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The Spanish soprano Elena Plaza first came into contact with the world of classical singing in

Barcelona at the ESMUC. In 2018 she moved to Germany to continue her musical training in
Cologne, the city that has seen her grow and where she feels at home. She is currently
studying concert exam with Prof. Brigitte Lindner at the HfMT Köln, where she has also
completed her master studies in musical theater.

In 2023 she received the Roderburg-Opernpreis for her role as Lisetta in Henze's opera "Il Re
Teodoro", which was her final master project. She also sang Angelica in Handel's Orlando,
Barbarina in Le Nozze die Figaro and Scapine in Max Bruch's Scherz, List und Rache. She has
received support as a scholarship holder from the Victoria de los Ángeles Foundation and the
Yehudi Menuhin Life Music Now Deutschland Foundation.

As a restless and versatile singer, she has sung in theatres and festivals in different parts of
Europe: Bensançon/Montfaucon Early Music Fest, LIFE Vitoria Lied Festival, L'Auditori, Warsaw
Opera, Alte Oper Frankfurt, Sommerblut Kulturfestival, AvantGarten Liedberg, WDR,
Deutschlandfunk and Oper Köln, the house where she has been an academician of its
prestigious choir for two seasons and where she will make her solo debut in Attila Kadri
Şendil's Die Bremen Stadt Musikanten this season.

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