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Chapter 3 Overview/Assignments

Chemistry 221 Organic Chem. 1

Reading: Chapter 3: Sections 3.1-3.14, 3.16

3.1, 3.3, 3.4 (review; student self-study)
3.2 (arrow-pushing; Rxn mechanism)
3.5-3.7 (acid-base items)
3.8-3.9 (thermodynamics)
3.10-3.14 (organic acids and bases)
3.16 (applications of basic principles and review)

Objectives: This chapter introduces organic reactions and looks more particularly at acid-base
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to do at least the following:
• Classify any organic reaction as one of the following: substitution,
addition, elimination, or rearrangement.
• Classify species as either Lewis acids or Lewis bases
• Used curved arrows (arrow-pushing) to show the movement of electrons
in a reaction (mechanisms)
• predict the relative strength of an acid or base
• relate structure of a compound to its acidity
• predict the favored equilibrium of a reaction based on acidity (pKa)

Homework: As you read the material, you should do the in-chapter review problems as
practice (This applies to ALL chapters assigned).
12th Edition Text: 20-27, 29, 31, 32, 34-36, 39, 47a-b
11th Edition Text: 18-23, 25, 28, 29, 31-33, 36, 44a-b

*All answers to the text problems are available in the Study Guide and Solutions Manual

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