What Is Odoo 15 Inventory Management

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Odoo15 Inventory Management INTRODUCTION Odoo 15 Inventary module is the mast advanced inventory management system in the ERP world, With the madem and simpie interface of the Odoo system, it is easy to control and manage the module. With the support of the highly automated nature of the Odoo system inventory data management has become more efficient. ® With the Odoo 15 version of the Inventory module, realtime reports based on intricate data have mare accessibility and are more efficient in nature. ++ To view and manage your warehouses open the Configuration tab from the dashboard of the inventory module and under warehouse management-click on warehouses as shown in the screenshot given below. *% Click on the warehouse’s option to view your Warehouses and manage them. You can have all advanced features on the warehouse management there as shown in the screenshot given below. Click on Edit for configurations. With the simple user interface of the Odoo 15 system, all of the warehouse procedures are easy to view and manage quickly. As Odoo gives importance to data communication all of the Intricate business data will be displayed for quick viewing and analyzing = With the Odoo 15, a new feature is introduced into warehouse management called Operations type. You can access this feature directly from the Dashboard of the Inventory module as shown in the screenshot given below. Click on it fo mage the Operations Types. Which will immediately take you to the window as shown in the screenshot given below. + Click on the type of operation you want ta configure and the Gdoo system will give you the configuration space as shown in the screenshot given below. You can set the Reservation method from here as highlighted in the sereenshot given above This option is basically for scheduling ar is a reservation method for Delivery orders or manufacturing orders on the basis of reservations that can be considered as: At confirmation, Manually or Befare Scheduled date The, Before schedule option, allows you to easily set the reserve days for the delivery order belore scheduling the Order. Units of Measure ® Fram the configuration tab of the Odoo dashboard go to Settings as shown in the screenshot given below. “+ From the settings go to the product sections es shown in the screenshat given below to view the options for a unit of measure. Click on the Units of measure options for viewing the predefined units available in the Odao system as shown in the screenshot given below. bee You can view all of the units available in the Odoos system from here. Odoo allows you to create and configure your units of measure. For this click on the Create button as shown in the screenshot given abave. This will immediately take you to a configuration window for configuring and entering the new unit of measure as shawn in the screenshot given below. Enter the necessary details and click save for saving the Unit of measure into your Odoo system. + Click an any of the default units for advanced configurations as shown in the screenshot given below. This feature is available in the earlier versions of the Odoo systern. With the Odoo 15, the process has become more advanced and less camplex to configure and work on, Odoo allows you to have maximum fluidity in editing the default settings on units for making product management and in turn business management easy for you For More Details Tube channel for functional and in Odeo 15 CRM ra CYBROSYS" Thank You

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