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Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

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The Iberian exception: Estimating the impact of a cap on gas prices for
electricity generation on consumer prices and market dynamics
Manuel Hidalgo-Pérez a ,∗, Natalia Collado b , Jorge Galindo b , Ramón Mateo c
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Ctra Utrera s/n, 41013, Sevilla, Spain
Universitat Ramon Llull, Esade, Spain
BeBarlet, Spain


JEL classification: As the volatility of short-term energy market prices increases due to exogenous shocks and the changing
D12 nature of the energy mix, market interventions are gaining importance in the policy debate. Accurate and
Q41 robust quantification of their impact is becoming therefore essential. This paper conducts a causality analysis
to evaluate the Spanish ‘‘gas cap’’ for electricity generation during the 2022 energy crisis. We use Bayesian
Keywords: structural time series models to isolate its impact on affected consumers, primarily those under the regulated
Policy evaluation tariff, from June to December 2022. Our results show that the mechanism successfully lowered prices compared
Gas price cap to a counterfactual scenario without the intervention. However, the policy also led to an increase in electricity
Consumer prices
generation from gas-fired combined cycle plants. In addition, exports to France increased by over 80% after
Gas consumption
implementation, as Spanish wholesale prices became cheaper than French prices. Our analysis (1) provides
an accurate quantification to date of one of the most consequential energy market interventions in recent
years; (2) demonstrates the fruitful use of a novel evaluation method for energy policy; (3) highlights the
trade-off between the short-term goal of consumer price relief and the long-term goals of fossil fuel reduction
and decarbonisation.

1. Introduction generation is low. During these hours, they are the most expensive
technology and determine the market price. As gas is a necessary input
The energy landscape in Europe has experienced a turbulent time for their production, any increase in its price is immediately reflected in
in recent years, marked by the coincidence of several crises. Begin- their bids and consequently in the price of electricity. Moreover, since
ning with the outbreak of the global pandemic and followed by the
it takes on average two MWh of gas to produce one MWh of electricity,2
geopolitical shockwaves of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the
the electricity market amplifies the impact of a price shock for this fossil
subsequent aim of reducing European energy dependence from Russia,
the continent has faced an unprecedented surge in energy prices. fuel, as shown in Fig. 1.
These were especially intense for natural gas, given the continent’s Faced with increasing economic and social hardship caused by
dependence on the source from foreign partners, especially Russia itself, escalating electricity prices, national governments and the European
which accounted for almost half the imports of this fossil fuel. As a Commission proposed emergency measures to reduce these prices and
result, in December 2021, the price of the Dutch TTF1 was ten times mitigate their negative effects. Several alternatives were discussed that
higher than in 2019. had a direct impact on the functioning of the day-ahead market, such as
This escalation shook the European electricity markets, especially
setting a price cap, limiting the selling price of low-margin technologies
the day-ahead markets, due to two interacting factors: (1) the use
or compensating fossil-fuelled power generators (European Commis-
of natural gas for electricity generation and (2) its usual role as a
marginal technology in this market. Combined cycle power plants pro- sion, 2022). However, none of these measures were ultimately adopted
vide flexibility in the system by meeting peak demand when renewable at the EU level. Instead, the supranational focus shifted to initiating

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Hidalgo-Pérez), (N. Collado), (J. Galindo), (R. Mateo).
The Dutch TTF, or Title Transfer Facility, is a system registering the delivery of gas in the Dutch gas system and also the main index used in Europe for
long-term contracts.
This ratio may vary depending on the efficiency of each power plant.
Received 2 November 2023; Received in revised form 4 March 2024; Accepted 18 March 2024
Available online 28 March 2024
0301-4215/© 2024 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 1. Evolution of wholesale electricity and gas prices in Europe (in e/MWh).
Source: ESIOS,

electricity market reform and implementing fiscal measures, includ- prices, and therefore the final bill for consumers with VPSC, by de-
ing reducing VAT or excise taxes, regulating retail prices, providing coupling them from natural gas prices through a partial modification
transfers to vulnerable consumers and supporting industry and taxing of the market’s marginal system. This paper focuses on assessing the
windfall profits (Sgaravatti et al., 2021). impact of such a mechanism, referred to as the ‘‘Iberian exception’’
Despite those, the impact of soaring electricity prices in Spain or ‘‘gas cap’’, although this is technically incorrect since it is not an
gained particular attention from policymakers and the general public. actual cap, as explained in Section 2. Even though it was introduced by
According to the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commis-
the Spanish and Portuguese governments and thus applies to the entire
sion (CNMC for its Spanish acronym),3 in early 2022 around 10 million
Iberian electricity market (MIBEL), the analysis focuses on its impact in
households were under the regulated tariff, so-called Voluntary Price
Spain. To assess whether the policy achieved its stated goal, we conduct
for the Small Consumer (PVPC for its acronym in Spanish, VPSC for its
English acronym henceforth). Despite its regulated nature, the VPSC is a causality analysis to isolate the effect of the cap from other factors. In
linked to hourly wholesale market results through a dynamic pricing Section 3 we explain in detail our method, departing from a model that
model. For consumers under the VPSC scheme, this means that their can approximate the time series of the wholesale electricity price in the
monthly electricity bill is a direct reflection of market conditions. regulated market, and using it to feed Bayesian structural models able
However, for the 18 million households on fixed tariffs in the free to produce a counterfactual of the wholesale electricity price without
segment of the retail market, prices are only updated once a year when implementing the cap. In Section 4 we compare the counterfactual
their contracts with their suppliers come up for renewal. with the observed time series to measure the impact of the regulatory
This heightened concern was compounded by two additional fac- measure.
tors: (1) the VPSC is the tariff for many vulnerable households, as it is a
Approving and implementing the mechanism required convincing
prerequisite for access to fuel poverty assistance,4 and (2) its significant
other European partners and the European Commission itself, who
impact on the national Consumer Price Index (CPI), which by design
voiced two tangible worries aside from the more general alert of the
was more exposed to increases in wholesale electricity prices.5
The combination of these factors led to the introduction, from June exception risking ‘‘a distorsion on the single internal market’’ (Inde-
2022, of a mechanism to reduce the day-ahead wholesale electricity pendiente, 2022): (1) whether it could incentive gas consumption,
thus undermining energy savings and decarbonisation goals, leading
to an actual warning by the Commission in October 2022 (Arroqui,
See CNMC (2022). 2022); and (2) whether the lowering of the prices could ‘‘leak’’ to
This support consists of a discount on the regulated tariff. other European countries, e.g. France, exposing the Spaniards to a
Traditionally, the Spanish National Statistics Institute has only taken the
potential subsidy for French consumers. Sections 5 and 6 look for proof
regulated tariff into account when measuring electricity prices. However, after
noting that there was overexposure during the energy crisis, since January of these outcomes extending our causal impact methodology. Section 7
2023 it has also included information on contracts that do not fall under the concludes by highlighting what we believe is our core contribution plus
regulated tariffs. indicating where further research could lead us.

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

2. The measure and existing evidence on it The cost of financing the compensation paid through this mecha-
nism is undermined by the congestion rents generated by the inter-
The day-ahead wholesale electricity market has a marginalist de- connection with France, since lower wholesale prices would increase
sign, i.e. it operates on the principle that the price of electricity is set both the difference between Spanish and French prices and export flows
by the most expensive energy source needed to meet current demand. after the mechanism is applied.8 After deducting these from the costs,
Typically, this marginal source is a combined cycle power plant, which the remainder is distributed as a payment obligation on the wholesale
has higher operating costs due to its required inputs (e.g. natural gas). market demand. At market close, the adjustment is paid to eligible
On the other hand, cleaner technologies such as solar, wind, hydro and generators to ensure that their marginal costs are fully recovered and
nuclear power are the first ones to be dispatched due to their lower the costs incurred are passed on to consumers as part of their electricity
marginal costs. When demand exceeds what the baseline supply of bills. This pass-on initially affected consumers at the regulated end
these sources can provide and gas-fired power plants enter the market, of the retail market, but once their contracts have been updated,
any increase in the price of this fossil fuel is reflected in the wholesale consumers on the free market will also internalise the costs.
price of electricity. However, even though consumers bear the cost of the compensation
However, the price dynamics in the wholesale electricity market do in their bills, the way the mechanism is designed, they should make net
not affect all Spanish consumers in the same way, due to the different savings. This is because the remuneration foregone by inframarginal
tariffs in the retail market. Consumers on unregulated fixed tariffs technologies is less than the compensation paid. The difference leads to
experience price changes mainly during the annual renegotiation and lower clearing prices than if the mechanism were not in place, resulting
renewal of their contracts. Conversely, households on the regulated in higher consumer surplus. Brito (2022) illustrates this comparison in
tariff (VPSC), which is indexed to spot prices, are directly affected Fig. 2. In the right panel, the situation without the cap is depicted,
by short-term fluctuations in the wholesale market. This direct link where the yellow area represents consumers’ surplus, defined as the
exposes them to immediate price volatility, in contrast to the delayed difference between the market price (100e/MWh) and their maximum
impact felt by consumers on fixed tariffs. What is more, there are often willingness to pay for each unit consumed (the blue line). With the cap
many vulnerable consumers on the regulated tariff, as this is a condition in place, the market price is supposed to decrease, allowing consumers
for access to the Electricity Social Bonus - a discount on their bills to increase their surplus even with the compensation payment (red area
designed to help combat energy poverty. in the left panel).
To address this short-term risk while minimising the impact on The critical question is therefore empirical: does this hold up in
public finances and the design of electricity bills, in mid-June 2022, reality, once we look at actual prices under the new policy regime? San-
Spain and Portugal introduced a mechanism informally and widely cha (2022), examining the impact of the mechanism during the first
known as the ‘‘gas cap’’. In parallel, Spain also started a process to 200 days of its application, concludes that the average reduction in
reform the VPSC to reduce its volatility by indexing the tariff not only the wholesale marginal price during the analysis period was significant
to the spot market but also to the futures markets. The new regulated at 123e/MWh. To estimate the counterfactual scenario, the study
tariff structure officially entered into force in January 2024. assumed inelastic demand and calculated the counterfactual electricity
The ‘‘gas cap’’ mechanism aimed to reduce the impact of wholesale price as the actual price plus the subsidy that power plants receive. The
natural gas prices to wholesale electricity market pricing. It consisted author also analysed the impact on generators and concluded that, al-
of compensation to specific electricity generation facilities using fossil though the reduction in the wholesale price reduced the extraordinary
energy sources in exchange for limiting their bids in the wholesale profits of the inframarginal power plants that did not enter into forward
electricity market, thereby reducing the market price. Eligible plants contracts, the fossil fuel power plants did not suffer any loss of revenue,
included natural gas combined cycle power plants (CCGT), coal-fired as this was offset by the contributions from MIBEL demand and conges-
thermal plants and certain combined heat and power (CHP) plants. The tion revenues from the interconnection between Spain and France. The
compensation was calculated as the difference between two gas prices: study also showed that consumers’ experiences varied depending on the
the Iberian wholesale market price (MIBGAS), and a reference price type of contract. For example, consumers with regulated and market-
set by the new standard. The reference price was set at e40/MWh for indexed contracts benefited from a 17% reduction in the energy price
the first six months and increased by e5/MWh each month thereafter component of their bill due to the intervention, while consumers with
until it reached e70/MWh at the end of the initial one-year application fixed price contracts experienced different scenarios depending on the
period.6 The resulting compensation was disseminated by the market date and structure of their contract renewal.
operator since its enactment, and the affected power plants included Other researchers assessed the impact of the intervention based on
it in their energy price offers on the wholesale market. It therefore an econometrically modelled counterfactual scenario, i.e. an estimate
reduced the price by the difference between the market price and the of how the variable in question would have evolved in the absence
pre-set price. This mechanism of internalising the compensation acted of the policy. In Salas et al. (2022), the focus is on the impact of
as a de facto cap on the cost of gas, which was passed on in the final the intervention on the VPSC. They estimate a counterfactual that
price of electricity. models this price with auto-regressive errors and controls for weekly
Due to the marginalist functioning described above, the mecha- seasonality. The explanatory factors of the model included the gas
nism acted as a limit on the benefits that inframarginal technologies price, climatic variables such as wind and solar conditions, and the
(i.e. those that are expected to enter the market at a lower bid price, wholesale electricity price in France. The results of this analysis showed
such as solar, wind, hydro and nuclear) would end up receiving. While a cumulative average reduction in VPSC of 20.7% by the end of Septem-
the measure was in place, and until 31 December 2023, Spain also had ber 2022. Robinson et al. (2023) construct counterfactual supply and
a limit on the ‘‘windfall profits’’ that these technologies could receive.7 demand curves for the Iberian electricity market to assess the impact of
the mechanism on Spanish consumers. To this end, the authors estimate
a counterfactual supply curve representing the offers that electricity
The Iberian exception was later on extended until December 2023 with generators would have made in the absence of the intervention based
new reference prices. See the Royal Decree outlining the extension of the
mechanism: Real Decreto-ley 3/2023, de 28 de marzo, de prórroga del
mecanismo de ajuste de costes de producción para la reducción del precio See the Royal Decree that outlines the functioning of the mechanism: Real
de la electricidad en el mercado mayorista regulado en el Real Decreto-ley Decreto-ley 10/2022, de 13 de mayo, por el que se establece con carácter
10/2022, de 13 de mayo. temporal un mecanismo de ajuste de costes de producción para la reducción
See Royal Decree-Law 17/2021. del precio de la electricidad en el mercado mayorista.

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 2. Representation of potential savings for the consumer.

Source: La Excepción ibérica a debate ¿Una oportunidad
perdida? Brito, P (2022).

on the actual offers made by generators during the first 100 days of im- is imperative to investigate whether this price reduction, if indeed it
plementation, together with the actual compensation received by fossil occurred, persisted throughout the intervention. Operationalised, we
fuel generators. Real data reflecting Iberian demand offers were also aim to measure whether the intervention had a causal effect on our
used for the demand side, and actual demand contributions to finance target time series, which is the VPSC price.
the compensation were added to incorporate demand elasticity into In recent years, significant progress has been made in the field
the modelling. They find that under the assumption that only Iberian of causal analysis, particularly in economics. Methodologies such as
large consumers would have responded to the price change, the savings differences-in-differences, synthetic indicators and, more recently, ad-
would have been 13%. In addition, the study considers the impact of vances based on machine learning techniques, have transformed public
French demand on Iberian market prices and interconnections. Under policy evaluation.9 While many of these techniques were originally
this alternative counterfactual assumption, the authors suggest that designed for cross-sectional or panel data to analyse causal relation-
affected consumers, i.e. those subject to the VPSC or whose retail prices ships between a treatment and a variable of interest within a specific
are linked to the wholesale price, would have paid less if the Iberian population, they have been adapted for time series analysis. The causal
exception had not been introduced. impact method, introduced by Google Inc. and described by Brodersen
Our work places itself within these empirical efforts and it does so et al. (2015) (BGKNS, hereafter), is a recently developed methodology
by adding two distinct elements. First and foremost, we believe that for examining how variables evolve in response to treatment using
our method complements and extends the aforementioned analyses: Bayesian Structural Time Series (BSTS) models.
using a causal impact methodology based on a Bayesian Structural Technically, the BSTS method extends the differences-in-differences
Time Series model allows us not only to estimate a counterfactual approach to time series analysis by explicitly defining a structural
estimate but also to perform posterior inference and assign a proba- model to predict the counterfactual of a time series both before and
bility that the observed effect is a direct result of the intervention. In after an intervention. This modelling framework enables the estimation
fact, to the best of our knowledge, ours is one of the first examples of the treatment effect on one or more series included in the analysis.
of a fruitful use of this novel evaluation method for a price-based Essentially, the effect is quantified by comparing the expected perfor-
energy policy intervention. Furthermore, we do not only measure the mance of the time series with its observed behaviour, thus capturing
effects on prices but also on gas consumption for electricity generation the treatment effect on the treated. To estimate the counterfactual time
and exports of electricity to France. By quantifying this dimension series, the method combines information from predictor variables in
along with consumption savings, our contribution aims to go beyond what is commonly referred to as a synthetic control (Abadie et al.,
assessing the unintended effects of a particular policy: we show how 2010).
policies that affect price signals activate the trade-off between the The construction of this synthetic control involves considering var-
short-term goal of reducing consumer prices and the long-term goals of ious sources of information, including the performance of the target
decarbonisation. time series before the treatment and its response to the intervention.
Furthermore, it incorporates data from other time series that may
3. Our method to measure the cap’s actual impact

As stated above, our primary goal is to determine whether the 9

See Hernán and Robins (2023) for a survey of this progress and
VPSC experienced a price reduction since its onset. Additionally, it applications.

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

predict the behaviour of the target series after the treatment, while a way that the covariates in 𝑋𝑡 explain the largest possible proportion
ensuring that these variables are not influenced by the treatment itself. of the evolution of the variable 𝑦𝑡 .
Additionally, it uses a Bayesian framework underlying so that the model Finally, the parameters 𝜖𝑡 and 𝜂𝜇,𝑡 represent noises which are related
estimated utilises prior knowledge about the model parameters and to measuring 𝑦𝑡 and 𝜇𝑡 and they follow a normal distribution with zero
subsequently performs posterior inference on the counterfactual. means and 𝜎𝜖 and 𝜎𝜂 standard deviation respectively.
Implementing the BSTS involves several steps. Firstly, we define To estimate the model, the first step, following the Bayesian ap-
the structural model that approximates the historical evolution of the proach, involves specifying prior distributions for each model param-
relevant variables for the counterfactual analysis. This process entails eter. In this case, the initial step is to define the prior distributions
analysing the economic nature of the target variable (𝑦𝑡 ), VPSC in for the errors, which entails assigning values to the error variances.
our case, and identifying suitable covariates to be included in the The second step leads to the acquisition of posterior distributions.
model. Crucially, the selected covariates and the model must meet To obtain them, and given the Eqs. (4) to (6) numerical methods
specific criteria, such as exogeneity for the control variables used in based on simulation techniques must be employed. Specifically, for the
constructing the synthetic control. estimation of our model, we will use a Monte Carlo Markov Chain
Specifically, the BTST model belongs to the class of state-space mod- algorithm (Hamiltonian Monte Carlo). Once the model is estimated, we
els for time series and is represented by the following two equations: obtain a posterior distribution of the counterfactual time series. Finally,
we subtract the predicted from the observed response during the post-
𝑦𝑡 = 𝑍𝑡𝑇 𝛼𝑡 + 𝛽𝑋𝑡 + 𝜀𝑡 (1) intervention period, giving us a semiparametric Bayesian posterior
distribution for the causal effect.
𝛼𝑡+1 = 𝑇𝑡 𝛼𝑡 + 𝑅𝑡 𝜂𝑡 (2)
4. Estimating the impact of the gas cap on final electricity prices
𝜀𝑡 ∼ 𝑁(0, 𝜎𝑡2 ) To assess the measure, we must focus on the main stated objective
𝜂𝑡 ∼ 𝑁(0, 𝑄𝑡 ). of the gas cap: reduce the final bill of the regulated market consumer.
Then, the logical course of action is to examine whether, since its
The Eq. (1) is the observational equation within a state space model. enactment, there has indeed been a significant reduction in the VPSC.
This equation links the data we observe, a series of one variable 𝑦𝑡 However, the cap may have other effects, which have been observed
with a set of k-dimensional latent (states) variables 𝛼𝑡 and covariates since it came into operation and are also worth evaluating, such as a
defined by 𝑋𝑡 . The Eq. (2) is the state equation or transition equation, possible increased use of combined cycle power plants or an increase in
which explicit the evolution of these latent variables through time. 𝑍𝑡𝑇 exports to France. Both outcomes would result in a rise in gas consump-
is a vector of dimension 𝑘𝑥1 called output matrix, 𝑇𝑡 is a matrix of tion. Consequently, we believe it is necessary to expand the analysis to
dimension 𝑘𝑥𝑘 called transmission matrix, while 𝑅𝑡 is a control matrix these two areas to enrich the present and future debate regarding the
of 𝑘𝑥𝑝 dimension. Finally, 𝑅𝑡 𝜂𝑡 implies, as is explained by BGKNS, the measure or potential reforms. In this section we confine ourselves to
possibility of incorporating state components of less than the full rank. the first objective and leave the rest to the following sections.
All of these matrices contain unknown parameters and known values Fig. 3 depicts the evolution of the daily VPSC series11 in Spain
which are often set as 0 and 1. from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022. With the onset of the
By varying the matrices 𝑍, 𝑇 , 𝐺 and 𝑅 and defining different latent energy crisis, prices increased markedly from the summer of 2021,
variables we can model several distinct behaviours for the time series diverging from the historical pattern. As explained in Hidalgo-Pérez
(including the more well-known such as ARMA or ARIMA). In this et al. (2022), the marginalist design of the wholesale electricity market
exercise, we interpret the model previously presented by the following: and the indexation of the VPSC to it, as described in the introduction,
𝑦𝑡 = 𝜇𝑡 + 𝛾𝑡 + 𝛽𝑋𝑡 + 𝜖𝑡 (4) is the main reason for this increase, as electricity generated from gas
and other fossil fuels typically sets the daily price.
The cap should lead to a lower VPSC, partially altering the marginal-
𝜇𝑡+1 = 𝜇𝑡 + 𝜂𝜇,𝑡 (5) ist market system, from June 15, 2022 onward. To estimate the effect of
the gas cap, we require a model that best approximates the historical

evolution of prices (defined by Eq. (1)). This process comprises two
𝛾𝑡+1 = − 𝛾𝑡 + 𝜂𝛾,𝑡 (6)

In this particular scenario, 𝑍𝑡𝑇 , 𝑅𝑡 , and 𝑇𝑡 are equal to one, while 1. First, we select the variables (covariates) that, together with a
𝛼𝑡 is reduced to two latent variables (𝑘 = 2), a random variable model like (1), enable us to extrapolate the series shown in Fig. 3
denoted by 𝜇𝑡 , governed by a random walk model and is conventionally with minimal error.
referred to as the ’local level’ component and increases independently 2. Next, we estimate a BSTS model to obtain the counterfactual
as the other parameters do not contribute significantly to explaining scenario and a posterior probability that the enactment of the gas
the data, and 𝛾𝑡 variables, which model seasonal components, and in cap could reduce the VSPC, obtaining a measure of ascertaining
our model we include two of them specifically representing weekdays the likelihood that it is or is not due to the policy.
and months (𝑆 = 7 and 𝑆 ′ = 12).10 This choice is motivated by
structural components associated with different days of the week and 4.1. Step 1: The hypothetical price series
the traditional seasonality in a year in electricity price data.
The linear regression is presented using covariates 𝑋𝑡 that further Thus, the first step should focus on designing a model, together
help to explain observed data. The better this component works in the with selecting appropriate variables, that enables predicting the VPSC
prediction task, the lower the local level component should be. Our as closely as possible over the available time series. To accomplish
objective, therefore, is to minimise the role of the latent variable in such this, we begin by determining which gas price series to utilise as a

10 11
We must think of 𝛾𝑡 as a regression with seasonal dummy variables, in In addition to energy costs, the VPSC price series also includes tolls and
this case, with S = 7 with six dummy variables to capture the week seasonal charges, which are regulated prices designed to cover the costs of transmission
cycle. and distribution networks and other regulated costs.

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 3. Evolution of VPSC.

Source: Red Eléctrica.

Fig. 4. Evolution of gas price: MIBGAS y TTF.

Source: Own elaboration based on data from
Red Eléctrica and REFINITIV.

benchmark for estimating the VPSC. This choice is critical given the data into a training set from September 9, 2021, to April 4, 2022, and
current existence of two possible references: the gas price on the virtual a test set from April 5, 2022 to June 14, 2022. We then built two linear
market in the Netherlands (Dutch TTF) and the price on the Iberian Gas regression models to predict the VPSC price — one using the Dutch TTF
Market (MIBGAS). Objectively, there is no evidence for a final decision, gas price and another with the MIBGAS price. The models were trained
as the gas supply of combined cycle power plants could be linked to one and then used to generate predictions on the test data. We evaluated
of the two prices and this is private information. Therefore, we initially the predictions using root mean squared error (RMSE). Once the two
let the data dictate: our primary selection criterion was that the gas models were estimated we obtained that the TTF model achieved a
price used to build the model should be the one that best approximated RMSE of 39.15 while the MIBGAS model had a RMSE of 53.64. Based
the VPSC price series statistically. on the lower RMSE, we can conclude that the TTF gas price enables
For most of the period where both gas prices are available, it is more accurate predictions of the VPSC over the study period.
observed that the TTF and MIBGAS have evolved similarly (Fig. 4). Therefore, TTF should be the price featured as a covariate in the
However, this parallel evolution diverges from 4 April 2022. One structural model. However, although the data indeed discriminates in
potential explanation is the enactment of sanctions against Russia a favour of TTF, during the year before the intervention MIBGAS has
few days later, which both markets had already anticipated by that growingly increased its share of new contracts within the Spanish gas
date. Thus, the increase in uncertainty over gas supply to Europe was and electricity system. It may then be appropriate to test alternative
less pronounced for the Iberian Peninsula due to the existence of more price series resulting from a weighting of TTF and MIBGAS prices, as
diversified channels for gas supply outside the Russian orbit. It is in the two series follow different paths. To evaluate this, we test gas price
the divergence described over this period that we find the opportunity series that result from applying a continuum of weightings ranging from
to carry out a quantitative exercise that helps to discriminate between 0% to MIBGAS (therefore 100% to TTF) to 100% to MIBGAS (0% to
the two prices in terms of their ability to emulate the evolution of the TTF). For each option, the mean squared error has been calculated and
VPSC. is represented in Fig. 5.
To determine which gas price more closely tracks the evolution of Again, it appears that the highest explanatory power of the price
the VPSC, we conducted a quantitative modelling exercise. We split the series is achieved with the TTF price series. The evolution of RMSE is

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 5. Mean squared error of VPSC prediction by different weights to gas prices.
Source: Own elaboration.

monotonic concerning the weight assigned to TTF, with the minimum power plants as explanatory variables and not other technologies such
value occurring when this weight is set to 100 for this gas price series. as combined cycle or CHP plants is simple. We assume that the for-
However, the growing presence of MIBGAS on contracts during mer, especially wind and solar power plants, are exogenous to market
2022 should be reflected in our analysis. As a balanced solution, given conditions, as their market entry depends mainly on meteorological
that this gain in the share of MIBGAS in 2022 reached 20%, we believe factors. As explained in Section 3, the variables included must be
that using this weight to obtain a weighted price series from April 2022 independent of the measure or intervention whose impact is being
is appropriate at a low potential loss based on what is represented in assessed for the BSTS model to work properly. Using the production
Fig. 5, and in compensation further shielding our results from unob- data of these plants instead of gas plants implies that the reasons for
servable inaccuracies. We thus follow a 80/20 weight for TTF/MIBGAS their operation go beyond market conditions and are more related to
starting when both prices are available, i.e., from September 7, 2021. the availability of their environmental factors. However, as a robustness
As long as both series have evolved similarly, there will be no difference check, we estimate a second set of models, replacing the production
between this weighted price and either of the two separately. By the of wind and solar plants with daily average meteorological variables
time the two series separate, the weighted series will be nonetheless for Spain. Specifically, based on AEMET data, we have included in our
substantially closer to TTF, ensuring that TTF takes precedence over analysis, following Mosquera-López et al. (2017) data on average tem-
MIBGAS, but still allowing the aforementioned extra safe room. perature, precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature, average
wind speed, maximum wind gust, as well as insolation. Furthermore,
4.2. Step 2: estimating the effect of the cap on the VPSC by eliminating production by technologies, we can include, to control
for market dynamics, the total energy demand for each day, captured
In the next step, we must choose which other variables will accom- by the total production of electrical energy. This provides us with six
pany the gas prices for the model estimation. Several possibilities arise different models to estimate the causal effect of the gas cap on the
here that must be taken into account for a proper estimation of the evolution of electricity prices.
causal effect. The results of the OLS regressions between VPSC and the different
First, we estimate three groups of models, each including one of the gas prices (with a combination of the covariates mentioned above) are
gas prices (TTF, weighted average of TTF, and MIBGAS prices with lags shown in Tables A.1 and A.2 located in the appendix. The regressions
of 1 and 2 days). Second, an autoregressive variable of order one (the suggest that VPSC could be well approximated with only a few re-
VPSC price itself with a lag of 1 day) aims to capture the structure of gressors and that the best model is obtained when the TTF price is
the time series. Third, two interventions corresponding to the reforms used alone or in combination with MIBGAS (with the above weights).
of June 1, 2021 (reform 1) and September 15, 2021 (reform 2) could Moreover, the ability of the models to approximate the daily evolution
have a significant impact on the price. The first relates to a change in of the VPSC since January 2014 is very high, above 94% if TTF the same
the so-called ‘‘tolls’’, regulated prices designed to cover the costs of the if weighting is used and 90% if MIBGAS is used. So, once it is proven
transmission and distribution networks and set by the Spanish national that it is possible to develop a model that can accurately approximate
regulator. On 1 June 2021, the different tolls were unified so that all (and predict) the evolution of the price series, the next step is to use
domestic consumers pay the same price, which will also include hourly these models to analyse the impact of the gas cap intervention on
discrimination for power and energy. The second reflects a reduction prices.
in fees, regulated prices set by the Ministry of Ecological Transition The estimated causal effect varies depending on the chosen model,
and the Demographic Challenge to cover other regulated costs of the although it remains highly significant (Fig. 6). Additionally, in all six
system, which began on 15 September 2021. Additionally, we include models (three incorporating wind and solar photovoltaic plant produc-
controls for days of the week and months of the year to account for tion data in blue and three using meteorological and total generation
seasonality. data in red), the likelihood of observing the effect in the VPSC without
From this point, we introduce two different sets of variables that the gas cap is extremely low: the one-sided Bayesian tail-area proba-
control for the various technologies used to produce electricity, pro- bility for all models is 0.0%. Consequently, the causal effect can be
viding two distinct estimations of the causal effect. In the first group, deemed statistically significant in all instances.
we use the daily production volumes of wind and solar power plants In view of this and depending on the reference gas price used, the
to consider the influence of the supply mix in price determination. effect of the electricity price reduction varies. Using the TTF or the
The reason why we use the production volumes of wind and solar weighted gas price as reference implies a larger downward adjustment

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 6. Estimated causal effect on VPSC for each model — 90% confidence interval.
Note: The blue results refer to the models that include electricity generation from wind and solar plants, while the red ones pertain to the use of meteorological variables and the
total system generation. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Source: Own elaboration.

of electricity prices, between 20% and 28%, consistent with those Considering that household expenditure on electricity exceeded 18
of Salas et al. (2022) who estimate a cumulative saving of 20.8%, while billions in 202214 these total savings are of relevance.
using MIBGAS as reference implies a smaller effect, between 7% and
18%. These differences result from taking into account a price such as 5. Effect on the use of the combined cycle
TTF, which was higher than MIBGAS, which was significantly lower,
during the period of the gas cap studied here. If the Spanish combined The gas cap may not only have affected price developments, but
cycle power plants had the Iberian gas price as a reference, the savings also the use of the different technologies used to generate electricity in
would have been much lower. the Spanish electricity system, and thus the potential savings that could
Fig. 7 shows the estimated savings in euros as the difference be- have been achieved through the measure. Therefore, the above analysis
tween the lines shown in Fig. 3 and the counterfactual estimated by was repeated in parallel to see if the introduction of the cap created
the different BSTS models using wind and solar photovoltaic plant incentives to divert production to or away from certain technologies.
production data.12 Until 14 June, the ‘‘savings’’ fluctuate around zero, Given that the marginal system was originally designed to incentivise
indicating that we are dealing with a random error corresponding to a the use of clean energy and discourage the use of more polluting
model that meets the minimum requirements for its correct estimation. energy, it is important to assess whether and to what extent a change
However, from 15 June onwards, all lines for each estimated model as severe as this cap undermines this objective. This is particularly
diverge significantly into negative territory, suggesting that the gas cap important in the context on which the policy was enacted: European
has led to an apparent reduction in the VPSC prices that customers pay countries were striving to reduce gas consumption both in terms of
in this tariff. Moreover, this saving grew over the weeks, reaching a independence and the energy transition, with the EU setting ambitious
maximum of almost 250 euros in the last week of August. targets for reducing consumption by 2022, up to 15% in some countries
In monetary terms, the average saving since 15 June would be (7% for Spain).
around 130e/MWh. If we assume, based on the information collected Intuitively, the application of the gas cap could create an incentive
by the Spanish National Competition Authority’s household panel, for the use of a combined cycle plant. Before the cap came into
that an average household consumes about 8 kWh per day, we could force, producers were exposed to rising gas prices and therefore had
estimate the average household savings since 15 June to be about to be more conservative in their production decisions. With the cap,
206e. Assuming that around 9 million households were under the consumers are exposed to the risk of gas price increases through
VSPC (as estimated by the aforementioned Authority in May 202213 ), compensation payments. Thus, combined cycle plants have a greater
the savings since its implementation would range close to 1.9 billions. incentive to bid in the market.
To quantitatively evaluate this possibility, we follow the same pro-
cedure used for the VPSC analysis. First, we define our underlying
The results using meteorological data and total generation are very
similar; therefore, for the sake of space economy, they are not displayed.
13 14
See CNMC (2023). Data extracted from the Spanish Household Budget Survey for 2022.

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 7. Estimated causal effect on VPSC for each model — 90% confidence interval.
Source: Own elaboration.

model, paying particular attention once again to our choice of ex- may be other reasons for this. For example, in a year characterised by
planatory variables. The new dependent variable is the production in a persistent drought, the low use of hydropower during the summer
combined cycle power plants, measured in gigawatt-hours (GWh). The months could explain part of the shift to the combined cycle of the
covariates remain the same as in the previous section, to which we space left in electricity generation, independently of the introduction
add another: hydropower generation. Its inclusion is motivated by its of the gas cap.
unique market dynamics and potential influence on CCGT production. Fig. 10 offers clues that may support this possible explanation. From
Hydropower is typically supplied to the market based on its opportu- June 15 onward there is a divergent behaviour in the weight that each
nity cost, which becomes particularly relevant when more expensive technology represents in the total daily energy generated. On the one
technologies, especially gas, are next in line for dispatch. Furthermore, hand, hydro and cogeneration show a significant drop, while wind
given the other covariates included in the model and the fact that and solar do not seem to show any particular reaction beyond what
hydropower operational decisions are largely dependent on hydro- can be attributed to mere seasonality. This divergence between groups
logical conditions and not directly influenced by other unobservable would be a strong candidate to be part of the effects created by the gas
market factors affecting gas generation, hydropower generation can cap’s incentives. Taking for instance the drop in cogeneration, there are
be considered exogenous. In addition, we evaluate different models strong reasons to consider that its lower use since the start of the cap
using different prices, production in wind and solar photovoltaic farms, may indeed be due to a direct consequence of the design of the measure
meteorological variables and total generation. The results of the model itself: the fact that cogeneration plants have been excluded from the
estimations are presented in Tables A.3 and A.4 compensation deriving from the cap may have created incentives to
Fig. 8 illustrates the impact on electricity generation in combined divert part of the production previously generated by cogeneration
cycle power plants as a result of the introduction of the gas cap. towards combined cycle power plants. Under the measure, part of these
Regardless of the price used in the analysis, we detect a significant and plants would operate in the new regulatory context at a loss, which has
positive increase using wind and photovoltaic production (blue ones). led to the paralysis of a significant portion of the cogeneration fleet.15
However, the estimated size of the causal effect is slightly different, As for its effect on gas consumption, although it is true that these
ranging between 7% and 27%. plants also use gas in production, they do so quite efficiently: while
Fig. 9 shows the difference between the observed series of electricity combined cycle plants have an efficiency of 50%–60%, cogeneration
generation in GWh from combined cycle plants and what would have plants tend to have an efficiency of 90%. Thus, it seems at least a priori
been observed had the gas cap not existed. Its effects are apparent could contribute to reducing gas consumption.
already in the first months after its adoption. These results are con- However, concerning hydropower, there are reasons to believe that
sistent with those of Eicke et al. (2022) in their critical assessment we may be experiencing a combined effect of several factors operating
of the export of the gas cap model to other EU countries: they note in the same direction, making it impossible to differentiate the actual
that gas-fired electricity generation has increased by up to 42% in the weight attributable to each. The cap and a concurrent drought that
first few weeks, and highlight the tension between such increases and occurred during the summer of 2022 in Spain could explain part of
the combined goal of reducing gas consumption and decarbonisation. the reduction in generation by this technology during the summer
However, this effect seems to have disappeared within a few weeks of months, conflating both effects. This does not imply that there were
the introduction of the Iberian gas cap and there does not seem to be no incentives to reduce hydro generation in favour of combined cycle
a significant impact on the use of combined cycle power plants in the power plants. Still, it does mean that an undetermined part of the
last months of 2022. increase in the latter, observed in the previous estimate, is not due
Nonetheless, it should be noted that the counterfactual estimate to the cap but to the climate event. The combination of these two
assumes that electricity generation with this technology depends only factors suggests that hydropower generation would have been different
on exogenous factors, such as the market price, or the gas price, plus without them.
photovoltaic and wind production. In reality, the greater or lesser use of Because of these doubts, it is possible that the variables used in
combined cycle power plants in a marginal wholesale electricity market our model to capture the causal effect are not fully exogenous. For
may also be affected by the use of other technologies beyond solar
and wind farms. In particular, it may depend on whether alternative
technologies are available and able to generate electricity on a given As a matter of fact, the Spanish Cogeneration Association (ACOGEN)
day and at a given time. Although our analysis above shows a clear called for cogeneration to be included in the compensatory mechanism. By
early September, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced a modification to
impact of the cap on the use of combined cycle power plants, it is useful
the regulation of the cogeneration remuneration system to allow facilities that
to conduct a parallel analysis looking at these technologies.
so wish to temporarily waive it and receive the adjustment resulting from the
Looking at what happened in Spain with alternative technologies, Iberian exception. The Council approved this regulatory change of Ministers on
a first thing to note is that, with the available information, it is September 20, so there will likely be an upturn in the participation of these
not possible to rule out that the lower use of some of these (such technologies in electricity generation. This could explain why the effect on
as hydroelectric and, especially, cogeneration in favour of combined increased usage of combined-cycle power plants appears to fade away from
cycle) is due to the incentives created by the gas cap, nor that there October 2022 onwards.

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 8. Estimated causal effect for each model with 90% of significant interval. Combined cycles generation.
Note: The blue results refer to the models that include electricity generation from wind, solar plants and hydropower, while the red ones pertain to the use of meteorological
variables and the total system generation. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Source: Own elaboration.

Fig. 9. Estimated causal effect for each model. Estimated increase in electricity generation in combined cycles centrals.
Source: Own elaboration.

Fig. 10. Weight of the different technologies in the total amount generated in 2019, 2021 and 2022.
Note: The 7-day moving average is calculated from March 1 to August 31. The lightest colour stands for 2019, the darkest for 2022. (For interpretation of the references to colour
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Source: Own elaboration.

this reason, we present the same causal estimation but using only It can be observed that the effect remains positive, although slightly
meteorological variables and total generation as the red lines in Fig. 8. smaller and even insignificant when MIBGAS is used as the reference

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 11. Use of the Spain–France interconnection.

Source: Own elaboration from data.

gas price. The results vary between 25% and 10% when using TTF or Tables A.5 and A.6. Once obtained, we contrast the three counterfactual
the weighted index, and are not significant when using when MIBGAS wholesale prices in Spain with the French spots. The intuition behind
is used this exercise is to assume that exports of electricity to France are due to
Although, as mentioned above, we consider the TTF or the weighted a lower spot price in our country and, by estimating the counterfactual,
index to be the best indicators of gas prices, for which the effect is we can visualise whether, even without the existence of the cap, Span-
positive and significant, the non-significant effect in the case of MIBGAS ish prices would have been cheaper, specifically cheaper than those in
should not go unnoticed. However, in the case of the TTF, the changes France. We should not forget that the price difference does not allow
in our estimate of the causal effect of gas production are higher than us to fully distinguish between the cap effect and the seasonal effects
those of the VPSC price. This implies some evidence of the partial already mentioned, which dominated the French electricity market
endogeneity of wind and photovoltaic production in the modelling of during the months under analysis.
CCGT production. Fig. 12 shows the estimated effect of the gas cap on, in this case, the
spot price for Spain. Once again, it can be seen that the cap led to a
6. Current impact in other countries: possible leakage from the reduction in the spot price in Spain. This reduction is greater than that
system of the VPSC because, as we know, the latter includes compensation for
power plants that use gas for electricity generation. With these results,
Beyond the impact of the mechanism on prices and the generation we can estimate the counterfactual spot price for Spain in the absence
mix in Spain, it was widely speculated among policymaking circles how of a gas cap and compare it with the observed one. This is illustrated
its implementation may have a significant impact in France, the country in Fig. 13 for each of the gas prices used.
that holds virtually all European energy interconnections towards the Finally, we compare the three counterfactual spot price series for
Iberian peninsula. Although the proposal drafted by Spain and Portugal Spain with the observed price for France. This comparison is shown in
initially envisaged a different wholesale price for interconnections, the Fig. 14. It appears that the French price would have been higher than
European Commission finally ruled out this possibility to avoid restrict- the Spanish price for most of the weeks since June 15 independent of
ing cross-border trade, or discriminate between consumers. Thus, the the gas price we use.
lower prices in the Iberian market, together with a series of unsched- What is striking, however, is the marked change in the behaviour
uled stoppages in the French nuclear fleet that took place simultaneous of French prices, particularly since the introduction of the gas cap.
to the cap implementation, and hydroelectric production at a minimum Although it could also be due to other reasons that are difficult to
due to the aforementioned drought, could have increased the import model, we cannot rule out the possibility that the cap may have led
demand from France. to a strategic shift in the production of the French electricity system.
Fig. 11 gives us an idea of the magnitude of the change in the Let us not forget that the technical shutdown of a number of nuclear
trade balance between Spain and France. Since the entry into effect power plants in France came into effect at the end of April, which
of the cap, Spain became a net exporter. In particular, exports more would explain why the remaining operating plants were able to more
than doubled in 2022 compared to 2021 and imports almost halved. than cover demand on weekends but were unable to do so adequately
This completely reversed the traditional trade balance between the two on other days. It is therefore reasonable to consider that the increase
countries, while trade itself increased by 56.3%. in exports to France was not only and exclusively a direct consequence
This effect could have been even greater had export capacity not of the increase in spot price differentials between the two countries,
been limited. Export capacity between France and Spain was reduced since these incentives would most likely have existed even without
by an average of 30% since June 15 compared to the average values the cap, but also due to a French shift in response to the cap. In
recorded up to that date. Given that the available interconnections any case, it should be borne in mind that the French system is highly
were used at maximum existing capacity since the mechanism became interconnected and therefore does not set prices in isolation.
operational, exports would most likely have been even higher had they It is certainly difficult to discern conclusively whether the gas cap
not been restricted. has caused changes in export flows or not. But what is unquestionable
Assessing the possible impact of the gas cap on exports to France (and mechanic) is that it has generated an economic benefit for French
beyond observational indicative evidence requires adopting an indirect and Portuguese consumers. And, in any case, the result observed is that
strategy. First, we estimate a model for the wholesale spot prices (not French imports and their price have clearly changed since the measure
VPSC) that would have prevailed in Spain in the absence of the cap came into effect. This would support the fear expressed by Eicke et al.
for TTF, MIBGAS and the 80/20 combination. Results can be found in (2022) of ‘‘leakage’’ to non-member states of the money spent on

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 12. Causal impact of gas cup in wholesale price in Spain.

Note: The blue results refer to the models that include electricity generation from wind and solar plants, while the red ones pertain to the use of meteorological variables and the
total system generation. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Source: Own elaboration.

Fig. 13. Observed wholesale price in Spain and estimated price without the gas cap.
Source: Own elaboration.

Fig. 14. Estimated wholesale price for Spain and observed for France. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of this article.)
Source: Own elaboration from data.

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Fig. 15. Causal impact of gas cap in electricity exports to France.

Source: Own elaboration.

Fig. 16. Causal impact of gas cap in electricity exports to France.

Source: Own elaboration.

compensation. A leakage that may be significantly higher than that 7. Conclusion and policy implications
observed between Spain and France simply because the connections
from EU countries to non-EU countries are more intense. According to our estimates based on a causal identification model,
It is with this possibility in mind, and with the aim of understanding the exceptional gas cap for electricity generation in Spain and Portugal,
whether there is evidence to support it, that we carry out a final the most drastic measure taken in Europe to deal with the escalation
exercise, this time to analyse the impact on the series of exports from in energy prices following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, had a
Spain to France. Tables A.7 and A.8 show the regression used in the measurable effect. Prices of the regulated VPSC tariff were, on average,
between 20% and 28% lower than they would have been without the
estimation of the causal impact in exports and Fig. 15 the causal impact
measure. This lower price, despite the compensation included in the
using both sets of covariables.
bill, has resulted in average savings of 129e/MWh per day since June
While the use of TTF or weighted gas prices shows evidence of an
15 until the end of December 2022.
increase in exports of between 8% and 35%, with MIBGAS as the ref- However, the introduction of the cap may have had other unin-
erence price, the evidence is inconclusive when renewable production tended effects. The first of these is a significant increase in the use of
is used as a covariate, but not when meteorological variables are used. combined cycle power plants at the expense of a reduction in the use of
However, as observed in Fig. 16, this impact seems to concentrate (non-CO2 emitting) hydro and (more efficient) CHP plants. Although it
only between the months of August and November, coinciding with is not so evident that, particularly in the case of hydro, the substitution
the months with lower nuclear and hydroelectric generation in France of these technologies by combined cycle plants is exclusively caused
during 2022. by the cap, it is no less true that the introduction of the measure in a

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

particular context that raises incentives to burn gas may be amplifying Appendix
the undesired effects described above. This highlights the inherent
trade-offs policymakers must navigate between short-term economic
relief and long-term decarbonisation. See Tables A.1–A.8.
Finally, while the introduction of the cap may have increased the
incentives to export to France, these would have remained in place even
without the cap. However, we cannot rule out that France’s decisions Table A.1
on its electricity market production may have been equally strategic OLS regressions for VPSC. Results for different gas price models specifications using
given the existence of an implicit subsidy, as the compensation to eolic and photovoltaic production.
combined cycle plants is paid mostly by Spanish consumers. An exercise TTF MIBGAS Weighted
has been conducted, and there is some evidence that the gas cap may const 21.66*** 36.30** 22.64***
have contributed to boosting exports. Therefore, it is feasible that the (1.91) (14.20) (1.88)
Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 1.21***
increase in exports to France is due both to a lower relative price
created by the cap and to a change in the neighbouring country’s Gas price (TTF)𝑡−2 −0.95***
strategy to take advantage of this eventual situation. (0.09)
Our methodology provides a robust causality analysis through the Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−1 1.39***
utilisation of Bayesian structural time series models, a novel approach (0.12)
in this field of energy economics. We have not only quantified the Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−2 −0.18
financial impact on consumers but also expanded the analysis to in- Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 1.49***
clude the effects on energy sources, effectively capturing both intended (0.09)
and unintended impacts of the policy. These contributions offer a Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−2 −1.17***
rigorous framework for evaluating similar energy market interventions (0.09)
in the future, illustrating how price-based policy mechanisms can have VPSC𝑡−1 0.78*** 0.46*** 0.76***
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01)
far-reaching implications beyond immediate economic effects.
Wind farms −0.07*** −0.20*** −0.07***
It is crucial to acknowledge the limitations of our study. Specif- (0.00) (0.02) (0.00)
ically, the method had difficulty in discerning the direct effects on Solar Photovoltaic −0.06** −0.22*** −0.06***
the increased use of combined cycle plants and on exports to France (0.02) (0.08) (0.02)
due to temporally correlated confounding factors. These limitations Reform 1 10.42*** 9.94***
(2.00) (1.97)
suggest caution in interpreting the study’s results as definitive evidence
Reform 2 5.12** −12.61 3.06
of causality in these particular areas. (2.39) (12.74) (2.35)
Given these findings and limitations, future research should aim R-squared 0.94 0.90 0.95
to better understand the nuanced impacts of such policies on the en- R-squared Adj. 0.94 0.90 0.94
ergy mix and on international trade relations. Exploring heterogeneous No. observations 3214 479 3214
effects on different types of households can also enrich our understand- Note: The dependent variable is VPSC. Each regression uses a gas price indicated in
ing of the policy’s broader socio-economic implications. The quest to the name of each column. ‘Weighted’ refers to a weighted average price, with 80% for
achieve both economic stability and environmental sustainability in the TTF and 20% for MIBGAS. All regressions include controls for days of the week and
months of the year.
energy sector is a complex and urgent challenge, one that demands
Standard errors in parentheses *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.
further rigorous, empirical investigation.

Table A.2
CRediT authorship contribution statement
OLS regressions for VPSC. Results for different gas price models specifications using
meteorological and total generation variables.
Manuel Hidalgo-Pérez: Conceptualization, Investigation, Method-
ology, Software, Supervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review
const 23.38*** 22.29 25.30***
& editing. Natalia Collado: Conceptualization, Investigation, Super-
(4.89) (23.49) (4.82)
vision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing,. Jorge Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 1.17***
Galindo: Conceptualization, Supervision. Ramón Mateo: Conceptual- (0.09)
ization, Writing – original draft. Gas price (TTF)𝑡−2 −0.93***
Declaration of competing interest Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−1 1.33***
Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−2 −0.19
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal rela- (0.14)
tionships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 1.46***
MANUEL HIDALGO reports financial support was provided by ESADE (0.09)
ECPOL. MANUEL HIDALGO reports a relationship with ESADE ECPOL Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−2 −1.16***
that includes: consulting or advisory. If there are other authors, they
VPSC𝑡−1 0.78*** 0.45*** 0.76***
declare that they have no known competing financial interests or (0.01) (0.04) (0.01)
personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work average temperature −72.98 −48.55 −58.88
reported in this paper. (85.95) (350.34) (84.51)
precipitation −0.11 −2.20** −0.10
Data availability (0.21) (0.93) (0.21)
minimum temperature 36.53 22.35 29.43
(42.98) (175.12) (42.26)
Data will be made available on request. maximum temperature 35.70 24.66 28.70
(42.98) (175.19) (42.26)
Acknowledgements average wind speed −11.31*** −38.55*** −11.03***
(1.61) (6.94) (1.59)
The authors would like to thank Pedro Linares, Natalia Fabra and maximum wind gust 1.04* 3.31 0.96*
(0.55) (2.40) (0.54)
Isidoro Tapia and two anonymous reviewers for their comments, which
have made a decisive contribution to the analysis presented here. (continued on next page)

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Table A.2 (continued). Table A.4 (continued).

insolation 0.14 −3.72** 0.11 Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−2 −0.19
(0.36) (1.67) (0.35) (0.14)
total demand 0.03*** 0.13*** 0.02*** Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 1.46***
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01) (0.09)
Reform 1 8.28*** 7.63*** Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−2 −1.16***
(1.83) (1.80) (0.09)
Reform 2 4.33* −22.41* 2.32 Average temperature −72.98 −48.55 −58.88
(2.38) (12.51) (2.35) (85.95) (350.34) (84.51)
R-squared 0.94 0.91 0.95 Precipitation −0.11 −2.20** −0.10
R-squared Adj. 0.94 0.90 0.94 (0.21) (0.93) (0.21)
No. observations 3214 479 3214 Minimum temperature 36.53 22.35 29.43
(42.98) (175.12) (42.26)
Note: The dependent variable is VPSC. Each regression uses a gas price indicated in
Maximum temperature 35.70 24.66 28.70
the name of each column. ‘Weighted’ refers to a weighted average price, with 80% for
(42.98) (175.19) (42.26)
TTF and 20% for MIBGAS. All regressions include controls for days of the week and
Average wind speed −11.31*** −38.55*** −11.03***
months of the year.
(1.61) (6.94) (1.59)
Standard errors in parentheses *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.
Maximum wind gust 1.04* 3.31 0.96*
(0.55) (2.40) (0.54)
Table A.3 Insolation 0.14 −3.72** 0.11
OLS regressions for combined cycles generation. Results for different gas prices (0.36) (1.67) (0.35)
specifications. Total demand 0.03*** 0.13*** 0.02***
TTF MIBGAS Weighted (0.01) (0.03) (0.01)
Reform 1 8.28*** 7.63***
const 19.69*** 19.60*** (1.83) (1.80)
(3.21) (3.21) Reform 2 4.33* −22.41* 2.32
Combined cycles𝑡−1 0.75*** 0.59*** 0.75*** (2.38) (12.51) (2.35)
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01) R-squared 0.94 0.91 0.95
Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 −0.03 R-squared Adj. 0.94 0.90 0.94
(0.14) No. observations 3214 479 3214
Gas price (TTF)𝑡−2 0.12
(0.14) Note: The dependent variable is combined cycles generation. Each regression uses a gas
Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−1 0.19 price indicated in the name of each column. ‘Weighted’ refers to a weighted average
(0.16) price, with 80% for TTF and 20% for MIBGAS. All regressions include controls for days
Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−2 0.00 of the week and months of the year.
(0.16) Standard errors in parentheses *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.
Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 0.08
(0.15) Table A.5
Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−2 0.01 OLS regressions for wholesale (spot) price. Results for different gas prices specifications.
Wind farms −0.17*** −0.39*** −0.17***
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01) const 8.67*** 29.92** 8.53***
Solar Photovoltaic 0.15*** −0.33*** 0.16*** (1.12) (11.91) (1.11)
(0.04) (0.11) (0.04) Spot price𝑡−1 0.87*** 0.78*** 0.87***
Hydropower −0.02 −0.01 −0.02 (0.01) (0.03) (0.01)
(0.02) (0.15) (0.02) Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 0.87***
Reform 1 −2.50 84.04*** −2.69 (0.06)
(3.14) (25.63) (3.15) Gas price (TTF)𝑡−2 −0.85***
Reform 2 12.04*** 9.15 12.39*** (0.06)
(3.84) (16.88) (3.87) Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−1 1.10***
R-squared 0.84 0.84 0.84 (0.10)
R-squared Adj. 0.84 0.83 0.84 Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−2 −0.85***
No. observations 3214 479 3214 (0.10)
Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 1.07***
Note: The dependent variable is production in combined cycles centrals. Each regression
uses a gas price indicated in the name of each column. ‘Weighted’ refers to a weighted
Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−2 −1.05***
average price, with 80% for TTF and 20% for MIBGAS. All regressions include controls
for days of the week and months of the year.
Wind farms −0.05*** −0.12*** −0.05***
Standard errors in parentheses *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.
(0.00) (0.01) (0.00)
Solar Photovoltaic −0.04** −0.14** −0.04**
(0.01) (0.07) (0.01)
Reform 1 9.51*** 9.19***
(1.42) (1.40)
Table A.4
Reform 2 8.61*** −0.72 7.73***
OLS regressions for combined cycles generation. Results for different gas price models
(1.69) (10.59) (1.66)
specifications and using meteorological and total generation variables.
R-squared 0.95 0.87 0.96
TTF MIBGAS Weighted R-squared Adj. 0.95 0.86 0.96
const 23.38*** 22.29 25.30*** No. observations 3214 479 3214
(4.89) (23.49) (4.82)
Note: The dependent variable is the Spanish wholesale price (spot price). Each
Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 1.17***
regression uses a gas price indicated in the name of each column. ‘Weighted’ refers
to a weighted average price, with 80% for TTF and 20% for MIBGAS. All regressions
Gas price (TTF)𝑡−2 −0.93***
include controls for days of the week and months of the year.
Standard errors in parentheses *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.
Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−1 1.33***

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

Table A.6 Table A.7 (continued).

OLS regressions for wholesale (spot) price. Results for different gas price models TTF MIBGAS WEIGHTED
specifications and using meteorological and total generation variables.
Wind farms 54.77*** 34.77*** 54.78***
(2.52) (7.47) (2.52)
const 19.14*** 93.15*** 19.77*** Solar Photovoltaic 68.17*** 46.97 68.46***
(3.27) (19.60) (3.22) (12.39) (35.67) (12.37)
Spot price𝑡−1 0.88*** 0.77*** 0.88*** Reform 1 −4810.61*** −4702.93***
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01) (1100.26) (1103.79)
Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 0.84*** Reform 2 494.18 2494.60 894.46
(0.06) (1316.51) (5459.68) (1323.82)
Gas price (TTF)𝑡−2 −0.83*** R-squared 0.77 0.73 0.77
(0.06) R-squared Adj. 0.77 0.71 0.77
Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−1 1.07*** No. observations 3214 479 3214
Note: The dependent variable is the exports to France. Each regression uses a gas price
Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−2 −0.84***
indicated in the name of each column. ‘Weighted’ refers to a weighted average price,
with 80% for TTF and 20% for MIBGAS. All regressions include controls for days of
Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 1.05***
the week and months of the year.
Standard errors in parentheses *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.
Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−2 −1.03***
Average temperature −39.72 −81.91 −32.12
(57.63) (288.10) (56.87) Table A.8
Precipitation −0.05 −0.70 −0.05 OLS regressions for exports to France. Results for different gas prices specifications.
(0.14) (0.77) (0.14)
Minimum temperature 20.24 40.68 16.45
(28.82) (144.02) (28.44) Const −39245.00*** −61791.56*** −39231.29***
Maximum temperature 18.81 38.94 15.02 (2690.05) (10288.81) (2690.50)
(28.82) (144.07) (28.44) Exports𝑡−1 0.66*** 0.58*** 0.66***
Average wind speed −8.86*** −21.73*** −8.74*** (0.01) (0.03) (0.01)
(1.08) (5.71) (1.07) Spot price France 39.15*** 17.90 43.09***
Maximum wind gust 1.02*** 1.91 1.01*** (8.97) (14.16) (9.13)
(0.37) (1.97) (0.36) Spot price France𝑡−1 −20.49** 12.45 −17.99*
Insolation 0.64*** 0.22 0.66*** (9.05) (14.08) (9.22)
(0.24) (1.37) (0.23) Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 −57.48
Total demand 0.01* −0.01 0.01 (50.24)
(0.00) (0.02) (0.00) Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 69.87
Reform 1 7.69*** 7.31*** (49.74)
(1.28) (1.26) Gas price (MIBGAS𝑡−1 −47.22
Reform 2 7.99*** −8.01 7.12*** (52.89)
(1.68) (10.34) (1.65) Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−1 1.95
R-squared 0.96 0.87 0.96 (52.26)
R-squared Adj. 0.95 0.87 0.96 Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 −82.41
No. observations 3214 479 3214 (53.28)
Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 75.30
Note: The dependent variable is the Spanish wholesale price (spot price). Each
regression uses a gas price indicated in the name of each column. ‘Weighted’ refers
Average temperature 48 051.58 167 968.60 46 723.74
to a weighted average price, with 80% for TTF and 20% for MIBGAS. All regressions
(46896.01) (142873.38) (46898.29)
include controls for days of the week and months of the year.
Precipitation 250.03** 449.25 237.72**
Standard errors in parentheses *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.
(116.12) (381.67) (116.14)
Minimum temperature −23988.69 −82910.46 −23315.05
(23446.84) (71415.52) (23447.95)
Maximum temperature −23870.62 −83906.12 −23203.74
Table A.7 (23451.66) (71444.45) (23452.79)
OLS regressions for exports to France. Results for different gas prices specifications. Average wind speed 5673.16*** 3406.55 5610.52***
TTF MIBGAS WEIGHTED (880.89) (2839.03) (881.13)
Maximum wind gust −562.21* −489.33 −530.19*
const −6753.67*** −3596.64 −6708.59***
(297.88) (977.70) (298.01)
(837.86) (5991.36) (838.96)
Insolation −59.79 248.92 −61.00
Exports𝑡−1 0.66*** 0.66*** 0.66***
(193.38) (679.83) (193.38)
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01)
Total demand 43.70*** 74.29*** 43.43***
Spot price France 50.80*** 28.53* 53.78***
(3.79) (13.33) (3.79)
(9.06) (14.63) (9.22)
Reform 1 531.08 663.78
Spot price France𝑡−1 −15.51* 18.32 −13.43
(978.78) (982.63)
(9.16) (14.58) (9.33)
Reform 2 752.76 8105.49 1232.88
Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 77.18
(1293.28) (5205.71) (1301.40)
R-squared 0.78 0.76 0.78
Gas price (TTF)𝑡−1 −74.24
R-squared Adj. 0.78 0.74 0.78
No. observations 3214 479 3214
Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−1 −60.84
(54.53) Note: The dependent variable is the exports to France. Each regression uses a gas price
Gas price (MIBGAS)𝑡−1 −3.97 indicated in the name of each column. ‘Weighted’ refers to a weighted average price,
(54.23) with 80% for TTF and 20% for MIBGAS. All regressions include controls for days of
Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 −89.59* the week and months of the year.
(54.16) Standard errors in parentheses *p<0.1, **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.
Gas price (Weighted)𝑡−1 76.51

M. Hidalgo-Pérez et al. Energy Policy 188 (2024) 114092

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