wilderness, they trigger birth defects among creatures, reduce biodiversity
and interbreed with the native organism to create new undesirable species.

- A genetically modified plant can leave unwanted substances that can remain in the
soil for years
resistant to (v) /rɪˈzɪstənt/ /tuː/ Chống lại
abundant harvest /əˈbʌndənt/ /ˈhɑːvɪst/ Thu hoạch dồi dào
food allergy /fuːd/ /ˈæləʤi/ Dị ứng thực phẩm
birth defect /bɜːθ/ /dɪˈfekt/ Dị tật bẩm sinh
reduce biodiversity /rɪˈdjuːs/ /ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜːsɪti/ Giảm đa dạng sinh học
interbreed with the /ˌɪntəːˈbriːd/ /wɪð/ /ðə/ /ˈneɪtɪv/ Lai giống với sinh vật bản
native organism /ˈɔːgənɪzm/ địa

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leave unwanted Để lại các chất không

/liːv/ /ʌnˈwɒntɪd/ /ˈsʌbstənsɪz/
substances mong muốn

11. Animal testing

- Animal experiments contribute to many cures and treatments that save people’s lives
(Ex: test insulin on dogs’ pancreas, test vaccine Hepatitis B on chimpanzees…)
- Since humans and animals are almost identical in many ways, animals can provide
adequate testing subjects.
- Human volunteers’ lives must not be endangered by side effects or potential toxicity
when testing medicines
- Regarded as inhuman and cruel, animal experiment is notorious for torturing
(They are forced to eat or deprived of foods, inflicted to burns, wounds and even
- Despite their sacrifice, sometimes, success in animal testing does not equate to human
- Scientists may use alternatives, such as Genetic Engineering

pancreas (n) /ˈpæŋkrɪəs/ Tuyến tụy

identical (adj) /aɪˈdentɪkəl/ Giống nhau
adequate testing Các đối tượng thử nghiệm đầy
/ˈædɪkwɪt/ /ˈtestɪŋ/ /ˈsʌbʤɪkts/
subjects đủ
side effects /saɪd/ /ɪˈfekts/ Tác dụng phụ
inhuman (adj) /ɪnˈhjuːmən/ Vô nhân đạo
notorious for /nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs/ /fɔː/ Khét tiếng
torturing animals /ˈtɔːʧərɪŋ/ /ˈænɪməlz/ Tra tấn động vật
deprived of foods /dɪˈpraɪvd/ /ɒv/ /fuːdz/ Bị bỏ đói
inflicted to burns, /ɪnˈflɪktɪd/ /tuː/
Gây ra bỏng, vết thương
wounds /bɜːnz/,/wuːndz/
equate to (v) /ɪˈkweɪt/ /tuː/ Tương đương với

12. Alternative medicine is ineffective and dangerous

Alternative medicine / treatment/ therapy/ approach = integrative medicine=
complementary/ supplementary medicine:
Acupuncture, herbal remedies, hypnosis…

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Traditional medicine= conventional medicine= Western medicine: medical screening,

- Little scientific research has been conducted into such medicine in comparison to
Western ones
- These therapies are usually only useful for long-term, chronic conditions; therefore,
acute medical problems, such as accidental injury, often require more traditional
- Some people take advantage of integrative treatment to defraud patients of money.
- There are several anecdotal evidences suggesting that these therapies work
- Virtually originating from nature and human’s harmony with the surroundings,
alternative forms of medicine often have no side effects.
acupuncture (n) /ˈækjʊˌpʌŋkʧə/ Châm cứu
herbal remedies /ˈhɜːbəl/ /ˈremɪdiz/ Thuốc thảo dược
hypnosis (n) /hɪpˈnəʊsɪs/ Thôi miên
prescription for a disease /prɪsˈkrɪpʃən/ /fɔːr/ /ə/ /dɪˈziːz/ Toa thuốc cho bệnh
defraud patients of /dɪˈfrɔːd/ /ˈpeɪʃənts/ /ɒv/ Lừa gạt bệnh nhân tiền
money. /ˈmʌni/. bạc.
anecdotal evidence /ˌænɪkˈdəʊtəl/ /ˈevɪdəns/ Bằng chứng giai thoại

SPORTS (Topics 22 to 25)

22. Dangerous sports: ban or people have freedom to do sports they like.
- Extreme conditions, coupled with hazards such as equipment failure, render
players more vulnerable than in other sports
- Drawing public attention, performances of risky sports may cause societal disorder
People have freedom to do sports they like
- Sports associations could impose an age limit on extreme athletes.
- Another solution is to bar players from practicing or competing without the
necessary protective gear.
- For some individuals, they find their life thrilling and exciting with the presence of
risky sports.

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extreme condition /ɪksˈtriːm/ /kənˈdɪʃən/ Điều kiện khắc nghiệt
coupled with /ˈkʌpld/ /wɪð/
Cùng với
= along with = /əˈlɒŋ/ /wɪð/
hazard (n) /ˈhæzəd/ Nguy hiểm
render players Làm cho người chơi dễ bị
/ˈrendə/ /ˈpleɪəz/ /mɔː/ /ˈvʌlnərəbl/
more vulnerable tổn thương hơn
render sb/sth adj: /ˈrendə/sb/sth+adj:/kɔːz/sb/sth/tuː/
gây ra cho ai/ cái gì
cause sb/ sth to be sth /biː/sth
bar players from /bɑː/ /ˈpleɪəz/ /frɒm/ Ngăn cấm người chơi khỏi…
protective gear /prəˈtektɪv/ /gɪə/ Đồ bảo hộ

2. Some people think it is more important for government to spend public money
on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the
treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

People have different opinions towards whether the government should invest
in raising citizens’ awareness of healthy living or allocate health funds for the the
unwell. From my perspective, I strongly agree that the state should devote their
money and time to promoting healthy lifestyles.

Initially, orienting people to a healthy lifestyle brings well-being benefits to the

community. In the rural areas, many people fall prey to easily avoidable diseases
mainly because they are not aware of how to prevent them. Therefore, only by
enlightening people about a healthy lifestyle can the existence of many diseases be
removed from the roots. For example, ‘polio vaccine campaign’, with the help
of mainstream media, has been conducted extensively, resulting in a polio-free India. If
the clinicians of medical centres are encouraged to use educational tools to emphasize
personal fitness levels and to promote workout as a vital habit for all patients, the
proportion of the sick people can be noticeably diminished.

It is often thought that there will always be a certain number of people who are ill and in
need of treatment simply because they cannot afford it; therefore, the budget on curing
patients of serious diseases is pivotal. Although the core of this claim is valid, I believe
that this is a short-sighted viewpoint. It is evident that the government does have a
certain fund for the fulfillment of this need, but practically, it shall put an
unnecessary deficit on the money of other public services, particularly education and
security. This is because the cost of treating any health problems will always be more

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than the money spent on preventing them. Moreover, logically, the government can be
responsible for the health of its citizens rather than being held accountable for the
diseases sustained by its people.
In conclusion, using public budget on promoting healthy lifestyle will impede illnesses
in the society. This method is more practical than making unremitting effort to cure
patients of severe diseases.
(325 words, IELTS 8)

▪ fall prey to easily avoidable diseases Rơi vào tình trạng dễ bị bệnh
▪ enlightening people about a healthy
Giúp mọi người hiểu về lối sống lành mạnh
▪ mainstream media Phương tiện truyền thông chính thống
▪ fulfillment of this need Thực hiện nhu cầu này
▪ put an unnecessary deficit on Đặt thâm hụt không cần thiết vào
▪ held accountable for Chịu trách nhiệm về
▪ impede illnesses Cản trở bệnh tật

3. Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine.

However, at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Integrative and complementary treatments have been used prevalently by people in the
world. Although I am convinced that alternative medicine is still workable, I doubt
about their safety.
On the one hand, there remain strong arguments for the use of alternatives. Despite the
lack of scientific proof, there are several anecdotal evidences suggesting that these
therapies work. One example for their effectiveness is that many patients of terminal
illnesses survive thanks to acupuncture, biofeedback and other complementary
practices. If they were totally unhelpful, it would be surprising that similar cases existed.
In addition, many people have used meditation, aromatic therapy and other forms on
their daily basis as a way to maintain their physical well-being. The increasing number
of meditaion classes is an illustration for the success of integrative medicine.
On the other hand, there are several reasons why I consider alternatives perilous.
Firstly, little scientific research has been conducted in such medicine in comparison to
Western ones, resulting in a scarcity of evidence to prove the claims of their supporters.
In contrast, experts have done many experiments on conventional medical approaches
before introducing them to the public. In fact, most people try complementary practices

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based on their friends’ recommendations rather than physicians’ advice. Moreover,

these therapies are usually only useful for chronic conditions; therefore, it is risky to
apply them for acute medical problems, such as accidental injury. To illustrate, a victim
having broken bones should immediately refer to a plaster cast or an operation rather
than physical postures in yoga since he needs a long period for this treatment to take
effect, which may harm the fractures.
Taking the aforementioned analysis into consideration, whereas I opine that alternative
therapies they have different strengths and can be used effectively to target particular
medical problems, they are hazardous in some situations.

(301 words, IELTS 8+)

4. Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and
to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments
should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while
others are in favour of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.
It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they
are cleared for human use. While some tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing
is ethically wrong, I would have to support a limited amount of animal experiments for
medicine breakthroughs.
On the one hand, there are clear moral arguments against animal experimentation. To
give a common example of this practice, laboratory mice may be given an illness so that
the effectiveness of a new drug can be measured. It is undeniable that humans have no
right to subject animals to this kind of trauma, and that the lives of all creatures should
be respected. They believe that the benefits to humans do not justify the suffering
caused; therefore, scientists should use alternative methods of research.
On the other hand, tests conducted on animals are of crucial importance since the
results can be utilized to cure patients of serious diseases. Supporters of the use of
animals in medical research believe that a certain amount of suffering on the part of
mice or rats can be justified if human lives are saved. Opponents of such research might
feel different if a member of their own families needed a medical treatment that had
been developed through the use of animal experimentation. Personally, I agree with the
banning of animal testing for non-medical products, but I feel that it may be a
necessary evil when new drugs and medical procedures are concerned.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the government should not ban on animal testing for
vital medical research until equally effective alternatives have been developed.

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(270 words, IELTS 7+)

▪ ethically wrong Sai đạo đức

▪ trauma Chấn thương
▪ non-medical products Các sản phẩm phi y tế
5. Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to
have a healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?

Essay 1
In the last few decades, vegetarianism has entered the mainstream of many societies,
most notably in Western countries, suggesting that meat is not a necessary element for
physical well-being. Personally, I oppose going vegan owing to merits of normal diets.
In the first place, non-vegetarian diets are considerably higher in total intake of protein,
which is highly beneficial for the body. According to scientists, protein can not only
improve the overall health and fitness, but it can also contribute to reinforcing the
immune system. As vegetarian diets hardly meet daily protein requirements, those
who follow are generally more vulnerable to fatigue especially when doing physically
undemanding tasks or they are probably more susceptible to common diseases, such
as flu or cold.
In the second place, meat is also a fertile source of many nutrients such as iron or
zinc. It is already recognized that while iron helps in producing tissues inside the body,
zinc is indispensable in transporting oxygen to different parts of the body, thus allowing
the proper function of all body organs. Besides, when consuming meat, the body will
also be absorbing numerous kinds of vitamins which strengthen bone structures and
promote the health of the teeth or the eyes. Vegans and vegetarians, in contrast, may not
consume adequate nourishment in meals including only plants.
To conclude, the above-mentioned points have manifestly shown that the benefits
derived from following a wholesome diet overshadow those from vegetable-only one.
Thus, it is not advisable to become vegetarians.
(253 words, IELTS 8)
▪ reinforcing the immune system Tăng cường hệ thống miễn dịch
▪ vulnerable to fatigue Dễ bị mệt mỏi
▪ undemanding tasks Nhiệm vụ nhẹ nhàng
Một nguồn dinh dưỡng giàu chất dinh
▪ a fertile source of many nutrients
▪ absorbing numerous kinds of vitamins Hấp thụ nhiều loại vitamin
▪ consume adequate nourishment Tiêu thụ đủ chất dinh dưỡng

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Essay 2
Many people choose to become vegetarians since a vegetarian diet is believed to be
better for humans’ physical health. Although I accept that eating only plant foods
provides us with general nourishment, I do not believe that everyone should stop
eating meat in order to be in a good shape.
There are a variety of reasons why becoming a vegetarian is beneficial. Firstly, science
has proven that vegetarians have lower risks of developing several chronic illnesses
such as heart disease, diabetes, some forms of cancer and obesity. This is due to the fact
that a healthy vegetarian diet is typically low in fat and high in fiber. Secondly, eating
vegetables properly gives us adequate nutrition to support our bodies. For example,
raw spinach is a great source of Vitamins A, K, E as well as calcium. As a result, instead
of eating many kinds of food to get these vitamins, we only need a bowl of spinach.
However, there are some disadvantages to take into consideration before becoming a
vegetarian. Perhaps the principal one is that if a vegetarian’s daily meals are not
properly balanced, he might suffer from a lack of calories to meet his energy needs.
Consequently, he will feel lethargic and unable to do anything energetic. In addition,
food which is eaten raw, steamed or stir-fried retains more vitamins and minerals than
that which is boiled in water or deep-fried. Thus, culinary traditions such as those in
Vietnam are the most advisable ones to follow in preparing vegetarian meals.
Vegetarians brought up using Western cooking methods should, therefore, either
change their cooking style or else adopt a non- vegetarian diet.
In conclusion, although healthy, a vegetarian diet is not for everyone and it requires care
in the choice of foods and preparation of meals
(294 words, IELTS 8)

▪ general nourishment Dinh dưỡng chung

▪ adequate nutrition Dinh dưỡng đầy đủ
▪ feel lethargic Cảm giác mệt mỏi
6. Eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy lifestyle.
To what extent do you agree?
It is a common belief that maintaining a balanced eating habit everyday is a cornerstone
of robustness. Though I value the vitality of nutrient absorption via food and drinks, the
indispensable roles of physical activities and stress control should not be overlooked.
There is no doubt that the selection of nourishing food results in a myriad of health
benefits. A balanced diet encompasses a right proportion of nutrients, normally with
green vegetables, fruit, whole grains and low-fat dairy products rather than fatty meat,
butter and junk foods. For this reason, consuming nutritious sustenance every day,

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individuals can prevent themselves from diet-related problems, namely intestinal

disorder, malnutrition and other health issues. According to scientists, 50% of vitamins
and fiber, 25% of protein, 25% of carbohydrate and a moderate amount of plant oil
make up an optimal food intake, which can diminish people’s fatigue and extend their
lifespan by as many as 20 years. Meals of adequate nutrients, therefore, ensure that
everyone has a vigorous body.
Nevertheless, a good physical condition also results from regular exercises and stress
management. Not only can routine workout boost the immune system and ward
patients off infection, but it also enhances people’s euphoria, motivation and self-
esteem. Without physical activities, we might be prone to depression, dementia and
some mental illnesses. In addition, stuck in an overwhelming workload, many workers
live in the tension and anxiety of competition, deadlines and suspending dismissal, not
to mention family issues and environment pollution. Japan is a case in point. In spite of
their substantial meals with fresh fish and vegetables, Japanese workers are notorious
for committing suicide owing to working pressure. Hence, concerning mental aspect, it
is stress alleviation, not merely a balanced diet, that brings citizens a healthy life.
To sum up, it is evident that the combination of suitable food option, exercises and
worry relief keeps people in a wholesome state. Everyone should comply with them to
be in a good shape.
(330 words, IELTS 8)
▪ consuming nutritious sustenance Tiêu thụ chất dinh dưỡng bổ dưỡng
▪ intestinal disorder Rối loạn đường ruột
▪ make up an optimal food intake Tạo nên lượng thức ăn tối ưu
▪ a vigorous body Một cơ thể khỏe mạnh
▪ dementia Chứng mất trí
▪ substantial meals Bữa ăn thịnh soạn
▪ committing suicide Tự sát
7. Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against common
childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize
their children?

Nowadays, increasing epidemics have raised the debate related to children’s

vaccination. Though many citizens believe that immunization should be mandatory to
parents, others argue that parents are entitled to the option of vaccinating their
On one hand, it would be unfortunate to see decades of scientific research go to waste if
some parents willingly choose not to protect their offspring against diseases which have

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long been eradicated. Since plagues are, as usual, fatal and infectious to communities,
infant mortality rate can decline if children are inoculated sufficiently. For instance,
Latvia has compelled their populace to immunize children for many years, resulting in a
country with good overall well-being. Hence, legally forcing parents to vaccinate their
children may be a small price payment to save the society from lethal virus attacks
which can potentially cripple the country development in the long run.
Nevertheless, many individuals support that parents should have rights to inoculate
their infants for some explanations. To begin with, medical researchers and
governments are primarily interested in overall statistics and trends, which fails to take
the individuals’ concerns and rights into consideration. While immunization against
disease such as tetanus and whooping cough may be effective, little information is
released about the harmful effects of vaccination which can sometimes cause stunted
growth or even death. Furthermore, a human’s body is designed to resist diseases and
to create its own natural immune system through contact with those illnesses. So
when children are given artificial immunity, we create a vulnerable society which is
entirely dependent on immunization. Accordingly, if mass inoculation were to cease,
the society as a whole would be more prone to health hazards than ever before.
In conclusion, though many insist that it is advisable to enact a compelling vaccination
policy, others assert that immunization programs should not be obligatory and that the
individuals should have the right to choose whether or not to participate.
(328 words, IELTS 8+)
▪ plagues Bệnh dịch
▪ fatal and infectious to communities Gây tử vong và truyền nhiễm cho cộng đồng
▪ potentially cripple the country Có thể làm hủy hoại sự phát triển của đất
development nước
▪ create its own natural immune system Tạo ra hệ miễn dịch tự nhiên của riêng mình
▪ inoculation were to cease Tiêm chủng được chấm dứt
▪ be more prone to health hazards Dễ bị nguy hiểm sức khoẻ hơn

Ngày nay, dịch bệnh ngày càng gia tăng đã dẫn đến gây tranh cãi liên quan đến việc tiêm
phòng cho trẻ em. Mặc dù nhiều người dân tin rằng tiêm chủng nên là bắt buộc đối với
cha mẹ, nhưng những người khác cho rằng cha mẹ có quyền lựa chọn tiêm chủng cho trẻ
hay không.
Một mặt, thật không may khi chứng kiến công trình nghiên cứu khoa học hàng thập kỷ bị
lãng phí, nếu vài bậc cha mẹ sẵn sàng chọn không bảo vệ con cái mình khỏi những căn
bệnh đã bị xoá xổ từ lâu. Vì dịch bệnh thường truyền nhiễm cho cộng đồng hoặc thậm
chí gây tử vong, tỷ lệ tử vong ở trẻ sơ sinh có thể giảm nếu trẻ được tiêm phòng đầy đủ.
Ví dụ, Latvia đã buộc người dân của họ phải tiêm ngừa cho trẻ em trong nhiều năm, kết

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quả là quốc gia họ có phúc lợi tổng thể tốt. Do đó, buộc phụ huynh phải chủng ngừa cho
trẻ em của họ theo luật có thể là một khoản tiền nhỏ bỏ ra để bảo vệ xã hội khỏi các cuộc
tấn công của virus gây chết người có nguy cơ làm tê liệt sự phát triển của đất nước
trong thời gian dài.
Tuy nhiên, nhiều người ủng hộ ý kiến cho rằng phụ huynh nên có quyền lựa chọn tiêm
ngừa cho con mình vì vài lý do. Đầu tiên, các nhà nghiên cứu y khoa và các chính phủ chủ
yếu quan tâm đến số liệu thống kê và xu hướng tổng thể mà không bận tâm đến mối lo
và quyền lợi của cá nhân. Trong khi tiêm ngừa uốn ván và ho gà có thể có hiệu quả, ít
thông tin được tiết lộ về tác hại của tiêm chủng, đôi khi khiến trẻ lớn lên còi cọc và thậm
chí là tử vong. Hơn nữa, cơ thể con người được thiết kế để chống lại bệnh tật và tạo ra
hệ miễn dịch tự nhiên của chính nó thông qua tiếp xúc với những bệnh này. Vì vậy,
khi trẻ được tạo miễn dịch nhân tạo, chúng ta tạo ra một xã hội yếu ớt hoàn toàn phụ
thuộc vào việc tiêm chủng. Theo đó, nếu việc tiêm chủng toàn dân dừng lại, toàn xã hội
sẽ đối mặt với nguy cơ về sức khoẻ hơn bao giờ hết.
Tóm lại, dù nhiều người một mực cho rằng nên áp dụng một chính sách tiêm ngừa bắt
buộc, những người khác khẳng định rằng các chương trình chủng ngừa không nên bắt
buộc và cá nhân có quyền lựa chọn mình sẽ tham gia hay không.

8. In many countries, individuals or their employers pay for medical treatment.

Should the government be more responsible for the health of their citizens?
Discuss and give your opinion.

The idea that healthcare responsibility should be taken by each citizen or it is the state’s
duty to financially fund for the populace’s well-being remains a source of controversy.
While many individuals support the former viewpoint, I accept that the combination of
both sources would ensure a healthy society.

On the one hand, it is advisable that citizens bear some cost for their general health and
disease prevention. There is an indisputable fact that they are able to maintain good
habits irrespective of their social and economic status. Workers can, to illustrate, do
moderate exercises and purchase nourishing foods every day to be in a good shape.
Moreover, technological progress allows natives to have access to information about
how to reduce the risk and severity of such health problems as ailments and acute
diseases, meaning that individuals have a capacity to take care of themselves.

On the other hand, implementing some universal healthcare policies is necessary for a
country. While opulent nationals can afford treatments for virtually all cases,
indigent residents may fail to pay for a prescription in a drugstore, not to mention
exorbitant therapies and operations. Therefore, the state should provide funds for less
fortunate patients in order to support them. Also, public allocation for healthcare is
probably spent on hospitals to equip them with modern medical device. If the

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general facilities of healthcare centers are improved, the pressure of overloaded

patients will be alleviated. And it is only the government who can offer such
considerable expenses for the citizens’ good physical condition.

In summary, while individuals ought to avoid health hazards and keep good habits for
themselves, the state should take responsibility for supporting the impoverished and
investing in medical equipment.

(283 words, IELTS 8)

▪ the populace’s well-being Sức khỏe của người dân

▪ reduce the risk and severity of health Giảm nguy cơ và mức độ nghiêm trọng của
problems các vấn đề sức khoẻ
Những người công dân giàu có thể chi trả
▪ opulent nationals can afford treatments
những điều trị
▪ equip them with modern medical device Trang bị cho họ thiết bị y tế hiện đại

9. Scientists agree that people are damaging their health by eating too much junk
food. Some people think that the answer to this problem is to educate people.
Others think education will not work. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Scientific findings have clearly indicated that the excessive consumption of fast food is
leading the health of people to deterioration. Though many people are definitely certain
that this trend cannot be hindered by means of education, I support that raising
consumers’ awareness of this problem is effective.
On the one hand, providing citizens with knowledge about the dangers of unhealthy
food can certainly yield some promising outcomes. Firstly, many fast food products
provide very little or no information on the nutritional content in them, deterring the
consumers from knowing the amount of fat, sodium or cholesterol which they take in.
By being informed of how many harmful substances are contained in their favourite
hamburgers or chips, as well as being shown the likely consequences of overeating
these foods, consumers can be more cautious about choosing junk food in the next
time. Secondly, education at schools can help to form healthy eating habits for children
and parents. For instance, schools can hold some extracurricular activities such as
growing and selling vegetables with the attendance of both students and parents, in
order to promote the benefits of healthy diets and warn against the potential risks of
junk food.
On the other hand, some people doubt the effectiveness of education for certain reasons.
To begin with, despite being aware of the negative effects of fast food, many people with

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a hectic working schedule persist in eating it merely due to the convenience. In this
case, education hardly makes a difference as many citizens have made their own choice.
In addition, compared with the wide range and availability of fast food stores and
menus, healthy food is seriously limited. Furthermore, healthy food is commonly
inferior to fast food in terms of taste and prices as a matter of fact. As a result,
however convincing education is, it is almost impossible for people to change their
eating habit without a ready alternative to their unhealthy food choices.
In conclusion, people have different opinions about whether to support education so as
to reduce people’s consumption of fast food or not. In my opinion, education can be a
viable measure with careful consideration of other impediments.
(349 words- IELTS 8)
▪ nutritional content Thành phần dinh dưỡng
▪ cautious about choosing junk food Thận trọng về việc chọn đồ ăn vặt
▪ a hectic working schedule Một lịch làm việc bận rộn
▪ healthy food is commonly inferior to fast Thực phẩm lành mạnh thường kém hơn
food in terms of taste and prices thức ăn nhanh về khẩu vị và giá cả

10. Some people think that genetically modified (GM) crops are a positive
development. Others, however, argue that they are potentially dangerous. Discuss
both these views and give your opinion?

Although it is sometimes thought that genetic engineering has numerous benefits to

humanity, others are of the opinion that it could bring destruction to the ecosystem.
While many individuals accept that this technology is a breakthrough, I believe that
hazards resulting from it are anticipated.
There are certain explanations of why people are partial towards the genetically
engineering products. Firstly, crop modification will bring resistance to various plant
diseases and it also targets infestation of unwanted insects. In other words, the
amount of pesticides and fertilizers used are reduced. Furthermore, many countries are
producing genetically engineered crops to produce a good variety of plants and
abundant harvests. Genetic engineering can also address the increased food demands of
people around the globe. Finally, many diseases that human genetically inherits can
be fought against with the improvement of genetic engineering and it can also ensure
the good generation.
However, I opine that genetically modified crops bring long-term effects to humanity
and environment. Certain reasons for these are the concerns of human health in which
most modified foods contain toxins that are harmful to consumers, causing food allergy
and serious diseases among people. To give an illustration, milk from treated cows is

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said to contain substances linking with cancer. Another major concern is the potential
harm to the environment- once genetically modified organisms are released into the
wilderness, they trigger birth defects among creatures, reduce biodiversity and
interbreed with the native organism to create new species that may not be desirable.
In conclusion, there are good arguments for and against genetically modified organism,
and from my perspective, this technology is risky to human and the surroundings.
(278 words- IELTS 8)
Sự xâm nhập của côn trùng không mong
▪ infestation of unwanted insects
▪ diseases that human genetically inherits Các bệnh mà con người bị nhiễm do di truyền
▪ food allergy Dị ứng thực phẩm
▪ trigger birth defects among creatures Kích thích dị tật bẩm sinh giữa các sinh vật
Dù đôi khi người ta cho rằng công nghệ di truyền có rất nhiều lợi ích cho nhân loại,
những người khác lại có quan điểm rằng nó có thể mang lại sự phá hủy hệ sinh thái.
Trong khi nhiều cá nhân chấp nhận rằng công nghệ này là một bước đột phá, tôi tin rằng
có thể dự đoán được những nguy cơ từ nó.
Có một lý do giải thích tại sao mọi người lại thích các sản phẩm sử dụng công nghệ di
truyền. Thứ nhất, việc cải tạo cây trồng sẽ mang lại sức đề kháng với các bệnh cây khác
nhau và nó cũng nhắm vào những đợt tấn công của lũ côn trùng không mong muốn.
Nói cách khác, lượng thuốc trừ sâu và phân bón được sử dụng giảm. Hơn nữa, nhiều
nước đang sản xuất cây trồng biến đổi gen để tạo ra nhiều cây trồng và sản lượng dồi
dào. Kỹ thuật di truyền cũng có thể giải quyết nhu cầu lương thực gia tăng của người dân
trên toàn cầu. Nhiều bệnh di truyền của con người có thể được khắc phục với sự cải
thiện công nghệ gen và cũng đảm bảo cho một thế hệ.
Tuy nhiên, tôi cho rằng cây trồng biến đổi gen mang lại những ảnh hưởng lâu dài cho
nhân loại và môi trường. Những lý do cụ thể chính là những mối quan tâm về sức khỏe
con người, trong đó hầu hết thực phẩm biến đổi gen chứa độc tố có hại cho người tiêu
dùng, gây dị ứng thực phẩm và các bệnh nghiêm trọng. Ví dụ, sữa lấy từ bò biến đổi gen
được cho là có chứa các chất dẫn đến ung thư. Một mối lo ngại nữa chính là những thiệt
hại tiềm tàng đối với môi trường- một khi một sinh vật biến đổi gene được thả vào môi
trường hoang dã, nó sẽ tạo ra những sinh vật mang dị tật bẩm sinh, làm giảm đa dạng
sinh học, và quá trình lai giống với sinh vật bản địa để tạo ra loài mới sẽ không cho ra kết
quả mong muốn.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Tóm lại, những ai ủng hộ hoặc chống lại sinh vật biến đổi gen đều có lập luận chính đáng,
và theo quan điểm của tôi, công nghệ này gây nguy hiểm đến con người và môi trường
xung quanh.

11. Many doctors are concerned about the high use of computer games by
children and young people. What mental and physical problems may arise from
excessive use of these games? How could these problems be reduced?
The problem that children appear to enjoy playing video games nowadays has drawn
health experts’ attention. Indulging in games causes many predicaments in mind and
physical body, and fortunately, there are feasible solutions that can be implemented to
alleviate these negative effects.
Perhaps the major physical problem is the sedentary lifestyle which these games
encourage, meaning that youngsters may incline to obesity or inadequate development.
Added to this is the strain on eyesight resulting from excessive use of screens and
consoles, because of which children may suffer symptoms of poor vision. There are also
concerns about impairment of reflexes due to the repetitive nature of the hand muscles
when playing these games, and about the poor diet of convenience food which often
accompanies this lifestyle. Besides, the most alarming psychological impact of such
activities is possibly the risk of addiction, obsessing children with the games and thus,
they are unable to socialise with family or peers. This undermines their interpersonal
skills and makes them underperform both academically and socially.
As regards possible measures, perhaps the immediate step would be to promote a more
active lifestyle through exercise regimes or sports programmes which would help to
detoxify the lifestyles of children affected. This could be done through sponsorship of
sports, or participation in competitive events such as races or matches, hopefully
ameliorating the physical effects of excessive games use. What’s more, another potential
remedy for the danger of mental addiction may be an initiative to raise awareness of the
risks of the situation, for example through health warnings on games packaging or through
high-profile spokespersons spreading such a message. If sports champions or
figureheads speak out about these dangers, the message may well get through to children.

To sum up, the risks posed by excessive gaming are connected to an unhealthy lifestyle
and the possibility of dependency on the activity. Possible answers might involve
stronger education about the dangers and the health benefits of more active pursuits.
(313 words- IELTS 8+)

▪ sedentary lifestyle Lối sống ít vận động

▪ inadequate development Phát triển không đầy đủ
▪ the strain on eyesight Sự căng thẳng về thị lực

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▪ impairment of reflexes Suy giảm phản xạ

▪ the poor diet of convenience food Chế độ ăn uống kém
▪ undermine their interpersonal skills Làm suy yếu kỹ năng giao tiếp của họ
▪ underperform both academically and socially Kém hơn về mặt học thuật và xã hội
▪ exercise regimes Chế độ tập thể dục
▪ sponsorship of sports Bảo trợ thể thao
▪ ameliorating the physical effects Phục hồi ảnh hưởng đến cơ thể
▪ an initiative to raise awareness Một sáng kiến nâng cao nhận thức
▪ health warnings Cảnh báo sức khoẻ
▪ sports champion Nhà vô địch thể thao
▪ figurehead Người đi đầu

12. Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while
others think people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

There are different perspectives on whether extreme sports should be outlawed or not.
It is commonly believed that extreme sports should be strictly prohibited due to the
huge number of risks involved, whereas I would argue that it is citizens’ right to play
any sports of their interest.
Advocates of banning certain sports may insist that their inherently dangerous nature
may threaten lives. As extreme conditions are a prerequisite for these sports, hazards
such as equipment failure render players more vulnerable than in other sports. For
example, skydivers who fall free from enormous altitudes seem more prone to
injuries or even death than players of ordinary sports. Moreover, drawing public
attention, performances of risky sports may cause chaos and riots which is an outbreak
of societal disorder. When spectators congregate to view an extreme activity, they
often get extremely excited, screaming, yelling and even imitating some actions.
Therefore, a prohibition of dangerous sports is of vital importance to avoid accidents
and public turmoil.
I believe that people should have the autonomy to play any sports they want, regardless
of their danger. This is because they can already decide for themselves whether to take
part in a number of dangerous non-sport activities. For example, those who reach the
legal drinking age are free to purchase alcohol, the excessive consumption of which
may have fatal consequences. If personal freedom is championed with regard to
things, specifically alcohol, it is argued that it should be extended to sporting pursuits as
well. Instead of an outright ban on extreme sports, I believe there are ways to mitigate
the risks attached with them. Sports associations could impose an age limit on
extreme athletes in order to ensure only people who are fully developed physically

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are allowed to participate. Another solution is to bar players from practicing or

competing without the necessary protective gear. These measures would strike a happy
medium without intruding people’s personal freedom.
In conclusion, despite the acceptance of excluding extreme sports from legal activities, I
believe people are entitled to play them if they want, and certain restrictions in lieu of
a ban would help ease the safety concerns.
(350 words- IELTS 8)
▪ strictly prohibited Nghiêm cấm
▪ inherently dangerous Nguy hiểm vốn có
▪ prerequisite Điều kiện tiên quyết
▪ fall free from enormous altitudes Rơi từ độ cao lớn
▪ an outbreak of societal disorder Một sự bùng phát của rối loạn xã hội
▪ congregate Tụ tập
▪ public turmoil Bất ổn công cộng
▪ excessive consumption Tiêu thụ quá mức
▪ fatal consequence Hậu quả chết người
Áp đặt một giới hạn tuổi đối với vận động
▪ impose an age limit on extreme athletes
viên tham gia môn thể thao mạo hiểm
▪ bar players from Cấm người chơi khỏi…
▪ be entitled to Có quyền
▪ in lieu of Thay vì

13. Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting
occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic
emotions in a safe way. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

Every four years, irrespective of international conflicts, the whole world stops to watch
international sporting events such as the Olympics and the Football World Cup in which
athletes show their best performance to make their country proud of them. I completely
concur that such occasions can relieve disputes across borders and evoke
everyone’s reputation and prestige of their homeland.
The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can
bring nations together, at least temporarily. Evidence has been witnessed from ancient
History, when Greeks and Romans would interrupt battles to participate in the games,
to the more recent international disputes, when athletes from Palestine and Israel
would forget their differences, compete pacifically and even embrace each other after
an event. Moreover, these popular events have called the world’s attention to the

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terrible consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to accept agreements to
end their discord and live peacefully.
Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in arousing citizens’ patriotism.
Apart from developed nations, others often feel inferior to a certain extent since they
are not as powerful as their neighbors. International sports, therefore unfold a way for
developing and underdeveloped countries to assert themselves in a distinct field. For
example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack of education, hunger, crime,
poverty and corruption which lead to an immense embarrassment of being Brazilian
and a low self-esteem. However, when the Football World Cup starts, the Brazilian
squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an amazing feeling of
pride in their country.
In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing
international tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as History has shown.
(284 words- IELTS 8)
▪ relieve disputes across borders Giải tỏa các tranh chấp biên giới
▪ evoke everyone’ s reputation and Gợi lên danh tiếng và uy tín của quê hương họ
prestige of their homeland
▪ embrace Ôm
▪ end their discord Kết thúc sự bất hòa
▪ arousing citizens’ patriotism Kích động lòng yêu nước của công dân
▪ feel inferior Cảm thấy thấp kém
▪ assert themselves Khẳng định mình
▪ provoke an amazing feeling of pride Kích thích cảm giác tuyệt vời của niềm tự hào

Mỗi bốn năm, bất kể xung đột quốc tế, cả thế giới dừng lại để xem các sự kiện thể thao
quốc tế như Thế vận hội và Bóng đá Thế giới, trong đó vận động viên thể hiện phong độ
tốt nhất để làm cho đất nước của họ tự hào. Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý rằng những dịp như
vậy có thể làm dịu đi những đợt tranh chấp lãnh thổ và làm trỗi dậy niềm tự hào
dân tộc và lòng yêu quê hương trong mỗi người.

Thế vận hội là một trong những ví dụ điển hình nhất chứng minh sự kiện thể thao mang
các quốc gia đến gần nhau, ít nhất là trong quãng thời gian sự kiện diễn ra. Bằng chứng
đã được chứng kiến từ lịch sử cổ đại, khi người Hy Lạp và người La Mã dừng chiến để
tham gia vào các trò chơi, và nói đến các tranh chấp quốc tế gần đây hơn, khi các vận
động viên Palestine và Israel quên đi sự khác biệt để thi đấu trong hoà bình và thậm chí
ôm chầm lấy nhau sau một sự kiện. Hơn nữa, những sự kiện phổ biến này đã kêu gọi sự
chú ý của thế giới đến hậu quả khủng khiếp của chiến tranh; Do đó một số nhà lãnh đạo
đã cố gắng để chấp nhận các hiệp định để chấm dứt mâu thuẫn của họ và sống một
cách hòa bình.

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Tương tự, các sự kiện thể thao quốc tế cho thấy lợi ích trong việc làm nảy sinh lòng yêu
nước của công dân. Ngoài các quốc gia phát triển, những nước khác thường cảm thấy
thua kém hơn một chừng mực nào đó vì họ không mạnh bằng các nước láng giềng. Các
môn thể thao quốc tế, do đó mở ra một cách để các nước đang phát triển và các nước
kém phát triển khẳng định mình trong một lĩnh vực khác biệt. Ví dụ, Brazil có tỷ lệ thất
nghiệp cao, hạn chế trong giáo dục, đói kém, tội phạm, nghèo nàn và tham nhũng, dẫn
đến việc một người cực kỳ mặc cảm khi là một công dân Brazil. Thế nhưng, khi World
Cup bắt đầu, đội tuyển Brazil, được xem là đội bóng tốt nhất trên thế giới, đã tạo ra một
niềm tự hào tuyệt vời cho đất nước họ.

Tóm lại, lịch sử đã cho thấy, các sự kiện thể thao lớn đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong
việc giảm căng thẳng quốc tế và thể hiện cảm giác yêu nước.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and
behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

2. Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reduce
traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective
in improving road safety.

Discuss both these views.


2 sentences
Paraphrasing the question
Stating your opinion
a. Paraphrasing the question
▪ There are various perspectives on the question of whether or not…
▪ It is evident that…
▪ Many people believe/ argue that…→ It is believed/ argued that…
▪ The idea that… has become/ remains a source of controversy.
b. Stating your opinion (Topic sentence of the essay)
* Discuss both views
▪ While many people argue/ strongly believe/ are definitely certain that…., others
hold the view that/ argue that / believe that…
* Discuss both views and give your own opinion
▪ While many people argue/ strongly believe/ are definitely certain that…., I hold
the view that/ argue that / believe that…
▪ Though there is an argument that….,, I insist/ assert that…..

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

▪ Some people agree that/accept that….., whereas I would argue that…

▪ While proponents/ advocates/ supporters of this idea hold the belief that…, I
would argue that…
▪ While opponents/ dissenters insist/ assert that …, I would argue that…
(+This essay will discuss two viewpoints before giving the writer’s opinion).

1. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local
customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should
welcome cultural differences.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
The idea that tourists should respect the native culture and ways of life, or it is the duty
of a host country to appreciate the cultural variety remains a source of controversy.
While many people agree with the former opinion, I would argue that locals should
accept visitors’ traditions.

2. Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that
this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative
consequences. Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own
There is an ever increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the
classroom. While many people argue that this development will lead to adverse
ramifications, I hold the view that it contributes remarkably to study.

3. Developments in technology have brought various environmental problems.

Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental
problems. Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is true that certain advances in technology have had negative impacts on the
environment. While there is a strong argument that some environmental

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

problems should be tackled by adopting simpler lifestyles, I believe that the

solutions lie in technologies that have been developed to deal with natural issues.


2. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs
and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome
cultural differences.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
The idea that tourists should respect the native culture and ways of life, or it is the duty
of a host country to appreciate cultural variety remains a source of controversy. While
many people agree with the former/ latter opinion, I would argue that advantages of
behavior from both sides should be equally considered.


On the one hand,

First, …/ Second, …


On the other hand,

Conversely/ However/ In spite of that, …


(Both views seem to have their own rationale to some extents.)

Paraphrase the topic sentence.


IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this
is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.
Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.
There is an ever increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the
classroom. While many people argue that this development will lead to adverse
ramifications, I hold the view that it contributes remarkably to study.

On the one hand, the growing use of technology, especially computer, in

education has some disadvantages. Initially, there are many websites containing
inaccurate information, hindering students from assessing valuable and useful sources.
Articles of Health, specifically, often exist in a large quantity in numerous webs
regardless of their quality, not to mention opposing content on a certain issue. Besides,
excessive usage of virtual connections might affect users’ interaction in reality. Students
spend more time on looking at computer screens than interacting with each other via
socializing and off-line meeting, which gradually deprives them of good relationship.

However, I believe that the internet has provided countless benefits to students. To
begin with, students have access to more information than ever before; therefore,
learners have the ability to research and learn about any subjects. In a history lesson, to
illustrate, learners can accumulate pertinent materials on websites, online articles and
even witness real vivid events via some documentary films on Youtube. Moreover,
applications on the computer can stimulate students’ interest with vivid pictures, games
and on-line courses. One explanation is that these on-line tools make lessons lifelike
and memorable compared to monotonous textbook in the past.

In conclusion, while some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon
and not allow it to curb face to face interaction, I support the idea that the benefits of
technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of
information and fuel their passion in study.

(289 words, IELTS 8.0)

· hinder sb from doing sth /ˈhɪndə(r)/sb/frɒm/ /ˈduːɪŋ/sth Cản trở ai làm gì

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· pertinent materials /ˈpɜːtɪnənt/ /məˈtɪərɪəlz/ Tài liệu thích hợp

· vivid event /ˈvɪvɪd/ /ɪˈvent/ Sự kiện sinh động
2. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs
and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome
cultural differences.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The idea that tourists should respect the native culture and way of life, or it is the duty
of a host country to appreciate the cultural variety remains a source of controversy.
While many people agree with the former opinion, I would argue that locals
should accept visitors’ traditions.

On the one hand, travelers have many benefits as following locals’ customs.
Initially, if foreigners deliberately violate these rules, they may not receive a gracious
welcome from residents. The explanation is that customs entailing greeting, dining
etiquettes and worship have been consistently practiced for ages. In a month of
Ramadan in Indonesia, to illustrate, holiday-makers, who disobey religious rules of
abstaining from food, beverage and cigarettes in public, are not highly appreciated. Also,
regulations and rules are imposed on citizens for the purpose of preventing political
turmoil and maintaining societal order; therefore, tourists should comply with them to
have a peaceful trip.

On the other hand, from my perspective, it is indispensable for the host country to
welcome cultural discrepancies. First, newcomers may find it challenging to
immediately get acquainted with long-lasting customs, not to mention that some of
them are completely opposite to those in foreigners’ hometown. Clothing culture is a
case in point. Eastern women tend to wear outfits covering their whole body, whereas
Western counterparts feel comfortable in short dress. Given that each attire reveals its
own identity and the wearer’s personality, a European woman would probably be
suffocated and less confident if forced to wear a long gown. Second, based on the
acceptance of cultural distinction, tourism has rapidly boomed in many countries.
According to recent research, the reformation and welcoming services to foreigners in
India exponentially increase outbound tourism income.

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In conclusion, both views seem to have their own rationale to some extents. While
some may hold the view that visitors had better abide by rules of the host country,
it is my belief that locals should appreciate vacationers’ convention and behavior.

(320 words- IELTS 8)

Quy định và luật lệ
regulations and rules are /ˌregjʊˈleɪʃənz/ /ænd/ /ruːlz/
được áp dụng đối với
imposed on citizens /ɑːr/ /ɪmˈpəʊzd/ /ɒn/ /ˈsɪtɪznz/
công dân
preventing political /prɪˈventɪŋ/ /pəˈlɪtɪkəl/ Ngăn ngừa rối loạn
turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ chính trị
dining etiquettes /ˈdaɪnɪŋ/ /ˈetɪkets/ Nghi thức ăn uống
deliberately violate these /dɪˈlɪbərɪtli/ /ˈvaɪəleɪt/ /ðiːz/ Cố ý vi phạm các quy
rules /ruːlz/ tắc này
cultural intrusion /ˈkʌlʧərəl/ /ɪnˈtruːʒən/ Xâm nhập văn hoá
Một mối quan hệ hòa
a compatible relationship /ə/ /kəmˈpætəbl/ /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/
get acquainted with /get/ /əˈkweɪntɪd/ /wɪð/ Làm quen với

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1. Some people believe that new buildings should be built in traditional styles. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
2. Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think
they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones. How important is it to
maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?
3. In many countries, traditional dress and costumes are considered effective ways of
maintaining links with the past. How effective can traditional costumes be, in this
sense? What other ways exist to help citizens connect with a country’s past?
4. Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people,
while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.
5. Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the
advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the
6. Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local
people. Why does this case happen and what can be done to attract more local
people to visit these places? (February 7 2015)
7. When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out.
It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with this opinion?
8. Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to import foreign
movies and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to produce these
locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion. (March, 2016)
9. Some people believe that international trade and communication with other
countries is a positive trend, while others think it is harmful to nations and they
might lose their identities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples. (April, 2016)
10. Multicultural societies, in which there is a mixture of different ethnic peoples, bring
more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree or

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

11. Nowadays young people know less about tradition and culture than in past. What are
the reasons for it? What can be done to improve this situation?
12. Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do you
think this is a positive or negative social development?
13. Some people think that we should invent a new language for international
communication. Do the benefits of this outweigh the problems?
14. Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very small
numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public money
on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a waste of money.
Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
15. Some people believe that anyone can create art such as painting, poetry, music and
so on. Others think that a person should have special abilities to create art. Discuss
both views and give your opinion. (March, 2016)
16. Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money.
Governments must invest this money in public services instead. To what extent do
you agree with this statement?
17. The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should
live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful
in preparing younger generations for modern life. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this view?
18. People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to live in a new
country. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (12.12.2015)
19. Nowadays the differences between countries are becoming less evident because we
see the same TV shows, advertisements, fashion and follow the same brands. To
what extent the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?(3. 2016)
20. The costs of international travel are decreasing and tourism is growing. What are
the advantages and disadvantages of increasing tourism activity in different
21. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local
customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should
welcome cultural differences. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
22. In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods.
This is having a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


1. New buildings constructed in traditional styles.
- Ancient appearance preserves the national cultural identity, thus helping to
distinguish one country from another. (To illustrate, while Chinese architecture is
renowned for the symmetry and roof tiles, buildings in Italy feature domes and
- Conventional styles impart historical events and stories to young generations,
reminding them of their predecessors’ life and evolution.
- While modern buildings often have a similar facade, traditional counterparts are
prominent with unique decoration which attracts hordes of international tourists.
(For example, some constructions are engraved with dragons, but others are attached
with relief sculpture).
- If erected in conventional styles, buildings may not be adopted with new trends,
materials and technology. (Ex: energy-saving buildings, prefabricated materials,
renewable energy, …)
- Some traditional appearance fails to serve practical purposes (Ex: accommodation,
preserve the national /prɪˈzɜːv/ /ðə/ /ˈnæʃənl/ Giữ gìn bản sắc văn hoá dân
cultural identity /ˈkʌlʧərəl/ /aɪˈdentɪti/ tộc
symmetry /ˈsɪmɪtri/ Đối xứng
dome (n) /dəʊm/ Mái vòm
arch (n) /ɑːʧ/ Kiến trúc
conventional style /kənˈvenʃənl/ /staɪl/ phong cách truyền thống
impart sth to sb /ɪmˈpɑːt/ sth /tuː/ sb Truyền đạt cái gì cho ai
predecessors’ life and /ˈpriːdɪsesəz/ /laɪf/ /ænd/ Đời sống và sự tiến hóa của
evolution /ˌevəˈluːʃn/ tổ tiên
facade (n) /fəˈsɑːd/ Mặt tiền
prominent (adj) /ˈprɒmɪnənt/ Nổi bật
hordes of /hɔːdz/ /ɒv/ /ˌɪntəˈnæʃənl/
Đám du khách quốc tế
international tourists /ˈtʊərɪsts/
relief sculpture /rɪˈliːf/ /ˈskʌlpʧə/ Tác phẩm điêu khắc nổi
engrave (v) /ɪnˈgreɪv/ Chạm khắc
prefabricated /ˌpriːˈfæbrɪkeɪtɪd/
Vật liệu đúc sẵn
materials /məˈtɪərɪəlz/

2. Many old buildings protected by laws…

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Maintaining old buildings is important

Connecting with Topic 1 (Agree)
Should history stand in the way of progress
- Connecting with Topic 1 (Disagree)
- Old buildings can be protected in tandem with progress. In many circumstances, we
see historic buildings being renovated whilst maintaining their original character and
being used for modern purposes.
in tandem with (v) /ɪn/ /ˈtændəm/ /wɪð/ Đi đôi với
renovate (v) /ˈrenəʊveɪt/ Đổi mới

3. Traditional dress and costumes

Maintain links with the past
- Connecting with Topic 1 (Agree)
- So elaborate and unique are traditional attires that they give a deep impression to
viewers, enabling them to retain the image in their mind.
Other ways to help citizens connect with a country’s past
- Most countries have a rich heritage of legends and folklore about the birth and
development of their nation
- Art and music are significant in handing down the tradition, in forms ranging from fine
art to handicrafts, and from opera to folk music.
elaborate (adj) /ɪˈlæbərɪt/ Kỹ lưỡng, trau chuốt
traditional attire /trəˈdɪʃənl/ /əˈtaɪə/ Trang phục truyền thống
legend(n) /ˈLeʤənd/ Huyền thoại
folklore (n) /ˈFəʊklɔː/ Văn hoá dân gian
fine art /faɪn/ /ɑːt/ Mỹ nghệ

4. Museums are to entertain or educate people

Entertain people
- Considered as tourist attractions, museums exhibit a collection of interesting objects
which appeal to visitors. (Ex: Children are captivated by science museums with
dinosaur models, the movie museum in New Zealand…)
- This type of museum is designed to be visually spectacular and may have interactive
activities or even games as a part of its exhibitions.

Educate people
- Connecting with Topic 1

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- The museums display relics for visitors to learn about events and stories
visually spectacular /ˈvɪzjʊəli/ /spekˈtækjʊlə/ Thu hút ở vẻ bề ngoài
interactive activities /ˌɪntərˈæktɪv/ /ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ Hoạt động tương tác
relics (n) /ˈrelɪks/ Di tích, di vật

5. Museums should charge for admission or be free.

Advantages of charging for admission

- Ticket sales allow the building to restore exhibits and improve facilities to remain
open and provide good service to tourists.

- People use this revenue to develop the museums, thereby creating many jobs for

- A charge for entry might actually make people value a museum more, whereas free
entrance seems to degrade the worth of the museum.

Disadvantages of charging for admission

- Admission fees discourage tourists from entering a cultural center because everyone
prefers a free entrance.

- In many developing countries, citizens still give priority to economy over culture;
therefore, admission pricing may decrease the attendance.

- Students and children who are learning about the world may not be able to visit since
their finance could not cover the cost.


restore exhibits /rɪsˈtɔːr/ /ɪgˈzɪbɪts/ Phục hồi vật triển lãm

revenue (n) /ˈrevənjuː/ Thu nhập
degrade the worth of the /dɪˈgreɪd/ /ðə/ /wɜːθ/ /ɒv/ Làm suy giảm giá trị của
museum /ðə/ /mjuːˈzɪəm/ bảo tàng
/gɪv/ /praɪˈɒrɪti/ /tuː/ sth Ưu tiên điều gì trên điều
give priority to sth over sth
over sth gì
cover the cost /ˈkʌvə/ /ðə/ /kɒst/ Trả chi phí
admission pricing /ədˈmɪʃən/ /ˈpraɪsɪŋ/ Thu tiền vé vào cửa

6. Museums and historical sites visited by tourists, not locals:


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- Connecting with Topic 1 (Agree) and Topic 4 (Educate people)

- As the layout of museums and historical facilities virtually remains unchanged
through years, they may be visually unattractive to local inhabitants.
- The main solution is to change the public’s perception of such places as the sites for
only monotonous activities. (Ex: holding civic events including weddings,
anniversaries and concerts)
- The government can invest in restoration and improvement of historical objects and
layout (n) /ˈleɪaʊt/ Bố trí
visually unattractive /ˈvɪʒuəli/ /ˌʌnəˈtræktɪv/ Không thu hút ở vẻ bề ngoài
local inhabitant /ˈləʊkəl/ /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ Dân địa phương
/ðə/ /ˈpʌblɪks/
the public’s perception Nhận thức của công chúng
monotonous activities /məˈnɒtnəs/ /ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ Các hoạt động đơn điệu

7. When technology develops, traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is
pointless to keep them alive

- Some manual jobs using traditional skills should be replaced by modern machines to
increase productivity.
- Connecting with Topic 1 (Agree)
- Mainstream lifestyles can impart to young generations family values which are
degrading in tandem with the fast pace of life. (Ex: family meal)
- Conventional skills provide innovative ideas to the development of modern
technologies (Ex: some hand-made decorations are applied to the design in textile
manual jobs /ˈmænjʊəl/ /ʤɒbz/ Công việc thủ công
innovative ideas /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/ /aɪˈdɪəz/ Ý tưởng sáng tạo
8. A country should import foreign movies and TV programs or produce them

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- International films broaden viewers’ cultural knowledge since movie scenes reflect
locals’ traditional values
- Program producers try to incorporate good traits and social belief of their homeland
into products; therefore, audiences can acquire them while enjoying foreign telecasts
- Connecting with Topic 1 (Agree)
- If successful, domestic production of films and TV programs can generate
considerable revenue, thereby improving many workers’ life and developing national
movie industry.
broaden viewers’ /ˈbrɔːdn/ /ˈvjuːəz/ Mở rộng kiến thức văn hoá
cultural knowledge /ˈkʌlʧərəl/ /ˈnɒlɪʤ/ của người xem
Phản ánh các giá trị truyền
reflect locals’ traditional /rɪˈflekt/ /ˈləʊkəlz/
thống của người dân địa
values /trəˈdɪʃənl/ /ˈvæljuːz/
incorporate sth into sth /ɪnˈkɔːpərɪt/ sth into sth Kết hợp điều gì với điều gì
telecasts /ˈtelɪkɑːsts/ Chương trình truyền hình
domestic production /dəˈmestɪk/ /prəˈdʌkʃən/ Sản xuất trong nước

10. Multicultural societies (multiracial society, heterogeneous country, a country

with ethnic diversity)
- People from various cultures contribute in multiple different ways to the country
development because they bring with them different sets of skills and characteristics
from their homelands.
- Connecting with topic 8 (Importing)
- Citizens may encounter conflicts and racism. (Ex: some minority groups are killed
or expelled from the country)
- People stick to their own ethnic group and rarely interact with others, thus creating
the opposite of a united society.

encounter conflicts and /ɪnˈkaʊntə/ /ˈkɒnflɪkts/ Gặp mâu thuẫn và chủ nghĩa

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racism /ænd/ /ˈreɪsɪzm/ phân biệt chủng tộc

minority group /maɪˈnɒrɪti/ /gruːp/ Nhóm thiểu số
expel from /ɪksˈpel/ /frɒm/ Trục xuất khỏi
a united society /ə/ /jʊˈnaɪtɪd/ /səˈsaɪəti/ Một xã hội thống nhất

11. Young people know less about tradition than in the past.

- The fast pace of life means adults in a family are so overwhelmed with their jobs that
they have little time to interact with their children
- Some means of media often broadcast foreign programs rather than local ones;
therefore, youngsters may be alienated with their culture.
- Parents spend time supervising and educating their children about family tradition
and national heritage. Also, schools should incorporate national cultural subjects and
competition into their curriculum.
- It is advisable for the government to give priority to traditional programs and
domestically produced films in media.
overwhelmed with /ˌƏʊvəˈwelmd/ /wɪð/ Quá tải
be alienated with one’s /biː/ /ˈeɪliəneɪtɪd/ /wɪð/
Cảm thấy xa lạ với văn hoá
culture /wʌnz/ /ˈkʌlʧə/

21. Visitors follow local customs and behavior or the host country welcome
cultural differences. Discuss.

Visitors follow local customs and behavior

- Regulations and rules: preventing political turmoil and maintaining societal order
→ tourists should comply with them to have a peaceful trip.
- If foreigners deliberately violate these rules, they may not receive a gracious
welcome from residents.

The host country welcome cultural differences

- Based on the acceptance of cultural distinction, many host countries can attract
hordes of international tourists.
- Newcomers may find it challenging to immediately get acquainted with long-lasting

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• regulations and rules /ˌregjʊˈleɪʃənz/ /ænd/ /ruːlz/ / Quy định và luật lệ

• preventing political /prɪˈventɪŋ/ /pəˈlɪtɪkəl/ Ngăn ngừa rối loạn chính
turmoil /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ trị
• deliberately violate /dɪˈlɪbərɪtli/ /ˈvaɪəleɪt/ /ðiːz/ Cố ý vi phạm các quy tắc
these rules /ruːlz/ này
• Hordes of tourists /hɔːdz/ /əv/ /ˈtʊərɪsts/ Rất nhiều khách du lịch
• get acquainted with /get/ /əˈkweɪntɪd/ /wɪð/ Làm quen với

1. Some people think that it is good for a country’s culture to import foreign
movies and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to produce these locally.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

For the past decades, the idea that a country develops its own motion picture
expertise or imports foreign entertainment programs remains a source of controversy.
While many people support the former viewpoint, I would argue that advantages of
both ways should be equally considered.

It is justifiable that domestic entertainment products play an indispensable role in a

country’s film segments. The most obvious reason is that the act of a country developing
its own movies and broadcasting industry is of necessity to preserve its culture.
Through local films and TV shows, children and adolescents develop their cognition of
local customs and traditional values and have a tendency to practice them. Another
reason is that domestic films and shows are irreplaceable products that bring people
true feelings and complete understanding of the contexts. In more specific, since people
can more easily relate themselves to others who speak their language and whose
behavior they could totally understand, viewers can reflect themselves and their
society in a lively way through local TV programs.

On the other hand, there are certain grounds supporting the view of featuring foreign
films and TV shows. Firstly, international films broaden viewers’ cultural knowledge
since every movie scene reflects locals’ traditional values. For instance, while an Asian
viewer can be amazed by the individualism conveyed in a western blockbuster, an
American can explore the significance of collective eastern values from a Chinese
drama. Furthermore, program producers try to incorporate good features and social

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

belief of their homeland into products; therefore, audiences can acquire them while
enjoying foreign telecasts. Japanese reality shows is a case in point. These programs are
internationally renowned for education, imparting life lessons and solutions to some
emergencies to the youths.

In conclusion, I would argue that both types of films and TV telecasts play an equal role
in a country’s culture.

(351 words, IELTS 8+)

• motion picture Chuyên môn về hình ảnh
/ˈməʊʃən/ /ˈpɪkʧər/ /ˌekspɜːˈtiːz/
expertise chuyển động
• domestic /dəˈmestɪk/ /ˌentəˈteɪnmənt/ Sản phẩm giải trí trong
entertainment product /ˈprɒdʌkt/ nước
Phát triển nhận thức của
• develop their cognition /dɪˈveləp/ /ðeə/ /kɒgˈnɪʃən/ /ɒv/
họ về các phong tục địa
of local customs and /ˈləʊkəl/ /ˈkʌstəmz/ /ænd/
phương và các giá trị
traditional values /trəˈdɪʃənl/ /ˈvæljuːz/
truyền thống
• relate themselves to Liên hệ bản thân với
/rɪˈleɪt/ /ðəmˈselvz/ /tuː/ /ˈʌðəz/
others người khác
• reflect themselves and /rɪˈflekt/ /ðəmˈselvz/ /ænd/ /ðeə/ Phản ánh bản thân và xã
their society /səˈsaɪəti/ hội của họ
Chủ nghĩa cá nhân được
• individualism conveyed /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəlɪz(ə)m/ /kənˈveɪd/
chuyển tải trong các bộ
in western blockbuster /ɪn/ /ˈwestən/ /ˈblɒkˌbʌstə/
phim bom tấn phương
movies /ˈmuːviz/
• collective eastern Giá trị cộng đồng
/kɒˈlektɪv/ /ˈiːstən/ /ˈvæljuːz/
values from a Chinese phương Đông từ một bộ
/frɒm/ /ə/ /ˌʧaɪˈniːz/ /ˈdrɑːmə/
drama phim Trung Quốc
Kết hợp điều gì với điều
• incorporate sth into sth /ɪnˈkɔːpərɪt/ sth /ˈɪntuː/sth


Trong suốt những thập kỷ qua, quan niệm cho rằng liệu một quốc gia có nên tự sản xuất
phim hay nên nhập các chương trình giải trí nước ngoài vào vẫn là điều gây tranh cãi.
Trong khi nhiều người ủng hộ quan điểm đầu tiên, tôi cho rằng ích lợi của cả hai cách
nên được xem xét một cách đồng đều.

Có thể nói rằng các sản phẩm giải trí trong nước đóng một vai trò không thể thiếu trong
mảng điện ảnh của một quốc gia. Lý do rõ ràng nhất để một quốc gia phát triển ngành
công nghiệp phim ảnh và phát thanh truyền hình chính là nhu cầu bảo tồn văn hoá của

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

mình. Thông qua các bộ phim và chương trình truyền hình trong nước, trẻ em và thanh
thiếu niên phát triển nhận thức của về các phong tục địa phương và các giá trị truyền
thống và có xu hướng thực hành chúng. Một lý do khác là các bộ phim và chương trình
trong nước là những sản phẩm không thể thay thế được, mang lại cho mọi người những
cảm xúc thật sự và sự hiểu biết đầy đủ về các bối cảnh. Nói cụ thể hơn, vì người ta có thể
dễ dàng thấu hiểu những ai nói ngôn ngữ của mình và hoàn toàn hiểu được hành vi của
họ, người xem có thể chiêm nghiệm về chính mình và xã hội mình sống một cách sinh
động thông qua các chương trình truyền hình địa phương.

Mặt khác, có một số lí do vững chắc để ủng hộ quan điểm về việc chiếu các bộ phim và
chương trình truyền hình nước ngoài. Thứ nhất, các bộ phim quốc tế mở rộng kiến thức
văn hoá của người xem, vì mỗi cảnh phim đều phản ánh giá trị truyền thống của người
dân địa phương. Ví dụ, trong khi người xem châu Á có thể ngạc nhiên bởi chủ nghĩa cá
nhân được chuyển tải trong các bộ phim bom tấn phương Tây, người Mỹ có thể khám
phá tầm quan trọng của các giá trị tập thể của phương Đông từ một bộ phim Trung
Quốc. Hơn nữa, các nhà sản xuất chương trình cố gắng kết hợp các đặc điểm tốt và niềm
tin vào xã hội của quê hương mình để tạo thành sản phẩm; Do đó, khán giả có thể tiếp
thu được chúng trong khi thưởng thức các chương trình truyền hình nước ngoài. Các
chương trình thực tế của Nhật Bản là một ví dụ điển hình. Các chương trình này nổi
tiếng trên thế giới về việc giáo dục, truyền bá các bài học về cuộc sống và giải pháp cho
một số vấn đề khẩn cấp của thanh thiếu niên.

Tóm lại, tôi cho rằng cả hai loại phim và chương trình truyền hình đều đóng một vai trò
nganh nhau trong văn hoá của một quốc gia.

2. Some people believe that anyone can create art such as painting, poetry, music
and so on. Others think that a person should have special abilities and skills to
create art. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

There are different opinions on the question of whether artistic skills are existed in
everyone or merely in some talented individuals. Whereas many people support the
former viewpoint, I would argue that one needs extraordinary capacities to innovate

Art creation is believed to be inherent in every person for some reasons. First, based on
their imagination and experience, all children and adults have capacities to make art

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

forms to a certain extent. To illustrate, students in primary school, can draw pictures of
their beloved family member by visualizing and recollecting memories with that
person. Also, it is undeniable that when emotions are running high, even an ordinary
person can create art. Witnessing foreign invaders encroaching on their homeland
and attacking locals, some soldiers wrote poems or journals depicting contemporary
turmoil and their feelings. Though these citizens obviously did not possess any artistic
aptitudes or join any training courses, they were able to produce art.

On the contrary, I firmly opine that without having the innate ability and learning how
to express oneself creatively, imagination, background knowledge and emotion could
not help one become a professional artist. Regarding the natural abilities, rarely can
anyone surpass Mozart in music or Van Gogh in paintings since they can innately
produce unique and appealing art. Besides, it requires years of cultivation for people to
become great artists. In more specific, one needs techniques and skills to create artistic
products properly. A musician, for instance, needs to learn all the fundamentals of
rhythms, melodies and instruments to make inspiring songs which are distinctive from
those written by amateurs.

To conclude, it is true that while everyone can use their visualization, experience and
emotion to create art to a certain extent, I believe that the inborn capacities and practice
are of vital importance for those who desire to become a proficient artist.

(269 words, IELTS 8)

by visualizing and /baɪ/ /ˈvɪʒuəlaɪzɪŋ/ /ænd/ Bằng cách tưởng tượng
recollecting memories /ˌriːkəˈlektɪŋ/ /ˈmeməriz/ và nhớ lại những kỷ niệm
/ɪˈməʊʃənz/ /ɑː/ /ˈrʌnɪŋ/
emotions are running high Cảm xúc đang dâng cao
/ˈWɪtnɪsɪŋ/ /ˈfɒrɪn/ Chứng kiến những kẻ
Witnessing foreign invaders
/ɪnˈveɪdəz/ /ɪnˈkrəʊʧɪŋ/ xâm lược nước ngoài lấn
encroaching on their homeland
/ɒn/ /ðeə/ /ˈhəʊmlænd/ chiếm quê hương của họ
contemporary turmoil /Kənˈtempərəri/ /ˈtɜːmɔɪl/ Hỗn loạn đương thời
artistic aptitude /ɑːˈtɪstɪk/ /ˈæptɪtjuːd/ Năng khiếu nghệ thuật
surpass (v) /sɜːˈpɑːs/ Vượt qua

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

3. Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local
people. Why does this case happen and what can be done to attract more local
people to visit these places?

It is evident that historical locations have shown a high attendance of international and
domestic visitors, not locals. Some explanations will be put forward before solutions can
be drawn to tackle this problem.

There are several reasons why tourists, instead of the local people, come to museums
and historical places. First, these locations can provide travellers with a comprehensive
historical overview in the particular locality where they visit. For instance, observing
relics of gun and grenade in a museum, tourists can visualize atrocious fights of the
nation in the war. As a result, such destination generally appeals to the newcomers
rather than to the locals who do not find the need to familiarize themselves with the
traditional values of the region. Moreover, because the layout of museums and historical
facilities virtually remains unchanged through years, they may be visually unattractive
to the local inhabitants who probably have been to these sites for at least once in their
younger years.

Several measures can be taken to promote locals’ attendance rate at heritage centers
and museums. The main solution is to change the public’s perception of such places as
the sites for only monotonous activities. If civic events including weddings,
anniversaries and concerts were allowed to be held in these locations, they would
attract substantial public attention to historical values. Another resolution is that
historians and preservationists should be featured more frequently on the media, with
their articles on the remarkable worth of museums and historical remains.

To conclude, historical areas and museums are captivating to sightseers, not local
citizens due to some reasons. To rectify this, there should be more open-door policies to
use such locations as spots for more public-oriented activities and more media
coverage on historical assets.

(287 words, IELTS 8+)


observe remnants of gun and /əbˈzɜːv/ /ˈremnənts/ /ɒv/ Quan sát tàn dư của

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grenade /gʌn/ /ænd/ /grəˈneɪd/ súng và lựu đạn

atrocious fight /əˈtrəʊʃəs/ /faɪt/ Chiến đấu tàn bạo
civic event /ˈsɪvɪk/ /ɪˈvent/ Sự kiện công dân
preservationist (n) /ˌprezəˈveɪʃənɪst/ Nhà bảo quản
Phương tiện truyền
media coverage /ˈmiːdiə/ /ˈkʌvərɪʤ/
historical assets /hɪsˈtɒrɪkəl/ /ˈæsets/ Tài sản lịch sử

4. Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people
think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones. How important is
it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?

Some believe that ancient buildings preserved by the government as historical

significance should be demolished and substituted with modern ones. In my opinion,
while it is very important to maintain these, this does not mean progress should stop.

The protection of certain old buildings is important for several reasons. Firstly, these
structures provide a profound insight into the history of a country, showing citizens
how their predecessors have lived and evolved for ages. Without them, the current
generation could only learn this knowledge by books, which would undoubtedly be not
as realistic and intriguing as the previous way. Secondly, many of these buildings are
also very aesthetic and captivating, attracting many travelers to visit the countries.
Taking many religious buildings such as churches and temples as an example, not only
do they symbolize the cities, but these long-lasting blocks also stimulate foreigners’
exploring aspiration.

However, this certainly does not mean that modernization is discouraged. I believe that
old buildings can be protected in tandem with progress. In many circumstances, we see
old historic buildings being renovated whilst maintaining their original character, and
being used for modern purposes. The Independence Palace in Vietnam, for instance, has
been used as a location for conferences between the presidents and foreign governors.
Also, in no way does history hinder progress, and in fact it is the opposite. One
explanation is that studying and learning about our history, we understand more about
the world we live in, and this helps us to build a better future.

To conclude, I believe that it is essential to preserve old buildings for educating future
youths and promoting tourism. Meanwhile, these constructions contribute to boosting
the national development.

(280 words, IELTS 8)


aesthetic and captivating /esˈθetɪk/ /ænd/ /ˈkæptɪveɪtɪŋ/ Thẩm mỹ và lôi cuốn

long-lasting blocks /lɒŋ/-/ˈlɑːstɪŋ/ /blɒks/ Các tòa nhà lâu đời

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Kích thích khát vọng

stimulate foreigners’ /ˈstɪmjʊleɪt/ /ˈfɒrɪnəz/
khám phá của người
exploring aspiration /ɪksˈplɔːrɪŋ/ /ˌæspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/
nước ngoài
renovate (v) /ˈrenəveɪt/ Đổi mới

5. When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life
die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this opinion?

In the era of technological advances and their wide applications, conventional skills and
lifestyle have been disappearing. Some argue long-lasting skills and ways of life are
obsolete to inventions. However, I believe they will continue to thrive along with
technological innovation.

Traditional skills and ways of life are becoming an alternative solution to the problems
caused by modern life. Initially, technological progress has accelerated mass
production in which identical items are manufactured. Consumers get bored with this
merchandise, thus desiring to resort to distinctive traditional ones. For instance, a
cozy restaurant where home-brewed beer is served offers another experience to people
who are fed up with branded beer with the same flavor. Besides, mainstream lifestyles
can impart to young generations family values which are degrading in tandem with the
fast pace of life. This is due to the fact that in many nuclear families in metropolis,
parents are so overwhelmed with jobs that they hardly manage time supervising and
educating their children. If members in a city could maintain the habit of having family
meals together, to illustrate, they would strengthen the bond that has been preserved
for ages by their ancestors.

Furthermore, conventional skills provide innovative ideas to the development of

modern technologies. For example, stimulated by how the word “Love” is traditionally
knitted into a sweater by some ethnic minority women in Asia, some business
managers from textile industry have developed some production lines by applying the
traditional skills to Computer-Aided Designs (CAD). The products have boosted the
companies’ sales which, in turn, has increased their investment in the preservation of
traditional skills for further technological design.

To conclude, traditional skills and life styles are becoming increasingly worthwhile in
the modern society since they alleviate negative technological influences, sustain values
and contribute to inventions.

(297 words, ILETS 8.0)


thrive (v) /θraɪv/ Phát đạt

accelerate mass /əkˈseləreɪt/ /mæs/ Đẩy nhanh sản xuất hàng

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

production /prəˈdʌkʃən/ loạt

resort to distinctive /rɪˈzɔːt/ /tuː/ /dɪsˈtɪŋktɪv/ Sử dụng các phương pháp
traditional ones /trəˈdɪʃənl/ /wʌnz/ truyền thống đặc biệt
mainstream lifestyle /ˈmeɪnstriːm/ /ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl/ Lối sống truyền thống
nuclear family /ˈnjuːklɪə/ /ˈfæmɪli/ Gia đình hạt nhân
strengthen the bond /ˈstreŋθən/ /ðə/ /bɒnd/ Củng cố mối quan hệ
ethnic minority /ˈeθnɪk/ /maɪˈnɒrɪti/ Dân tộc thiểu số
textile industry /ˈtekstaɪl/ /ˈɪndəstri/ Ngành dệt may
boosted the companies’ /ˈbuːstɪd/ /ðə/ /ˈkʌmpəniz/ Thúc đẩy doanh số bán
sales /seɪlz/ hàng của các công ty
6. Scientists say that in the future humanity will speak the same language. Do you
think this is a positive or negative social development?

The advancement of technology has made it possible for people all around the world
to get into contact with each other, creating the need for a unified language on a global
scale. While I believe that a monolingual world has benefits on the social progress, its
detrimental effects cannot be overlooked.

Some might predict the good utilization of a unified language in a business or education
context. When the globalization promotes the commercial activities across countries,
communication between business partners can easily proceed without
misunderstanding. Furthermore, students possibly gain the access to a huge source of
knowledge in various fields and make friends with foreigners thanks to the absence of
language barrier. Learners can, therefore, comprehend information profoundly and
acquire cultural diversities from different territories.

Nevertheless, this trend has some demerits as the language of a country is closely
associated with its cultures. In many countries, traditions, myths and folktales are
transferred from one generation to the next via word of mouth rather than written text.
The loss of the variety of languages also accounts for the disappearance of unique
identities. In other words, there are concepts exclusive to a specific language as a
description of lifestyle varying between regions. This trend will gradually results in
a deprivation of cultural diversity that inherently contributes to the establishment of
the society.

In conclusion, while the emergence of a unified language may have its benefits at first
hand, the negative influences that come along is devastating and hard to prevent.

(254 words, IELTS 8)


comprehend information /ˌkɒmprɪˈhend/ /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən/ Thông hiểu thông tin

profoundly /prəˈfaʊndli/ sâu sắc

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

territory (n) /ˈterɪtəri/ Lãnh thổ

a deprivation of cultural /ə/ /ˌdeprɪˈveɪʃən/ /ɒv/ Sự mất đi sự đa dạng
diversity /ˈkʌlʧərəl/ /daɪˈvɜːsɪti/ văn hoá
the emergence of a /ði/ /ɪˈmɜːʤəns/ /ɒv/ /ə/ Sự xuất hiện của một
unified language /ˈjuːnɪfaɪd/ /ˈlæŋgwɪʤ/ ngôn ngữ
7. Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of
money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
The state has allocated budget to not only public sectors but also artistic fields which is
regarded as squandering. Though there is some truth in the argument that some fields,
namely healthcare, education and environment are worth investing in, it is also my
belief that the expenditure on arts is indispensable.
There are several reasons for spending a significant amount of the government budget
on public services. First and foremost, public sectors are vital for a country to function
properly. The government should sufficiently fund healthcare, launching programs to
eradicate epidemics and implement inoculation for children. Concerning education,
finance is required to conduct campaigns of literacy promotion and school
establishment, especially in remote areas. Without adequate consideration of these
fundamental spheres, citizens might fall victim to problems. Also, public services should
be given priority over entertainment to facilitate sustainable development. By funding
environment protection and security, the authority can address natural degradation
by human intervention and alleviate social illnesses for national long-term
development. These analyses clarify that public sectors, therefore, need revenue prior to
However, this does not mean that the arts should be completely neglected. To begin
with, arts entailing history and culture desperately need preserving and developing
since they are national identity. If citizens are financially supported to maintain
traditional painting or pre-war music, for example, they can impart their national traits
and belief worldwide. Also, the arts have an important impact on improving life quality
in terms of recreation. Many people take great pleasure in participating in an art gallery
or indulging themselves in a concert since these means of entertainment are the integral
part of their mental life. The government, accordingly, should spend their investment on
art to uplift natives’ spirit.
To sum up, while I accept there are clear benefits of ensuring a large amount of
investment goes into public services, I support the finance allocation to arts due to its
equally essential role.
(299 words, IELTS 8)


eradicate epidemics /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ /ˌepɪˈdemɪks/ Loại trừ dịch bệnh

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

implement /ˈɪmplɪmənt/ /ɪˌnɒkjʊˈleɪʃən/ Thực hiện tiêm phòng cho

inoculation for children /fɔː/ /ˈʧɪldrən/ trẻ em
literacy promotion /ˈlɪtərəsi/ /prəˈməʊʃən/ Nâng cao tỉ lệ biết chữ
address natural Giải quyết suy thoái tự
degradation nhiên
by human Bởi sự can thiệp của con
/baɪ/ /ˈhjuːmən/ /ˌɪntəːˈvenʃən/
intervention người
alleviate social
/əˈliːvɪeɪt/ /ˈsəʊʃəl/ /ˈɪlnɪsɪz/ Giảm bớt các tệ nạn xã hội
Nâng cao tinh thần của
uplift natives’ spirit /ˈʌplɪft/ /ˈneɪtɪvz/ /ˈspɪrɪt/
người bản địa

8. The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people
should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are
not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem
incompatible with the needs of younger people. Although I accept that some orthodox
ideas are out- dated for youngsters, I believe that others are still useful and cannot be
On the one hand, many of the ideas that elderly people have about life are becoming less
relevant to younger people. Initially, senior citizens have an inclination towards
stability and safety, whereas the youth tend to rebel this mindset. In the past, for
example, people were advised to learn a profession and find a secure job for life, but
today’s workers expect much more variety and diversity from their careers. At the same
time, the rules around relationships are being eroded as young adults make their
own choices about who and when to marry, not to mention their concepts of
cohabitation and divorce that are completely opposed to their grandparents’. On the top
of that, the greatest disparity between the generations can be seen in their attitudes
towards gender roles. The traditional roles of men and women, as breadwinners and
housewives, are no longer accepted as necessary or appropriate by most younger
On the other hand, I support the idea that some mainstream views and values are
certainly applicable to the modern world. As regards working principles, older
generations attach great importance to diligence and pride in one’s work which surely
benefit young people as they enter today’s competitive job market. Other characteristics
that are perhaps seen as traditional are politeness and good manners. In our globalized
world, young adults can expect to come into contact with people from a huge variety of
backgrounds, and it is more important than ever to treat others with respect. Finally,
only by maintaining a sense of a close-knit community and neighborliness can younger
people simultaneously show a compassion to the society and receive the support from
them, a perception kept for ages by the elderly.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in
today’s world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.
(332 words, IELTS 9)
incompatible with /ˌɪnkəmˈpætəbl/ /wɪð/ Không tương thích với
orthodox idea /ˈɔːθədɒks/ /aɪˈdɪə/ Ý tưởng chính thống
have an inclination /hæv/ /ən/ /ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃən/ Có khuynh hướng hướng
towards /təˈwɔːdz/ tới
rebel this mindset /ˈrebl/ /ðɪs/ /ˈmaɪndset/ Chống lại suy nghĩ này
the rules around /ðə/ /ruːlz/ /əˈraʊnd/ Các quy tắc xung quanh các
relationships are being /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps/ /ɑː/ /ˈbiːɪŋ/ mối quan hệ đang bị mất
eroded /ɪˈrəʊdɪd/ dần
/əˈtæʧ/ /greɪt/ /ɪmˈpɔːtəns/
attach great importance to Chú trọng đến
show a compassion to /ʃəʊ/ /ə/ /kəmˈpæʃən/ /tuː/ Thể hiện lòng trắc ẩn
Loại bỏ tất cả các ý tưởng
dismiss all traditional /dɪsˈmɪs/ /ɔːl/ /trəˈdɪʃənl/
truyền thống như là không
ideas as irrelevant /aɪˈdɪəz/ /æz/ /ɪˈrelɪvənt/
liên quan

9. In many countries, traditional dress and costumes are considered effective

ways of maintaining links with the past. How effective can traditional costumes
be, in this sense? What other ways exist to help citizens connect with a country’s
It is evident that preserving connections with our past via folk costumes is an admirable
objective, especially as the world evolves so rapidly. Though I agree with the essential
role of clothes in this sense, there are alternatives to maintain ancient culture.
Admittedly, national costumes are indispensable in tradition preservation for some
reasons. First of all, historic dress plays a key role in social events such as religious
rituals or military parades which are helpful in transmitting social memes such
as public duty and self-sacrifice to inhabitants. Traditional costumes also remind us of
the origins of cultural traditions and mythologies; for instance, the historic Swiss
national dress evokes their medieval independence. In addition, so elaborate and
unique are traditional attires that they give a deep impression to viewers, making the
national symbol constantly exist in their mind. Flamenco dress in Spain is a case in
point. A cascade of ruffles and intricate patterns in flamboyant colors are ingrained
in Spanish and tourists in festivals.
However, it is irrefutable that costumes are an accessory that cannot constitute the
central message. It is the ceremonies themselves which convey the cultural norms and
maintain the fabric of society. In this sense, the costumes are of secondary importance.
Furthermore, it seems that there are, in fact, much more powerful ways in which
culture is conserved and handed down between the generations. Most countries
have a rich heritage of legends and folklore about the birth and development of their

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

nation, some of which are mythological and some being grounded in truth, particularly
English stories about Robin Hood or George and the Dragon. These stories are a
cultural inheritance which embodies important symbols and concepts far more
effectively than dress. Similarly, we must remember the significance of art and music in
passing on our traditions, in forms ranging from fine art to handicrafts, and from opera
to traditional shanties and dirges. The presence of visual or linguistic messages in
these media makes them more effective than costumes which convey no language.
Overall, we must recognize and welcome the use of traditional dress in maintaining our
cultures. However, the forms of stories, art and music would appear to be the driving
forces in this invaluable process.
(350 words, IELTS 9)
religious ritual /rɪˈlɪʤəs/ /ˈrɪʧʊəl/ Nghi lễ tôn giáo
military parade /ˈmɪlɪtəri/ /pəˈreɪd/ Cuộc diễu hành quân sự
transmitting social /trænzˈmɪtɪŋ/ /ˈsəʊʃəl/ Lưu truyền giá trị văn
memes /miːmz/ hóa xã hội
public duty /ˈpʌblɪk/ /ˈdjuːti/ Công vụ
self-sacrifice /self/-/ˈsækrɪfaɪs/ Sự hy sinh
mythology (n) /mɪˈθɒləʤi/ Thần thoại
evoke their medieval /ɪˈvəʊk/ /ðeə/ /ˌmedɪˈiːvəl/ Gợi lên sự độc lập thời
independence /ˌɪndɪˈpendəns/ trung cổ của họ
intricate pattern /ˈɪntrɪkɪt/ /ˈpætən/ Mẫu hoa văn phức tạp
flamboyant color /flæmˈbɔɪənt/ /ˈkʌlə/ Màu sắc rực rỡ
be ingrained in /biː/ /ɪnˈgreɪnd/ /ɪn/ Ăn sâu vào
cultural norm /ˈkʌlʧərəl/ /nɔːm/ Chuẩn mực văn hoá
the fabric of society /ðə/ /ˈfæbrɪk/ /ɒv/ /səˈsaɪəti/ Cơ cấu của xã hội
/ˈkʌlʧər/ /ɪz/ /kənˈsɜːvd/
culture is conserved and
/ænd/ /ˈhændɪd/ /daʊn/ Văn hoá được bảo tồn và
handed down between the
/bɪˈtwiːn/ /ðə/ truyền lại giữa các thế hệ
legend (n) /ˈleʤənd/ Huyền thoại
folklore (n) /ˈfəʊklɔː/ Văn hoá dân gian
cultural inheritance /ˈkʌlʧərəl/ /ɪnˈherɪtəns/ Thừa kế văn hoá
fine art /faɪn/ /ɑːt/ Mỹ nghệ
shanty (n) /ˈʃænti/ Điệu hò
dirge (n) /dɜːʤ/ Bài ca truy điệu

Rõ ràng là việc gìn giữ sợi dây liên kết với lịch sử bằng trang phục truyền thống là một
mục đích đáng nể, đặc biệt là khi thế giới phát triển quá nhanh chóng. Mặc dù tôi đồng ý

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với vai trò thiết yếu của quần áo về mặt này, vẫn còn những giải pháp khác để duy trì
văn hoá cổ truyền.

Phải thừa nhận rằng, trang phục dân tộc là không thể thiếu trong việc bảo tồn truyền
thống vì một số lý do. Trước hết, trang phục lịch sử đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong
các sự kiện xã hội như các nghi lễ tôn giáo hoặc các cuộc diễu binh, nhờ đó có tác dụng
truyền lại cho cư dân các phong tục xã hội như bổn phận với cộng đồng và sự quên
mình. Các trang phục truyền thống cũng nhắc nhở chúng ta về nguồn gốc của các truyền
thống văn hoá và thần thoại, ví dụ như trang phục quốc gia Thụy Sĩ lịch sử gợi nhắc nền
độc lập có được vào thời trung cổ. Thêm vào đó, trang phục truyền thống tinh xảo và độc
đáo đến độ tạo được ấn tượng sâu sắc đối với người xem và làm cho biểu tượng quốc gia
luôn tồn tại trong tâm trí của họ. Chiếc đầm Flamenco của Tây Ban Nha là một ví dụ.
Hàng loạt các dãy bèo nhúng và hoạ tiết cầu kỳ có màu sặc sỡ được ăn sâu vào tâm trí
người Tây Ban Nha và khách du lịch tại các lễ hội.

Tuy nhiên, không thể phủ nhận rằng trang phục chỉ là một phụ kiện, không thể tạo nên
thông điệp cốt lõi. Chính những nghi lễ mới là phương thức truyền đạt các tiêu chuẩn
văn hoá và duy trì nền tảng của xã hội. Nói như vậy, lễ phục chỉ có tầm quan trọng thứ
yếu. Hơn nữa, thật ra có nhiều cách hiệu quả hơn nhiều để bảo tồn và truyền lại văn hoá
giữa các thế hệ. Hầu hết các nước đều có di sản phong phú về huyền thoại và sự tích về
sự ra đời và phát triển của đất nước; trong đó, một số chỉ là thần thoại và một số được
dựa trên sự thật, đặc biệt là những câu chuyện của nước Anh về Robin Hood hay chuyện
Thánh George và con rồng. Những câu chuyện này là một di sản văn hoá thể hiện các
biểu tượng và quan niệm, quan trọng hơn rất nhiều so với trang phục. Tương tự như
vậy, chúng ta phải nhớ đến tầm quan trọng của nghệ thuật và âm nhạc trong truyền
thống của chúng ta, từ hình thức từ mỹ thuật đến thủ công mỹ nghệ, từ opera đến các
điệu hát truyền thống. Sự hiện diện của các thông điệp bằng hình ảnh hoặc ngôn ngữ
trong các phương tiện này làm cho chúng hiệu quả hơn trang phục, vốn là những thứ
không truyền đạt ngôn ngữ.

Nói chung, chúng ta phải công nhận và hoan nghênh việc sử dụng trang phục truyền
thống để duy trì nền văn hoá của mình. Tuy nhiên, các hình thức khác như chuyện kể,
nghệ thuật và âm nhạc mới là động lực thúc đẩy quá trình bảo tồn vô giá.

10. In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast
foods. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies.

Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

It is true that the international fast foods are gaining more popularity, and they are
replacing the intake of traditional foods in many countries. In my opinion, this trend has
severe negative consequences both on our family and society.

Not as nutritious and wholesome as traditional dishes, fast foods are likely to bring
about health issues to eaters. Initially, with a hectic lifestyle, people are solely relying on
fast food items rather than preparing traditional foods at home. Since junk foods
contain high calories and saturated fats, consumers live in a society where obesity and
heart diseases are common problems. According to the recent statistics published by the
Healthcare Ministry, every child out of 15 in the USA is suffering from some kind of
weight-related diseases stemming from fast food consumption. Apart from this, since
preservatives, refined sugar and other unhealthy substances are often added to
processed foods, family members may have other serious illnesses in the long term.

Concerning traditional aspects, food specialties feature culture and etiquettes that have
been maintained for centuries; therefore, the substitution of delicacies by
international fast foods means letting the national identity fall into oblivion, which has
an adverse impact on individuals and the community. Children no longer relish
traditional dishes in festivals, thus probably forgetting their origin along with the legend
behind them. Moreover, if fast foods take the place of traditional cuisine, codes of
behavior associated with national gastronomy may be obliterated. Taking table
manners in Japan as an example, the people are well-known for their order, respect and
techniques with tools. If fast food encroached on their traditional dining rules, the
removal of manners would probably occur.

In conclusion, it is a very pressing issue that we are relying more on fast foods than
home-cooked dishes. This has many problems on the well-being and the tradition of
families and the society.

(291 words, IELTS 7.5)


junk food (n) /ʤʌŋk/ /fuːd/ Đồ ăn vặt

saturated fat /ˈsæʧəreɪtɪd/ /fæt/ Chất béo bão hòa
obesity (n) /əʊˈbiːsɪti/ Béo phì
preservatives (n) /prɪˈzɜːvətɪvz/ Chất bảo quản
refined sugar /rɪˈfaɪnd/ /ˈʃʊgə/ Đường tinh luyện

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/ðə/ /ˌsʌbstɪˈtjuːʃən/ /ɒv/ Sự thay thế của món

the substitution of delicacies
/ˈdelɪkəsiz/ đặc sản
fall into oblivion /fɔːl/ /ˈɪntuː/ /əˈblɪvɪən/ Rơi vào quên lãng
gastronomy (n) /gæsˈtrɒnəmi/ Ẩm thực
obliterate (v) /əˈblɪtəreɪt/ Xóa sổ

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison
sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing
crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2. Prison is the common way in most countries to solve the problem of crime.
However, a more effective solution is to provide people with a better education.
Agree or disagree (30.01.2016)

3. Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this
happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem (4. 2017)

4. Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think
that having these people to give a talk to school students is the best way to tell them
about dangers of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree? (3. 2015)

5. Some people believe that a crime is a result of social problems and poverty, others
think that crime is a result of bad person’s nature. Discuss both views and give your
opinion (11.2014)

6. In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers.

Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this? (8.2014)

7. In many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to
reduce crime, but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual
freedom. Do advantages of cameras outweigh drawbacks?

8. Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime.
Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the
motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the
punishment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

9. Some people advocate death penalty for those who committed violent crimes. Others
say that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society.
Describe advantages and disadvantages of death penalty and give your opinion.

10. In many countries, financial crime involving identity theft is increasing. What are the
causes of this trend, and what effect does identity theft have on the victims involved?
11. Having police officers patrolling the streets is often considered an essential way to
reduce crime. How effective do you think police street patrols are? What other ways of
reducing crime can you propose?

12. The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in
order to decrease violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



1. The best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences or there are
better alternatives. Discuss
Longer prison sentences:

- Spending a long time in prison provides criminals with an opportunity to

+ Prisoners may work with psychologists to alleviate their mental sufferings
+ Having time to differentiate righteousness from fallacies, law violators repent of
their anti-social behavior.
+ Wrong-doers learn that unlawful actions have consequences; therefore, they are not
likely to reoffend.
+ In some prisons, inmates are trained for working skills in re-educational programs,
enabling them to reintegrate into the society afterwards
- Lengthier sentences ensure safety and societal order since felons are in captivity.
- A long-term confinement can act as a deterrent for the society, especially for those
who are having an anti-social intention.

Better alternatives:
- While first-time law-breakers probably do community service/ pay a fine/ receive a
caution, offenders of more severe crimes may be put on probation:

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+Performing community order is not only a way for wrong-doers to compensate for
their mistakes, but it also improves their personalities.
+ In the case of juvenile delinquents, a fine/ a caution/ the probation is an adequate
warning. Meanwhile, longer imprisonment possibly gives them a criminal record
which affects their future.
- The government could focus its resources on the causes of crime.
Crime (n) /kraɪm/ Tội phạm
=offence /əˈfens/
= unlawful act /ʌnˈlɔːfʊl/ /ækt/
= illegal activity /ɪˈliːgəl/ /ækˈtɪvɪti/
= violation of the law /ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃən/ /ɒv/ /ðə/ /lɔː/
= misdemeanor /ˌmɪsdɪˈmiːnə/
= misdeed /ˌmɪsˈdiːd/
= law-breaking (n) /lɔː/-/ˈbreɪkɪŋ/
Commit a crime /kəˈmɪt/ /ə/ /kraɪm/ Phạm tội
= commit an offence /kəˈmɪt/ /ən/ /əˈfens/
= offend /əˈfend/
= do an unlawful act /duː/ /ən/ /ʌnˈlɔːfʊl/ /ækt/
= violate/ break the law (v) /ˈvaɪəleɪt// /breɪk/ /ðə/ /lɔː/
Criminal (n) /ˈkrɪmɪnl/ Kẻ phạm tội
= lawbreaker /ˈlɔːˌbreɪkə/
= offender /əˈfendə/
= law violator /lɔː/ /ˈvaɪəleɪtə/
= wrong-doer /rɒŋ/-/ˈdu(ː)ə/
= culprit /ˈkʌlprɪt/
= delinquent (n) /dɪˈlɪŋkwənt/
felon (n)
a criminal of a serious crime
Người phạm tội ở tuổi
juvenile delinquent (n) /ˈʤuːvɪnaɪl/ /dɪˈlɪŋkwənt/
vị thành niên
reoffend (v) /ˌriːəˈfend/ Tái phạm tội
reoffender = recidivist(n)
a person who commit a -> /ˌriːəˈfendə/ /rɪˈsɪdɪvɪst/ Người tái phạm tội
crime again
reoffending = recidivism
->/ˌriːəˈfendɪŋ/ /rɪˈsɪdɪvɪzm/ Sự tái phạm tội
Prisoner = inmate (n) /ˈprɪznə/ /ˈɪnmeɪt/ Tù nhân
Người có tiền án hình
Ex-prisoner (n) /eks/-/ˈprɪznə/
= ex-criminal /eks/-/ˈkrɪmɪnl/

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= ex-convict (n) /eks/-/ˈkɒnvɪkt/

Rehabilitate (v)
/ˌriːəˈbɪlɪteɪt/ /riː/- /ˈedʒukeɪt/ Cải tạo
= re-educate (v)
-> rehabilitation (n)
= reeducation
differentiate /ˌdɪfəˈrenʃɪeɪt/ /ˈraɪʧəsnɪs/ /frɒm/ Phân biệt sự công bình
righteousness from fallacies /ˈfæləsiz/ từ những sai lầm
repent of their anti-social /rɪˈpent/ /ɒv/ /ðeə/ /ˈænti/- Hối hận về hành vi
behavior /ˈsəʊʃəl/ /bɪˈheɪvjə/ chống phá xã hội
reintegrate into the /ˌriːˈɪntɪgreɪt/ /ˈɪntuː/
Tái hòa nhập xã hội
society /ðə//səˈsaɪəti/
Đóng vai trò như một
act as a deterrent /ækt/ /æz/ /ə/ /dɪˈterənt/
sự ngăn chặn
do community service: /duː/ /kəˈmjuːnɪti/ /ˈsɜːvɪs/: Lao động công ích
pay a fine: /peɪ/ /ə/ /faɪn/: Nộp phạt
receive a caution: /rɪˈsiːv/ /ə/ /ˈkɔːʃən/: Bị cảnh cáo
be put on probation: /biː/ /pʊt/ /ɒn/ /prəˈbeɪʃən/: Án treo
severe crime>< lenient /sɪˈvɪə/ /kraɪm/>< /ˈliːniənt/ Tội nghiêm trọng><tội
crime: /kraɪm/: nhẹ
a criminal record: /ə/ /ˈkrɪmɪnl/ /ˈrekɔːd/: Hồ sơ tội phạm

3. Causes and solutions to repeat offence

- The lack of rehabilitation: Connect with Topic 1: Longer prison sentences:
In some prisons, inmates are not trained for working skills in re-educational programs,
so they hardly reintegrate into the society afterwards
- Living with other inmates: Connect with Topic 1: Better alternatives:
Concerning longer periods of imprisonment, lawbreakers may acquire negative
attitudes and behavior from other prisoners while living together
- Re-education
- Police should regularly supervise and check the residential areas where released
criminals are living.
4. Prisoners become good citizens. Having these people to give a talk to students
is the best way to tell them about the dangers of committing a crime. Agree/

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

- These ex-criminals are real examples of the fact that people have to pay for their
unlawful activities, thus raising awareness of law-abiding citizens among young
Connect with Topic 1
A long-term confinement can act as a deterrent for the society, especially for those who
are having an anti-social intention.
Disagree: Alternatives:
- Parents teach students at home in their childhood.
- Besides to academic subjects, schools should integrate moral lessons into curricula.
▪ law-abiding citizen /ˈlɔːəˌbaɪdɪŋ/ /ˈsɪtɪzn/: công dân tuân thủ pháp luật

5. A crime is a result of social problems and poverty, or a result of bad person’s

nature. Discuss.
A crime is a result of social problems and poverty
- Raised in a dysfunctional family or community, a child may witness or suffer abuse,
negligence and other social evils. Consequently, their extreme behavior, such as
aggression, defiance and hostility could be given free rein to develop.
- Drug addicts resort to offences, such as theft in order to satisfy their cravings.
- Lacking knowledge about law, many indigent residents in remote areas are incited by
traffickers to chop trees and poach wild animals.
- If people do not have sufficient money to make ends meet, they will be tempted to
pursue illegal activities to support themselves and their families.
A crime is a result of bad person’s nature
- Criminologists indicate that some genes are responsible for anti-social behavior (Ex:
mass-shooting, genocide…)
- Aggressive children are more likely to break the law than gentle ones
- Bad characteristics such as laziness or selfishness could also breed future offenders
who seek to acquire money without working diligently for it.
Gia đình bất hòa, nghèo
dysfunctional family /dɪsˈfʌŋkʃənəl/ /ˈfæmɪli/
negligence (n) /ˈneglɪʤəns/ Sự thiếu quan tâm
social evils /ˈsəʊʃəl/ /ˈiːvlz/ Tệ nạn xã hội

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defiance (n) /dɪˈfaɪəns/ Thách thức

hostility (n) /hɒsˈtɪlɪti/ Sự thù địch
give free rein /gɪv/ /friː/ /reɪn/ Cho phép tự do
drug addict /drʌg/ /ˈædɪkt/ Nghiện ma tuý
satisfy their craving /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ /ðeə/ /ˈkreɪvɪŋ/ Thỏa mãn cơn nghiện
incite (v) /ɪnˈsaɪt/ Kích động, xúi giục
6.Juvenile delinquency: A high proportion of criminal acts are committed by
teenagers. Causes and Solutions ?
- Connect with Topic 5: A crime is a result of social problems and poverty
- Teenagers are incited by their delinquent peers
- Fighting and bloody scenes which are rampant in means of media also trigger law
violation among teenagers.
- While parents supervise their immature children, the government should intervene in
child exploitation.
- Schools organize extra-curricular activities to develop teenagers’ characteristics and
separate them from bad friends.
- The state also imposes stringent censorship on the media to eliminate inappropriate
films, shows and news from youngsters.
Tội phạm/ kẻ xấu đồng
delinquent peers /dɪˈlɪŋkwənt/ /pɪəz/
trang lứa
impose stringent /ɪmˈpəʊz/ /ˈstrɪnʤənt/ Áp đặt kiểm duyệt nghiêm
censorship on sth /ˈsensəʃɪp/ /ɒn/ ngặt về điều gì


7. Video cameras in public places reduce crime but restrict freedom. Advantages,
disadvantages of cameras.
- Cameras deter crime because criminals are less likely to commit crimes if they know
they are being watched
- It is evident that video cameras are user-friendly and prevalent on the market, so they
have been installed in countless businesses and public locations to minimize

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- Cameras reduce the number of security guards necessary for patrolling a place
- The majority of people filmed in public places are ordinary, law- abiding citizens, so
this is an infringement on their rights.
- A person is left with a choice of either surrendering their privacy or not going to
public spaces.
- Some citizens feel uncomfortable when they are conscious of being filmed.
infringement (n) /ɪnˈfrɪnʤmənt/ Vi phạm
surrendering their privacy /səˈrendərɪŋ/ /ðeə/ /ˈprɪvəsi/ Từ bỏ quyền riêng tư

8. Fixed punishment or circumstances, motives. Discuss

Fixed punishment
- Fixed penalty symbolizes a society of justice and equity where criminals of the same
type are condemned equally
- A fixed retribution for a type of wrong-doing means that no concession is made, thus
acting as an effective deterrent against anti-social behavior.
- An unchanged sentence reduces nepotism in the justice system, which ensures
fairness among lawbreakers.
Circumstances and motives
- Morality of the justice system.
- Fixed punishment is not fair in many circumstances.
sentence sb to sth (usually passive): /ˈsentəns/sb/tuː/sth Tuyên án ai điều gì
Ex: he was sentenced to death/ life
imprisonment/ three years/
condemn sb to sth (usually passive): /kənˈdem/ sb /tuː/ sth Xử ai hình phạt gì.
Ex: he was condemned to death: Anh ta bị xử tội chết
nepotism (n) /ˈnepətɪzm/ Gia đình trị
▪ make a concession: /meɪk/ /ə/ /kənˈseʃən/: Nhượng bộ
▪ impertinent (a) /ɪmˈpɜːtɪnənt/ Không lễ phép, xấc láo
/ˈmænˈslɔːtər/ /ɪn/ /self/-
manslaughter in self-defense: Giết người để tự vệ
premeditated murder: /priːˈmedɪteɪtɪd/ /ˈmɜːdə/ Cố ý giết người

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

9. Death penalty. Advantages, disadvantages

- Connect with Topic 1: Longer prison sentences
- The governments reduce national budget on keeping prisoners annually.
- Living is the basic right of any human being; therefore, no one can infringe it
irrespective of the person’s deeds.
- Innocent people could face wrongful execution, which is irreversible to the judge.
Death penalty (n) /deθ/ /ˈpenlti/ Án tử hình
= capital punishment /ˈkæpɪtl/ /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/
= execution /ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃən/
irreversible (adj) /ˌɪrɪˈvɜːsəbl/ Không thể đảo ngược

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is
this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

A large number of criminals continue to violate the law after the first time in captivity.
While there are several reasons for this alarming trend, some effective measures can be
taken by the government to address this issue.

Recidivism could be attributed to two main causes, including the lack of rehabilitation
and difficulty in seeking employment after the offenders are released. Initially, many
inmates are not given a chance to retrain to gain a profound insight into appropriate
moral behavior, not to mention the impact of wrong attitudes from other prisoners.
Consequently, not only may lawbreakers mistake right actions as wrong ones, but they
also probably conspire with their friends in jail against the societal order. Besides,
offenders often do not have any other means of earning money owing to their lack of job
skills and employers’ prejudice against a criminal record. In other words, encountering
financial obstacles, these people struggle and end up in illegal acts. To illustrate, most
repeat wrongdoers in developing countries are hired with a meager payment or not
employed in even assiduous manual jobs.

The government possibly adopts some remedies to alleviate reoffending after law
violators are discharged. The primary solution is to provide better reeducation in
terms of both ethics and career. By listening to advice and explanation from
psychologists and having discussion with other prisoners under consultants’
supervision, criminals themselves will realize their misdemeanors and repent. In
addition, knowledge and skills of certain jobs ensure that they obtain a stable
employment when they reintegrate into the society. Along with that, if the authorities
encourage local companies to recruit these individuals, this problem, in all likelihood,
will be reduced dramatically.

To conclude, recidivism is prevailing in many countries because of poor rehabilitation

and prisoners’ unemployment after serving the first sentence. However, the state should
simultaneously improve training regarding morality and working skills and persuade
business to take these citizens on to mitigate the issue.

(312 words, IELTS 8)

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▪ in captivity /ɪn/ /kæpˈtɪvɪti/ Bị giam giữ

▪ conspire with their friends /kənˈspaɪə/ /wɪð/ /ðeə/ /frendz/ Âm mưu với bạn bè
Thải ra (khỏi nhà
▪ discharge /dɪsˈʧɑːʤ/
▪ Consultant (n) /kənˈsʌltənt/ Tư vấn viên

2. In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by

teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?

Juvenile delinquency has been rapidly increasing in many areas recently. There are
several factors responsible for the alarming rate of youth crime and some appropriate
measures taken to alleviate this problem.

It is undeniable that the high percentage of young lawbreakers is caused by their

families and the social media. Regarding dysfunctional families, not only are youngsters
threatened by domestic violence or criticism, but they are also left unsupervised. Their
extreme behavior, such as aggression, defiance and hostility, could be given free rein to
develop, leading to committing crime without their awareness of its consequences.
According to recent reports, many young rebels in the US used to witness abuse or be
abused in their own families which were often broken or deprived. Furthermore,
fighting and bloody scenes which are rampant in means of media also trigger law
violation among teenagers. These violent images ignite the young’ s impulsiveness
while giving them the illusion that these actions are morally accepted.

Adults in families and the authorities should join hand to mitigate delinquency. Given
their parental responsibility, people have to attend to their immature children, sharing
with them during their mental development and supervising the content of films and
programs that their teenagers are engrossed in. Moreover, the government may offer
assistance to broken and destitute families in forms of education or finance. Children
could be separated from abusive fathers and mothers and raised in a wholesome
environment. Last but not least, the state also imposes stringent censorship on the
media to eliminate inappropriate films, shows and news from youngsters.

In summary, the negligence of families and violent contents in newspaper, TV and the
Internet may cause offence among minors. Fortunately, teenagers’ illegalities are
probably eradicated by the coordination of their parents and the government.

(302 words- IELTS 8)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

▪ domestic violence /dəˈmestɪk/ /ˈvaɪələns/ Bạo lực gia đình

▪ rebel (n) /ˈrebl/ Người nổi loạn
▪ ignite the young’ s /ɪgˈnaɪt/ /ðə/ /jʌŋ z/ Kích thích sự bốc đồng của
impulsiveness /ɪmˈpʌlsɪvnəs/ tuổi trẻ
▪ broken and destitute /ˈbrəʊkən/ /ænd/ /ˈdestɪtjuːt/
Gia đình tan vỡ và thiếu thốn
families /ˈfæmɪliz/

3. Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison
sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing
crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is argued that the most optimal way to minimize law violation is to place offenders in
prison for lengthier periods or to adopt other approaches. Many people advocate the
former ideas, but I am of the opinion that alternative measures are far more effective.
There are benefits of giving offenders longer prison sentences. Firstly, spending a long
time in prison provides an opportunity for the prison services to rehabilitate a prisoner.
For example, someone who has committed a serious offence such as assault will need a
long time in prison in order to be sure they can be re-educated so as not to re-offend. In
addition to this, longer prison sentences will act as a deterrent for someone who has an
anti-social intention since a long-term confinement means they are enforced to work
assiduously and separated from the community.
However, I believe that various solutions are available to alleviate lawbreaking. One
option is community service. This gives an offender the opportunity to serve useful
needs of the society, thus improving their personalities and creating a positive image in
people’s hearts. Also, the government could focus its resources on the causes of crime,
which would lead to less crime in the future. For instance, many indigent settlers in
remote or mountainous areas are incited by traffickers to chop trees and poach wild
animals. If the authority offered employment and assisted them in education, these
residents would not resort to illegal jobs.
To conclude, although some concur that serving a longer sentence alleviates offence, I
still support other choices, namely helping the community and researching crime
(280 words- IELTS 8)
▪ assault (v) /əˈsɔːlt/ Tấn công
/pəʊʧ/ /waɪld/
▪ poach wild animals Săn động vật hoang dã
▪ trafficker (v) /ˈtræfɪkə/ Kẻ buôn người
▪ crime motive /kraɪm/ /ˈməʊtɪv/ Động cơ phạm tội
4. Prison is the common way in most countries to solve the problem of crime.
However, a more effective solution is to provide people with a better education.
Agree or disagree (30/01/2016)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Many people believe that the reduction of the crime rate will be achieved more
effectively through better education rather than prison sentences. I disagree with this
view, because I consider that both approaches have their own distinctive merits and
should each play an integral role in tackling crime.
On the one hand, I would argue that prison is effective in dealing with offenders. One
reason is that a person who commits a crime must learn that unlawful actions have
consequences. Murderers, for instance, must be imprisoned for many years and such a
punishment may act as a deterrent. They know that they will face loss of freedom, social
isolation and separation from their beloved ones if they carry out such a criminal act.
Another reason is that when serious offenders are behind bars, they are no longer a
danger to society and people can walk in the streets or relax in their homes more safely.
On the other hand, I consider that education has a complementary role to play. Firstly,
in schools, students should study some aspects of the law which affect their lives.
Having some knowledge of the law, students are better prepared to avoid situations
which may involve them in crime or becoming a victim. For example, youngsters must
study the important laws about driving and road safety. Secondly, in prisons
themselves, educational programmes must aim to provide prisoners with skills and
qualifications to find work when they are released.
I believe that prison sentences are one essential weapon in the fight against crime, and I
disagree that providing better education alone is a more effective solution to reduce the
crime rate.
(275 words- IELTS 7+)
▪ imprison (v) /ɪmˈprɪzn/ Bỏ tù
▪ be behind bars Bị giam giữ
/ə/ /ˌkɒmplɪˈmentəri/
▪ a complementary role Một vai trò bổ sung

5. Some people advocate death penalty for those who committed violent crimes.
Others say that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society. Do
the advantages of death penalty outweigh disadvantages?

Many people accept that execution is necessary to keep security system efficient in the
society, although others insist that there are some negative aspects of this severe
punishment. From my perspective, merits of capital punishment overtake its demerits
owing to following reasons.

Death penalty can be considered an unsuitable retribution for several reasons. The
strongest argument is that we have no rights to kill other humans. Living is the basic
right of any human being; therefore, no one can infringe it irrespective of the person’s
deeds. Moreover, innocent people could face wrongful execution. In this case, such
unfair sentences deprive ordinary citizens of living and make others lose faith in law

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

and justice. Besides, it is indisputable that if criminals repent of their acts, they should
be given a second chance to improve themselves.

However, I believe that capital punishment is pivotal in the society. Firstly, it is an

effective deterrent of major crimes. The best method to prevent a person from
committing crime is to show the consequences of his or her actions. For example, the
government of Pakistan has controlled the rate of terrorism by enforcing death
penalties for the members of terrorist organisations. Secondly, the governments spend
large sums of national budget on maintenance of prisoners annually. Instead, this
money can be allocated for other sectors, such as healthcare, education, military affairs
and welfare of the community.

To sum up, although capital punishment has some disadvantages, I concur that it proves
to be the best way of controlling criminals, lessening governmental expenses and
preventing other nationals from violating the law.

(264 words- IELTS 8)

▪ lose faith in law and /luːz/ /feɪθ/ Mất niềm tin vào luật pháp và
justice /ɪn//lɔː//ænd//ˈʤʌstɪs/ công lý
▪ terrorism (n) /ˈterərɪzm/ Khủng bố

6. In many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in
order to reduce crime, but some people believe these measures restrict our
individual freedom. Do advantages of cameras outweigh drawbacks?
In many metropolitan areas, CCTV is on the increase with the express purpose of
tackling misdeeds, however, some would argue that this installation encroaches upon
our liberty. In my viewpoint, downsides of surveillance cameras are greater than their
upsides on account of following explanation.
Most advocates of surveillance insist that cameras deter crime because criminals are
less likely to commit crimes if they know they are being watched. This is due to the fact
that cameras in public places are so innovative that they can record 24/7 in details,
meaning that law violators might be arrested by security guards immediately if any
suspicion is detected. In shopping malls, to illustrate, many pickpockets had been
stopped and had returned stolen items before they could escape thanks to surveillance
device. Also, it is evident that video cameras are user-friendly and prevalent on the
market, so countless businesses and public locations have been installed with them,
minimizing misdemeanors.
From my perspective, this argument is further weakened by the fact that the
overwhelming majority of people filmed in public places are ordinary, law- abiding
citizens, so this is an infringement of their rights. A person should not have their every
move digitally recorded, when all they want to do is to travel to their job or to go
shopping. A person is left with a choice of either surrendering their privacy or not going

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

to public spaces, which is an erosion of the right to privacy. For example, it is estimated
that a person living in any major city in the UK will be recorded up to 80% of the time
they are in public.
In conclusion, the drawbacks of video surveillance far outweigh the benefits because
major criminals, including terrorists, are not put off by it, and CCTV also results in
citizens having to relinquish too much of their private lives to the state.
(309 words-IELTS 8)

▪ surveillance (n) /sɜːˈveɪləns/ Giám sát

▪ relinquish (v) /rɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃ/ Từ bỏ

7. Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people
think that having these people to give a talk to school students is the best way to
tell them about dangers of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?
It is evident that many ex-prisoners have acquired righteousness, transforming into
good nationals. While I agree that asking those who are released from prison to have a
talk to school students is a good education method, I also believe that there are better
alternatives to the problem, as will now be discussed.
On the one hand, I agree that students may be conscious of the consequences of
engaging in criminal activities when attending a talk delivered by ex-prisoners. As their
life stories are often vivid and persuasive, this can draw the attention of school students.
These ex-criminals are real examples of the fact that people have to pay for their
unlawful activities, thus raising awareness of law-abiding citizens among young people.
The success of a series of educational programs on Vietnamese Television channels
about the price that offenders have to pay proves that the narrative forms of crime
education can work. It is hoped that a speech of used-to-be wrongdoers is promoted at
all school levels in future.
However, I believe that a combination of different education methods would produce a
more desirable result compared to a former prisoner holding a talk. Primarily, it has
long been acknowledged that the home environment has a profound effect on the
development of a child. Some research indicates that while a number of felons
underwent fallacies and abuse at home in their childhood, virtuous citizens originated
from families having considerate, intellectual adults. Furthermore, teachers at schools
also play an important role in raising the awareness of students about law violation. In
addition to academic subjects, moral lessons ought to be integrated in the classroom,
and a positive education environment should be promoted, contributing to crime
In conclusion, it is my opinion that a talk given by ex-offenders, though effective, is not
the best education method for crime education. Teaching from families and schools are
also efficient approaches to bar youngsters from anti-social behavior.
(321 words- IELTS 7+)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

8. In many countries, financial crime involving identity theft is increasing. What

are the causes of this trend, and what effect does identity theft have on the victims
There is no doubt that identity fraud is a great concern, especially in Western countries
where people are most at risk. There are two main causes, and a number of damaging
effects of this criminal act.
The major cause is probably the almost universal use of digital technology to store
financial data and undertake financial transactions. It is surprisingly easy for criminals
to obtain personal information about a possible victim, and then to use this information
to impersonate the target. Because bank accounts and loans can be applied for digitally,
without the need for face-to-face contact, the criminals are able to access financial
products remotely, often before the victim is even aware of the attack. The second key
cause is, I believe, the increasing probability of ‘traditional’ crimes (such as armed
robbery, mugging or burglary) being detected. When criminals see the widespread use
of CCTV, DNA profiling and fingerprinting, they are less inclined to indulge in such old-
fashioned crimes. Rather, they prefer the lower risk and more profitable use of data-
based crimes.
The effects on the unfortunate victims can be quite devastating. Firstly, there is the loss
of money from bank accounts or by being connected to a fraudulent loan. In some
cases, this can take years for the victim to pay back or resolve with the banks and the
authorities. Secondly, there is a damage to their credit rating, which means they may
find it impossible to obtain legitimate credit in future. In extreme cases, people’s
employment prospects can even be damaged as well, as they find themselves profiled as
a financial risk.
Overall, the presence of technology and the decline of ‘traditional’ crimes are the key
causes behind this trend. The effects on the victims involve long-term financial hardship
in many instances.

(293 words- IELTS 9)

▪ identity fraud /aɪˈdentɪti/ /frɔːd/ Lừa đảo nhận dạng

▪ fraudulent loan /ˈfrɔːdjʊlənt/ /ləʊn/ Khoản vay gian lận

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

9. Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of
crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and
the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when
deciding on the punishment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
People have different opinions about whether there should be fixed retributions for
each kind of offence or conviction should be based on cases and criminal motives. While
some advocate benefits of the former idea, in my viewpoint, it is advisable to consider
motivations before passing a sentence.
On the one hand, some people insist on fixed punishments for different kinds of law
violation for some explanations. Firstly, they think it symbolizes a society of justice and
equity where criminals of the same type are condemned equally. Secondly, a fixed
penalty for a type of wrong-doing means that no concession is made, thus acting as an
effective deterrent against anti-social behavior. Felons, for example, are dangerous
members of society and need to be punished according to their heinous actions. And if
they knew they could convince the judges and jury of their sentence by one way or
another, fairness would not be guaranteed.
On the other hand, I would argue that the motive and circumstance of any illegalities
should be contemplated closely. It reflects humanity existing in parallel with every
decision of conviction. Certainly manslaughter in self-defense could not possibly be
compared with a premeditated murder. In other words, the circumstance in which
the crime is carried out has to be on the list of consideration. Additionally, the judge
could decide the best objective response to a case based on many perspectives. For
example, a man who steals money to feed his family should be exempted from
In conclusion, I would side with people who think not having fixed punishments is
better, although treating lawbreakers of each illegality equally might be legitimate to
some extent.
(255 words- IELTS 8)
▪ heinous actions /ˈheɪnəs/ /ˈækʃ(ə)nz/ Hành động tàn ác
Lòng tin chắc, sự kết án,
▪ conviction (n) /kənˈvɪkʃən/
phán quyết
▪ be exempted from /biː/ /ɪgˈzemptɪd/ /frɒm/
Được miễn án
sentences /ˈsentənsɪz/
▪ manslaughter in self-defense could not possibly be compared with a
premeditated murder
Tội giết người trong tự vệ không thể so sánh được với một vụ giết người có chủ ý

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


Vocabulary: Crime & Criminals


Arson /ˈɑːs(ə)n/ arsonist/ˈɑːs(ə)nɪst/ Phóng hỏa
assassination assassin Ám sát
assault assailant Tấn công
blackmail blackmailer* Tống tiền
bombing bomber Ném bom
bribery briber* Hối lộ
burglary burglar Trộm cắp
child abuse child abuser Lạm dụng trẻ em
corruption Tham nhũng
crime criminal Tội ác
cyber criminal
cybercrime Tội phạm mạng
domestic violence Bạo lực gia đình
drunk driving drunk driver Say rượu lái xe
embezzlement embezzler Biển thủ
espionage spy Gián điệp
forgery forger Giả mạo
fraud Gian lận
genocide Diệt chủng
hijacking hijacker Cướp phá
hit and run Tông xe và bỏ chạy
homicide Giết người
hooliganism hooligan Tính du côn
identity theft Hành vi trộm cắp danh tính
kidnapping kidnapper Bắt cóc
looting looter Cướp bóc
manslaughter Ngộ sát
mugging mugger Trấn lột
murder murderer Giết người
pickpocketing Pickpocketer Móc túi
pilfering Cướp bóc
poaching poacher Săn bắn trộm (thú hoang dã)
rape rapist Hãm hiếp

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

riot rioter Bạo loạn

robbery robber Cướp
shoplifting shoplifter Trộm cắp
smuggling smuggler Buôn lậu
speeding Chạy xe quá tốc độ
terrorism terrorist Khủng bố
theft thief Trộm cắp
trafficking Buôn lậu
treason traitor Phản bội
trespassing trespasser Xâm phạm
vandalism vandal Phá hoại

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this
cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce
the impact of ageing populations.
2. Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can
governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?
3. The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost
20% in the last ten years.
Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend.
4. Nowadays many people eat very badly in spite of the information which is available
about ways to have a health, balanced diet.
What could be the possible causes of this?
Suggest some solutions which may improve the eating habits of the young.

2 sentences
Paraphrasing the question
Stating your opinion
a. Paraphrasing the question
b. Stating your opinion (Topic sentence of the essay)
▪ Cause= reason= factor resulting in this problem= element triggering this issue=
source/ origin/ root leading to this consequence= this problem can be attributed
▪ Effect= consequence= problem=issue= predicament= repercussion= adverse/
negative/ problematic result/ influence/ impact/ outcome
▪ Solution= measure= approach= resolution= remedy= action= way
...measures that the government can take to resolve/ tackle/ address/ alleviate/
eradicate this problem
… different approaches that individuals can adopt to handle/ solve/ deal with/ cope
with this issue
*Linking words: There are…and…

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

While, whereas, although …

Ex: Although there are undoubtedly some negative consequences of this trend, various
measures can be taken to mitigate these potential problems.

Topic sentence
Cause There are some/ a number of/ many/
numerous/ countless/ various factors
resulting in this problem,
The issue of….. could be ascribed to/
attributed to a number of reasons, ( including/ entailing/
Effect There are some/ a number of/ many/ consisting of…)
numerous/ countless/ various
When…, some problems can be
There are measures that the government can take to resolve/ mitigate/
minimize/tackle/ address/ alleviate/ relieve/ eradicate this problem
The authority/ individual can adopt several remedies to handle/ solve/ deal with/
cope with this issue.
One possible/ notable way to mitigate the problem would be
Government/ The society/ The community/ Individuals/ each person should focus
their/ his attention on + N/ V-ing


Firstly→ Secondly→ Thirdly

To begin with→ In addition→ Furthermore
Following this→ Subsequently
The first solution is that→ the second remedy is that…

Paraphrase the topic sentence

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


1. In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems
will this cause for individuals and society. Suggest some measures that could be
taken to reduce the impact of ageing population.
It is evident that longevity has been extended in the recent years, especially in
developed countries. Although there are undoubtedly some negative consequences
of this trend, measures can be taken to mitigate these potential problems.
When people live longer and the population of developed countries grows older,
several related problems can be anticipated. The first issue is that there will
obviously be more people of retirement age who are eligible to receive a pension. As a
result, the government will have to spend a large amount of money paying these senior
citizens who no longer contribute to the development of the economy. Moreover, the
proportion of younger working adults shrinks, creating less money in taxes in relation
to the size of the population. In other words, an ageing population means a greater tax
burden for working adults. The third adverse impact is a rise in the demand for
healthcare since elderly people are often subject to many detrimental diseases. In this
way, the government will have to spend more on healthcare, and young adults will
increasingly have to look after their elderly relatives.
There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems
described above. A simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for
working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy
enough to continue a productive working life. In addition, a second measure is
probably for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase the number of
working adults who pay taxes. Finally, money from national budgets will need to be
taken from other departments and allocated to healthcare, accommodation and
transport facilities for the rising numbers of older citizens.
In summary, though lifespan expansion entails many negative influences, various
measures concerning retirement, immigration and money division can be taken
to tackle this problem in the developed world.

2. Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment.
What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people

Sample 1: People are playing havoc with the surroundings in their daily life and
industry. There are countless elements triggering these issues and approaches
that governments and individuals can adopt to minimize these negative impacts.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

The issue of environmental ruin could be ascribed to a number of reasons. The

initial cause is that people have a low awareness of environmental protection. To
illustrate, many dwellers deliberately dump domestic wastes outside of controlled
landfills. Moreover, exhaust fumes from private vehicles and airplanes cause
considerable amount of pollution. Concerning woodlands, deforestation is one of the
main factors harming the surroundings. In logging industry, wood cutting and tree
chopping are often conducted illegally. Also, overpopulation directly affects the forest
cover, explained by more land in demand for housing, agricultural and industrial

Governments and citizens could certainly take remedies to handle the

destruction of the surroundings. The authorities may increase public education and
raise citizens’ awareness of the causes and impacts of pollution. Individuals ought to use
biodegradable products instead of packaged items as they will lead to garbage in
landfills. As regards transport, commuters and students should focus their attention
on using public modes of transportation to reduce pollution. In addition, hybrid cars and
car pooling can tremendously contribute to the alleviation of environmental problems.
On the top of that, the government must implement laws to limit the depletion of forest
cover. Each person may participate in campaigns of reforestation, or simply,
householders possibly plant trees around their accommodation.

In conclusion, the nature has been impacted by humans’ activities. With their
practical actions, both national governments and individuals must play their part
in protecting the environment.

(289 words, IELTS 8)

Sample 2

Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems in their daily life and
industry. There are countless elements triggering these issues and approaches
that governments and individuals can adopt to minimize negative impacts.

Two of the biggest origins leading to natural degradation are squandering

resources and sending out pollutants to the surroundings. Firstly, exploiting and
wasting the natural resources are the key factors leading to the alarming environmental
situation. Taking water utilization as an example, the waste of using water, however,
often gets blame for contributing to water scarcity. According to the recent figures
from the World Health Organization’s survey, approximately two thirds of the global
population has not accessed the clean water resources, which is associated with the
explosion and spread of diseases. Secondly, dumping sewage and emitting exhaust
fumes directly to the environment are primary reasons exacerbating environmental

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

pollution. To be more precise, in the majority of developing countries, the sewage from
industry factories as well as dirty water from household sanitation has been discharged
to lake and river, damaging aquatic life and contaminating water bodies.

Governments and citizens could certainly take remedies to handle the destruction
of the surroundings. As regards the state, they could introduce laws to protect
natural resources from humans’ use and encourage companies to use renewable energy
from solar, wind or water power. They could also impose ‘green taxes’ on drivers and
airline companies to motivate business to use public transport and to take fewer flights
abroad, therefore reducing emissions. Besides, individuals should focus their attention
on their daily activities. They can take public transport rather than driving, choose
products with less packaging, and recycle as much as possible. Most supermarkets now
provide reusable bags for shoppers as well as bins for recycling glass, plastic and paper
in their car parks. By reusing and recycling, we can help to reduce waste.

In conclusion, the nature has been impacted by humans’ activities. With their
practical actions, both national governments and individuals must play their part
in looking after the environment.

(342 words, IELTS 8)


• squander resources /ˈskwɒndə/ /rɪˈsɔːsɪz/ Lãng phí tài nguyên

• water utilization /ˈwɔːtə/ /ˌjuːtɪlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ Sử dụng nước
• explosion and spread of /ɪksˈpləʊʒən/ /ænd/ /spred/ /ɒv/ Bùng nổ và lây lan
diseases /dɪˈziːzɪz/ bệnh tật
• emitting exhaust fumes /ɪˈmɪtɪŋ/ /ɪgˈzɔːst/ /fjuːmz/ Thải ra khói thải
• dumping sewage /ˈdʌmpɪŋ/ /ˈsju(ː)ɪʤ/ Đổ nước thải
• household sanitation /ˈhaʊshəʊld/ /ˌsænɪˈteɪʃən/ Vệ sinh gia đình

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


1. Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment.
What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people

2. Reducing global environmental damage should be handled by governments rather

than individuals.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
3. It is suggested that everyone should have a car, a TV and a fridge.
Do the advantages of this development for society outweigh the disadvantages?

4. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Destruction of the world’s forests amounts to death
of the world we currently know.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

5. Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of
resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

6. Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given in the
protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about this opinion?

7. Pollution of rivers, lakes and seas is a major concern for people who seek to protect
the environment. What are the possible causes of water pollution, and what effects does
this have on animal life and human society?

8. It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment,
such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the
disadvantages? (January, 2016)

9. Development in technology has brought various environmental problems. Some

believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental problems. Others,
however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems. Discuss both views and
give your own opinion. (May, 2015)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

10. As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? (25.7.2015)

11. Some people think that there should be some strict controls about noise. Others
think that they could just make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views and give
your opinion. (17.1.2015)

12. Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve.
Others believe individuals can also do some things to solve these problems. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion (26.7.2014)

13. In the future, it seems more difficult to live on the Earth. Some people think
more money should be spent on researching other planet to live, such as Mars. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

14. The consumption of natural resources is increasing. What are the reasons for
this and suggest some solutions to the problem? (14.11.2015)

15. Fossil fuel is the main source of energy. In some countries, the use of alternative
sources of energy is encouraged.
To what extent do you think is it a positive or negative development (24.9.2016)

16. International community must act immediately to ensure all nations to reduce their
consumption of fossil fuels e.g. gas and oil.
To what extend do you agree or disagree? (25.1.2014)

17. With the increasing demand for energy sources such as oil and gas, should people be
looking for sources of oil and gas in remote and untouched places? Do the advantages of
this outweigh the disadvantages of damaging such areas? (28.6.2014)

18. The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace, and nuclear power provides
cheap and clean energy. Do the benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the

19. Transport delays and long journey times are a widespread phenomenon in
many cities today. What are the causes of this problem, and how could the
situation be improved?

20. Some people believe the government should spend money on building train and
subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and wider
roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Discuss both views and give your opinion. (20.2.2016)

21. The best way for governments to solve the problem of traffic congestion is providing
free public transport in 24 hours per day, and seven days a week.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? (9.1.2014)

22. Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to
reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be more
effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

23. Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why
is it not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity? (6. 2016)

24. Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the
minimum legal age for driving cars or riding motorbikes. To what extent do you agree or
disagree? (February, 2015)

24. Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basis. What are the reasons and how
to encourage them to spend their time walking? (12.9.2015)

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ENVIRONMENT (Topics 1 to 13)
1. Water pollution

Causes Effects
The primary factor leading to water
contamination is the discharge of
Raw sewage pollutes water sources, posing a
untreated sewage from industrial zones into
threat on aquatic life and spreading
water bodies.
water-borne diseases, namely diarrhea and
Many dwellers deliberately dump typhoid.
domestic wastes outside of controlled
Marine environment is affected by litter
disposed of on beaches and radioactive
It is devastating that oil does not dissolve in
waste dumped from nuclear plants. Besides,
water but gathers together as a thick sludge,
the pollution stems from oil spill, routine
suffocating fish and aquatic plants.
shipping of tankers and intentional oil
Agricultural runoff containing pesticides,
Private wells may become polluted by toxins
manure, hair and feathers can be mixed
from factories and farms
together and end up in waterways.


- The government should enforce factories to install waste treatment systems.

- By increasing public education and raising citizens’ awareness of the causes and
impacts of water pollution, water sources are probably conserved for a sustainable
- The authorities can severely punish individuals and companies that are responsible for
activities causing marine pollution.
- Farmers should use ecological and organic farming methods that involve few to no
toxic chemicals, thus protecting water bodies from pollution
• water contamination /ˈwɔːtə/ /kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃən/ Ô nhiễm nước
• the discharge of /ðə/ /dɪsˈʧɑːʤ/ /ɒv/ /ˌʌnˈtriːtɪd/ Việc xả nước thải không
untreated sewage /ˈsjuːɪʤ/ được xử lý

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• dwellers deliberately /ˈdweləz/ /dɪˈlɪbərɪtli/ /dʌmp/ Dân cư cố tình đổ rác thải

dump domestic wastes /dəˈmestɪk//weɪsts/ sinh hoạt
• landfill (n) /ˈlændfɪl/ Bãi rác
• marine environment /məˈriːn/ /ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt/ Môi trường biển
• litter disposed of on /ˈlɪtə/ /dɪsˈpəʊzd/ /ɒv/ /ɒn/
Rác bị xả trên bãi biển
beaches /ˈbiːʧɪz/
• radioactive waste /ˌreɪdɪəʊˈæktɪv/ /weɪst/ Chất thải phóng xạ
• nuclear plant /ˈnjuːklɪə/ /plɑːnt/ Nhà máy hạt nhân
• oil spill /ɔɪl/ /spɪl/ Tràn dầu
• agricultural runoff /ˌægrɪˈkʌlʧərəl/ /ˈrʌnɒf/ Dòng chảy nông nghiệp
• manure (n) /məˈnjʊə/ Phân chuồng
• aquatic life /əˈkwætɪk/ /laɪf/ Cuộc sống dưới nước
• water-borne disease /ˈwɔːtəbɔːn/ /dɪˈziːz/ Bệnh lây lan do nước uống
• oil does not dissolve in /ɔɪl/ /dʌz/ /nɒt/ /dɪˈzɒlv/ /ɪn/ Dầu không hòa tan trong
water /ˈwɔːtə/ nước
• suffocate fish and /ˈsʌfəkeɪt/ /fɪʃ/ /ænd/ /əˈkwætɪk/ Làm ngộp thở cá và cây
aquatic plants /plɑːnts/ thủy sinh
• install waste treatment /ɪnˈstɔːl/ /weɪst/ /ˈtriːtmənt/ Lắp đặt hệ thống xử lý chất
system /ˈsɪstɪm/ thải
• raise citizens’ Nâng cao nhận thức của
/reɪz/ /ˈsɪtɪznz/ /əˈweənəs/
awareness người dân
• a sustainable
/ə/ /səsˈteɪnəbl/ /dɪˈveləpmənt/ Một sự phát triển bền vững
• use ecological and
/juːz/ /ˌi:kəˈlɒʤɪkəl/ /ænd/ Sử dụng phương pháp canh
organic farming
/ɔːˈgænɪk/ /ˈfɑːmɪŋ/ /ˈmeθədz/ tác hữu cơ và sinh thái

2. Land pollution
Causes Effects
Regarding agriculture, this is caused by the
overuse of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides which absorb into soil layers. This leads to the loss of fertile land for
agriculture and forest cover, which causes
Another element affecting land is crop failure and famine.
deforestation which results in topsoil
erosion after rainfalls.
Landfills simultaneously become home to
Overloaded landfills spoil city beauty and rodents and insects which transmit
pollute land. diseases to locals and decrease tourists to

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- Connecting with water pollution
- Individuals ought to use biodegradable products instead of packaged items as they
will lead to garbage and end up in landfill sites. Also, they may apply Reduce, Reuse and
Recycle on a daily basis.
• the overuse of /ði/ /ˌəʊvəˈjuːz/ /ɒv/ /ˈkemɪkəl/ Sử dụng quá mức phân
chemical fertilizers /ˈfɜːtɪlaɪzəz hoá học
• topsoil erosion /ˈtɒpsɔɪl/ /ɪˈrəʊʒən/ Xói mòn đất
Làm mất mỹ quan
• spoil city beauty /spɔːɪl/ /ˈsɪti/ /ˈbjuːti/
thành phố
• loss of fertile land /lɒs/ /ɒv/ /ˈfɜːtaɪl/ /lænd/ Mất đất màu mỡ
• crop failure /krɒp/ /ˈfeɪljə/ Mất mùa
• famine (n) /ˈfæmɪn/ Nạn đói
• home to rodents /həʊm/ /tuː/ /ˈrəʊdənts/ /ænd/ Nhà của loài gặm nhấm
and insects /ˈɪnsekts/ và côn trùng
• biodegradable Các sản phẩm phân
/ˌbaɪəʊdɪˈgreɪdəbəl/ /ˈprɒdʌkts/
products huỷ sinh học

3. Air pollution
Causes Effects
Emitted from the combustion of fossil
Air pollution is a primary element resulting
fuels, sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide
in global warming which melts icebergs,
are major causes of air pollution (emission of
raises sea level and causes habitat loss and
sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide)
natural disasters.
Manufacturing industries release toxic
Inhaling polluted air, people suffer from
smoke into the air, thereby depleting its
stress, fatigue and respiratory diseases.
Exhaust fumes from private vehicles and
Acid rain can cause great damage to human,
airplanes cause immense amount of
animals and crops.
- Connecting with water pollution
- The government should enforce factories to install air filtration systems.

- They could also impose green taxes on drivers and airline companies to motivate
business to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad

- Commuters and students should focus their attention on using public modes of
transportation to reduce pollution. Also, hybrid cars and car pooling can tremendously
contribute to the alleviation of this environmental problem.

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- The state possibly emphasizes on the use of renewable energy sources, particularly
solar power and hydropower (alternative resources: solar power, wind power,
geothermal energy, hydropower, ocean energy, bioenergy (biofuels, bioproducts) and
nuclear power)

/ðə/ /kəmˈbʌsʧən/ /ɒv/ Sự đốt cháy nhiên
• the combustion of fossil fuels
/ˈfɒsl/ /fjʊəlz/ liệu hóa thạch
Làm suy giảm chất
• deplete the air quality. /dɪˈpliːt/ /ði/ /eə/ /ˈkwɒlɪti/.
lượng không khí.
Bỏ chất ô nhiễm
• give off air pollutants. /gɪv/ /ɒf/ /eə/ /pəˈluːtənts/.
không khí.
• melt icebergs /melt/ /ˈaɪsbɜːgz/ Làm tan băng trôi
Nâng mực nước
• raise sea level /reɪz/ /siː/ /ˈlevl/
• fatigue (n) /fəˈtiːg/ Mệt mỏi
• respiratory diseases /rɪˈspɪrət(ə)ri/ /dɪˈziːzɪz/ Bệnh đường hô hấp
• install air filtration /ɪnˈstɔːl/ /eə/ /fɪlˈtreɪʃən/ Lắp đặt hệ thống
systems /ˈsɪstɪmz/ lọc không khí
• impose green taxes on /ɪmˈpəʊz/ /griːn/ /ˈtæksɪz/ Áp đặt thuế xanh
drivers /ɒn/ /ˈdraɪvəz/ đối với lái xe
• hybrid car /ˈhaɪbrɪd/ /kɑː/ Xe lai
• car pooling /kɑː/ /ˈpuːlɪŋ/ Đi chung xe
• renewable energy
/rɪˈnjuːəbl/ /ˈenəʤi/ /ˈsɔːsɪz/ Năng lượng tái sinh

4. Deforestation
Causes Effects
Global Warming (Connecting with Air
The primary factor of deforestation is logging. pollution, Effects)

Deforestation removes forest canopy,

Overpopulation directly affects forest cover,
which can result in topsoil erosion.
explained by more land in demand for housing,
agricultural and industrial activities.
Many trees are felled, causing habitat
Others: forest fires, desertification. loss and pushing wild species to the
brink of extinction.

- Connecting with water pollution
- The government must implement laws to curb the depletion of forest cover.
- Each person may participate in campaigns of reforestation or simply, householders
possibly plant trees around their accommodation.

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• logging (n) /ˈlɒgɪŋ/ Khai thác gỗ
• desertification (n) /dɪˌzɜːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ Sa mạc hoá
• forest canopy /ˈfɒrɪst/ /ˈkænəpi/ Tán rừng
• the brink of extinction. /ðə/ /brɪŋk/ /ɒv/ /ɪksˈtɪŋkʃən/. Bờ vực tuyệt chủng.
• curb total depletion of /kɜːb/ /ˈtəʊtl/ /dɪˈpliːʃən/ /ɒv/ Hạn chế sự cạn kiệt
the forest cover /ðə/ /ˈfɒrɪst/ /ˈkʌvə/ tổng thể của rừng
• reforestation (n) /ˌriːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃən/ Tái trồng rừng

ENERGY (Topics 14 to 18)

5. Overuse of natural resources (fossil fuels)

Causes Effects

The most obvious reason is the tremendous

demand for resources to serve industrial
Connecting with Air pollution, Causes
Overpopulation means energy is and Effects
increasingly required for daily uses such as
heating, travelling and lighting, not to
mention recreational activities. Growing consumption of coals, gas and oil
The over-dependence on natural will contribute to the scarcity of energy
resources such as fossil fuels is another supply and thus an increase in overall
electricity costs.
significant reason to consider (In Vietnam,
for example, the majority of electricity is
generated in thermal power stations where a
vast amount of coal is burnt on a daily basis)

- The most practical measure at the moment is to reduce the reliance of industry on
natural resources. This can be achieved by mass-producing energy-efficient products,
such as hybrid cars, and selling these items at a low price to citizens.
- The state possibly emphasizes on the use of renewable energy sources
Sự bùng nổ công
• industrial boom /ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl/ /buːm/
Quá phụ thuộc vào
• the over-dependence /ði/ /ˈəʊvə/-/dɪˈpendəns/ /ɒn/
tài nguyên thiên
on natural resources /ˈnæʧrəl/ /rɪˈsɔːsɪz/

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• a scarcity of energy /ə/ /ˈskeəsɪti/ /ɒv/ /ˈenəʤi/ Sự khan hiếm nguồn

supply /səˈplaɪ/ năng lượng

6. Topic: In some countries, the use of alternative sources is encouraged in

replace for the use of fossil fuels
- Energy from buried dead organisms lacks sustainability due to its limited sources as
opposed to renewable ones that do not deplete over a lifetime.
- Dependence on fossil fuels for worldwide energy supply would cause environmental
degradation, while using solar power and geothermal energy, for example, is
considered an optimal choice for ecosystem preservation.
- Renewable energy makes real economic sense because it is a cheaper alternative to
most traditional sources.
• lack sustainability /læk/ /səsˌteɪnəˈbɪlɪti/ Thiếu tính bền vững
• deplete (v) /dɪˈpliːt/ Dùng cạn kiệt
• environmental
/ɪnˌvaɪərənˈmentl/ /ˌdegrəˈdeɪʃən/ Suy thoái môi trường
• optimal choice /ˈɒptɪməl/ /ʧɔɪs/ Lựa chọn tối ưu
• ecosystem preservation /ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəm/ /ˌprezə(ː)ˈveɪʃən/ Bảo tồn hệ sinh thái

7. Topic: Nuclear Technology

- Nations would consider before attacking a country armed with nuclear weapons,
meaning that conflicts are often resolved rather than occur.
- Unlike coal and natural gas that cause pollutants, nuclear energy does not release
carbon dioxide and is cleaner.
- Although these weapons carry a high risk of devastation, nations still prefer to have
them for security purpose. Therefore, other countries may be vulnerable to nuclear
- The idea that nuclear fission is a clean source of energy has been dispelled by
numerous accidents at nuclear power plants. (Ex: Fukushima nuclear disaster,
Chernobyl accident).
- It takes many years to eliminate radioactivity and related substances

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• a country armed with

/ə/ /ˈkʌntri/ /ɑːmd/ /wɪð/ Một quốc gia được
nuclear weapons= a
/ˈnjuːklɪə/ /ˈwepənz/=/ə/ /ˈkʌntri/ trang bị vũ khí hạt
country possessing a
/pəˈzesɪŋ/ /ə/ /ˈnjuːklɪər/ /ˈɑːsɪnl/. nhân
nuclear arsenal.
• nuclear fission /ˈnjuːklɪə/ /ˈfɪʃən/ Phân hạch hạt nhân
• dispel (v) /dɪsˈpel/ Xua tan, loại bỏ
• radioactivity (n) /ˌreɪdɪəʊækˈtɪvɪti/ Phóng xạ

TRANSPORT (Topics 19 to 24)

8. Traffic congestion
- Overpopulation puts strain on the transport capacity, rapidly increasing the number of
vehicles and intensifying bottlenecks.
- The main cause is the lack of investment in high-capacity public transport and in road
space for private vehicles.
- In some countries, roads are characterized by mixed traffic which gives rise to traffic
- Ongoing constructions of traffic network in various locations, damaged roads and
repairing roads contribute to severe traffic gridlock in cities.
- Overpopulation
- The state probably allocates the budget to the improvement of transport facilities
- Companies should implement flexi-time and allow employees to work from home.
- It is advisable to introduce cost-effective, environment-friendly and efficient new
modes of public transport along with an incentive policy to citizens.
- Promoting traffic safety and traffic rules through education, media and strict
enforcement is of vital importance.
Làm trầm trọng điểm ùn
• intensify bottlenecks. /ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ/ /ˈbɒtlneks/.
• high-capacity public /haɪ/-/kəˈpæsɪti/ /ˈpʌblɪk/ Phương tiện giao thông
transport /ˈtrænspɔːt/ công cộng có sức chứa cao
• inadequate public /ɪnˈædɪkwɪt/ /ˈpʌblɪk/ Giao thông công cộng
transport /ˈtrænspɔːt/ không đủ
Các công trình đang diễn
• ongoing constructions /ˈɒŋˌgəʊɪŋ/ /kənˈstrʌkʃənz/
• traffic gridlock /ˈtræfɪk/ /ˈɡrɪdlɒk/ Sự tắc nghẽn giao thông

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Thực hiện linh hoạt thời

• implement flexi-time /ˈɪmplɪmənt/ flexi-/taɪm/
Một chính sách khuyến
• an incentive policy /ən/ /ɪnˈsentɪv/ /ˈpɒlɪsi/
• strict enforcement /strɪkt/ /ɪnˈfɔːsmənt/ Thực thi nghiêm minh

10. Traffic accidents

- Many drivers control their vehicles recklessly, exceeding speed limit, running red
lights and tailgating, not to mention drunk driving which triggers traffic fatality.
- Some teenagers, who are impulsive and inexperienced, probably disobey traffic laws
and do not know how to deal with dangerous situations.
- Potholes and construction zones sometimes confuse drivers. Some even have a car
crash because of design defects of their vehicles.
- Strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive more safely. One
explanation is that retributions for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent, meaning
that people avoid repeating the same offence.
- It is pivotal to raise citizens’ awareness of road safety via education in school, driving
centers and media.
- It might be a good idea to increase the minimum age required for driving since
younger people are usually less mature and less responsible for their actions.
- Connecting with Traffic congestion, Solutions

• recklessly (adv) /ˈreklɪsli/ Liều lĩnh

• exceed speed limit /ɪkˈsiːd/ /spiːd/ /ˈlɪmɪt/ Vượt quá giới hạn tốc độ
• run red lights /rʌn/ /red/ /laɪts/ Vượt đèn đỏ
• tailgate (v) /ˈteɪlɡeɪt/ Bám đuôi
• drunk driving /drʌŋk/ /ˈdraɪvɪŋ/ Say rượu lái xe
• traffic fatality /ˈtræfɪk/ /fəˈtælɪti/ Tai nạn giao thông
• impulsive (adj) /ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/ Bốc đồng
• disobey traffic laws /ˌdɪsəˈbeɪ/ /ˈtræfɪk/ /lɔːz/ Không tuân thủ luật giao thông
• design defects /dɪˈzaɪn/ /dɪˈfekts/ Lỗi thiết kế
• retribution (n) /ˌretrɪˈbjuːʃən/ Hình phạt
/ækt/ /æz/ /ə/ Hành động như một sự ngăn
• act as a deterrent
/dɪˈterənt/ chặn

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. Pollution of rivers, lakes and seas is a major concern for people who seek to
protect the environment. What are the possible causes of water pollution, and
what effects does this have on animal life and human society?
Water contamination, which is a challenging task for scientists and the authorities, has
become a heated discussion topic. There seems to be two main causes involved and a
variety of damaging effects on people and the biosphere.
The pollution of water bodies primarily originates from effluents from cars, factories
and other human activities. These substances contain damaging pollutant particles which
can contaminate rainwater run-off and enter the water cycle by transferring through the
water table into aquifers, streams and rivers. Filtration and processing are not really
viable options for such large volumes of water, so the water table remains tainted with
these elements over long periods. More seriously, in situations where soil erosion and
logging have already damaged the local environment, the accumulation can be very
serious. The other major cause is accidental or deliberate dumping of wasteproducts in
places outside of controlled landfills or waste processing centers. Even small amounts of
abandoned waste can enter water supplies through the ground, often undetected.
Spoiled water sources exert negative influence on the biodiversity and humans’ life. The
effects on animals can be severe, especially for species which are already endangered by
such threats as poaching, habitat loss and food chain disruption. Contaminated water can
lead to dwindling numbers or even potential extinction which may indeed happen to the
Asian tiger populations. Furthermore, the impact on human society can also be
distressing, including the poisoning of drinking water, famine or drought due to the lack of
safe irrigation, and ultimately, long-term loss of land. For example, after the Bhopal
poisoning catastrophe in India, many children suffer from birth defects as a
consequence of toxic water.
From the above justifications, the discharge of pollutants and waste dump are
responsible for water contamination which has ruined the wilderness and citizens’ life.
(316 words, IELTS 9)
• biosphere (n) /ˈbaɪəsfɪə/ Sinh quyển
• effluent (n) /ˈeflʊənt/ Nước thải
• pollutant particles /pəˈluːtənt/ /ˈpɑːtɪklz/ Các hạt ô nhiễm
• aquifer (n) /ˈækwɪfə/ Tầng ngậm nước
• filtration (n) /fɪlˈtreɪʃən/ Lọc
• taint (v) /teɪnt/ làm bẩn
• soil erosion /sɔɪl/ /ɪˈrəʊʒən/ Xói mòn đất
• poaching (n) /ˈpəʊʧɪŋ/ Săn bắt trộm

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• food chain /fuːd/ /ʧeɪn/ Chuỗi thức ăn

• dwindling numbers /ˈdwɪndlɪŋ/ /ˈnʌmbəz/ Số lượng giảm
• catastrophe (n) /kəˈtæstrəfi/ Tai biến
• birth defects /bɜːθ/ /dɪˈfekts/ Dị tật bẩm sinh

Sự ô nhiễm nước, một nhiệm vụ đầy thách thức đối với các nhà khoa học và chức trách,
đã trở thành chủ đề thảo luận sôi nổi. Có thể có hai nguyên nhân chính gây ra ô nhiễm
nước, và hàng loạt tác động gây tổn hại đến con người và sinh quyển.
Sự ô nhiễm các nguồn nước chủ yếu bắt nguồn từ chất thải ô tô, nhà máy và các hoạt
động khác của con người. Các chất này chứa các hạt gây ô nhiễm độc hại có thể làm ô
nhiễm dòng chảy và đi vào chu trình nước bằng cách đi từ mặt nước thành các tầng
ngậm nước, suối và sông. Lọc và xử lý không phải là lựa chọn thực sự hiệu quả đối với
lượng nước lớn như vậy, do đó mặt nước vẫn còn bị nhiễm bẩn với các nguyên tố này
qua thời gian dài. Nghiêm trọng hơn, ở những nơi xói mòn đất và khai thác gỗ đã làm
hỏng môi trường địa phương, sự tích tụ có thể rất nghiêm trọng. Nguyên nhân chủ yếu
khác là do vô tình hoặc cố ý đổ rác thải ở những nơi bên ngoài bãi chôn lấp hoặc các
trung tâm xử lý chất thải. Ngay cả một lượng nhỏ chất thải không được xử lý cũng có thể
xâm nhập vào nguồn nước từ lòng đất, thường không bị phát hiện.
Các nguồn nước bẩn gây ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới sự đa dạng sinh học và cuộc sống của
con người. Tác động của nó lên động vật có thể rất nghiêm trọng, đặc biệt đối với các loài
đã bị đe doạ bởi nạn săn trộm, mất môi trường sống và sự xáo trộn trong chuỗi thức
ăn. Nước bị ô nhiễm có thể dẫn đến việc giảm số lượng hoặc thậm chí là tuyệt chủng,
chuyện đã thực sự xảy ra với quần thể hổ châu Á. Hơn nữa, tác động đối với xã hội con
người cũng đáng lo ngại, bao gồm ngộ độc nước uống, nạn đói hoặc hạn hán do thiếu
hệ thống tưới tiêu an toàn, và cuối cùng là tổn hại đất trong thời gian dài. Ví dụ, sau
thảm hoạ ngộ độc ở Bhopal ở Ấn Độ, nhiều trẻ em bị khuyết tật bẩm sinh là hậu quả
của nước nhiễm độc.
Từ các dẫn chứng trên, việc thải các chất gây ô nhiễm và rác thải gây ra ô nhiễm nước,
phá hoại thể giới hoang dã và đời sống của người dân.

2. Forests are the lungs of the earth. Destruction of the world’s forests amounts to
death of the world we currently know. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is a common belief that the Earth’s natural green reserves purify its atmosphere and
functions synonymously as that of the mammalian lungs; therefore, forest destruction
will ruin our present world. I totally agree with this idea for following reasons.
Firstly, from our basic knowledge of plant physiology, it can be restated that, plants by
the process of photosynthesis convert the harmful carbon-dioxide gas into oxygen
without which life cannot exist. Thus, in a wider perspective, it can be stated that, the
Earth’s forests purify the atmosphere and thereby help in sustaining life. Secondly,

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environmentalists have proven that, the rapid destruction of forests is also a leading
cause of global warming. Hence, destruction of the natural green reserves may lead to
such a surge in the global temperature that agricultural land may become arid,
leading to widespread famine and deaths. Thirdly, forests also house diverse forms of
life and these would become extinct if we continue to destroy their natural habitats.
Furthermore, scientific research has proven that forest ecosystems act as natural
scavengers and by the process of biodegradation, forest ecology facilitates crude oil
production, which fuels our modern world, and its unavailability is unimaginable as this
will directly catalyze a global economic crisis. Finally, forests are also a source of
numerous medicinal plants, from which varieties of modern medicines are created.
Quinine, an antimalarial drug, produced from the barks of Cinchona trees is the best
example. Forest destruction, accordingly, will also be a bane of the medical community.
In conclusion, the harmony of the present life will be ruined if our natural green
reserves are continuously destroyed, and there is a theoretical possibility that the blue
planet might become lifeless if these green lungs are totally wiped out.
(288 words- IELTS 9)

• purify atmosphere /ˈpjʊərɪfaɪ/ /ˈætməsfɪə/ Làm sạch không khí

• functions synonymously
/ˈfʌnŋkʃənz/ /sɪˈnɒnɪməsli/ /æz/ Hoạt động như là
• photosynthesis (n) /ˌfəʊtəʊˈsɪnθɪsɪs/ Quang hợp
• a surge in the global /ə/ /sɜːʤ/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈgləʊbəl/ Sự gia tăng nhiệt độ toàn
temperature /ˈtemprɪʧə/ cầu
• house diverse forms of /haʊs/ /daɪˈvɜːs/ /fɔːmz/ /ɒv/ Cung cấp chỗ ở cho các
life /laɪf/ loài sinh vật
• natural scavenger /ˈnæʧrəl/ /ˈskævɪnʤə/ Người nhặt rác tự nhiên
• catalyze a global /ˈkæt̬.əl.aɪz//ə/ /ˈgləʊbəl/ Gây ra một cuộc khủng
economic crisis /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/ /ˈkraɪsɪs/ hoảng kinh tế toàn cầu
• antimalarial drug /¸æntimə´leəriəl/ /drʌg/ Thuốc chống sốt rét

3. Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given in
the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about this
The idea that wildlife protection has been excessively concerned and invested in
remains a source of controversy. Personally, I believe that humans are paying too much
attention and allocating too many resources to this issue.
Firstly, if we allow any species to disappear, this is actually not a disaster. Some people
may argue that the biology will be seriously affected if birds and wild animals are on the

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verge of extinction, but this is an exaggeration. Fossil evidence suggests that the mass
disappearance of the dinosaur did not cause any harm to other species on the Earth but
merely triggered the emergence of others such as the mammal. Therefore, we should
not devote too much attention to the preservation of wildlife.
Secondly, while the conservation of flora and fauna, in fact, requires little attention,
there are other public issues that are in need of funding by the government. They can
simply protect wildlife by continuing campaigns to raise public awareness of the
protection of wildlife habitats, or imposing stricter punishments on activities that
may harm wild animals. For example, any individuals who hunt wildlife for food or for
pleasure should be given a heavy fine, and this may discourage them from threatening
the life of wild animals. On the other hand, the national budget should be allocated to
more urgent issues, rather than being expended too much in the conservation of wild
animals and birds. For instance, more resources should be diverted to medical research
to find out remedies for fatal diseases such as HIV and cancer, which may help to save
thousands of lives in society.
In conclusion, while I do not refute the argument for the conservation of wildlife, I
believe that it should attract less attention and fewer resources from the public.
(276 words- IELTS 8)
• on the verge of /ɒn/ /ðə/ /vɜːʤ/ /ɒv/
Trên bờ vực tuyệt chủng
extinction /ɪksˈtɪŋkʃən/
Cống hiến điều gì cho điều
• devote sth to sth (v) /dɪˈvəʊt/

• flora and fauna /ˈflɔːrə/ /ænd/ /ˈfɔːnə/ Hệ thực vật và động vật
• wildlife habitat /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ /ˈhæbɪtæt/ Môi trường sống hoang dã
• impose stricter /ɪmˈpəʊz/ /ˈstrɪktə/ /ˈpʌnɪʃmənts/ Áp đặt các biện pháp khắc
punishments on sth /ɒn/sth nghiệt nghiêm khắc hơn
• heavy fine /ˈhevi/ /faɪn/ Tiền phạt nặng
• divert to sth /daɪˈvɜːt/ /tuː/ sth Chuyển hướng sang điều gì
• fatal disease /ˈfeɪtl/ /dɪˈziːz/ Bệnh hiểm nghèo

4. It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural

environment, such as the South Pole. Do the advantages of this development
outweigh the disadvantages?

It is true that experts and travelers can now set foot on wild regions far away from
civilization. While this development is beneficial to the human race to a certain extent, I
believe that its demerits to nature are greater.

On the one hand, undertaking expeditions to the wilderness has some upsides in terms
of science and recreation. There are a considerable number of undiscovered secrets that

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can be tremendously useful for researchers to conduct their studies. For instance,
environmental scientists can analyze the data about the thickness of ice layers over
millions of years in both hemispheres to predict the possible changes in global
temperatures. Such findings are crucial for the governments to develop appropriate
plans to alleviate global warming. Furthermore, the untouched beauty of these areas is
usually appealing to travelers, providing people with an attractive option of holidays or

However, I would argue that these positive aspects are outweighed by the drawbacks.
When people are given full and easy access to the distant and unpopulated areas, they
are likely to move there to reside or start their business. It is shown that substantial
damage has been caused to nature such as massive deforestation or water
contamination due to humans’ lack of environmental awareness in their relocation to
remote regions. If there was inadequate protection of the environment from this type of
action, wild regions in the world would no longer exist, unspeakably affecting not only
the overall ecology but also locals’ lives.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of travelling to wild

environments are more significant than the possible benefits for the mentioned reasons.

(273 words, IELTS 8)

Tiến hành nghiên
• conduct their studies /ˈkɒndʌkt/ /ðeə/ /ˈstʌdiz/ cứu
• excursion (n) /ɪksˈkɜːʃən/ Đi tham quan
• distant and unpopulated /ˈdɪstənt/ /ænd/ /ˌʌnˈpɒpjʊleɪtɪd/ Các vùng xa và không
areas /ˈeərɪəz/ có dân cư

Đúng là các chuyên gia và du khách bây giờ có thể đặt chân đến các vùng đất hoang sơ
cách xa thế giới văn minh. Mặc dù sự phát triển này có lợi cho nhân loại ở một mức độ
nào đó, tôi tin rằng những ảnh hưởng xấu của nó đối với tự nhiên là lớn hơn.
Một mặt, việc thám hiểm đến vùng hoang dã có vài ưu điểm về khoa học và giải trí. Có
nhiều bí mật chưa được khám phá có thể rất hữu ích cho các nhà nghiên cứu để tiến
hành công trình của họ. Ví dụ, các nhà khoa học môi trường có thể phân tích dữ liệu về
độ dày của các lớp băng hàng triệu tuổi ở cả hai bán cầu để dự đoán sự thay đổi nhiệt độ
toàn cầu. Những phát hiện này rất quan trọng để các chính phủ phát triển các kế hoạch

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thích hợp để giảm bớt sự ấm lên toàn cầu. Hơn nữa, vẻ đẹp hoang sơ của những khu vực
này thường hấp dẫn khách du lịch, cung cấp cho mọi người một lựa chọn hấp dẫn cho
các kỳ nghỉ hoặc chuyến tham quan.
Tuy nhiên, tôi sẽ lập luận rằng những khía cạnh tích cực này không thể vượt qua những
hạn chế. Khi con người hoàn toàn tiếp cận và dễ dàng đến được các khu vực xa xôi
không người ở, họ có thể chuyển đến đó cư trú hoặc bắt đầu kinh doanh. Đã có những
thiệt hại đáng kể xảy ra với tự nhiên như nạn phá rừng trên diện rộng hoặc ô nhiễm
nước do con người thiếu nhận thức về môi trường khi chuyển đến các vùng sâu vùng xa.
Nếu không có biện pháp bảo vệ môi trường thích hợp, các vùng hoang dã trên thế giới sẽ
không còn nữa, không chỉ ảnh hưởng đến sinh thái học tổng thể mà còn đối với cuộc
sống của người dân địa phương một cách không tưởng tượng được.
Tóm lại, tôi cho rằng du lịch đến môi trường hoang dã sẽ nguy hiểm nhiều hơn có lợi vì
những lý do nêu trên.
5. Development in technology has brought various environmental problems.
Some believe that people need to live simpler lives to solve environmental
problems. Others, however, believe technology is the way to solve these problems.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion. (May, 2015)
It is evident that adverse effects to the surroundings have been caused by
breakthroughs in technology. While some people believe reducing mechanical
utilization is the only solution, I would argue that technological advances can help us to
tackle these environmental problems.

On the one hand, it is believed that individuals need to live simple lives and rely less on
technology. The first suggestion is that people should walk or cycle rather than drive
cars. This is because the current number of cars being manufactured and used is
increasing, which emits high levels of exhaust fumes and seriously causes air pollution.
Additionally, people, in all likelihood, try to reduce their consumption of electricity so
that the exploitation of natural resources such as fossil fuels or nuclear power can be
minimized. An example of this idea is the annual event called Earth Hour where
everyone is asked to turn their lights off for sixty minutes.
On the other hand, I believe the developments of technology can greatly contribute to
environmental conservation. Firstly, because of those improvements, people are able to
create innovative ways to recycle materials such as paper or glass, which addresses the
problem of waste disposal. Secondly, using modern technology, scientists can harness
renewable resources to produce electricity using, which sustain already- drained

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fossil fuel resources. For example, many countries in the world have built plants that
utilize solar energy to generate power. As a result, it is not necessary to rely on non-
renewable resources, and people can use electricity without significantly damaging the
In conclusion, while some people think that they should live simpler lives to prevent
environmental issues, I would argue that these problems can be dealt with by
technological improvements.
(269 words, IELTS 8+)
• consumption of electricity /kənˈsʌmʃən/ /ɒv/ /ɪlekˈtrɪsɪti/ Tiêu thụ điện
• exploitation of natural /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃən/ /ɒv/ /ˈnæʧrəl/ Khai thác tài nguyên
resources /rɪˈsɔːsɪz/ thiên nhiên
• waste disposal /weɪst/ /dɪsˈpəʊzəl/ Đổ chất thải
• sustain already- drained /səsˈteɪn/ /ɔːlˈredi/- /dreɪnd/ Duy trì nguồn nhiên liệu
fossil fuel resources /ˈfɒsl/ /fjʊəl/ /rɪˈsɔːsɪz/ hóa thạch đã cạn kiệt
• harness renewable Khai thác tài nguyên tái
/ˈhɑːnɪs/ /rɪˈnjuːəbl/ /rɪˈsɔːsɪz/
resources tạo
Sử dụng năng lượng mặt
• utilize solar energy to /ˈjuːtɪˌlaɪz/ /ˈsəʊlər/ /ˈenəʤi/
trời để tạo ra năng
generate power /tuː/ /ˈʤenəreɪt/ /ˈpaʊə/


Rõ ràng là những tác động tiêu cực đến môi trường xung quanh do đột phá công nghệ
gây ra. Trong khi một số người tin rằng giảm sử dụng máy móc là giải pháp duy nhất, tôi
cho rằng những tiến bộ kỹ thuật có thể giúp chúng ta giải quyết những vấn đề môi
trường này
Một mặt, người ta tin rằng mỗi cá nhân cần sống một cuộc sống đơn giản và ít dựa vào
công nghệ hơn. Đề nghị đầu tiên là mọi người nên đi bộ hoặc đi xe đạp thay vì lái xe.
Điều này là do hiện nay, số lượng ô tô đang được sản xuất và sử dụng ngày càng tăng,
thải ra một lượng khí thải cao và gây ô nhiễm không khí nghiêm trọng. Thêm vào đó,
người ta có thể giảm tiêu thụ điện để giảm thiểu sự khai thác tài nguyên thiên nhiên như
nhiên liệu hoá thạch hoặc điện hạt nhân. Ví dụ về ý tưởng này là sự kiện hàng năm có tên
Giờ Trái đất, mọi người được yêu cầu tắt đèn trong sáu mươi phút.
Mặt khác, tôi tin rằng sự phát triển của công nghệ có thể góp phần rất lớn vào việc bảo
tồn môi trường. Thứ nhất, vì những cải tiến này, con người có thể tạo ra những cách đổi
mới để tái chế các vật liệu như giấy hoặc thủy tinh, giải quyết vấn đề xử lý chất thải.
Thứ hai, khi sử dụng công nghệ hiện đại, các nhà khoa học có thể khai thác các nguồn

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tài nguyên tái tạo được để sản xuất điện, duy trì được nguồn nhiên liệu hóa thạch đã
cạn kiệt. Ví dụ, nhiều nước trên thế giới đã xây dựng các nhà máy sử dụng năng lượng
mặt trời để tạo ra dòng điện. Do đó, không cần phải dựa vào nguồn tài nguyên không
tái tạo được nữa, và mọi người có thể sử dụng điện mà không gây tổn hại đáng kể cho
môi trường.

Tóm lại, trong khi một số người nghĩ rằng họ nên sống cuộc sống đơn giản để đề phòng
các vấn đề môi trường, tôi cho rằng những vấn đề này có thể được giải quyết bằng
những cải tiến công nghệ.
6. As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasingly common
that enterprises have their social obligations. Though there is some truth in the
argument that generating revenue is indispensable for companies, it is also my belief
that they ought to support their community.
On the one hand, I accept that businesses must make money in order to survive in a
competitive world. It seems logical that the priority of any company should be to cover
its running costs, such as employees’ wages and payments for buildings and utilities.
On top of these costs, companies also need to invest in improvements and innovations if
they wish to remain successful. If a company failed to pay its bills or met the
customers’ needs, any concerns about social responsibilities would become irrelevant.
In other words, a company can only make a positive contribution to society if it is in
good financial health.
On the other hand, it is advisable that companies not only achieve the target of
maximizing profit, but they also have a vital role to play in society. Initially, businesses
could use a proportion of their profits to support local charities and education
initiatives, donating money to help less fortunate individuals and sponsoring
scholarship programs for students. Besides, since the rising number of factories these
days has led to serious environmental damage, they need to take immediate actions to
preserve the natural environment. For example, they could employ new technologies
to recycle their wastes instead of disposing of them on landfills. Finally, instead of
trying to minimize their tax payments by using accounting loopholes, company
directors should be happy to contribute to society through the tax system.
In conclusion, I believe that companies should attach as much importance to their social
responsibilities as they do to their financial objectives.
(285 words, band 9)
• utilities (n) /juːˈtɪlɪtiz/. Tiện ích.
• meet the customers’ Đáp ứng nhu cầu của
/miːt/ /ðə/ /ˈkʌstəməz/ /niːdz/
needs khách hàng

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Trong tình trạng tài

• in good financial health /ɪn/ /gʊd/ /faɪˈnænʃəl/ /helθ/
chính tốt
• education initiatives, /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ Sáng kiến giáo dục,
donating money /ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪvz/,/dəʊˈneɪtɪŋ/ /ˈmʌni/ tặng tiền
Tài trợ cho các
• sponsoring scholarship /ˈspɒnsərɪŋ/ /ˈskɒləʃɪp/
chương trình học
programs for students /ˈprəʊgræmz/ /fɔː/ /ˈstjuːdənts/
bổng cho sinh viên
Sử dụng các công
• employ new technologies /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ /njuː/ /tekˈnɒləʤiz/
nghệ mới
• disposing of them on /dɪsˈpəʊzɪŋ/ /ɒv/ /ðem/ /ɒn/ Xử lý chúng trên các
landfills /ˈlændfɪlz/ bãi chôn lấp
• loophole (n) /ˈluːphəʊl/ Lỗ hổng

7. Some people think that there should be some strict controls about noise. Others
think that they could just make as much noise as they want. Discuss both views
and give your opinion. (17.1.2015)
There are different perspectives on the question of whether or not the levels of noise
created should be strictly controlled. While some people believe that restricting
deafening sounds by law is sensible, I would insist that residents are entitled to
produce noise if they want to. Both these views will be thoroughly discussed in this
To begin with, there are several reasons why the government should control the amount
of noise generated. The first reason is that a high intensity of noise can significantly
affect people’s health, triggering hearing problems and even some diseases. To
illustrate, incessant exposure to the sounds of machinery and horns from industry,
construction and traffic causes the damage of ear drums, fatigue or hypertension.
Another explanation is that noise, whether soft or loud, may distract people from
working and studying, thus reducing their productivity. It is, therefore, imperative that
the authorities intervene activities causing constant noise by implementing laws about
noise limit and punishing factories and companies that cause excessively loud sounds to
nearby residential areas.
However, I accept that people can make as much noise as they want because of some
reasons. Firstly, producing noise is sometimes considered a type of recreational
activities. For instance, every person has a right to sing or cheer for a football club for
relaxation. Secondly, as the world is becoming increasingly modern, people have
invented equipment to deal with the problem of noise. Scientists have innovated sound-
proof walls and double-glazed windows that can block out the noise, allowing
individuals to focus on their work without being disturbed. Also, there are some noise
abatement items installed in machinery to minimize banging, buzzing or clattering
sounds. As a result, the problem of noise can be reduced, and there is no need for people
to constantly keep quiet.
In conclusion, though some people assert that setting a noise level and enforcing the
compliance by rules is crucial, I agree that citizens should have the right to make noise.

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(266 words, band 8.0)


Hạn chế âm thanh

• restrict deafening sounds /rɪsˈtrɪkt/ /ˈdefnɪŋ/ /saʊndz/
làm chói tai
/biː/ /ɪnˈtaɪtld/ /tuː/sth//tuː/
• be entitled to sth/ to do sth Được quyền làm gì
Một cường độ cao
• a high intensity of noise /ə/ /haɪ/ /ɪnˈtensɪti/ /ɒv/ /nɔɪz/
của tiếng ồn
Tiếp xúc liên tục
• incessant exposure to /ɪnˈsesnt/ /ɪksˈpəʊʒə/ /tuː/
ảnh hưởng đến
• damage of ear drums /ˈdæmɪʤ/ /ɒv/ /ɪə/ /drʌmz/
màng nhĩ
• fatigue (n) /fəˈtiːg/ Mệt mỏi
• recreational activities /ˌrekrɪˈeɪʃənl/ /ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ Hoạt động giải trí
• sound- proof walls /saʊnd/- /pruːf/ /wɔːlz/ Tường chống ồn
• double-glazed window /ˈdʌbl/-/gleɪzd/ /ˈwɪndəʊ/ Cửa sổ kính hai lớp
Thiết bị giảm tiếng
• noise abatement item /nɔɪz/ /əˈbeɪtmənt/ /ˈaɪtəm/

8. Reducing global environmental damage should be handled by governments

rather than individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
People are now near to the point where they are obliged to act in unity to preserve
nature as the upmost important priority. There has been an idea that it is the
authorities, not citizens, who should address the natural degradation. However, I opine
that both governments and individuals are responsible for their parts in the fight
against environmental damage.
On the one hand, governments may uphold the power of promulgating restrictive
policies with enormous influences. Once thoughtful conservatory environmental laws
are enforced with an iron hand, it will certainly produce great improvements. For
example, if the authorities succeed in eradicating illegal wood exploiting activities,
considerable natural resources will be saved, and less pollution will be created.
Additionally, solutions such as increase in the number of rangers, greater rights or more
severe punishments are possibly reflected on. In reality, Singapore is a country where
environment is of great concern. Rigorous fines are imposed with rare exceptions
when popularizing the environmental policies, thus raising the awareness of citizens. As
a result, the environment is well-conserved and becomes one of Singaporeans’ core
values and concerns.
On the other hand, given the attempts from the governments, tackling natural damage
still requires the cooperation from individuals. It necessitates as simple as a garbage-
dumping habit to an economical consumption mindset. The results created by

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individuals’ deeds in great number will be unarguably more positive than those by
governments. For instance, the sources of pollution will be reduced in an individual
perspective via less use of plastic bags and power consumption to a greater extent.
Besides, if households converted to renewable resources, the Earth could conserve
already drained fossil fuels and significantly reduce global warming.
In conclusion, though the environment has been rapidly deteriorating, in my viewpoint,
both governments and individuals have their roles to play with the aim to better our
(315 words, Ielts 8+)
• promulgate restrictive /ˈprɒməlgeɪt/ /rɪsˈtrɪktɪv/ Ban hành các chính sách
policies /ˈpɒlɪsiz/ hạn chế
• eradicate illegal wood /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ /ɪˈliːgəl/ /wʊd/ Loại bỏ các hoạt động khai
exploiting activities /ɪksˈplɔɪtɪŋ/ /ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ thác gỗ bất hợp pháp
• severe punishment /sɪˈvɪə/ /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ Phạt nặng
• rigorous fine /ˈrɪgərəs/ /faɪn/ Khắt khe
• an economical /ən/ /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkəl/ Một suy nghĩ tiêu dùng
consumption mindset /kənˈsʌm(p)ʃən/ /ˈmaɪndset/ tiết kiệm
9. In the future, it seems more difficult to live on the Earth. Some people think
more money should be spent on researching other planet to live, such as Mars. To
what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In recent decades, advances in technology have made the prospect to find a planet
resembling the Earth potentially viable. While I agree that terrestrial life has become
increasingly difficult, I do not believe that we should invest money in finding a new
planet to live.
On the one hand, there is no doubt that life has been growingly unsustainable. The main
problem is environmental pollution that adversely affects humankind in all parts of the
world. The rising consumption of natural resources such as gas, oil and coal has resulted
in an enormous amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere, reducing the
air quality and accelerating climate change. As a consequence, inhabitants in many big
cities are suffering from respiratory diseases, and likewise, more lands are being shrunk
due to the rise of sea levels, which causes habitat loss with wild animals teetering on
the brink of extinction. Apparently, natural degradation is posing a threat to human
On the other hand, I would contend that spending money finding another
accommodation for all creatures on the Earth is not an effective measure. There is little
hope of seeking a planet that has favorable conditions for life while the expenditure
can be extremely huge. In contrast, a much better action would be that we should invest
in environmental projects and encourage people to lead a more environmentally
friendly lifestyle. For example, green energy should be harnessed to replace our
dependence on fossil fuels, and individuals ought to opt for public transport rather than

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driving their vehicles. Such actions can cut exhaust emissions and slow down the effects
of global warming, making the Earth a more desirable place for us all.
In conclusion, I consider that the search for new planets to settle is a waste of time and
resources, and efforts should be concentrated on tackling and improving the Earth
(310 words, IELTS 7)

• terrestrial life /tɪˈrestrɪəl/ /laɪf/ Cuộc sống trên cạn

/waɪld/ /ˈænɪməlz/ /ˈtiːtərɪŋ/ Động vật hoang dã
• wild animals teetering on
/ɒn/ /ðə/ /brɪŋk/ /ɒv/ đang trên bờ vực
the brink of extinction
/ɪksˈtɪŋkʃən/ tuyệt chủng
Tìm kiếm một hành
• seek a planet /siːk/ /ə/ /ˈplænɪt/

10. The consumption of the world’s resources (oil, and water etc.) is increasing at
a dangerous rate. What are causes and solutions?

The overconsumption of natural resources has evolved as a major topic of concern in

recent years. This alarming trend is caused by a few factors, and there are different
measures that the government can take to address it.
The increasingly high level of exploitation of natural resources could be ascribed to a
number of reasons. The most obvious element is the tremendous demand for resources
in developing countries. The citizens of these countries are becoming increasingly
wealthy, and they may now afford a living standard associated with a higher level of
resource consumption. A clear example of this is the widespread use of cars among tens
of millions of middle-income Chinese nationals, which may have substantially
contributed to the burning of oil on a global scale. Besides, the over-dependence on
natural resources, such as fossil fuels, is another significant reason to be considered. In
Vietnam, for example, the majority of electricity is generated in thermal power stations,
in which a vast amount of coal is burnt on a daily basis.
Some remedies can be taken to mitigate the problem of over-consuming Earth’s
resources. The most practical measure at the moment is to reduce the need of resources
in developing countries. This can be done by mass-producing energy-efficient products,
such as hybrid cars, and selling these items at a low price to citizens of these nations. If
such a policy is implemented, these people may still benefit from the modern living
standard without over-consuming natural resources. Besides, the most sustainable
solution is to lower the reliance on natural resources by taking advantage of alternative

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sources. For instance, wind and tidal power in the Netherlands, nuclear power in Japan
and solar power in the United States have all proven their efficiency in energy
production. These forms of energy should be used in other parts of the world as well, to
minimize the global dependence on fossil fuels.
All the existing data provides a concrete foundation that the overexploitation of natural
resources derives from the strong demand in developing countries and the over-
reliance on these types of resources. Strong approaches, such as reducing the
aforementioned need and making use of alternative energy sources, must be adopted to
tackle this situation.

(345 words- IELTS 8)

11. Fossil fuel is the main source of energy. In some countries, the use of
alternative sources of energy is encouraged.
To what extent do you think is it a positive or negative development.
It is obvious that the governments across continents have turned their attention to more
sustainable sources of energy as alternatives to fossil fuel. In my opinion, this could be
seen as a progress for the following reasons.
First, there is no arguing that producing energy from buried dead organisms lacks
sustainability due to its limited sources as opposed to renewable ones. In fact, the
consumption of energy generated from fossil fuel tends to accelerate in a direct
correlation with the growth of the world population. With the current rate of
exploitation, this valuable resource would dwindle away in no time, leaving no other
choices than seeking additional reserves such as nuclear power or hydroelectricity. This
is a safe solution to the fear of energy scarcity and ensures the future development of
the human race.
Second, dependence on fossil fuel for worldwide energy supply would cause
environmental degradation, while using solar power and geothermal energy, for
example, is considered an optimal choice for ecosystem preservation. The
combustion of fossil fuels is the culprit of greenhouse gas emission and other air
pollutants, leading to natural damage, habitat loss and humans’ respiratory diseases. By
contrast, this would not be the case when it comes to other alternatives as mentioned
above because in spite of minor impacts on nature, renewable energy sources often
generate no toxic pollution. To illustrate, wind power and hydroelectric power are clean
energy on the Earth.
In conclusion, I believe that the use of other potential energy sources to replace fossil
fuel such as coal and gas is obviously an important forward step.

(263 Words- IELTS 7)

• in a direct correlation /ɪn/ /ə/ /dɪˈrekt/ /ˌkɒrɪˈleɪʃən/ Trong mối quan hệ trực

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with /wɪð/ tiếp với

• dwindle away /ˈdwɪndl/ /əˈweɪ/ Giảm xuống
Sự khan hiếm năng
• energy scarcity /ˈenəʤi/ /ˈskeəsɪti/
• geothermal energy /ˌʤiːəʊˈθɜːməl/ /ˈenəʤi/ Năng lượng địa nhiệt
• an optimal choice /ən/ /ˈɒptɪməl/ /ʧɔɪs/ Sự lựa chọn tối ưu
• ecosystem preservation /ˈiːkəʊˌsɪstəm/ /ˌprezəːˈveɪʃən/ Bảo tồn hệ sinh thái
• the combustion of fossil /ðə/ /kəmˈbʌsʧən/ /ɒv/ /ˈfɒsl/ Sự đốt cháy nhiên liệu
fuels /fjʊəlz/ hóa thạch
• the culprit of greenhouse /ðə/ /ˈkʌlprɪt/ /ɒv/ /ˈgriːnhaʊs/ Thủ phạm gây ra khí nhà
gas emission /gæs/ /ɪˈmɪʃən/ kính
12. Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to
reducing traffic accidents. Others, however, believe that other measures would be
more effective in improving road safety. Discuss both these views and give your
own opinion.
There are different opinions on the question of how to make our roads safer. In my
viewpoints, the advantages of severe penalties and a range of other approaches should
be equally considered to promote better driving habits.
On the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive
more safely. One explanation is that retributions for dangerous drivers can act as a
deterrent, meaning that people avoid repeating the same offence. There are various
types of driving penalty, such as small fines, license suspension, driver awareness
courses, and even prison sentences. The aim of these punishments is to show
dangerous drivers that their actions have negative consequences on the community. As
a result, we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert, and that they
follow the rules more carefully.
On the other hand, I believe that safe driving can be promulgated in several different
ways that do not punish drivers. Firstly, it is vitally important to educate people
properly before they start to drive, and this could be done in schools or even as part of
an extended or more difficult driving test. Secondly, more attention could be paid to safe
road design. For example, signs can be used to warn people, speed bumps and road
bends are possibly added to calm traffic, and speed cameras can help to hinder people
from driving too quickly. Finally, governments or local councils could reduce road
accidents by investing in better public transport, which would mean that fewer people
would need to travel by car.
In conclusion, while punishments can help to prevent negligent driving, I believe that
other road safety policies should also be implemented.
words, IELTS 9)
• severe penalties /sɪˈvɪə/ /ˈpenltiz/ Hình phạt nặng

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Hành động như một sự ngăn

• act as a deterrent /ækt/ /æz/ /ə/ /dɪˈterənt/
• retribution (n) /ˌretrɪˈbjuːʃən/ Phạt
• license suspension /ˈlaɪsəns/ /səsˈpenʃən/ Đình chỉ giấy phép
• prison sentence /ˈprɪzn/ /ˈsentəns/ Án tù
• disciplined (adj) /ˈdɪsɪplɪnd/ Có kỷ luật
• alert (adj) /əˈlɜːt/ Cảnh báo
/ˈedju(ː)keɪt/ /ˈpiːpl/ Giáo dục con người đúng
• educate people properly
/ˈprɒpəli/ cách
• speed bump /spiːd/ /bʌmp/ Tốc độ va chạm
• road bend /rəʊd/ /bend/ Đường cong
13. Some people believe the government should spend money on building train
and subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more
and wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.
The methods of mitigating traffic jam have become a source of controversy. Some
people contend that the construction of further and larger roads by the state is the
answer to the problem, whereas I would argue that the option to establish railways and
subways is a far better measure.
There is a common belief that governmental allocation for building larger and additional
roads could sustainably address the problem of traffic congestion. Firstly, expanding
streets develops transportation infrastructure to the fringe. As a result, the population
of the cities could be distributed more properly, thus releasing the burden of the traffic.
Another explanation is that developing more roads offers convenient options to those
who want to travel around the cities. They have alternative flyovers and detours to
circulate easily during peak hours. By doing so, intense bottlenecks can be alleviated.
Conversely, from my perspective, rail and underground systems could ensure that
traffic congestion is properly tackled for some reasons. Unlike cars and buses, trains are
capable of transporting hundreds of people simultaneously, thereby meeting the
transport demand of a vast number of passengers. Moreover, not having to go through
intersections and traffic lights, the journey of trains is hardly interrupted compared to
that of other means of transport. In other words, trains are always on time regardless of
the level of traffic. This punctuality would motivate many people to choose railways and
subways as their primary vehicles; therefore, decreasing the number of private cars and
motorbikes accordingly.
In summary, many concur that building more and larger roads is a pivotal approach,
while I opine that train and subway lines would be a much more effective solution to
traffic gridlock.
(272 words, IELTS 7)

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14. Cycling is more environmentally friendly than other forms of transport. Why
is it not popular in many places? And how to increase its popularity?

The unpopularity of using bicycle in numerous places has been brought into question
although there is little doubt about its friendly effects on the environment compared to
cars or airplanes. The reasons for this are various, and several feasible solutions would
be proposed in the essay below.

There are two main underlying explanations for the uncommon use of bicycles. Firstly,
it would consume a considerable amount of time to travel by this means of transport,
which, according to many, justifies the price of potential environmental damage caused
by other types of vehicles. This is because it fails to benefit dwellers of major cities in
particular when their pace of working life would eclipse the values of using bicycles
to the environment. Secondly, modern people are becoming less concerned about the
negative impact that their daily use of cars and public transportation would inflict on
their surroundings. Therefore, it is rather impractical to expect cycling in cities, or
even the countryside.

The government play a vital role in encouraging the use of this environmentally friendly
vehicle. They could conduct monthly green days that by law to require citizens to cycle
to work for the purpose of involving people in protecting their surroundings. In the long
term, such an initiative would help to gradually form a habit of cycling among occupied
individuals. More importantly, propagation via various means of media along with
optional courses about the advantages of cycling to the environment at schools seems
imperative to raise social awareness of this matter.

In conclusion, cycling, regardless of its positive influences on the environment, has

become a rare picture in the modern world for a number of reasons; and the
government should take immediate actions to improve this situation.

(284 words, IELTS 8)

• eclipse the values of /ɪˈklɪps/ /ðə/ /ˈvæljuːz/ /ɒv/ Che khuất đi các giá trị
using bicycles to the /ˈjuːzɪŋ/ /ˈbaɪsɪklz/ /tuː/ /ði/ sử dụng xe đạp cho môi
environment /ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt/ trường

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• inflict on their /ɪnˈflɪkt/ /ɒn/ /ðeə/ ảnh hưởng đến xung

surroundings /səˈraʊndɪŋz/ quanh
• an initiative /ən/ /ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv/ Một sáng kiến
Truyền thông qua
• propagation via various /ˌprɒpəˈgeɪʃən/ /ˈvaɪə/ /ˈveərɪəs/
nhiều phương tiện
means of media /miːnz/ /ɒv/ /ˈmiːdiə/
thông tin

15. Some people think that the best way to increase road safety is to increase the
minimum legal age for driving cars or riding motorbikes. To what extent do you
agree or disagree? (February, 2015)

Some individuals believe that raising the minimum legal age for controlling private
vehicles is the most effective method of enhancing road safety. While I accept that this
policy is favorable to some extent, I believe it is not the best because there are much
more effective measures to reduce traffic accidents.

It might be a good idea to increase the minimum age required for driving because of
some reasons. Firstly, since younger people are usually less mature and less responsible
for their manners, they might not be aware of the importance of abiding by the rules.
Therefore, it is reasonable to ban them from travelling on the street to prevent them
from violating the law and causing accidents. Secondly, older drivers know how to
react quickly to handle dangerous situations on the road based on their experience,
whereas younger ones might not be able to. To illustrate, if the brakes of a car suddenly
stopped working, a young driver might panic and cause an accident.

However, I would argue that there are much better methods of ensuring road safety.
The first one is to have stricter punishments for driving offenders. For example, people
who break traffic rules should be required to pay huge fines or be banned permanently
from commuting on the street. This makes commuters more likely to respect the law,
thereby limiting traffic accidents. Moreover, by reducing the price and increasing the
frequency of buses and tubes, the authorities can encourage citizens to use public
transport rather than private vehicles, which probably reduces car and motorbike

In conclusion, I believe apart from increasing the legal age for driving, there are more
effective approaches to make sure that travelling on the street is safe for everyone.

(298 words, IELTS 7)

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• abide by the rules /əˈbaɪd/ /baɪ/ /ðə/ /ruːlz/ Tuân thủ các quy tắc

• violate the law /ˈvaɪəleɪt/ /ðə/ /lɔː/ Vi phạm pháp luật

• handle dangerous Xử lý các tình huống
/ˈhændl/ /ˈdeɪnʤrəs/ /ˌsɪtjʊˈeɪʃənz/
situations nguy hiểm
• brake (n) /breɪk/ Phanh

• panic (adj) (v) /ˈpænɪk/ Hoảng loạn

• commuter (n) /kəˈmjuːtə/ Người đi lại

• car and motorbike Tai nạn xe hơi và xe
/kɑːr/ /ænd/ /ˈməʊtəˌbaɪk/ /ˈkræʃɪz/
crashes máy

16. Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basis. What are the reasons and how
to encourage them to spend their timewalking?

In modern life, many people have lost the habit of walking regularly. While there are
various factors leading to this trend, some measures can be implemented to encourage
people to take up walking as part of their daily routine.
There are two main reasons, in my opinion, why fewer people walk regularly
nowadays. Firstly, the development of technology has discouraged some people from
walking. Escalators and lifts have appeared everywhere in most towns and cities,
especially in shopping centres and offices. They are, admittedly, convenient and time-
saving but they also encourage laziness. Secondly, as part of our modern lifestyle, so
many journeys are made by car. For example, parents now often drop off and pick up
their children at the school gate, even if the school is near their home. This is
understandable in one sense as parents worry about the safety of their children,
especially if there are busy main roads to cross to get to school.
There are approaches which could be implemented to encourage people to walk more
often. In low-rise buildings, the use of the stairs should be obligatory, with a lift only for
the disabled. In order to dissuade people from using their cars unnecessarily, no-
stopping zones ought to be established in the vicinity of schools. If children become
accustomed to the habit of the daily walk to school, then responsible parents would
need to accompany them, thus familiarizing the whole family with regular walking
exercise. As another measure, pavements should be improved and more pedestrian-
only zones should also be established in city centres. Covered walkways and more

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trees could provide relief from rain and sunshine in such zones.
In conclusion, some reasons why people are walking less regularly can be identified, and
some simple solutions should be adopted to facilitate frequent walking among citizens.
(299 words- IELTS 9)

▪ no-stopping zones Khu vực không dừng

▪ accompany Đi kèm
▪ pavements Vỉa hè
▪ pedestrian-only zones Khu dành cho người đi bộ

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.
What are the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do

2. People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to the
development of communication technology and transportation.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

3. In many countries, young people leave rural areas to study and work in cities.
What do you think are reasons for this? Do you think the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages? (14.12.2013)


▪ Advantage = benefit = upside = merit = profit = positive impact = positive
influence (n) thuận lợi, ảnh hưởng tốt

▪ Advantageous = beneficial = profitable (a)

▪ Disadvantage = drawback = downside = demerit = problem = issue = negative

impact = negative influence = adverse effect (n) bất lợi, ảnh hưởng xấu

▪ Disadvantageous = problematic (a)


4 Paragraphs: INTRODUCTION




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2.1. INTRODUCTION: 2 sentences

Paraphrasing the question
Stating your opinion

b. Paraphrasing the question

▪ There are various perspectives on the question of whether or not…

▪ It is evident that…

▪ Many people believe/ argue that… →It is believed/ argued that…

▪ The idea that… has become/ remains a source of controversy.

c. Stating your opinion (Topic sentence of the essay)

❖ The question is “What are the advantages and disadvantages…”

- There are several benefits and drawbacks/ upsides and downsides/ profits and
problems/ merits and demerits of…

- The essay will discuss several benefits and drawbacks/ upsides and downsides/
profits and problems/ merits and demerits of…

❖ The question is “Do you think the advantages outweigh the


• Advantages> Disadvantages

- While/ Whereas/ Although this may cause some potential drawbacks, I believe
that the benefits are more remarkable.

• Advantages< Disadvantages:
- While/ Whereas/ Although this is beneficial to a certain extent, I believe that
the demerits are more serious.


▪ On the one hand, ……has some/ a number of/ numerous/ various positive
▪ Initially, there are some/ a number of/ numerous/ various positive impacts of….

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▪ To begin with, when…, some upsides can be anticipated.


❖ The question is “What are the advantages and disadvantages…”

▪ On the other hand, … suffer from some/a number of/ numerous/ various
adverse effects.
▪ Besides, there are some/a number of/ many/ numerous/ various adverse effects
of ….
▪ Conversely, when…, some downsides can be anticipated.
❖ The question is “Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?”
▪ On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are greater/ more remarkable/
more significant than drawbacks.

▪ However, in my opinion, upsides of… are outweighed/ overtaken by downsides.

❖ Some linking words

▪ Firstly→ Secondly→ Thirdly
▪ To begin with→ In addition→ Furthermore
▪ Following this→ Subsequently→ Subsequent to this
▪ The first problem is that→ the second negative influence is that…
Paraphrase the topic sentence


1. People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to
the development of communication technology and transportation.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

It is evident that these days many people choose to live or work in other countries,
which has been facilitated by the technological progress of communicative appliances
and the convenience of air travel. There are several upsides and downsides of this

On the one hand, the mobile working and lifestyle have various merits. Firstly,
migrating across regions and continents, people have the opportunity to observe other
parts of the world and the way people live. This, accordingly, enriches their lives

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through different languages, traditions, and cultures. For example, Westerners often
temporarily move to Asia or the Middle East and visa-versa. Secondly, this mobility
resolves labor shortage in some nations. To illustrate, nurses and doctors often migrate
to Japan where the aging population has been aching for decades.

On the other hand, there are a number of negative influences of this trend on
travelers’ families and the community. The first disadvantage is the geographical
distance among family members. This is due to the fact that though air travel and,
particularly skype can maintain communication and contact, a person, in all likelihood,
will only be able to return one or two times a year, and speaking on skype or via email is
not the same as face-to-face contact. Also, fee for frequent travel is normally exorbitant,
not to mention holidays when tickets are often overcharged.

In conclusion, the trend of free migration in job and daily life brings out many
positive and negative impacts to travelers, their families and destinations.

(256 Words)
mobility (n) /məʊˈbɪlɪti/ Tính di động
exorbitant (adj) /ɪgˈzɔːbɪtənt/ Quá cao

2. Some students take a year off between school and university, to work or to
travel. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

It is true these days that many high school leavers choose to start their work or take a
trip before going to higher education. Though taking a gap year may cause some
potential problems, I believe that the benefits are more remarkable.

On the one hand, young students are very likely to encounter several difficulties
when delaying their university study. One of these problems is the retardation in
academic progress caused by spending one year off school. This is because it is almost
impossible for young people to enjoy their experiences in doing a job or travelling to a
new place but still schedule a certain amount of time for revision. As a result, gap-year
takers may forget the knowledge at school, suffering more pressure of catching up with
their peers. Besides, the life out of university campus may prove to be mentally and
physically overwhelming for inexperienced school graduates. They, for instance, may
be at risk of being exploited in an exhausting job or confront potential danger on their

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trips to a new country. If not well prepared for such possible obstacles, young high
school graduates can suffer from unintended consequences.

On the other hand, I would argue that these disadvantages are outweighed by the
positive effects. A gap year is an ideal opportunity for students to learn knowledge not
conveyed at tertiary education. Working with other people who are experts in a
particular domain, newcomers acquire not only prowess of the job but also valuable
practical lessons to help them become more mature. When it comes to applying for a
position in a company, employers tend to favourably consider applicants who possess
extensive experience in life and the occupation. Furthermore, in terms of recreation,
having a year to relax can be advantageous as students can have a chance to relieve
stress in study. With a comfortable and willing attitude, undergraduates can acquire
knowledge more effectively in comparison with those who go to university

In conclusion, despite some negative aspects, it seems to me that the benefits of a

gap year are more significant for the reasons mentioned.

(350 words, IELTS 8+)

the retardation in /ðə/ /ˌriːtɑːˈdeɪʃən/ /ɪn/ Sự trì hoãn tiến độ
academic progress /ˌækəˈdemɪk/ /ˈprəʊgrəs/ học tập
mentally and physically /ˈmentəli/ /ænd/ /ˈfɪzɪkəli/ Quá tải về tinh thần
overwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwelmɪŋ/ và thể chất
exploit (v)_ /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ Bóc lột
exhausting job /ɪgˈzɔːstɪŋ/ /ʤɒb/ Công việc mệt mỏi
/kənˈfrʌnt/ /pəʊˈtenʃəl/ Phải đối mặt với nguy
confront potential danger
/ˈdeɪnʤə/ hiểm tiềm ẩn
obstacles (n) /ˈɒbstəklz/ Chướng ngại vật
convey (v) /kənˈveɪ/ Truyền tải
prowess of the job /ˈpraʊɪs/ /ɒv/ /ðə/ /ʤɒb/ Kĩ năng của công việc
3. In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses
to move to regional areas outside the big cities. Do the advantages of this
trend outweigh the disadvantages?

A growing number of factories and companies have been encouraged to change their
premises from metropolitan areas to more remote, rural locations by the states.
Though this relocation may cause some potential problems, I believe that the
benefits are more remarkable.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Initially, it can be argued that companies and businesses moving their venues
outside big metropolises suffer from some drawbacks. To begin with, it is evident
that companies based in regional areas are far away from their clients, suppliers and
other contacts, which affects the volume of sales and markets reached in comparison to
enterprises that are located in the city centers. Furthermore, the movement of
industrial zones to the countryside may seriously affect the environment. For instance,
many factories discharge sewage into rivers and emit smoke into the air, killing aquatic
creatures and causing respiratory diseases to locals.

Conversely, I would argue that benefits to companies that decide to open their
premises in regional areas are greater than negative impacts. One upside is that
the budget is significantly declined due to lower rent and labor cost, thus generating
higher interest for these businesses. In addition, this trend also boosts the economy in
deprived areas and stabilizes locals’ life. In more specific, job opportunities are created
for dwellers in the poverty-stricken regions, and modern amenities are gradually
developed. Moreover, pushing companies into outskirts minimizes the urban
overcrowding which is a common problem in many major cities.

To sum up, it seems to me that there are more significant advantages than
problems to businesses opening in more remote areas instead of in cities.

• metropolitan area /ˌmetrəˈpɒlɪtən/ /ˈeərɪə/ Khu vực đô thị

discharge sewage into /dɪsˈʧɑːʤ/ /ˈsju(ː)ɪʤ/ /ˈɪntuː/
rivers /ˈrɪvəz/ Xả nước thải vào sông
/ɪˈmɪt/ /sməʊk/ /ˈɪntuː/ /ði/ Xả ra khói vào không
emit smoke into the air /eə/ khí
aquatic creatures /əˈkwætɪk/ /ˈkriːʧəz/ Sinh vật thủy sinh
respiratory diseases /ˈrespərətri/ /dɪˈziːzɪz/ Bệnh đường hô hấp
boost the economy in /buːst/ /ði/ /i(ː)ˈkɒnəmi/ /ɪn/ Thúc đẩy nền kinh tế ở
deprived areas /dɪˈpraɪvd/ /ˈeərɪəz/ các vùng nghèo
region /ˈpɒvəti/-/ˈstrɪkən/ /ˈriːʤən/ Vùng nghèo đói

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1. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.
Identify serious problems and suggest ways that governments and individuals can
tackle these problems.
2. Housing shortages in big cities can have severe consequences. What are the
origins of this problem and solutions to it?
3. These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to
live in the city. Discuss some of the effects of rural depopulation and suggest some ways
on which this trend could be reversed.

4. It is sometimes said that the countryside offers a high quality of life, especially for
families. What are the arguments for and against families choosing to live and work in
the countryside, for example as farmers? What is your own view about this?

5. In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and businesses to

move to regional areas outside the big cities. Do the advantages of this trend
outweigh the disadvantages? (16.8.2014)

6. Some people think that it is best to live in a vertical, while others think a horizontal
city is better. Discuss both view and give your opinion (6.12.2014)
7. In many countries, young people leave rural areas to study and work in cities.
What do you think are reasons for this? Do you think the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages? (14.12.2013)
8. In many cities, the quality of life is decreasing. What are causes and solution to this
9. Some people think that cities are the best places to live. Others prefer to live in
a rural area. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city to
living in the countryside.

10. Some people say that cities are a better place for children to grow up, while
others believe countryside is the right choice. Discuss both views.
11. In recent years some countries have experienced very rapid economic
development. This is resulted in much higher standards of living in urban areas but

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

not in the country sides. This situation may bring some problems for the country as a
whole. What are these problems? How might they be reduced?
12. Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or
disagree? (10.1.2015)
13. People have different job expectations for jobs. Some people prefer to do the
same job for the same company, whereas others prefer to change jobs frequently.

Write about the advantages and disadvantages of each viewpoint?

14. In many countries, children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people
regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it a valuable work
experience, which is important for learning and taking responsibility. What is your

15. Celebrities such as actors and sports personalities earn a lot more than other
professionals. Some people believe that this is unfair while others think that
celebrities deserve to be paid more. Discuss both points of view and give your own
opinion on the subject.

16. Some people say that teenagers should work part-time and earn money. This way
they will learn basic lessons about work and become more disciplined. Others argue
that teenagers shouldn't sacrifice their rest and after-school activities to work.
Discuss both views and give your opinion

17. Nowadays, more and more older people who need employment compete with the
younger people for the same jobs. What problems this causes? What are solutions?
18. Some employers offer their employees subsidized membership of gyms and
sports clubs, believing that this will make their staff healthier and thus more
effective at work. Other employers see no benefit in doing so.

Consider the arguments from both aspects of this possible debate, and reach a

19. More and more young people from wealthy countries are spending a short time
in communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work such as teaching or building
houses. Why? Who benefits more from this, the community or these young people?

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

20. Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each
other, while others think that people have become more independent. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion

21. Some people think success in life comes from hard work and determination.
Others think money and appearance are more important.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion (15.2.2014)

22. Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore,
some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? (8.10.2016)

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1. Overpopulation


- Increasing population in urban areas requires housing in order to accommodate city

citizens (Ex: many people have to reside in slums or dilapidated apartments)

- Densely populated areas has also put excessive burden on transport system (Ex:
overcrowded public transport, traffic congestion)

-Unemployment, pollution, high crime rate.


- The government can encourage private builders to invest in public-private housing

projects. Also, home owners can rent unused rooms in their apartments or houses to
students, thereby optimizing living space in the city.

- The government can introduce innovative modes of transport which have higher
passenger- carrying capacity and fuel efficiency.

- If local authority can provide training programs to unskilled workers, the

joblessness proportion will significantly decrease.


/Əˈkɒmədeɪt/ /ˈsɪti/ Cung cấp nơi ở cho

accommodate city citizens
/ˈsɪtɪznz/ công dân thành phố
resident (n) /ˈRezɪdənt/ Cư dân
= inhabitant (n) = /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/
= dweller (n) = /ˈDwelə/
= local (n) = /ˈLəʊkəl/ dân địa phương
công dân (ví dụ: công
= citizen (n) (Ex: city citizens) = /ˈSɪtɪzn/
dân thành phố)
reside in slums /Rɪˈzaɪd/ /ɪn/ /slʌmz/ Cư trú tại khu ổ chuột
live (v) /Lɪv/
= reside (v) = /Rɪˈzaɪd/
= inhabit (v) = /ɪnˈhæbɪt/
= dwell (v) =/Dwel/

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dilapidated apartments Căn hộ đổ nát
/ˈDensli/ /ˈpɒpjʊleɪtɪd/
densely populated areas Khu đông dân cư
/Pʊt/ /ɪkˈsesɪv/ /ˈbɜːdn/ Đặt gánh nặng quá sức
put excessive burden on
/ɒn/ lên
overcrowded /ˌƏʊvəˈkraʊdɪd/ Quá tải
traffic congestion /ˈTræfɪk/ /kənˈʤesʧən/ Ùn tắc giao thông
public-private housing /ˈPʌblɪk/-/ˈpraɪvɪt/ Dự án nhà ở công
project /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ /ˈprɒʤekt/ cộng-tư nhân
rent sth to sb (v) /Rent/ Cho thuê
/ˈɒptɪmaɪz/ /ˈlɪvɪŋ/ Tối ưu hóa không gian
optimize living space
/speɪs/ sống
/ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/ Giới thiệu phương
introduce innovative modes
/məʊdz/ /ɒv/ thức vận chuyển sáng
of transport
/ˈtrænspɔːt/ tạo
/ˈPæsɪnʤə/- /ˈkæriɪŋ/ Khả năng vận chuyển
passenger- carrying capacity
/kəˈpæsɪti/ hành khách
Chính quyền địa
local authority /ˈLəʊkəl/ /ɔːˈθɒrɪti/
Lao động không có tay
unskilled worker /ʌnˈskɪld/ /ˈwɜːkə/

2. Housing shortage in big cities (megacities)


- Housing shortage is caused by overpopulation. As the quality of healthcare in today’s

life has improved dramatically, life expectancy has extended, and the infant
mortality rate has declined greatly compared to the past.

Connecting with Topic 1, 3


- The city authority should invest in vertical cities instead of horizontal ones since
apartment blocks can accommodate more dwellers than detached houses.

- By providing sex education and contraceptives to the community, the country can
limit the number of babies born annually.

Connecting with Topic 1, 3


IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

▪ life expectancy has /laɪf/ /ɪksˈpektənsi/ /hæz/

Tuổi thọ đã kéo dài
extended /ɪksˈtendɪd/
▪ infant mortality rate /ˈɪnfənt/ /mɔːˈtælɪti/ /reɪt/ Tỷ lệ tử vong ở trẻ sơ
has declined /hæz/ /dɪˈklaɪnd/ sinh đã giảm
▪ apartment block /əˈpɑːtmənt/ /blɒk/ Căn hộ chung cư
▪ sex education /seks/ /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ giao duc giơi tinh
▪ contraceptive (n) /ˌkɒntrəˈseptɪv/ Tránh thai
▪ annually (adv) /ˈænjʊəli/ Hàng năm

3. Rural depopulation (migration to cities)

- As regards cities, the proliferation in the number of people leads to unemployment
rates, followed by dwellers’ precarious life and high crime rate.
- Rural agriculture may undergo understaffed period, which retards the economic
progress in remote areas
Connecting with Topic 1, 3
- Rural areas are required to improve local facilities and amenities, namely schools,
medical and recreational centers
- If the state can encourage companies to relocate to outskirts and far-flung
locations, many occupations are created, thus attracting residents, particularly young
adults and intellectuals, to remain in their homeland
Phát triển mạnh, tăng
proliferation (v) /prəʊˌlɪfəˈreɪʃən/
precarious life /prɪˈkeərɪəs/ /laɪf/ Cuộc sống bấp bênh
retard the economic /rɪˈtɑːd/ /ði/ /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/
Làm chậm tiến độ kinh tế
progress /ˈprəʊgrəs/
/ˈləʊkəl/ /fəˈsɪlɪtiz/ /ænd/ Tiện ích và tiện nghi địa
local facilities and amenities
/əˈmiːnɪtiz/ phương
/ˌriːləʊˈkeɪt/ /tuː/
relocate to outskirts Chuyển đến vùng ngoại ô
far-flung locations /ˈfɑːˈflʌŋ/ /ləʊˈkeɪʃənz/ Các vị trí xa xôi
attract residents /əˈtrækt/ /ˈrezɪdənts/ Thu hút người dân
/rɪˈmeɪn/ /ɪn/ /ðeə/
remain in their homeland Vẫn ở quê hương
4. Living in the countryside:

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


- The bounty of natural resources, specifically land, wildlife forestry and water bodies,
means that a comparatively large number of inhabitants can live at a subsistence level

- Children learn the importance of animal husbandry, methods of farming such as crop
rotation and irrigation.

- Environment. Not many urban problems Connecting with Topic 1,2


- The countryside is rather a backwater, with fewer cultural amenities than a city in the
form of museums, theatres and even sporting events

-Children may need to travel long distances for their education owing to the scarcity of
schools and colleges.

-Connecting with Topic 3, Effects

water bodies /ˈWɔːtə/ /ˈbɒdiz/ Vùng nước
subsistence (n) /Səbˈsɪstəns/ Sống ở mức vừa đủ
self-sufficiency /Self/-/səˈfɪʃənsi/ Tự cung tự cấp
animal husbandry /ˈÆnɪməl/ /ˈhʌzbəndri/ Chăn nuôi
crop rotation /Krɒp/ /rəʊˈteɪʃən/ Sự luân canh
irrigation (n) /ˌɪrɪˈgeɪʃən/ Thủy lợi
wildlife forestry /ˈWaɪldlaɪf/ /ˈfɒrɪstri/ Lâm nghiệp hoang dã
bounty (n) /ˈBaʊnti/ Sự nhiều, giàu có
Nơi kém phát triển (Nước tù
backwater (n) /ˈBækˌwɔːtə/
/ˈTrævl/ /lɒŋ/
travel long distances Di chuyển xa
scarcity (n) /ˈSkeəsɪti/ Sự khan hiếm

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

5. Relocation of industries and businesses from the city to regional areas


- The budget is significantly declined due to lower rent and labor cost, thus generating
higher profit.

- This trend also boosts the economy in deprived areas and stabilizes locals’ life
(jobs, facilities, small businesses emerge)

- Connecting with Topic 3, Solutions


- Companies based in regional areas are distant from their clients and suppliers

- The movement of industrial zones to the countryside may seriously affect the
environment (exploitation of natural resources and pollution)

- Relocation costs


generate higher Tạo ra lợi nhuận cao

/ˈʤenəreɪt/ /ˈhaɪər/ /ˈprɒfɪt/
profit hơn.
boost the economy /buːst/ /ði/ /iːˈkɒnəmi/ Thúc đẩy nền kinh tế
deprived areas /dɪˈpraɪvd/ /ˈeərɪəz/ Khu vực nghèo
Ổn định cuộc sống của
stabilize locals’ life /ˈsteɪbɪlaɪz/ /ˈləʊkəlz/ /laɪf/
người dân địa phương
emerge (v) /ɪˈmɜːʤ/ Xuất hiện
be distant from /biː/ /ˈdɪstənt/ /frɒm/ Xa
degrade the Làm suy thoái môi
environment= ruin trường = hủy hoại bản
uːɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈneɪʧə/
the nature chất
exploitation of /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃən/ /ɒv/ /ˈnæʧrəl/ Khai thác tài nguyên
natural resources /rɪˈsɔːsɪz/ thiên nhiên

6. Vertical cities and Horizontal cities

Vertical cities

- High-rise apartments could provide accommodation for much larger number of people
in the same area of land

- Modern amenities

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

- Connecting with Topics 1,2

Horizontal cities

- People in separate houses have more privacy.

- The safety is more ensured since in case of emergency, dwellers can instantly
evacuate from their homes.

- While apartments in vertical cities often bear a striking resemblance, detached

houses in horizontal counterparts are famous for their unique architecture.


privacy (n) /ˈprɪvəsi/ Sự riêng tư

safety is more ensured /ˈseɪfti/ /ɪz/ /mɔːr/ /ɪnˈʃʊəd/ An toàn được đảm bảo
evacuate from (v) /ɪˈvækjʊeɪt/ /frɒm/ Sơ tán khỏi
/beər/ /ə/ /ˈstraɪkɪŋ/
bear a striking resemblance Có đặc điểm giống nhau
counterparts (n) /ˈkaʊntəpɑːts/ Đối tác
unique architecture. /juːˈniːk/ /ˈɑːkɪtekʧə/. Kiến trúc độc đáo.

9. Advantages and disadvantages of urban life and rural life

Rural life: Topic 4

Urban life:
+ Job opportunities: professional environment, domestic and international companies.
+Education: prestigious schools, chance to study abroad
+City dwellers
+Facilities and services

-Disadvantages: Connecting with Topics 1,2

professional (adj) /prəˈfeʃənl/ Chuyên nghiệp
domestic (adj) /dəˈmestɪk/ Trong nước
prestigious (adj /preˈstɪʤəs/ Uy tín

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Topic 7,8,10,11: Connecting with the above topics


12. Salary or job satisfaction

- People often earn their livelihood from their workplace, so it will be difficult for
individuals to make their ends meet from underpaid jobs.
- Competent workers do not often apply for jobs with meager income as these are
less attractive, meaning that the remuneration determines the value of a particular job.
- Since they dedicate themselves to the job, payment should be generous enough.
Job satisfaction
- Work- life balance, colleagues and recognition contribute towards satisfacion in work.
- If you attach importance to working fulfillment, stress and pressure may be relieved
earn their livelihood /ɜːn/ /ðeə/ /ˈlaɪvlɪhʊd/ Kiếm sống
make their ends meet /meɪk/ /ðeər/ /endz/ /miːt/ Đáp ứng đủ nhu cầu cuộc
underpaid job /ˌʌndəˈpeɪd/ /ʤɒb/ Công việc có mức lương thấp
Competent workers /ˈkɒmpɪtənt/ /ˈwɜːkəz/ Người lao động có năng lực
meager income /ˈmiːgər/ /ˈɪnkʌm/ Thu nhập ít ỏi
remuneration (n) /rɪˌmjuːnəˈreɪʃən/ Tiền công
dedicate themselves to /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ /ðəmˈselvz/ /tuː/ Cống hiến cho
recognition (n) /ˌrekəgˈnɪʃən/ Sự công nhận
attach importance to sth /əˈtæʧ/ /ɪmˈpɔːtəns/ /tuː/sth Chú trọng đến sth
fulfillment (n) /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/ Thỏa mãn, hài lòng
13. Job expectation
Life-time employment
- Workers invest time and money in one particular field, thus improving their skills and
- They are loyal to the company, so they are more likely to get promoted and have
close-knit relationship with their seniors, colleagues and subordinates

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

- Some workers may become inert and neglectful, not desiring to learn new knowledge
and emulate others.
- They may miss an opportunity to embrace new challenges and add a sense of
adventure into their lives
- People expose themselves to various working environments, thus earning experience
and enhancing skills (ex: adaptation, problem-solving)
- Despite probably not establishing long-lasting relationship, they can expand their
social network
- Job-hopping seems suitable for young workers who need to experience different
workplaces to seek for an appropriate position.
- Companies are possibly reluctant to recruit or train candidates who frequently
changed their jobs before.
- Workers with regular changes in their fields may have an obstacle to climbing their
career ladder
expertise (n) /ˌekspɜːˈtiːz/ Chuyên môn
close-knit relationship /kləʊs/-/nɪt/ /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/ Mối quan hệ gần gũi
senior (n) /ˈsiːnjə/ Cấp trên
subordinate (adj) /səˈbɔːdnɪt/ Cấp dưới
inert (adj) /ɪˈnɜːt/ Trơ
neglectful (adj) /nɪˈglektfʊl/ Không quan tâm
emulate sb/ sth (v) /ˈemjʊleɪt/sb/sth Thi đua sb / sth
Chấp nhận những thách
embrace new challenges /ɪmˈbreɪs/ /njuː/ /ˈʧælɪnʤɪz/
thức mới
adaptation (n) /ˌædæpˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ Sự thích nghi
establishing long-lasting /ɪsˈtæblɪʃɪŋ/ /lɒŋ/-/ˈlɑːstɪŋ/ Thiết lập mối quan hệ lâu
relationship /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/ dài
expand their social /ɪksˈpænd/ /ðeə/ /ˈsəʊʃəl/ Mở rộng mạng xã hội của
network /ˈnetwɜːk/ họ
be reluctant to /biː/ /rɪˈlʌktənt/ /tuː/ Miễn cưỡng

an obstacle to climb /ən//ˈɒbstəkl//tuː//ˈklaɪm//kəˈrɪə/ Một trở ngại để trong

career ladder /ˈlædə/ việc được thăng chức

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14. Children in paid jobs

Supporting children in paid jobs
- Exposing themselves to labor at early age clarifies to young workers monetary values
and relationship with their colleagues and customers.
- Working children have a tendency to become more independent, mature and alert
than their counterparts who merely take part in academic study.
Opposing children in paid jobs
- Various hazards from factories and farms deteriorate young people’s health
- Because youngsters have to do many tasks in a paid job, they may have difficulty
concentrating on their mainstream study
- Some bosses may take advantage of children, enforcing them to do burdensome
tasks and not giving them security tools.
clarify (v) /ˈklærɪfaɪ/ Làm rõ
/hæv/ /ə/ /ˈtendənsi/
have a tendency to Có khuynh hướng
alert (adj) /əˈlɜːt/ Mang tính cảnh báo
deteriorate young /dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪt/ /jʌŋ/ Làm giảm sức khỏe của người
people’s health /ˈpiːplz/ /helθ/ trẻ tuổi
mainstream study /ˈmeɪnstriːm/ /ˈstʌdi/ Học tập chính thống
take advantage of /teɪk/ /ədˈvɑːntɪʤ/ /ɒv/ Lợi dụng
enforce sb to do sth /ɪnˈfɔːs/ sb /tuː/ /duː/sth Bắt buộc ai làm gì
security tools /sɪˈkjʊərɪti/ /tuːlz/ Dụng cụ bảo vệ (lao động)

15. Celebrities’ high salary

Supporting celebrities’ high salary

- Renowned personalities and sportsmen spend long time practicing and rehearsing
before the performance

- Celebrities offer some jobs to the community (Ex: major sporting events create jobs for
people in logistics and tourism)

- It is also common for celebrities to engage in philanthropic work, making generous

donations to charities and supporting less fortunate people all over the world.

Opposing celebrities’ high salary

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- Some celebrities lack qualifications and just base their career on inborn talents,
whereas workers in other fields put a tremendous effort into the mainstream

- Every occupation is of vital importance to the society, thus a similar amount of

money should be paid to people in any fields.


▪ Renowned (adj) /rɪˈnaʊnd/ Nổi tiếng

▪ philanthropic work /ˌfɪlənˈθrɒpɪk/ /wɜːk/ Công việc từ thiện
▪ making generous donations /ˈmeɪkɪŋ/ /ˈʤenərəs/ Đóng góp hào phóng
to charities /dəʊˈneɪʃənz/ /tuː/ /ˈʧærɪtiz/ cho các tổ chức từ thiện
▪ base their career on inborn /beɪs/ /ðeə/ /kəˈrɪər/ /ɒn/ Dựa vào sự nghiệp của
talents /ˌɪnˈbɔːn/ /ˈtælənts/ họ về tài năng bẩm sinh
/pʊt/ /ə/ /trəˈmendəs/ /ˈefət/ Đặt một nỗ lực to lớn
▪ put a tremendous effort into
/ˈɪntuː/ vào
Tầm quan trọng sống
▪ of vital importance /ɒv/ /ˈvaɪtl/ /ɪmˈpɔːtəns/

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.
Identify serious problems and suggest ways that governments and individuals can
tackle these problems.

Many cities have suffered from the rapidly growing number of inhabitants. As a
consequence, urban areas are encountering numerous adverse issues; however, there
are some measures that the state and residents can take to alleviate them.

To begin with, increasing population in urban areas requires housing in order to

accommodate city citizens. To be more precise, many dwellers have to reside in slums
or dilapidated apartments owing to insufficient lodging provided by the government.
In some populous cities in India, to illustrate, people suffer from uncomfortable life in
cramped rented houses of impoverished districts. To mitigate this problem, the
government can encourage private builders to invest in new housing projects. We, as a
citizen, can rent unused rooms in our apartments or houses to students or individuals,
thereby optimizing living space in the city.

Apart from housing shortage, overpopulation in urban areas has also put excessive
burden on transport system. As a result, various modes of public transportation are
overcrowded during residents’ daily commute, not to mention private cars stuck in
traffic congestion. The government can introduce innovative modes of transport
which have higher passenger- carrying capacity and fuel efficiency. Besides, walking
or riding bicycle to workplace and school, city inhabitants can contribute to the relief of
onerous transport. The final effect of a crowded city is unemployment, especially to
unskilled workers and impecunious job-seekers who find it challenging to land a job
among many well-educated counterparts. If local authority could provide training
programs to this labour group, the jobless proportion would be significantly decreased.

To conclude, teeming cities are facing some negative consequences including housing
inadequacy, burdensome transport system and unemployment. The government and
locals, nevertheless, can adopt many approaches to minimize these issues.

(309 words, IELTS 8+)


IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

inhabitant (n) /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ Dân cư

reside in slums /rɪˈzaɪd/ /ɪn/ /slʌmz/ Cư trú tại khu ổ chuột
dilapidated (adj) /dɪˈlæpɪdeɪtɪd/ Hư hỏng
insufficient (adj) /ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt/ Không đầy đủ
optimizing (v) /ˈɒptɪmaɪzɪŋ/ Tối ưu hoá
Giới thiệu phương
introduce innovative /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/
thức vận chuyển sáng
modes of transport /məʊdz/ /ɒv/ /ˈtrænspɔːt/
higher passenger- carrying /ˈhaɪə/ /ˈpæsɪnʤə/-/ˈkæriɪŋ/ Khả năng vận chuyển
capacity /kəˈpæsɪti/ hành khách cao hơn
onerous (adj) /ˈɒnərəs/ Nặng nề
impecunious (adj) /ˌɪmpɪˈkjuːnjəs/ nghèo khổ
teeming cities /ˈtiːmɪŋ/ /ˈsɪtiz/ Thành phố đông dân

Nhiều thành phố đã phải gánh chịu lượng cư dân tăng nhanh. Hậu quả là, các khu vực
thành thị đang phải đối mặt với nhiều vấn đề bất lợi; Tuy nhiên, vẫn có một số giải pháp
mà nhà nước và người dân có thể thực hiện để giảm bớt những hậu quả nghiêm trọng
Đầu tiên, dân số ngày càng gia tăng ở khu vực thành thị dẫn đến nhu cầu nhà ở tăng lên
để đáp ứng cho dân thành thị. Đúng hơn là nhiều người phải sống ở khu ổ chuột hoặc các
căn hộ đổ nát do chính phủ không cung cấp đủ chỗ ở. Ví dụ, ở một số thành phố đông
dân ở Ấn Độ, người dân phải chịu sự bất tiện khi sống trong những căn nhà thuê chật
hẹp của các quận huyện nghèo nàn. Để giảm thiểu vấn đề này, chính phủ có thể khuyến
khích các nhà thầu tư nhân đầu tư vào các dự án nhà ở mới. Chúng ta, với tư cách là công
dân, có thể cho sinh viên hoặc những cá nhân khác thuê những phòng không sử dụng
trong nhà mình, nhờ đó tối ưu hóa không gian sống trong thành phố.
Ngoài tình trạng thiếu nhà ở, quá tải dân cư ở khu vực thành thị cũng gây ra gánh nặng
lớn cho hệ thống giao thông. Kết quả là, các phương tiện giao thông công cộng quá tải
trong giờ hành chính, chưa kể xe ô tô riêng bị mắc kẹt. Chính phủ có thể đem các phương
tiện giao thông mang tính cải tiến có khả năng chở nhiều hành khách và tiết kiệm nhiên
liệu hơn vào sử dụng. Bên cạnh đó, việc đi bộ hoặc đi xe đạp đến nơi làm việc và trường
học sẽ giúp cư dân giảm bớt khó khăn trong di chuyển. Ảnh hưởng cuối cùng của một
thành phố đông đúc là nạn thất nghiệp, đặc biệt là những người lao động không có trình
độ và những người tìm việc nghèo túng. Họ sẽ thấy thật khó khăn để có được việc làm so
với những đối thủ cạnh tranh được giáo dục tốt. Nếu chính quyền địa phương có thể
cung cấp chương trình đào tạo cho nhóm lao động này thì tỷ lệ thất nghiệp sẽ giảm đáng

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Tóm lại, các thành phố đông đúc đang phải đối mặt với một số hậu quả tiêu cực bao gồm
sự thiếu thốn nhà ở, gánh nặng giao thông và nạn thất nghiệp. Tuy nhiên, chính phủ và
người dân địa phương vẫn có thể áp dụng nhiều biện pháp để giảm thiểu các vấn đề này.
2. Housing shortages in big cities can have severe consequences. What are the
origins of this problem and solutions to it?
It is no doubt true that in many cities the supply of houses is unable to meet the demand
for shelters. Although this is caused by several factors, there are still some feasible
approaches for this issue.
There are two main explanations why housing crisis occurs. One reason is that
resources are scarce, making it is impossible to increase the quantity of natural
resources. In other words, while the population increases constantly, city land is just
slightly expanded via urban sprawl or remains unchanged. Therefore, we do not have
sufficient land to fulfill people’s demand for accommodations. Another cause of
housing inadequacy is that as the quality of healthcare in today’s life has improved
dramatically, life expectancy has also extended greatly compared to the past.
Accordingly, the world’s population has significantly accelerated over time, placing a
burden on housing supply.
However, we still have some feasible measures to tackle this problem. Firstly, the city
authority should build more apartments instead of detached houses, which may
mitigate the adverse impact of resource scarcity since vertical city can accommodate
more citizens than horizontal ones. Secondly, it is highly recommended that the
government restrict the increase in population to minimize the excessive demand for
houses. In particular, by providing sex education and contraceptives to the community,
the country can limit the number of babies born annually. In China, for example,
because the population is huge, Chinese government enforce the policy that each
Chinese family must not bear more than two children.
In conclusion, housing shortage is increasingly becoming a severe problem for many
cities, and this arises because of various reasons. However, we can still cope with this
problem if suitable policies are implemented.
(281 words, IELTS 8)
feasible approach /ˈfiːzəbl/ /əˈprəʊʧ/ Giải pháp khả thi
urban sprawl /ˈɜːbən/ /sprɔːl/ phát triển đô thị
Đáp ứng nhu cầu của mọi
fulfill people’s demand /fʊlˈfɪl/ /ˈpiːplz/ /dɪˈmɑːnd/
housing inadequacy /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ /ɪnˈædɪkwəsi/ Sự thiếu nhà ở
detached house /dɪˈtæʧt/ /haʊs/ nhà ở riêng lẻ

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

restrict (v) /rɪsˈtrɪkt/ Giới hạn

contraceptive /ˌkɒntrəˈseptɪv/ Biện pháp tránh thai
3. These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural
areas to live in the city.
Discuss some of the effects of rural depopulation and suggest some ways on which
this trend could be reversed.
The improvement and development in urban areas have never failed to attract people’s
attention and provoke rural depopulation. This trend brings about both positive and
negative influences which can be, fortunately, mitigated by some potential solutions.
Countryside settlers’ migration to cities has several adverse issues, entailing economical
and financial setbacks. In urban destinations, the proliferation in the number of people
leads to the proportional increase in unemployment rates, ensued by dwellers’
precarious life and high crime rate. Detroit in the USA is a case in point. This crowded
city is notorious for poverty and the high rate of robbery and drug addiction. Apart
from this, the availability of workforce in countryside will plunge, and rural agriculture
may undergo understaffed period which impedes the economic progress in remote
In order to look for solutions to the imbalance of inhabitants between rural and urban
areas, one should not neglect the reason why people resettle into cities. To begin with,
rural areas are required to establish a high standard of local facilities, namely schools,
medical and recreational centers. Consequently, owing to the equalization of comfort
and local services, which abound in suburbs, people will desire to have a permanent
settlement here. Besides, if the state can encourage companies to relocate to outskirts
and far-flung locations, many occupations are created, thus attracting residents,
particularly young adults and intellectuals to remain in their homeland.
In summary, one can conclude that the relocation off the rural areas and resettlement
into cities are leading to high rates of crime and unemployment. Resolving these
problems can be accomplished by increasing living standards and motivating the
relocation to non-urban areas.
(272 words, IELTS 8)
provoke (v) /prəˈvəʊk/ Gây nên
setback (n) /ˈsetbæk/ Vấn đề
ensue (v) /ɪnˈsjuː/ Theo sau
precarious life /prɪˈkeərɪəs/ /laɪf/ Cuộc sống bấp bênh
notorious for /nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs/ /fɔː/ Nổi tiếng (xấu)
drug addiction /drʌg/ /əˈdɪkʃ(ə)n/ nghiện ma túy

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

resettle (v) /ˌriːˈsetl/ Tái định cư

equalization (n) /ˌiːkwəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ Sự cân bằng
abound (v) /əˈbaʊnd/ Nhiều, đa dạng, phong phú
/ˈpɜːmənənt/ /ˈsetlmənt/ Định cư dài hạn
intellectuals (n) /ˌɪntɪˈlektjʊəlz/ Trí thức
accomplish (v) /əˈkɒmplɪʃ/ Hoàn thành
living standard /ˈlɪvɪŋ/ /ˈstændəd/ chất lượng cuộc sống

4. It is sometimes said that the countryside offers a high quality of life, especially
to families. What are the arguments for and against families choosing to live and
work in the countryside, for example as farmers? What is your own view about

Some people believe that they can enjoy a comfortable and an affluent life in rural
areas. While the opponents of this idea insist that the countryside fail to provide a
good life to settlers, I hold the view that families can have a sufficient and blissfully
happy life here.

On the one hand, it might be said that the countryside is rather a backwater, with fewer
cultural amenities than a city in the form of museums, theatres and even sporting events.
That is to say, families become isolated, especially as rural depopulation leaves fewer
country dwellers in the areas, for instance, in central France. Added to this is the scarcity
of schools and colleges, meaning that children may need to travel long distances for their
education. Finally, career options may be more limited in the countryside for both parents
and children, resulting in rural unemployment and long-term rural poverty in the worst
Conversely, I accept that life in the countryside has rewards which go beyond material
considerations. Taking nature as an example, the bounty of natural resources,
specifically land, wildlife forestry and water bodies, means that a comparatively simple
life can be lived at a subsistence level. Many country residents are self-sufficient
smallholders in this sense, safeguarding them from the changes in the wider economy
which can afflict city dwellers. Also, if the parents are farmers, children learn the
importance of animal husbandry, methods of farming such as croprotation and
irrigation, and may generally live in harmony with the natural world as a result. On the
top of that, as technology enables children to undertake distance learning or remote
viewing of cultural attractions such as museums, they should be less isolated from their
cultural heritage.

Overall, though some may argue that having a rural accommodation has drawbacks, it

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

seems to me that quality of life in the countryside today is indeed quite high, with its
advantages of resources, agriculture and prevailing technological connection.
(317 words, IELTS 8.5)
Vùng phát triển chậm
backwater (n) /ˈbækˌwɔːtə/
(nước tù đọng)
rural depopulation /ˈrʊərəl/ /diːˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃən/ Sự giảm dân số nông thôn
country dweller /ˈkʌntri/ /ˈdwelə/ Người ở nông thôn
scarcity (n) /ˈskeəsɪti/ Sự khan hiếm
/məˈtɪərɪəl/ /kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃən/ Xem xét vật chất
wildlife forestry and /ˈwaɪldlaɪf/ /ˈfɒrɪstri/ /ænd/ Lâm nghiệp và các vùng
water bodies /ˈwɔːtə/ /ˈbɒdiz/ nước
subsistence (n) /səbˈsɪstəns/ Sống ở mức vừa đủ
self-sufficient /self//səˈfɪʃənt//ˈsmɔːlˌhəʊl.də
Hộ nông dân tự túc
smallholder r/
Ảnh hưởng cư dân thành
afflict city dwellers /əˈflɪkt/ /ˈsɪti/ /ˈdweləz/
animal husbandry /ˈænɪməl/ /ˈhʌzbəndri/ Chăn nuôi
crop rotation /krɒp/ /rəʊˈteɪʃən/ Luân canh
irrigation (n) /ˌɪrɪˈgeɪʃən/ Thủy lợi
cultural heritage. /ˈkʌlʧərəl/ /ˈherɪtɪʤ/ Di sản văn hóa.

5. Some people think that it is best to live in a vertical, while others think a
horizontal city is better. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
Nowadays, two trends of metropolis with high-rise buildings and dispersed houses are
prevailing around the world. While some citizens argue that the development of high-
rise buildings in modern cities benefits dwellers, I advocate the progress of traditional
horizontal cities.
On the one hand, vertical cities offer tremendous upsides to inhabitants. The first merit
is that high-rise apartments could provide accommodation for a much larger number of
people in the same area of land, thus considerably reducing the cost of living. Also,
removing out of the space, skyscrapers are giving place to parks, which, in return,
diminishes carbon dioxide emitted from air conditioners and vehicles. Moreover, its
compactness allows residents to easily move among stories and relish high-quality
services, namely restaurant, shopping malls, mini-supermarket and other luxurious
enjoyments which are often available in apartment blocks.
On the other hand, I strongly believe that the benefits of living in horizontal cities are
undeniable. Initially, people in separate houses have more privacy. For example, family
conflicts could be saved from the interference of curious neighbors who live across the

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

street, but the situation would be different if they were your upstairs neighbors. Also,
the safety is more ensured since in case of emergency, dwellers can instantly evacuate
from their home, avoiding any possibility of jostling others in a stuffed exit hallway.
Last but not least, while apartments in vertical cities often bear a striking
resemblance, detached houses in horizontal counterparts are famous for their unique
architecture, which simultaneously maintains the special features for a city and
captivates tourists.
In conclusion, vertical cities have their strengths regarding land saving and premium
services; even so, I am still in favor of residing in dispersed cities due to their private
space, security and uniqueness.
(289 words, IELTS 8)
Nhà thấp và nằm rải
dispersed house /dɪsˈpɜːst/ /haʊs/
compactness (n) /ˈkɒmpæktnəs/ Sự chặt chẽ, nhỏ gọn
luxurious (adj) /lʌɡˈʒʊəriəs/ Sang trọng
interference (n) /ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns/ Can thiệp
evacuate from /ɪˈvækjʊeɪt/ /frɒm/ Sơ tán khỏi
bear a striking
/beər//ə//ˈstraɪkɪŋ//rɪˈzembləns/ Giống nhau đặc biệt
counterpart (n) /ˈkaʊntəpɑːt/ Đối tác
captivate (adj) /ˈkæptɪveɪt/ Thu hút

6 . Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or
A vast majority of our adult life is spent working; hence some support the idea that huge
payment should be prioritized over job fulfillment. While financial remuneration is a
crucial factor that attracts individuals towards a specific work, I disagree that it is the
most significant factor that makes a job ideal.
Firstly, the importance of financial security cannot be undermined in the modern
materialistic world. Since a vast majority of people earn their livelihood from their
workplace, it will be difficult for individuals with a single source of income, to make
their ends meet, from underpaid jobs. Thus low-paid employees, because of their
financial burdens, may not be able to offer dedication and commitment to their career,
which, in turn, results in under-performance. Secondly, the educated refrain from the
employment in jobs with meager incomes as these are less attractive. Hence, the
remuneration associated is an important factor that determines the value of a particular

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

On the other hand, to glorify higher earning as the sole determiner of an ideal job is
incorrect. This is because various other factors, namely work and life balance, working
place culture and adequate recognition contribute towards satisfaction and
contentment in work. Henceforth, an astronomically higher paying job with a
demanding employer, with poor social life in a tedious work place environment will
lead to higher job dissatisfaction, which also promotes higher attrition.
From the above justifications, it can be stated that apart from financial remuneration,
which is a major determiner of a good occupation, job satisfaction is also an equally
important associated factor that determines the value of a specific job.
(265 words, IELTS 9)


Sự hài lòng, thỏa mãn trong

job fulfillment /ʤɒb/ /fʊlˈfɪlmənt/
công việc
remuneration (n) /rɪˌmjuːnəˈreɪʃən/ Tiền công
undermine (v) /ˌʌndəˈmaɪnd/ Làm suy yếu
materialistic (adj) /məˌtɪərɪəˈlɪstɪk/ Thuộc về vật chất
earn their livelihood /ɜːn/ /ðeə/ /ˈlaɪvlɪhʊd/ Kiếm sống
dedication (n) /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃən/ Sự cống hiến
commitment (n) /kəˈmɪtmənt/ Cam kết
refrain from /rɪˈfreɪn/ /frɒm/ Kiềm chế
meager income /ˈmiːgər/ /ˈɪnkʌm/ Thu nhập ít ỏi
the sole determiner /ðə/ /səʊl/ /dɪˈtɜːmɪnə/ Yếu tố quyết định duy nhất
adequate recognition /ˈædɪkwɪt/ /ˌrekəgˈnɪʃən/ Công nhận đầy đủ
contentment (n) /kənˈtentmənt/ Sự mãn nguyện
tedious (adj) /ˈtiːdjəs/ Tẻ nhạt
attrition (n) /əˈtrɪʃ(ə)n/ Sự hao mòn, buồn chán

8. In many countries, children are engaged in different kinds of paid work. Some
people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it a valuable work
experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. What is your

There are different viewpoints on the question of whether or not children should
participate in jobs to earn money. While some argue that having some employment
experience is conducive to a child’s learning and development, I contend that it would
undermine the child’s health and study.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

First of all, working at a young age to earn money brings about many rewards to
children. The primary upside is that exposing themselves to labour at early age clarifies
to young workers monetary values and relationship with their senior colleagues and
customers. Taking a child waiter as an example, as serving in a small coffee shop, he can
simultaneously make a decent saving for himself and know how to satisfy his
patrons. Apart from this, working children have a tendency to become more
independent, mature and alert than their counterparts who merely take part in
academic study.

Nevertheless, in my opinion, children may suffer from some demerits of early work.
First, various hazards such as polluted air and chemical fumes produced in factories
and farms undoubtedly deteriorate young people’s health. Besides, as usual, not
respected and trained as well as adults were, they would find it frustrating when they
are not properly inducted before starting a job. For instance, a child working in a
cement factory would feel a setback when he could not get immediate support while
struggling with the procedures of recording different raw materials that is required by
the job. Furthermore, without sufficient experience, a child’s inappropriate
communication with adults would only disappoint and prevent him from active learning
and interacting with other people. Finally, because youngsters are preoccupied with
many tasks in a paid job, they may have difficulty concentrating on their mainstream
study, which negatively influences their future career.

To conclude, although some advocate that youths should work early to earn money and
experience, I opine that a child’s paid employment would lead to a negative impact on
their health and active learning.

(324 words, IELTS 8.5- IELTS Blog)


be conducive to /biː/ /kənˈdjuːsɪv/ /tuː/ Có lợi cho

simultaneously (adv) /ˌsɪməlˈteɪnjəsli/ Đồng thời
/meɪk/ /ə/ /ˈdiːsnt/ Tiết kiệm được 1 khoảng
make a decent saving
/ˈseɪvɪŋ/ tiền
patron (n) /ˈpeɪtrən/ Khách thân thiết
have a tendency to /hæv/ /ə/ /ˈtendənsi/ /tuː/ Có khuynh hướng
alert (adj) /əˈlɜːt/ Lanh lẹ
hazard (n) /ˈhæzəd/ Nguy hiểm
deteriorate young people’s /dɪˈtɪərɪəreɪt/ /jʌŋ/ /ˈpiːplz/ Làm giảm sức khỏe của
health /helθ/ người trẻ tuổi
induct (v) /ɪnˈdʌkt/ Giới thiệu

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

procedure (n) /prəˈsiːʤə/ Quy trình

be preoccupied with /biː/ /pri(ː)ˈɒkjʊpaɪd/ /wɪð/ Bận tâm

9. Celebrities such as actors and sports personalities earn a lot more than other
professionals. Some people believe that this is unfair while others think that
celebrities deserve to be paid more. Discuss both points of view and give your
own opinion on the subject.

Famous sportsmen and film personalities earn far more money than people in other
professions. Though there is an argument that workers in every occupation are entitled
to an equal payment, I would assert that the renowned in entertainment and sports
should receive a huge income.
On the one hand, it seems that well-known people should be overpaid for some
justifications. The main reason is that many celebrities lack academic or professional
qualifications and just base their career on inborn talents, whereas workers in other
fields, particularly doctors, scientists and teachers put a tremendous effort into the
mainstream education. For instance, it is absurd that a singer earn thousands of dollars
for a show, whereas a scientist dedicating himself to his job in the laboratory is merely
paid some hundred dollars. Moreover, it is irrefutable that every occupation is of vital
importance to the society, thus a similar amount of money should be paid to people in
any domains. This is simply due to the fact that one could not survive without food
produced by farmers in agriculture. Likewise, citizens’ life would become tedious and
monotonous if there were no means of entertainment created by famous personalities.
On the other hand, I accept that it is sensible for actors, singers and athletes to have a
considerable income. In fact, celebrities are among the highest paid professionals all
over world. While it might seem unfair to some people, one cannot overlook the fact that
celebrities also help develop jobs and income. To illustrate, major sporting events
generate millions of dollars in advertising revenue and create jobs for people involved
in catering and logistics. Cities that host these events attract tourists from all over the
world. In short, an international event such as Olympics or World Cup Football has the
power to boost a nation’s economy. Besides that, it is also common for celebrities to
engage in philanthropic work, making generous donations to charities and
supporting less fortunate people all over the world.
To conclude, it is hard to say whether the huge salaries of celebrities are justified.
Though critics have a plenty of arguments against famous people’s substantial income, I
personally believe that actors, singers and athletes should be overpaid for their
contribution to the community.
(350 words, IELTS 8.5)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

/biː/ /ɪnˈtaɪtld/ Được quyền làm gì/ để làm
be entitled to sth/ to do sth
/tuː/sth//tuː/ /duː/sth gì
renowned (adj) /rɪˈnaʊnd/ Nổi tiếng
base their career on inborn /beɪs/ /ðeə/ /kəˈrɪər/ /ɒn/ Dựa vào sự nghiệp của họ
talents /ˌɪnˈbɔːn/ /ˈtælənts/ về tài năng bẩm sinh
/pʊt/ /ə/ /trəˈmendəs/
put a tremendous effort into Đặt một nỗ lực to lớn vào
/ˈefət/ /ˈɪntuː/
/biː/ /ɒv/ /ˈvaɪtl/
be of vital importance Có tầm quan trọng sống còn
monotonous (adj) /məˈnɒtnəs/ Đơn điệu
revenue (n) /ˈrevənjuː/ Thu nhập
/buːst/ /ə/ /ˈneɪʃənz/ Thúc đẩy nền kinh tế của
boost a nation’s economy
/iːˈkɒnəmi/ một quốc gia
engage in philanthropic /ɪnˈgeɪʤ/ /ɪn/ Tham gia vào hoạt động từ
work /ˌfɪlənˈθrɒpɪk/ /wɜːk/ thiện
/meɪk/ /ˈʤenərəs/
make generous donations to Đóng góp hào phóng cho
/dəʊˈneɪʃənz/ /tuː/


Những vận động viên và ngôi sao điện ảnh nổi tiếng vốn kiếm được nhiều tiền hơn
những người khác rất nhiều. Mặc dù có một lập luận cho rằng người lao động trong mỗi
ngành nghề nên được hưởng một khoản tiền như nhau, tôi muốn khẳng định rằng
những người nổi tiếng trong ngành giải trí và thể thao nên nhận được một khoản thu
nhập khổng lồ.
Một mặt, hình như người nổi tiếng được trả lương quá cao vì một vài lí do. Lý do chính là
nhiều ngôi sao thiếu trình độ chuyên môn và học vấn mà chỉ dựa vào tài năng bẩm sinh
để gầy dựng sự nghiệp, trong khi người lao động trong các lĩnh vực khác, đặc biệt là bác
sĩ, nhà khoa học và giáo viên đã nỗ lực rất nhiều cho giáo dục chính thống. Chẳng hạn,
thật là vô lý khi một ca sĩ kiếm được hàng ngàn đô la cho một chương trình, trong khi
một nhà khoa học cống hiến công sức mình trong phòng thí nghiệm chỉ được trả vài
trăm đô la. Hơn nữa, không thể phủ nhận rằng mọi nghề nghiệp đều có tầm quan trọng
rất lớn đối với xã hội, do đó, bất kì lĩnh vực nào cũng nên được trả lương như nhau. Đơn
giản là, sự thật, người ta không thể sống mà không có thực phẩm do người nông dân sản
xuất. Tương tự, cuộc sống của người dân sẽ trở nên tẻ nhạt và đơn điệu nếu không có
phương tiện giải trí do những nhân vật nổi tiếng tạo ra.
Mặt khác, tôi chấp nhận rằng việc diễn viên, ca sĩ và vận động viên có thu nhập đáng kể
là điều hợp lý. Trên thực tế, làm ngôi sao là nghề được trả lương cao nhất thế giới. Mặc
dù có vẻ bất công đối với một số người, không thể bỏ qua một sự thật là người nổi tiếng
cũng giúp phát triển công ăn việc làm và thu nhập. Ví dụ, các sự kiện thể thao quan trọng

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

làm ra hàng triệu đô la từ quảng cáo và tạo ra công ăn việc làm cho những người làm
trong ngành thực phẩm và hậu cần. Các thành phố chủ trì các sự kiện này thu hút du
khách từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. Nói ngắn gọn, một sự kiện quốc tế như Thế vận hội hay
Cúp Bóng đá Thế giới có sức mạnh để thúc đẩy nền kinh tế của một quốc gia. Bên cạnh
đó, người nổi tiếng thường tham gia vào hoạt động từ thiện, đóng góp những khoản tiền
lớn cho các tổ chức từ thiện và giúp đỡ những người kém may mắn hơn trên toàn thế
Tóm lại, rất khó để nói liệu mức lương khổng lồ của những người nổi tiếng có hợp lý hay
không. Mặc dù những người lên án có nhiều luận điểm chống lại khoản lương đáng kể
của người nổi tiếng, cá nhân tôi tin rằng diễn viên, ca sĩ và vận động viên nên được trả
lương thật cao vì đóng góp của họ cho cộng đồng.

10. Nowadays, more and more older people who need employment compete with
the younger people for the same jobs. What problems this causes? What are

It is true that fierce competition in the job market between older people and their
younger counterparts has become source of controversy. There are several
consequences triggered by this issue and possible measures that can be taken by the
government to address these negative outcomes.
Stiff competition between old and young candidates has many problems, including
shortcomings to experienced workers and unemployment to fledgling graduates.
First, while older workers encounter adversities in technological update, adaptation to
a new environment and inquisitiveness to new tasks, young officers find it normal to
learn these things as they inherently exist in youngsters’ life. For this reason,
interviewer certainly gives priority to the latter group over the former one. Second,
earning more experience in a particular occupation, older candidates, not fresh
graduates, are often selected. Henceforth, many young workers end up being
unemployed in a competitive job market.
Since such issues are serious, the government and individuals should take steps
immediately to mitigate these problems. On an individual level, older workers should be
willing to update their skills through attending training courses. If younger colleagues
also help them to adapt to changes in the working environment, older workers will gain
confidence and improve their work performance. On a national scale, also, the authority
can implement early retirement incentive programs for elderly laborers so that they
do not need to compete with youngsters for jobs. Besides, the state may encourage
employers to create more job opportunities for young employees. Taking fast-track
scheme as an example, it is a system for rapid training and job promotion of talented

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

young staff. By this way, they can develop their potential to the fullest and make
significant contributions to the company they are working for.
In conclusion, there are various negative consequences of increasing rivalry between
the old and the young in the job market and appropriate steps need to be taken to tackle
these problems, not only by the government but also by individuals
(328 words, IELTS 8.5)


Người mới tốt nghiệp

fledgling graduate /ˈfleʤlɪn/ /ˈɡrædʒuət/
còn thiếu kinh nghiệm
adaptation to a new /ˌædæpˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ /tuː/ /ə/ /njuː/ Thích ứng với một
environment /ɪnˈvaɪərənmənt/ môi trường mới
inquisitiveness to /ɪnˈkwɪzɪtɪvnəs/ /tuː/ Tính ham học hỏi
inherently (adv) /ɪnˈhɪərəntli/ Một cách vốn có
give priority to sth over Ưu tiên cho điều gì
sth hơn điều gì
early retirement incentive /ˈɜːli/ /rɪˈtaɪəmənt/ /ɪnˈsentɪv/ Chương trình khuyến
program /ˈprəʊgræm/ khích nghỉ hưu sớm
fast-track scheme /fɑːst/-/træk/ /skiːm/ Kế hoạch nhanh

11. Some employers offer their employees subsidized membership of gyms and
sports clubs, believing that this will make their staff healthier and thus more
effective at work. Other employers see no benefit in doing so.

Consider the arguments from both aspects of this possible debate, and reach a
Employers are always seeking ways to enhance their employees’ productivity, and
subsidizing healthy pursuits may be one way of achieving this. While some agree that this
approach works in many situations, I would insist that the subsidization of sport services
is problematic.
On the one hand, there are several benefits of providing health services for workers. To begin
with, it might be said that if workers are fitter and less stressed, their working time will
be more efficient, leading to higher levels of output and service. Furthermore, the work-
life balance of the staff will hopefully be improved because their leisure time will be more
fulfilling. This may even be more motivating than paying increments, perks, or financial
rewards such as bonuses or incentives, which may be hard to attain. Finally, feeling
healthier may lead to better job satisfaction which is in itself a motivating factor.
Conversely, in my opinion, this offer has some drawbacks to both employees and the
companies. The main problem with such leisure-based subsidies is that their efficacy is

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

virtually impossible to quantify. For example, with target-related payments, employers

can at least see whether the objectives are reached or not. It might also be said that, if this
budget were spent on the job training, the employees would achieve better career
progression and have better job prospects. These matters are all easier to measure,
especially in performance reviews and appraisals, and may even help to reduce the risk
of redundancy if the company restructures, downsizes or outsources its workforce.
Overall, it seems that, while health-related subsidies are superficially attractive, the lack
of measurability is a substantial drawback. I accept that spending funds on ongoing
training would appear to be a better use of company or Human Resources budgets.

(295 words, IELTS 9)


subsidize (v) /ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz/ Trợ cấp

output (n) /ˈaʊtpʊt/ Đầu ra
Mức độ hài lòng với công
job satisfaction /ʤɒb/ /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃən/
incentives (n) /ɪnˈsentɪvz/ Ưu đãi
increments (n) Tiền lời
Perks (n) Lợi nhuận
Financial rewards Tiền thưởng
target-related /ˈtɑːgɪt/-/rɪˈleɪtɪd/ Liên quan đến mục tiêu
Sự tiến triển trong sự
career progression /kəˈrɪə/ /prəʊˈgreʃən/
job prospect /ʤɒb/ /ˈprɒspekt/ Triển vọng nghề nghiệp
measure (v) /ˈmeʒə/ Đo lường
/pəˈfɔːməns/ /rɪˈvjuː/ Đánh giá hiệu suất
appraisal (n) /əˈpreɪzəl/ Sự thẩm định
redundancy (n) /rɪˈdʌndənsi/ Sự dư thừa
downsize (v) /ˈdaʊnsaɪz/ Giảm nhân công
outsource (v) /ˌaʊtˈsɔːs/ Thuê ngoài
workforce (n) /ˈwɜːkˌfɔːs/ Lực lượng lao động
superficially (adv) /ˌsjuːpəˈfɪʃəli/ Một cách hời hợt, nông cạn
measurability (n) /ˌmeʒərəˈbɪlɪti/ Đo lường được

12. Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore,
some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

It is argued that some occupations are appropriate for only males or females owing to
their distinct natures. Although I accept that job suitability should be based on gender,
problems of this viewpoint cannot be overlooked.
On the one hand, it would be absurd to ignore the fact that jobs which require tremendous
physical strength and agility, such as mining, feature male labor. Women, meanwhile, are
assumed to be better at tasks that take great patience as well as skills to perform,
particularly household chores. In fact, a majority of men and women could not exchange
their preferred fields of expertise, which is a strong reason for the distribution of the types
of jobs among the two sexes.
On the other hand, I still believe there should not be any specific rules for occupational
compatibility regarding gender. A lot of men are growingly interested in taking
responsibilities for childcare and housework which are typically considered feminine.
Women, by contrast, are showing great versatility in various jobs, even those
demanding both brains and brawn. Female gymnasts have been increasing in number; and
nobody can deny that mental and physical perseverance are fundamental for gymnastics. In
addition, women’s social status has been improved thanks to the success of world-class
businesswomen and politicians, Hillary Clinton for example. This is a plain proof against the
belief of gender-specific career pursuit.
In conclusion, while there is still some truth to the aforementioned disparity in job selection,
I accept that men and women should be regarded as equal in terms of such an aspect.
(263 words, IELTS 8)
disparity (n) /dɪsˈpærɪti/ Khác biệt, sự chênh lệch
be compatible with /biː/ /kəmˈpætəbl/ /wɪð/ Tương thích với
fallacious (adj) /fəˈleɪʃəs/ Sai lầm, lầm lạc
agility (n) /əˈʤɪləti/ Sự nhanh nhẹn, lanh lợi
be considered feminine /biː/ /kənˈsɪdəd/ Được xem là nữ tính
→ be considered (adj) /biː/ /kənˈsɪdəd/ adj Được xem là

13. People have different job expectations for jobs. Some people prefer to do the
same job for the same company, whereas others prefer to change jobs frequently

Write about the advantages and disadvantages of each viewpoint?

It is a common belief that criteria of career fulfillment differ from one worker to
another. While some people choose to stay at an enterprise for their whole working
lives, others prefer to get involved in diverse working environments. This essay will
discuss the merits and demerits of both decisions.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Lifetime employment brings a number of benefits and drawbacks. As one grows familiar
with the workings of his organization, he can enjoy great chances of getting promoted
and other privileges as employers value dedication and loyalty. Taking Japanese
corporations as an example, their officers are renowned for their devotion to a single
place; therefore, they simultaneously receive full-time contracts, health insurances,
parental leaves and get upgraded annually. However, remaining at one position for a
prolonging period, one may miss an opportunity to embrace a new challenge and add a
sense of adventure into his life. Failing to make a decision to change jobs can affect one’s
morale as he stops believing what he can accomplish.
A regular change of occupations also has both advantages and disadvantages. As regards
upsides, job- hopping enriches people’s experience since a worker can expose himself to
various environment and tasks. If one makes an interdepartmental transfer within an
organization, he can learn new skills and knowledge of engaging in a completely new
area of expertise. Besides, leaping from one employer to another, an individual can
prove his flexibility to make a smooth transition into a strange workplace. Nevertheless,
this trend does pose a disadvantage. Moving jobs frequently, an employee may lose a
sense of belonging which is a feeling of being surrounded by those whom he has
established a long-lasting relationship with. It is the team spirit that enables a person to
overcome the stresses and strains of work.
In conclusion, though a person opts for dedicating himself to a company for a whole life
or seeking adventures in many work places, he experiences several upsides and
(293 words, IELTS 7+)

Các tiêu chí của một sự nghiệp hoàn hoàn hảo thường khác nhau trong quan điểm
mỗi người. Trong khi một số người chọn ở lại một doanh nghiệp để làm việc suốt đời,
những người khác lại thích tham gia vào nhiều môi trường làm việc khác nhau. Bài
luận này sẽ bàn về các lợi ích và nhược điểm của cả hai quyết định.
Chọn làm việc suốt đời có một số lợi ích và hạn chế. Một khi bắt đầu quen với hoạt
động của tổ chức mình, một nhân viên có thể có cơ hội được thăng chức và các đặc
quyền khác vì nhà tuyển dụng coi trọng sự cống hiến và trung thành. Lấy ví dụ như
các công ty Nhật Bản, các nhân viên của họ nổi tiếng vì sự cống hiến của cho một nơi
duy nhất; Do đó, họ đồng thời nhận được hợp đồng toàn thời gian, bảo hiểm sức
khoẻ, nghỉ phép khi có con mới sinh và được lên chức hàng năm. Tuy nhiên, khi ở lại
một vị trí trong khoảng thời gian dài, người ta có thể bỏ lỡ cơ hội đón nhận một thử
thách mới và thêm một chút phiêu lưu vào cuộc sống của mình. Việc không quyết
định trao đổi việc làm có thể ảnh hưởng đến tinh thần của một người khi họ ngừng
tin rằng mình có thể làm được.
Thay đổi công việc thường xuyên cũng có cả lợi thế và bất lợi. Về mặt lợi, chuyển việc
giúp một người làm giàu kinh nghiệm sống vì họ có thể tiếp xúc với nhiều môi trường
và công việc khác nhau. Nếu một người chuyển từ phòng ban này sang phòng ban
khác trong cùng một công ty, họ có thể học các kỹ năng và kiến thức của một lĩnh vực
chuyên môn hoàn toàn mới. Bên cạnh đó, việc đổi từ sếp này sang sếp khác sẽ giúp

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

một cá nhân chứng minh sự linh hoạt của mình khi thích ứng dễ dàng với môi trường
làm việc lạ lẫm. Tuy nhiên, xu hướng này cũng có điểm bất lợi. Thường xuyên di
chuyển công việc, một nhân viên có thể mất đi cảm giác thân thuộc, chỉ có khi thiết
lập một mối quan hệ lâu dài với những người xung quanh. Chính tinh thần đồng đội
là yếu tố giúp một người vượt qua những áp lực và căng thẳng trong công việc.
Tóm lại, mặc dù một người chọn cống hiến cho một công ty suốt đời hoặc tìm kiếm
những cuộc phiêu lưu đến nhiều nơi làm việc khác nhau, họ sẽ đều phải đối mặt với
những lợi ích và bất lợi nhất định.


1. It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should only focus on
people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (02. 04. 2016)

2. Many people say the gap between rich and poor people is wider, as rich people
become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems could this situation cause
and what measures can be done to address those problems? (30.7.2016)

3. Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international
organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is needed. Discuss
these views and give your own opinion (4.3.2017)

4. In recent years, the structure of a family and the role of its members are
gradually changing. What kinds of changes can occur? Do you think these changes
are positive and negative? (5.3.2016)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

5. Nowadays more and more young people hold the important positions in the
government. Some people think that is a good thing while others argue that it is not
suitable. Discuss both views and give your own opinion (12.07.2014).

6. Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some
people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a
country. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

7. Most large companies nowadays operate multi-nationally. To what

extent multinational companies have responsibility toward local communities in
which they operate? (16/6/2016)

8. Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? (7.11.2015)

9. Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations
draws attention to problems. Others think celebrities make the problems less
important. Discuss both views and give your opinion (3.2015)

10. People in community now could buy cheaper consumer goods. Do the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages? (19.3.2016)

11. Nowadays, more and more people are using consumer goods such as refrigerators
and washing machines. Are there more advantages or disadvantages to this? Give your
own opinion and examples.
12. In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather
than food produced locally. Why people buy imported food? What could be done
to encourage people to buy local food? (29.10.2016)

13. Every day, millions of tons of food are wasted all over the world. Why do you think
this is happening? And how can we solve this problem?

14. Today food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Why is this so? Is
this a positive or negative trend?

15. Some people choose to have their first child at an older age. What are the reasons?
Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551



1. It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should only

focus on people in their own countries. Agree/ Disagree?


- Impossible:

+ It is unfeasible for governments’ support to reach all of the underprivileged given

their enormous number and various locations.

+ It is undoubted that the needs of inhabitants on the earth are diverse, spanning
from health care, education to transport and other basic necessities.
- Governments should only focus on people in their own countries:
- Since a national budget is limited, the well- being of people in that country should
be the only target.
- Putting their effort in only one task, the governments can assist their citizens far
more efficiently. For this reason, state officers will have a strong support and a
profound belief from their people.

- Possible

+ Progress in transport allows state agencies to provide aid within hours to even
relatively remote corners of the world

+ Opulent countries own a tremendous quantity of properties, thus having the ability to
offer assistance to all indigent people.

- Governments should only focus on people in their own countries:

The government should provide help to as many people as possible:
+ As regards ethics, mutual support among nations in adversities is advisable

+ Carrying out the global assistance not only enhances international diplomacy, but it
also eases disputes among nations, especially those which used to experience wars.


▪ the underprivileged /ði/ /ˌʌndəˈprɪvɪlɪʤd/ Những người nghèo

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▪ well- being /wel/- /ˈbiːɪŋ/ Sự giàu mạnh

▪ a profound belief /ə/ /prəˈfaʊnd/ /bɪˈliːf/ Một niềm tin sâu sắc
▪ state agency /steɪt/ /ˈeɪʤənsi/ Cơ quan nhà nước
▪ opulent (adj) /ˈɒpjʊlənt/ Giàu sang
▪ ethics (n) /ˈeθɪks/ Đạo đức
▪ adversity (n) /ədˈvɜːsɪti/ Nghịch cảnh
▪ diplomacy (n) /dɪˈpləʊməsi/ Ngoại giao
▪ ease dispute /iːz/ /dɪsˈpjuːt/ Xoa dịu tranh chấp

2. Many people say the gap between rich and poor people is wider, as rich people
become richer and poor people grow poorer. Problems, solutions.
- The rich-poor gap could be the breeding ground for social unrest and political
instability (Ex: crime, discrimination, protest…)
- Increasing economic inequality means a higher level of poverty which is associated
with less purchasing power.
- Indigent citizens’ poor health leads to diseases and high mortality rate.

- Higher taxes should be levied on the rich, while the minimum earnings of
impoverished workers ought to be raised.
- The government possibly sponsor educational programs, offering destitute people a
chance to attain professional working skills.
- The state may invest in public healthcare system and welfare while encouraging
wealthy citizens to donate money to social initiatives.

▪ social unrest /ˈsəʊʃəl/ /ʌnˈrest/ Bất ổn xã hội

▪ indigent (adj) /ˈɪndɪʤənt/ Nghèo khó
▪ mortality rate /mɔːˈtælɪti/ /reɪt/ Tỷ lệ tử vong
▪ the destitute /ðə/ /ˈdestɪtjuːt/ Người nghèo
▪ welfare (n) /ˈwelfeə/ Phúc lợi
▪ social initiative /ˈsəʊʃəl/ /ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv/ Dự án, kế hoạch xã hội

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3. Some people think that developing countries need financial help from
international organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice
that is needed. Discuss
Financial help
- When state income from taxes is inadequate, it is foreign cash injections that
help to maintain effective administration systems
- Improving infrastructures in education, transport, healthcare and other essential
fields needs a considerable amount of money.
- Financial aid in times of emergencies is desperately necessary to rescue lives
and rebuild livelihood (Ex: natural disasters, rampant epidemics, famine,…)
- Monetary support will encourage agricultural and industrial development in poorer
countries, thus creating more jobs for the residents.
Practical aid and advice
Practical aid:
- Training programs are more practical and suitable in the context of developing
nations when workers in education, healthcare and technology have not been
properly educated.
- Environmental projects ensure sustainable development (Ex: campaigns to treat
contaminated rivers, stave off poaching,…)
- Guidance is more valuable to the sustainable development of underprivileged
countries as they will learn how to operate in a more effective way.( Ex: recruit officers,
hold a referendum before making important decisions)
- Thanks to useful advice from international organizations, developing countries will be
able to come up with long-term solutions to problems. (Ex: precaution against
epidemics, alleviate rich-poor disparity…)
▪ foreign cash injection /ˈfɒrɪn/ /kæʃ/ /ɪnˈʤekʃən/ Bơm tiền nước ngoài
▪ administration system /ədˌmɪnɪsˈtreɪʃən/ /ˈsɪstɪm/ Hệ thống hành chính
▪ desperately necessary /ˈdespərɪtli/ /ˈnesɪsəri/ Rất cần thiết
▪ livelihood (n) /ˈlaɪvlɪhʊd/ Sinh kế
▪ monetary (adj) / ˈmʌnɪtəri / Tiền
▪ hold a referendum /həʊld/ /ə/ /ˌrefəˈrendəm/ Tổ chức trưng cầu dân ý

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

4. The structure of a family and the role of its members are gradually changing.
What kinds of changes? These changes are positive and negative?
- Structure
+ Though nuclear families where parents and their offspring live together under one
roof used to prevail in the past, they have converted into single-parent and blended
families due to more marriages ending in divorce.
+ Extended families which consist of many members in three generations have been
transformed into nuclear families with only parents and some children.
- Role of members
+ Concerning changes of parental roles, there have been a growing number of stay-at-
home dads while it has become common for women to gain qualifications and pursue
their own career path.
+ Both father and mother are breadwinners of a family
Positive or Negative
- Positive
+ Living in a small family, parents can attend to their children carefully.
+ Parents can earn money, thereby ensuring the stable finance of a family.
+ Women are not put under pressure to sacrifice their own careers for assuming
domestic responsibilities.
- Negative
+ In single-parent families, children may feel forlorn and anxious, which makes them
prone to depression.
+ In blended families, juveniles may be left unsupervised or abused, so they are likely to
commit crime.
▪ nuclear families /ˈnjuːklɪə/ /ˈfæmɪliz/ Gia đình 2 thế hệ
▪ blended families /ˈblendɪd/ /ˈfæmɪliz/ Gia đình hỗn hợp
▪ extended families /ɪksˈtendɪd/ /ˈfæmɪliz/ Gia đình 3 thế hệ trở lên
▪ assume domestic /əˈsjuːm/ Đảm nhận trách nhiệm
responsibilities /dəˈmestɪk//rɪsˌpɒnsəˈbɪlɪtiz/ trong nhà
▪ feel forlorn /fiːl/ /fəˈlɔːn/ Cảm thấy bị bỏ rơi
Dễ bị tổn thương, ảnh hưởng
▪ prone to sth /prəʊn/ /tuː/
bởi cái gì
CONSUMERISM (Topics 10 to 14)

5. People can buy cheaper consumer goods

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- Customers now can enjoy inexpensive purchases of diverse types of goods, which is
particularly favorable for the households with limited incomes
- The affordability of consumer products promotes people’s purchasing power, which
contributes to the national prosperity.
- One of the reasons for low-price merchandise is the acceleration of international trade,
meaning that this trend can establish economic and political relationships among
- To facilitate mass production, many companies manufacture goods of low quality.
- Companies and factories probably exploit natural resources and pollute the
surroundings when they develop the industry.
- Indulged with various products at early years, children may disregard their
possessions and squander money afterwards.
▪ promote purchasing
/prəˈməʊt//ˈpɜːʧəsɪŋ//ˈpaʊə/ Thúc đẩy sức mua
▪ national prosperity /ˈnæʃənl/ /prɒsˈperɪti/ Sự thịnh vượng quốc gia
▪ Indulge with various /ɪnˈdʌlʤ/ /wɪð/ /ˈveərɪəs/ Đắm chìm vào nhiều sản
products /ˈprɒdʌkts/ phẩm
▪ disregard possessions /ˌdɪsrɪˈgɑːd/ /pəˈzeʃənz/ Coi thường tài sản

6. An increasing number of people are using consumer goods such as

refrigerators and washing machines. Advantages and disadvantages
- Consumerism facilitates high living standards, which means homemakers no longer
have to purchase goods and do burdensome housework on a daily basis.
- A growing demand of domestic appliances motivates companies to upgrade their
technology and devise new machines.
- High purchase power develops international trade and globalization.

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- With the support from appliances, people may lead a sedentary lifestyle, giving rise to
health deterioration.

- Foods stored in refrigerators are not good for our health, to say nothing of perishable

- The utilization of many domestic machines may do harm to the environment. Whilst
CFCs emitted from fridges and air- conditioners deplete ozone layer, fabrics from
washing machines pollute water bodies.


▪ domestic appliances /dəˈmestɪk/ /əˈplaɪənsɪz/ Đồ gia dụng

▪ devise new machines /dɪˈvaɪz/ /njuː/ /məˈʃiːnz/ Phát minh ra máy mới
▪ health deterioration /helθ/ /dɪˌtɪərɪəˈreɪʃən/ Suy giảm sức khoẻ
▪ perishable (adj) /ˈperɪʃəbl/ Dễ hỏng.

7. Childbirth delay
- People have the propensity for prioritizing their careers over parental roles
- Many individuals have a fear of taking unwanted custody due to the recent alarming
rate of divorce.
- Late parenthood may originate from the fact that many countries do not have good
childcare systems and generous maternity and paternity leaves.

- Children born to more prosperous and experienced parents have better and more
comprehensive education, and thus contribute more to society when they grow up

- Old parents have established identities, thereby seemingly, not ending up in divorce.


- A population structure with a high rate of senior citizens potentially results in aging
workforce which hinders social development in the long term

- It could both heighten the possibility of infertility among mothers at their old age
and risk the new-born babies’ mental and physical health. (Ex: miscarriage, health risks
for the woman in the prenatal and postnatal period,…)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

- Parents have less energy, and the grandparents have less involvement in the children's


propensity for /prəˈpensɪti//fɔː//praɪˈɒrɪˌtaɪzɪŋ/ Khuynh hướng ưu tiên

prioritizing their careers /ðeə/ /kəˈrɪəz/ /ˈəʊvə/ sự nghiệp của họ hơn
over parental roles /pəˈrentl/ /rəʊlz/ vai trò của phụ huynh
take unwanted custody /teɪk/ /ʌnˈwɒntɪd/ /ˈkʌstədi/ Phải nuôi con
maternity and paternity /məˈtɜːnɪti/ /ænd/ /pəˈtɜːnɪti/ Nghỉ đẻ thai sản và phép
leave /liːv/ nghỉ của người cha
children born to more /ˈʧɪldrən/ /bɔːn/ /tuː/ /mɔː/ Trẻ em sinh ra từ cha
prosperous and /ˈprɒspərəs/ /ænd/ mẹ giàu có và giàu kinh
experienced parents /ɪksˈpɪərɪənst/ /ˈpeərənts/ nghiệm
a high rate of senior /ə/ /haɪ/ /reɪt/ /ɒv/ /ˈsiːnjə/ Một tỷ lệ cao của công
citizens /ˈsɪtɪznz/ dân cao tuổi
Lực lượng lao động già
aging workforce /ˈeɪʤɪŋ/ /ˈwɜːkˌfɔːs/
heighten the possibility /ˈhaɪtn/ /ðə/ /ˌpɒsəˈbɪlɪti/ /ɒv/ Nâng cao khả năng vô
of infertility /ˌɪnfɜːˈtɪlɪti/ sinh
miscarriage (n) /mɪsˈkærɪʤ/ Sẩy thai

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. In recent years, the structure of a family and the role of its members are
gradually changing. What kinds of changes can occur? Do you think these changes
are positive and negative? (5/3/2016)

In the past few decades, the patterns of a family have greatly diversified. There are some
changes regarding its organization and members’ role; and in my opinion, these changes
can be seen as a progress.
Families at present have undergone two main differences compared to the past. First,
the structure of a nuclear family now can have more than one breadwinner, who
normally is the father. This is because in the modern world, only a few jobs could
secure the stability of single-earner families, which forces both parents to be the
financial supporters. Second, the trend that parents exchange their roles has become
more common. As the result of women’s protest for their rights, mothers now have
equal opportunities for education and work, allowing the other spouse to assume
responsibility as a stay-at-home parent to nurture children and do housework.
From my perspective, those alterations in the family’s structure and parental roles are
positive for a number of reasons. That both parents can become the breadwinners
would ensure a stable finance of a family, which not only directly alleviates the burden
that the father has to bear in order to support the all members but also enables the
mother to pursue her dream job. From another angle, it is an upward step that citizens
are at liberty to follow their passion and develop their talents. To illustrate, it is
females who are visionary CEOs, controlling the operation of numerous multi-national
companies in every corner of the globe.
In conclusion, I agree that the changes occurring to a family’s organization and
members’ responsibilities are a positive step toward a better world.
(276 words- IELTS 8)

▪ At liberty to do sth /æt/ /ˈlɪbəti/ /tuː/ /duː/ sth Tự do làm điều gì

▪ secure the stability /sɪˈkjʊə/ /ðə/ /stəˈbɪlɪti/ Bảo đảm sự ổn định
▪ nurture children /ˈnɜːʧə/ /ˈʧɪldrən/ Chăm sóc trẻ em

2. It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should only

focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There are countless viewpoints on the question of whether governments should provide
aids internationally or domestically. Although I understand why helping everyone in the

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

world is unachievable, I strongly disagree that governmental support should solely

concentrate on satisfying local needs.
On the one hand, I suppose the world leaders’ hesitation over the provision
of international aids to deprived regions is legitimate. Firstly, it is unfeasible for
governments’ support to reach all of the underprivileged as their number is enormous
in many separated places, and the type of support they need also varies. For example,
developed nations may encounter numerous obstacles concerning transportation as
sending food and medicines to African poverty- stricken regions where people are
facing the threat of famine or contagion. Secondly, I believe leaders of a country should
prioritize the well-being of their citizens and the political stabilization before carrying
out any acts of global assistance.
On the other hand, I still believe governments should help as many people as they can
regardless of fragile odds of the comprehensive support for all people. To begin with, in
many underdeveloped countries, the authorities are unable to bear the burden of
eradicating domestic poverty due to, for example, terrorism, which calls for the
involvement from other powerful nations. Another great significance is that this
national act of charity could have a huge impact upon individuals living in prosperous
areas. If the government take actions to help people overseas, citizens of that country
will idolize the idea of self-devotion toward a better world.
In conclusion, despite some truths in the argument that providing international support
to all inhabitants on the earth is impractical, I believe the world leaders should try to
lend a helping hand to people to the best of their ability.
(292 words- IELTS 8)
▪ deprived regions /dɪˈpraɪvd/ /ˈriːʤənz/ Vùng bị nghèo đói
▪ legitimate (adj) /lɪˈʤɪtɪmət/ Hợp pháp, hợp lí
▪ contagion (n) /kənˈteɪʤ(ə)n/ Nhiễm bệnh
▪ prosperous (adj) /ˈprɒspərəs/ Thịnh vượng

3. Some people choose to have their first child at an older age. What are the
reasons? Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?

There is a growing proportion of the world’s population who decide to have children
later in life. There are various underlying reasons for this trend, and I suppose that the
demerits are more serious than the merits.

There are two main factors leading to the decision of delaying childbirth. The first one is
because people have the propensity for prioritizing their careers over parental
roles. Especially in the US and other developed countries, not only men but also women

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want to stabilize their finance before becoming parents so as to provide their children
with sufficient living condition for their future development. Another explanation for
this is that many individuals have adopted a fear of taking unwanted custody due to
the recent alarming rate of divorce.

In terms of upsides, premature marriages have become common recently, which

usually goes with many couples’ doubt of their marital harmony, thus deterring their
early desire for raising a child. There would be, consequently, fewer children growing
up without fatherhood or motherhood. However, when an old couple decides to give
birth, the greater drawbacks should not be overlooked. Many parents following such a
trend might exert adverse effects on the population structure, which potentially results
in the future aging workforce and hinders social development in the long
term. Additionally, it could both heighten the possibility of infertility among mothers
at their old age and risk the new-born babies’ mental and physical health. Besides, there
are serious health risks for the woman in the prenatal and postnatal period. If any
complicated maternal health problem arises, the life whole family would be turned
upside down

In conclusion, the occupational prioritization and the hesitation over the likelihood of
single-parent responsibility could be seen as the root of late childbirth, and I am
convinced that the problems of this trend are more significant than benefits.

(294 words- IELTS 8+)

▪ have the propensity for prioritizing their Có khuynh hướng ưu tiên cho sự nghiệp
careers over parental roles. của họ hơn vai trò của phụ huynh
▪ stabilize their finance Ổn định tài chính của họ
▪ have adopted a fear of taking unwanted
Sợ phải nuôi con
▪ marital harmony Hòa hợp hôn nhân
▪ hinder social development Cản trở sự phát triển xã hội
▪ heighten the possibility of infertility Gia tăng khả năng vô sinh
▪ in the prenatal and postnatal period Trong giai đoạn trước khi sinh và sau sinh

4. Many people say the gap between rich and poor people is wider, as rich people
become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems could this situation
cause and what measures can be done to address those problems? (30.7.2016)

As the world progresses, the gap between the two classes of society is widened because
the rich become wealthier while the poor are living on the breadline. Such income

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

inequality could lead to several problems, and some suggestions to improve this
situation will be analyzed in the following essay.
Wealth concentration within a handful of individuals and institutions might result in
two major issues. Firstly, the rich-poor gap could be the breeding ground for social
unrest and political instability. The destitute might perceive that the rich is the principal
force of hindrance to their occupational and service opportunities. This might be the
precursor to discontentment, potentially causing civil wars and international
disputes. Secondly, as poverty restricts the capacity of the underprivileged to access
services and other life-sustaining matters such as education, employment and
medicine, they might resort to crime. Taking the US as an example, attack and bombing
are notorious due to the high rate of the rich and poor disparity.
There are several initiatives to reduce economic inequality, including progressive
taxation and minimum salary legislation. Higher taxes should be levied on the rich,
which could reduce the amount of income inequality in society. On the other hand,
governments could use this money to supply free goods and services for those who
struggle to make a living. Also of great importance is the increase in the minimum
earnings of impoverished workers. Although it cannot be denied that the current
system places much importance on individual competence to determine the amount of
money one might earn, unskilled workforce who usually are from the lower class should
be, still, provided enough to live sufficiently.
In conclusion, chaos and the acceleration of lawbreaking are the two severe
repercussions of the unequal distribution of wealth. Fortunately, the governments could
impose heavy taxes on the rich, cater free necessities and heighten the minimum
amount of salary for the disadvantaged to solve the problems.
(318 words- IELTS 8+)
▪ living on the breadline /ˈlɪvɪŋ/ /ɒn/ /ðə/ /ˈbredlaɪn/ Sống nghèo khổ
▪ be the breeding ground /biː/ /ðə/ /ˈbriːdɪŋ/ /graʊnd/
Là nơi sản sinh cho
for /fɔː/
▪ precursor to
/priːˈkɜːsə//tuː//dɪskənˈtentmənt/ Tiền thân của sự bất mãn
▪ life-sustaining matters /laɪf/-/səsˈteɪnɪŋ/ /ˈmætəz/ Các vấn đề duy trì cuộc sống
▪ notorious /nəʊˈtɔːrɪəs/ Khét tiếng
▪ Higher taxes should be /ˈhaɪə/ /ˈtæksɪz/ /ʃʊd/ Thuế cao hơn nên được áp
levied on the rich, /biː/ /ˈlevid//ɒn/ /ðə/ /rɪʧ/ dụng đối với người giàu
▪ increase in the /ˈɪnkriːs/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /ˈmɪnɪməm/
Tăng thu nhập tối thiểu
minimum earnings /ˈɜːnɪŋz/

5. Some people think that developing countries need financial help from
international organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is
needed. Discuss these views and give your own opinion

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

There is a difference of opinions on what kind of help is more necessary for third world
countries. Many people advocate that support in the form of money for the third world
is effective, while I consider useful aids and consultancy worth conducting.
On the one hand, some people argue it is best to provide financial assistance for
developing countries for some reasons. Firstly, external monetary flow enables
executive bodies of those countries to carry out a variety of functions, for example
infrastructural development, social healthcare, water and power supplies. This would
help stabilize citizens’ life and foster economic progress. Secondly, when state income
from taxes is inadequate, foreign cash injections are vital to maintain effective
administration systems by paying standard salaries for governmental staff members
who play supervisory roles in all sections of a nation.
On the other hand, I would side with those who believe other forms of assistance should
be given. No longer does sustainable growth merely depend on money, but on how a
country is governed and directed, particularly diplomacy and the resolution of
concerning internal issues such as poverty, crime, or unemployment. In this spectrum,
less developed countries certainly do not have enough experience, which emphasizes
the need for direction and consultancy from experienced organizations. Furthermore,
even if financially supported, third world countries still need experts in the fields of
science, law and medicine in order to encourage their development. Therefore, training
programs are more practical and suitable in the context of developing nations. For
example, sending health professionals from WHO to help doctors in African isolated
areas contributes to the alleviation of HIV in these regions, the feat probably not
achieved by money.
In conclusion, owing to the aforementioned arguments, although some believe that
finance can help poor countries, global support should come in other forms such as
advice and training courses.
(308 words- IELTS 8)
▪ consultancy (n) /kənˈsʌltənsi/ Tư vấn
▪ external monetary flow /eksˈtɜːnl/ /ˈmʌnɪtəri/ /fləʊ/ Luồng tiền tệ bên ngoài
▪ executive bodies /ɪgˈzekjʊtɪv/ /ˈbɒdiz/ Cơ quan điều hành
▪ infrastructural
/ˌɪnfrəˈstrʌktʃərəl//dɪˈveləpmənt/ Phát triển cơ sở hạ tầng
▪ diplomacy (n) /dɪˈpləʊməsi/ Ngoại giao
▪ the resolution of /ðə/ /ˌrezəˈluːʃən/ /ɒv/ Việc giải quyết các vấn đề liên
concerning internal issues /kənˈsɜːnɪŋ/ /ɪnˈtɜːnl/ /ˈɪʃuːz/ quan đến nội bộ

6. Nowadays more and more young people hold the important positions in the
government. Some people think that is a good thing while others argue that it is
not suitable. Discuss both views and give your own opinion (12/07/2014).
It is true that the number of young people who hold highly responsible posts in the
government is growing. While some people are opposed to this idea, I support the view

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

that this trend is beneficial at present.

On the one hand, this trend has some notable drawbacks. The main issue is that it is
really hard for the young to make older people accept their leadership, especially in
some Eastern nations. Young leaders are always thought to have insufficient
capabilities to manage such aspects of policy as the economy or international affairs. In
addition, all of them are short of real experience. If they have not faced many challenges
in their career, they are more likely to make mistakes, which can affect the lives of many

On the other hand, I concur that young people are becoming an increasingly important
part of the government and bring a lot of benefits. One reason is that their youth is a
huge advantage which allows them to be creative and up-to-date. This is likely to result
in many innovative breakthrough policies and styles of management. Furthermore,
the young have a very long period of time to contribute to their nations. For example,
with the same abilities and qualifications, a younger candidate is more likely to be
elected than an older counterpart in some countries because of his longer anticipated
time of devotion to public service in the future.
In conclusion, although there are strong arguments for both views, it seems to me that
on the whole, it is beneficial that more young people are being selected to play some key
roles in the government.
(276 Words- IELTS 7+)
▪ insufficient capabilities /ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt/ /ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlɪtiz/ Không đủ năng lực
▪ innovative breakthrough Các chính sách đột phá
/ˈɪnəvətɪv/ /ˈbreɪkˌθruː//ˈpɒlɪsiz/
policies sáng tạo
Sự cống hiến cho dịch vụ
▪ devotion to public service /dɪˈvəʊʃən//tuː//ˈpʌblɪk//ˈsɜːvɪs/

7. Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal.
Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important
for a country. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
People have different views about how governments should measure their countries’
progress. While a thriving economy is of course essential, I agree with those who believe
that other standards of development are just as pivotal.
There are three key reasons why economic growth is seen as a fundamental goal for
countries. Firstly, a healthy economy results in job creation, a high level of
employment, and better salaries for all citizens. Secondly, economic progress ensures
that more money is available for governments to spend on infrastructure and public
services. For example, a government with higher revenues can invest in the country's

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

transport network, its education system and its hospitals. Finally, a strong economy can
help a country in standing on the global stage, in terms of its political influence and
trading power.
However, I would argue that various other forms of progress are just as significant as
the economic factors mentioned above. In particular, we should consider the area of
social justice, human rights, equality and democracy itself. For example, the treatment
of minority groups is often seen as a reflection of the moral standards and level of
development of a society. Perhaps another key consideration when judging the progress
of a modern country should be how well that country protects the natural environment,
and whether it is moving towards environmental sustainability. Alternatively, the
success of a nation could be measured by looking at the health, well-being and
happiness of its residents.
In conclusion, the economy is obviously a key marker of a country’s success, but from
my perspective, social, environmental and health criteria are equally significant.
(272 words, band 8+)
▪ a healthy economy /ə/ /ˈhelθi/ /i(ː)ˈkɒnəmi/ Một nền kinh tế thịnh vượng
▪ revenue (n) /ˈrevɪnjuː/ Thu nhập
▪ democracy (n) /dɪˈmɒkrəsi/ Dân chủ

8. Most large companies nowadays operate multi-nationally. To what extent

multinational companies have responsibility toward local communities in which
they operate? (16/6/2016)
Today it is not uncommon to see many large-sized enterprises often base their offices in
almost all corners of the world. Though I agree that such companies should have social
responsibility, especially for the local communities, their support might be considered
in relation to the progress level.
One social obligation that owners and managers have is to create job opportunities to
the locals and treat them well, rather than exploiting them. For example, they could pay
a ‘living wage” to ensure that the local workers have a good quality of life. Furthermore,
businesses could use a proportion of their profits to support local
charities, environmental projects or education initiatives. Finally, instead of trying to
minimize their tax payments by using accounting loopholes, I believe that company
bosses should be happy to contribute to society through the tax system.
On the one hand, the degree of responsibility should be limited because businesses
must make money in order to survive in a competitive world. If a company is unable to
pay its bills or meet the changing needs of customers, any concerns about
social responsibilities become irrelevant. In other words, a company can only make a
positive contribution to society if it is in good financial health; therefore, the CEO must
guarantee the productivity of the enterprise first. This would mean that the local
workers have to meet certain standards such as graduating from secondary school to be

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

given a job. Another point is that not all large companies are well-known or financially
successful, so it is not reasonable to expect a huge economic incentive from them. They
need to invest in improvements and innovations if they wish to remain competitive.
In conclusion, multinational companies with good reputation and high revenues
should make their contribution as much as possible, whereas it unreasonable to force
other less successful or well-known ones fulfill this responsibility.
(311 words- IELTS 8)
▪ social obligation /ˈsəʊʃəl/ /ˌɒblɪˈgeɪʃən/ Trách nhiệm xã hội
▪ education initiative /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ /ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv/ Sáng kiến/ chương trình giáo dục

9. Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid

organizations draws attention to problems. Others think celebrities make the
problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion (3.2015)
It is argued that well-known people’s involvement in global aid organizations attracts
the attention of the community or downplays the significance of problems. I would
argue that this participation could bring about enormous and positive changes to
society, although many individuals support the latter idea.
On the one hand, famous people can lessen the importance of problems. One reason is
that most people often consider the main purpose of celebrities’ support as a way to
enhance their reputations. In an effort to attract the attention of society, a number of
important people try to be involved in as many volunteer projects as possible without
any particular passion or interest in those. Furthermore, the association with celebrities
may trivialize the serious work of international aid organizations since the focus of the
public may be shifted away from this endeavour to the fame and public image of the
celebrity concerned. Consequently, we sometimes have to question their motives for
On the other hand, I strongly believe that celebrities can bring meaningful changes to
social activities. Firstly, they have a huge number of fans who are inspired by their
actions. For example, when My Tam- a Vietnamese legendary singer - took part in a
project to help underprivileged children in mountainous areas, thousands of youngsters
from her fan clubs joined in this project by donating money and working as volunteers
thanks to her encouragement. Secondly, celebrities are often trusted by both local and
international communities, which may lead to success in raising the profile of aid
organizations. As a result, more people learn about projects and donate money or
volunteer to help either practically or in fund-raising.
In conclusion, although there are some drawbacks to celebrity participation in
international aid organizations, it seems to me that it is more advantageous for the
community that they take part in voluntary activities.

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(309 words- IELTS 8)

▪ downplays the significance /ˌdaʊnˈpleɪz//ðə//sɪgˈnɪfɪkəns/ Giảm xuống tầm quan trọng

of problems /ɒv/ /ˈprɒbləmz/ của các vấn đề
▪ endeavour (v) /ɪnˈdevə/ Nỗ lực
▪ motive (n) /ˈməʊtɪv/ Động cơ

10. Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck.
To what extent do you agree or disagree? (7.11.2015)
It is argued that some people’s success is mostly attributable to luck instead of their
own unremitting effort. However, I completely disagree with this opinion on account of
following clarifications.
I believe that only industrious and determined people will be successful in whatever
they do. Diligent people usually attain their goals. For instance, Steve Jobs spent
thousands of hours coding and experimenting to bring out the great Macintosh
operating system that we use nowadays. Another clear case of success through
determination is Nick Vujicic, an Australian motivational speaker, who suffered from a
rare disorder which resulted in the absence of four limbs. Despite not having any hands
or legs, Vujicic earned a bachelor degree with a double major in accountancy and
financial planning; he had his own family, and now he travels around the world to
inspire people as a motivational speaker.
On the other hand, by contrast, luck is only a small factor in determining one’s
achievement. Firstly, people cannot solely be dependent on luck to become successful. If
a student does not study for an exam, chances are he or she will fail, no matter how
lucky he or she may be. Secondly, opportunities only contribute to short-term fortune.
For instance, a person who wins a lottery is definitely lucky because winning a lottery
does not require you to do anything to earn it. It purely depends on good destiny; yet, he
or she cannot win the lottery for the rest of his or her life.
In conclusion, for the reasons I have mentioned above, I strongly believe that in order to
achieve objectives in life, one must be extremely determined and hard-working to
follow his or her passion till the end.
(278 words- IELTS 7+)
10. People in community now could buy cheaper consumer goods.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

At the contemporary market, buyers have a wider range of choices for more affordable
commodities. Although some benefits can be seen from the phenomenon, for me, the
drawbacks are more serious.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

The provision of cheaper goods presents several advantages. Regarding individual

economical merits, customers now can enjoy inexpensive purchases of diverse types of
goods, which is particularly favorable for the households with limited incomes. To
illustrate, thanks to technological advance and mass production, a worker with average
income is able to pay a reasonable amount of money for a modern smartphone. On the
societal level, the affordability of consumer products promotes people’s purchasing
power, which contributes to the development of the economy. It is common knowledge
that the market’s demand for products increases when commodities’ exorbitant prices
are reduced. Therefore, people will be attracted to buying these products on a large
scale, fostering the general prosperity of a country’s economy.
However, I strongly believe that those advantages above still cannot overshadow the
disadvantages. As the goods are inexpensive and the quantity is huge to satisfy the
market’s need, yet businesses still have to balance their capital and generate more
profit, the quality of commodities might be taken for granted. In the long term, without
merchandise of high quality, customers will gradually lose their trust in those
products’ manufacturers, which directly jeopardizes the economy. Another
repercussion worth mentioning is the environmental degradation. In order to meet the
enormous demand from buyers, companies have to expand their factories and
accelerate their production process, which causes much harm to the surroundings due
to their toxic wastes and exhaust fumes, not to mention the exploitation of natural
In conclusion, products at low prices are being prevalently sold on the markets
currently, and the benefits of cheapening modern goods should not be overrated as the
disadvantages concerning quality and nature are greater.
(325 words, IELTS 8)
▪ affordable commodities /əˈfɔːdəbl/ /kəˈmɒdɪtiz/ Hàng hóa có giá phải chăng
▪ promotes people’s /prəˈməʊts//ˈpiːplz//ˈpɜːʧəsɪŋ/ Thúc đẩy sức mua của người
purchasing power /ˈpaʊə/ dân
▪ exorbitant price /ɪgˈzɔːbɪtənt/ /ˈpraɪs/ Giá cắt cổ
▪ fostering the general /ˈfɒstərɪŋ/ /ðə/ /ˈʤenərəl/ Thúc đẩy sự thịnh vượng
prosperity of a country’s /prɒsˈperɪti/ /ɒv/ /ə/ /ˈkʌntriz/ chung của nền kinh tế một
economy. /iːˈkɒnəmi/ nước.
Đáp ứng nhu cầu của thị
▪ satisfy the market’s need /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ /ðə/ /ˈmɑːkɪts/ /niːd/
▪ merchandise of high
/ˈmɜːʧəndaɪz//ɒv//haɪ//ˈkwɒlɪti/ Hàng hóa chất lượng cao
Gây nguy hiểm cho nền kinh
▪ jeopardize the economy /ˈʤepədaɪz/ /ði/ /iːˈkɒnəmi/

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

11. In many countries, more and more people choose to buy imported food rather
than food produced locally. Why do people buy imported food? What could be
done to encourage people to buy local food?
Food products from foreign countries have gained greater popularity among consumers
than domestic ones. There are several underlying reasons for such a preference; and
some initiatives could be taken to promote consumers’ demand for local food.
An increasing number of people tend to purchase food imports owing to
their propensity for commodities’ foreign origin as well as their concern for quality
of local food. First, in many countries such as Vietnam, consumers show significant
interest in imported goods as they hold the belief that anything with a foreign tag is
better. Second, consumers are growing impatient with the deterioration in food
hygiene and safety. In fact, spoiled ingredients are still used and distributed illegally in
the market without any strict supervision, which creates a common sense of distrust
and prejudice against locally produced food.
The government could play an essential part in boosting the consumption of domestic
commodities through some practical measures. To begin with, propagation campaigns
about the need for public endorsement for indigenous food on the media are
imperative. This would help consumers have an unbiased view on products made by
local companies. Also, a tremendously important approach is law enforcement against
the abuse of inedible ingredients, namely spoiled meat or vegetables. Undoubtedly, if
the production of local food is conducted under the state’s stricter regulations,
purchasing power for domestically produced food will be considerably enhanced.

In conclusion, the causes for consumers’ change of preference for food are varied; and
the government could do a lot in the endeavor to motivate citizens to buy local products.
(259 words- IELTS 8)
Sản phẩm nhâp khẩu
▪ food imports /fuːd/ /ˈɪmpɔːts/
lương thực
▪ propensity for
/prəˈpensɪti/ /fɔː//kəˈmɒdɪtiz/ Khuynh hướng xuất xứ
commodities’ foreign
/ˈfɒrɪn/ /ˈɒrɪʤɪn/ hàng hoá của nước ngoài
Vệ sinh và an toàn thực
▪ food hygiene and safety /fuːd//ˈhaɪʤiːn//ænd//ˈseɪfti/
▪ a common sense of Một cảm giác chung của
distrust and prejudice sự không tin tưởng và có
/ænd//ˈpreʤʊdɪs/ /əˈgenst/
against thành kiến đối với
▪ indigenous food /ɪnˈdɪʤɪnəs/ /fuːd/ Thực phẩm bản địa

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Một quan điểm không

▪ an unbiased view on /ən/ /ʌnˈbaɪəst/ /vjuː/ /ɒn/
thiên vị về các sản phẩm
products made by local /ˈprɒdʌkts/ /meɪd/ /baɪ/ /ˈləʊkəl/
do các công ty địa
companies /ˈkʌmpəniz/
phương thực hiện
▪ purchasing power for Sức mua đối với thực
/ˈpɜːʧəsɪŋ/ /ˈpaʊə/ /fɔː/
domestically produced phẩm sản xuất trong
/dəʊˈmestɪkəli/ /prəˈdjuːst/ /fuːd/
food nước

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


1. The Internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but
it has also created problems that did not exist before. What are the most serious
problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you suggest?

2. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because
of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that
people make? Has this been a positive or negative development?

3. Nowadays more people prefer to socialize online rather than face to face. Is this
a positive or negative development?

4. As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role
for teachers in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree?

5. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (18/02/2016)

6. Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of
information. Far from being beneficial, this is a danger to our societies.

To what extent do you agree or disagree

7. Anybody can use a mobile phone to answer the work and personal calls at any time or
7 days a week. Does this development have more positive or negative effects on both
individuals and society? (09/09/2017)

8. Writing, reading and maths are the three recognized traditional subjects. Computer
skills should also be the fourth largest branch. Do you agree or disagree? (19/08/2017)

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

9. Some people say that young people playing electronic and computer games can learn
useful skills, but others say young people are wasting their time. Discuss and give
opinion. (17.12.2016)

10. The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence on
shaping people's ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree

11. Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain
the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree? (23/01/2016)

12. A tendency of news reported in the media about problems and emergencies rather
than positive developments is more harmful to the individual and to society. Do you
agree or disagree?

13. Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a
positive or negative development?

14. The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it serves no
useful purpose, and can even be damaging.
Do you agree or disagree?

15. Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do
not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may
improve our lives. Discuss and give your opinion.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


TECHNOLOGY (Topics 1 to 9)


Advantages Disadvantages
Regarding political events, such as
election, the Internet unfolds a site
for constituents to learn about - People/ Countries are at risk of
POLITICS candidates. cybercrime, such as hacking and
identity theft.
Citizens have more venues to voice
their opinions in political debates.
Employees can use various
communication tools to exchange
The use of social networks at work
information at work
can cause so much distraction
which affects the productivity of
The Internet allows business people
in different countries to interact
without ever meeting each other
The availability of innovative on-
line social network can also
have the result of isolating people
and discouraging face-to-face
Modern technology has endowed
SOCIETY interaction.
users with advanced communication
(PEOPLE) tools, allowing them to expand their
(Ex: Youngsters immerse
themselves in virtual friend
circles on Facebook, which
disconnects them from the real
TECHNOLOGY, On-line interactions relieve the
TRANSPORT burden on transport

When people devote much of their

free time to entertainment on the
Internet, particularly playing video
games, they are vulnerable to
myriad health problems.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Overdependence on available
The Internet has revolutionized cutting-edge applications inhibits
education by providing intriguing users’ critical thinking, creativity
software, abundant materials and problem-solving skills.
sources and on-line courses for
distance learning. Students may commit plagiarism
Technology is a powerful tool to Inappropriate content, particularly
engage students, thereby motivating pornography and violence, are
them to do experiment and search rampant on the social network,
for further information. affecting children’s cognition and

• constituent (n) /kənˈstɪtjʊənt/ Cử tri, người đi bầu cử

• innovative (a) /ɪnˈnɒvətɪv/ Sáng tạo, hiện đại
= cutting-edge = /ˈkʌtɪŋ/-/eʤ/
= modern = /ˈmɒdən/
• discourage face-to-face /dɪsˈkʌrɪʤ/ /feɪs/-/tuː/- Ngăn cản sự tương tác mặt
interaction /feɪs/ /ˌɪntərˈækʃən/ đối mặt
• immerse oneself in sth /ɪˈmɜːs/ /wʌnˈself/ /ɪn/ sth Đắm mình vào điều gì
• virtual friend circle /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/ /frend/ /ˈsɜːkl/ Vòng kết nối bạn bè ảo
• devote sth to sth /dɪˈvəʊt/ sth /tuː/ sth Cống hiến điều gì điều gì
• be vulnerable to sth /biː/ /ˈvʌlnərəbl/ /tuː/ sth Dễ bị tổn thương bởi điều gì
• revolutionize (v) /ˌrevəˈluːʃnaɪz/ Cách mạng hóa, tiến bộ
→ revolution (n) -> /ˌrevəˈluːʃən/ -> Cách mạng
= progress = /ˈprəʊɡres/
= breakthrough = /ˈbreɪkˌθruː/
= advance = /ədˈvɑːns/
= development = /dɪˈveləpmənt/
• commit plagiarism /kəˈmɪt/ /ˈpleɪʤərɪz(ə)m/ Đạo văn
• pornography (n) /pɔːˈnɒgrəfi/ Nội dung khiêu dâm
• cognition (n) /kɒgˈnɪʃən/ Nhận thức

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. Problems and Solutions of the Internet

Problems: Connecting with The Internet- Disadvantages
2. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that people
make? Has this been a positive or negative development?
Connecting with The Internet:
In What ways: Politics, Economy, Society and Education
Positive: Advantages
Negative: Disadvantages
3. More people prefer to socialize online rather than face to face. Is this a positive
or negative development?
Connecting with The Internet:
Positive: Advantages
Negative: Disadvantages
4. As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no
role for teachers in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree?
- Computers are being used more and more in education:
Connecting with The Internet- Advantages-Education
- There will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom:
+ Regarding the advancement of artificial intelligence, that computers take the place of
teachers is feasible with a growing number of adaptive learning programs and games
(Ex: an interactive board can automatically correct students’ errors, a language
pronunciation program repeats sounds that learners have not mastered, …)
+ Some schools are utilizing computer-based systems to monitor student progress and
tutor fairly weak learners
- It is teachers who realize students’ shortcomings and adjust their approaches to
tailor lessons to learners (slow down the speed, give extra exercises, suggest a private
tutor …)
- Never can a mechanic computer cultivate students’ morality as effectively as an
educator. (give real examples, inspire students by stories …)


IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

• shortcoming (n) /ˈʃɔːtkʌmɪŋ/ Điểm yếu

Chỉnh sửa điều gì cho phù hợp
• tailor sth/sb to sth/sb /ˈteɪlə/ sth/sb /tuː/sth/sb

5. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
- The young can enhance their problem-solving skills by participating in some games
which require clever strategies to defeat other players.
- By playing fast action computer games, children can boost their eye- hand
coordination and practice quick reactions.
Connecting with the Internet- Disadvantages- Society, Health
• clever strategy /ˈklevə/ /ˈstrætədʒi/ Chiến lược thông minh
• boost eye- hand /buːst//aɪ//hænd//kəʊˌɔːdɪˈneɪʃə Tăng cường phối hợp mắt,
coordination n/ tay

MEDIA (Topics 10 to 12)

6. The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great
influence in shaping people's ideas. Agree/ Disagree?
- TV propagates information that viewers have not known, thus moulding their notion
of events, locations and people.
- With regard to politics, citizens who regularly expose themselves to the media will
have an opinion of governors and officers. When it comes to an election, they will make
their decision based on how the media portray the candidates.
- The media also spread culture and lifestyle; therefore, young people around the world
display a common interest in music, clothing styles and films.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

- For many individuals, since some programs are planned meticulously to attract
viewers, they ignore or distrust them. Rather, they consult experts or experience by
• propagate (v) /ˈprɒpəgeɪt/ Truyền bá
• notion (n) /ˈnəʊʃən/ Khái niệm
• visualize (v) /ˈvɪʒuəlaɪz/ Hình dung
• meticulously (adv) /məˈtɪkjələsli/ Tỉ mỉ

ADVERTISEMENT (Topics 13 to 15)

7. Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a
positive or negative development?
- This sector is likely to generate a diversity of employment opportunities. In other
words, it provides occupations for artists, copywriters and other marketing-related
- Manufacturers can disseminate information to as many customers as possible.
- Only by advertisements can customers be well- informed about newly-launched
products (appearance, function, price,…)
- People are being bombarded with all kinds of commercials which often exaggerate
goods’ functions.
- When customers cannot resist the temptation of products which are advertised
beyond their expectations, they, in all likelihood, purchase unnecessary items.
• disseminate /dɪˈsemɪneɪt/ Phổ biến (thông tin)
• exaggerate (v) /ɪgˈzæʤəreɪt/ Phóng đại
/ˈkænɒt/ /rɪˈzɪst/ /ðə/
• cannot resist the Không thể cưỡng lại được sự
temptation of products cám dỗ của sản phẩm

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. The Internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but
it has also created problems that did not exist before.
What are the most serious problems associated with the internet and what
solutions can you suggest?
The enormous growth in the use of the internet over the last decade has led to radical
changes to the way that people consume and share information. Although serious
problems have arisen as a result of this, there are solutions.
One of the first problems of the internet is the ease with which children can access
potentially dangerous sites. For example, pornography sites are easily accessible to
them because they can register with a site and claim to be an adult. There is no doubt
that this affects their cognition and development, which is a negative impact on the
children and on society. Another major problem is the growth of online fraud and
hacking. These days, there are constant news stories about government and company
websites that have been hacked, resulting in sensitive information falling into the hands
of criminals.
It is important that actions are taken to combat these problems. Governments should
ensure that adequate legislation and controls are in place that will prevent young
people from entry into dangerous sites, such as requiring more than simply confirming
that you are an adult to view a site. Parents also play an indispensable role. They need to
closely monitor the activities of their children and restrict their exposure to certain
websites, which can now be done through various computer programs. Last but not
least, companies must also improve their onsite IT security systems to prevent fraud
and hacking committed by law violators by undertaking thorough reviews of their
current systems for weaknesses.
To conclude, the internet is an amazing technological innovation that has transformed
people’s lives, but not without negative impacts. However, with the right action by
individuals, governments and businesses, it can be made a safe place for everyone.
(285 words- IELTS 7+)
▪ online fraud /ˈɒnˌlaɪn/ /frɔːd/ Lừa đảo trực tuyến
▪ legislation (n) /ˌleʤɪsˈleɪʃən/ Pháp luật
/ˌteknəˈlɒʤɪkəl/ Sự đổi mới, phát triển về công
▪ technological innovation
/ˌɪnəʊˈveɪʃən/ nghệ

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

2. As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no
role for teachers in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree?
It is evident that computers have become an essential tool for teachers and students in
all areas of education with the invention of apps and on-line courses. However, while I
accept the crucial position of computer in the classroom, I do not agree with the idea
that they could soon replace teachers completely owing to following reasons.
There are several advantages of using computers in education. Initially, students learn
new skills which will be extremely useful for their future occupation. To illustrate, they
learn to write reports or other documents using a word processor, and they can practice
doing spoken presentations with the utilization of PowerPoint slides. Also, technology is
a powerful tool to engage students. The use of websites or online videos can enhance
subject attraction, thereby motivating students to do experiment and search for further
information. Foreign language learning software is a case in point. So intriguing and
vivid are images that myriad young learners are willing to spend hours on programs in
the class.
On the other hand, I believe it is more beneficial for students to learn with teachers. To
begin with, classroom interaction with teachers can never be mimicked by a computer
or on-line curriculum. Such interaction allows teachers to solve their students’ problems
in study or research accordingly, which leads to a more effective learning. Secondly,
young learners do not become proficient in some basic skills because learners need
structured course and an experienced teacher who knows what materials to choose.
Last but not least, good teachers will always be necessary to draw out the knowledge
and help students develop the skills needed to think critically about the information
they consume, and this will never be achieved by sitting face-to-face in front of a
For the reasons mentioned above, despite its innovation and usefulness, machines can
never substitute for teachers. As technology can enhance the teacher’s lesson, the
combination of both will be efficient for learners.

(327 words, IELTS 7+)

▪ mimic (v) /ˈmɪmɪk/ Bắt chước
▪ proficient in some basic /prəˈfɪʃənt/ /ɪn/ /sʌm/ Thông thạo một số kỹ năng
skills /ˈbeɪsɪk/ /skɪlz/ cơ bản
▪ substitute for (v) /ˈsʌbstɪtjuːt/ /fɔː/ Thay thế cho

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

3. Writing, reading and maths are the three recognized traditional subjects.
Computer skills should also be the fourth largest branch. Do you agree or
disagree? (19/08/2017)
It has been perceived that the three most vital disciplines are writing, reading and
math, and the next one on this list should be computer skills. I strongly agree with this
view, as now will be discussed.
On the one hand, I advocate the view that writing, reading and maths are exactly the
major conventional subjects at school. Firstly, literacy skills are fundamental for
anyone to enrich their knowledge. Only if they have good reading comprehension can
they broaden their horizons from what is instilled in books or magazines. Similarly,
mastering writing skills can help students easily note the most crucial information.
Secondly, maths targets at nurturing and stimulating logical and critical thinking that
plays a vital role in normal life. For instance, when a person buys something at market,
he has to calculate how much it costs, or in a larger perspective, he needs to make his
own business plan, which definitely requires knowledge conveyed in math lessons.
On the other hand, I strongly believe that the fourth most crucial should be computer
skills. The first reason is that computer is now dominating the world, even in personal
life or at work. Not only does computer become the most essential technological device
for communication, but distance learning with computer–based classrooms also
becomes an optimal choice. Additionally, virtual offices are mostly constructed to
replace physical ones, so most people are now work with their computer rather than
paper and pen as in the past. Living in such a digital era, if anyone is not computer–
literate, he can neither land a decent job nor connect with the surrounding world.
In conclusion, I believe that beside three recognized important subjects that are writing,
reading and math, computer skills should be considered as the fourth crucial branch of
education system.
(299 words- IELTS 8)
▪ conventional subjects /kənˈvenʃənl/ /ˈsʌbʤɪkts/ Các môn học thông thường
▪ literacy skill /ˈlɪtərəsi/ /skɪl/ Kỹ năng đọc viết
▪ master (v) /ˈmɑːstə/ Làm chủ
▪ nurture (v) /ˈnɜːʧə/ Nuôi dưỡng
▪ computer based classroom Lớp học sử dụng máy tính
▪ virtual office /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/ /ˈɒfɪs/ Văn phòng ảo
▪ digital era /ˈdɪʤɪtl/ /ˈɪərə/ Kỷ nguyên số
Người biết sử dụng máy vi
▪ computer–literate /kəmˈpjuːtə/-/ˈlɪtərɪt/

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▪ land a decent job /lænd/ /ə/ /ˈdiːsnt/ /ʤɒb/ Có một công việc tốt
4. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because
of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that
people make? Has this been a positive or negative development?
It is true that new technologies have had an influence on communication between
people. Technological innovations have affected relationships in various ways, and in
my opinion, these phenomena include both merits and demerits.
Increasing use of social media has had an impact on relationships in business, education
and social life. Firstly, telephones and the Internet allow business people in different
countries to interact without ever meeting each other. Secondly, services such as
Skype create new possibilities for relationships between students and teachers. For
example, a student can now take video lessons with an instructor in a different city or
country. Finally, many people use social networks, particularly Facebook, to make new
friends and find companions who share common interests. Afterwards they spend
excessive time on devices exchanging information instead of having a face-to-face
On the one hand, these developments can be extremely positive. Cooperation between
people in different countries was much more challenging when communication was
limited to written letters or telegrams. Nowadays, interactions by email, phone or video
are considered almost as effective as off-line meetings, and many of us benefit from this
modern trend, either in work or social contexts. On the other hand, the availability of
new communication technologies can also have the result of isolating people and
discouraging real interaction. For example, the youth tend to immerse themselves in
conversation with friends online, rather than engaging in extra-curricular activities with
their peers in the real world, a poor substitute of virtual relationships for real
In conclusion, technology has certainly revolutionized communication between people,
but not all of the outcomes of this revolution have been positive.
(271 words- IELTS 7+)

5. Anybody can use a mobile phone to answer the work and personal calls at any
time or 7 days a week. Does this development have more positive or negative
effects on both individuals and society? (09/09/2017)
The burgeoning mobile phone ownership facilitates interaction for work and personal
purposes without constraints of time. This communication revolution exerts several
benefits on both individuals and society, but I believe that these merits are
overshadowed by its demerits.
On the one hand, the possibility to answer the work or personal calls promptly at any
time is of benefit. Firstly, this trend helps people stay in touch much more easily no
matter how far they are since geographical obstacles are totally eliminated. For

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

instance, a student studying overseas can make calls with his relatives whenever he
wants, so the feeling of loneliness and homesickness is somewhat relieved. Secondly, it
also diminishes the demand for physical transport, which is economical to the
society. Because we can contact our colleagues via phone, going to workplace is no
longer necessary. Therefore, the government pay less for road construction and energy
On the other hand, I am of the opinion that the detrimental effects of the availability of
mobile phone all the time overweigh its positive ones. The first repercussion is
to manipulate owners and deprive them of personal freedom and privacy. At night,
their coworkers can undesirably call them for work-related discussion, so they are
inevitably swept into the maelstrom of work. Also, the loss of a sense of
community is also attributed to this development. Rather than communicating face-to-
face with friends at schools or people in the same offices, they glue their eyes to phones
and are isolated from the real life. For example, sitting together in a coffee shop, two
friends may fail to talk with each other because they are all too busy answering their
own calls.
In conclusion, albeit advantageous to some extent, that people can make and receive
calls every time intensifies working pressure and social alienation. I strongly believe
that those negative effects are more acute than the positive ones.
(313 words- IELTS 8)
▪ constraint (n) /kənˈstreɪnt/ Giới hạn
▪ overshadow (v) /ˌəʊvəˈʃædəʊd/ Làm lu mờ
▪ promptly (adv) /ˈprɒmptli/ Kịp thời, nhanh chóng
Những chướng ngại địa
▪ geographical obstacles /ʤɪəˈgræfɪkəl/ /ˈɒbstəklz/

▪ diminish the demand for /dɪˈmɪnɪʃ/ /ðə/ /dɪˈmɑːnd/ /fɔː/ Làm giảm nhu cầu vận
physical transport /ˈfɪzɪkəl/ /ˈtrænspɔːt/ chuyển vật chất
▪ detrimental effect /ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ /ɪˈfekt/ Ảnh hưởng xấu
▪ manipulate (v) /məˈnɪpjʊleɪt/ Điều khiển
▪ swept into the maelstrom /swept/ /ˈɪntuː/ Bị quét vào vòng xoáy
of /ðə//ˈmeɪlstrəʊm/ /ɒv/ của
▪ acute (adj) /əˈkjuːt/ Mạnh mẽ

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6. Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will
remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?
It is a common belief that however many people have access to the Internet,
conventional newspapers will continue as the major source of news. I totally disagree
with this viewpoint for following explanations.
The speed and convenience of the Internet in this digital age have led to the increasing
popularity of online- news consumption. Firstly, the Internet is able to provide up-to-
the-minute current affairs as they happen, 24 hours a day every day. As long as I have
my smart phone or laptop with me, I can connect almost instantly to the Internet,
surfing the websites and accessing the news of my choice across the globe. Secondly,
more and more people now gain entry to the Internet and this trend appears to set to
continue. The more widespread the accessibility of the Internet is, the more people
consider it their news source.
In contrast, newspapers entail drawbacks which have reduced readers’ priority toward
them. One major disincentive of relying on text-based dailies and weeklies as a news
source is the cost. Competing with freely available news online, newspaper publishers
are facing the reality of plunging circulation figures. Some major American
newspapers have now introduced online versions, coupled with their printed editions,
in an attempt to counteract this trend. Another disadvantage of traditional newspapers
is the amount of paper consumed in their production. With growing environmental
awareness, there is a body of public opinion which rejects buying newspapers because
this involves cutting trees and transporting them to paper mills, triggering deforestation
and exhaust fumes. While this may not be a major factor at present, the environmental
argument will almost certainly gain ground in the future.
In conclusion, I would argue that considering its vitality, newspapers will continue to
decline, and a growing number of people will use the Internet to access the news.
(300 words- IELTS 8)
▪ digital age /ˈdɪʤɪtl/ /eɪʤ/ Thời đại kỹ thuật số
▪ up-to-the-minute /ʌp/-/tuː/-/ðə/-/ˈmɪnɪt/ Từng phút
▪ disincentive /ˌdɪsɪnˈsentɪv/ Điều không khuyến khích
▪ circulation figure /ˌsɜːkjʊˈleɪʃən/ /ˈfɪgə/ Số báo phát hành
▪ counteract (v) /ˌkaʊntəˈrækt/ Chống lại
▪ printed editions /ˈprɪntɪd/ /ɪˈdɪʃənz/ Ấn bản in
▪ gain ground /geɪn/ /graʊnd/ Có bằng chứng

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7. A tendency of news reported in the media about problems and emergencies

rather than positive developments is more harmful to the individual and to
society. Do you agree or disagree?
It is sometimes argued that media coverage related to predicaments and urgent
issues has more negative influence on people. While there are some truths in this
statement, I believe it is as important as positive news to each citizen and the society.
Initially, focusing on reporting problems and emergencies brings out several demerits.
After being densely exposed to violent scenes or descriptions of crimes on media, a high
proportion of juveniles tend to act aggressively. Some of them may even imitate
improper behavior or commit crimes. Besides, people would feel less secure after
learning about news concerning natural disasters, economic crisis and military
conflicts. Also, this kind of news can arouse the discontent toward governments
among the public because people may consider it is the governments’ incompetence
that leads to problems.
Nevertheless, there are several reasons for why I would argue that media should cover
reports about problems and urgent issues. Firstly, mass media often works as a
supervisory system over government. Their news reports show people whether the
authorities have taken actions for the social problems and offer people a way to track on
where the tax money has been spent. Secondly, it is the responsibility of the mass media
to cover emergencies, such as the natural catastrophe, which allows people to protect
themselves from the potential financial loss and physical injury. Finally, the minority
groups of our society need someone to cover their stories and to catch public attention.
Taking the underprivileged as an example, TV programs enable them to air their
grievance to ask for communal assistance.
In conclusion, my view is that problem and emergency related news is necessary to
everyone, although they may entail drawbacks to some extent.
(314 words- IELTS 7+)
Tin tức trên phương tiện truyền
▪ media coverage /ˈmiːdiə/ /ˈkʌvərɪʤ/
▪ predicament (n) /prɪˈdɪkəmənt/ Tình trạng khó khăn
▪ military conflict /ˈmɪlɪtəri/ /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ Xung đột quân sự
/əˈraʊz/ /ðə/
▪ arouse the discontent Khơi dậy sự bất mãn đối với các
/ˌdɪskənˈtent/ /təˈwɔːd/
toward governments chính phủ
▪ economic crisis /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/ /ˈkraɪsɪs/ Khủng hoảng kinh tế
▪ natural catastrophe /ˈnæʧrəl/ /kəˈtæstrəfi/ Thiên tai thảm khốc
▪ air their grievance /eə/ /ðeə/ /ˈgriːvəns/ Nói lên nỗi đau của họ

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▪ communal assistance /kəˈmjuːnl/ /əˈsɪstəns/ Hỗ trợ cộng đồng

8. Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a
positive or negative development?
Advertising is gaining more popularity in the marketing of products or services. While
advertisements are considered to be advantageous, they can have numerous negative
It is unquestionable that there are several benefits of advertising. By dint of the large-
scale expansion of advertising in almost every kind of mass media and nearly all
hoardings, this sector is likely to generate a diversity of employment opportunities.
It provides occupations for artists, painters or copywriters in designing and preparing
logos, contents or ideas for commercials. Another advantage is that advertising may
enable the messages involved in products and services to reach potential customers,
followed by an increase in sales for businesses. Additionally, only by advertisements can
customers be well- informed about newly-launched products. Therefore, they have
more choices to make about their beloved merchandise, contributing to the
enhancement of their comforts and standard of living.
On the other hand, the surge in quantities of commercials exerts several undesirable
impacts on customers. First, instead of being well-informed about a new line of product,
people are being bombarded with all kinds of advertisements. Those can be either
deceptive or annoying; and such information overload has become a nuisance to many
people, particularly when their favorite telecasts are constantly interrupted by
irrelevant promotions. Another predicament is that when customers cannot resist the
temptation of products which are advertised beyond their expectations. They, in all
likelihood, purchase unnecessary goods. This trend could be seen as a waste of money.
In conclusion, based on the above mentioned explanations, individuals may gain both
considerable benefits and drawbacks through the growing prevalence of
(268 words- IELTS 8)
▪ By dint of /baɪ/ /dɪnt/ /ɒv/ Do, vì…
▪ hoarding (n) /ˈhɔːdɪŋ/ Bảng quảng cáo
▪ generate a diversity of /ˈʤenəreɪt/ /ə/ /daɪˈvɜːsɪti/
Tạo ra nhiều cơ hội việc làm
employment /ɒv/ /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/
opportunities /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtiz/
Tiếp cận khách hàng tiềm
▪ reach potential customers /riːʧ/ /pəˈtenʃəl/ /ˈkʌstəməz/
▪ newly-launched products /ˈnjuːli/-/lɔːnʧt/ /ˈprɒdʌkts/ Sản phẩm mới ra mắt
▪ being bombarded with all /ˈbiːɪŋ/ /bɒmˈbɑːdɪd/ /wɪð/ Bị tấn công dồn dập với tất cả
kinds of advertisements /ɔːl/ các loại quảng cáo

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▪ information overload /ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən/ /ˈəʊvələʊd/ Quá tải thông tin
▪ resist the temptation /rɪˈzɪst/ /ðə/ /tempˈteɪʃən/ Chống lại sự cám dỗ
/bɪˈjɒnd/ /ðeər/
▪ beyond their expectations Vượt quá mong đợi của họ

9. The society would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it
serves no useful purpose, and can even be damaging.
Do you agree or disagree?
It has been argued that a comprehensive prohibition of advertising in all forms brings
about great values for society as a whole reportedly due to its uselessness or sometimes
harmfulness. In my opinion, this assumption is a highly subjective point of view, and
therefore I completely disagree with it.
It is, for starters, ill-founded to claim that commercials are purposeless and
detrimental to consumers. People are living in a world where new products with
distinct and revolutionary features to better our lives and solve problems that we used
to think of as unraveled matters come into being almost every day. It is indisputable
that those products would remain unknown unless advertising of various types
disseminated needed information to reach as many customers as possible. Moreover,
businesses which thrive as a consequence will pay taxes so that the government can
carry out a variety of functions, such as social security and education, to ensure the well-
being of everyone.
From another perspective, dependency on the advertising industry is inevitable for any
nation to prosper. Once commercials, by law, undergo a prohibitive order,
unemployment rates would increase and the burden would fall on the state. For
example, Coca Cola dispenses thousands of employment opportunities in
advertising throughout its branches across different regions in the world. If its adverts
were outlawed, an enormous number of workers, such as marketers, would either be
driven to other jobs or stay unemployed. The government, as a result, have to provide
temporary financial support for those people. In other words, banning any forms of
commercial communication would lead to reverse and undesirable implications on
In conclusion, it is unreasonable to presume that it is advertisements, according to
many, are fruitless or even destructive to their lives.
(289 words- IELTS 8)
/ˈpɜːpəslɪs/ /ænd/
▪ purposeless and Không có mục đích và bất lợi
/ˌdetrɪˈmentl/ /tuː/
detrimental to consumers cho người tiêu dùng
▪ come into being /kʌm/ /ˈɪntuː/ /ˈbiːɪŋ/ Ra đời

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▪ undergo a prohibitive /ˌʌndəˈgəʊ/ /ə/ /prəˈhɪbɪtɪv/

Trải qua một lệnh cấm
order /ˈɔːdə/
▪ dispense thousands of /dɪsˈpens/ /ˈθaʊzəndz/ /ɒv/
Phân phối hàng nghìn cơ hội
employment /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/
việc làm
opportunities /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪtiz/
▪ provide temporary /prəˈvaɪd/ /ˈtempərəri/ Cung cấp hỗ trợ tài chính tạm
financial support /faɪˈnænʃəl/ /səˈpɔːt/ thời

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1. Using contractions (for example ‘I don’t think’ or ‘We can’t say’ ) instead of the full
form (‘I do not think’ or ‘we cannot say.’) Never use contractions in academic writing.
2. Writing too few words. If you write much less than the required word count, the
examiner has to reduce your score, even if your essay is good quality. You should count
the number of words in your essay after each paragraph and keep a continuous total;
this way, you can be sure of reaching at least 250 words in 40 minutes.
3. Writing too many words: 250 words minimum, and about 300 words maximum in
Academic task 2 writing.
4. Having handwriting that is difficult to read.
5. Using informal words (for example ‘a nice idea’ or ‘a silly thing to do’) instead of
academic words (for example ‘a positive idea’ or ‘a regrettable thing to do.’) Remember
that academic vocabulary is different from the language you would use in English when
talking to friends.
6. Telling stories about your personal history, friends or family. The task tells you
to use ‘examples from your own experience,’ but this does not mean describing stories
from your life or people you know. It means describing examples of things in the world
that you know about, have studied or have learned about in the media.
7. Giving evidence which is too detailed or specific to a subject. You may be an
expert in a particular social or scientific field, but the examiner probably has a different
specialty. You need to make your ideas and examples accessible to a general reader. For
example, if the Task topic is about money and you are an accountant, do not use
specialized accounting terms.
8. Being emotional or too dramatic when giving your opinion in an OPINION task.
You may feel strongly about issues such as animals or crime, but academic writing must
be unemotional. So avoid phrases such as ‘a disgusting idea’ or ‘I detest this concept.’ It is
much better to say ‘an unacceptable idea’ or ‘I disapprove of this concept,’ which is more
impersonal and academic; similar to the type of writing that people use in business
reports or university essays.
9. Not following the basic structures presented in this book. The examiners want to
see a clear, well-structured essay that is easy to read. They are accustomed to seeing the
structures we have presented in this book, and they will feel more positive about your
essay if they can recognize these structures in what you write. Remember: the topic
under discussion will be different every time, but the basic concept behind the task and
the essay will be the same. Give the examiners what they want, and they will reward you
with a high score, even if there are some grammatical mistakes in your English.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


1. A Sentence Fragment
Incorrect: Studying very hard on weekends.
Correct: Studying on weekends is very hard.
Incorrect: Because some students work part-time while taking a full load of courses.
Correct: Because some students work part-time while taking a full load of courses, they
have very little free-time.
Incorrect:Tests of the Shroud of Turin have produced some curious findings. For
example, the pollen of forty-eight plants native to Europe and the Middle East.
Correct: Tests of the Shroud of Turin have produced some curious findings. For
example, the cloth contains the pollen of forty-eight plants native to Europe and the
Middle East.
Incorrect: Scientists report no human deaths due to excessive caffeine consumption.
Although caffeine does cause convulsions and death in certain animals.
Correct: Scientists report no human deaths due to excessive caffeine consumption,
although caffeine does cause convulsions and death in certain animals.
2. A run-on sentence
Incorrect: His family went to Australia then they immigrated to Canada.
Correct: His family went to Australia; then they immigrated to Canada
Incorrect: Learning a new language is similar to learning to swim it takes a lot of
Correct: Learning a new language is similar to learning to swim “since” it takes a lot of
Correct: Learning a new language is similar to learning to swim; it takes a lot of practice.
Incorrect: The experiment failed, it had been left unobserved for too long.
Correct: The experiment failed; it had been left unobserved for too long.
Correct: The experiment failed “because” it had been left unobserved for too long.
Incorrect: A newly arrived international student faces many problems, for example, he
has to cope with a new culture.
Correct: A newly arrived international student faces many problems; for example, he
has to cope with a new culture.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

3. A choppy sentence
Incorrect: Wind is an enduring source of power. Water is also an unlimited energy
source. Dams produce hydraulic power. They have existed for a long time. Windmills are
relatively new.
Correct: Both wind and water are enduring sources of power. Dams have produced
hydraulic power for a long time, but windmills are relatively new. Incorrect: Our results
were inconsistent. The program obviously contains an error. A revision of the program
is required.
Correct: A revision of the program is required because it produced inconsistent results.
4. A sprawl sentence
Incorrect: In the event that we get the contract, we must be ready by June 1 with the
necessary personnel and equipment to get the job done, so with this end in mind a staff
meeting, which all group managers are expected to attend, is scheduled for
Correct: An all-staff meeting including all group managers is scheduled for February 12.
During this meeting we should discuss the issue of personnel and equipment
preparation and schedule a plan for completing the contract by June 1st, if the contract
is received.
Incorrect: The lack of rainfall has caused a severe water shortage, so people have to
conserve water every day, and they also have to think of new ways to reuse water, but
the situation is improving.
Correct: The lack of rainfall has caused a severe water shortage. Although the situation
is improving, people have to conserve water every day, and think of new ways to reuse
5. Non-parallel structures
Incorrect: The teacher wanted to know which country we came from and our future
Correct: The teacher wanted to know which country we came from and what our future
goals were.
Incorrect: This report is an overview of the processes involved, the problems
encountered, and how they were solved.
Correct: This report is an overview of the processes involved, the problems
encountered, and the solutions devised
Incorrect: The candidate’s goals include winning the election, a health program, and
Correct: The candidate’s goals include winning the election, enacting a national health
program, and improving the educational system.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Incorrect: Some critics are not so much opposed to capital punishment as postponing it
for so long.
Correct: Some critics are not so much opposed to sentencing convicts to capital
punishment as they are to postponing executions for so long.


1. Active- Passive structure
1. Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports
→Dangerous sports should be banned by governments.
2. Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines.
→Nowadays scientists widely use animal experiments to develop new medicines.
3. Endangered species are probably preserved by this technology.
This technology probably preserves endangered species.
2. Using dummy subjects It and There
1. Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports
→It is thought/ believed/ argued that governments should ban dangerous sports
→There is an idea that governments should ban dangerous sports
→According to many people, it is governments who should ban dangerous sports (Cleft
sentence: It is+ Noun+Relative Pronoun…)
2. Endangered species are probably preserved by this technology
→ There is an idea that endangered species are probably preserved by this technology
3. Comparison
1. Eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy lifestyle
IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

→ No factors are as important as eating a balanced diet for a healthy lifestyle.

2. However, local products may not be as expensive as imported ones.
→ However, local products may be cheaper than imported ones.
4. Modal verbs
4.1. Can, could - be able to
In later years, the team could not match their earlier success.
→In later years, the team were unable to match their earlier success.
4.2. May, might, could - be possible
A medical breakthrough in the field of cancer research could happen in the next ten
→ It is possible that a medical breakthrough in the field of cancer research will
happen in the next ten years.
4.3. Should- ought to, had better, it is advisable for sb to do sth→ ought not to, had
better not
We should reduce the price of hybrid cars within five years.
→We had better reduce the price of hybrid cars within five years.
Other structures
1. Expressing contrast
So sánh:
While/ whereas/ although the consumption of beef decreased steadily, that of chicken
witnessed an upward trend.
The consumption of beef decreased steadily, while/ whereas/ although/but that of
chicken witnessed an upward trend.
The consumption of beef decreased steadily as opposed to/ in contrast to an upward
trend in the eating of chicken.
although S-V= in spite of/ despite N/ V-ING= however,…
Although I accept that eating only vegetarian foods provides us with general
nourishment, I do not believe that everyone should stop eating meat in order to be in a
good shape.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

→ Despite accepting that eating only vegetarian foods provides us with general
nourishment, I do not believe that everyone should stop eating meat in order to be in a
good shape.
→ I accept that eating only vegetarian foods provides us with general
nourishment ; however, I do not believe that everyone should stop eating meat in order
to be in a good shape.
2. Cause and Effect
because - as a result of ... that…
Medical services are coming under pressure as a result of people living longer.

→Medical services are coming under pressure because people are living longer.

→People are living so much longer that medical services are coming under pressure.


Extend (v)→ extension (n)→ extensive (a)→ extensively (adv)
1. Verb- Noun
Companies need to distribute their products in an extensive way.
→The extensive distribution of their products is vital to companies.
2. Adjective -Adverb
Companies need to distribute their products in an extensive way.
→ Companies need to distribute their products extensively
The performance of the choir was surprisingly moving.
→The performance of the choir moved the audience in a surprising way.
3. Verb- Adjective
They advised the company to extend the range of their products.
→They advised the company to make the range of their products more extensive.
4. Adjective –Noun
They advised the company to make the range of their products more extensive.
→They advised the company that the extension of the range of products be important.


1. Maintaining good relationships enhances your happiness and reduces your

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

→Maintaining good relationships boosts your happiness and reduces your pressure.

→ Maintaining good relationships uplifts your spirit and reduces your pressure

2. Many workers suffer from headache, tiredness and even heart attack

→ Many workers suffer from headache, fatigue/ exhaustion and even heart attack

3. Children in rich families can receive more comprehensive education

→ Children in prosperous families can receive more comprehensive education

→ Children born to prosperous parents can receive more comprehensive education

4. At that point there was almost nothing left in the budget.

→At that point there was practically/ virtually nothing left in the budget.


Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports

→ It is argued that extreme sports be prohibited by states.

Companies need to distribute their products in an extensive way

→ Enterprises need to distribute their goods to numerous customers in different



Oxford synonym dictionary:

1. Write Introduction for following topics

1. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every
subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. However, I
disagree with the idea of accepting the same proportion of each gender in every
university subject due to the following reasons.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

2. It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for a
high proportion of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (not only
adj but also adj)
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
In my opinion, the provision of university study for a high percentage of students is both
unachievable and ineffective for following reasons.

3. In many countries, young people leave rural areas to study and work in cities.
What do you think are reasons for this? Do you think the advantages outweigh the
→ It is evident that in many nations, ……………………………………………………………………….

4. Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or
disagree? (N should be prioritized over N)

→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... While
financial remuneration is a crucial factor that attracts individuals towards a specific
work, I disagree that it is the most significant factor that makes a job ideal.

5. In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people
regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it a valuable work experience,
which is important for learning and taking responsibility. What is your opinion?
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………….While I believe that having some employment experience
is conducive to a child’s learning and development, drawbacks of child labour cannot be
6. Some people think that cities are the best places to live. Others prefer to live in
a rural area. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city to living in
the countryside. (Although S-V, S-V: Expressing contrast)

7. People have different expectations for jobs. Some people prefer to do the same
job for the same company, whereas others prefer to change jobs frequently.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Write about the advantages and disadvantages of each viewpoint? (S-V,but S-V:
Expressing Contrast)
→Workers have various anticipations for occupations.

8. Some students take a year off between school and university, to work or to
travel. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

→ It is true these days that……………………………………………………………………………….


9. Academic institutions should only deal with academic studies and passing
examinations. Skills such as cookery, woodwork, tailoring are better to be taught
at home by family members and friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the statement? (while S-V,S-V: Expressing Contrast)

→ Many people argue that

………………………………………………………………………………………………I agree with the former
idea for following reasons.

10. Some people think that to lead a successful life, a university degree is
important. Others believe that this is no longer true nowadays. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion. (while S-V,S-V: Expressing Contrast)

→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


2. Rewrite following sentences using paraphrasing.

1. Particular subjects facilitate secondary school students’ future career preparation

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

2. Workers can apply approaches and principles from these subjects to their working
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. Some students in tertiary education pay less attention to philosophy, history and
literature since these subjects are not an integral part of their majors
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. In some international education systems, learners are exempted from humanitarian

Dịch: Trong một số hệ thống giáo dục quôc tế, sự miễn giảm cho các học sinh khỏi những
môn nhân học được thực hiện (thực hiện/ thi hành: implement (v))
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5. History includes dates, facts and scenarios from the ancient time that are
inapplicable to daily life.
→ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. People should focus of technology and science that are more practical and relevant to
the current and future society.
→ ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1. Write Introduction for following topics
1. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every
subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

→ There are various viewpoints on the question of whether or not tertiary education
should admit the equal numbers of men and women to all majors. However, I disagree

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

with the idea of accepting the same proportion of each gender in every university
subject due to the following reasons.
2. It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for a
high proportion of young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

→ Many people believe that offering tertiary education to the vast majority of the youth
is not only unfeasible but also pointless. In my opinion, the provision of university study
for a high percentage of students is both unachievable and ineffective for following

3. In many countries, young people leave rural areas to study and work in cities.
What do you think are reasons for this? Do you think the advantages outweigh the

→ It is evident that in many nations, young adults leave the countryside for education
and jobs in urban areas.

4. Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or

→ Many people argue that that huge payment should be prioritized over job fulfillment.
While financial remuneration is a crucial factor that attracts individuals towards a
specific work, I disagree that it is the most significant factor that makes a job ideal.

5. In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some
people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it a valuable work
experience, which is important for learning and taking responsibility. What is
your opinion?

→ There are different viewpoints on the question of whether or not children should
participate in jobs to earn money. While I believe that having some employment
experience is conducive to a child’s learning and development, drawbacks of child
labour cannot be overlooked

6. Some people think that cities are the best places to live. Others prefer to live in
a rural area. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city to
living in the countryside.

→Although many people argue that urban areas offer the most favorable
accommodation, others desire to live in the countryside.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

7. People have different expectations for jobs. Some people prefer to do the same
job for the same company, whereas others prefer to change jobs frequently.

Write about the advantages and disadvantages of each viewpoint?

→Workers have various anticipations for occupations. Some prefer to work
permanently in one company, but others desire to hop from one environment to

8. Some students take a year off between school and university, to work or to
travel. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

→ It is true these days that many high school leavers choose to start their work or
take a trip before going to higher education.

9. Academic institutions should only deal with academic studies and passing
examinations. Skills such as cookery, woodwork, tailoring are better to be taught
at home by family members and friends. To what extent do you agree or disagree
with the statement?

→Many people argue that while academic organizations ought to cope with academic
subjects and tests, families and friends should take responsibility for students’ artistic
skills, namely cookery and woodwork. I agree with the former idea for following

10. Some people think that to lead a successful life, a university degree is
important. Others believe that this is no longer true nowadays. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion.

→ While some argue that in order to live successfully, a degree of tertiary education is
essential, others insist that the trend has changed recently.

2. Rewrite following sentences using paraphrasing.

1. Particular subjects facilitate secondary school students’ future career preparation
→Secondary school students’ future career preparation is facilitated by particular

2. Workers can apply approaches and principles from these subjects to their working

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

→ Workers are able to apply approaches and principles from these subjects to their
working process

3. Some students in tertiary education pay less attention to philosophy, history and
literature since these subjects are not an integral part of their majors

→ Some students in universities barely attend to philosophy, history and literature

owing to the fact that these subjects are not an integral part of their majors

4. In some international education system, learners are exempted from humanitarian

→ In some international education system, the exemption of learners from
humanitarian subjects is implemented.

5. History includes dates, facts and scenarios from the ancient time that are inapplicable
to daily life.
→ History includes dates, facts and scenarios from the ancient time that cannot be
applied to daily life.

6. People should focus of technology and science that are more practical and relevant to
the current and future society.
→ It is advisable for people to focus on technology and science that are more practical
and relevant to the current and future society.


1. Prepositional phrases

Regarding= as regards= with regard to= concerning

= in terms of + N/ V-ING: about sth

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1. A balanced diet consists of several benefits.

→A balanced diet consists of several benefits regarding physical body and mental

2. Meat is also a fertile source of many nutrients such as iron or zinc

→In terms of its function, meat is also a fertile source of many nutrients such as iron
or zinc.

3. People who choose to live alone may become more independent and self-reliant than
those who live with family members
→ Concerning their personalities, people who choose to live alone may become more
independent and self-reliant than those who live with family members.

Regardless of= Irrespective of + N : not paying attention to sth


1. Cycling has become a rare picture in the modern world for a number of reasons

→Cycling, regardless of its positive influences on the environment, has become a

rare picture in the modern world for a number of reasons

2. I believe that everyone should be treated equally.

→ I believe that everyone, irrespective of their races and economic backgrounds,
should be treated equally.

In related to= in relation to + N


1. Many elements related to politics may give rise to civil wars.

2. Locals often have many arguments in relation to tourists’ actions.

Not to mention = to say nothing of + N

1. Passive smoking is another concern when non-smokers contract diseases.

→Passive smoking is another concern when non-smokers contract diseases, not to

mention pregnant women who may suffer from miscarriage, stillbirth and
premature birth.
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2. Foods stored in refrigerators are not good for our health.

→ Foods stored in refrigerators are not good for our health, to say nothing of

Instead of= rather than + N


1. It seems to me that there are more significant advantages than problem to businesses
opening in more remote areas instead of in cities.

2. Rather than playing video games, children may participate in extracurricular


Along with= coupled with + N = and (connecting 2 things)


1. Children no longer relish traditional dishes in festivals, thus probably forgetting their
→Children no longer relish traditional dishes in festivals, thus probably forgetting their
origin along with legends behind them.

2. As regards dangerous sports, extreme conditions render players more vulnerable

than in other sports.
→ As regards dangerous sports, extreme conditions coupled with hazards such as
equipment failure render players more vulnerable than in other sports

Given…= Considering.. + N ,
Given that…= Considering that… + CLAUSE (S-V):
used to show that you’re thinking about a particular fact.

1. Tackling natural damage still requires cooperation from individuals.

→ Considering the attempts from the governments, tackling natural damage still
requires cooperation from individuals

2. It is time for people to convert to a vegetarian diet.

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→ Given that many animals have been slaughtered for years for human’s
consumption, it is time for people to convert to a vegetarian diet.
2. Giving examples
Example 1
1. There is an ever increasing use of technology in the classroom.
→ There is an ever increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the
classroom.Some people believe that anyone can create art

→ Some people believe that anyone can create art in such forms as painting, poetry
and music.
3. The state possibly emphasizes on the use of renewable energy sources.
→ The state possibly emphasizes on the use of renewable energy sources, particularly
solar power and hydropower.
3. Emphasizing
Increasing population in urban areas demands housing in order to accommodate city
→ Increasing population in urban areas demands housing in order to accommodate city
citizens, especially in poverty-stricken areas.
1. Using adjectives and prepositional phrases to describe a noun
1. Some people believe that they can enjoy a good life in rural areas
→Some people believe that they can enjoy a comfortable and affluent life in rural

2. Densely populated areas has also put burden on transport system

→Densely populated areas has also put excessive burden on transport system
3. Protective gear should be enforced to wear in dangerous sport performance.
→ Protective gear for reducing injuries should be enforced to wear in dangerous sport
Notes: Using other means
1. The trend of migration as a global phenomenon has become a source of controversy.
2. An environment to socialize with friends is important for children to develop their
soft skills.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

3. Children (who were) born to more prosperous and experienced parents can
receive better and more comprehensive education
2. Using adverbs and prepositional phrases


1. Consumers are interested in imported goods as they hold the belief that anything with
a foreign tag is better.
→ Consumers are significantly interested in imported goods as they hold the belief
that anything with a foreign tag is better.

2. Sewage from factories is discharged into rivers, thus contaminating the water
→ Sewage from factories is discharged incessantly into rivers, thus contaminating the
water resource.

3. Since language diversity maintains the survival of human civilization, the idea of a
monolingual society is impractical.
→ Since language diversity maintains the survival of human civilization on a global
scale, the idea of a monolingual society is impractical.

You have a certain amount of freedom in deciding where to place your modifiers in a
We rowed the boat vigorously.
We vigorously rowed the boat.
Vigorously, we rowed the boat.
Misplaced Words

1. [WRONG] After our conversation lessons, we could understand the Spanish spoken
by our visitors from Madrid easily.

Do we understand the Spanish easily, or do the visitors speak it easily? This revision
eliminates the confusion

[RIGHT] We could easily understand the Spanish spoken by our visitors from Madrid.


1. Expressing reasons
Examples 1
IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Since= as= Because + Clause (S-V)

Since/ As/ Because many residents inhaled polluted air, they suffered from stress,
fatigue and respiratory diseases
Due to= Owing to= on account of = because of + N/ V-ING
Due to/ Owing to/ On account of/ because of polluted air, many residents suffered from
stress, fatigue and respiratory diseases
Due to/ Owing to/ On account of/ because of inhaling polluted air, many residents
suffered from stress, fatigue and respiratory diseases
Due to/ Owing to/ On account of/ because of the inhalation of polluted air, many
residents suffered from stress, fatigue and respiratory diseases

Notes: Other means

Because many residents inhaled polluted air, they suffered from stress, fatigue and
respiratory diseases
→ Inhaling polluted air, many residents suffered from stress, fatigue and
respiratory diseases
→ As a result of/ As a consequence of inhaling polluted air, many residents suffered
from stress, fatigue and respiratory diseases
Examples 2
Since teenagers are often careless about driving, they may cause traffic accidents.
→Being careless about driving, teenagers may cause traffic accidents
→Careless about driving, teenagers may cause traffic accidents

Examples 3
Some students did not raise their hands in the class as they feared that they may make

→ Some students did not raise their hands in the class for fear of making mistakes

Example 4

Old workers may reject to have a new challenge, thinking that they are not competent
enough for it.

Some individuals are opposed to celebrities’ considerable salary, stating/ commenting

that/ saying that workers in every field deserve receiving the same payment.

2. Expressing result

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

As a result: As a result, lessons learned from our experiences have better effects in our
Hence: Hence, I completely disagree that the factory would be a good place for new jobs
for the community people.
So: So, owning a private car would offer someone the freedom that he usually does not
have without it.
So adj that S-V: The rate of obesity was so high that the government has to ban on junk
food advertisements.
Such (a/an) N that S-V: There was such a high rate of obesity that the government has
to ban on junk food advertisements.
Therefore: Therefore, television is the most popular media for entertainment in most of
the countries in the world.
Accordingly: Accordingly, television is the most popular media for entertainment in
most of the countries in the world
Thus: Thus, overreliance on technology can bring the dreadful events in the upcoming
Consequently/ As a consequence: Consequently, we remember such gifts and revere
the good wishes that were conveyed through those gifts.
For this reason: For this reason, I would like to own a private car than always relying
on the public transportations.
…resulting in…: Sea level rises rapidly, resulting in top-soil erosion and
accommodation loss to dwellers.

Using present participle

1. The consumption of junk food is increasing rapidly. It causes high rates of obesity and
heart attack among people.
→ The consumption of junk food is increasing rapidly, causing high rates of obesity and
heart attack among people.
2. Sports provide students with necessary co-operative skills. Thus, sports enable them
to work effectively in the future.

→ Sports provide students with necessary co-operative skills, thus enabling them to
work effectively in the future.
3. Expressing purposes
To= in order to = so as to + V-bare infinitive
Use to , so as to, and in order to to express purpose in the affirmative form.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551


He is looking for a part time job to save some pocket money.

She wakes up early in order to be on time to work.

They visited him so as to offer their condolences for the death of his wife.

Use so as not to and in order not to to express purpose in the negative form.


They woke up early in order not to be late.

She exercises regularly so as not to get fat.

He helped the new policewoman so as not to fail in her first mission.

so that= in order that + Clause (S-V)

He turned down the music so that he wouldn't disturb the neighbors.

He got a visa so that he can travel to the USA.

He decided to stay in England for a while so that he could practice his English.
For + N/ V-ING

For sb to do sth, For sb not to do sth

The state bans on logging for the protection of forests
The state bans on logging for protecting forests
The state bans on logging for farmers to protect forests
The state bans on logging for farmers not to destroy forests

I. COMPOUND SENTENCES : A compound sentence refers to a sentence made up of
two independent clauses (or complete sentences) connected to one another with

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are easy to remember if you

think of the words "FAN BOYS":

▪ For ▪ But ▪ So
▪ And ▪ Or
▪ Nor ▪ Yet

Logic Coordinating Conjunctions

Addition and

Opposition, Contrast, Concession but, yet

Cause (often used in literature) for

Result or Effect so
Choice, Option, Alternative or, nor


1. In some countries, roads are characterized by mixed traffic, and public transport is
degraded and limited.

2. History is an important subject, yet students do not often invest time in it.

3. For they bring good news to us, we are eager to listen to them

4. Tourists desire to explore culture and history of a country, so they choose museums
as optimal destinations.

5. Some historical buildings are not valued by the state, nor they frequently visited by

6. University students can choose homestay, or they can live in dormitory with their


Time after • as • as long as • as soon as • once • before • since • until • when •

whenever • while

After fishing their high school, a large number of students tend to take a gap year to
work or travel.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

As/ When children consume ready-made foods at restaurant or eateries, they are prone
to intestinal diseases.

As long as teenagers are careful, they are allowed to drive by themselves

The company will send the payment as soon as their customer faxes the signed contract.

Once infrastructure for harnessing renewable resources is laid down, there is low to
zero maintenance required.

The number of dead fish continued to rapidly increase until scientists found some leaks
on the drainage of a metal factory.

Concession and Contrast

• although • even though • though • whereas, while=whilst


Although/ Even though/ Though/ While nuclear weapons carry a high risk of
devastation, nations still prefer to have them for security purpose.

While an Asian viewer can be amazed by the individualism in Western movies, an

American can explore the collectivism from Eastern dramas.

An Asian viewer can be amazed by the individualism in Western movies while an

American can explore the collectivism from Eastern dramas.

An Asian viewer can be amazed by the individualism in Western movies, whereas an

American can explore the collectivism from Eastern dramas.

• as if • as though • if • even if • provided that • unless, otherwise,
on the condition that, in the event that

1. First conditionals
They typically use the present simple tense in the if clause, and the future with will,
may, might, could, should in the result clause.
If temperatures rise again, there will be further outbreaks of fire in the forests of
southern Greece.
Many small companies will lose business if they do not take advantage of internet

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

If tourists visit sacred sites, they should ensure that they are familiar with the
appropriate code of dress.
2. Unless, otherwise
Unless means 'except if'
Apprenticeship schemes will disappear altogether unless the government takes
Otherwise means 'because if not'
Local authorities need to ensure that urban areas have sufficient green spaces for
public recreation. Otherwise, they can be accused of contributing to the build-up of
urban stress.
Local authorities need to ensure that urban areas have sufficient green spaces for
public recreation; otherwise, they can be accused of contributing to the build-up of
urban stress.

3. Second conditionals
They can be used to imagine what might happen if circumstances were different.
Second conditionals use a past tense in the if clause, and typically would+ verb in the
result clause.
If developing countries had a greater control of commodity prices, they would be able
to plan their economies more efficiently.
If it were not for/Without+ noun phrase can also be used
If it were not for/Without easy access to solar energy, business costs in the region
would be too high.
4. Third conditionals
We use them to talk about what would have happened if circumstances had been
different in the past.
They use a past perfect tense in the if clause and typically would have + past participle
in the result clause.
If the advertising campaign had focused on its target audience, it would have
produced more impressive increases in sales.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

Clauses that start with as if / as though describe an unreal or improbable situation if

they are followed by an unreal tense (the past subjunctive or the past perfect
subjunctive). Otherwise, they express that the statement is true.
He looks as if he knows the answer. (he knows the answer)
He looks as if he knew the answer. (he gives the impression that he knows the answer,
but he (probably) doesn't know or we don't know whether he knows or not)
They felt as though they had been given the wrong information.

Place • where • wherever

Where you find a lot of water, you will also find these beautiful insects.

Wherever you live, you have the right to a good postal service

Purpose or Result • in order that • • so • that

Reason or Cause
• because • since • as

In defining relatives, the relative clause gives information which is necessary for the sense
of the sentence.

1. Van Gogh was an artist who used a lot of bold, vibrant colors.
2. It is always violent crime that provokes the most extreme reaction from the public
Who and which tend to be left out altogether only when they are followed by a pronoun

3. The methods (which/ that) we use to learn languages vary from country to country
Non-defining clauses are separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.
In non-defining relative clauses who and which cannot be left out or changed to that.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. The stethoscope, which Rene Laennec invented in 1816, is used for listening to the
body's internal sounds.

2. A great deal has been written about the naturalist Joy Adamson, who famously raised
a lion cub herself.


1. Assisted suicide is an area of medical care in which many doctors disagree.

=Assisted suicide is an area of medical care where many doctors disagree.
2. In 2004, when the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake occurred, few expected it to trigger
a tsunami of such overwhelming power

3. There is no reason why green technology cannot be competitive.


1. Besides agriculture, another element which affects land is deforestation.

→ Besides agriculture, another element affecting land is deforestation.

2. According to the police, all the people who were involved in the incident were
interviewed at the time.
→According to the police, all the people involved in the incident were interviewed at
the time.
Present participle is a form of a verb that ends in -ing
Past participle is the form of a verb that ends in –ed
Using participle clauses to link two ideas that have the same subject
1. Young workers need to find a good working environment. They migrate to urban
→Needing to find a good working environment, young workers migrate to urban areas.
2. Scientists continue animal experiments in the lab. They hope to find a treatment for
→ Scientists continue animal experiments in the lab, hoping to find a treatment for
Using participle clauses to link two ideas that have the same subject after after, before,
since, and while.
3. After they had investigated the causes of the accident, the police decided to release
the man.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

→ After investigating the causes of the accident, the police decided to release the man.
4. While he was travelling with his team, the naturalist was able to collect bones of
→ While travelling with his team, the naturalist was able to collect bones of dinosaurs.


1. Carbon dioxide is emitted from factories. It causes air pollution.

→ Emitted from factories, carbon dioxide causes air pollution
2. Penicillin was discovered in 1929. It provided a cure for many serious diseases.
→Discovered in 1929, penicillin provided a cure for many serious diseases


1. Expressing reasons
1. Because many residents inhaled polluted air, they suffered from respiratory
→ Inhaling polluted air, many residents suffered from respiratory diseases
2. Since children are influenced by their parents, they tend to form similar habits.
→ Influenced by their parents, children tend to form similar habits.
2. Expressing results
1. The consumption of junk food is increasing rapidly, so it causes high rates of obesity
among people.
→ The consumption of junk food is increasing rapidly, causing high rates of obesity and
among people.
3. Reduced Relative clause
1. Besides agriculture, another element which affects land is deforestation.
→ Besides agriculture, another element affecting land is deforestation.

2. According to the police, all the people who were involved in the incident were
interviewed at the time.
→According to the police, all the people involved in the incident were interviewed at
the time.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

1. It is/ was +clear /obvious/ evident/ indisputable/ inevitable/

undeniable that
or It is/ was+ clear/obvious (to someone/ something) + that ...: hiển nhiên là…,
không thể chối cãi được rằng…
▪ It was obvious to the panel that the project lacked sustainability.
▪ It is undeniable that there is an immediate need for improvements in the city's
2. It is/ was +necessary/ advisable/ imperative/crucial/essential/ vital that
or It is/ was +necessary/advisable/ imperative/crucial/ essential/ vital for
someone/ something + infinitive with to ...: rất nên, rất cần thiết phải làm gì…
▪ It was crucial that the fire was stopped before it reached the chemical factories
on the outskirts of the city.

▪ It is advisable for parents to spend time supervising and educating their

children about family tradition.
3. There is/ was/can be+ no doubt that ...
There is/ was/can be+ no argument that ...: không thể nghi ngờ được rằng/ chắc
chắn rằng…
▪ There is no doubt that large sections of the Amazon rainforest will be destroyed
within the next five years unless some actions are taken.
1. Especially, essentially, even, in particular, only, and particularly can all be used
to focus attention on particular parts of a sentence (sometimes to to Examples with an

▪ Finance is required to conduct campaigns of school establishment, especially in

remote areas.
▪ Riverside property in particular needs to be protected against flooding
2. Clearly, emphatically, indisputably, obviously, undeniably, undoubtedly, and
unquestionably are used to emphasize that there can be little argument or doubt about
the facts, but is it true to many people.
▪ She was indisputably the best candidate for the job, according to the chair of the
interview panel.

▪ Undoubtedly, there are still questions to be asked about the siting of nuclear
3. Actually, indeed, in fact, and of course emphasize that something is true

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

On the other hand, I accept that it is sensible for actors, singers and athletes to have a
considerable income. In fact, celebrities are among the highest paid professionals all
over world.
1. Limiting words and phrases: only by, only when, only after, not only…but also…,
rarely, seldom
▪ Young people maintain a sense of a close-knit community. Younger people can
show compassion to the society and receive the support from them.
→ Only by maintaining a sense of a close-knit community can younger people show
compassion to the society and receive the support from them.

▪ Historical buildings not only symbolize cities, but they also stimulate foreigners’
exploring aspiration.
→ Not only do historical buildings symbolize cities, but they also stimulate foreigners’
exploring aspiration

2. Time phrases: hardly ... when, no sooner ... than, not since/ until, at no time,
▪ Locals did not visit museums when holidays came
→ Hardly had locals visited museums when holidays came
Fast food advertisement appeared. Revenue of a company soared.
→ No sooner did fast food advertisement appear than revenue of a company soared

1. Negative phrases: on no account, under no circumstances, neither /nor

▪ Infants younger than six months should not be vaccinated against yellow ever,
according to practitioners.
→ On no account/Under no circumstances should infants younger than six months be
vaccinated against yellow ever, according to practitioners.


1. It + be + relative clause
By using this structure, you can place a greater emphasis on the first part of your
▪ Family decides children’s personalities.
→ It is the family that decides children’s personalities.
▪ Emission from industry mainly accounts for the depletion of ozone layer.
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→ It is emission from industry that mainly accounts for the depletion of ozone layer.
▪ Nowadays, women still take responsibility for most household chores.
→Nowadays, it is women who still take responsibility for most household chores
2. What-clause + be
▪ We need an advertisement that will capture the public's imagination
→ What we need is an advertisement that will capture the public's imagination.
▪ A criminal needs good rehabilitation to be able to return to the society.
→ What a criminal needs to be able to return to the society is good rehabilitation

Advantages of using HEDGING
1. The essay has a more academic style.
2. Increasing your score because you use a wider selection of grammar
3. You increase the number of words in your essay, (helpful for those who struggle
reaching 250).
probability possibility assumption evidence likelihood claim
In all probability/ In all likelihood, there is no life in other planets, so investing
money in searching another Earth in the universe is wasteful.

There is an underlying assumption that older workers feel satisfied with their
achievement. Therefore, they are less likely to acquire new knowledge and update
innovative trends.
probable possible uncertain unlikely likely
It is possible that they suffer from infertility if deciding to give birth after the age of 30.
Parents are unlikely to supervise their children’s behaviors since they are overloaded
with jobs.
suggest indicate estimate assume seem appear to be
tend / have a tendency to
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Migrants tend to stick to their own ethnic group and rarely interact with others.
Health experts suggest that human should eat vegetarian foods for overall well-being.
probably possibly perhaps seemingly presumably
Citizens, seemingly, give priority to economy over culture; therefore, admission fees
may decrease the attendance.
Encouraging farmers to use organic farming methods is perhaps the best way to reduce
soil pollution.
may might can could would
There can be a number of reasons why a particular group of people resist nuclear
The clean-up of the rice fields contaminated by salt during the tsunami would be
completed soon.
In general, generally largely for the most part predominantly
For the most part, the country’s economy remains agricultural.
Sports, in general, enhance body’s flexibility and suppleness.
7. ....'THAT'
It is suggested that...
It is claimed that ....
It is likely that ...
It is indicated that ....
It is indicated that 20% of children are overweight due to their excessive consumption
of fast food.

It is likely that sleep deprivation causes dementia.

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TOPIC: It is neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university
places for a high proportion of young people. To what extent do you agree or

▪ Possible= practical=feasible= achievable

▪ Impossible= impractical=infeasible= unachievable

▪ Useful= effective= fruitful= beneficial= advantageous /ˌædvənˈteɪdʒəs/

▪ Useless= ineffective= fruitless= = meaningless

▪ University (places)= tertiary education= higher education

▪ Provide university places= offer university places= accommodate the youth
with university places= provide entry to university

▪ Young people= young adults= youngsters= the youth= students= learners


Economy: High tuition fee→ students Economy:
cannot afford it - Imbalance in workforce,
Society: Lack HR: managers, lecturers,unemployment
staff - The government: take the needs of
Education: Not many students have the education and other issues into
ability to pass university entrance consideration
examination →cannot allocate budget to…
- Teaching: theoretical
- Many students seek a job irrelevant to
their expertise, not study hard, …
Economy: Support from corporations, Society: University degree

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foreign educational organizations Education: Young adults enrich their

knowledge and enhance their personal


- Idea 1: institutions charge learners more exorbitant fees → youngsters cannot afford.

Result: students resort to scholarship, take out student loan, choose vocational


- Idea 2: university entrance examination is so strenuous that only a minority of…

Result: accommodating the youth with more places means lowering the standard of
admission→ impact quality

- Idea 1: Imbalance in workforce

If 2: If everyone could gain admittance ..., it would… unemployment among

intellectual labor. Further explanation: despite the cut-throat job competition
among those who earn a university degree, graduates do not do manual jobs such

- Idea 2: Except for developed nations, ……… confront difficulties in lack facilities,
investment, high-qualified lecturers→ Teaching in universities is theoretical→ Even
when there are…, …. cannot contribute to the society.

- Idea 3: The government has to take the needs of both the youth and other issues
into consideration.

Further explanation: … may not be able to allocate the budget to other sectors like …
→ affect the society as a whole.

Idea 1: Financial support of many sources
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State allocation for education, help from corporations, foreign educational


Ex: scholarship, exchange program, donation of books and school supplies,


Idea 1: Studying in universities, young adults enrich their knowledge and enhance
their personal skills. Result: support community, work efficiently→ develop the

Ex: nhiều bác sĩ trẻ, sau các khóa đào tạo ở trường, giúp bệnh nhân nghèo ở các vùng
xa xôi.

Idea 2: university degree

→ improve national literacy


Topic 1: Eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a healthy lifestyle.
To what extent do you agree?

- Eat a balanced diet= Maintain a balanced eating habit= have a balanced food
intake= have nutritious /njuˈtrɪʃəs/ / nourishing /ˈnɜːrɪʃɪŋ/meals
- Important (a) vital= significant= indispensable /ˌɪndɪˈspensəbl/
→ vitality/vaɪˈtæləti/ = significance→ be of vital importance
- Factor (n) element= aspect= point
- Healthy lifestyle= well-being= (in) good physical condition= (having) health
benefits = robustness
- Other crucial elements: physical exercises, sufficient sleep, stress control,
relationship, environment
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1. A balanced diet (a right proportion of nutrients) can provide a body with
sufficient energy to work and study effectively.
Reason: Nutrition can maintain the proper functions of organs + the nervous system
Example: (worker) eat a nourishing breakfast → have higher productivity

Opposite idea: people can use supplements instead of meals to gain necessary
substances → be proved to enhance humans’ well-being
Your idea: Explaining: foods are the most important: nutrients (more biologically
active…)→ Accordingly, nothing can replace meals regarding keeping a person in a
good shape.

There is an argument that people can use supplements instead of meals to gain
necessary substances because they are proved to enhance humans’ well-being.
Although the core of this claim is valid, I believe that this is a short-sighted
viewpoint. It is an indisputable fact that food is the most important thanks to nutrients
which are more biologically active than any tablets. Accordingly, nothing can replace
meals regarding keeping a person in a good shape.

→ Maintaining a balanced diet has several upsides concerning longevity and

immune system.
2. An ideal food intake can extend humans’ lifespan by as many as 20 years.
Further explanation: In fact, consuming more vegetables: lower risks of several
chronic illnesses (cardiovascular diseases, …)
Ex: Scientists: leafy vegetables: enhance the longevity (mountainous areas)

3. If a person strengthens his immune system from an early age by having

nourishing meals every day, he is, in all likelihood, not susceptible to infectious

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Example: children: sufficient vitamins, protein…→ not suffer from some ailments
like ….


1. Maintaining good relationships boosts happiness and alleviates pressure.
Reason: People (many friends) do not experience loneliness, isolation…. >< people
(cannot spend time with their colleagues) find life monotonous.

2. Not only can routine workout prevent patients from serious diseases, but it
also enhances people’s optimism and motivation.
Explanation: Without physical exercises, …be prone to depression, dementia…
Ex: the elderly who do exercises: better memory (… leading a sedentary lifestyle)

3. Despite having a balanced diet, many workers suffer from headache and
even heart attack; therefore, stress management is of vital importance.
Example: Japanese workers: (although) have substantial meals with …, … notorious
for committing suicide owing to working pressure.


Topic: Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local
customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should
welcome cultural differences.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Visitors= tourists= foreigners= travelers= vacationers= holiday-makers
Follow= obey= comply with= abide by
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Local customs and behavior= native culture and ways of life= local tradition/
convention and lifestyles.
Host country= the locals = the natives = inhabitants
welcome= accept= appreciate= respect
Cultural differences= traditional variety= conventional diversity= cultural
2. PESTE (Visitors, locals)

Visitors follow local customs and The host country welcome

behavior. cultural differences.

1. Regulations and rules prevent

POLITICS 1. Accepting tourists’ traditional
political turmoil and maintain
variety is a way to minimize
CRIME societal order → tourists have a
conflicts and racism.
peaceful trip.

2. Many host countries can

ECONOMY attract hordes of international

3. Newcomers may find it

SOCIETY 2. If foreigners violate these rules,
challenging to immediately get
they may not receive a gracious
(PEOPLE) acquainted with long-lasting
welcome from residents.



4. By respecting foreign
3. By respecting native conventions
EDUCATION conventions and lifestyles,
and lifestyles, foreigners can acquire
locals can acquire good cultural
good cultural identity.


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1. Regulations and rules: preventing political turmoil and maintaining societal

Result: Tourists should comply with them to have a peaceful trip.
Example: Japan: jump a queue→ be ejected from…
2. If foreigners deliberately violate these rules, they may not receive a gracious
welcome from residents.
Reason: Customs (greeting, dining etiquettes…): be consistently practiced for ages
Example: Ramadan in Indonesia: tourists who disobeys religious rules of abstaining
from food, beverage, cigarette are not highly appreciated.
3. By respecting native conventions and lifestyles, foreigners can acquire good
cultural identity.
Further explanation: Practice of customs: tourists gain real experience→ have
profound insight into these national unique traits
Example: by imitating the habit of eating from a single plate in an Ethiopian
traditional meal: sense of community…


1. Accepting tourists’ traditional variety: minimize conflicts and racism.
Further explanation: Welcome foreigners’ cultural differences→ do not discriminate
against other countries irrespective of their origins
2. Based on the acceptance of cultural distinct, many host countries can attract
hordes of international tourists.
Reason: Feel a sense of respect and comfort→ they, in all likelihood, return…
Ex: (research) reformation + welcoming services in India: increase revenue in
3. Newcomers may find it challenging to immediately get acquainted with long-
lasting customs, not to mention that some of them are completely opposite to
those in foreigners’ hometown.
Example (+ Reason for example): clothing culture is a case in point.
Eastern women: outfits covering their whole body
Western women: short dress
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→ Given that each attire reveals its own identity and the wearer’ personality, a
European wearer would be suffocated if forced to wear a long gown.


IN-CLASS TOPIC: Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give
longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative
ways of reducing crime.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

▪ The best way= the most ideal/ optimal/ effective way
▪ Reduce crime= minimize law violation= alleviate offence= decline the rate
▪ To give longer prison sentences= to give lengthier sentences= to place
offenders in prison for longer periods…
▪ Alternative ways= alternatives= different approaches/ solutions…
1. Longer sentences can act as a deterrent to the society, especially those who
are having …
Explanation: When people know that unlawful actions have consequences such as
some years of imprisonment, hard work and even …, they ....
2. Spending a long time in prison provides criminals with an opportunity to
Reason: They have a chance to work with psychologists → alleviate their mental
Example: By telling about abuse that they experienced in their childhood → receive
useful advice + have positive attitude about …
3. Lengthier sentences ensure safety and societal order since felons are in

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Explanation: those lawbreakers are no longer a danger to the society; and citizens
can walk and relax on the street without …
4. Inmates are trained for working skills in re-educational programs.
Example: (in prisons) men: carpentry, welding / women: laundry, cooking service
Result: reintegrate into …


1. First-time law-breakers: do community service, namely …
→ compensate for their mistakes + improve their personalities
▪ Offenders of more severe crimes: be put on probation
→ when they are under the supervision of … → have time to ponder on/over their
actions (suy ngẫm về …) to differentiate righteousness from fallacies + redeem
themselves (sửa chữa lỗi lầm)
2. In the case of juvenile delinquents, a fine or the probation is enough for
warning. Meanwhile, longer sentences: give them a criminal record → affect their
future study + career.
Explanation: It is evident that they can improve themselves after …., but these
youngsters are probably not chosen by recruiters who know that ….
3. The government could focus its resources on the causes of crime → less
crime in the future
Example: dwellers in remote areas chop trees, poach animals. If 2: if …. offer
employments and…., not resort to such illegal jobs.


Topic: Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the
environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can
individual people do?
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→ Causes and Solutions

▪ Humans= human beings= people= inhabitants on the Earth= residents on the
▪ Damage (v)= destroy= ruin= play havoc with= harm= impact on sth
→ Damage (n)= destruction= ruin= impact on sth
▪ The environment= the surroundings = the nature
▪ Government= state= authority
▪ Individual people= individuals= citizens…


- The government should enforce

Industrial and agricultural factories to install waste
activities: treatment and air filtration
Industry: the discharge of
untreated sewage. Toxic smoke
Agriculture: pesticides, - Farmers should use organic
farming methods
fertilizers… affect land

- The authorities increase public

-Low awareness of environment education and raise citizens’
SOCIETY protection: Many dwellers awareness.
(PEOPLE) deliberately dump domestic wastes
outside of controlled landfills - Individuals use biodegradable

- Exhaust fumes from private - Using public modes of

TECHNOLOGY, transportation
vehicles and airplanes cause
serious pollution - Hybrid cars and car pooling

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Deforestation: - The government must

ENVIRONMEN, implement laws to limit the
HEALTH - Logging industry: illegal wood depletion of forest cover.
cutting and tree chopping

- Each person plants trees

- Overpopulation: more land in around their accommodation.
demand for housing, …


1. Cause 1:
Humans impact the surroundings in their industrial and agricultural activities.
- Industrial activities:
- The discharge of untreated sewage→ contamination
Ex: Formosa steel plant: wastewater killed…
- Besides, …release smoke into…, thus reducing…
- Agricultural activities
Agricultural runoff (pesticides, feathers…) can be mixed together and end up in
Overuse of fertilizers which absorb into soil layers → land pollution
➔ Solution 1
Industrial activities: enforce factories to install waste treatment and air filtration
Agricultural activities: use organic farming methods that involve no toxic chemicals
→ protect water bodies from pollution
2. Cause 2
People have a low awareness of environment protection
Ex: deliberately dump domestic wastes …
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➔ Solution 2
The authorities increase public education and raise citizens’ awareness of …
Individuals use biodegradable products instead of …
3. Cause 3: Transportation
Exhaust fumes from … considerable amount of pollution.
→ Solution 3: Commuters and students should focus on using …. Also, hybrid
cars and car pooling can tremendously contribute to alleviate …
4. Cause 4: Deforestation is one of the main factors harming the surroundings.
In logging industry, wood cutting and tree chopping are often conducted illegally.
Also, overpopulation directly affects the forest cover, explained by more land in
demand for housing, agricultural and industrial activities.
➔ Solution 4:
Government: implement…to limit depletion of forest cover.
Each person: …campaigns of reforestation or plant trees around their

Topic: In some countries, governments are encouraging industries and
businesses to move to regional areas outside the big cities.
Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Government= state→ authority
encourage (v)= persuade (v)→ encouragement, persuasion
Industries and businesses = industrial zones and enterprises
=factories/ plants and companies
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➔ Companies = firms= manufacturing bases

Move to= relocate to= change the premises from… to…→ movement, relocation,
change (n)
Regional area= rural area= countryside= outskirts= remote location
Big city= urban area= metropolitan area= metropolis

PESTE (People in rural, urban areas…)

Advantages Disadvantages


- The budget is significantly

declined due to lower rent and
labor cost, thus generating
higher profit. Companies based in regional
areas are distant from their
ECONOMY clients and suppliers.
- This trend also boosts the
economy in deprived areas and
stabilizes locals’ life (jobs,
facilities, small businesses

- Many occupations are created,

thus attracting residents,
particularly young adults and Workers in the countryside
intellectuals, to remain in their are plentiful, but they are not
SOCIETY homeland. as skilled as those in urban
(PEOPLE) centers.
- The change of business locations
alleviates overpopulation in
crowded towns.

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- When industrial zones are - Relocation costs are

TECHNOLOGY, situated in outskirts, traffic exorbitant.
TRANSPORT congestion in metropolises is
reduced considerably.

ENVIRONMENT, - The movement of industrial

HEALTH - The urban surroundings are
zones to the countryside may
safeguarded from air and noise
seriously affect the


1. The budget is significantly declined due to lower rent and labor cost, thus
generating higher profit.
Reason: land is immense, cheap. Unskilled workers

2. Many occupations are created, thus attracting residents, particularly young adults
and intellectuals, to remain in their homeland.
Result: solve rural depopulation + alleviate urban problems (excessive transport
system, job competition)


3. This trend also boosts the economy in impoverished areas and stabilizes locals’
Reason- Example
Xu hướng này cũng thúc đẩy nền kinh tế ở những vùng nghèo đói và ổn định cuộc
sống của người dân địa phương. Khi các nhà máy và công ty được thành lập ở những
vùng xa xôi, cơ sở hạ tầng của giao thông, chỗ ở, cửa hàng thực phẩm cũng được phát
triển để đáp ứng nhu cầu của nhân viên. Đồng thời, các công việc từ công nhân cho
IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551

đến nhân viên được tạo ra cho các cư dân gần đó. Ví dụ, điều đáng ngạc nhiên là,
nhờ vào sự thành lập của các nhà máy và doanh nghiệp, một số huyện nghèo ở Việt
Nam đã được chuyển thành các thành phố hiện đại.

1. Companies based in regional areas are distant from their clients and suppliers.
Result: City citizens can afford consumption goods >< low-paid dwellers cannot
High cost of transporting materials
2. Workers in countryside are plentiful, but they are not as skilled as those in urban
Result: lack qualified workforce→ impact production efficiency
3. The movement of industrial zones to the countryside may seriously affect the
Example: Formosa steel plant: discharge sewage into water bodies → poisoned up
125 miles of Vietnam’s coastline in April last year. This disaster has damaged the
regional economy and destroyed the livelihood of numerous local residents.



Topic 1: It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments

should only focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
(02. 04. 2016)

▪ impossible= unfeasible= impractical= unachievable
▪ help= support= assist= provide aid for sb= satisfy sb’s needs= offer assistance
to sb
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▪ all people in the world: citizens/ inhabitants in other countries

▪ focus on= concentrate on= aim at


Focus on their Help other countries: not only

POLITICS country: Putting their effort in enhance international diplomacy,
only one task, the governments
CRIME but also ease disputes among
can assist their citizens far more
efficiently nations

ECONOMY Focus on their country: a Possible: Opulent countries own a

national budget is limited tremendous quantity of property

SOCIETY Impossible: The needs of Help other countries: As regards

inhabitants on the earth are ethics, mutual support among
diverse, spanning from … to …. nations in adversities is advisable.

TECHNOLOGY, Impossible: the

Possible: Progress in transport
underprivileged: enormous
TRANSPORT and technology
number and various locations.



1. It is undoubted that the needs of inhabitants on the Earth are diverse, spanning
from …. to other…
Example: mountainous areas: inhospitable terrain, whereas Africa: live with
water shortage →poor sanitation

2. It is unfeasible for governments’ support to reach all of the underprivileged given

their enormous number and various locations.

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Reason- Example: Millions of people are living…, lacking food, clean water and not
having access to education…. Ex: rich nations: difficulties in transporting food…to
residents who are facing famine …


1. Since a national budget is limited, the well- being of people in that country should
be the only target.
Reason: Governments take many issues … into consideration→ Helping...: a
burdensome task, not to mention...

2. Putting their effort in only one task, the governments can assist their citizens far
more efficiently.
Result: Vì lý do này, các viên chức nhà nước sẽ có được sự ủng hộ mạnh mẽ và niềm
tin sâu sắc từ người dân của họ.
1. Progress in transport and technology allows state agencies to provide aid within
hours to even relatively remote corners of the world.
Example: victims - earthquake in Nepal – helicopters from the US
Additionally, internet banking …

2. Opulent countries own a tremendous quantity of property, thus having the ability
to …
Further explanation- Result
...not only ...have cash..., ...but...also...abundant natural resources such as … → by
donating a part of their possessions, they …

1. As regards ethics, mutual support among nations in adversities is advisable.

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Reason- Example
...take responsibility for sharing..
Ex: save lives by paying for medicines for...
Về đạo đức, hỗ trợ lẫn nhau giữa các quốc gia trong nghịch cảnh là điều nên làm.
Sống chung trên trái đất, tất cả mọi người đều có trách nhiệm chia sẻ và giúp đỡ lẫn
nhau. Ví dụ, khi một số trẻ em ở các nước châu Phi đang qua đời vì (die of) các
bệnh có thể chữa được, chính phủ và công dân ở các nước khác có thể cứu sống họ
đơn giản bằng cách trả tiền cho các loại thuốc đã có sẵn.

2. Carrying out the global assistance not only enhances international diplomacy, but
it also eases disputes among nations, especially those which used to experience wars.
Reason: ...leaders realize the good will of neighboring countries in strengthening ...
Ex: the US-Vietnam: heal the wounds of war

[Homework] Topic 2: People in community now could buy cheaper consumer

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (19.3.2016)

▪ Người mua: buyer= purchaser= consumer= customer

▪ Buy= purchase
▪ Consumer goods= products= merchandise
1. …enjoy the purchase of diverse inexpensive goods…
Example: In the past: only the wealthy…>< Nowadays: most ordinary houses…
2. … promotes people’s purchasing power→ national prosperity.
Reason: Prices are reduced→ demand increases. Manufacturing…→ more workers
3. … the acceleration of international trade.
Further explanation- Example
… establish relationships…

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Ex: Thailand: rice, Japan: kitchen appliances

1. …mass production→ goods of low quality
Result: … people’s health and… create the distrust
Ex: Food from China …
2. Companies and factories probably exploit natural resources and pollute the
Example: In logging industry→ deforestation. Plants discharge sewage…→ …
3. Indulged with various products …, children may disregard their belongings …
Indulge sb with sth: nuông chiều ai với thứ gì
Further explanation: … not treasure labour and property…


Topic 1: Nowadays, the way many people interact with each other has changed
because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of
relationships that people make? Has this been a positive or negative

▪ Interact (v)= communicate= exchange information
▪ Change (v-trans, intrans) = alter → adjust (v-trans) = modify
▪ Technology (n) technological progress/ advancement= technological
devices/ appliances/ inventions
▪ Affect (v)= impact= influence= exert an influence on
▪ Relationship (n)= connection= link= bond
▪ Positive development (n)= benefit= upside= merit
▪ Negative development (n)= drawback= downside= demerit
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▪ Development= modernization= transformation= progress= advancement

1. Economy: Telephones and the Internet allow business people in different
countries to interact without ever meeting each other.
Example: appliances (Zoom, Skype and Viber): conduct numerous tasks (on-line
conferences, an invitation email) → purchase certain products

2. Education: Concerning schooling, the Internet has revolutionized education by

providing social networking sites and on-line courses.
Communication tools (Fb, Zalo) → ask about complicated exercises or further
materials sources
Online-courses: learners in far-flung locations attend international classes
instructed by high-qualified teacher overseas
➔ Result: many individuals have earned bachelor or master degrees merely
with a computer.

3. Society: Modern technology has endowed users with advanced communication

tools, allowing them to expand their relationships.
Example: in the past: arrange time and location. However, now: Fb (reading the
profile and timeline)

4. Politics: Regarding political events, such as election, the Internet unfolds a site
for constituents to learn about candidates.
Reason: Besides newspapers and off-line speeches, many future officers have posted
or voiced their personal information and aspiration on Facebook and Twitter so
that voters can follow them. According to recent articles, a majority of citizens have
based their choices on television and online- news in president election.

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1. - Economy thrives (fast business operation) → contribute to a high living
- On-line interactions relieve the burden on transport.

2. Access better education, make friends

Know well about candidates
- Xu hướng này đồng thời cho phép người học tiếp cận nền giáo dục tốt hơn và kết
bạn mới mà không gặp trở ngại về mặt địa lý. (geographical obstacles)
- Công dân ở một quốc gia có thể biết rõ về ứng cử viên trước khi bỏ phiếu, do đó tạo
sự lãnh đạo tốt hơn ở một quốc gia. (facilitating better leadership)
1. Work: cause so much distraction, which affects ….. Reason: workers often multi-
task, particularly…., not to mention those who…
2. Isolating people, discouraging face-to-face interaction. (youngsters immerse
themselves in virtual friend circles on Fb)
Students no longer want to go to school

- Tính sẵn có của mạng xã hội trực tuyến cũng có thể có kết quả là cô lập con người và
ngăn cản sự tương tác mặt đối mặt. Ví dụ, thanh thiếu niên đắm mình trong vòng
kết nối bạn bè ảo trên Facebook, điều mà ngắt kết nối của họ khỏi thế giới thực.
- Nếu các lớp học video chiếm ưu thế trên thế giới, học sinh không còn muốn đi tới
trường nơi mà họ cho là đắt đỏ và tốn thời gian.

Topic: Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life.
Is it a positive or negative development? (Homework)

Advertisement (n)= promotion= commercial (advertisement on TV, radio…)

Common (a) = popular= prevalent

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1. This sector is likely to generate a diversity of employment opportunities.
Further explanation: thousands of staff are working in advertisement in many
companies, from start-ups to famous international corporations.
Ex: artists, copywriters…
2. Manufacturers can disseminate information to as many customers as possible.
Result: …see promotions for several times→ trust their quality → purchase
3. Only by advertisements can customers be well- informed about newly-launched
Reason: Commercials often show the appearance of commodities and provide
information of their functions and instructions.

1. People are bombarded with all kinds of commercials which often exaggerate
goods’ functions.
Result: … have false ideas→ …create distrust. Ex: washing powder: immediately
turn a dirt white shirt into a perfect one after a time of washing
2. …customers cannot resist the temptation of products which are advertised in
many places → purchase unnecessary items.
Further explanation: In fact, many consumers have fallen victim to impulse buy
owning to the attractive promotions. Ex: a discount on beer, cosmetics…
3. Although costs: exorbitant, …reaching consumers: not guaranteed.
Reason: …pay thousands of dollars…, not to mention prime time. However, … not
Mặc dù chi phí quảng cáo rất cao, kết quả của việc tiếp cận người tiêu dùng tiềm
năng thì không được đảm bảo. Các nhà tiếp thị (marketers) cho biết họ phải trả hàng
nghìn đô la để đăng (chiếu) (place) thông tin về hàng hoá của họ lên (in) in báo và
lên (on) TVs, chưa kể chi phí gấp đôi vào giờ vàng (prime time). Tuy nhiên, các
thông điệp đôi khi không có hiệu quả khi có những bài báo và chương trình khác.

IELTS MS.MI - 0364498551













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