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GEN 004: Readings in Philippine History


A Recap
 Factors that led to formation of Filipino Identity:
(1)People being educated
(2)Impact of the opening of the Philippines to World Commerce
(3)Entry of European Liberalization
 GomBurZa - Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, Jacinto Zamora
 Reasons why La Solidaridad failed to promote reforms for the Philippines:
(1)Spain did not listen
(2)There was a division among its members
(3)Lack of funds and enthusiasm in sustaining the printing
 Jose Rizal established La Liga Filipina to pursue reforms in the Philippines
 Rizal was exiled in Dapitan

THE KKK Revolution

1. What are the key difference between Propaganda Movement and KKK?

2. 3 vital goals: Political, Moral, Civic

3. Aims of Katipunan:
 Separation of the Philippines from Spain;
 Teach good manners, hygiene and morality to the people;
 Helps each member and protects the oppressed and the poor.
4. Notable Figures:
 Andres Bonifacio - founder of KKK
 Deodato Arellano - first Supremo
 Daniel Tirona - objected Bonifacio’s position during the Tejeros Convention
 Emilio Jacinto - Brain of Katipunan and author of Kartilya
 Teodoro Patiño - traitor of KKK.; he divulged the secrets of KKK to a spanish
5. Notable Dates and Places:
 June 12, 1898, Filipino revolutionaries declared the Philippine’s Independence
Day and Aguinaldo waived the Philippine flag in Kawit, Cavite.
 Spain’s military forces were weakened by the revolution in Philippines and Cuba.
 August 23, 1896 “Cry of pugad lawin”
6. Notable Events:
 Rizal’s arrest - a wake-up call to have revolution
 Cry of pugad Lawin signalled the start of Philippine Revolution of 1896
 Tejeros Convention - a meeting aimed to elect new officials
 Biak na Bato Agreement - agreement between Spain and Aguinaldo; paid him
half of the asked price, aprox. 400,000 mexican pesos and exile him to hongkong
 Aguinaldo’s exile in Hongkong on Dec. 27, 1897 - ended KKK revolution.
7. Elite’s Roles:
 Wanted reform at first but decided to join the revolution
 Switched sides with Aguinaldo when they saw potential for success
 Eliminated Bonifacio that was seen as a threat to the elites.
8. Other Information:
 Katipunan was led by lower-class
 2 factions: Magdiwang (led by Bonifacio); Magdalo (led by Aguinaldo)
 Members of KKK were composed of lower-class and elites

THE Spanish-American War

1. Notable events:
 Explosion of an american warship maine in Havana Harbor on Feb. 15, 1898 that
sparked the Spanish-American War.
 The battle of Manila bay - one of the easiest encounter ever won in world history.
 3 reasons: (1)US hepls Cuba in their revolution against Spain; (2)The mysterious
explosion of an American warship maine, (3)US wanted to expand its Military

THE Malolos Congress, Fil-Am War

and American Occupation
1. Notable dates and places:
 February 15, 1898 - Explosion of an american warship maine in Havana Harbor
 May 24, 1898 Aguinaldo established a Dictatorial Government
 June 12, 1898 he changed it into Revolutionary Government
 September 1898 Aguinaldo gathered delegates all over our country to form the
Malolos Congress and were tasked to draft a constitution
 January 21, 1899 the Malolos Constitution was promulgated by Quezon
 January 23, 1899 the Malolos Republic was established.
 February 4, 1899, Fil-Am War started when a Filipino soldier was shot by an
American soldier.
 1898 - US established Military Government in the Phil.
 1901 - US established Civilian Government in the Phil.
2. Notable events:
 Mock battle of Manila on August 1898, a fake battle between the Spaniards and
the Americans. To preserve the “honor” of the Spaniards they wanted to
showcase that they were defeated by Americans.
 Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898, Spain sold the Philippines to US for
3. Notable Figures:
 Pres. William Mckinley proclaimed that US possessed the sovereignty of the Phil.
 Gen. Miguel Malvar - has the highest position after Aguinaldo’s capture and took
control of the government for a short period of time.
 Macario Sakay - dubbed as the “new” bonifacio and established the Republika
ng Katagalugan, a government to fight against US. His long hair signifies the
length of his struggle for freedom.
 William H. Taft - first Governor-General under Civilian Gov’t.
 Manuel Quezon - President of the Senate under Jones Law 1916; second
president of the republic of Philippines
 Sergio Osmeña - Speaker of the House under Jones Law 1916
4. Elite’s Roles:
 Switched sides in favor of US even when the war was on-going.
 They practice “turncoatism” also known as “party-switching”, always switching
side to the better, stronger, and more powerful party.
 Reasons why they immediately cooperated with Americans: (1)Government
offices were given to collaborators; (2)They were either elected or appointed to
various political positions; (3)To protect their own economic interests (4)To
preserve their position in the society.
 They eliminated Apolinario Mabini and Antonio Luna in order to save
 They were dubbed as “Genuine Leaders” of the Filipinos.
 They created Asociacion de Paz.
 Later on it was changed into Partido Federal.
5. Notable Organizations:
 PAWCI - Philippine-American War Centennial Initiative
 Asociacion de Paz, an organization that aimed to support the Americans in
defeating fellow Filipinos.
 Partido Federal that aimed to promote annexation of Philippines to US.
 Philippine Assembly (1907) a gov’t body tasked to create laws for the country
and members were all-Filipinos who were elected.
 Philippine Legislature (1916) tasked to create laws and has two levels:
(1)Philippine Senate - Upper House. Quezon as Pres. Of the Senate
(2)House of Representatives - Lower House.
6. Other Information:
 4 reasons why US invaded the Philippines: (1)US Market Expansion,
(2)Economic Base in Asia, (3) Source of Raw materials, (4)Military Base to Asia.
 4 reasons why Filipinos were defeated: (1)Filipino troops were poorly organized,
(2)The leaders were not unified; (3)Slowly lost their desire to fight valiantly;
(4)Poor leadership of Aguinaldo.
 Problems encountered by the Americans in conquering Philippines:
(1)Shortage of capable personnel to assist in the endeavor
(2)The individuals who had expertise in managing a gov’t were based in US.
(3)The expert leaders were reluctant to work in the Philippines.
 Autonomy - Filipinos could still hold gov’t positions even if they were under US.
 Malvar and Sakay were the most influential revolutionaries during the American
 Jones Law of 1916 offered independence to Filipinos and gave hope for the
Filipinos to achieve independence.
 Independence Missions - a team composed of Filipino politicians who were sent
to US to convince American leaders to grant Phil. Independence.

THE Commonwealth Period

 By the virtue of Tydings-Mcduffie Law, a preparatory period to become an
independent nation
 Philippine Constitution of 1935 - constitution during commonwealth period and
was officially inaugurated on Nov. 15, 1935
 Have Presidential System of Government
 Manuel Quezon as President and Sergio Osmeña as VP.
 National Assembly - make laws known as commonwealth acts
 Social Justice Program - to address land and labor issues.

THE Japanese Period

 Japan’s reasons to conquer neighboring countries:
(1)Japan was a rising imperial power
(2)They wanted to compete with western imperialism
(3)They needed resources
 Japan’s Strategies to dismantle Fil-Am troops:
(1)Bombarded Pearl Harbor
(2)Attacked the naval station in Cavite and Clark Field
(3)Attacked strategic locations in the country to disarm military units of
 USAFFE - United States Armed Forces Far East, a defense mechanism against
possible invasion from hostile countries
 Dec. 26, 1941 - Gen. McArthur declared Manila as “Open City” to stop the
bombarding of Japanese troops and to minimize casualties.
 Commonwealth officials retreated to US
 Guerrilla Tactics - utilized by the revolutionaries in their movement that
supported Filipino masses.
 Women were called “comfort women”
 Josefa Llane Escoda - founder of Girls Scouts of the Philippines
 Jose P. Laurel- the first president of the Second Republic of the Phil.
 Chief Justice Jose Abad Santos - exiled by Japanese because of his refusal to
cooperate with the Japanese-installed gov’t in the Phil.

THE Third Republic

Roxas Administration
 Parity Amendment in the Constitution includes Bell Trade Act and War Damage
 Died of a heart attack

Quirino Administration
 2 objectives: (1)regain faith and confidence in the gov’t; (2)restore peace and
 Growth of industrial ventures, expanding irrigation and improved road system.

Magsaysay Administration
 Champion of the masses
 Magsaysay Credo - theme of leadership and public service
 Taruc surrendered in 1954
 Laurey-Langley Act - right to impose taxes on exports and impose quotas on non-
 Died on a plane crash on March 17, 1957

Garcia Administration
 Filipino First Policy
 Austerity Program
 Cohlen-Serrano Agreement

Macapagal Administration
 Stability of Philippine Currency
 Agrarian Reform
 Declared July 4 as independence day and June 12 as Republic day
 Maphildo

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