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Mal 3:16 a book was opened in God’s presence and minutes were taken of the meeting with the

names of the God feares

written down, all the names of those who honored God (msg)

The Meeting of Deliverance Church, Sound of Gentle Stillness Centre - 07-04-2024

Church program
1. Intercession
2. Praise and Worship
3. Testimonies
4. Offerings
5. Special Message

Min 2/01 intercession by Pst D Lagat

Gal 2:20
Rom 8:31-39

Min 2/02 Praise and worship by the youth.

 Msalaba wa yesu umeniokoa dhambi
 Tunasherekea ushindi wa bwana
 Baba naomba nitembee nawe milele
 Simba wa yuda
 You are the most high
 Baba fadhili zako ni za milele

Programmer Pst Alex Makhiso

 Led us in triumph of praise in holy shout
 There are doors and gates that are closed, the gates of Kapsisiywa, lets pray that they be
 The gates that Jesus opens none can close
 Jesus has the key for the dead
 Jesus has authority, has power
 Jesus is lord of Lords and he has the key of eternal life, riches of the things of God

Min 2/03 Special message - utajiri wa vitu vya ufalme Pst Alex
 Acts 3:1-6
 What I have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ of nazareth
 The man expected to have money from John and peter
 He had some expectations
 He felt that there is something in the house of God
 Leo ni leo sio kesho ni leo - song
 Gods people have compassion
 Tuko na uwezo ambao inashinda dhahabu na fedha
 Acts 3:6
 Vrs 7 he took him by the right hand and lifted him and immediately his feet and ankles
and bones received strength
 Vrs 8 he leaping stood and walked and entered the temple.
 In the house of God you go alone, take faith and God to the House of God.
 Have riches of Godly things
 The fish was carrying the wealth of the kingdom
 There are riches of the things of God
Prayer - let God open the gates of this region

Min 2/04 Collection of offering Pst Alex

Mal 3:16 a book was opened in God’s presence and minutes were taken of the meeting with the names of the God feares
written down, all the names of those who honored God (msg)

Min 2/05 Preaching - Pst D.L Glory

Topic : The Just live by faith Rom 1:17
 Faith is the substance of the things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen
 The church shall live by faith
 Rom 1:17 - the Just shall live by faith
Gen 15
 Abraham received a vision when he was 75yrs
 Abraham made a decision through the dream
 It was the first time he believed God
 Faith is the substance of things hoped for
 Abraham raised an altar in the central of caananites and called there bethel
 God promised Abraham a child when his wife Sarah was old
 God promised him many children
 Abraham didn’t have enough faith
 Abraham decided to believe in God
 And he was promised that the same time next year he would have a child
 Abraham did not know how he would be
 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, Heb 11
 Faith is substance of things hoped for…
 Heb 11:3 the world was made out of nothing
Reasons to believe God
 He knows the things that are invisible
 God can make something from nothing
 Abraham got a vision of sacrificing his son and made a decision on the dream
 And he took his son and the knife and went to sacrifice him
 And God knew that Abraham loved him
 You cannot please God without faith
 Gen 15:2 Donot worry because I am your provider
 Rom 8:24
 Hope is something that is invisible
 Hope that is seen is not hope
 Faith is not by works but by believing

Min 2/06 announcements

 Pst Ruth’s contribution
 Church begins by 9am
 Prayer to be offered to Sis Janet’s Mother in law

Min 2/07 conclusion and declaration

John 13:17 - Now that I know these things I shall be blessed when I do them
May the grace of the Lord and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us
now and forever more Amen.

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