0478 PDF Chocolate To Die For 12

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Dropped Chocolate Pie 1 For crust, ima largem eng bow! stir together flows, cocos, aad eet Using a pastry blends, cut in shortening and ¥3 cup butter until pisces are peasize Sprinkle | tablespoon of water ever the miztare, gently: toss with @ fork, Push oistened dough to the side of the bowl, Repeat, using! tablespoon of water at « tine, vat all tar dough ie moistened. 2. Preheat ovento 450° F Divide dough in. hhalf Form each helfinto a ball. Cover aid refrigerate one ball. Ona lightly flowed sanface, flatten remaining ball, Roil from center to edgeainto a12-inch citele, Transfer to a9-ineh pie plate, evoid stetching Gently pressinta plate Trim edges Line with double: layer of foil 3. Bekepasiy for8 minutes Remove foil, boace 5 minutes more ot until firm and dry. Sprinkle withthe temimveat chocclate chige Cool completely on awite rack, Reduce oven, temperstase to 325° F 4. For filling, in « 2-quart eaucepen ait together suger end cornstarch Stir in milk aad unsveetened chocolate C aok end sit over suscium hast until thickened and bubbly. Cook and stir 2 minutes mare. 5. Slowly stic | cup ofthe hot miztare int the beaten egg yolks, Pour ogg yolk mixtare into hot filling in pon. Bring just to boiling, reduce heat. Cook and stir for 2 minutes. Remove fiom heat, Stir ia rem sining butter end vanilla, Let coo! 10 minutes, 6. Meametale, on atsghtly flouted surface, fatten chilled dough, Roll from center to edges to Form a 12-inch circle, Pour werm ‘Alling msxture into beked pastry shell. Place party top over the filing mixture, pressing into pastry edge to real. Trim dough to edge of pie plate 7. Gently prick top of pastry with «fork, Bike For 25 minutes ox wall crustis fim end, Gry. Cool for | hour on a wire rack. Cover and httpiwww.bhg.com continued chill for 2 t024 hows befere serving, 8. To sarve, snvast a ossving plates cn top. of pie. Tun pie upside-down. Remove pie plate. If desived, topwith whipped extam and grated chocolate, Makes 10 to 12 servings ‘Nubstion fects per serving. 461 cal, 28 g total fat (13 g ant Fat), 131 mg chol, 169 mg todaun, 50 gearbo, 2 g fiber, and gpre. Daily Values: 27% vit, A 196 vit, 11% calcium, end 18% ison, 12

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