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The purpose of this business plan is the purchase and sale of construction material in the
District of Moamba. For this purpose, the present business plan will help a lot in the district
of Moamba, it will avoid moving to other districts in search of construction material,
however, it will not employ unemployed young people.

CRILA'S Construções is a private company with unlimited liability and obligations.

Dedicated to the purchase and sale of construction material, located in the central district of
Moamba, its main customers will be all residents of the district and foreigners.

Mission: provide quality and resistant material

Vision : to be a reference company in the sale of construction material for the excellence of
the services provided, in the next two or three years it intends to expand its business
throughout the province of Maputo

. Values : respect and consideration for the customer, Corporate and ethical-professional
efficiency and effectiveness and social responsibility.

CRILA'S Construções offers the following products:

 Plate: all types,

 concrete mixers,

 Trowel,

 shovels,

 Rods of all sizes,

 stirrups,

 Levels: hose and air bubble,

 Cement,

 paints,

 sinks,

 tiles,

 hand affection,
 Porcelain tile. Between others.

Geographic location

The company is located in Maputo province, Moamba district, central district..

Marketing strategy

The company will adopt advertising as a means of sales strategies, producing flyers to offer
to the public and residents, creating a page on Facebook, Instagram to publish the company's
products and allows online sales, business cards, posters, personalized service using
passwords in cases of floods, efficiency in service, empathy, patience, and understanding of
customer complaints and suggestions.


The main objective in the development of this work is the elaboration of a business plan. This
idea arose from the need to demonstrate and relate entrepreneurship and the best management
strategies, to obtain a positive result in the elaboration of a business plan.
Middle Institute of Business Administration and Management-IMAGEM Maxixe Delegation

Business plan

Crimilda Roberto Cumbi

CV5 in Human Resource Management

Teacher:Hélder Mazive

Maxixe 22/2023

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