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Rocks and Minerals

Minerals – building blocks of rocks

Properties of Minerals
1.) Minerals are naturally occurring.
They are formed in various environments under a wide range of temperature and pressure settings
through natural geological processes.
2.) Minerals are generally inorganic.
A substance that lacks carbon and hydrogen bonds and is not derived from living things is
considered as inorganic.
3.) Minerals are solid.
4.) Minerals have orderly internal structure.
5.) Minerals have a definite chemical composition

Rocks – aggregate of minerals

Monomineralic Rock – composes of a single mineral

Properties of Minerals pt. 2

1.) Color – easiest property of a mineral
2.) Diaphaneity – ability to transmit light
1. Transparent – allows light to pass with an image seen
2. Translucent – allows light to pass but an image cannot be seen
3. Opaque – doesn’t allow light to pass

3.) Luster – how light is reflected off a surface of a mineral

1.) Metallic - Minerals that are “shiny” similar to a polished metal
2.) Non Metallic
● Vitreous or glassy - have reflective properties similar to glass surfaces

● Greasy or oily – appears as if it were coated with grease or oil

● Resinous – similar to the reflective properties of a resin or amber

● Pearly – describes a luster similar to the inside of a mollusk shell or a pearl

● Waxy – appears as if it were coated with wax or looks like a surface of a candle

● Silky – used for minerals with fine, fibrous form or habit. Resembles reflective properties

of a silk cloth

● Adamantine – exhibits a very sparkly look, like that of a diamond

● Earthy or Dull – describes minerals with rough texture and poor reflective properties

Streak – color of mineral in it’s pulverized state

Hardness – mineral’s resistance against scratching, can be measured using Mohs Hardness Scale
Cleavage - the tendency of the minerals to break along these planes of weaknesses.
Material’s density - defined as the mass per unit volume.
Specific gravity - the ratio of the mineral’s density to the density of water.

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